Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG

Page created by Joseph Mclaughlin
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
Conference on
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019
   14-16 May 2019, Technical University of Denmark

             Exhibition open: 15 May 10.00-17:45
          Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Oticon-salen
           Studentertorvet Bygning 107, Kgs. Lyngby
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
Exhibition of the Conference on Active and Healthy Ageing 2019
The Exhibition of the Conference on Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 has invited
developers, suppliers and service providers to show-case their solutions within the
themes of the conference: Approaches, technologies and services to support of active
and healthy aging.

We invite citizens, care professionals and developers to visit the exhibition and view
solutions for prevention, rehabilitation, empowerment of and care for older adults.

This catalog of exhibitor contain the 1-pagers supplied by each exhibitor.

The Exhibition is organized by the Danish Healthtech Innovation Network
( and EU Horizon project REACH

Editors and organisers:
Julie Skajaa Wøldike (DTU)
Julie Justi Andreasen (Danish Healthtech)
Annette Rye Larsen (Danish Healthtech / DTU)
Sophie Krog Agergaard (DTU)
Henning Boje Andersen (DTU)

Conference co-organized by:
EIP AHA A3 & C2:
Danish Healthtech:
Copenhagen Health Innovation:

Published: May 2019
Printed at: Vesterkopi
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
List of Exhibitors
Abrace ApS                                   Life Sceince Robotics
AL Engineering A/S                           Moblos Aps
AVDAN A/S                                    Oliz
Brane ApS                                    Rehaps
Cekura A/S                                   RotoBed
DDSI                                         Safevent / Safegranny
DoseSystem ApS                               SENS motion
G4S Care Technology                          Tele Call ApS
Imaginary                                    Trone Danmark
InCare Systems A/S                           University College Absalon

REACH Partners
REACH introduction
                                             DoseSystem ApS
Technical University of Munich
                                             Fraunhofer IAIS
Chair of Building Realisation and Robotics
                                             Geneva University Hospital (HUG)
Alreh Medical
Eindhoven University of Technology
                                             University of Copenhagen
Philips Design
                                             Moto Tiles
                                             SmartCardia SA
Ontmoet en Groet
                                             ArjoHuntleigh Getinge Group
Technical University of Denmark
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                           Conference on
                                   Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                      Project Picture

REACH2020: Responsive Engagement of the Elderly
promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare - a
Horizon 2020 Project (grant agreement No 690425): in
the European consortium with 17 partners from higher
education institutions and industry, the four EuroTech
Universities along with the industry partners build the
core of this project. The total grant received amounts
around 6 Million Euros.

What will we show at our exhibition stand?

The REACH system turns clinical and care environments
such as homes and everyday life, day care centers, and
other geriatric facilities into highly personalized and
data-driven early intervention systems that engage
older persons in preventative and rehabilitative activity.
Details and backgrounds about the project can be found

What differentiates us?

REACH represents a solution that seeks to prevent older citizens from loss of function and a decline as a major cause of
physical inactivity. REACH achieves its objectives through an integrated sensing-monitoring-intervention chain that is in
the project exemplarily and iteratively adapted to the ecosystems of a series of care settings for older persons. A unique
feature of REACH is the integrated utilization of personalized behavior change and engagement techniques informing the
development of the toolkit elements (sensors, interfaces, devices, etc.). REACH’s implements a combination of wearable
and ambient sensors for each Touchpoint along with a set of co-adapted Machine Learning elements. Personalized
Intelligent Interior Units (PI²Us) are used to integrate the above described functional elements physically and seamlessly
into daily life in the different target use case settings.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

Customers: clinical and care environments such as homes and everyday life, day care centers, and other geriatric facilities

Contact data

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Linner, Scientific Director & Project Manager

                      Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                      Science and The European Regional Development Fund

        REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
          received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

Company name: ALreh Medical

Project name: A personal mobility device for elderly
physical rehabilitation, REACH Touchpoint 1

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

We will present a personal mobility device for elderly
physical rehabilitation at the hospital/care home: The
intervention consists of a mobility device called iStander
developed by Alreh Medical with the removable base of
support which enables patient for a short walk, that is
coupled with serious rehab games and a Kinect sensor.

What differentiates us?

