Page created by Duane Chen
FOCUS          The MAGAZINE of
             St. Mary’s Tadcaster,
         St. Andrew’s Newton Kyme,
          St. Mary’s Church Fenton,
St. John the Baptist Kirkby Wharfe with Ulleskelf

         July/August 2021                           60p
CURATE                  Lucy Brencher
                        Tel: 07940 514492       email:

READERS                 Dorothy Clark, Moat Garth, Little Fenton, Sherburn-in-Elmet
                        LS25 6HQ              Tel: 01937 557361
                        Jane Perkins, 18 Fieldside Court, Church Fenton, LS24 9WA
                        Tel: 01937 558252       email:
                        Steve West, 28 Golf Links Crescent, Tadcaster, LS24 9HG
                        Tel: 01937 835098       email:

                        Tricia West, 28 Golf Links Crescent, Tadcaster, LS24 9HG
                        Tel: 01937 835098        email:

ADMINISTRATOR           Rachel Hughes, 43 Grange Avenue, Tadcaster, LS24 8AN
                        Tel: 07545 516949    email:

Editing & Advertising   Hannah Shortland

Distribution            Irene Helps, 15 Cedar Drive, Tadcaster, LS24 9TJ
                        Tel: 01937 919018      email:

GIFT AID                Steve West (see above)

SUNDAY SCHOOL           John Horton             Tel: 07768386938

   15 Westgate, Tadcaster, LS24 9JB

        ESTABLISHED 1858

   FLORAL                      MONUMENTAL
  TRIBUTES                       SERVICE


             24 HOUR SERVICE

           BOSTON SPA 01937 842574
           YORK       01904 797575

                       July/August 2021

8     Opening Letter

10    What’s On

25    Baptisms & Marriages

26    Funerals

    For everything you need to know about our Benefice
     and for the latest information on services and other
               events, please visit our website
                  or our social media pages

   The Hidden Treasures team are looking for volunteers to help with
 their afternoon sessions - Mondays to Fridays - 12.30pm - 3pm. If you,
  or someone you know, may be able to offer a few hours of your time
            on a regular basis then please contact Delia Wells
                01937 541517

A note from the Editor…
After Covid restrictions put a stop to our regular printing over 15 months
ago, we are now finally able to bring back the magazine in it’s original
paper format. Whether this magazine is finally dropping on your doormat
again, or if you’re a new or regular subscriber to our digital magazine -

If you have received this magazine in paper format and you thought you
had signed up for a digital copy, we apologise, but this may be that your
distributor has not let the organiser know. Please drop an email to the
Benefice administrator at stmarystadcaster@gmail,com with your name,
address and distributor’s name and we will rectify the error.

There is still the option to sign up to receive Focus as a digital copy - this
is free and in colour - please email the administrator (as above) making it
clear whether you were previously having a paper copy delivered or if you
are a new subscriber.

                                                          Hannah Shortland

        FOCUS is published bimonthly by St. Mary’s Church, Tadcaster
                         for the Tadcaster Benefice

    The deadline for articles to be included in the next magazine is
 Sunday 15th August. Articles are preferred typed and sent via email to
Would your business like to advertise here?
                 If so, please email
              We cover Tadcaster and some of the surrounding villages.

                            Focus Advertising Rates 2021
                                   Full page £110
                                    ½ page £70
                                    ¼ page £40
  All advertisements in Focus are accepted on the understanding that the description of goods or
 services is accurate and true. Every effort is made the see that information is correct and reliable.
 Focus accepts neither responsibility nor gives any guarantee in case of any dispute or claim as to
  quality, condition, or delivery of product or service. It is not to be taken that publication implies
recommendation of any advertisement. It is always advisable to check prices when ordering goods
                                               or services.

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I’m sorry if you’re not a football fan,
but at the time of penning this
letter, one of the main topics of
conversation in the UK is the start of
the delayed 2020 European
Championships. With England,
Scotland and Wales all taking part,
there is optimism across a large part
of the population, although that
might have evaporated by the time
you read this!

The first round of matches is in progress and there is much discussion
about the Denmark v Finland match during which one of the Danish
players, Christian Eriksen, suffered a cardiac arrest and needed CPR on
the pitch before being taken to hospital. He played for several years for
Spurs in the Premier League. The good news at present is that he appears
to be making a good recovery.

