Page created by Alma Richardson
FALCON 4-1-1


Dear New Lower School Parents and Students:

Welcome to the Kinkaid family! Our goal is to make your transition to Kinkaid an enjoyable one as this
(unprecedented) school year closes and you prepare to become a Kinkaid Falcon. We know that starting a new
school can be overwhelming, and we are here to help you every step of the way as you learn about Kinkaid
and the incredible opportunities you will enjoy as a part of this community.

The primary goal of the New Family Support Program is to encourage and enable you to take advantage of all
that Kinkaid has to offer right from the start. Every family was new at some point! We want to help you find
your place and explore the ways you can get involved. From International Fair to volunteering in the library
to Field Day, there are opportunities for everyone to become an active member of the Kinkaid community.

The New Family Support Program in Lower School is supported by “Buddy Families,” which are current
families who have volunteered to help new families make the transition to Kinkaid. These buddies are
committed to answering your questions (however big or small), organizing events to introduce new families
to other students and parents, and keeping new families appraised of the “must do” items and deadlines to get
everything in order for the new school year. We hope that you will find the program a tremendous resource.

Finally, we have prepared the “Falcon 4-1-1” new family guide to assist both new parents and new students,
and we hope you will take time to review it as a family. This guide answers many common questions and
includes valuable “Talon Tips” that provide practical advice based on other families’ experiences at Kinkaid.

Again, we welcome you to Kinkaid, and we invite you to reach out to us at any time with questions, concerns,
or just to say hello!

Warmest regards,

Isla Jornayvaz                                           Kate Walters
isla.jornayvaz@gmail.com                                 katemwalters@me.com
2021-22 Lower School Co-Chair                            2021-22 Lower School Co-Chair

Blair Loocke                                             Jennifer Moore
blairloocke@gmail.com                                    gjmoorefamily@gmail.com
2021-22 Lower School Assistant Co-Chair                  2021-22 Lower School Assistant Co-Chair

Rita Morico
Parent Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator
The Kinkaid School

Table of Contents

Important Dates & Deadlines                         4

Preparing for Back-to-School                        5

Staying Informed                                    12

General Information                                 15

Academic Information                                19

Lower School Events & Trips                         20

All-School Events                                   21

Parent Organizations                                23

Fundraisers & Giving Programs                       25

Campus Map                                          29

Kinkaid Carpool Routes Map                          30

The Kinkaid School
                2021-2022 Important Dates & Deadlines for the Start of School
                                      Lower School
                                        (as of April 2021)

                                          WELCOME TO KINKAID!

June 1        Health Forms Deadline for All New Families – Online via Magnus Health

July 1        Tuition Due

              Birthday Celebrations Poster & T-Shirt One-Stop Shopping Order Form
July tba
              Available Online

August tba    Back-to-School One-Stop Shopping (BTS OSS) Order Form Available Online

August 15     New Parent Social, time tba, for parents with newly enrolled students at Kinkaid

              Lower School New Student Orientation (Grades K–4 only)
August 16
              Kinder–4th Grade, 9:30 –10:15 a.m.

              Pre-kindergarten Student & Parent “Meet and Greet” – 8:05–9:30 a.m.
August 18
              (Full day school starts for PreK on August 19)

August 18     SCHOOL STARTS for All Divisions (Kindergarten–12th grades)

September 1   Lower School Parents’ Night (parents only)

Preparing for Back-to-School

Summer Reading
The Lower School Library posts a list (from HAISLN) of suggested titles that you may want to use when
selecting books for summer reading. The suggested lists can be found on the www.kinkaid.org homepage.

        TALON TIP: The Lower School Library stocks many of the HAISLN books. Feel free to check them
        out during the school year.

        TALON TIP: The important thing to remember is for you to read to your child as frequently as you
        can—and the illustrations are also an important part of reading at this age! Pointing to pictures as
        you say the words or describe the scenes is an important tool in teaching a child to read.

Health Forms – Due June 1
The Kinkaid School uses an online electronic record keeping program called Magnus Health to maintain
students’ health and medical information. Magnus allows parents to have continuous access to your child’s
health record and make updates throughout the year. These documents are used to provide vital health
information in the case of an emergency. Information that may be essential to the health and well-being of
your child during their time at Kinkaid is shared on a need to know basis with faculty, learning specialists,
and coaches.

Please complete the “To Do” requirements in Magnus. All requirements must be completed by June 1,
2021. Instructions on how to log into Magnus Health via the Kinkaid Parent website can be found at the
end of the document.

Requirements for All New Students must be completed by June 1, 2021.

    •   The Kinkaid School Annual Physical Exam Form (including vision and hearing):
           o Kinkaid requires an annual physical exam, performed and signed by a licensed Medical
               professional, within 12 months of the first day of school. If your child has had a physical in
               the past year your physician can complete our Annual Physical Exam Form without the
               need for a new physical. We understand that some students may not have had a physical in
               the past year due to COVID. For those students we will extend our June 1 deadline to
               August 1 for completion of the annual physical. New students must have a valid physical
               on file in Magnus by August 1, 2021 in order to attend classes and participate in
               extracurricular activities.

    •   Immunization Record:
           o Must be compliant with the requirements of the Texas Department of Health for School
              Age Children 4 years old- 18 years old and signed by a medical provider.
           o Students who are starting the immunization schedule must have begun the process by July
              1, 2021, and be on schedule according to the catch-up immunization schedule of the state
              of Texas for ages 4 months to 18 years.

