Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace

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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
di Venezia
Palazzo Ducale
Doge’s Palace

Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
The Palace
A masterpiece of Gothic architecture, the Doge’s Palace is an impressive
structure composed of layers of building elements and ornamentation,
from its 14th and 15th century original foundations to the significant Renaissance
and opulent Mannerist adjunctions.
The structure is made up of three large blocks, incorporating previous constructions.
The wing towards the St. Mark’s Basin is the oldest, rebuilt from 1340 onwards.
The wing towards St. Mark’s Square was built in its present form from 1424 onwards.
The canal-side wing, housing the Doge’s apartments and many government offices,
dates from the Renaissance and was built between 1483 and 1565.

The History                        Reached by a large fortified
                                   gateway where the Porta della
                                   Carta now stands, the buildings
The origins                        within these walls housed public
The first Doges                    offices, courtrooms, prisons,
The first stable settlements in    the Doge’s apartments, stables,
the lagoon probably came just      armories, and other facilities.
after the fall of the Western
                                   The Doge Ziani’s Palace
Roman Empire (476). Gradually,                                          Palazzo Ducale, Venezia
                                   In the 10th century, the Doge’s
these became more established
                                   Palace was partially destroyed
and are considered as outposts
                                   by a fire, and subsequent
of the Byzantine Empire. At the
                                   reconstruction works were
beginning of the 9th century,
                                   undertaken at the behest of
Venice enjoyed a reasonable
                                   Doge Sebastiano Ziani (1172-
level of independence. In 810,
                                   1178). A great reformer, Doge        Palazzo Ducale, Venice
Doge Angelo Partecipazio
                                   Ziani radically changed the
moved the seat of government
                                   layout of the entire St. Mark’s
from the island of Malamocco
                                   Square area.
to the area of Rivoalto (the
                                   Two new structures were built
present-day Rialto), when
                                   for his palace: one facing the
it was decided the Palazzo
                                   Piazzetta – to house courts
Ducale should be built, however,
                                   and legal institutions – and the
no trace remains of that 9th
                                   other overlooking St. Mark’s
century building.
                                   Basin – to house government
The   Building
­                                  These new palaces probably
The Old Castle                     had all the Byzantine-Venetian
It is probable that the Palazzo    architecture characteristic
Ducale, being protected            features (such as the Fondaco
by a canal, stout walls and        dei Turchi, which today houses
massive corner towers, was         the Natural History Museum),
an agglomeration of different      but unfortunately, only few
buildings destined to serve        traces of this period remain (e.g.   Illustration of the Old Castle (9th-11th centuries)
various purposes.                  parts of the ground-level wall in

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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
Istrian stone and some             The Piazzetta’s façade was
herringbone-pattern brick          completed with the construction
pavement).                         of the Porta della Carta, a work
                                   by Giovanni and Bartolomeo
The 14th century palace            Bon. Works on the other wings
At the end of the 13th century     of the Palace would not come
it became necessary to             until later. These would start
extend the palace once more.       with the construction of the
Political changes in 1297 led      Foscari entrance beyond the
to a significant increase in the   Porta della Carta, culminating      Illustration of Palazzo Ducale - 12th Century

number of people who had           in the Foscari Arch. This work
the right to participate in the    was not completed until Doge
legislative assembly meetings.     Giovanni Mocenigo’s time (1478-
The works, which would result      1485).
in the building that we can
see today, started around          The other wings of the Palace
1340 under Doge Bartolomeo         and the various fires in the
Gradenigo (1339-1343) and          building (1483-1577)
concerned mostly the side of       In 1483, a violent fire broke
the palace facing the lagoon.      out in the canal-side of the
In 1365, the Paduan artist         Palace, which housed the
Guariento was commissioned         Doge’s apartments. Once again,
to decorate the east wall of the   important reconstruction
Great Council Chamber with a       works became necessary
large fresco, while the room’s     and Antonio Rizzo was
windows works were done            commissioned, introducing the
by the Delle Masegne family.       new Renaissance architectural
The Great Council met in this      language to the building. An
chamber for the first time in      entirely new structure was
1419.                              raised alongside the canal, from
                                   the Ponte della Canonica to the
Doge Francesco Foscari’s           Ponte della Paglia. Works were      Illustration of Palazzo Ducale - 14th Century
Renovations and the 15th           completed by 1510, and in the
century                            meantime Rizzo was replaced
Only in 1424, when Francesco       by Maestro Pietro Lombardo,
Foscari was Doge (1423-1457),      who reviewed the decoration
was it decided to continue the     of the façade and of the Giants’
renovation works on the side       Staircase in the internal
of the building overlooking        courtyard of the palace. In 1515,
the Piazzetta San Marco. The       Antonio Abbondi, also known as
new wing was designed as a         Lo Scarpagnino, took over from
continuation of that overlooking   Lombardo, finally completing
the lagoon: a ground-floor         the works by 1559. The 1565
arcade on the outside, with        erection of Sansovino’s two
open first-floor balconies         large marble statues of Mars
running along the façade and       and Neptune at the top of the
the internal courtyard side of     Giants’ Staircase marked the
the wing. The vast Sala dello      end of this important phase.
Scrutinio, formerly the Library,   However, in 1574, another fire
was built at the same floor as     destroyed some of the second
the Great Council Chamber,         floor rooms, fortunately without
and its large windows and the      undermining the structure.
pinnacled parapet took up          Works began immediately to
the same decorative motifs         replace the wood furnishings        Illustration of Palazzo Ducale - 15th Century
as had been used previously.       and decorations of these rooms.
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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
In 1577, when works had              in 1866, it became part of a
just been finished, another          united Italy. Over this period, the
huge fire damaged the Sala           Palazzo Ducale was occupied
dello Scrutinio and the Great        by various administrative
Council Chamber, destroying          offices and housed important
masterpieces by artists such as      cultural institutions such as
Gentile da Fabriano, Pisanello,      the Biblioteca Marciana (from
Alvise Vivarini, Carpaccio,          1811 to 1904). By the end of
Bellini, Pordenone and Titian.       the 19th century, the structure
Reconstruction works were            was showing signs of decay            Matteo Stom, San Nicola da Tolentino spegne
rapidly undertaken to restore        and the Italian government set        l’incendio del Palazzo Ducale di Venezia