Football crowds are not renowned for their generosity towards their
opponents; nonetheless, in a rare moment of unity, there has been
widespread support for the player and good wishes for his full recovery
expressed by all of the football fraternity.

It has made me sad to think that it seems to have taken a potentially life
or death situation to unify fans of all teams in support of a fellow human
being in their hour of need. At a time when life hung in the balance,
many football celebrities indicated that they were offering their prayers
for Christian Eriksen.

Perhaps some of us offer up a swift prayer for our own favourite team to
win when they are about to face a particularly challenging opponent; but
we probably don’t think twice about God answering that prayer

(mainly because supporters of the opposing team are praying for a very
different result!).

But prayer is so much more than that: it is an opportunity to talk to God
just as if we were talking to a close family member. We can share our
deepest desires, concerns and worries as well as expressing our thanks
and praise.

Joseph Scriven, an eighteenth century Irish poet, was someone who
knew and appreciated the privilege that we have of talking to God in
prayer. He bore the shock of his fiancée being accidentally drowned on
the night before they were due to marry. Later in life, he emigrated to
Canada and when he received news of his mother’s serious illness, he
composed a poem to her entitled “Pray without ceasing” (the words are
from 1 Thessalonians 5:17). It is better known to us as the hymn “What a
friend we have in Jesus”, the words of which are reproduced below.

I pray that all who play sport (including forthcoming Wimbledon and
Olympic competitors) will be kept safe in their endeavours and produce
performances which inspire others.
                                                      Steve West (Reader)

What a Friend we have        Have we trials and        Are we weak and heavy-
in Jesus,                    temptations?              laden,
All our sins and griefs to   Is there trouble          Cumbered with a load of
bear!                        anywhere?                 care?
What a privilege to          We should never be        Precious Saviour, still
carry                        discouraged,              our refuge—
Everything to God in         Take it to the Lord in    Take it to the Lord in
prayer!                      prayer.                   prayer;
O what peace we often        Can we find a friend so   Do thy friends despise,
forfeit,                     faithful                  forsake thee?
O what needless pain         Who will all our          Take it to the Lord in
we bear,                     sorrows share?            prayer;
All because we do not        Jesus knows our every     In His arms He’ll take
carry                        weakness,                 and shield thee,
Everything to God in         Take it to the Lord in    Thou wilt find a solace
prayer!                      prayer.                   there.

You will find all information on services
     happening in church and online in our weekly

         To receive them by email each week
               please contact Rachel on

Tadcaster Benefice - Weekly Pattern of Service
  (Services may be subject to change. Please check the weekly notices or
             Tadcaster Benefice Facebook page for updates)
            St Mary’s,      St Mary’s,         St Andrew’s,   St John the
            Tadcaster       Church Fenton      Newton Kyme    Baptist, Kirkby
Week 1      10.30am Holy                       9am Holy       10.30am
            Communion                          Communion      Morning
            (followed by                                      Worship
            baptism at
Week 2      10.30am         10am Family
            Morning         Service

            4pm Evensong/
            said Holy
Week 3      4pm Afternoon   10am Morning                      10.30am Holy
            Church          Worship                           Communion
Week 4      8am BCP Holy    10am Holy
            Communion       Communion

            10.30am         7pm
            Morning         Contemporary
            Worship         Worship

                          Online services:
Zoom meeting ID 9861012744, password 377646
Service                        Date & livestream location
Compline                       Wednesday & Sunday at 8.30pm on zoom
Morning Prayer                 9.30am Monday on zoom, 8.30am Tuesday -
                               Thursday on Facebook Live
Livestream from Tadcaster      10.30am week 2 and week 4 on zoom
Morning worship Zoom Service   10am Week 3 on zoom
      HIDDEN          BRIC-A-BRAC
     TREASURES            TOYS

                     OPENING TIMES
                   Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
                       10am - 3pm
                      10am - 12pm

                  Located at the Boys’ Sunday School,
                 Alongside St. Mary’s Church, Kirkgate

Fundraising Project for St Mary’s church,

                                The recent Quinquennial
                                Inspection of church identified
                                some key areas of work that
                                must be undertaken in church.
                                Work must be done on some of
                                the windows, including our
                                beautiful East Window, and on
                                repairing some stonework. The
                                work on the East Window alone
                                is forecast to be around
                                £12,000 with the total project
                                estimated at a cost of £55,000.

