Follow Huntington Park on Social Media - City of Huntington Park

Page created by Holly Burton
Follow Huntington Park on Social Media - City of Huntington Park
THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK                                                                                            THE CITY OF PERFECT BALANCE

COMMUNITY                                                                                       NEWSLETTER
QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER                                                                                                                            AUTUMN 2017

           Follow Huntington Park on Social Media
 Did you know that Huntington Park’s Pacific Boulevard commercial district is the third highest grossing commercial district
 in the County of Los Angeles? Besides that, it is the site of various community events hosted by the City. Become part of
 the conversation, and know what’s happening in the City by following the City of Huntington Park’s Facebook, Twitter and
 Instagram pages. Updates are posted on a daily basis with information on community events, breaking news, and City gov-

          Street Sweeping Parking Restrictions – For the Record                                               NEW LA County Voting System

                                                         In recent months the Police Department has        Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County
                                                         received inquiries regarding parking viola-       Clerk Elections Division would like to introduce
                                                         tions, current laws and how members of the        the new Voting Systems Assessment Project
                                                         community can avoid receiving a parking           (VSAP). The VSAP is committed to meet the needs
                                                         ticket. All streets in Huntington Park have       of current and future voters in Los Angeles County.
                                                         parking restrictions on street sweeping days.
                                                         The city enforces street sweeping parking         The vision for the new voting system includes early
                                                         restrictions on all streets, even when street     voting, vote centers, interactive sample ballots, elec-
                                                         sweeping has been curtailed by wet weather.       tronic poll books, ballot marking device, new vote
                                                         Cars parked on the street during the no park-     by mail experience, modern tally systems and ease
                                                         ing period for street sweeping are subject to a   of use for the handicap and disabled. The goal of
                                                         citation, even if the street sweeper has al-
                                                                                                           implementing this new experience will be by 2020.
                                                         ready passed.
                                                                                                           For more information visit the county’s website at:
 This is per 22507.6 of the California Vehicle Code, which reads in part: “ Local authorities may
 prohibit or restrict the parking of vehicles on designated streets, or portions thereof, for the
 purpose of street sweeping….” Simply put, this code doesn’t permit the parking of vehicles during
 the posted dates and times for which street sweeping is designated. It is imperative that residents of
 Huntington Park understand the importance of this rule and abide by it as to not be penalized.
 Though the street sweeper may have passed, the Public Works Department and other city services
 contract providers often schedules maintenance, beautification and repairs in conjunction with street
 sweeping posted time restrictions. This is done in order to minimize the risk of damage to vehicles
 and the impact to parking on any additional days.

 If there are any questions, you may refer to our city’s website at or call City Hall at (323)
 582-6161. For more information on the California Vehicle Code, visit

                                                                            PAGE 1
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City Council
Mayor Marilyn Sanabria
Vice Mayor Jhonny Pineda
Councilmember Karina Macias
Councilmember Graciela Ortiz
Councilmember Manuel “Manny” Avila

Edgar P. Cisneros, City Manager

The public is welcome to all city meetings, which are
held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 6550 Miles
Avenue, 2nd Fl., Huntington Park, unless indicated

                                                                            HPPD RIDING IN STYLE
1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm.
Notice of Special City Council Meetings will be posted at
City Hall, City facilities, and on the City website.                    Stepping into the 21st century, your Huntington          Emergency Service Vehicle. The new graphics are
                                                                        Park Police Department has updated their police          paired with the traditional black and white color
CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION                                                cars with a newer and sleeker design!                    scheme of most police vehicles in the U.S.
HISTORIC PRESERVATION                                                   We have invested in new police SUV patrol cars to        The new look shown is an example of our
As needed                                                               better protect the streets of Huntington Park. These     department’s efforts to step into the new age. In
                                                                        vehicles were purchased with asset forfeiture funds,     addition, the department has launched a new and
PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION                                         which results in no financial impact to the City.        revised website which can be found at: http://
Last Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm                                  Asset forfeiture funds are seized assets which are
                                                                        proceeds or instruments of a crime. Prior to our new
PLANNING COMMISSION                                                     design, the decals on our police vehicles were created   Be sure to keep your eyes open for the first wave of
3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm                                   in the late 1990’s.                                      the new and improved HP Police Cars!

SUCCESSOR AGENCY BOARD                                                  The new updates include the city seal, and an
1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 5:00 pm                              American flag with a blue stripe, representing an

1st Thursday of the month at 10:00 am and meet in the
Council Conference Room, 6550 Miles Ave

1st Monday of the month at 4:00 pm and meet at Salt
Lake Park, 3401 E Florence Ave

City Hall: (323) 582-6161
Parks & Recreation: (323) 584-6218
Code Enforcement: (323) 584-6262
Animal Control: (323) 826-6682
Graffiti Hotline: (323) 584-6380
Water Billing: (323) 584-6278
Trash and Bulky Item Pickup: (562) 699-7600
Dial-A-Ride: (866) 486-8775
HP Express: (323) 47607766
                                                                            LEAD HAZARD CONTROL
Emergency: 911                                                                    PROGRAM
                                                                        Everyone should have the ability to live in a                condition
The Community Newsletter is published on a quarterly basis by           beautiful, healthy home. As such, the Community             The properties must have one or more bedroom
the City of Huntington Park to provide information and updates          Development Department of the City of                        units
to the City’s residents. Visit the City’s website at for   Huntington Park is offering a free program that             Residents must be low-Income Families with
updated city information and resources.                                 seeks to improve the homes of residents.                     children under six (6) years of age that reside or
                                                                                                                                     visit the property (See table to the left for
                                                                        The City of Huntington Park provides FREE lead               income requirements)
                    INCOME LIMITS                                       grants (up to $14,440 for owner-occupied properties
                               ≤ 80% of Median, Low                     and up to $7,500 for rental properties) for lead         The Program also promotes education for owners
    Family Size                                                         hazard abatement. Lead hazard control activities         and tenants to help prevent childhood lead
                                                                        include interior and exterior painting, window and       poisoning.
           1                              ≤ 50,500                      door replacement, and other types of abatement.
           2                              ≤ 57,700                                                                               The Lead Hazard Control Program is funded by
                                                                        Residents who wish to participate in the program         federal grant funds from the US Department of
           3                              ≤ 64,900                      must meet the following criteria:                        Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of
                                                                                                                                 Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes.
           4                              ≤ 72,100                         Live in Single or Multi-Family properties in the
           5                              ≤ 77,900                          City of Huntington Park constructed prior to         For more information about these programs please
                                                                            1978                                                 call (323) 584-6300 or visit the Community
           6                              ≤ 83,650                         Must reside in properties that contain positive      Development Department at 6550 Miles Avenue.
                                                                            levels of lead-based paint that is in poor
           7                              ≤ 89,450
           8                              ≤ 95,200