it to its original appearance,       aside significant funds for an
completed by 1579-80.                extensive restoration. Many
                                     original 14th century capitals
The prisons and other 17th           were removed and substituted
century works                        and the originals now form
Until then, Palazzo Ducale           the collection in the Museo
housed not only the Doge’s           dell’Opera. All public offices
apartments, the seat of the          were moved elsewhere, with
government and the city’s            the exception of the State
courtrooms, but also a jail. It      Office for the Protection of
was only in the second half of       Historical Monuments, which
the 16th century that Antonio da     is still housed in the building,
Ponte ordered the construction       but under the current name
of new prisons, built by Antonio     of Superintendence of the
Contin around 1600, which were       Environmental and Architectural
linked to the Doge’s Palace by       Heritage of Venice and its
the Bridge of Sighs. This transfer   Lagoon. In 1923, the Italian
of the prisons left the old space    State, owner of the building,
on the ground floor of the palace    appointed the City Council to
free, and at the beginning of        manage it as a public museum.
the 17th century works began         In 1996, the Doge’s Palace            Hogenberg, Franz
                                                                           L’incendio del Palazzo Ducale di Venezia del
to restructure the courtyard.        became part of the Civic              1577
A colonnade was created              Museums of Venice network.            Venice, Museo Correr
in the wing that houses the
courtrooms similar to that of the
Renaissance façade, while on
the inner side a marble façade
was constructed alongside the
Foscari Arch, decorated with
blind arches and surmounted
by a clock (1615), a design by
Bartolomeo Manopola.

The palace after the fall of the
Venetian Republic
Palazzo Ducale was the heart
of the political life and public
administration of the Venetian
Republic. Therefore, when the                                              Illustration of Palazzo Ducale - 16th Century

Republic fell in 1797, its role
inevitably changed. Venice was
firstly subjected to French rule,
then to Austrian, and ultimately,
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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
The public entrance to the Doge’s Palace in Venice is through the Porta
del Frumento, approached through the colonnade under the 14th century
waterfront façade. Public services and the Museo dell’Opera are located
at the ground floor.
The visit to the upper floors starts in the extraordinary Courtyard, from
where you pass up to the Loggia on the second floor whith the Institutional
Chambers (throughout the second and first floors) and then to the Armoury
and Prisons.

    Museo dell’Opera                                        The Armoury
    The Courtyard and the Loggias                           The Prisons
    The Institutional Chambers

    The Museo                           The work involved the two facades
                                        and the capitals belonging to the
    dell’Opera                          ground-floor arcade and the upper
                                        loggia: 42 of these, which appeared
Over the centuries, the Doge’s          to be in a specially dilapidated
Palace has been restructured and        state, were removed and replaced
restored countless times.               by copies.
Due to fires, structural failures and   The originals, some of which were
infiltrations on one hand,              masterpieces of Venetian sculpture
and new organizational                  of the 14th and 15th centuries,
requirements and modifications          were placed, together with other
or complete overhaulings of the         sculptures from the facades, in an
ornamental trappings on the other,      area specifically set aside for this
there was hardly a moment in            purpose: the Museo dell’Opera.
which come kind of works have not       After undergoing thorough and
been under way at the building.         careful restoration works, they are
From the Middle Ages the activities     now exhibited, on their original
of maintenance and conservation         columns, in these 6 rooms of the
were in the hands of a kind of          museum, which are traversed by
“technical office”, which was in        an ancient wall in great blocks
charge of all such operations and       of stone, a remnant of an earlier
oversaw the workers and their           version of the Palace.
sites: the Opera, or fabbriceria or     The rooms also contain fragments
procuratoria.                           of statues and important
After the mid-19th century, the         architectural and decorative works
Palace seemed to be in such a state     in stone from the facades of the
of decay that its very survival was     Palace.
in question; thus from 1876 a major
restoration plan was launched.