    •   The following items must be completed by June 1 within Magnus Health and do not require a
        doctor’s signature or visit:
           o Consent for Medical Treatment: parent/guardian electronic signature required

o   Vital Health Record: parent/guardian completes electronically
            o   Permission for Over the Counter Medication Form: parent/guardian electronic signature

    •   Additional Forms to be completed by the medical provider if applicable for your child. You do not
        need to complete these forms if your child does not take medication at school or have any of the
        conditions noted below. These forms are valid for one year from the date of the medical
        provider’s signature and must be updated annually.
           o Prescription Medication (for medications administered at school) such as ADD/ADHD
           o Life Threatening Allergy Action Plan
           o Asthma Action Plan
           o Diabetes Action Plan
           o Seizure Action Plan

To access health related forms and the Magnus Health portal please complete the following steps:
    • Go to The Kinkaid School website at Kinkaid.org
    • Click on the Parents tab found at the top of the page
    • Click on the Parent Portal Login box
    • Log into the website using the same username and password that you used when accessing your
       child’s application. If you do not remember your username and/or password you may use this link
       to reset that information: https://accounts.veracross.com/kinkaid/accounts/forgot_password
    • On the left side of the page you will see Magnus Health Portal in teal. Under that header you will
       see information on How to Upload Your Health Forms to Magnus, Health Forms to Download, Fill
       Out, and Upload to Magnus, and Information About Magnus Health and Contact Info.
    • Download and print any forms that you need
    • To upload all signed forms and complete your child’s health information click on the teal colored
       header Magnus Health Portal.
    • Log into the Magnus Health Portal using the same username and password you used to log into The
       Kinkaid School portal. You must log into The Kinkaid School parent portal first in order to log into
       the Magnus Health Portal.

If you experience difficulty navigating the Magnus system, please refer to the Magnus tip sheet on The
Kinkaid School portal or contact customer support at Magnus Health by phone at (877) 461-6831 or by
email at service@magnushealthportal.com.

                    Please do NOT email, fax, or mail any forms to The Kinkaid School.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a happy and healthy school year!

Judy Grisell BSN,MSN,RN
Director of Health Services
The Kinkaid School
201 Kinkaid School Drive
Houston,Texas 77024

Uniform Shopping
Dennis Uniform is the official uniform provider for The Kinkaid School. Dennis has the uniform
requirements on file (online and at the store) for each school and grade. During Covid-19, we suggest you
order online. If you go to the store, just inform them of your school and your grade(s). If the store is out of a
specific item, they will order it and ship it to your home. For more information on Uniforms/Dress Code, see
the General Information section.

        TALON TIP: Lower School boys do not have to wear Dennis uniform ties, belts or navy blazers.
        They can wear an appropriate tie, belt, or navy blazer of their choosing.

        TALON TIP: Kinkaid’s Clothing Nook (located on the 2nd floor of Harrison House) offers gently
        used uniform pieces in an array of sizes. This is a great option for last-minute emergencies and mid-
        year growth spurts!

        TALON TIP: In addition to the uniforms specified at Dennis, Lower School girls should also
        purchase a pair of khaki shorts (from Dennis or elsewhere) of appropriate length to wear on various
        Spirit Dress Days during the year. Buy them early in the year – they can be hard to find when Spirit
        Days come around.

Delivering Top-Quality Uniforms to Families of The Kinkaid School

                                                                                We’re excited to continue as your uniform partner
                                                                                and show you how we make uniforms easy.
                                                                                Shop DENNIS Uniform today
                                                                                Scan the QR Code, Enter School Name or Code at
                                                                                The Kinkaid School Code: VKS

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                                                                                  VISIT YOUR DENNIS STORE FOR THE KINKAID SCHOOL UNIFORMS:
                                                                                  7613 Katy Fwy, Suite G, Houston, TX 77024
                       Silber Rd.

                                                             Post Oak Rd.

                                                                                  Phone (713) 357-9902

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                                    Katy Freeway


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                                                                                  Live Chat: DENNISUniform.com
                                                                                  Email: customerservice@dennisuniform.com
                                               S                                  Call: (800) 854-6951

                                                     DENNIS MAKES SCHOOL UNIFORMS EASY.™

Birthday Celebrations Posters & T-shirts – Online in July
Birthday posters are a fun Kinkaid tradition that benefit the Kinkaid 7th grade class each year. Seventh
graders design birthday posters to hang at the entrance to campus. Posters are hung for a full birthday or a
half birthday (for those kids with summer birthdays). This is a very popular tradition with most families
opting to purchase a sign for their student(s). Parents also have the option of purchasing a birthday t-shirt for
their child.

        TALON TIP: The majority of Lower School parents choose the t-shirt option in addition to the
        poster. It is a special privilege for students to wear the birthday t-shirt on their birthday.

        TALON TIP: Throughout the year, you can refer to your Charge Summary on the Veracross Page
        of your Parent Portal to confirm your purchase.

        TALON TIP: New this year: Posters will be automatically hung on the student’s birthday or half-
        birthday. If that takes place during a school holiday or weekend, it will be hung on a preceding day.

Back-to-School One-Stop Shopping (BTS OSS) –
Online in August
BTS OSS, offered only at the very beginning of the school year, is an opportunity to purchase many items
online that you and/or your child will want this year. It is incredibly convenient even if a little overwhelming
at first. Once the year is underway, however, you'll be so glad you did it!

