Page created by Jeanette Reynolds

#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                            German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

                                                                                                                                     Message from José Manuel Barroso,
                                                                                                                                     Former President of the European Commission

                                                                                                                                     I very much welcome the German Pres-          as Presidency of the Council, myself as
                                                                                                                                     idency of the Council of the European         President of the European Commission
                                                                                                                                     Union the second half of 2020. We are         and Hans-Gert Pöttering as President of
                                                                                                                                     facing increased and unprecedented            the European Parliament, that we created
                                                                                                                                     challenges and threats due to the COV-        conditions that made possible the Lisbon

CONTENT                                                                                                                              ID-19crisis, including its major economic
                                                                                                                                     and social consequences, but also, the
                                                                                                                                     intensification of the global geopolitical
                                                                                                                                                                                   Treaty some months later. This treaty would
                                                                                                                                                                                   not have been possible without German
                                                                                                                                     tensions. We in Europe have to be strong-
MESSAGE FROM JOSÉ MANUEL BARROSO.............................................3                                                       er and more united to be able to respond      But not only the Chancellor, also the polit-
                                                                                                                                     to these dangers. And as you have seen        ical leaders of the main Germany political
FOREWORD BY CHRISTIAN WENNING.....................................................4                                                  in the past, this does not happen automat-    forces, German civil servants, diplomats,
                                                                                                                                     ically. Wise and determined leadership        academia and the civil society, they are in
GERMANY: RESETTING NATIONAL POLITICS                                                                                                 are necessary.                                general very supportive of the European
                                                                                                                                                                                   Union. And once more, we need a strong
WHILE STEERING EUROPE‘S RECOVERY....................................................5
                                                                                                                                     I know Chancellor Angela Merkel since         Germany in the center of Europe to make
GERMANY FACTS&FIGURES........................................................................6                                       many years. She is a political friend and     our EU progress.
                                                                                                                                     I know how committed she is to Europe.
THE CORONA-CONTEXT...............................................................................8                                   During the last years she was certainly the   Difficult files are – among others – the ap-
                                                                                                                                     most influential leader at European level.    proval of the Multiannual Financial Frame-
GERMAN EU COUNCIL PRESIDENCY CHECKLIST.....................................9                                                         I remember working with her in very dif-      work and the Recovery Plan but also the
                                                                                                                                     ficult settings and how important it was      designing a sophisticated strategy for our     José Manuel Barroso
PROGRAM OF THE GERMAN PRESIDENCY............................................10                                                       to have her dedication to the European        relationship with China. I believe that with   President of the European Commission
                                                                                                                                     Union. For instance, when we were in          the traditional European commitment of         (2004/2009 and 2009/2014)
THE MFF CHALLENGE: DISTRIBUTING 1850 BN EURO......................... 12                                                             despair about negative votes in two ref-      Germany, we can have excellent results         Prime Minister of Portugal (2002/2004)
                                                                                                                                     erenda to the Constitutional Treaty, it was   during this period and that Germany will
EU INTEGRATION PROCESS AND FUTURE OPTIONS............................ 14                                                             working together, elaborating the Berlin      put all its weight to make all countries of
                                                                                                                                     Declaration that was signed by herself        the EU to come to a consensus.
WHO IS WHO............................................................................................... 15

FURTHER INFORMATION............................................................................18
                                                                                                                                     José Manuel Barroso gave Christian Wenning this statement on June 24th 2020