                                                                               Museo dell’Opera
                                                                               Palazzo Ducale, Venice

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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
The Courtyard                          The Institutional
    and the Loggias                        Chambers
                                           Floor 2
Having entered the palace by the
Porta del Frumento, the oldest         The tour through the various
side of the building, you can see      Institutional Chambers in the
the Piazzetta wing to the left         Palace begins in the Square Atrium.
and the Renaissance wing to            These were the rooms which
the right. The north side of the       housed the organs of a political and
courtyard is closed by the junction    judicial administrative which was
between the Palace and St. Mark’s      the envy of Europe for centuries,
Basilica, which used to be the         due not only to its immutability (in
Doge’s chapel. At the center of the    spite of the absence of a written
courtyard stand two well-heads         constitution) but also to its ability
dating from the mid-16th century.      to resist the passage of time and
Used for formal entrances, the         still maintain social peace and
Giants’ Staircase is guarded by        harmony.
Sansovino’s two colossal statues
of Mars and Neptune, which             The Square Atrium                       Palazzo Ducale, Venice
represents Venice’s power by land      The room served largely as a
and by sea.                            waiting room, the antechamber to
The rounded arch dedicated to          various halls. The decoration dates
Doge Francesco Foscari (1423-          from the 16th century, during the
1457) alternates bands of Istrian      period of Doge Girolamo Priùli,
stone and red Verona marble and        who appears in Tintoretto’s ceiling
links the Giants’ Staircase to the     painting with the symbols of his
Porta della Carta through which        office, accompanied by allegories of
visitors today leave the palace.       Justice and Peace. The four corner
Members of the Senate gathered         scenes, probably by Tintoretto’s
before government meetings in the      workshop, comprise biblical stories
Senator’s Courtyard, to the right of   – perhaps an allusion to the virtues
the Giants’ Staircase.                 of the Doge – and allegories of
At the opposite end of the             the four seasons. The celebratory
Renaissance façade, the wide           decor of the room was completed
Censors’ Staircase leads visitors      by four paintings of mythological
to the loggia floor above where the    scenes, which now hang in the
tour to the upper floors begins.       antechamber to the Hall of the Full
                                       Council. Their place here has been
The visit itinerary walks you          taken by Girolamo Bassano’s The
through the Renaissance wing,          Angel appearing to the Shepherds
from the Censors’ Staircase to the     and other biblical scenes that are,
Gold Staircase, leading you to the     with reservations, attributed to        Gold Staircase
                                                                               Palazzo Ducale, Venice
upper floors, where various State      Veronese.
Government offices were situated.      —
Two plaques here are worthy of         The Four Doors Room
note: one, from 1362, has Gothic       This room was the formal
lettering dating from the papacy of    antechamber to the more
Urban V and promises indulgences       important rooms in the palace,
to those who give alms to the          and the doors which give it its
incarcerated; the other plaque, a      name are ornately framed in
work by Alessandro Vittoria which      precious eastern marbles; each
stands by the Giants’ Staircase and    is surmounted by an allegorical
can be more easily seen at the end     sculptural group that refers to
of the visit, celebrates French King   the virtues which should inspire
Henri III’s visit to Venice in 1574.   those who took on the government        The Square Atrium
                                       responsibilities.                       Palazzo Ducale, Venice