                                                                                              PAGE 2
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LA CIUDAD DE HUNTINGTON PARK                                                                                   LA CIUDAD DE EQUILIBRIO PERFECTIO

COMMUNITY                                                                                        NEWSLETTER
BOLETÍN TRIMESTRAL                                                                                                                               OTOÑO 2017

                                                           E N E S PA Ñ O L

           Sigue a Huntington Park en tus paginas sociales
  ¿Sabías que el distrito comercial de Pacific Boulevard en Huntington Park es el tercer distrito comercial con mayor rendi-
  miento en ventas en el condado de Los Ángeles? Además de eso, es el lugar para varios de nuestros eventos comunitarios
  que patrocina la Ciudad. Unete a nuestras redes sociales, sigue nuestras páginas de Facebook, Twitter e Instagram de la Ciu-
  dad de Huntington Park, y sea parte de la conversación. Todos los días actualizamos las redes con información sobre los
  eventos comunitarios, noticias de última hora y novedades del gobierno.

   Restricciones de Estacionamiento Durante el Día Que Pasa La Barredora de Calles                            Nuevo Sistema del Condado Para Votar
                                                    En los últimos meses el Departamento de Policía ha       La Secretaria de Registros del Condado de Los
                                                    recibido preguntas sobre las infracciones de estacio-    Angeles presenta al público un nuevo sistema para
                                                    namiento, las leyes actuales, y como los miembros        votar llamado “Voting Systems Assessment Pro-
                                                    de la comunidad pueden evitar recibir tales infrac-      ject (VASP)(por sus siglas en Ingles). El VASP
                                                    ciones. Todas las calles en la Ciudad tienen restric-    tiene como propósito satisfacer las demandas de
                                                    ciones para los días en que pasa la barredora. La        los actuales y futuros votantes en el Condado de
                                                    Ciudad aplica estas restricciones en todas las calles,   Los Angeles. La visión para este nuevo sistema
                                                    aun cuando el paso de la barredora sea afectado por      para votar incluye: el voto temprano, centros para
                                                    días con un mal clima. Los vehículos estacionados        votar, ejemplos de boletas interactivas para votar,
                                                    en la calle durante los periodos de “No Estacionar-      panfletos/libros de encuestas electrónicos, dispo-
                                                    se” por el paso de la barredora están sujetos a reci-    sitivo para marcar sus boletas, un nuevo sistema
                                                    bir una infracción, aun si la barredora ya ha pasado.    para votar por correo, un sistema moderno para
                                                                                                             computar los votos y fácil acceso a personas dis-
 La sección del código de vehículos en California dice lo siguiente “Las autoridades locales pueden
                                                                                                             capacitadas. El objetivo es implementar este siste-
 prohibir o restringir el estacionamiento de vehículos en calles designadas, o partes de estas calles, con
                                                                                                             ma para el año 2020. Para más información, visite
 propósito del paso de la barredora..” Puesto de una manera simple, el código dice que vehículos no se
                                                                                                             la siguiente página del condado:           http://
 pueden estacionar durante los días y horas designadas para el paso de la barredora. Es critico que los
 residentes de la Ciudad comprendan esta importante regla y se apeguen a ella para que no reciban una
 infracción. Aunque la barredora ya haya pasado, el Departamento de Obras Publicas y otras entidades
 de la Ciudad a menudo llevan a cabo servicios de mantenimiento durante esas horas restringidas para
 estacionarse. Esto se hace para minimizar el riesgo a dañar cualquier vehículo durante estas actividades
 y también para evitar la restricción para estacionarse en otros días hábiles.
 Si tiene más preguntas, usted puede visitar nuestra página de internet o comunicarse con el
 ayuntamiento al (323) 582-6161. Para más información en el código de vehículos de California, visite
                                                                            PAGE 3
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Miembros del Consejo Municipal
Alcaldesa Marilyn Sanabria
Vice Alcalde Jhonny Pineda
Concejal Karina Macias
Concejal Graciela Ortiz
Concejal Manuel “Manny” Avila

Edgar P. Cisneros, Administrador de la Ciudad

El público es bienvenido a todas las juntas de la ciudad
que toman lugar en el salón de juntas, 2ndo piso, en el
ayuntamiento localizado en el 6550 Miles Avenue,
Huntington Park, a menos que se indique lo contrario:

