Food Security - Program Year 2021-2022 - Washington Service Corps

Page created by Charlie Taylor
Food Security - Program Year 2021-2022 - Washington Service Corps
Food Security
  Performance Measure Instructions

                                     Program Year

                                           Updated 2/01/2021
Food Security - Program Year 2021-2022 - Washington Service Corps
Food Security
                                            Performance Measure Instructions

Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 1
   Community problem .......................................................................................................................... 1
      Food security definition .................................................................................................................. 2
   Intervention........................................................................................................................................ 2
      Dosage .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 2
   Quarterly reporting system and process ............................................................................................ 2
      Quarterly report .............................................................................................................................. 2
      Tracking document (roll-up report) ................................................................................................. 2
   Outputs and Outcomes...................................................................................................................... 3
      Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 3
      Condition based pre- and post- surveys......................................................................................... 3
          Survey content ........................................................................................................................... 3
          Survey administration ................................................................................................................. 3
      # of participants who started receiving support, services, education and/or referrals to alleviate
      long-term hunger (output) .............................................................................................................. 3
      # of participants who reported improved food security of themselves and/or dependents as a
      result of services provided (outcome) ............................................................................................ 4
Technical Assistance ............................................................................................................................ 4

Community problem
Many Washingtonians face challenges to their long-term health and well-being, including obesity,
which is a particular risk for children – especially low-income children. According to a new study from
the national organizations Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
obesity affects low income children to a far greater extent than it affects children from other income
groups. Of children from families living at or below the federal poverty level, 51% are overweight or
obese, compared with 24% of children from families at 400% of the federal poverty level or higher.
Without intervention, today’s obese children will become tomorrow’s obese adults: The Trust for
America’s Health study projected that, by the year 2030, 56% of Washington residents will be obese -
more than double the percentage in 2011. To be successful in reducing obesity, government,
communities, and individuals need to work together to create environments that support healthy diets
and opportunities for physical activity (Washington State Department of Health report on Obesity in
Washington State, 2009).

Food Security - Program Year 2021-2022 - Washington Service Corps
Food Security
                              Performance Measure Instructions

Food security definition
   •   Access to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members at all times. Food
       security includes at a minimum:
          o The ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and
          o An assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (e.g. without
              resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies).

AmeriCorps members will provide support to individuals identified as food insecure using the USDA’s
Household Food Security pre-survey or a comparable tool. Support services can include education,
or referrals helping individuals to access food, providing nutritional services, or life skills training to
alleviate the food insecurity experienced by the individual or family. This intervention strategy requires
an engagement with the individual in person, by phone, or through a web- interface. Pamphlets,
brochures, or web-based information that does not involve a human interaction is insufficient.
Programs may not focus their services solely on providing referrals to federal assistance programs

Members will provide each participant with a minimum dosage of two 10-minute contacts over a 10-
month service term.

Performance Plan
   •   Before the start of each program year, Washington Service Corps (WSC) will request that a
       representative from your organization complete and return a performance plan form.
   •   Use this performance plan form to:
          o Identify annual output and outcome targets;
          o Describe how performance data will be collected, stored, and analyzed; and
          o Provide the name and contact information of the staff person responsible for reporting
              WSC performance data.
   •   Complete and Return the Performance plan within your application.
   •   The information provided in the performance plan will help WSC understand your program,
       better enabling WSC to provide assistance and helpful resources.

Quarterly reporting system and process
   •   Every service site will designate one staff person to complete Washington Service Corps’
       (WSC) online quarterly reports. This person will receive automated email reminders when it is
       time to complete the report.
   •   Every 3 months the designated site staff person will login to WSC’s quarterly reporting system,
       America Learns, and enter output and outcome numbers covering the past 3 months. They will
       also upload an individual level tracking document to verify quarterly report totals.

Quarterly report
   •   America Learns login page
   •   Quarterly report schedule

Food Security
                             Performance Measure Instructions

          o   Q1 (Sep-Nov): Report available December 1-15th
          o   Q2 (Dec-Feb): Report available March 1-15th
          o   Q3 (Mar-May): Report available June 1-15th
          o   Q4 (Jun-Aug): Report available Sep 1-15th

Tracking document (roll-up report)
   •   The service site tracking system must be designed so users are able to identify participants
       who completed the minimum dosage requirements.
   •   Service sites may develop their own tracking document or utilize WSC’s template tracking
   •   Identifying information like names, addresses, and phone numbers should be removed from
       the tracking document before uploading it into the quarterly report.

Food Security
                              Performance Measure Instructions

Outputs and Outcomes
   •   The designated staff person will report on 1 output and 1 outcome for the Food Security
       performance measure each quarter.
           o Output: # of participants who received support, services, education and/or referrals that
              quarter to alleviate long-term hunger.
           o Outcome: # of participants who demonstrated improved food security that quarter.
   •   Each participant should only be counted once, even if they receive multiple separate sessions
       or services. This is called an unduplicated count.

Condition based pre- and post- surveys
   •   Pre- and post- surveys are the preferred method of measuring change in food security.
   •   If pre- and post- surveys are not possible, another instrument capable of measuring changes in
       food security at the individual participant level may be used. Examples include:
           o Interviews;
           o Caseworker assessment.

Survey content
   •   Surveys must be valid and reliable tools to determine whether participants experienced an
       improvement in food security following the support, services, education, and/or referrals
   •   The survey will include questions from the USDA’s Household Food Security Survey - Six-Item
       Short Form.

Survey administration
   •   Administer the pre-survey at the start of the first session and the post-survey at the end of the
       last session.
   •   Performance documentation must be maintained for a period of 6 years from August 31, 2022
       and be available for review upon request by WSC, Serve Washington, and/or the Corporation
       for National and Community Service.

# of participants who started receiving support, services, education and/or referrals to alleviate
long-term hunger (output)
   •   Participants should only be counted in this output if they satisfy the following criteria:
          o The support, services, education, and/or referrals they receive will have a duration of at
              least two 10-minute interactions.
          o They started receiving support, services, education, and/or referrals during the quarter
              being reported on.

Food Security
                             Performance Measure Instructions

# of participants who reported improved food security of themselves and/or dependents as a
result of services provided (outcome)
   •   Participants should only be counted in this outcome if they satisfy the following criteria:
          o They were counted in the output (# of participants who started receiving support,
              services, education and/or referrals to alleviate long-term hunger).
          o Their post-survey score is higher than their pre-survey score, or they otherwise indicate
              improved food security as a result of services received.
                  If pre-post surveys are not possible, another instrument capable of measuring
                     changes in food security at the individual participant level may be used.
                     Examples include:
                        • Interviews;
                        • Caseworker assessment.

Technical Assistance
For assistance related to performance measurement and reporting, contact:

Robert Brader
WSC Data and Performance Measurement Analyst
Phone: 360-890-3524

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