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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
The 1574 fire in this area damaged      Square Atrium, but which were
this room and those immediately         brought here in 1716 to replace
after severely, but fortunately         the original leather wall paneling.
with no structural damage. The          Each of the mythological scenes
present decor is a work by Antonio      depicted is also an allegory of the
da Ponte and design by Andrea           Republic’s government.
Palladio and Antonio Rusconi.           The Antechamber contains other
The coffered ceiling – with stucco      famous works, including Paolo
decoration by Giovanni Cambi,           Veronese’s The Rape of Europe.
known as Bombarda – contains            —                                       The Four Doors Room
                                                                                Palazzo Ducale, Venice
frescoes of mythological subjects       The Council Chamber
and of the cities and regions           The Full Council which met in
under Venetian dominion. Painted        this room was comprised of two
by Jacopo Tintoretto from 1578          separate and independent organs
onwards, this decorative scheme         of power, the Savi and the Signoria.
was designed to show a close link       The former was in its turn divided
between Venice’s foundation, its        into the Savi del Consiglio, who
independence, and the historical        concerned themselves mainly
mission of the Venetian aristocracy     with foreign policy, the Savi di
– a program of self-celebration that    Terraferma, who were responsible
could already be seen in the Golden     for matters linked with Venice’s        Antechamber to the Hall of the Full Council
                                                                                Palazzo Ducale, Venice
Staircase. Amongst the paintings        empire in mainland Italy; and the
on the walls, one that stands out       Savi agli Ordini, who dealt with
is Titian’s portrait of Doge Antonio    maritime issues. The Signoria was
Grimani (1521-1523) kneeling            made up of the three Heads of the
before Faith. On the easel stands       Councils of Forty and members of
a famous work by Tiepolo; painted       the Minor Council, composed of
between 1756 and 1758, it shows         the Doge and six councilors, one for
Venice receiving the gifts of the sea   each district into which the city of
from Neptune.                           Venice is divided.
—                                       The Full Council was mainly
                                                                                Paolo Veronese, The Rape of Europe
Antechamber to the Hall                 responsible for organizing and          Antechamber to the Hall of the Full Council
of the Full Council                     coordinating the work of the            Palazzo Ducale, Venice

Formal antechamber where foreign        Senate, reading dispatches from
ambassadors and delegations             ambassadors and city governors,
waited to be received by the Full       receiving foreign delegations and
Council, which was delegated by         promoting other political and
the Senate to deal with foreign         legislative activity. Alongside these
affairs. This room was restored         shared functions, each body had
after the 1574 fire and so was its      their own particular mandates,
decor, with stucco-works and            which made this body a sort of
ceiling frescoes, similar to what       “guiding intelligence” behind the
one finds in the Hall of Four Doors.    work of the Senate, especially
The central fresco by Veronese          in foreign affairs. The decor was
shows Venice distributing honors        designed by Andrea Palladio to
and rewards. The top of the walls       replace that destroyed in the 1574
is decorated with a fine frieze and     fire; the wood paneling of the walls
other sumptuous fittings, including     and end tribune and the carved
the fireplace between the windows       ceiling are the work of Francesco
and the fine doorway leading            Bello and Andrea da Faenza.
into the Hall of the Full Council,      The splendid paintings set into
whose Corinthian columns bear a         that ceiling were commissioned
pediment surmounted by a marble         from Veronese, who completed
sculpture showing the female            them between 1575 and 1578.
figure of Venice resting on a lion      This ceiling is one of the artist’s
and accompanied by allegories           masterpieces and celebrates the
of Glory and Concord. Next to the       Good Government of the Republic,
doorways are four canvases that         together with the Faith on which it
Jacopo Tintoretto painted for the       rests and the Virtues that guide and    The Council Chamber
                                                                                Palazzo Ducale, Venice
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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
strengthen it. The first rectangular    The Chamber of the Council
panel shows the St. Mark’s bell-        of Ten
tower behind the figures of Mars        The Council of Ten was set up
and Neptune, Lords of War and           after a conspiracy in 1310, when
Sea respectively. The central panel     Bajamonte Tiepolo and other
shows the Triumph of Faith, and         noblemen tried to overthrow the
the rectangular panel closest to        institutions of the State. Initially
the tribune, Venice with Justice and    meant as a provisional body to
Peace. Around there are some eight      try those conspirators, it’s one of
smaller, T- or L-shaped panels that     those many examples of Venetian
depict the virtues of government.       institutions that were intended
Veronese again produces the             to be temporary but ended up
large canvas over the tribune in        becoming permanent. Its authority
celebration of the Christian fleet’s    covered all sectors of public life
victory over the Turks at the Battle    and this power gave rise to the
of Lepanto on 7 October 1571 – a        fame of the Council as a ruthless,
victory to which Venice made an         all-seeing tribunal at the service
essential contribution. The other       of the ruling oligarchy, a court
paintings are by Tintoretto and         whose sentences were handed
                                                                                Senate Chamber
show various Doges with the Christ,     down rapidly after hearings held        Palazzo Ducale, Venice
the Virgin and saints.                  in secret. The assembly was made
—                                       up of ten members chosen from
Senate Chamber                          the Senate and elected by the
This hall was also known as the         Great Council. These ten sat in
Sala dei Pregadi, because the           council with the Doge and his six
Doge asked the members of the           counselors, which accounts for the
Senate to take part in the meetings     17 semicircular outlines that one
held here. The Senate which met         can still see in the chamber. The
in this chamber was one of the          decoration of the ceiling was the
oldest public institutions in Venice;   work of Gian Battista Ponchino,
it had first been founded in the        with the assistance of a young          The Chamber of the Council of Ten
                                                                                Palazzo Ducale, Venice
13th century and then gradually         Veronese and Gian Battista Zelotti.
evolved over time, until by the 16th    Carved and gilded, the ceiling is
century it was the body mainly          divided into 25 compartments
responsible for overseeing political    decorated with images of divinities
and financial affairs in such areas     and allegories intended to illustrate
as manufacturing industries, trade      the power of the Council of Ten
and foreign policy. In effect, it was   that was responsible for punishing
a more limited sub-committee of         the guilty and freeing the innocent.
the Great Council, and its members      Veronese’s paintings – from that
were generally drawn from the           of the Old oriental figure to that
wealthiest Venetian families.           showing Juno scattering her
The refurbishment after the 1574        gifts on Venice – are particularly
fire took place during the 1580s,       famous. The oval painting
and once the new ceiling had been       in the center, depicting Jove
completed work started on the           descending from the clouds to hurl
pictorial decoration, which seems       thunderbolts at Vice, is however a
to have been finished by 1595. In       copy of the original Veronese which
the works produced for this room        Napoleon took to the Louvre.
by Tintoretto, Christ is clearly the    —
predominant figure; perhaps this is     The Compass Room
a reference to the Senate ‘conclave’    This is the first room on this floor
which elected the Doge, who was         dedicated to the administration
then seen as being under the            of justice; its name comes from
protection of the Son of God. The       the large wooden compass
room also contains four paintings       surmounted by a statue of Justice,
by Jacopo Palma il Giovane, which       which stands in one corner and          Paolo Veronese, Juno scattering her gifts on
are linked with specific events of      hides the entrance to the rooms         Venice
                                                                                The Chamber of the Council of Ten
the Venetian history.                   of the three Heads of the Council       Palazzo Ducale, Venice