We are seeking grants to help us but would appreciate any
donations that can be made. Methods available to donate are:

        BACS payment to Tadcaster PCC, Sort code: 40-44-01,
         Account number: 40800236 reference Windows
        cheque payable to Tadcaster PCC
        or using our online giving platform,
         scan the QR code to get to the page:

St Mary’s Tadcaster

                                         INVITE YOU TO THEIR
                                              OPEN DAY

                                          SATURDAY 31st JULY

                                               10:00 - 12:00

We need new recruits to learn this
           fascinating art.
   Ringing is an interesting and
         absorbing hobby.
Visit our display in church - have a
  go with the handbells - see the
    Wombel in action - practise
      ringing on the computer.

  Ringing is suitable for anyone       Depending on Covid regulations at the
  aged 10 years and upwards,            time, we may be able to take you up
    depending on their height.         the tower to see the bells or even give
  You don’t have to be big and                        you a go.
strong nor be mathematical but it
 helps if you can count to six and      PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN MASK
               back.                        AND HAND SANITISER

 We ring for Sunday service and        Please pass this page on to anyone
practise on Wednesday evenings.            else you know who may be
Stepping Stone
                A resource for all
          20 Kirkgate, Tadcaster – Tel: 01937 530288

          We can help YOU get from where you are
                  to where you want to be.
Problems or queries, large or small, we can help you to get the
   information you need and set you off on the right path...

              Local vacancies       C.V. assistance
                Family relationships Housing
            Drug & alcohol abuse     Debt & finance
         Services for the elderly    Local Information
                       and much more

                       Opening Times:
                      Tuesday & Thursday
                         10am - 1pm

                    Reg. Charity no. 1101558
            Registered Charity Number 519472

Boys’ Sunday School Tadcaster

              Available for hire

        Beautifully modernised hall and meeting room,
                  hire separately or together
                    Fully equipped kitchen
 Children’s parties, Family celebrations, Special anniversaries
        One-off events or regular bookings welcomed
                      Reasonably priced

            Contact: 07768386938

St Sigfrid’s Way Pilgrimage
                    St Sigfrid’s Way is a recently developed pilgrimage
                    route that begins in York and ends in Växjö (Sweden),
                    and which comes through the Tadcaster Benefice.
                     It is named after Sigfrid who was an 11th century
                    pilgrim hailing from York, and who made the great
                    journey to Sweden on the request of the Swedish
                    king to bring the teachings of Christ to his people.

The route is being walked in full this year for the first time by a small
group of pilgrims, following an attempt last year which was aborted due

On Tuesday 18th May, Rachel Hughes and Tricia West set out to join the
second day of the walk from Bilbrough, St James, into Tadcaster.
Unfortunately, we initially failed to meet up with the pilgrims who had
sightly altered their timings, but the two of us walked the beautiful route
through the Bilbrough churchyard, across fields to the A64 and then
along the Old Road to Catterton Lane, before heading though town to St

It was there that we caught up
with the pilgrims – and also
Dorothy & John Clark who had
travelled over from Church Fenton
to greet the guests as they have
close personal links to Sweden.

It was a delight to welcome back
Revd Hugh White who had been
part of the aborted attempt last
year, although sad that current
restrictions mean that the
Swedish participants cannot yet                        Photo: Rachel Hughes

pilgrimage and so we couldn’t renew acquaintance with others who had
visited us last year.

After a chance to refresh themselves, we offered a blessing to all who
were travelling and walked with them for the next short stage of their
journey before waving them farewell as they headed on to Stutton and
from there to Garforth for their next night.

If you would like to know more about the pilgrimage, or the path, then
you can find information at

This is the prayer that Tricia used to send Bethany Thomas & Revd Hugh,
the core of the pilgrim group, on their way, but it is a prayer for all who
journey – physically or spiritually.