        TALON TIP: It is definitely worth your while to take the time to complete BTS OSS when it’s
        available online. While it’s not impossible to get most of the items later, it can be more complicated
        and less convenient to order items one-at-a-time throughout the year. Ask your buddy if you have

        TALON TIP: Throughout the year, you can refer to your Charge Summary on your Veracross page
        of the Parent Portal to confirm what you purchased during BTS OSS.

Items offered on BTS OSS:
    ● Falcon Family Feast and the Kinkaid vs. St. John’s Football Game - Traditionally held at Rice
        Stadium, this is one of Kinkaid’s big annual all-school events and families of all ages and stages
        love to visit at the feast and show their Falcon Spirit at the game. Put it on your calendar—it is a fun
        night for the entire family! Tickets can be ordered for the feast and/or the football game and will be
        distributed to you in advance (for more information, see the All School Events section).

    ●   Book Fair Family Night Dinner - The Book Fair is an incredible event where the school gym is
        transformed into a huge bookstore. The family dinner is very popular with LS families and occurs
        on the opening night. It is a great opportunity to shop with your kids, invite the grandparents or other
        relatives, and meet up with friends. Paper tickets are not sent for the Family Dinner. Instead,
        there is a checklist at the dinner which includes families who bought their tickets on OSS. Proceeds
        from Book Fair support all three divisional libraries (for more information, see the Fundraisers &
        Giving Opportunities section).

●   Poinsettias - These beautiful poinsettia plants come in both white and red and in two sizes, and
        really are the prettiest in town! They can be sent to teachers and staff or ordered for home, family,
        and friends. Pick up days are typically during the first week of December. Proceeds from poinsettia
        sales go to the 9th grade Class Fund (for more information on class fundraisers, see the Fundraisers
        & Giving Opportunities section).

    ● T-shirts - It’s a good idea to purchase as many of the very popular Kinkaid spirit T-shirts up front as
        you can. There are plenty of opportunities to wear them during the year on spirit days and special
        occasions—and your child is going to want them! T-shirts will be sent home with the youngest child
        in the family. Proceeds from Homecoming t-shirts support the Kinkaid Booster Club. Proceeds from
        St. John’s Game t-shirts go to the 10th grade Class Fund. Proceeds from Field Day t-shirts go to the
        11th grade Class Fund (for more information on class fundraisers, see the Fundraisers & Giving
        Opportunities section).

                TALON TIP: Most Lower School kids purchase and wear a Homecoming, Field Day, and
                St. John’s game t-shirt.

                TALON TIP: On all “spirit” dress days, students also have the option of wearing a Kinkaid
                shirt bought at the school store, a purple or gold t-shirt, khaki shorts, jeans, or their regular

New Parent Social – Sunday, August 15
This is a parent only event. School administrators, Parents’ Association leaders and Booster Club presidents
will be on hand to tell you about their favorite aspects of Kinkaid.

Lower School Orientation (Grades K–4) – Monday, August 16 (Kinder—4th grade, 9:30–10:15 a.m.)
This informative morning event, which takes place in the LS Library, is held for new Kindergarten through
4th grade students and parents. It is an opportunity to see the Library, meet teachers, and see the classrooms.

        TALON TIP: K-4 new students do not need to wear uniforms to Orientation.

School Starts (for Kinder–12th grades) – Wednesday, August 18
In Lower School, all students wear regular (not dress) uniforms on the first day of school. Dress uniforms are
not worn until later in the fall, when the weather starts to cool.

        TALON TIP: Individual picture day, typically in September, is an exception. 1st-4th grade students
will wear their dress uniform that day.

Pre-Kindergarten “Meet and Greet” – Wednesday, August 18
Pre-kindergarten students and parents attend a “Meet and Greet” from 8:05–9:30 a.m. on Wednesday,
August 18 in their regular school uniform; full-day schedule starts for Pre-K on Thursday, August 19.

Back-to-School Caregiver Meetings and Education – TBD
Each year, the Lower School plans multiple meetings, book studies, and other sessions in an effort to support
our parent community. You can expect two types of sessions planned:

    ● Meetings: Meetings that involve the entire parent community, and all parents should attend.
        (Examples: Lower School Parent Night and Parent Teacher Conferences)

    ● Education: Sessions that are intended to help parents be better acquainted with the Lower School or
        focus on parenting topics. We are hopeful that parents are able to attend. (Examples from past years:
        “What’s New in the Library,” “Coding in the Lower School,” “Teaching Our Children Boundaries.”)

Staying Informed

There are many ways to stay informed about opportunities and activities at The Kinkaid School.

Falcon Flyer
Every Friday, the school sends out an e-newsletter called “The Falcon Flyer.” The Flyer is a great source of
information regarding upcoming events and volunteer activities. Read it thoroughly and update your calendar
with upcoming events.

The Kinkaid Website – www.kinkaid.org
The Kinkaid website address is www.kinkaid.org. The website is the “go to” place to find out what’s
happening at The Kinkaid School. Be sure to check out both the New Family Information pages located on
the Parent homepage. Over the summer, you will receive information on accessing the “Parent Portal”
portion of the website.

        TALON TIP: All emails sent from an “@kinkaid.org” email addresses are archived on Veracross.
        In the upper right hand corner, use the “My Messages” link to find all received emails.

Lower School Communication
Lower School administration sends periodic emails to parents outlining current Lower School information
including curricular highlights and details about Lower School events and happenings. Information is shared
via the Falcon Flyer and in direct emails.