This intervention aims at strengthening the physical and functional capacities of hospitalized elderly patients.
Furthermore, a simultaneous combination of physical and cognitive exercises which the device makes possible is the
most effective tool in rehabilitation of elderly. After leaving the hospital the patient continues the rehabilitation and
activation at home with help of the equipment building on the good training habits established during both hospital
and home rehabilitation. Our features: 1) addressed to hospitalized seniors (medium and poor condition), 2)
multifunctional: activation, rehabilitation, mobility, bed assistive functions (transfer, mobility), 3) modular:
exchangeable components of the system according to physical and mental health condition, and 4) selection of
appropriate modules of the device by physiotherapeutic staff of the hospital will allow to educate a patient how to
operate it and develop personal training programs.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

Feedback from potential users as well as sharing of experience with similar implementation; Financing; a place to
test our product; a collaboration partner
Contact data

Company name: Alreh Medical
Contact person’s name and title: Dr. Dominika Kozak
Address: Filtrowa 81/27, 02-032 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: +48 534279488

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                         Conference on
                                 Active and Healthy Ageing 2019
Company name / project name                                 Company logo

Company name: Biozoon GmbH
Project name: Personalised food + 3D food printer,
REACH Touchpoint 3

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                  Project Picture

Biozoon will present the most innovative solution for the
management of people suffering from eating difficulties
such as mastication and swallowing disorders.
Therefore, the visitors of our stand will receive:
• Insights into Biozoon’s main results of the REACH
• Tasting of the developed smoothbread
• Exhibition of the 3D food printer used within REACH
• Contents of the smoothfood concept
What differentiates us?

BIOZOON is a well-recognized company for its innovative products and strong involvement within the area of
personalized nutrition for elderly, being also the market leader in the field of processed texturizers for the
gastronomy, catering, canteen kitchen as well as for private consumers. BIOZOON is developer of smoothfood
which focuses on products for the frail and elderly with difficulty in chewing and swallowing who live at home or in
nursing facilities.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

Biozoon is going to use this exhibition to:
    • Reach out to an international market
    • Meet new potential clients and increase sales
    • Demonstrate our products and services
    • Provide a launch pad for our products and innovation
    • Raise brand awareness and increase visibility in the marketplace
    • Strengthen business relationships in a face-to-face environment
    • Stay updated with the industry
    • Network and make new industry contacts
Contact data

Company name: Biozoon GmbH (HRB 3474 BHV) Contact
person’s name and title: M.Sc. Ann-Kristin Schwarze (F)
Address: Nansenstraße 8, 27572 Bremerhaven, Germany
Telephone: 0049 471 92928515
E-mail :

        Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and The
        European Regional Development Fund

        REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
          received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                       Conference on
                               Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                               Company logo

Company name: University of Copenhagen, Department
of Public Health, Section of Social Medicine

Project name: Showcasing various activity trackers,
REACH Touchpoint 4

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                Project Picture

We will present a “poster” with the title: Validity
problems with step counting and physical activity
monitoring in older adults

What differentiates us?

We will show different wearable monitors suitable for older adults and then we will present out main findings from
out study with 103 participants.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We would like to address the problem with low validity in wearable monitors.

Contact data

Company name: University of Copenhagen
Contact person’s name and title: Rasmus Tolstrup Larsen and Christoffer Bruun Korfitsen
Address: Gothersgade 160, 3. Sal, 1123 København K
Telephone: +45 42423007

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                Company logo

Company name: Fraunhofer IAIS

Project name: Activity Recognition Demo, REACH
Touchpoint 2

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                 Project Picture

We will show how activities of daily living can be
recognized from body worn sensors data.

Our idea is to use Machine Learning for modelling the
daily habits of a patient, with the aim of detecting any
possible deterioration of its overall health condition.

What differentiates us?

Our activity recognition system can be adapted to the profile of a patient and his personal routines and preferences.
Moreover the system does not rely on video recordings, which reduces the pervasiveness of the system and
increases the privacy and trust of the patient.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We are looking forward to present the actual state of our system, focused on recognizing a small and predefined
selection of activities on any person who wants to participate.

Furthermore, we want to connect with possible collaboration partners and users.

Contact data

Company name: Fraunhofer IAIS
Contact person’s name and title: Lisa Schrader (M.Sc.)
Address: Schloss Birlinghoven, 53757 Sankt Augustin
Telephone: +49 2241 14 3483

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

Company name: TU/e, Philips Design, Ontmoet en Groet
and EPFL

Project name: HealthyTogether + Behavior Change /
Machine Learning showcasing, REACH Touchpoint 3

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

We will demonstrate the REACHHealthyTogether
application and the accompanying back-end and
resulting analysis of the effects of behaviour change
strategies. The REACHHealthyTogether application is a
tool to investigate different behaviour change
strategies. This application was designed with a panel of
senior end users to track their physical activity in terms
of steps taken a day. It also allows participants to
collaborate to reach a combined daily activity goal.