Creator God,
you are the source of all life and motivation.
May those who journey, do so in faith and love,
rejoicing and eager to serve you.
May those they meet on the way be enriched by their encounter
and, in turn, be a blessing to those who journey.
Grant them a glimpse of your glory as they seek to follow you
– the Way, the Truth and the Life.

What is a Prayer Vigil?
On the Saturday before Pentecost Sunday 19 people undertook to pray from noon until
midnight. Each person prayed for a designated 30 minutes at home or out on a walk,
before passing on the ‘prayer baton’ to someone else. This was on the back of prayer
walking each of the villages and Tadcaster the Saturday before.

We were praying for God’s blessing and flourishing in the places we live and work. We
were praying for 5 people to personally come to know the love of God, plus we were dedi-
cating some time to listen to what God might be saying to us.

All of us felt really energized by our time of praying and we all appreciated feeling part of
something bigger than ourselves.

Here are some thoughts from others:

It was wonderful to just set an extra time to be with the Lord.
It made me realise how many things were on my heart and much we need our Lord.
Not only did I pray for people and situations but the Lord gave me so much peace and a feeling of
There was a sense that we were joining together as a people of God, even though we were apart
in our own homes, we were still near and part of something much bigger.

To help me pray I thought of the different shoes that people wear.
The first soft shoes were of a baby starting out on life. I lifted up in prayer the challengers, the joys,
the difficulties and the children in our parish.

Walking shoes. The places we go and the people we meet with in our parish and the wider com-

Working shoes. The people who are finding it hard in this pandemic to cope with work, home
schooling, loss of employment and the difficulty of making ends meet. And the logistics of family
troubles and circumstances.

Slippers. The people who are locked in their homes for whatever reason. Praying for people who
are not coping with lock down and how as an individual am I helping my neighbour at this time. I
prayed for all their cares.

There was a sense of gratefulness that in all this time of uncertainty even without the usual church
things and outside things God was still there, with us, and I was able to feel a sense of His calming
presence and even as the time went so quickly, the hope that there would be further opportunities
to spend extra time with Him in the future, alone or in a group.

It was a very special experience to know that so many were committing themselves to intentional
prayer - setting time aside to focus solely on God and to find space to listen, rather than simply
rattling off a shopping list of requests! Finding a place in the house to be quiet and away from any-
one else meant choosing a spot that I wouldn't normally use - and it physically gave a differ-
ent perspective as I looked around me. The words of one of the psalms that I read resonated par-
ticularly as I gazed at a painting on the wall which captured the imagery of the words beautifully.
Had I not sat there, I would never have connected the two!!
The true joy for me, though, was the extended time to pray for individuals. Instead of just run-
ning through a list of names, there was the time to dwell on each individual and bring them before
God, asking for guidance and inspiration as to how best to pray for them. Often, words were not
needed, just a sense of concentrating on the person and placing them into God's hands.

My prayer slots were 10pm and 11pm, so I took breaks from the Eurovision song contest to pray. I
felt a strong sense of calm and peace during both slots. I didn't pray for the UK entry - perhaps I
should have!

I used my half hour slot to concentrate on people, starting with family, church family, friends and
neighbours. It was amazing how I was led to different situations, people’s needs, other’s joys and
thanksgivings and to ask God’s blessing on all. Obviously, I didn’t remember everyone, but it was
good to remember later, some of those I’d forgotten! I found the experienced of the dedicated half
hour a good time concentrating on a particular area of prayer with God prompting me to remember
in prayer so many people and situations.

After a little while I became strongly aware of the Greatness & Majesty of God then the wonderful
feeling of Christ's constant presence within. I only really notice this when I spend more than a few
minutes in prayer. It's almost as if the longer l wait in silence & reflection the closer God gradually
appears to come. Rather like catching a glimpse of a friend some distance away, who gradually
comes closer & closer until eventually you are face to face, smiling with joy.

                                                     Prayer is the foundation on which we build.
                                                     Prayer is a beautiful place because in
                                                     prayer you enter into the very presence of
                                                                                        Rev Lucy

                     On Sunday 2nd May 2021
                      at St Marys, Tadcaster

                           Harley Tetley

 ‘Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God
                     the Father.’