Website Training
Kinkaid will be offering online video tutorials to show parents how to interact with the website, Veracross,
Kinkaid on Account (KOA), etc.

School Calendar
The Kinkaid School offers several calendars. The most current copy will be available on the website. From
the home page, click on the menu item titled “Explore”, then click on “Calendars.” The calendars range from
full calendars to quick views to multi-division calendars. You can subscribe to a specific school calendar
(lower, middle, or upper) or multiple calendars if you have more than one child.

        TALON TIP: If you view the calendars over the summer, please be aware that they are updated in
        August (before school starts) with additional information. So always check the calendar again at the
        beginning of the school year for any adjustments you might need to make.

        TALON TIP: Consider keeping a copy of the one-page ‘quick view’ calendar in your office and
        home for reference purposes. It serves as an “at-a-glance” view of school-wide events and holidays.

Special E-Bulletins
Occasionally, the Board of Trustees, Head of School, Facilities Director or other school administrators will
send out an email to all parents with timely information or updates. Kinkaid uses a notification service called
SchoolMessenger to send important information regarding time-sensitive school happenings.

Text Messages
Kinkaid uses a notification service called SchoolMessenger to send important information regarding time-
sensitive school happenings, e.g. a school closure, a power outage or an unusual weather situation affecting
campus operations. In addition to the phone calls and emails that you have received in the past, the
SchoolMessenger service allows us to also send announcements via text (SMS) messaging.

        TALON TIP: Parents can subscribe to text alerts by logging onto their Parent Portal and selecting
        SMS Communication, there you have the option to “opt in” or “opt out” of text alerts.

Division Handbooks (Lower, Middle, Upper)
There is a student handbook for each division at Kinkaid (lower, middle, and upper). Each handbook is in a
printable format for your reference and can also be found on the website in the fall. For your reference now,
you can find a copy of the current school year handbooks on the New Family Information web pages. You
will want to familiarize yourself with the handbook for your child’s division and refer back to it throughout
the year.

KINKAID – The School Magazine
The KINKAID magazine is published three times each year and is mailed to alumni, parents, grandparents
and friends of The Kinkaid School. It includes news of current activities, events and alumni updates.

        TALON TIP: To view the magazine online, go to the Kinkaid website.

Student Newspapers
The Falcon, the Upper School newspaper is a great way to see what the students are thinking. The Upper
School Journalism students produce six issues a year. The Talon Times, the Middle School newsletter is
produced by Middle School students three times a year.

        TALON TIP: You can order a subscription to The Falcon via BTS OSS!

Social media
Follow Kinkaid on all social media platforms to stay up-to-date with the latest news on what’s happening at
the School!

Twitter: @KinkaidSchool
Facebook: @KinkaidSchool
Instagram: @TheKinkaidSchool
YouTube: The Kinkaid School

General Information

The primary goal of the LS Homeroom is to create well-balanced groups of students with a variety of
strengths. It is best for each child to become familiar with many of his/her peers throughout their LS

Pre-K and Kinder students bring a lunch from home each day and eat in their classrooms. Students in Grades
1–4 eat lunch in the Big Room. 1st through 4th grade students may pack their own lunch or purchase lunch
from the school. Quarterly meal plans are available, or children may choose to purchase lunch one day at a

        TALON TIP: The LS lunch menus are posted by week on the Kinkaid website.

Children may bring cupcakes, cookies, doughnuts or another treat of their choice to share only with their
homeroom. Parents are invited to bring a special lunch for the birthday child and join them during the lunch
period. If you choose to come to school to eat with your child that day, we ask that you do not bring balloons
other decorations or gift bags. If previously purchased by the parent through Birthday Celebrations One-Stop
Shopping, Birthday Celebrations will provide a birthday t-shirt and/or a birthday sign that is hung at the main
entrance to campus on the date of your choice (for more information refer to the Preparing for Back-to-
School section). Please coordinate your child’s birthday lunch and classroom treat with your child’s
homeroom teacher well in advance.

Responsible Use Policy
The Kinkaid School has a Responsible Use Policy to which all parents and students must agree to in order to
use devices and access internet on campus.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Beginning at 7:45 a.m. each morning, Lower School students are dropped off in front of the Lower School
where teachers will be waiting to assist with carpool. Students who arrive between 7:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m.
may wait in the Big Room where there is adult supervision. After school, all students are dismissed via a
carpool line. Drivers should be in line at dismissal time. Carpool signs are supplied by the school and should
be attached to the upper right-hand side of the car windshield. Please see Kinkaid Carpool Routes map in the
back of the Falcon 4-1-1.

        TALON TIP: You can use Veracross to help source potential carpool partners. Simply click on the
        Directory icon at the top of your home page, then click on the Nearby Families tab.

        TALON TIP: Cell phone use is not permitted while dropping off and picking up your student.

        TALON TIP: Stay in your vehicle at all times—do NOT get out of your car while in the line to get
        your student or visit with a teacher or friend.

TALON TIP: Encourage your child to be ready to disembark. Remember the carpool drill—Stop,
         Drop & Depart!

After School
For the upcoming school year, iKids will again provide extended stay care, called Stay and Play, for Lower
School students. In extended day, students have time for homework, snack and play. Extended day is
available on specific days or full weeks from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. Those interested may inquire for
details and register directly through iKids by calling 713-665-5200, or visiting their website at ikidsinc.com.