     Version 1 / 24.06.2020
     Have you discovered obsolete or incorrect information? Let us know! We are happy to update this overview:
#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                                                   German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Foreword by Publisher Christian Wenning                                                                                                                 RESETTING NATIONAL POLITICS
DEAR READERS,                                                                                                                                           WHILE STEERING EUROPE‘S RECOVERY
Policy based on self-interest is useless                  strategy-building, and positioning of com-     called “Erste Lesung” guarantee specific       Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Un-        from those who show no unity. The right-         German courts are questioning the rule of
for corporate or public affairs. Whether                  panies affected by regulation – will be to     legislative outcomes, only that your voice     ion, CDU) is currently in her fourth term as   wing populist party Alternative for Ger-         law in the eurozone, the government re-
shareholder value or re-election, regional                continue shaping businesses and policies       will be heard during the policy-making         Federal Chancellor of Germany. Having          many (AfD), feeding on growing anti-EU           confirmed Germany’s commitment to the
supremacy or short-term financial think-                  with unprecedented impact.                     process. New processes and a new way           steered Europe’s largest economy during        and xenophobic sentiments, became the            EU. With plenty of domestic and interna-
ing, we are increasingly aware of the fact                                                               of understanding the EU as the center of       serious crises, her decisions had a signifi-   largest opposition party at the federal          tional support, it managed to secure Paris’
that the old rules of politics and business               In the coming months this historic EU-pres-    hope will arise from this German Presi-        cant impact on European integration. This      elections in 2017. And democratic majori-        goodwill with the French-German recovery
no longer apply. The German Presidency                    idency equally requires forward thinking,      dency. We are proud and eager to help          will end soon. Merkel announced and            ties are becoming difficult when answers to      plan. This agreement comes just before im-
of the EU will remain in the spotlight of his-            courage, vigilance, and humility. Under-       where we can, and I wish our crisis-proof      confirmed: She will not be running for the     these challenges are hesitant, as it was to      portant negotiations on Europe’s future, for
tory for a long time for a number of rea-                 standing the challenges and opportunities      government with an equally historic            chancellorship again.                          be seen after the state elections in Thuringia   which Chancellor Merkel even hinted to-
sons: It is the first presidency to start during          of our EU-history and creating a vision for    Chancellor Angela Merkel, along with all                                                      in 2019.                                         wards a potential treaty change.
the largest economic crisis since WWII,                   a bold, federalist European future in poli-    leaders of the EU, the best of luck and bon    The German EU Council Presidency will be
negotiations within the MFF on distribution               cy fields previously under national author-    courage!                                       her last effort for Europe – and for Germa-    Currently, previous conflicts are put on         The German EU Council Presidency will be
of funds to stimulate the economy will take               ity is an indispensable requirement for the                                                   ny, a country in transition.                   hold. This might cause difficulties when the     a huge effort in progressing the European
place on an unparalleled scale, and it is                 success we all desperately hope for.           Have fun reading our little contribution to                                                   CDU elects a new party leader in Decem-          project, in resetting a frozen conflict in the
even unclear whether in-person meetings                                                                  understanding politics and please stay safe.   Not much of the coming changes is visible      ber 2020 and Germany enters the election         German political elite, as well as Chancel-
will be possible.                                         Since its founding a decade ago, our firm                                                     on the surface: The effective management       year 2021. With the Federal Government           lor Merkel’s ‘grand finale’. These decisive
                                                          has taken an approach of offering added        Yours faithfully                               of the COVID-19 crisis had a stabilizing ef-   and Chancellor Merkel in the spotlight           months for Europe will have a direct impact
Corporate and public affairs will have                    value to the decision-making process. We                                                      fect on the party landscape. Christian dem-    through EU actions, how should candi-            on domestic politics: The evaluation will not
to play their role in a way that enables                  do this by facilitating dialogue through our                                                  ocrats regained strength, greens managed       dates campaign for themselves as change-         only be written in Brussels but in the Berlin
the political decision-makers to bear                     expertise on the issues at hand. The crisis                                                   to hold on to their gains from 2019, coming    agents without harming their own country,        ballots in 2021.
the incredible burden of confident deci-                  reminded the European Union that repre-                                                       in around 19 per cent, social democrats        government or party? Nobody wants to
sion-making despite the tremendous con-                   senting short-term interests might mean the                                                   settled around 16 per cent, while liberals,    be blamed for taking advantage of the Eu-
sequences for coming generations. Our                     end of dialogue when it is needed most.        Christian Wenning                              leftists and the new right-wing experienced    ropean crisis management.
job as political consultants – the analysis,              Neither our firm, nor the political process    Founder, Erste Lesung                          a certain drop-off in support. Democratic
                                                                                                                                                        majorities are possible – on paper.            This complexity is certainly not the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                       starting point for the years that many expect    Szilvia Kalmár
                                                                                                                                                        But on a second glance, things look differ-    to become the biggest recession since the        Director, Erste Lesung
                                                                                                                                                        ent: Memories about the backlash suffered      Second World War. Where political de-
                                                                                                                                                        – especially by people’s parties – in the      bates will need to be open and decisions
                                                                                                                                                        financial crisis and during the 2015 migra-    fast. The Federal Government has decided
                                                                                                                                                        tion crisis are haunting. It has been proved   to set a clear framework for the years to
                                                                                                                                                        over the past five years: Voters back off      come: It raised the bets. At a moment when
#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                                        German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

GERMANY FACTS & FIGURES                                                    ECONOMY                                                              POLITICAL SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Länder hold far-reaching competencies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for example in the areas of education or police.
                                                                              345.3            €                                                                16 (LÄNDER)

                                                                              BILLION                                                                            FEDERAL REPUBLIC                                                   Legislative process through a
                                                          83.1                GDP (2019)
                                                                                                                                                                 composed as a free democratic
                                                                                                                                                                 and social constitutional state
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    two-chamber parliamentary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    system on the federal level:

                                                                              +0.6%                                 41,346€
POPULATION (2019)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bundestag (directly elected parliamentarians)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Bundesrat (representation of the 16 states)
                                                                                                                                                            PARTY LANDSCAPE
                                                                                CURRENT                             GDP PER CAPITA

                                         83.3 YEARS                             GROWTH
                                                                                                                                                            Union parties:
                                                                                                                                                            Christian Democratic Union                  Alternative for             HEAD OF
                                       78.5 YEARS                                                       TRADE                                               (CDU) and Christian
                                                                                                                                                            Social Union (CSU)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Germany (AfD)               GOVERNMENT