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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
of Ten and the State Inquisitors.     The first nucleus of weapons
This room, therefore, was the         preserved here consisted of ready-
antechamber where those who had       to-use tools, chosen on the basis
been summoned by these powerful       of efficiency and practicality and
magistrates waited to be called       constantly updated in line with the
and the magnificent decor was         technical progress of the sector.
intended to underline the solemnity   Over time, this nucleus was joined
of the Republic’s legal machinery,    by weapons for parades or events
some of the most famous and           and weapons that were gifts or
efficient components of which were    exchanges on official occasions.
housed in these rooms.                In the latter case, the weapons
The decor dates from the 16th         are precious objects in which the
century, and once again it was        aesthetic value often prevails over
Veronese who was commissioned         their function.
to decorate the ceiling.              Finally, the armoury also preserves
Completed in 1554, the works          arms, banners and other artefacts
he produced are all intended to       that have ended here because they
exalt the “good government” of        were won as war booty or because
the Venetian Republic; the central    they have been seized for various
panel, with St. Mark descending       reasons.
to crown the three Theological        The collection used to be vast
Virtues, is a copy of the original,   and impressive, but after the fall
now in the Louvre. Sansovino          of the Republic in 1797, it suffered
designed the large fireplace in       large-scale looting. Today the
1553-54. Within the palace, all       collection comprises more than
rooms that served in the exercise     2000 pieces: steel weapons and
of justice were linked vertically.    firearms, weapons for defence and
From the ground-floor prisons         combat, as well as various items for
known as The Wells, to the            parade, armour and accessories.
Advocate’s Offices on the loggia      It is still a very important historical
floor, the Councils of Forty and      collection, with pieces of enormous
the Hall of the Magistrates of Law    value, and one that is closely linked
on the first floor and the various    to the Republic of Venice and is
courtrooms on this second floor,      thus highly representative of its
the progression culminated in the     thousand-year history.
prisons directly under the roof,                                                Armoury
the famous Piombi or “Leads”.                                                   Palazzo Ducale, Venice

Stairways, corridors and vestibules   From this room, one can go down
interconnected all of these spaces.   the Censors’ Staircase to pass into
                                      the rooms housing the councils of
From this room one proceeds           justice on the first floor.
to the Armoury