1er y 3er Martes del mes a las 6:00 pm.
Notificación de las reuniones especiales del Consejo
                                                                           HPPD CONDUCE EN ESTILO
Municipal se publicarán en el ayuntamiento, instalaciones               Adaptándose al nuevo Siglo 21, el Departamento de          Emergencia. El Nuevo diseño se añade al esquema y
de la ciudad y en el sitio web de la ciudad.                            Policía de Huntington Park ha cambiado el diseño           a los colores blanco y negro tradicionales de la
                                                                        de sus carros por un estilo nuevo y mas eficiente!         mayoría de los vehículos de policía en los Estados
COMISIÓN DEL SERVICIO CIVÍL                                                                                                        Unidos.
COMISIÓN DE SALUD Y EDUCACIÓN                                           La Ciudad ha invertido en nuevas camionetas
CONSERVACIÓN DEL PATRIMONIO                                             patrulla para proteger mejor las calles de Huntington      El Nuevo estilo mostrado en la foto es un ejemplo
HISTÓRICO                                                               Park. Estos vehículos fueron comprados con fondos          del esfuerzo del departamento de policía para estar
Según sea necesario                                                     especiales que no afectan al presupuesto de la             en sintonía con nuevas generaciones. Además de
                                                                        ciudad. Estos fondos especiales son resultado de           esto, el departamento ha lanzado una nueva y
COMISIÓN DE PARQUES Y RECREACIÓN                                        decomisos durante actividades relacionadas con             mejorada pagina de internet la cual puede ser
El ultimo Miércoles del mes a las 6:00 pm                               acciones criminales. Antes de este ultimo diseño, las      encontrada en la siguiente dirección: http://
                                                                        calcomanías de nuestro carros de policía fueron  
COMISIÓN DE PLANIFICACIÓN                                               creadas en los años 1990.
3er Miércoles del mes a las 6:30 pm
                                                                                                                                   Asegúrate de mantener tus ojos abiertos para
                                                                        El Nuevo diseño incluye el logo de la Ciudad, y la         identificar a nuestra primera ola de nuevos y
                                                                        bandera Americana con una sola barra de color azul         mejoradas patrullas de policía!
                                                                        que representa a un vehículo de Servicio de
1er y 3er Lunes del mes a las 5:00 pm

1er Jueves del mes a las 10:00 am , las juntas toman lugar
en el cuarto de conferencia en el 2ndo Piso,
6550 Miles Ave

1er Lunes del mes a las 4:00 pm, las juntas toman lugar
en el Parque Salt Lake, 3401 E Florence Avenue

Ayuntamiento: (323) 582-6161
Parques y Recreaciones: (323) 584-6218
Cumplimiento del código: (323) 584-6262
Control de Animales: (323) 826-6682
Para reportar graffiti: (323) 584-6380
Facturación de agua: (323) 584-6278                                           PROGRAMA DE CONTROL DE
Basura y artículos voluminosos: (562) 699-7600
Dial-A-Ride: (866) 486-8775                                              PROPIEDADES QUE CONTIENEN PLOMO
HP Express: (323) 47607766
                                                                        Toda persona debería de tener la oportunidad de                encuentra en malas condiciones
Emergencia: 911                                                         vivir en una vivienda saludable. Por lo tanto, el             La vivienda tiene que tener una o más recamaras
                                                                        Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de la                  Los residentes deben de ser familias con bajos
El boletín de la comunidad es publicado trimestralmente por la
                                                                        Ciudad de Huntington Park está ofreciendo un                   ingresos con niños menores de 6 años de edad
ciudad de Huntington Park para proporcionar información y tener
                                                                        programa gratis para mejorar las casas de sus                  que viven o visitan la propiedad a menudo. (vea
actualizados a los residentes de la ciudad. Visite el sitio web de la   residentes.                                                    la información a la izquierda para
ciudad en para mas información y otros recursos
                                                                                                                                       requerimientos de bajos ingresos)
adicionales.                                                            La Ciudad de Huntington Park ofrece un subsidio
                                                                        gratis (hasta $14,440 dólares por propiedades              Este programa también provee información para
                                                                        personales y $7,500 por propiedades de renta) para         dueños e inquilinos de cómo ayudar a prevenir el
       LIMITE DE BAJOS INGRESOS                                         limpiar y extinguir el plomo en las casas. La limpieza     envenenamiento de niños con plomo.
      No. de    ≤ 80% del Promedio, Bajo                                y extinción se realiza en la pintura interior y exterior
     Miembros           Ingreso                                         e incluye el remplazo de ventanas, puertas, y otras        El Programa de Control de Peligros de Plomo es
        1               ≤ 50,500                                        áreas que pudieran contener plomo.                         financiado a través de un subsidio ofrecido por el
            2                             ≤ 57,700                                                                                 gobierno federal del Departamento de Vivienda y
                                                                        Los residentes que quisieran participar de este            Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) Oficina de Control de
            3                             ≤ 64,900                      programa deben de cumplir con los siguientes               Peligros de Plomo y Casas Saludables.
            4                             ≤ 72,100                      requisitos:
                                                                         Vivir en una vivienda independiente o                    Para más información acerca de este programa, por
            5                             ≤ 77,900                          propiedad multifamiliar en la Ciudad de                favor llame al (323) 584-6300 o visite el
            6                             ≤ 83,650                          Huntington Park que haya sido construida antes         Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario ubicado
                                                                            del año 1978.                                          en la 6550 de la Avenida Miles.
            7                             ≤ 89,450                       Debe vivir en una propiedad que contiene
            8                             ≤ 95,200                          niveles positivos de pintura con plomo que se

                                                                                               PAGE 4
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Keeping Our City Clean
                                                                                               Another Successful Story
                                                                                                                              At   the end of July, residents of the
                                                                                                                            city identified a private vacant proper-
                                                                                                                            ty at 2007 Laura Ave as a nuisance
     COMMERCIAL                                                                                                             property stating that it had become a
                                                                                                                            location for illegal dumping. Persons
    REHABILITATION                                                                                                          started illegally dumping trash, furni-
In its effort to better economic development                                                                                ture, building materials and other as-
opportunities, the City of Huntington Park is                                                                               sorted debris. Businesses around the
pleased to present its Commercial Rehabilitation                                                                            vacant property began to call the City
program.                                                                                                                    due to the buildup of trash and other
Each year, the City sets aside Community                                                                                    debris. During our investigation, City
Development Block Grant (CDBG) federal funds           services observed that the property in fact had become an illegal dumping ground.
to revitalize commercial properties by improving
access for the disabled, removing blight, and          On August 24 2017, after an exhaustive coordination with the court to legally access the abandoned pri-
helping older properties comply with updated           vate property, the Huntington Park Police Department together with members of the Code Enforcement
Building & Safety codes. The program gives a           Division and Public Works entered the location. The cleanup of the property started at 9am and ended at
grant, not exceeding $50,000 to approved
                                                       3pm. All trash, debris, building mate-
applicants and is targeted toward the revitalization
of aging commercial structures that are at least 20    rials, weeds were picked up and dis-
years old. The allotted money can be used to           posed of. The cleanup was complet-
improve the appearance of the commercial               ed on August 25th, when the proper-
property and to enhance the building.                  ty was closed and locked. In all, nine
                                                       (9) 40 yard bins of trash was re-
The City understands the importance of
maintaining the businesses in the area and actively    moved from the property. The va-
provides resources for business-owners.                cant property has remained open
Projects that have received assistance through the     with no further illegal dumping re-
Commercial Rehabilitation Program include
businesses located at 6425-6429 Pacific Blvd, 6433-
                                                       ported.       We invite the public to
6437 Pacific Blvd, and 7119-7125 Pacific Blvd.         keep and maintain our city clean and
                                                       safe. It is important for the residents to keep our streets free of any bulky item or any other item that is not
For more information about the Commercial              supposed to be placed on our sidewalks. Make an effort to coordinate with the Trash Hauler “UPW (866)
Rehabilitation Program, please contact the             699-7600 a time and date to pick up your items or to report any illegal dumping to the City at 323.584.6274
Community Development Department at (323)
584-6210 or visit City Hall, located at 6550 Miles