What differentiates us?

This application was design with senior citizens for seniors, for ease of use. Motivating a healthy amount of physical
activity is very beneficial to promoting good health and that is what this application aims to do.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

At the exhibition we look to promote and present our work to inspire and receive valuable feedback from a wider

Contact data

Company name: Eindhoven University of Technology
Contact person’s name and title: Carlijn Valk, PhD candidate
Address: PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Telephone: +31 640821583

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Active and Healthy Ageing 2019 - Conference on - EXHIBITION CATALOG
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                Company logo

Company name: Geneva University Hospitals + ALreh
Project name: A personal mobility device for elderly
physical rehabilitation, REACH Touchpoint 1

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                 Project Picture

We will present a personal mobility device for elderly
physical rehabilitation and activation: The intervention
consists of a mobility device called activLife developed
by Alreh Medical, that is coupled with serious
rehabilitation games, a Kinect sensor and a wearable
sensor called Stepwatch, to continuously measure the
patients’ physical activity.

What differentiates us?

The hospital-to-home transition is increasingly recognized as a critical period in the patient care, during which
different incidents can occur and induce frequent re-hospitalization. This intervention aims at strengthening the
physical and functional capacities of hospitalized elderly patients to prevent re-hospitalization. Furthermore, a
simultaneous combination of physical and cognitive exercises which the device makes possible is the most effective
tool in prevention and rehabilitation of elderly outside the hospital. Versatility of the system with broad
customization possibilities and vast library of exercise training programs allows activLife system to be a very
valuable tool in the activation process of elderly and geriatric patients.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

Feedback from potential users as well as sharing of experience with similar implementation; financing; a place to
test our product (activLife); a collaboration partner
Contact data

Company name: Geneva University Hospital (HUG) + Alreh Medical
Contact person’s name and title: Caroline Perrin + Dr. Dominika Kozak
Address: Campus Biotech, Chemin des Mines 9, 1202 Geneva + Filtrowa 81/27, 02-032 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: +41 787997725 + +48 534279488
E-mail: +

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                 Company logo

Company name: Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)

Project name: MiranaBot Touchpoint 3

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                  Project Picture

We will show a conversational agent with a hybrid user
interface to promote healthy eating

Despite the extensive research and the large number of
existing nutrition applications, food recommender
systems are still facing many challenges in terms of
nutrition habits tracking and delivery of the proper

We have developed a conversational agent called
“MiranaBot”, where the goal is to help the user to be
aware of their eating habits in terms of variety and
regularity. Rather than focusing of food quantity and
nutritional value, the system targets the variety of the
individuals’ diet.

What differentiates us?

The nutrition habits tracking via voice interaction, the natural conversation, and personalized feedback given by the
system makes our solution unique. Visitors would want to interact and try to understand how the system works.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

A place to test our product; advices and feedbacks to improve the system; a collaboration partner; financing.

Contact data

Company name: HUG (University Hospital of Geneva)
Contact person’s name and title: Mirana Randriambelonoro
Address: Chemin des Mines 9, 1202 Genève
Telephone: +41 78 906 33 86
E-mail: /

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

Company name: Moto Tiles, Technical University of

Project name: Playful Body and Brain Test with the
Moto Tiles, REACH Touchpoint 4

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

Traditional early detections of aging and related
diseases are usually complicated and require
professionals to conduct them. We developed the Moto
Body & Brain test, which can measure a person’s
physical and cognitive abilities in a relaxing environment
with only 3 to 5 minutes.

What differentiates us?

The Moto Tiles are designed based on the concept “Anybody, Anywhere, and Anytime”. At our stand, visitors will
see how easy to use the Moto Tiles as they will have chance to experience the unique Moto Body & Brain test by
themselves. Also they will have a glance of the Moto training and see how the Moto test and training are
integrated as a one-stop solution.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

Potential partners and customers

Contact data

Company name: Technical University of Denmark
Prof. Henrik Hautop Lund
Address: Building 326, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                     Conference on
                             Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                 Company logo

Company name: SmartCardia SA

Project name: Medical-grade wearable demo, REACH
Touchpoint 2

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                  Project Picture

We will show a demo of our wearable elderly monitoring
patch solution.