    The Armoury                           The Institutional
Since earliest times the palace was       Chambers
equipped with a deposit of weapons        Floor 1
and armed garrisons to protect the
government activities taking place    Liagò
within. This “deposit” has been       In Venetian dialect liagò means
located in the area in which we now   a terrace or balcony enclosed by
find ourselves since the fourteenth   glass. This particular example was
century. During this period, the      a sort of corridor and meeting-           Liagò
                                                                                Palazzo Ducale, Venice
responsibility and the care of the    place for patrician members of
armoury was entrusted to the          the Great Council in the intervals
Council of Ten, whose acronym,        between their discussions of
CX, appears engraved on many          government business. The ceiling
weapons and on the door jambs.        of painted and gilded beams dates
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Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia - Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
from mid 16th century, while the          The heat of the fire reduced the
paintings on the walls are from the       surviving fragments to a near
17th and 18th century.                    monochrome, while in places where
—                                         the plaster has fallen, one can see
The Chamber of Quarantia Civil            the red traces of the preliminary
Vecchia                                   drawing. What we have now gives
The Council of Forty (Quarantia)          a scarcely adequate idea of what
seems to have been set up by the          must have been a sumptuous work,
Great Council at the end of the 12th      glittering with color and gilding.
century and was the highest appeal        —
court in the Republic. Originally         The Chamber of the Great
a single forty-man council which          Council
wielded substantial political and         Restructured in the 14th century,
legislative power, the Quarantia          the Chamber was decorated with a
was during the course of the 15th         fresco by Guariento and later with
century divided into 3 separate           works by the most famous artists
Councils: the Quarantia Criminal          of the period, including Gentile da
(for sentences in what we would           Fabriano, Pisanello, Alvise Vivarini,
call criminal law); the Quarantia         Carpaccio, Bellini, Pordenone
Civil Vecchia (for civil actions within   and Titian. 53 meters long and 25
Venice) and the Quarantia Civil           meters wide, this is not only the
Nuovo (for civil actions within the       largest and most majestic chamber
Republic’s mainland territories).         in the Doge’s Palace, but also one
This room was restored in the 17th        of the largest rooms in Europe.
century; the fresco fragment to           Here, meetings of the Great Council
the right of the entrance is the only     were held, the most important           The Guariento Room
remnant of the original decor.            political body in the Republic.         Palazzo Ducale, Venice
The paintings hanging here date           A very ancient institution, this
from the 17th century as well.            Council was made up of all the
—                                         male members of patrician
The Guariento Room                        Venetian families over 25 years
The first name is due to the fact         old, irrespective of their individual
that this room was once linked to         status, merits or wealth.
the Armory by a staircase, and the        This was why, in spite of the
second name to the fact that it now       restrictions in its powers that
houses a fresco painted for the Hall      the Senate introduced over the
of the Great Council by the Paduan        centuries, the Great Council
artist Guariento around 1365.             continued to be seen as bastion of
Almost completely destroyed in the        republican equality. The Council
1577 fire, the remains of that fresco     had the right to call to account all
were, in 1903, rediscovered under         the other authorities and bodies of
the large canvas Il Paradiso which        the State when it seemed that their
Tintoretto was commissioned to            powers were getting excessive and
paint for the same wall. Guariento’s      needed to be trimmed.
fresco, too, depicts Paradise. In the     The 1,200 to 2,000 noblemen
center there is an enthroned Virgin       who sat in the Council always
being crowned by Christ, while,           considered themselves guardians
to far left and right, are aedicule       of the laws that were the basis of
like those from a portico church          all the other authorities within the
façade, under which one can see           State.
the figures of the Annunciation: the      This room also housed the first
Angel Gabriel on the left, and the        phases in the election of a new
Virgin Mary on the right. Angels          Doge, which in the later stages
playing musical instruments               would pass into the Sala dello
surround the central figures and          Scrutinio.
the Evangelists are shown before          These voting procedures were
the throne; saints, prophets and          extremely long and complex in
martyrs are depicted alongside in         order to frustrate any attempts of
                                                                                  The Chamber of the Great Council
individual stalls with gothic tracery.    cheating.                               Palazzo Ducale, Venice