        PROGRAMA DE                                                 Manteniendo Nuestra Ciudad Limpia
                                                                                                Otra Historia De Exito
         COMERCIAL                                                                                                            A fines de Julio, residentes de la ciu-
                                                                                                                              dad identificaron una propiedad priva-
A través de un esfuerzo para ampliar las
oportunidades de desarrollo económico, la Ciudad                                                                              da en el 2007 de la Avenida Laura co-
de Huntington Park se complace en presentar su                                                                                mo un área que estaba siendo usada
programa de Mejoramiento Comercial                                                                                            para desechar basura ilegalmente. In-
                                                                                                                              dividuos empezaron a tirar basura,
Cada año, la Ciudad aparta fondos otorgados por el                                                                            muebles, materiales de construcción y
gobierno federal a través del programa Community                                                                              otros desechos. Los negocios alrede-
Development Block Grant (CDBG) para renovar
las propiedades comerciales y mejorar el acceso                                                                               dor de la propiedad llamaron a la ciu-
para personas con discapacidades, áreas urbanas                                                                               dad para reportar el acumulamiento de
deterioradas, y ayudar a mejorar propiedades                                                                                  basura. Durante nuestra investiga-
antiguas a que cumplan con los códigos de                                                                                     ción, la Ciudad determino que la pro-
Construcción y Seguridad de la Ciudad.                 piedad estaba siendo usada para desechar basura ilegalmente.

El programa otorga un subsidio gratis de no más        En agosto 24 del 2017, después de una larga y compleja coordinación con la corte para tener acceso a una
de $50,000 dólares a las personas que califican y se   propiedad privada y abandonada, nuestro Departamento de Policía junto con oficiales de Aplicación del
enfoca en el mejoramiento de estructuras antiguas      Código y Obras Publicas entraron al lugar. La limpieza empezó a las 9 am y termino a las 3 pm. Toda la
comerciales con al menos 20 años de antigüedad.        basura, desechos, maleza y otros
El subsidio puede ser usado para el mejoramiento       materiales fueron levantados. La
de la fachada de la propiedad y el edificio.           limpieza se completó al día siguien-
La Ciudad cree en la importancia de mantener           te, cuando la propiedad se cerró
buenos negocios en el área y activamente proveer       con un candado. Al final se recogie-
recursos para los dueños.                              ron nueve (9) camiones de 40 yar-
                                                       das cubicas de basura. La propie-
Algunos proyectos que han recibido asistencia a        dad se ha mantenido hasta ahora
través de este programa de mejoramiento comercial      limpia.
incluye negocios en las siguientes direcciones: 6425
-6429 Pacific Blvd, 6433-6437 Pacific Blvd, y 7119-    Invitamos   al público a mantener
7125 Pacific Blvd.                                     nuestra ciudad limpia y segura. Es
                                                       muy importante que nuestros resi-
Para más información acerca de este programa de
mejoramiento comercial, por favor contacte al          dentes mantengan nuestras calles libre de cualquier articulo voluminoso o peligroso que no debería de ser
Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario al (323)        desechado en nuestras banquetas. Hagan un esfuerzo para coordinar con la Compañía de Basura (UPW)
584-6210 o visite el palacio municipal localizado      (866) 699-7600 la hora y el día para que recojan sus objetos voluminosos o llame a la Ciudad al
en el 6550 de la Avenida Miles.                        323.584.6274 para reportar desechos ilegales en las banquetas.

                                                                             PAGE 5
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                                                 PARQUES Y RECREACIÓN: CALENDARIO DE CLASES
                   FITNESS & WELLNESS                                                                               DANCE
                          Aerobic Body Toning                                                                         Ballet
Aerobic Body Toning offers a well-balanced and complete workout that                                                                                                           HOW TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES
                                                                              Creative movement class will introduce the basics of ballet techniques and
will help you improve your cardiovascular fitness coordination and burn       terminology. Class includes learning body alignment, posture and flexibil-          1.    Fill out the Activity or League Registration Form. The
calories.                                                                     ity.                                                                                      form is available online at or at the Salt
Classes: 16               Fee: $28                  Ages: 12+                 Mandatory items include: tights, leotard, leather ballet flats and hair in a              Lake Park Recreation Center (3401 E. Florence Ave.).

10/9/17 to 11/2/17        Monday - Thursday         8:30am - 9:30am           bun.                                                                                2.    Take the completed Activity/League Registration Form
11/13/17 to 12/11/17 Monday - Thursday              8:30am - 9:30am           Classes: 6                Fee: $40                                                        and payment to the Salt Lake Park Recreation Center.