                   On Saturday 17th April 2021
                     at St Mary, Tadcaster

                   Harry Deed & Joanne Davy

  ‘God is love, and those who live in love live in
           God: and God lives in them.’

If you’re interested in booking a baptism or wedding in any of our four
    churches across the Benefice, please contact our administrator,
 Rachel Hughes. Contact details can be found on the inside cover of
                             this magazine.
JEAN JOHNSON aged 94 of Parkland Drive, Tadcaster
Funeral at St Mary’s, Tadcaster on Wednesday 14th April 2021
Jean was born into a loving family and lived in Leeds. She was an only child but
had many cousins. Her mum came from farming family and her dad was for a time
a chauffeur, before selling life insurance. Jean, or ‘Bunty’, as she was
affectionately known, attended Allerton High School and she maintained long
lasting friendship with several people. Jean met her future husband Frederick
Ernest Johnson when she went dancing in Leeds. ‘Jonny’ was from Poole and
worked in the RAF. They married in 1945 after a time of courting. Jean’s wedding
dress was full length with a train and was made out of parachute silk. Jean and
Jonny have three children, Mandy, Simon and Nick. The family had lovely times
holidaying mainly in this country, either in a static caravan in Mabelthorpe, or later
taking the caravan to Devon, Cornwall or South Wales. These were very happy
times. When at Boston Spa, and as the children went to school, Jean worked at
Thorpe Arch again in the accounts departments for George Moores and Boston
Office Supplies. Although Jean worked with numbers, her real love was words:
puzzle books, books and plays. She always enjoyed a vibrant social life particularly
in Boston Spa, where Jean belonged to the tennis club, Clifford drama group and
she also was part of a book club. Jean acted in many plays and pantos. She wrote
scripts in rhyming couplets and she excelled on stage. Her extrovert nature was
fun loving and attractive and she and Jonny was very generous hearted to lots of
people. Jean happily accompanied Jonny to the RAF functions in Church Fenton
and together they attended St Mary’s church. The church family was another
place of belonging and here Jean had many dear friends. In later years Jean
started to need some extra care because of the onset of dementia. She died most
peacefully at home, only days after Mandy was in the process of arranging for
some extra care at home. Jean was loved and will be sadly missed and she leaves a
legacy of family, faith and friendship.

BRONWYN SYKES aged 68, from North Milford, Tadcaster
Funeral at St John the Baptist, Kirkby Wharfe on Thurdsay 15th April 2021
Bronwyn was born to Charlie and Gertrude Farrar and was younger sister to Ian. The
family lived at Prospect farm in Sherburn in Elmet, where she grew up and went to
school. Bronwyn joined the Church Fenton young farmers and that is where she met
James. Dancing to the Gay Gordons was one of Bronwyn’s favourite things to do
during her younger years. After school Bronwyn started working – at the bacon
factory in Sherburn in Elmet, computer department at Avon cosmetics and then
went on to obtain a secretarial role in the computer room at John Smith’s in
Tadcaster. Sadly Bronwyn’s father died when she was just 17. Bronwyn’s mum and

her brother Ian took up the helm and managed the family farm. Bronwyn and James
married on 26th September 1974 at All Saints Church, Sherburn in Elmet. They went
on to have 3 children, Adam, Emma and Ben and they are blessed with 7
grandchildren too. Bronwyn excelled in both in being a wonderful mum, a friend to
many and she was an invaluable partner in the family farming business. She was a
great communicator and it was in part down to Bronwyn’s skills that McCains
awarded the Sykes farm ‘grower of the year’. Bronwyn and James enjoyed
recognition trips with McCains to Canada, South Africa and a spot of afternoon tea at
the Dorchester Hotel in London with Mr Mc Cain. These were memorable moments
and one’s Bronwyn really enjoyed. With friends Bronwyn enjoyed shopping and at
home Bronwyn loved having the family around for a Sunday roast. She was an
excellent baker and could turn her hand without recipes to many beautiful bakes–
fruit scones, Vanilla Slices, Lemon Meringue pie, Millionaires Shortbread, Strawberry
and Raspberry fresh cream pavlovas, Apple Pies, Crumbles and crème caramel to
name a few. Bronwyn was also a keen gardener and loved roses; her favourite was
Ingrid Bergman with its large beautiful red flower heads. Bronwyn’s health
deteriorated and in July 2019 she broke vertebrae in her back and this took a long
time to heal. Latterly she had been diagnosed with advanced heart failure in late
February caused by a rare blood disease called Amyloidosis. Bronwyn died at home
after only a short time of extra medical help. Bronwyn will be dearly missed but she
leaves a beautiful legacy of family, friendships and farming.