                                                                             1,328                                     1,105
                                                                                     €                                         €
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dr. Angela Merkel
                                                                                                                                                            Social                                      Free Democratic
                                                                             BILLION                                   BILLION                              Democratic                                  Party (FDP)                 HEAD OF STATE
                                                                              EXPORTS (2019)                            IMPORTS (2019)                      Party (SPD)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Federal President
                                                                                                                                                            Greens                                                                  Frank-Walter
                             CHILDREN/WOMAN                                   MAIN TRADING PARTNERS:                                                                                                    The Left
                                                                                                                                                            (Bündnis 90/                                                            Steinmeier
                                                                              China, United States of America,                                                                                          (Die Linke)
                             BIRTH RATE (2019)                                                                                                              Die Grünen)
                                                                              the Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, Italy

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE                                                             LARGEST SECTORS BY REVENUE (in Billion):                                    CULTURE & SCIENCE                                              FUN FACTS

                                                                                           426€                                                                                                                                    300

MINORITY LANGUAGES                                                                                                             industry
Danish, North Frisian, Sater Frisian,
Upper Sorbian, Lower Sorbian, Romanes                                                      226€
                                                                                                                   engineering industry
                                                                                                                                                               84 NOBEL PRIZE
                                                                                                                                                                  WINNERS                                                           TYPES OF                                 TYPES OF
                                                                                                                                                               ranging from physics, medicine, chemistry                            BREAD                                    BEER
                                                                                           196€                 Chemical industry                              to literature and the Nobel peace price
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TYPES OF
                                                                                           192€              Electrical industry
                                                                                                                                                               officially recognized universities and colleges,                                      SAUSAGES

                  28.2%             Catholic (28.2%)
                                    Protestant (26%)
                                                                                           179€           Food industry
                                                                                                                                                               eleven of which are part of the federal
                                                                                                                                                               government’s excellence initiative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         65%                  1
                                    Muslim (5%)
                 26%                No religion (37%)                                                                                                                                                                   of GERMAN
                                    Other religions (3.9%)                     UNEMPLOYMENT RATE                                                Almost half a million people are                                        HIGHWAYS              of GERMANY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        have no
                                                                               6.1% (May 2020)
5%                                                                                                                                              employed in the cultural sector                                                               is still covered with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        speed limit.          forest and

1871                                   1914 – 1918              1918 – 1933                 1933 – 1945                                     23rd May 1949           7th October 1949              9th November 1989             3rd October 1990                 2005
Founding of the                        First World War          Weimar Republic             Nazi Dictatorship                               Founding of the         Founding of the               Fall of the Berlin Wall       Reunification                    Angela Merkel is elected
German Empire                                                   – Germany’s first                   1939 – 1945                             Federal Republic        German Democratic                                           of Germany                       Chancellor of Germany
                                                                Democracy                           Second World War                        of Germany              Republic                                                                                     for the first time

                                                                                                                                                 If you want to know more about our German perspective on politics, have a look at our weekly bit “In a Krautshell“
#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                                      German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