>                                                                                                                    10
Every Sunday, when the bells of St.       The Chamber of the Scrutinio
Mark’s rang, the Council members          This immense room is in the wing
would gather in the hall with the         of the Doge’s Palace built between
Doge presiding at the center of           the 1520s and 1540s during the
the podium and his counselors             dogate of Francesco Foscari (1423-
occupying double rows of seats            57). It was initially intended to
that ran the entire length of the         house the precious manuscripts
room. Soon after work on the              left to the Republic by Petrarch and
new hall had been completed, the          Bessarione (1468); indeed, it was
1577 fire damaged not only this           originally known as the Library.
Chamber but also the Sala dello           In 1532, it was decided that
Scrutinio. The structural damage          the Chamber should also hold
was soon restored, respecting the         the electoral counting and/or
original layout, and all works were       deliberations that assiduously
                                                                                  The Chamber of the Great Council
finished within few years, ending         marked the rhythm of Venetian           Palazzo Ducale, Venice
in 1579-80. The decoration of the         politics, based on an assembly
restored structure involved artists       system whose epicenter was the
such as Veronese, Jacopo and              nearby Great Council Chamber.
Domenico Tintoretto, and Palma il         After the construction of
Giovane. The walls were decorated         Sansovino’s Library though, this
with episodes of the Venetian             room was used solely for elections,
history, with particular reference to     starting with the most important,
the city’s relations with the papacy      that of the Doge.
                                                                                  Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto
and the Holy Roman Empire, while          The present decorations date            The Paradiso
the ceiling was decorated with the        from between 1578 and 1615,             The Chamber of the Great Council
                                                                                  Palazzo Ducale, Venice
Virtues and individual examples           after the 1577 fire. The rich ceiling
of Venetian heroism, and a central        was designed by the painter-
panel containing an allegorical           cartographer Cristoforo Sorte.
glorification of the Republic. Facing     Episodes of military history in the
each other in groups of six, the          various compartments glorify
twelve wall paintings depict acts of      the exploits of the Venetians,
valor or incidents of war that had        with particular emphasis on the
occurred during the city’s history.       conquest of the maritime empire;
Immediately below the ceiling runs        the only exception being the last
a frieze with portraits of the first 76   oval, recording the taking of Padua
doges (the portraits of the others        in 1405. The walls recount battles
are to be found in the Sala dello         won between 809 and 1656.
Scrutinio); commissioned from             The painting on the eastern side
Jacopo Tintoretto, most of these          showing The Battle of Lepanto
paintings are in fact the work of his     by Andrea Vicentino, of 1571,
son, Domenico. Each Doge holds            is particularly evocative. It is
a scroll bearing a reference to his       framed by other battle scenes: the
most important achievements,              Venetian Victory over the Turks at
while Doge Marin Faliero, who             the Dardanelles by Pietro Liberi,
attempted a coup d’état in 1355,          painted between 1660 and 1665,
is represented simply by a black          and the Venetian Victory over the
cloth (a traitor to the Republic, he      Turks in Albania by Pietro Bellotti,    The Chamber of the Scrutinio
                                                                                  Palazzo Ducale, Venice
was not only condemned to death           of 1663.
but also to damnatio memoriae,            The western wall also retells
the total eradication of his memory       military stories, including The
and name). One of the long walls,         Conquest of Tyre by Antonio
behind the Doge’s throne, is              Aliense, of 1590 ca. and the
occupied by the longest canvas            Venetian Naval Victory over the
painting in the world, the Paradiso,      Egyptians at Jaffa, by Sante
which Jacopo Tintoretto and               Peranda, painted between 1598
workshop produced between 1588            and 1605.
and 1592 to replace the Guariento         The room also contains three            Andrea Vicentino,
                                                                                  The Battle of Lepanto, 1571
fresco that had been damaged in           important works of sculpture:           The Chamber of the Scrutinio
the fire.                                 Adam, Eve and The Shield-Bearer.        Palazzo Ducale, Venice

>                                                                                                                    11
These are the originals sculpted       Enclosed and covered on all sides,
between 1462 and 1471 by Antonio       the bridge contains two separate
Rizzo to adorn the façades of the      corridors that run next to each
Foscari Gateway in the courtyard of    other. That which visitors use
the palace.                            today linked the Prisons to the
—                                      chambers of the Magistrato alle
The Chamber of Quarantia               Leggi e la Quarantia Criminal; the
Criminal or the Cuoi room              other linked the prisons to the
Housing one of the three Councils      State Advocacy rooms and the
of Forty, the highest appeal           Parlatorio. Both corridors are linked    Works of sculpture by Antonio Rizzo
courts in the Venetian Republic,       to the service staircase that leads      The Chamber of the Scrutinio
                                                                                Palazzo Ducale, Venice
this is another room used in the       from the ground floor cells of the
administration of justice. The         Pozzi to the roof cells of the Piombi.
Quarantia Criminal was set up          The famous name of the bridge
in the 15th century and, as the        dates from the Romantic period
name suggests, dealt with cases        and was supposed to refer to the
of criminal law. It was a very         sighs of prisoners who, passing
important body as its members,         from the courtroom to the cell
who were part of the Senate as         in which they would serve their
well, also had legislative powers.     sentence, took a last look at
The wooden stalls date from the        freedom as they glimpsed the
17th century. The room beyond          lagoon and San Giorgio through the
this served as an archive, and was     small windows.                           The Chamber of Quarantia Criminal
presumably lined with shelves and      —                                        Palazzo Ducale, Venice

cupboards.                             The New Prisons
—                                      Seat of all government and
The Chamber                            judiciary functions within the
of the Magistrato alle Leggi           Republic, the Doge’s Palace also
This chamber housed the                housed prisons. In the mid-16th
Magistratura dei Conservatori ed       century it was decided to build a
esecutori delle leggi e ordini degli   new structure on the other side of
uffici di San Marco e di Rialto.       the canal to the side of the palace
Created in 1553, this authority was    which would house prisons and
headed by 3 of the city’s patricians   the chambers of the magistrates
and was responsible for making         known as the Notte al Criminal.
                                                                                The Bridge of Sighs
sure the regulations concerning        Ultimately linked to the palace by       Palazzo Ducale, Venice
the practice of law were observed.     the Bridge of Sighs, the building
In a mercantile city such as Venice,   was intended to improve the
the courts were of enormous            conditions for prisoners with larger
importance. And the administration     and more light-filled and airy cells.
of justice in the city was made        However, certain sections of the
all the more special by the fact       new prisons fall short of this aim,
that it was not based on Imperial,     particularly those laid out with
Common or Roman law but on a           passageways on all sides and
legal system that was peculiar to      those cells which give onto the
Venice.                                inner courtyard of the building. In
                                       keeping with previous traditions,
From this room one proceeds            each cell was lined with overlapping
to the Prisons                         planks of larch that were nailed in