SUSAN TAYLOR, aged 64, from Kelcabar Close, Tadcaster
Funeral at St Mary’s Tadcaster on Wednesday 21st April 2021
Susan was born in Wigan in April 1956. She was the second child of Mary and Cyril
Rimmer, being the younger sister to David and the older sister to Karen. She was a
loving wife of Michael, devoted and proud mother to Sarah and Mark, and beloved
friend to many. Susan met Michael in the 70s when they lived in Wigan. They used to
go disco dancing and both were Motown and Northern Soul fans. Michael and Susan
were married at Wigan parish church on 31st May 1980 and they honeymooned in
Tunisia. Both Sarah and Mark were born in Wigan before the family then moved
around the country with Michael’s job in the prison service. Susan loved to travel
and she used to say “wherever you go there’s always something you’ve never seen”.
Many family holidays were spent at Nana and Grandad’s bungalow in North Wales,
followed by holidays through Europe. 15 years ago Susan and Michael fell in love
with Croatia and they holidayed there almost every year since. Susan was a warm
hearted, caring wife, mum and friend who lived life to the full and embraced all
things with a positive mindset and a determination to share experiences with those
closest to her. Susan and Michael thought of friends and neighbours as adopted
family and their door was always open. Susan, or Sue to her friends, was always
generous with what she had and who she was. On moving to Tadcaster Susan set up

a playgroup in Stutton, as there wasn’t one. Again with the needs of her community
in mind, Susan volunteered some of her time at St Mary’s youth group. She had
many jobs: cook at Riverside Primary, Tesco, and at the Heineken Brewery in
Tadcaster before her last part time job prior to retirement at the Moto Service
station. When things proved increasingly difficult over the past 3 years because of
Susan’s multiple system atrophy, Susan for her part never complained and always
said that there were many worse off than her. She remained wonderfully
independent as much as she could, enabled in large part by the devotion of Michael
and her children. Susan died peacefully at home, surrounded by the love she
received from her family. She will be dearly missed but her legacy is seen in her
warm-hearted family and friends.

Funeral at York Cemetery Chapel on 17th May 2021
Joe was born in Newcastle the eldest of seven children and lived within walking
distance of Newcastle racecourse. A sporting boy, who excelled in school rugby, he
soon found a love of horses and racing. He was also a gifted journalist and merged
his two passions to become a well- respected journalist, race reader and jockeys’
agent. Father of three, Joe met his second wife Beryl at work and they married in
1980. He was a great step-father to her two girls Helen and Clare. All five children
enjoyed times together when they were younger - reuniting that friendship as Joe
progressively became ill. Joe was dedicated to his work and was The Sporting Life’s
first Northern Racing Correspondent reporting from racecourses throughout the
North of England and Scotland. In the late 70s he established a freelance Press
Agency specialising in racing. In the early 1990s Joe was agent to young jockey
Jimmy Fortune who went on to become champion apprentice and ride for many top
class trainers in the south, winning several group 1 races including the Ayr Gold Cup
on 50-1 Joveworths. Joe had many friends amongst the racing fraternity and was
highly respected and well liked. Away from work Joe loved gardening, fishing,
walking and socialising with friends but most of all loved spending time with the
family and was devoted to his grandchildren. Joe was diagnosed with a rare cancer
last December and after a short illness died peacefully in St Leonards Hospice with
Beryl, Helen and Clare by his side.