THE CORONA-CONTEXT                                                                                                                            GERMAN EU COUNCIL PRESIDENCY
EXPECTATIONS ARE SKYROCKETING                                                EVENT HIGHLIGHTS OF THE GERMAN
The German Presidency will not only have to conclude negotia-                                                                                 We are of course aware that presiden-            • Starting the debate on legal condi-        • Getting the Council to extend CO2
tions on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and future                 July & November 2020                                            cies cannot really be measured by list-            tions for standardized secure elements       pricing to all sectors and introduce
EU-UK relations but also coordinate Europe's economic recovery                Aviation Summit I & II                                          ing achievements from their six months of          in smartphones (e.g. for storing digital     a moderate minimum price for CO2
and the EU’s response to the economic and social consequences                 EU transport ministers and top industry representatives         glory – especially in light of this particular     identities).                                 within the EU ETS.
of the COVID-19-crisis. It will have to address these challenges,             discuss “new” climate-friendly and crisis-proof air transport   crisis situation. However, should you feel
while also continuing to push for the urgently-needed sustaina-               options for Europe.                                             the need for some box-ticking – as we            • Reaching council agreement on in-          • Linking EU budget funds with Mem-
ble, climate-friendly and digital transformation of the European                                                                              Germans are known to do – here is a list           cluding considerations to global             ber State-compliance and rule-of-law
economy. ■                                                                    September 2020 Halle, Saxony-Anhalt                             of pledges contained in the German Pres-           competitiveness in the rules of merger       standards.
                                                                              High-Level Conference on Cohesion Policy                        idency’s program:                                  controls (reform of the EU competition
                                                                                                                                                                                                 law).                                      • Agreeing on Introducing a uniform
A HOLISTIC APPROACH                                                           October 2020 Berlin                                             • Gradually removing corona-related                                                             minimum level of IT security for all de-
                                                                              High-Level Conference                                             restrictions within the Schengen area /        • Adopting some kind of reference              vices available on the market.
Berlin’s priorities were rapidly adapted to the new crisis situation.         on European Energy Policy                                         for the internal market.                         document on European research ar-
While other presidencies usually select three or four main topics,                                                                                                                               eas including “green” hydrogen. Also       • Introducing compulsory procedures at
the German EU Council Presidency program takes a rather holis-                October 2020 Baden-Baden, Baden-Württemberg                     • Reaching an agreement on the Re-                 bringing the necessary market design         the EU’s external borders to categorise
tic approach: It wants Europe to become stronger and more inno-               High-Level Conference on Artificial Intelligence                  covery Fund embedded into the                    for secure and sustainable supply of         and examine asylum applications at
vative, as well as just, sustainable, and a safe place that follows           and Ethics of Digitalisation                                      Multiannual Financial Framework:                 CO2-neutral and preferably CO2-              an early stage in the course of a pre-
its common values. Furthermore, the German Council Presidency                                                                                  • make it time-limited,                           free gases into the Council.                 liminary procedure. This allows for re-
wants the EU to continue playing an important role on the global              15 –16 October 2020 Brussels/Berlin                              • make it content-focused,                                                                     fusal of entry in cases with an obvious
stage. ■                                                                      Summit of the European Council                                   • include implementation within the             • Paving the way for taxing the digital        lack of need for protection.
                                                                              Possible agreement on the Multiannual Financial                     framework of the European Semester.            economy on the basis of the OECD
                                                                              Framework                                                                                                          agreement.                                 • Developing common standards on re-
VIRTUAL VS. LIVE EVENTS                                                                                                                       • EU-wide contact-tracking and warn-                                                            turning illegal migrants to countries of
                                                                              November 2020 Berlin                                              ing via interoperable tracing and              • Getting the Council to agree on a Fi-        origin.
Events planned during the German Presidency also had to be                    High-Level Conferences                                            warning apps. Adopting Council con-              nancial Transaction Tax.
adapted to the new conditions. Most highlight events (see on the              on Industry Policy and SMEs                                       clusions on the establishment of a code                                                     • Adopting a European-African Agenda
right) will be virtual or at least mixed in their format. Initial official    The Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy organizes              of conduct for the use of health data in       • Discussing the instrument for fair mini-     at the EU-African Union Summit.
estimates put the Council’s negotiating capacity at around 30 per             two high-level conferences to discuss the European single         conformity with data protection.                 mum wages proposed by the Commis-
cent of the normal level. Germany is keen on finding new ways                 market’s challenges.                                                                                               sion in the Council.                       • Preparing the accession negotiation
to build compromises in the background – as video conferences                                                                                 • Debating the governance of European                                                           frameworks for Albania and Northern
cannot replace face-to-face meetings in the long term. Most                   29 November – 1 December 2020 Berlin                              data spaces & the use of high quality          • Concluding the discussion of a Euro-         Macedonia.
ministries hope to organize physical meetings from September                  COSAC Plenary Meeting                                             data sets for digital services within the        pean climate law in the Council. The
2020 onwards. ■                                                               Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union                  Council.                                         law is to make the EU’s climate neutral-
                                                                              Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC) –                                                             ity binding by 2050.
                                                                              Plenary meeting, organized by the German Bundestag in           • Developing an EU framework for na-
                                                                              cooperation with the Bundesrat                                    tional basic security systems, discussing      • Achieving a decision to increase the
                                                                                                                                                an EU framework for minimum wages                EU’s national climate contribution
                                                                              10 – 11 December 2020 Brussels/Berlin                             and strengthening the role of the social         (NDC) for 2030.
                                                                              Summit of the European Council                                    partners.
#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                                     German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