Monitoring vital signs of elderly in a continuous and
easy to use manner allows for early intervention in case
of abnormal health conditions. SmartCardia’s wearable
patch allows for measuring vitals (ECG, respiration,
SpO2, activity) of elderly from a chest patch.

What differentiates us?

SmartCardia’s solution can be used in a variety of different settings: people can use them for health monitoring with
data sent to their mobile phones, elderly and patients can be monitored remotely by clinicians and hospital staff as
well. In the stand, attendees can check their health status by using our patches.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We are looking for potential customers (patient groups, clinicians/hospitals), collaboration partners in the
healthcare space, partners willing to explore different application scenarios.

Contact data

Company name                           SmartCardia SA
Contact person’s name and title        Dr. Srinivasan Murali, CEO
Address                                EPFL Innovation Park, Building C, Lausanne, Switzerland, CH 1015
Telephone                              0788750864

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

Company name: Chair of Building Realisation and
Robotics, Technical University of Munich + ArjoHuntleigh
Getinge Group

Project name: Multifunctional bed and integrated
sensors demo, REACH Touchpoint 2

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

This exhibit demonstrates a real-time In-bed monitoring
system, targeting heart activity, breath frequency and
micro mobility monitoring.

This smart bed also called as PI2U-Bed, is the second
version of this prototype which is underdevelopment in a
cooperation between Arjo and TUM. The Sara Combilizer
from Arjo, simplifies the mobility of the patients and the
integrated sensors from TUM targets monitoring

What differentiates us?

Fusing different data collecting sensors in a modular way to monitor immobile elderly citizens in the bed.
Furthermore, mounting all these monitoring methods on a mobilizer bed. A smart furniture called PI2U-Bed.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

We are looking for future collaboration with furniture designers and marketing teams in order to develop a product
for the market. Furthermore, due to the nature of this prototyped, which targets supporting nurses and medical
staff with real-time data, future cooperation with hospitals and health care centers is of high interest for future
implementation and testing.
Contact data

Company name:                                      Chair of Building Realisation and Robotics (TU Munich)
Contact person’s name and title                   M.Eng. Jörg Güttler, Research Associate and Teaching Assistant
Address                                           Arcisstrasse 21., 80333 Munich
Telephone                                         +49 89 289 22178

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                         Conference on
                                 Active and Healthy Ageing 2019
Company name / project name                                    Company logo

Company name: Technical University of Munich (TUM) +
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) + Philips

Project name: Laptop based demo of data platforms
(CARP, HSDP), REACH Touchpoint 2 & 4

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                     Project Picture

We will show the first integration steps taken up to now,
in order to integrate the CARP Cachet platform with
REACH prototypes.
The prototypes forward raw data to the local server.
This server can forward or request data to or from the
CARP Cachet platform.
This exhibits the first step of REACH Engine and data
collection integration, a simple GUI for selecting the files
and raw data collection is implemented.

What differentiates us?

The initial step taken and presented in this exhibit can lead to a giant leap for a centralized health care data
management system which is called “REACH Engine” in the context of the REACH Project. The fully implemented
features include: safe and secure data communication and storage, centralized data management, sophisticated
data analysis algorithms running on the background for prevention and early detection aspects.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We are looking for future collaboration with hospitals and health care centers. Furthermore, cooperation with
technology developers in the field of “Ambient Assisted Living” is highly needed.

Contact data

Company name:                               Chair of Building Realisation and Robotics (TU Munich)
Contact person’s name and title            M.Sc. Amir Kabouteh, Research Associate and Teaching Assistant
Address                                    Arcisstrasse 21., 80333 Munich
Telephone                                  +49 89 289 25591

                     Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                     Science and The European Regional Development Fund

        REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
          received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                       Conference on
                               Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                 Company logo

Company name: Chair of Building Realisation and
Robotics, Technical University of Munich

Project name: Personalized Intelligent Interior Unit
Demo (MiniArc), REACH Touchpoint 2 & 4

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                  Project Picture

In this exhibit, we demonstrate a new approach for
increasing activity level and motivation among the

An interactive approach which supports elderly citizen to
use and adapt new technologies. This module can be
used as the main user interface for all REACH
prototypes, due to the fact that most of the sensors are
integrated to present their data on this interface. This
interface is designed to be highly adaptable to existing
furniture at seniors’ homes.

What differentiates us?