         TALON TIP: In order to utilize a drop-in option with iKids, students must be pre-registered for at
         least one day a week.

The Lower School Library (The Jacomini Family Library) is open daily at 7:30 a.m. All students come to the
library at least once a week with their class, but they are welcome to come with permission from their
teacher at any time during the school day. The library contains almost 31,000 traditional volumes as well as
e-books, audio books, and magazines. Parents are welcome to visit the library and check out books too!

KLS TV is the Kinkaid Lower School TV morning news program that is broadcast daily by the 4th
grade students. All interested 4th graders help run this program, man the lighting, operate the
soundboard, produce special effects, and act as news anchors and reporters, and much more. In
addition, two Pre-K or Kinder students will be invited each day to lead the Lower School in the
Pledge of Allegiance on air. Interested parents are invited to watch KLS upstairs in the LS Forum
(at the top of the stairs). The morning broadcast is also streamed lived each day at

         TALON TIP: You can live stream KLS, or watch previous episodes, via the Kinkaid website.

Lost and Found
It is very helpful if all shoes and clothing are labeled with students’ names. All lost items will be taken
to the Lost and Found cabinets in the LS Office, opposite Yasi’s desk. A few times a year Lost and Found
items will be displayed in the Lower School foyer.

School Store
The school operates a full school store where students and parents may purchase school-related materials
throughout the year by using their KOA account.

         TALON TIP: The School Store not only sells school supplies and books but also an array of snacks
         and Kinkaid spirit items. Parents may want to visit the store to pick up some spirit item. No school
         supplies need to be purchased for Lower School students.

Uniforms/Dress Code
In addition to the core uniform purchase information located above, here are a few additional tips about
uniforms and dress code:

Dress Uniform (LS Grades 1–4 only):
   ● Boys - navy blazers, ties, and belts may be purchased elsewhere; pants and shirts must be purchased
       from Dennis
   ● Girls - jumpers, white shirts, and black gym shorts must be worn under the jumper (previous years’
       Kinkaid shorts or new ones may be purchased from Dennis).

   ● Boys typically wear Sperrys or Merrells on dress day and athletic shoes for every day
   ● Girls typically wear Sperrys or flats for dress day and athletic shoes for every day
   ● Note: Any color athletic shoe is fine, but no light-ups are allowed

         TALON TIP: All students need to bring athletic shoes for PE on Dress Uniform days.

         TALON TIP: All students will need a pair of khaki shorts for Field Day in April. These can also be
         worn on spirit dress day. Girls do not have to wear khaki shorts from Dennis.

         TALON TIP: Short sleeve dress shirts are very popular with the boys.

Clothing Nook: As mentioned, the Parents’ Association sponsors the Clothing Nook (open during school
hours on the 2nd floor of Harrison House), which is a great source for gently used uniform items. Once your
child has outgrown their uniforms, please consider donating them to the Clothing Nook!

Spirit Day Dress: During the school year, there are designated days on which students may wear Kinkaid
spirit attire, including Field Day, Homecoming, and the day of the Kinkaid vs. St. John's football game.
Approved attire on spirit days in the Lower School includes:

    ●    Event t-shirt purchased online through BTS OSS
    ●    Kinkaid t-shirt that has been purchased from the Kinkaid School Store
    ●    Solid gold or solid purple t-shirt
    ●    Khaki shorts or skorts
    ●    Jeans (not jean shorts)
    ●    Sneakers
    ●    Western Wear for Go Texan Day

Regular school uniforms may also be worn on spirit days.

Online Directory Access
The online directory is available via Veracross under “Directories.”

         TALON TIP: Under the subcategory “Student Directory” you can browse Lower School students
         by grade level and gender.

To create a shortcut on your iPhone for easy access to the online directory, please follow these directions:

        1.   Open Safari.
        2.   Type in portals.veracross.com/kinkaid
        3.   Log in with your parent username and password and navigate to the Directories page.
        4.   Tap the Share button at the bottom of the screen.

5. Scroll over and choose Add to Home Screen.
      6. Voila! There is now an icon on your home screen for your online directory.

For an Android phone, follow the instructions on this link:

Visiting Campus
During the summer, you will receive a parking sticker to put on the front windshield of your car. It is
typically placed on the bottom of the driver side front windshield, near your registration. This will allow you
to go past the security kiosk without stopping. The campus map at the back of this binder shows the
designated visitor parking spaces throughout campus. For security measures, doors on campus are locked
during the school day. Once you enter the building, proceed to the office to sign in and get a visitor’s badge.
Please remember to sign out when you leave campus.

Academic Information

Grades & Teacher Conferences
LS students receive report cards three times per year—November, March, and May. In addition, the Lower
School schedules Parent–Teacher conferences in November and March to discuss student growth and
progress. Teachers may be contacted for specific issues as needed. Email is usually the most effective way to
reach a teacher.

Students in Grades 1–4 have an average of 10–40 minutes of homework each day. Your child should be
encouraged to complete the homework independently.

        TALON TIP: Most likely, all the homework help your child will need from you is a regular schedule
        and a quiet place to work, away from distractions like television, toys and/or a computer/tablet.

Lower School Handbook
The information listed in this section serves as only a brief overview of the academic aspects of Kinkaid.
The Lower School Handbook is available online and covers very specific details on topics such as grading,
conduct, absences and uniforms. The handbook also provides information on School Policies, Student
Responsibilities, Curriculum, and Faculty.