PROGRAM OF THE                                                                                                                              A JUST EUROPE                                 Moreover, it will seek a Council gener-          A EUROPEAN UNION
                                                                                                                                                                                          al approach on the Common European               CAPABLE OF ACTION
GERMAN PRESIDENCY                                                                                                                           To strengthen Europe’s social dimension
                                                                                                                                            and social cohesion, the Presidency will
                                                                                                                                                                                          Agricultural Policy. The conclusions on
                                                                                                                                                                                          animal welfare and food labelling should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FOR A PARTNERSHIP-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           AND RULE-BASD
                                                                                                                                            advocate for cross-border cooperation         be adopted and negotiations on fishing
                                                                                                                                            in vocational training and better working     quotas for 2021 should be concluded.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           INTERNATIONAL ORDER
EUROPE’S RESPONSE TO                                      A STRONGER AND MORE                                                               conditions for seasonal workers. The pro-
THE PANDEMIC                                              INNOVATIVE EUROPE                                                                 posal for a European Unemployment Re-         Regarding consumer protection, the Pres-         Germany is committed to a unified, re-
                                                                                                                                            insurance Scheme, as well as an instrument    idency intends to develop the new Con-           sponsible, and powerful European for-
The Presidency plans to create conditions                 Secure and trustworthy data infrastructure                                        for fair minimum wages will be further dis-   sumer Agenda at an early stage. ■                eign trade. Germany aims to strengthen
for economic recovery in the EU by grad-                  projects will also be pushed. Germany                                             cussed.                                                                                        multilateral institutions, cooperation with
ually lifting corona-related restrictions. In             will encourage the development and use                                                                                                                                           international partners and key players,
order to find a coordinated approach out                  of Artificial Intelligence and, with an eye                                       The Council plans to adopt conclusions        A SECURE EUROPE WITH                             and the global provision of necessary re-
of the crisis, it aims to establish orderly pro-          towards the European Data Policy, focus          The slogan of the German         on the sharing of work and care between       COMMON VALUES                                    sources.
cedures for the EU’s political action and                 on innovation, data access, responsible          Presidency highlights its aim:   men and women in partnerships. It also
decision-making.                                          use, data literacy, and security. It empha-                                       plans to significantly strengthen the Euro-   Germany will conduct a political dialogue        The EU’s policy towards China should be
                                                          sizes the importance of using health data        Together for                     pean Youth Work Agenda and the Youth          on the rule of law between all Member            guided by European common interests
For the recovery to be economically and                   in conformity with data protection. Dossi-       Europe’s recovery                Guarantee.                                    States and supports linking EU budget            and values. It thus seeks more reciprocity
socially durable, the German Presidency                   ers on ecodesign, minimum standards for                                                                                         funds to comply with these standards. The        in all policy areas and wants to proceed
wants the EU’s financial response to be set               the security of IT products as well as liabil-                                    Keeping the Conference on the Future of       fight against hate crimes and racism on          with negotiations on the investment agree-
up quickly, be “limited in time”, embedded                ity rules are also on its agenda. Creating                                        Europe in view, the German Presidency         the internet is another important topic on       ment. Germany also supports a compre-
in the MFF, and implemented within the                    legal conditions for standardised secure                                          aims to reach an agreement between the        the agenda. Through a holistic approach,         hensive partnership with the United King-
framework of the European Semester. It                    elements in smart devices is also foreseen.                                       Member States on the structure and man-       the German Presidency wants to combat            dom in which fair competition is ensured
will work to keep markets open, strengthen                                                                                                  date by autumn 2020. ■                        and report anti-Semitic incidents, as well       and the withdrawal agreement is fully
international trade and counteract tenden-                EU competition reform and modernization                                                                                         as develop an EU strategy for integrating        implemented. Active engagement with the
cies towards protectionism and renation-                  of European state aid law are to be sup-                                                                                        Sinti and Roma populations.                      US will be ensured through a broad polit-
alisation. For this, it will consistently imple-          plemented by aspects of fair competition                                          A SUSTAINABLE EUROPE                                                                           ical dialogue and a positive trade agen-
ment the principles of the European Pillar                and Green Deal objectives. Competitive-                                                                                         Cross-border cooperation between po-             da, and a European-African Agenda
of Social Rights.                                         ness of European SMEs is to be improved,                                          Germany plans to closely coordinate           lice, justice, and customs authorities shall     shall be adopted. The German Presiden-
                                                          and European research areas are to be                                             the implementation of the Green Deal          enhance security for the citizens of Eu-         cy wants to promote digital skills and da-
The Presidency wants to improve Europe-                   strengthened.                                                                     and conclude discussions on the Euro-         rope. To this end, regulation preventing         ta-driven markets in Africa.
an crisis management and take measures                                                                                                      pean climate law. It seeks a decision on      distribution of terrorist content online shall
to secure European sovereignty in areas                   The Presidency will also prioritize the sus-                                      increasing the EU’s national climate con-     be concluded swiftly. Germany is also            In addition to intensifying European in-
like pharmaceutical supply or other sys-                  tainability of public finances. Along these                                       tribution by 2030 and conclusions on the      striving for increased cooperation in the        volvement in management of major inter-
tematically important sectors like agricul-               lines, it will implement the OECD’s findings                                      new Environmental Action Plan. It wants       field of network and information security.       national conflicts, Germany will establish
ture and food. It also wants to protect Eu-               on both taxation of the global economy                                            to advance discussions on creating a                                                           a European Centre of Competence for
ropean companies from foreign takeovers                   and effective global minimum taxation.                                            necessary market design for secure and        It wants to advance the ambitious reform         Civilian Crisis Management in Berlin. It
and to improve e-justice solutions.                       Deepening the capital market union and                                            sustainable acquisition of CO2-neutral or     of a Common European Asylum System.              will further develop the Common Security
                                                          creating a digital financial market union                                         CO2-free gases, extending CO2 pricing         Common standards for repatriation and            and Defence Policy and the EU-Asia con-
Germany plans to encourage the “Team                      are among its aims as well. Finally, the                                          to all sectors, and introducing a moder-      cooperation with countries of origin, host,      nectivity strategy, and promote or launch
Europe” approach, fostering joint commit-                 Presidency will support the introduction of                                       ate minimum price for CO2 within the EU       and transit shall be developed. Also, an         a modernization agenda for the World
ment by all EU institutions and Member                    a Financial Transaction Tax. ■                                                    Emissions Trading Scheme.                     early operationalisation of the Frontex          Trade Organization. ■
States to overcome the crisis. It also wants                                                                                                                                              mandate is intended to ensure the effec-
to ensure an active European role in glob-                                                                                                                                                tive protection of the external borders. ■
al health in the future. ■
#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                             German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