A modular and centralized unit for the elderly in order to improve physical and mental activity, motivation and
monitoring, this is implemented via approaches such as gaming and training. A smart furniture called PI2U-MiniArc.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We are looking for future collaboration with furniture designers and marketing teams in order to develop a product
for the market. Furthermore, future cooperation with hospitals and health care centers is also highly required for
implementation and testing.
Contact data

Company name:                                   Chair of Building Realization and Robotics (TU Munich)
Contact person’s name and title                M.Arch. Rongbo Hu, Research Associate and Teaching Assistant
Address                                        Arcisstrasse 21., 80333 Munich
Telephone                                      +49 89 289 25589

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

Company name: REACH2020

Project name: REACH Touchpoint 1 - Personal mobility

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

In Touchpoint 1, the REACH system enables older adults
to prolong their time living independently through cost
efficient, highly engaging, and safe community-
integrated exercise technology. Specifically, the REACH
system increases and maintains cardiopulmonary health
(aerobic fitness), balance (and reduce risk of falls
through target-oriented muscle strengthening activity),
and cognitive fitness.

What differentiates us?

By using additional sensing wearables (HR monitoring, activity tracker, activLife solution), Touchpoint 1 provides
valuable data for monitoring and early detection signs of physical decline among elderly. We propose activLife
intervention concept which integrate the sensing-monitoring, analyzing and personalizing of the intervention. The
element of activating training programs in a form of computer games is significant while motivating seniors to

What do we look for at the exhibition?

Financing opportunity; facilities to test our product; a collaboration partner; customer interest from the elderly
community; researcher who can assist us with future research collaboration; we look for advice about how to
improve our system/technology

Contact data

Company name: Alreh Medical
Contact person’s name and title: Dr. Dominika Kozak
Address: Alreh Medical Sp. z o.o., ul. Filtrowa 81/27, 02-032 Warszawa
Telephone: +48 534279488

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

Company name: REACH2020

Project name: REACH Touchpoint 2 - Active Environment

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

In Touchpoint 2, the REACH system enables patients to
reduce the duration of their hospitalisation, reduce
decline after discharge, reduce risk of readmission, and
be able to perform their ADL with reduced support from
professional caregivers.

What differentiates us?

In Touchpoint 2, the personalized intelligent interior units are developed by using a series of sensing technology
which is considered as a special type of smart furniture that integrates the REACH engine concepts by monitoring
patients’ biometric signals. Based on analyzed data we propose the intervention concept which will help patients to
reduce the duration of their hospitalization, decline after discharge and risk of readmission.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

Financing opportunity; facilities to test our product; a collaboration partner; customer interest from the elderly
community; researcher who can assist us with future research collaboration; we look for advice about how to
improve our system/technology.
Contact data

Company name: Chair of Building Realization and Robotics, Technical University of Munich
Contact person’s name and title: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Linner
Address: Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)89 289 22176

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                   Company logo

Company name: REACH2020

Project name: REACH Touchpoint 3 – Socializing &
Nutritional Monitoring

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                    Project Picture

In Touchpoint 3, the REACH system enables older adults
to improve their nutritional intake and their level of
physical activity through social engagement and
community participation.

What differentiates us?

Touchpoint 3 uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to monitor, analyze and collect data
through different medium in order to be able to offer a personalize improvement for the nutritional intakes and
level of physical and social activity for elderly by allowing them to self-report their nutritional intake and motivate
them to engage in more physical and social activities.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

Financing opportunity; facilities to test our product; a collaboration partner; customer interest from the elderly
community; researcher who can assist us with future research collaboration; we look for advice about how to
improve our system/technology.

Contact data

Company name: Eindhoven University of Technology
Contact person’s name and title: Prof. Dr. Yuan Lu
Address: Atlas 7.101, P.O. Box 513, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)40 247 5437

                     Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                     Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                   Company logo

Company name: REACH2020

Project name: REACH Touchpoint 4 - Gaming and

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                    Project Picture

In Touchpoint 4, The REACH system enables early
detection of critical changes in physical activity of older
adults, either short-term or long-term changes, and
supports      increased   physical    activity     through
individualized motivational strategies and playful social
or solitary activities.

What differentiates us?

In Touchpoint 4, we propose co-creative environments that encourage older adults toward more active life by
monitoring and analysing their current activities and improve it by ensuring a convenient and easy way of
estimating the change in their physical activities.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

Financing opportunity; facilities to test our product; a collaboration partner; customer interest from the elderly
community; researcher who can assist us with future research collaboration; we look for advice about how to
improve our system/technology.