    The Prisons                        From this room one proceeds
                                       to the Chamber of Censors

The Bridge of Sighs
This corridor leads over the Bridge
of Sighs, built in 1614 to link the
Doge’s Palace to the structure                                                  The New Prisons
intended to house the New Prisons.                                              Palazzo Ducale, Venice

>                                                                                                                     12
The Institutional                   however, it was only in the 16th
                                        century that formal measures were
    Chambers                            taken to introduce restrictions
                                        that protected the status of that
    The Loggia floor                    aristocracy: marriages between
                                        nobles and commoners were
The Chamber of Censors                  forbidden and greater controls
The State Censors were set up in        were set up to check the validity
1517 by Marco Giovanni di Giovanni,     of aristocratic titles.
a cousin of Doge Andrea Gritti          There was also a Silver Book,
(1523-1538) and nephew of the           which registered all those families
great Francesco Foscari.                that not only had the requisites
The title and duties of the Censors     of “civilization” and “honor”, but
resulted from the cultural and          could also show that they were         The Chamber of Censors
political upheavals that are            of ancient Venetian origin; such       Palazzo Ducale, Venice
associated with Humanism. In            families furnished the manpower
fact, the Censors were not judges       for the State bureaucracy – and
as such, but more like moral            particularly, the chancellery
consultants, being their main task      within the Doge’s Palace itself.
the repression of electoral fraud       The Golden and Silver Books were
and the protection of the State’s       kept in a chest in this room, inside
public institutions.                    a cupboard that also contained
On the walls hang a number of           all the documents proving the
Domenico Tintoretto’s portraits of      legitimacy of claims to be inscribed
these magistrates, and below the        therein. The cupboard which one
armorial bearings of some of those      sees here nowadays extends
who held the position.                  around three sides of a wall niche;
—                                       lacquered in white with gilded
The Chamber of the State                decorations, it dates from the 18th
Advocacies                              century.
This particular State Advocacy          —
department dates from the time          The Chamber of the Navy
when Venice was a commune (12th         Captains
century). The 3 members, the            Made up of 20 members from the
Avogadori, were the figures who         Senate and the Great Council, the
safeguarded the very principle of       Milizia da Mar, first set up in the    The Chamber of the State Advocacies
legality, making sure that the laws     mid 16th century, was responsible      Palazzo Ducale, Venice
were applied correctly.                 for recruiting crews necessary
Though they never enjoyed the           for Venice’s war galleys. Contrary
status and power of the Doge and        to what one might expect, the
the Council of Ten, the Avogadori       bulk of these crews were made
remained one of the most                up of paid oarsman drawn from
prestigious authorities in Venice       the Venetian manufacturing
right up to the fall of the Republic.   industries. Another similar body,
They were also responsible for          entitled the Provveditori all’Armar,
preserving the integrity of the         was responsible for the actual
city’s patrician class, verifying the   fitting and supplying of the fleet.
legitimacy of marriages and births      The furnishings are from the 16th
inscribed in the Golden Book.           century, while the wall torches date
The room is decorated with              from the 18th century.
paintings representing some of the
Avogadori venerating the Virgin, the    The next room, now the bookshop,
Christ and various saints.              used to house the Lower
—                                       Chancellery of Palazzo Ducale.
The “Scrigno” Room
The Venetian nobility as a caste
came into existence because of
the “closure” of admissions to the
                                                                               The Chamber of the Navy Captains
Great Council in 1297;                                                         Palazzo Ducale, Venice

>                                                                                                                    13
General Information
Palazzo Ducale
San Marco, Venice
How to get there
Line 1 Vallaresso or San Zaccaria stop
Line 2 Giardinetti stop                                              Palazzo Ducale, Venice
Line 5.1 / 5.2 / 4.1 San Zaccaria stop
Opening Hours and Tickets
For ticket information and opening hours please consult
the website:
- on-line:
- calling the call center: 848082000 (from Italy);                   Vittore Carpaccio, The Lion of Saint Mark
+39 041 42730892 (only from abroad)                                  Palazzo Ducale, Venice

from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, from 09:00 to 13:00

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