                                                                                                                                       ENVISIONED TIMELINE                         TASK OF THE GERMAN EU COUNCIL PRESIDENCY

                                                                                                                                        By July 2020                               Reaching an agreement among Member              The more complicated,
„THE INITIAL SITUATION IS ANYTHING BUT EASY (…)                                        HOW DOES THE EU IN-                              European Council: Political agreement      States on the distribution of the money.        the easier to agree?
THIS FUND IS AN URGENT IMPERATIVE!“                                                    TEND TO FINANCE THIS?                            on Multiannual Financial Framework
Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of Germany                                                                                            2014 – 2020 & 2021 – 2027 and              Questions still to be answered:                 Finding a compromise will be a tough
                                                                                       1. With „own resources“: Gross-national-         Own Resources Decision                                                                     nut to crack. Germany, however, hopes
                                                                                          income-based (GNI-based)-based                                                           • The size of the financial package:            that the new complexity of the € 1850 bn
   Starting point: 1.850.000.000.000 €                                                    contribution of the Member States,                                                         Some Member States still question the         package will somehow make an agree-
                                                                                                                                        By summer 2020
   1.100 bn € original budgetary plan +                                                   customs duties & sugar levies, VAT-           European Parliament’s consultation on        750 bn € additional funding, while            ment easier. Some arguments are:
    750 bn € recovery fund „Next Generation EU“                                           based resources                               Own Resources Decision                       in the view of the southern Member
   All included into the structure of the MFF                                                                                                                                        States it is “not negotiable”.                • The massive additional funding of the
                                                                                       Challenge:                                       Early autumn 2020                                                                            cohesion policy instruments could
                                                                                       With the UK having left the EU and the           Adoption of the revised Multiannual        • The share of grants and loans within            please the Member States usually pro-
                                                                                       budget not becoming smaller, every               Financial Framework 2014 – 2020 +            the Next Generation EU funds: The               tecting this budget line against restruc-
       Cohesion&Values                                                                 member state will need to pay more. The          corresponding sectoral legislation           EU Commission proposed EUR 500                  turing.
                                    610 bn                                  984.5 bn   German contribution is likely to increase                                                     billion in grants and EUR 250 billion
                                                                                       by over 40 per cent.                             October 2020                                 in loans, but this is questioned by the       • The limited liability and the temporary
                                                                                                                                        European Council                             ‘Frugal Four’1.                                 structure of the EU borrowings could
   Natural Resources &                                                                                                                                                                                                               open room for compromise with the
                                     45 bn                            402 bn
           Environment                                                                 2. With the Commission being allowed             December 2020                              • The timeframe for repaying debt the EU          Thrifty Four.
                                                                                          to borrow 750 bn € from the market:           Adoption of the revised Multiannual          incurred through issuing bonds
         Single Market,                                                                   exceptional and temporary (reim-              Financial Framework 2021 – 2027                                                            A Germany-specific detail:
                                     69.8 bn              210.5 bn
    Innovation & Digital                                                                  bursement via EU budget until 2065)           (European Parliament’s consent)            • The criteria for allocating resourc-
                                                                                                                                        Adoption of the Own Resources                es and the distribution keys between          All 27 national parliaments and the EP
     Neighbourhood &                                                                   Challenges:                                      Decision (Ratification by all Member         Member States                                 have to agree on the compromise. The
                                                  118.2 bn
            the World                                                                  • Tensions arise: EU borrowing requires          States in line with their constitutional                                                   Bundestag usually is rough terrain when it
                                   15.5 bn                                               a flexible interpretation of the treaties.                                                • New own resources proposed by the             comes to EU bonds and common debts.
         European Public                                                                                                                                                             Commission
                                             74.6 bn
           Administration                                                              • Expensive liability: Member States are         January 2021                                                                               The German parliament, however, will
                                                                                         liable for this debt in proportion to their    Multiannual Financial Framework 2021       • The abolition or withdrawal of the            find itself in a political dilemma: If Ger-
          Migration &                                                                    percentage share of the GNI contribu-          – 2027 implementation starts                 budget rebates introduced at that time        many (as the Presidency) negotiates the
                                         31.1 bn
  Border Management                                                                      tion to own resources.                                                                      for the five net contributors due to the      compromise, its rejection by the Bunde-
                                                                                                                                                                                     British rebate                                stag would not only reflect poorly on the
  Resilience, Security &                                                               • Member States and the EU will have to                                                                                                     German government, but also on Germa-
                                        29.1 bn
                Defense                                                                  pay off their debt, cope with the eco-                                                                                                    ny’s European performance.■
                                   9.7 bn                                                nomic recession and ensure (perhaps
                                                                                         even new rules for) fiscal discipline in
  Multiannual Financial Framework                            Next Generation EU          parallel.