Athletics/Physical Education
Lower School students go to PE every day. They do not change clothes for PE, which is why girls should
either wear a uniform skort or black shorts under her jumper every day. Both boys and girls must bring
athletic shoes on dress days.

Arts Information
As one of the three big “A’s” at Kinkaid, once your student gets into Middle and Upper school levels, the
Arts opportunities will be extensive. In Lower School your child will be exposed to the Arts in both Art and
Music class and will explore creative movement and dance through their physical education classes.

Lower School Events & Trips

International Fair
During four days in February, Kinkaid’s Lower School students are transported to faraway places without
ever leaving the building. Each year, International Fair celebrates two countries with varied cultures and
customs. Parents, teachers, and students work together to bring the sights and sounds of each country to life
with rooms converted into the featured countries, a parade, dance and musical performances, art projects,
and guest speakers. Volunteer opportunities are available on the Kinkaid website. You have to see it!

Community Service
Kinkaid believes that community service is an important part of the educational development of its students.
The Lower School organizes and sponsors developmentally appropriate service opportunities for its
students. KOCI (Kinkaid Organization for Community Involvement) is offered as an after-school activity on
Wednesdays to students in Grades 1–4. Additionally, students will have the opportunity over the course of
their time in Lower School to participate in a variety of other community service activities. Some examples
include preparing lunches for Kids Meals, gift giving to a local charter school during the holidays, reading to
Pre-K students at a nearby preschool, and bagging food for Brighter Bites.

        TALON TIP: KOCI is divided into four sessions over the course of the school year—one session for
        each grade (1–4). There is a one-time sign up for all grades that takes place soon after school starts,
        so be on the lookout for an email with registration information.

Lower School Field Trips
Lower School students will take field trips by grade during the year and information, including dates, places,
what students should wear, and how snacks/lunch will be handled, will be forthcoming as these events are
scheduled. The school will coordinate transportation via school bus for the students, teachers and official

        TALON TIP: If you would like to volunteer to chaperone a field trip, make sure to read all emails
        from teachers, LS Administrators and Homeroom Representatives. Also, if possible, attend the
        Lower School Parents’ Night meeting in the Fall for information pertaining to upcoming student
        trips and events.

All School Events

Football Games
Friday Night Lights shine bright at Kinkaid so remember to keep your Friday nights open for these exciting
Upper School football games—the Falcons won’t disappoint! There is a special Lower School Spirit Night
each fall. Parents and students of all ages enjoy these gorgeous fall nights. Plan to come watch a game, grab
a bite at the concessions stand, and support the Falcons!

        TALON TIP: Be on the lookout for Falcon Fanatic Nights, sponsored by the Booster Club in each
        of the Fall, Winter and Spring sports seasons.

Falcon Family Feast/Kinkaid vs. St. John’s Game
Kinkaid’s football event of the year is the Kinkaid vs. St. John’s Game, aka simply, “The St. John’s Game.”
EVERYONE goes—alumni, faculty, staff and families of ALL ages and stages! This legendary game of
rivals between our Falcons and the Mavericks began in 1951 and has been held at Rice University stadium
since 1979. The event kicks off with a huge “Falcon Family Feast” tailgate dinner in the Rice stadium
parking lot (see BTS OSS for tickets to the Feast and game), and then everyone moves into the stadium to
cheer the Falcons as they defend their winning streak!

        TALON TIP: Visit the School Store for your purple and gold gear! Don’t miss the Falcon Family
        Feast where your family is sure to get fun Falcon swag for the game!

        TALON TIP: BTS OSS is the best way to get your tickets, but they will also be sold at the stadium
        the night of the game.

Margaret Kinkaid Holiday Concert and Reception
Make this lovely early December event a family tradition! It began in 1924 as a “birthday” party/Open
House for the entire Kinkaid community. Now we are all invited to hear the Kinkaid Band, Chorus and
Orchestra perform at the Margaret Hunter Kinkaid Holiday Concert. Held on campus in the Brown
Auditorium, it is an inspirational performance that will get you in the spirit of the season! There are also
installations of impressive student visual arts projects on display. Following the musical performance, gather
for fellowship with family and friends at a reception in the decorated Ogilvie Lobby to enjoy Kinkaid’s
traditional hot chocolate (the recipe is a long-held secret!) and some sweet holiday treats.

        TALON TIP: This is a very popular event for Lower School families. Feel free to invite
        grandparents to enjoy the concert, view the art, and have cookies and cocoa too!

African American Heritage & Culture
African American Heritage and Culture is an annual event in February. This is a #OneKINKAID
Event featuring performances and art by lower, middle, and upper school students.

Culture Fest
Culture Fest is an annual spring event in which all divisions, from lower to upper, gather to
celebrate the rich culture and ethnic heritage of Kinkaid, Houston and the world. Student groups,
families and individuals host booths representing various cultures and participate in performances,
including singing and dancing.

Fine Arts Performances
Every year, the Katz Performing Arts Center is home to various musical and dramatic performances. Some
performances are ticketed; however, many performances are free. Complete information regarding all box
office procedures will be sent to the entire community in the fall and posted on our website at

       TALON TIP: Some of the shows have more mature content. Make sure the shows that you are
       purchasing are appropriate for the age level of your children if you plan to bring them.

       TALON TIP: The 8th Grade Musical is aimed at younger audiences so it’s a great opportunity to
       expose your Lower School children to a musical theatre production. The Upper School Musical is
       extremely popular but check the rating before taking younger children.