Contact data

Company name: Technical University of Denmark
Contact person’s name and title: Henning Boje Andersen
Address: Centrifugevej 372, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Telephone: +45 45 25 45 44

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
 DoseSystem ApS                 Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

 DoseSystem ApS

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

DoseSystem – Medicine on time

is a simple system that increases adherence and ensures
medication on time. It provides support for the citizen,
insight for the staff and peace of mind for the relatives.
Today, DoseSystem helps citizens and staff in almost
half of all Danish municipalities and in 7 countries.

What differentiates us?

DoseCans from DoseSystem is an electronic reminder for dose packaged medicine or pill boxes. With beeping and
blinking funktions DoseCan reminds us when the medication should be takan and makes it possible to monitor
many drug users simultaneously. If the Ok-button is not pressed on the DoseCan the back-up is activated

and of great interest? Why will visitors want to visit our stand?
What do we look for at the exhibition?

We are looking for sales channels in Germany. Partners, Pharmacists and Affiliates, who can see the need and help
their clients / patients and relatives with a simple and inexpensive solution, on a major issue.

Contact data
DoseSystem ApS
Jesper K Thomsen CEO
Jernbane alle 78

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                            Conference on
                                    Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                          Company logo

Trone Danmark APS

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                           Project Picture

GyngeStole med liniær gyngning hvor skamlen ginger

What differentiates us?

Trone gyngestolen er ideel til plejehjem, sanse rum, psykiatrien, velværeaktivitet, hospitaler og dagligstuen. Det er
dokumenteret at den lineære vuggende gyngebevægelse, er god for blodomløbet, samt virker beroligende eller
aktiverende på brugeren. Den vuggende bevægelser stimulere samtidig brugerens balance. Trone gyngestolen er
lavet så den nemt og enkelt kan betjenes. Ryglænet justeres nemt så det passer til brugerens foretrukne siddestilling.
Gynge mekanismen har en nem betjent lås, som kan aktiveres, hvis stolen ikke

                 lookogfotirlbaat gthe,edeexthteibgiti
                                                    ørond?et nemt og sikkert at sætte sig i stolen, samt at komme op igen. Trone

Alt efter behov, kan stolen være med til at forbedre livskvalitet, skaber ro/velvære, afstresning af muskler, forbedre
blodomløb, stimulere sanser og for de fleste handicappede brugere fysisk eller psykisk, kan stolen betyde øget og
bedre mæthed for nødvendige sanseindtryk, større tilfredshed, mere ro, glæde, velvære o.s.v. og følelsen af at
kunne noget. Vi vil gerne have at folk får øje på de små ting der kan gøre en kæmpe forskel.

Contact data

Company name + CVR: Trone Danmark APS 33954522
Contact person’s name and title Kristine Rafn – Daglig leder
Address Hirsemarken 1
Telephone 32110090

                       Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                       Science and The European Regional Development Fund

        REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
          received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                         Conference on
                                 Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                 Company logo


What will we show at our exhibition stand?                  Project Picture

We have developed a unique VR Content distribution
platform for treatment of dementia

          WE TAKE AWAY
    1.    LONELYLESS
    2.    SOLITUDE
    3.    SAMENESS



What differentiates us?

Unique: We give multiple users the possibility to share VR experiences and talk to the Care Takers about them live.

Unique: We can track and do data mining on the objects of interest in the VR universe.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We look for:
1. Partners
2. Customers
3. Financing
Contact data

Moblos Aps cvr nr 31610834
Daniel Dasic CEO
Herluf Trolles Gade 23, st th
                      Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                      Science and The European Regional Development Fund

          REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
            received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                 Company logo

ABRACE ApS – we wish to increase quality of life
through a combination of sensory stimulation, safety
and aesthetic designs.

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                  Project Picture

At our stand, we will be presenting our ABRACE Relax-
product line as well as our new ABRACE Poncho and
Hugging Pillow. All our products are developed to calm
body and mind.

Through sensory stimulation the products have a
calming and relaxing effect on adults and children, who
struggle with psychological challenges. In ABRACE ApS,
we focus on lowering the stigmatization and create the
feeling of using ordinary products, which can be used as
a natural part of the everyday life.                                   ABRACE Relax and ABRACE Poncho

What differentiates us?

In ABRACE ApS, we embrace the individual need, care for the wellbeing and strive to create better quality of life
through functional and aesthetic designs. The uniqueness in ABRACE is not the individual elements – both sensory
stimulation, aesthetic designs and safety are well-known within the healthcare sector – the unique thing about our
products is the combination of the three components.