                                                                                                                                                                                   1 Four member states (Austria, Denmark,
                                                                                                                                                                                     The Netherlands, Sweden) who oppose issuing
                                                                                                                                                                                     debt to bail out hardest hit nations.
#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                                                      German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

EU INTEGRATION PROCESS AND FUTURE OPTIONS                                                                                                                          WHO IS WHO?
1952 (Treaty of Paris)                                                         WHERE                                                PATHS
“WE LAYED THE FOUNDATIONS...”                                                  WE CAME                                              WE COULD                                                                              Political Parties:
By establishing the European Coal and Steel
Community we demonstrated the economic                                         FROM                                                 TAKE                                     European Council                               CDU     Christian Democratic Union
and political benefits of European cooperation
after the devastations of World War II.
                                                                                                                                                                    Chair             DE Representative                     CSU     Christian Social Union
France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands,
                                                              2009 ECONOMIC AND
                                                                    DEBT CRISIS
                                                                                                            1    KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON                                                                                     SPD     Social Democratic Party
                                                                                                                The current status in the EU and division of                                              CDU
Luxembourg, Italy
                                                             Creation of Economic Stability Mechanism           competencies between the EU and Member
                                                                                                                States would remain. No changes would be                                                                  Council Configurations:
                                                             (ESM) and debates over more fiscal policy
1958 (Treaties of Rome)                                      integration                                        needed in the treaties. The EU would respond                                                              AGRIFISH:                           EYCS: Education, Youth,
“... THEN ECONOMY DROVE US                                                                                      to challenges according to the existing treaties                                                          Agriculture and Fisheries           Culture and Sport
                                                                                                                and competences, as it currently is during the
CLOSER...”                                                   2015 MIGRATION CRISIS                                                                                                                                        COMPET:                             FAC: Foreign Affairs
                                                                                                                Corona crisis.
It worked out well and we decided                                                                                                                                                                                         Competitiveness
                                                            New Frontex mandate for common external                                                                                                                                                           GAC: General Affairs
to create a common market.
                                                            border control and reform of the common                                                                                                                       ECOFIN: Economic and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Financial Affairs                   JHA: Justice and Home Affairs
                                                            asylum and migration policy
1973 – 1986
                                                                                                            2   MULTI-SPEED EUROPE
                                                                                                                                                                   CHARLES           ANGELA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ENVI: Environment                   TTE: Transport, Telecommuni-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              cations and Energy
                                                             2016 – 2020 BREXIT                                 Only the Member States who are willing to                                                                 EPSCO: Employment,
STATES JOINED! ...”                                                                                                                                                MICHEL            MERKEL                               Social Policy, Health
                                                                                                                cooperate in a policy area (e.g. Schengen
United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark (1973);                 In a UK-wide referendum in 2016,                    area), develop common policies. Others,                                                                   and Consumer Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                     Federal Chancellor
Greece (1981); Spain and Portugal (1986)                    52 per cent voted to leave the EU. The              who are not willing to cooperate, do not take
                                                            withdrawal agreement was negotiated and the         advantage of the deeper integration, but can
                                                            UK left the EU on 31 January 2020.                  join at a later stage.
1987 (The Single European Act
                                                              2020 CORONA CRISIS
We aimed to complete the single market and
created the European political cooperation on
                                                             Challenges on coherent crisis response
                                                             and more European sovereignty in               3   DEEPENING INTEGRATION                               Chair             DE Representative                                                                               Trade
foreign policy.                                              key areas (health, industry, digitalisation)       With this option, Member States would
                                                                                                                decide to cooperate closer. It was, above all,                                            SPD                       CSU                                CDU                                  CDU
                                                                                                                the Corona crisis which stimulated debates
1993 (Maastricht Treaty)                                                                                        on more and deeper integration within
“... SO WE CREATED THE EU...”                                AND HERE                                           the EU. It remains to be seen whether the
                                                                                                                economic shock and health crisis will bring
Two additional areas of cooperation have been
established: the Common Foreign and Security
                                                             WE ARE NOW                                         deeper integration in – for example – fiscal
Policy (CSFP) and Justice and Home Affairs                                                                      and macroeconomic policies. Treaties would
(JHA). We also cleared the way for an economic                                                                  need to be changed for this scenario.
and monetary union (EMU).