Parent Organizations

There are lots of ways that parents can get involved at Kinkaid. We all benefit from active parent volunteers
and there are many options to choose from – whether you are looking to volunteer once a week or once a
year (or anything in between) – there are tons of options!

Parents’ Association
The Kinkaid Parents’ Association coordinates volunteers and fundraising activities, represents the interests
of all Kinkaid parents, supports and promotes the goals and policies of The Kinkaid School and acts as a
liaison between the parents, the faculty and administration of the school. Funding for the Parents’
Association comes from families via the Student Activities Fee as well as profits from the concessions stand.
There are over 90 volunteer chairs coordinating a variety of activities at the school and they all need help!
Look for the Parent Volunteer Survey in the spring to express interest in helping with volunteer
opportunities. Some examples of the many opportunities available are:

    ● School-Wide Events: Auction, Book Fair, Faculty Appreciation, Falcon Family Feast, Field Day,
        Holiday Decorating, Holiday Reception

    ● School-Wide On-going Volunteer Opportunities: Athletics, Concessions, Arts, Library, Scrapbook

    ● Lower School Volunteer Opportunities: International Fair, Vision & Hearing, Classroom Parties

            TALON TIP: Sign up for classroom parties typically happens in early September. Be on the
            lookout for a LS email with more information regarding the specific date and time to sign up.

            TALON TIP: Please refer to the Sign-Up Genius page of the website (in the Parent Portal) for
            more information on volunteer opportunities.

            TALON TIP: It generally takes a couple of years of volunteering to be considered for a
            committee “chair” or leadership position. Several years experience at the School will be
            required to be considered as a chair of a large committee or event.

            TALON TIP: Helping with grade-level events, volunteering in the libraries and concessions
            stands, and assisting Book Fair & Field Day booths are great ways for new parents to get
            involved at Kinkaid!

            TALON TIP: Lower School Room Representatives are selected over the summer from returning
            families. New families will have the opportunity to be considered for Room Reps at the end of
            their child’s first year and each year thereafter.

Booster Club
The Booster Club supports the School’s extracurricular activities in both Fine Arts and Athletics. It helps
fund an end-of-season get together for every middle and upper school team; a celebration during or after an
arts production; and organizes and/or supports other “school spirit” events throughout the year, including the

Lower School Spirit Night, Falcon Fanatic Nights, Falcon Fan Fest, and the Margaret Kinkaid Holiday

Online Parent Volunteer Website
Once you have received your community login to the Kinkaid website, you will have access to the online
volunteer sign-ups. In the Parent Portal, click on the Sign-Up Genius icon, where most of the volunteer
opportunities are listed (by category, i.e., school division, Book Fair, Field Day, etc.). You can view the
opportunities (including a description of the job, chairs of the activity and date/time of shifts available) and
sign yourself up for as many as you like! The event/program Chair will then contact you by phone or email.

        TALON TIP: If you’re having difficulty deciding where to get involved, ask your Buddy Family or
        one of the LS Chairs.

Fundraisers & Giving Programs

Held once every three years at the school (the next one is scheduled for March 5, 2022), the Auction raises
funds that contribute to student trips, technology upgrades and equipment for athletics and arts programs.
Planning begins 18 months prior to the auction date and there are many ways for parents to be involved.

        TALON TIP: During an Auction year, parents begin getting groups/tables together in the fall.

Book Fair
Every November the Melcher Gym is transformed into a bookstore unlike any other. For two days, students
and families are given the opportunity to shop for books and gifts (right before the holidays!), mingle with
fellow Kinkaid community members, meet authors, and enjoy coffee at the Book Fair cafe. You will feel as
if you have been transported off campus while in the comfort of your own school. Students visit the Book
Fair by class (find the schedule on the Book Fair tab of the Kinkaid website) and parents are encouraged to
meet them there. On Family Night, the entire community is encouraged to get together for dinner prepared
by a local restaurant, and, of course, do some shopping. In addition to purchasing books, you can also donate
and become a “Friend of the Library.” Proceeds from Book Fair benefit all three school libraries.

        TALON TIP: A parent or special friend is asked to help their LS student shop during their
        designated shopping time.

        TALON TIP: This is a wonderful volunteer opportunity—you will get the chance to mingle with
        your kids, their friends and their friend’s families.

        TALON TIP: If your family donates a book to the LS Library through Friends of the Library, your
        child gets the privilege to be the first to check out the book.

        TALON TIP: Free gift wrap is available if any items are purchased as holiday gifts. The wrapping
        is always thoughtfully and beautifully done.

Field Day
Started in 1925 by Margaret Kinkaid, Field Day is a fun-filled, all-school family tradition that is typically
held in April. The Upper School students kick-off the festivities by enjoying lunch and the carnival at 12:30
p.m. At 2:00 p.m., parents are encouraged to attend as all the students, from Pre-K to Seniors, meet their
“buddies” and walk together to the football field for a Maypole celebration and then grade level field event
competitions between the “Purple” and “Gold” teams (when entering Kinkaid, every student is assigned to
either the Purple or the Gold team). At 3:15 p.m., after the field events, there is a huge carnival with rides,
games and lots of food! There are many opportunities to volunteer; but, even if you are just a spectator, you
will want to enjoy this event with your family! Field Day raises significant funds for educational equipment
and programs for the entire School.