                                    Zumba                                     Pre                Thu    11/2/17 to 12/14/17      4:15pm - 5:00pm      3-4                     NOTE: Fees are payable by Check, Money
                                                                              Kinder             Thu    11/2/17 to 12/14/17      5:00pm - 5:45pm      5-6                     Order, Visa or Master Card ONLY
A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle
                                                                                                                                                                              Make payments to : “City of Huntington Park”.
conditioning, balance and flexibility. Take the "work" out of workout         Beginner           Thu    11/2/17 to 12/14/17      6:00pm - 6:45pm      7 - 12
with this fun class by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for
                                                                              Pre                Sat    11/4/17 to 12/16/17      12:00pm - 12:45pm 3.5 - 4
an interval-style, calorie-burning, dance fitness party.
                                                                                                                                                                             CÓMO INSCRIBIRSE EN LAS CLASES
                                                                              Kinder             Sat    11/4/17 to 12/16/17      11:00am - 11:45am    5-6
Classes: 12               Fee: $35                   Ages: 12+
                                                                              Beginner           Sat    11/4/17 to 12/16/17      10:00am - 10:45am    7 - 11      1.    Llene el formulario de registro de actividad o registro de
10/10/17 to 11/2/17       Tuesday - Thursday         8:30am - 9:30am
                                                                                                                                                                        la liga. El formulario está disponible en nuestra pagina
11/14/17 to 12/12/17 Tuesday - Thursday              8:30am - 9:30am          Inter.             Sat    11/4/17 to 12/16/17      9:00am - 10:00am     9+                web o en el centro de recreaciónes del
                                                                                                                                                                        Parque Salt Lake (3401 E. Florence Ave.).
10/10/17 to 11/2/17       Tuesday - Thursday         6:30pm-7:30pm                                                  Folklorico
11/14/17 to 12/12/17 Tuesday - Thursday              6:30pm-7:30pm                                                                                                2.    Lleve el formulario de registro de actividad o de la liga y
                                                                              Join the fun in Folkloric dance. Learn about Mexican culture through fun
                                                                                                                                                                        el costo de pago completo a el centro de recreación del
                                                                              and enjoyable Folkloric dances that represent the different regions of
                      TODDLER CLASSES                                         Mexico. No previous experience necessary. Mandatory items include:
                                                                                                                                                                        Parque Salt Lake.

                          Creative Little Hands                               shoes, skirt, head piece, leotard. All items range from $10-$60; please                         NOTA: El costo se puede pagar con cheque,
                                                                              speak with instructor for full list of items needed for the class.
Fun four-week program gives children the opportunity to develop their
creativity through different arts and craft activities.                       Classes: 6                 Fee: $35                                                            FREEDOM PARK SPLASH PAD
Classes: 4                 Fee: $30               Ages: 3-5
                                                                              Beginner            Mon    10/23/17 to 12/4/17       4:30pm - 5:30pm      4-7     Join us and enjoy the free Splash Pad with family and friends and stay
10/13/17 to 11/3/17        Friday                 9:00am - 10:30am                                                                                              cool. Freedom Park offers a small playground and benches near the
                                                                              Int.                Mon    10/23/17 to 12/4/17       5:30pm - 6:30pm      8-13
11/17/17 to 12/15/17 Friday                       9:00am - 10:30am                                                                                              splash pad and is open Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend.
                                                                              Advanced            Mon    10/23/17 to 12/4/17       6:30pm - 7:30pm      14-18
                                                                                                                                                                Fee: FREE                                          Ages: All
                         MUSIC CLASSES                                        Int.                Tues 10/24/17 to 12/5/17         5:30pm - 6:30pm      8-13
                                                                                                                                                                Freedom Park                                  3801 E. 61st St.
                            Guitar (Acoustic)                                 Advanced            Tues 10/24/17 to 12/5/17         6:30pm - 7:30pm      14-18
                                                                                                                                                                Days: Thursday– Saturday                      Times: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Don’t sit back and watch others play guitar. Bring your guitar and learn               *Recreation class dates and times are subject to change*
how to read music, learn the different cords and learn how to play sim-
ple songs in a welcoming group setting. $15 mandatory guitar book fee.                                             Aztec Dance                                                   SALT LAKE SPLASH PAD
Students must provide their own guitar.                                       Participants will enjoy learning different Aztec dances and their meanings        Get ready to enjoy the new splash pad at Salt Lake Park (3401 E.
Classes: 4                Fee: $40              Ages: 8+                      and attributes. Everyone is welcome to participate in the universal instinct      Florence Ave.) during the Summer months. The Splash Pad will be
                                                                              of dance and celebration.                                                         operational between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day week-
10/12/17 to 11/2/17       Thursday              6:30pm - 7:30pm
                                                                              Mondays - Perez Park Banquet Hall (6208 Alameda St.)                              end. Be sure to bring a towel and wear proper swim attire!
11/16/17 to 12/14/17 Thursday                   6:30pm - 7:30pm               Wednesdays - Salt Lake Park Club Room #4 (3401 E. Florence Ave.)                  Hours of operation: TBD