1995 – 2013
“...IT WAS A HIT!...”
                                                          NEW TREATY?                                                                                              JOSEPH            HEIKO                      GERD                           ANNEGRET                            PETER
                                                          CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF EUROPE
Austria, Sweden and Finland (1995); Poland,                                                                                                                        BORELL            MAAS                       MÜLLER                         KRAMP-                              ALTMAIER
Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia,
                                                          Several open questions of European integration are showing in the direction of a treaty                                                                                              KARRENBAUER
Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus and Malta (2004);                                                                                                                                          Federal Minister           Federal Minister for                                               Federal Minister
Bulgaria and Romania (2007); Croatia (2013)               change. The Conference on the Future of Europe is in the center of attention in this regard.                               of Foreign Affairs         Economic Cooperation           Federal Minister                    of Economics and Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Development                of Defence
                                                          In order to find a workable solution to the most important issues, the German EU Council
2002                                                      Presidency wants to focus on a limited number of questions and wants to suggest an agenda
“... THE EURO MADE SENSE...”                              accordingly. Chancellor Merkel announced possible topics such as: reform of the Schengen
We introduced Euro coins and banknotes, and               system, new competition policy rules, an EU system for pandemic control, and the creation of
19 member states have adopted the common
currency already.                                         a European Security Council.
                                                          So, all eyes are on you now. If you have a preference
2009 (Treaty of Lisbon)                                   about the future of Europe, prepare to speak up!
Some of us did not support the idea of a                                    ALL EYES ON YOU
“Constitutional Treaty” so a new EU Reform
Treaty was signed including new areas for
majority decisions.
#THEÜBERSICHT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               #THEÜBERSICHT
German Presidency of t he Council of the European Union                                                                                                                                                                                                                 German Presidency of the Council of the European Union

>WHO IS WHO?                                                                                                                                                      >WHO IS WHO?

                              JHA                                        ENVI                       AGRIFISH                                GAC                                                                                      EYCS

  Justice                              Home Affairs                                                                                                                Education                   Youth                         Culture                                                           Sports

                        SPD                               CSU                         SPD                             CDU                               SPD                            CDU                          SPD                           CDU                            SPD                                  CSU

CHRISTINE                            HORST                      SVENJA                          JULIA                             MICHAEL                         ANJA                        FRANZISKA                     PROF. MONIKA                  MICHELLE                           HORST
LAMBRECHT                            SEEHOFER                   SCHULZE                         KLÖCKNER                          ROTH                            KARLICZEK                   GIFFEY                        GRÜTTERS                      MÜNTEFERING                        SEEHOFER
Federal Minister of Justice         Federal Minister of the     Federal Minister for the En-    Federal Minister for              Minister of State for Europe    Federal Minister of         Federal Minister for Family   Representative of the         Minister of State for              Federal Minister of the
and Consumer Protection             Interior, Building and      vironment, Nature Conser-       Nutrition and Agriculture         at the Federal Foreign Office   Education and Research      Affairs, Senior Citizens,     Federal Government for        International Cultural Policy      Interior, Building and
                                    Community                   vation and Nuclear Safety                                                                                                     Women and Youth               Culture and Media             at the Federal Ministry of         Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Foreign Affairs

                        COMPET                                         ECOFIN                                               TTE                                                                      EPSCO                                                             COREPER CHAIRS

  Space                                Research                                                 Telcom & Energy                   Transport                        Social Affairs              Health                        Consumer Protection

                        CDU                               CDU                         SPD                           CDU                              CSU                               SPD                          CDU                           SPD

PETER                                ANJA                       OLAF                           PETER                          ANDREAS                             HUBERTUS                    JENS                          CHRISTINE                     MICHAEL                            SUSANNE
ALTMAIER                             KARLICZEK                  SCHOLZ                         ALTMAIER                       SCHEUER                             HEIL                        SPAHN                         LAMBRECHT                     CLAUSS                             SZECH-
Federal Minister                    Federal Minister of         Federal Minister of Finance    Federal Minister               Federal Minister of Transport       Federal Minister of         Federal Minister for Health   Federal Minister of Justice   Permanent Representative
of Economics and Energy             Education and Research                                     of Economics and Energy        and Digital Infrastructure          Labour and Social Affairs                                 and Consumer Protection       Ambassador of Germany              Deputy Permanent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to the EU                          Representative to the EU
OFFICIAL WEBSITE                             POLITICO                                   REUTERS
Germany’s Presidency of the Council of       3 MAY 2020                                 15 JUNE 2020
the European Union: Together for Europe’s
recovery                                     German ‘corona presidency’ plan pivots     Germany, preparing EU presidency,
                                             to crisis management                       wants more reciprocity with China

29 MAY 2020                                  EURACTIV                                   BLOOMBERG TAX
                                             17 JUNE 2020                               18 JUNE 2020
A brief explanation of Germany’s Pres-
idency of the Council of the European        Trio-presidency programme: A relay with    Germany Backs Continuing Digital Tax
Union                                        a German sprint                            Talks, Official Says

FEDERAL FOREIGN                              DEUTSCHE WELLE                             POLITICO
OFFICE                                       18 JUNE 2020                               30 MAY 2020
29 APRIL 2020
                                             Merkel urges EU unity to counter corona-   Back off, Trump. Germany wants to Make
German Presidency committed to fighting      virus crisis                               Europe Strong Again
coronavirus while tackling the issues that
will define our future


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