        TALON TIP: The vast majority of students opt to wear khaki shorts and a spirit or Field Day t-shirt
        with most choosing to buy the Field Day t-shirt each year. This is also a great opportunity for
        parents to show your Kinkaid spirit by dressing in their child’s team colors.

TALON TIP: Your child will find out what “team” they are on in the weeks before your first Field
        Day. Generally, current siblings are on the same color team. But, be prepared, if you are an
        alumnus, your child may not be on your team.

        TALON TIP: There will be limited parking on campus in the garage and west lot. Overflow parking
        will be available where a shuttle will run continuously from 12:00 p.m. until the close of Field Day.
        For more information please reference the Falcon Flyer and the Field Day webpage in March and

Class Fundraisers
Starting in 7th Grade, the students have fundraisers to help raise money for events held during the school
year, but also to pay for many special events and activities during their senior year. You can support all of
these fundraisers through one-stop shopping opportunities.

        7th Grade - Birthday Celebrations Posters and T-shirts
        9th Grade - Poinsettias
        10th Grade - Kinkaid vs. SJS T-Shirts
        11th Grade - Field Day T-Shirts

Concessions Stands
Kinkaid volunteers operate indoor and an outdoor concession stand during athletic events. Proceeds go to the
Class Funds and benefit all students in Grades 6-11.

        TALON TIP: Even though LS students do not participate in competitive athletics at Kinkaid,
        volunteering in concession stands is an opportunity open to all parents. It is a great way to meet
        parents in other divisions.

The Kinkaid Open (Golf Tournament)
Kinkaid's annual golf tournament was created in remembrance of Zack Semander, a beloved math teacher
and coach at Kinkaid for more than thirty years. Held in the Fall, the tournament is open to alumni, parents,
former parents, grandparents, and friends of the Kinkaid community. The tournament is held at a Houston-
area golf course where players enjoy lunch, a full round of golf and the awards reception following the
tournament. Proceeds from the golf tournament support the John Germann Endowed Scholarship.

Sporting Clays Benefit
The Sporting Clays Benefit is held every Spring and alumni, parents, grandparents and friends are welcome
to register and shoot in the tournament. The event takes place at a local shooting range and typically begins
with lunch and games to be followed by the tournament and awards ceremony. Proceeds from the benefit
support the Barbara Cooney Teacher Fellowship Endowment.

Kinkaid Annual Fund
Our students are the heart of The Kinkaid School. Your gift to the Kinkaid Fund allows us to provide
extraordinary opportunities for our students with support for technology, athletics, the arts, financial aid and
character education. Additionally, you help Kinkaid attract and retain outstanding faculty and staff as well
as support enhancements and maintenance for our beautiful campus.

A solicitation packet will be mailed to every family in September. Most families make a gift or pledge in the
fall with full payment due by June. Follow up phone calls from parent volunteers will be made in the fall to
encourage participation. Additionally, many families use their corporate matching gift programs to increase
their gift, making a greater impact. Please confirm with your employer if this is an option. The Kinkaid
Fund is our top priority for fundraising each year. This Fund ensures that our tradition of excellence will
continue each year. For more information, please visit Kinkaid.org/giving or contact Tracy McCleary,
Kinkaid Fund Manager at 713-243-5013 or tracy.mccleary@kinkaid.org.

Gifts of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated. We ask that you make a gift that is meaningful to you and
your family. Kinkaid has two Leadership Giving Societies you may consider. The 1906 Society recognizes
donors who make leadership gifts between $3000 and $7499, and The Founders Society recognizes
leadership gifts of $7500 or more.

        TALON TIP: Both groups are each invited to a social event hosted by the Head of School each
        spring. These adult-only parties are a great way to meet other parents.

Kinkaid Endowment
A significant endowment is increasingly indispensable to the School’s pursuit of excellence, innovation and
impact. A gift made to The Kinkaid School endowment is invested in perpetuity, providing an annual
distribution in support of the School activities of the donor’s choosing. Gifts can be made for specific
purposes or to the general endowment, which supports all areas of the School. Endowments can be
designated for departments, financial aid, faculty continuing education, technology, operation and
maintenance of facilities and specific academic programs. To name an endowment, a gift of $25,000 or
more, payable over 5 years, must be committed and the donor may designate the gift to a particular area of
interest. Annual reports are provided to the donor highlighting the performance activity of the investment.

Endowment funds are one of Kinkaid’s most powerful financial tools, offering perpetual stability and
flexibility. In fact, the endowment distribution typically represents 9% of the School’s annual operating
budget, an amount that makes a major impact on students and faculty throughout the School. A gift to the
endowment is an investment that propels our efforts in learning, discovery, engagement that are essential for
the best educational experience for our students today and into the future.

For more information, please contact Lisa Wood, Assistant Director of Advancement at 713-243-5023 or

Legacy Giving
In the heart of many Kinkaid families is a commitment to protect and promote the
School’s tradition of excellence. Many have chosen to leave an everlasting expression of gratitude to
Kinkaid through their estate plans. A gift through a bequest in your will or designating Kinkaid as a

beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance are just a few methods to accomplish your philanthropic

The Kinkaid Legacy Society is a recognition program which honors those who have created an enduring
legacy to Kinkaid through thoughtful planning of their estate. To be a member, you simply have to notify the
School of your intentions.

For more information, please visit kinkaid.planmylegacy.org or contact Lisa Wood, Assistant Director of
Advancement at 713-243-5023 or lisa.wood@kinkaid.org.

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