                      SPECIAL INTEREST                                        Classes: 6                     Fee: $10
                                                                                                                                                                                      SPECIAL EVENTS
                                    Karate                                    Adult & Senior           Mon   10/23/17 to 11/27/17 7:00pm - 8:00pm 18+
Looking for a class where you or your child can learn self-defense and                                                                                                                   HALLOWEEN
                                                                              Youth                    Wed
                                                                                                        10/25/17 to 11/29/17 6:00pm –7:00pm 17 &
get a good workout? If so, karate is for you. Learn how to defend
                                                                                                                                                         under Calling all witches, goblins and ghouls! Join us as we celebrate the
yourself while enjoying an excellent workout. $40 mandatory uniform
fee.                                                                                                                                                           annual “Haunt”ing Park’s Halloween festival on Tuesday, October
                                                                                                     FACILITY PASSES                                           31, 2017 from 5-9 PM at Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles Ave.).
Classes: 8                Fee: $45                  Ages: 7+                  Facility passes provide access to city fitness facilities at two locations       Dress up and participate in the free costume contest 5-7pm, divi-
10/9/17 to 11/1/17        Monday & Wednesday 6:00 - 7:00pm                    (Salt Lake Park and Raul Perez Park). Facilities include fitness rooms,          sions: 0-2, 3-6, 7-12, 13+ Bring a chair and blanket to watch “The
                                                                              gymnasium, and lockers.                                                          Book of Life” under the stars and do you dare enter this year’s court
11/13/17 to 12/6/17       Monday & Wednesday 6:00pm - 7:00pm
                                                                                                                                                               house maze? Free photo stations will be available (bring your cam-
                                                                                   Pass Type             Salt Lake Park                  Perez Park
                               Ice Skating                                                                                                                     era) and don’t forget to Trunk or Treat. For more information,
                                                                                  Annual Adult                 $50                           $40               please contact the Parks and Recreation Center at (323) 584-6218 or
Paramount Iceland's enthusiastic and dedicated coaching staff encour-                                                                                          visit
ages skaters of all ages and all levels to have fun while learning the fun-      Annual Youth                  $15                           $15
damentals of skating, gliding, turning, stopping….and a trick or two!                  Monthly                      $15                     $15
                                                                                                                                                                                       VETERANS DAY
Skate rental is included in class fee. Must wear helmet.
                                                                                         Daily                      $5                       $5
                                                                                                                                                                The City of Huntington Park will be hosting its annual Veteran’s Day
Classes: 8                Fee: $55           Ages: 3-18
                                                                                                                                                                Ceremony on Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. The event
10/14/17 to 11/4/17       Saturday           11:30am - 12:15pm                         THE SPOT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                will take place at the Huntington Park Community Center located at
11/18/17 to 12/9/17       Saturday           11:30am - 12:15pm                The After School Program provides a place for children to interact                6923 Salt Lake Avenue. City officials will be partake in the special
                                                                              outside of the classroom. Participants will engage in various activities          event ceremony and honor U.S. Veterans. Free refreshments will be
                     Nippon Kempo (Self Defense)                              including: homework assistance, arts & crafts, intramural sports, board           provided by City of Huntington Park. For more information, please
                                                                              games, and much more! The After School Program also offers free                   contact the Parks and Recreation Center at 323-584-6218 or visit
Nippon Kenpo uses self-defense techniques in sticking, kicking, throw-
                                                                              snack to participants, on a first come–first served basis, at all program
ing, reverse-holds, and ground combat. We are very similar to MMA/
                                                                              locations. For information on the snack program, please contact the
UFC martial arts (body armor is used during training and competition                                                                                                        TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY
                                                                              Parks and Recreation Center at (323) 584-6218 or visit
tournaments). Leadership, anti-Bullying, health & wellness, and nutri-
tion education classes are included in the curriculum. $40 mandatory                                                                                            Residents and visitors are invited to attend this year’s Tree Lighting
                                                                              Fee: FREE                      Ages: 6 - 13
uniform fee                                                                                                                                                     Ceremony held on Monday, December 4, 2017 from 4-6pm. The
                                                                              Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles Ave.)            2 - 5 pm    Mon - Fri          special event will take place at Robert H. Keller Memorial Park locat-
Classes: 8                 Fee: $40                Ages: 5+                                                                                                     ed next to City Hall at 6550 Miles Ave. Join us as we kick off the
                                                                              *Tuesdays 1 - 5pm
10/10/17 to 11/7/17        Tuesday & Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm                                                                                                   holidays with a performances by Huntington Park’s finest dance
                                                                              Freedom Park (3801 E. 61st St.)                    2 - 5 pm    Mon - Fri          groups, light up the tree, and take photos with Santa Claus! Hot
11/14/17 to 12/12/17 Tuesday & Thursday 6:00pm - 7:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                cocoa and cookies will be available while supplies last. For more
                                                                              *Tuesdays 1 - 5pm
                                                                                                                                                                information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Center at 323-
                    Sewing & Auto Upholstery 101
                                                                                                                                                                584-6218 or visit
Save money and dress in style by sewing your own cloths. Students will                                 NUTRITION PROGRAM
learn how to select patterns, fabrics, pattern layout, and construction.                                                                                                             HOLIDAY PARADE
You can also learn auto upholstery, learn basic sewing, diamond tufting
and how to sew pleats…. and much more! $20 mandatory materials                Free healthy snacks are available for after school participants. Regis-           Join the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council along
                                                                              tration is free and open to anyone 18 and under. Visit Robert H.                  Pacific Boulevard (from Slauson Ave. to Florence Ave.) for the Holi-
                                                                              Keller Park or Freedom Park, Mondays through Fridays* for more                    day Parade. The free event will include celebrities and local talent.
Classes: 6                Fee: $60                Ages: 12+                                                                                                     The event will take place on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
10/28/17 to 12/2/17 Saturday                      9:00am - 12:00pm                                                                                              For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Cen-
                                                                              Fee: FREE                                        Grades: 18 and under             ter at 323-584-6218 or visit

                                                                                                                                                                 *Recreation class dates and times are subject to change*

                                                                                                                   PAGE 6
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                                               PARQUES Y RECREACIÓN: CALENDARIO DE CLASES
                     SENIOR PROGRAM                                                                                                                           SPORTS
Calling all Seniors! Join and participate in the Senior Program located                                                                     YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES
at the Huntington Park Community Center - 6923 Salt Lake Ave.
                                                                                                    Program                               Ages                Fee                                             Registration
Senior Program takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
from 9:00am - 4:00pm. Senior activities include dancing, bingo,             Youth Basketball                                               7 - 17             $65*                                         8/14/17 - 10/21/17
knitting, karaoke, venturing off on excursion trips, and partaking in
                                                                            Little Dribblers                                                4-6               $65*                                         12/4/17 - 2/24/18
recreational activities. For more information please contact the Parks
& Recreation Department at (323) 584-6218 or visit us at                    Youth Baseball                                                   4-6              $65*                                          1/3/18 - 3/3/18
                                                                            *Fee is $65 per child before registration deadline for Huntington Park Residents and $75 per child non-resident. There is a $10 late fee for all registrations after the dead-