The aesthetic designs make ABRACE-products suitable to place within any environment, without it standing out as
remedies. We find this very essential that stigmatization shall not affect the desire of increasing one’s quality of
What do we look for at the exhibition?

We want to present our products to the healthcare sector, focusing on new market relations from e.g. psychiatry
and other organizations in the healthcare sector.

Contact data

Company name + CVR: ABRACE ApS, CVR: 39 36 56 42
Contact person’s name and title: Nanna Rasmussen, Communication and Marketing Manager
Address: Fåborgvej 15A, 9220 Aalborg Ø
Telephone: +45 2219 8880

www.                Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                  Company logo

AL Engineering A/S

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                   Project Picture

We will show and demonstrate a ready to use, paper
less web based QMS solutions that support Medical
device industry (start ups, small, medium size) in being
in compliance with the regulations and standards that is
essential for being allowed to produce and sell medical
devices to the market.

What differentiates us?

The platform offers a flexible organization management system, with ready to use Know- How sets allowing for fast
deployment in an organization, electronic documentation, unique social media elements, and the ability to include
attachments and templates. It has a built-in process editor, and includes on line training. It supports defining, roles,
automatic organization compliance report, send automatic notifications and share Information about contexts and
normative sources.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

Contact with Medical device producers (start ups, small, medium size)

Contact data

AL Engineering A/S: 25730011
Tina Linders COO/BDM
Tuse Næs Vej 7C
29 13 24 45

                     Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                     Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                 Company logo

AVDAN A/S, Stimuli Room CalmViso

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                  Project Picture

Stimuli Room CalmViso is an AV-environment that
combines light, sound and picture including content of
100 films produced specially for people with dimensia
or brain damage.

Stimuli Room CalmViso is a total experience that makes
people calm and sometimes talk again when they see
basic things they can relate to.

What differentiates us?

The total solution of Stimuli Room CalmViso including the range of specially produced films is what makes CalmViso
unique and “one of a kind”. The content has been tested and changed several times before the result of today.

At our stand it is possible to experience, see and try the Stimuli Room CalmViso. See the different films and talk to
our staff about references and results of working with this unique solution within health care.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

It is possible to test the Stimuli Room CalmViso in your own environment, or we can visit references that have
worked with the solution for a longer period. We can advise financing/leasing.

Contact data

Company name : AVDAN A/S, 35382747
Contact person’s name and title : Martin Pedersen, Partner/Salgsdirektør
Address: Niels Bohrs Vej 23, Terminal 2, 1st th, 8660 Stilling
Telephone +458745 6090/+452540 6594
E-mail /


                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                         Conference on
                                 Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                   Company logo


What will we show at our exhibition stand?                    Project Picture

A solution, DEMOS-10, for improving care of people
with dementia. DEMOS-10 provide detailed information
of the activities of a person, by recording his/her
circadian rhythm for a week using a sensor in a patch
applied to the person’s back.

The data give caretakers insight to activities and
rest/sleeping patterns and clarify if adjustment in care is

What differentiates us?

Today caretakers make individual observations when they are together with the person with dementia and
documents these observations in a text form. DEMOS-10 records the data continuously for a week and analyses the
data automatically and show the circadian rhythm for a week on one page.

The objective and automatic harvest data improve the caretakes knowledge and reduce their workload.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

Care homes for people with dementia and caretakers who look for new tools to improve dementia care.

Research partners, who do research in sleep behavior and circadian rhythm of elderly people or patients with
chronical diseases.

Contact data

Company name : BRANE ApS 38552740
Contact person’s name and title: Jens Branebjerg, CEO
Address: Stumpedyssevej 9, 2970, Hørsholm, Denamrk
Telephone: +45 5376 1009
E-mail :

www.                Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

        REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
          received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                   Company logo

G4S Care Technology and 9solutions

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                    Project Picture

9solutions is a leading provider of indoor location based
safety, communications and smart care solutions for
primarily hospitals, care homes and for home care, and
personal safety. Offering includes eg care phones, nurse
call, locating, activity monitoring and access control. Our
solutions enable our customers to provide secure, safe
and quality care.

What differentiates us?

We offer increased real-time situational awareness, based on real-time indoor locating and Intelligent Operational
Management – All information is real-time, on-demand and analyzed/comparable.

Our system is wireless and cloud-based which implies eg that our customers have the latest software at all times.
What you buy today is the latest software everyday in perpetuity.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We want to i) increase the awareness of our company, it’s products and joint cooperation between 9solutions and
G4S (in Denmark), ii) identify potential customers in Denmark within the chosen market segments and iii) identify
potential cooperation partners (resellers and/or installation/maintenance) outside Denmark.