ALAN KITCHEN aged 84, from York Road, Tadcaster
Funeral at St Mary’s church followed at Tadcaster cemetery on 27th May 2021
Alan was born in Bickerton into a large family. He was a man who loved his family
and his friends. A loving husband to Edna for some 57 years and a wonderful dad to
Pauline and Maria, Alan invested in his family and in his work on the farm. Pauline
and Maria descried their dad as a family man, a good listener and someone who was
respected as a man of his word. He was a farm worker and worked on the land all his

working years, in Bilton-in-Ainsty, Garforth and also Healaugh. He had a passion for
the outdoors and horticulture and this was evidenced in his garden. He grew
beautiful flowers. He would take the family on holidays to Primrose Valley, Torquay
and Blackpool. These were special memory making times. Alan had 6 grandchildren
and 4 great grandchildren. He loved them all dearly. He was well known in his circles
and would go down to the Salvation Army for his lunch on a Tuesday. At his funeral
Major Michael Bainbridge read from the Bible and Pauline and Maria spoke very
endearingly about their dad. Guests enjoyed a montage of photographs set to music
and this allowed for a visual remembering of Alan and all he meant to so many. The
hymns All things bright and beautiful and We plough the fields and scatter reflected
his love of farming. Latterly Alan lived with diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. He
went into hospital in February but died peacefully at home. He will be missed.

PAULINE MARY STEAD (Polly) aged 90 of Apple Tree Walk, Tadcaster
Funeral at Lawnswood Crematorium on 27th May 2021
Pauline Mary Stockwell was born on 13th August 1930 to Annie and Jack and became
known to everyone as Polly. She always remained close to her sister, Brenda, even
though Brenda moved to Portugal in early adulthood. She and Polly enjoyed their
times and adventures together. Polly married Jack Booth and they had two sons,
Chris and Paul. Sadly, the marriage didn’t work out and Polly moved back home to
live with her parents who became important in bringing up the two boys. Polly
worked as a Librarian at the Yorkshire Post and also had jobs as a home help team
manager, a Resident Personal Assistant to a Lake District landowner, a dispenser and
a GP receptionist. She met Charles, who became her husband in 1972, and they lived
in Harrogate. They particularly enjoyed opportunities for sailing and hill-walking
together. Later, they moved to Scotland where, unfortunately, Charles’ health began
to deteriorate. They moved back to Ripon to be close to family where, sadly, Charles
died in 1996. Polly found new adventures by becoming a home and pet sitter, visiting
some lovely places and enjoying these experiences to the full. She was a fabulous
cook and was fond of bird-watching and gardening. Above all, she had a good sense
of fun. She was also a lady who had a Christian faith and it was important enough to
her that she made the decision to be confirmed in the Anglican Church of Paphos in
Greece in February 2000. Later, she moved to Tadcaster so as to be nearer to family
and was able to enjoy family holidays and good health into her 80s. It was only in
recent times that she needed support at home which was provided by a fabulous
team of carers.

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TADCASTER                Jonathan Craig, Little Oaks, Busk Lane, Church Fenton, LS24 9RJ
                         Tel: 07703 116152       email:
                         Celia Oldroyd, 12 Sedge Rise, Tadcaster, LS24 9LQ
                         Tel: 07707 062182     email:

NEWTON KYME              Lucinda Jennings, Plough Cottage, 8 Toulston View, Tadcaster
                         LS24 9LT              Tel: 01937 842269

CHURCH FENTON            Dajan Hatton, Well Garth, Hall Lane, Church Fenton
                         LS24 9RN               Tel: 01937 557330

                         Karen Leason, 1 Northfield Terrace, Church Fenton
                         LS24 9RQ               Tel: 01937 557508

KIRKBY WHARFE            Quintin Komaromy, North Milford Hall, North Milford
                         LS24 9DQ              Tel: 01937 833707

                         Sally Smart, Lime Cottage, Main Street, Saxton, Tadcaster
                         LS24 9PY        Tel: 01937 558680

                      Renate Sangwine        Tel: 07950 881758
Choir Practice        Tuesday, 7pm, St Marys Tadcaster
PCC TREASURER            Graham Rowett, North Holme, Inholmes Lane, Tadcaster
(Tadcaster)              LS24 9JS              Tel: 01937 833443

PCC TREASURER            Tony Dawson, Manor Farm, Toulston, Tadcaster,
(Newton Kyme)            LS24 9ND            Tel: 01937 833219

PCC TREASURER            John Fielden, The White House, Kirkby Wharfe, LS24 9DD
(Kirkby Wharfe)           Tel: 01937 831913     email:

PCC SECRETARY             Position vacant

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