                                                                                                                                                    BECOME A COACH!
                                                                            Interested in sharing the skills of your favorite sport? The City of Huntington Park invites you to become a part of the Parks & Recreation Depart-
                                                                            ment by becoming a volunteer coach. For more information on how to apply, contact the Salt Lake Park Recreation Center at 323-584-6218 or
                                                                            complete a Volunteer Coach Form.
                                                                            The Department of Parks & Recreation is always looking for highly motivated enthusiastic volunteers looking to make a difference in the communi-
                                                                            ty. If you are interested in volunteering in our programs and/or special events please stop by Salt Lake Park and to pick up an application. For more
                                                                            information on how to apply, contact the Salt Lake Park Recreation Center at (323) 584-6218 or visit us at
                                                                                                                                          DROP IN SPORTS PROGRAMS
                                                                            The Drop-in program offers informal play organized by the participants on the field or court—there are no set teams, referees, scores, or standings
                   YOUTH COMMISSION                                         taken. All drop-in opportunities are geared for both men and women of all experience levels as a means to stay active through sport.

The City of Huntington Park set ten Youth Commission positions                         Sport                Ages       Fee              Day                            Time                                            Location
for young individuals determined to make positive changes in their          Free Play Soccer                  All     FREE       Monday - Friday                2:00pm - 4:00pm                   Salt Lake Park Kevin De Leon Soccer Field
community by voicing the concerns of the community. They serve
the commission in order to connect the community with the local             Free Play Soccer                  All     FREE             Friday                   8:00pm - 10:00pm                  Salt Lake Park Soccer Square Field
government. Additionally, the commission dedicates their time
volunteering at events and holidays in order to make it enjoyable for       Free Play Softball                All     FREE            Sunday*                   6:30pm - 9:00pm                   Salt Lake Park Baseball Diamonds
the community. Overall Chair Angel De Santiago, Vice Chair Paulina          Drop-in Soccer                    All       $3          Wednesday                   4:00pm - 10:00pm                  Salt Lake Park Kevin De Leon Soccer Field
Ramos, Secretary Nelly Perez, Commissioner Kimberly Guzman,
Commissioner Carlos Torres, Commissioner Karol Gutierrez,                   Drop-in Volleyball               16+        $2            Tuesday                   9:00pm - 11:30pm                  Salt Lake Park Basketball Gymnasium
Commissioner Kaitlyn Zesati, Commissioner Joel Palma, Alyssa Rivas
                                                                            Drop-in Basketball               16+        $2           Thursday                   9:00pm - 11:30pm                  Salt Lake Park Basketball Gymnasium
care greatly about making positive changes in the community
especially for the future generation. The Youth Commission meets            *Free play softball will be held every first and last Sunday of the month, please call in advance for availability.
the first Monday each month in the Lounge at Salt Lake Park at 4pm.

                                                                                                     FARMER’S MARKET
Grab your market basket and visit the Huntington Park Farmers Market at Salt Lake Park - 3401 E. Florence Avenue, every Wednesday from 8:30am - 1:30pm, rain or shine. The farmers market provides residents access to
healthy organic options which complement the City’s efforts to become a healthier Huntington Park. Products available at the market include: bee products, fruit/veggie juices, fruit jellies, fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts,
plants, baked goods, beverages, crepes, granola, kettle corn, roasted corn, Salvadorian foods, Mexican foods, and much more!

                                                                                        FACILITY & ATHLETIC RENTALS
Reservations for banquets, meeting rooms, and athletic facilities are available at multiple sites through the City of Huntington Park. Please call the Parks & Recreation Department at (323) 584-6218 or visit
for more information on rentals or to schedule a site visit.

                                                                          SALT LAKE PARK SPLASH PAD GRAND OPENING
         After much anticipation on Saturday, September 16th community members participated in the grand opening of the Salt Lake Park Splash Pad. The event included music, free game booths, and giveaways.


                                                                     PARK LOCATIONS/UBICACIONES
                                                                                      PAGE 7    DE LOS PARQUES
         Chesley Park                       Robert Keller Park                       Freedom Park                                  Salt Lake Park                        Senior Citizen Park                    Raul Perez Memorial Park
   Zoe Ave & Albany St                        6550 Miles Ave                         3801 E 61st St                  3401 E Florence Ave                                 6923 Salt Lake Ave                           6208 Alameda St
                                                                                                                PAGE 7
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UPCOMING EVENTS | PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS                                                                                                                                                      U.S. P
                                                          OCTOBER                                                                                                                              Pasadena,

City Council Meeting | Junta del Concilio                              City Council Meeting | Junta del Concilio
October 3, 6:00 pm                                                     October 17, 6:00 pm
Council Chambers, 6550 Miles Ave                                       Council Chambers, 6550 Miles Ave.                                   ****ECRWSSEDDM****
Annual Halloween Festival                                              Festival Anual de Halloween                                             Postal Customer
October 31— 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm                                         October 31— 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles Ave.)                                Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles Ave.)
City Council Meeting | Junta del Concilio                              City Council Meeting | Junta del Concilio
November 7, 6:00 pm                                                    November 21, 6:00 pm
Council Chambers, 6550 Miles Ave                                       Council Chambers, 6550 Miles Ave
Veteran’s Day Ceremony                                                 Ceremonia del Dia de Los Veteranos
November 11, 11:00 am                                                  Noviembre 11, 11:00 am
HP Community Center — 6923 Salt Lake Ave.                              HP Community Center — 6923 Salt Lake Ave.
City Council Meeting | Junta del Concilio                              City Council Meeting | Junta del Concilio
December 5, 6:00 pm                                                    December 19, 6:00 pm
Council Chambers, 6550 Miles Ave                                       Council Chambers, 6550 Miles Ave
Tree Lighting Ceremony                                                 Ceremonia-Iluminacion del Arbol de Navidad
December 4, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm                                         December 4, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles Ave.)                                Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles Ave.)
Holiday Parade                                                         Desfile de Navidad
December 9, 6:00 pm                                                    December 9, 6:00 pm
Pacific Boulevard (Slauson Ave. - Florence Ave.)                       Pacific Boulevard (Slauson Ave. - Florence Ave.)