Contact data

Company name : G4S Care Technology; CVR: 26 89 12 80
Contact person’s name and title: Lars Bo nielsen, Sales Specialist/BDM
Address: Roskildevej 157, 2620 Albertslund
Telephone: +45 40434029


                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                        Conference on
                                Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                                           Company logo

CEKURA A/S / Improving life for social vulnerable people.

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                                            Project Picture

Methods and technology to improve life for social vulnerable people e.g.
reducing anxiety, helping with day rhytm, etc.

We satisfy the need of be able to stay in own home and be more independent
despite a mental disease.

We have developed a service, that both helps reducing some of the
consequences of having a mental disease, and a motivation system for doing
daily task. The effects are documented in a report, which has been published and
Which we will show on the event

What differentiates us?

We combine technology with “a human face”. That means that means that our technology makes the frames, while
our service makes the connection to people.

The solution has documented positive effects on the daily life people with anxiety, depression and PTSD.

What do we look for at the exhibition?

We are looking for municipalities that are interested in doing a larger scale project with our solution. We are also
looking for companies which technology can be combined with our service.

Contact data

Company name: 34046352
Contact person’s name and title Søren Viktor Nielsen, Senior Marketing Manager
Address: Amagerbrogade 41, 1, 2300 KBH S
Telephone 23351271


                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                       Conference on
                               Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                Company logo

Data- & Designdrevet Sundhedsinnovation
Data-& Design-driven Health Innovation

What will we show at our exhibition stand?                 Project Picture

The Data and Design-driven Health Innovation project       Partners:
aims to create innovative commercial solutions to key
challenges in the health and welfare areas - national and
international. The Danish healthcare system
experiences a number of new and major challenges in
their daily work - which are also experienced globally. It
reflects a market need for new solutions that can be
tackled by innovative small and medium-sized
companies in Region Zealand and Greater Copenhagen.

What differentiates us?

The project offers opportunities for smv’s to elaborate their ideas, products and business cases. The innovation
process can be based on Danish health data (various types of descriptions of the health of citizens, which the
project can provide). Processed by Cumuli Design Lab with design thinking and design tools and in collaboration
with knowledge institutions, DTU and University College Absalon, where researchers and associate professors
contribute to the companies' prototype development with specific knowledge contributions.
What do we look for at the exhibition?

Collaboration partners, small and medium-sized companies with innovative ideas or products to increase health
What makes our solution unique and of great interest? Why will visitors want to visit our stand?
systems, processes and/or products. Companies must be located in Region Zealand and Greater Copenhagen.

Contact data

Company name: University College Absalon cvr-nr. 30 87 43 23
Contact person’s name and title: Michelle Vestbo-Nielsen Management Consultant
Address: Slagelsevej 70-74, 4180 Sorø
Telephone: 72481463

                    Danish Healthtech is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and
                    Science and The European Regional Development Fund

       REACH (Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare) has
         received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
15 May 2019 – Exhibition at the
                                         Conference on
                                 Active and Healthy Ageing 2019

Company name / project name                                   Company logo


What will we show at our exhibition stand?                    Project Picture

GUIDEN65 rate welfare-technology products and
services according to the quality of life they procure.
faldGUIDEN shows fall related technologies and

At the exhibition stand, we will engage users, relatives,
visitors, companies and cares. They will be able to rate
welfare-technology products and services online at the

Municipal staff, elderly people, their relatives and carers
are lacking knowledge and overview of the many
welfare-technology products and services, and their
effects. Our method engages the users, relatives and
caregivers, and ensure maximum involvement in
choosing the best product.

What differentiates us?

faldGUIDEN is the first of its kind in Denmark. User ratings, feedback systems and direct exchanges between users/
customers are frequent in many other business areas but are not yet very developed within the field of health and
care. faldGUIDEN is developed in direct co-creation with users, relatives, carers, companies and municipalities.
Many companies will be represented on faldGUIDEN and many municipalities are interested in using faldGUIDEN to
show technologies to their citizens.
Contact data

GUIDEN65, 40214178
Contact person’s name and title: Esther Davidsen, CEO
Address: Venture
What makes       Village, unique
            our solution  Hermodsvej
                                 and of5b, 8230
                                        great   Aarhus Why will visitors want to visit our stand?
Telephone: 31271930


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