                                            EVENTOS ESPECIALES                                                                                     COMING SOON—ART CLASSES
                                FESTIVAL ANNUAL DE HALLOWEEN                                                                                   MUY PRONTO—CLASES DE ARTE
Se hace un llamado a todas las brujas y duendes! Únete a nosotros para celebrar nuestro Festival Anual de Halloween
                                                                                                                               La Ciudad muy pronto a través del Departamento de Parques y Recrea-
“Haunt”ing Park’s el Martes, Octubre 31 del 2017 de las 5 pm a 9pm en el parque Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles
Ave.). Disfrázate y participa en el concurso de disfraces de 5 a 7 pm bajo las siguientes divisiones de acuerdo a tu           ciones ofrecerá clases de Arte para todas las edades. Regístrate Ya!
edad: 0-2, 3-6, 7-12, 13+, trae una silla y una frazada para ver la película “The Book of Life” (El libro de Vida) bajo        Antes de que se llenen todos los espacios. Para mas información, por
las estrellas y acaso te atreverás a entrar a nuestro laberinto embrujado en el edificio de la corte? Tendremos una
estación para tomar fotos gratis (no olvides traer tu cámara) y no olvides participar de este gran evento. Para mas
                                                                                                                               favor llama al (323) 584-6218 o visita
información, por favor contacta al Centro de Parques y Recreación al (323) 584-6218 o visita
                                                                                                                               The City through the Department of Parks and Recs will soon offer
                                          DIA DE LOS VETERANOS                                                                 Art Classes to persons of all ages. Register Today before it is too late
La Ciudad de Huntington Park será el anfitrión de la Ceremonia Anual del Día de Los Veteranos el Sábado 11 de                  to be part of it. For more information, please call (323) 584-6218 or
Noviembre del 2017 a las 11 am. La ceremonia se llevara a cabo en el centro comunitario de Huntington Park locali-             visit
zado en el 6923 de la avenida Salt Lake. Oficiales de la Ciudad participaran en este evento especial para honrar a nues-
tros veteranos de guerra. Un refrigerio gratis será provisto por la Ciudad de Huntington Park. Para mas información,
por favor contacte al departamento de Parques y Recreación al 323-584-6218 o visite

Residentes y visitas están invitados a asistir a la ceremonia de la iluminación del Árbol de Navidad que se llevara a cabo
el Lunes, Diciembre 4 del 2017 de 4 a 6pm. Este evento especial tomara lugar en el Parque Robert H. Keller Memorial
Park localizado al lado del Palacio Municipal (6550 Miles Ave) Únete a nosotros a darle comienzo a nuestros días
festivos con la participación de los mejores grupos de baile fe Huntington Park. Iluminemos nuestro Árbol y tomemos
                                                                                                                                          La Ciudad de Huntington Park Anuncia:
fotos con Santa Claus! Chocolate caliente y galletas serán servidas hasta que se nos acaben. Para mas información, por                    2017 Premio Festivo de La Alcaldesa
favor contacte al departamento de Parques y Recreación al 323-584-6218 o visite

                                            DESFILE DE NAVIDAD
                                                                                                                                  Premios y reconocimientos para los ganadores!
Únete a nuestra Honorable Alcaldesa y a los miembros de nuestro concejo municipal durante la celebración del desfile
de las fiestas navideñas que se llevara a cabo en el Boulevard Pacific (de Slauson Ave. a Florence Ave.). Este evento           Las nominaciones se pueden hacer en
gratuito incluirá celebridades y talento local. El desfile se llevara a cabo el Sábado, Diciembre 9 del 2017 a las 6:00 p.m.      Comenzando el Lunes, 27 de Noviembre del 2017
Para mas información, por favor contacte al departamento de Parques y Recreación al 323-584-6218 o visite                                                                                                                    Puede nominar en cualquiera de las siguentes catego-
                               PROGRAMA DESPUES DE LA ESCUELA
El programa después de escuela provee un lugar para que los niños interactúen fuera del salón de clases. Los participan-
                                                                                                                                                    Casa Mejor Decorada
tes desarrollan varias actividades incluyendo: ayuda con sus tareas, manualidades, arte, deportes, juegos de mesa, y mucho                         
                                                                                                                                                 Vecindad Mejor Decorada
mas! El programa también ofrece refrigerios gratis a los participantes, ofreciéndolo a los niños en el orden que llegan, en               Balcon de Apartamento Mejor Decorado
todos sus centros. Para mas información sobre este programa, por favor contacte al departamento de Parques y Recrea-
ción al 323-584-6218 o visite

Robert H. Keller Park (6550 Miles Ave.)                                     2 - 5 pm                  Lunes - Viernes
*Martes 1 - 5pm

Freedom Park (3801 E. 61st St.)                                             2 - 5 pm                  Lunes - Viernes
*Martes 1 - 5pm

Cuota: GRATIS                             Edades: 6 - 13                                                                                  The City of Huntington Park Announces:
                                        PROGRAMA DE NUTRICION                                                                                  2017 Mayor’s Holiday Award

                                                                                                                                        Prizes & Awards for winning entries!
Gratis y saludables refrigerios estan disponibles para los participantes del programa despues de escuela. La registracion
                                                                                                                                     Nominations can be made at
es gratis y esta abierta para cualquier persona menor de 18 anos. Visita el parque Robert H. Keller Park o el parque
Freedom de Lunes a Viernes para mas informacion. (cerrado durante los dias festivos).                                                 Beginning on Monday, November 27, 2017
Cuota: GRATIS                                                              Edades: 18 y menores de 18 anos                       You can nominate on any of the following categories:

          For more information about upcoming events, visit the City Calendar of Events on
                         the website: or call (323) 582-6161.                                                                         Best Decorated Home
         Para más información sobre los próximos eventos, visite el Calendario de Eventos de                                                    Best Decorated Neighborhood
                la ciudad en la pagina web: o llame al (323) 582-6161.                                                           Best Decorated Apartment Balcony

                                                                                                               PAGE 8
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