Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough

Page created by Jimmie Robertson
Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough

Mid and East Antrim
Flower Show &
Summer Market
Saturday 17 August 2019
Larne Market Yard, 1pm-4pm
Flower show exhibition opens at 1pm to the public
Prize giving at 3.30pm

Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough
                               A very warm welcome from the Chief Executive
                               of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.

                               As Chief Executive of Mid          about their local environment
                               and East Antrim Borough            and how flowers, plants and
                               Council, I would like to take      gardens can enhance it for
                               this opportunity to invite you     both people and wildlife.
                               to join us for the fifth annual
                               Flower Show and Summer             The Mid and East Antrim
                               Market on 17 August 2019 in        Flower Show is a great
                               the wonderful setting of the       opportunity for local
                               Market Yard, Larne.                gardeners, bakers and floral
                                                                  artists, whether seasoned
                               Our Borough has a reputation       or novice, to help create a
                               as an award winning Borough,       marvellous extravaganza of
Anne Donaghy                   enjoying great success in the      flowers, fruit and vegetables as
Clerk and Chief Executive      RHS Britain in Bloom and           well as home baked delights.
                               Translink Ulster in Bloom
                               competitions annually, thanks      We have included a wide
                               in part to the horticultural       range of classes and creative
                               talent demonstrated by our         competitions including
                               local communities.                 the junior section which
                                                                  encourages those 16 years
                               At the 2018 RHS Britain in         and under to showcase their
                               Bloom awards ceremony held         budding talent. We strongly
                               in Belfast in October, our local   encourage both experts and
                               town and villages had another      beginners to apply. All entries
                               year of tremendous success,        are welcome, whatever your
                               winning 10 awards in total.        skill levels.
                               We are also extremely proud
                               to be the top performing           The schedule outlines all of
                               Council at Ulster in Bloom for     the classes within the Flower
                               three consecutive years.           Show along with details of the
                                                                  associated rules and regulations
                               Our own Mid and East               – please take time to familiarise
                               Antrim In Bloom Community          yourselves with these.
                               Competitions and local
                               campaign continues to go           With the addition of a gourmet
                               from strength to strength          market this year, the Flower
                               and the Flower Show is             Show will have something
                               a big component of this.           on offer to keep both the
                               Through the competitions           devoted gardener and the
                               we encourage everyone who          whole family entertained.
                               lives in the Borough to think      We hope to see you there!

Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough
 Award for Best                      Award for Best
 Cut Flower Exhibit                  Grow Your Own Selection
 (Section 1)                         (Class 71)

 Award for Best                      Award for Best
 Rose Exhibit                        Monster Vegetable
 (Classes 3-10)                      (Class 72)

 Award for the Exhibitor with the    Award for Best
 Most Points in Rose Exhibits        Novelty Vegetable
 (Classes 3-10)                      (Class 73)

 Award for the Best                  Award for Best
 Exhibit of Dahlias                  Flower Arrangement
 (Classes 15-25)                     (Classes 74-76)

 Award for the Exhibitor with the    Award for the Exhibitor with
 Most Points in the Dahlia Section   the Most Points in Section 4 -
 (Classes 15-25)                     Flower Arrangement
                                     (Classes 74-76)
 Award for Best
 Garden Variety                      Award for the Best
 (Classes 26-31)                     Exhibit in Junior Section
                                     (Classes 77-80)
 Award for the Exhibitor with
 the Most Points in Section 1 -      Award for the Exhibitor with
 Cut Flowers                         the Most Points in Section 5 -
 (Classes 1-31)                      Junior Section
                                     (Classes 77-80)
 Award for Best
 Pot Plant                           Award for the Best
 (Classes 32-37)                     Exhibit in Home Industries
                                     (Classes 81-100)
 Award for the Exhibitor with
 the Most Points in Section 2 -      Award for the Exhibitor with
 Pot Plants                          Most Points in Section 6 -
 (Classes 32-44)                     Home Industries
                                     (Classes 81-100)
 Award for the Best
 Cactus Exhibit                      Award for the Exhibitor
 (Classes 38-44)                     with the Most Points in
                                     the Flower Show Overall
 Award for the Exhibitor with        (Sections 1-6)
 the Most Points in Section 3 -
 Vegetable Section                   Perpetual Cup for the
 (Classes 45-70)                     Best in Show

Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough
1   Entries to the show are          Alternatively email your   3   Exhibits may be staged
    free. Schedules and entry        entry to:                      between 6-9pm on
    forms will be available                                         Friday 16 August and on
    from Council venues and                                         the morning of the show
    online at:                                                      between 8-10am. We
                                                                    would ask that care be
    www.midandeast                   Should you have any
                                                                    taken by exhibitors using
    antrim.gov.uk/                   queries please telephone
                                                                    the facilities in the Larne
    flowershow                       0300 124 5000
                                                                    Market Yard and that all
                                                                    materials be cleared away
    Hard copy entries should     2   All entries must be
                                                                    after set up. No changes to
    be posted or submitted to:       submitted no later than
                                                                    entries will be permitted
                                     4pm on Thursday 15
    Flower Show                                                     during staging times.
                                     August. Entries will not
    Mid and East Antrim
                                     be accepted after this
    Borough Council
    Parks & Open Spaces
    11 Antrim Street
    Carrickfergus BT38 7DG

Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough
4   Exhibitor cards will be       9   Points in all sections are    14 The organisers trust
    available on Friday 16            awarded as follows: 1st -        that all exhibits in the
    August from 6pm at                3 points, 2nd - 2 points,        cut flowers, pot plant
    Larne Market Yard and             3rd – 1 point. In the event      and vegetable sections
    on Saturday 17 August             of a tie the award will be       have been grown by the
    from 8am.                         awarded to the exhibitor         exhibitors.
                                      gaining the greatest
5   Exhibitor cards must              number of first places.       15 The rules for judging
    be completed by the                                                vegetables contained
    exhibitor and placed face     10 The decision of the               in the current edition of
    down at each exhibit             judges shall be final as to       the Royal Horticultural
    prior to judging. It is          merit. Any other points of        Society’s ‘RHS
    the responsibility of the        dispute shall be referred to      Horticultural Show
    exhibitor to ensure the          the organisers for decision       Handbook’ will be used.
    correct card is placed at        which shall be final and
    the relevant exhibit. Names      binding on all parties.        16 When exhibiting flowers
    must not be written on                                             exhibitor should state
    the exhibitor cards.          11 All exhibits will remain          variety if known.
                                     the property of the
6   Exhibits must be staged,         exhibitors and may be          17 Children are encouraged
    ready for judging by             removed following the             to enter any class they
    10am sharp on the                presentation of awards            wish and are not restricted
    morning of the show.             at 3.30pm. Exhibits not           to the Junior Section.
    Judging will commence            removed by 4.30pm
    at 10.30am. No person            will be disposed of at
    except the judges,               the discretion of the
    stewards or persons              organisers.                    Grow
    officially appointed, will
    be allowed to remain in
    the exhibition area during
                                  12 Mid and East Antrim
                                     Borough Council will
                                                                    Your Own
    the time of judging.
    Doors to the flower show
                                     not be responsible for
                                     any damage to personal
    exhibits will open to the        property, theft or personal
                                                                    The Grow Your Own
    public at 1pm and the            injury at this event.
                                                                    Selection is four classes
    presentation of prizes
                                                                    of vegetables taken from
    will take place at 3.30pm.    13 Vases required for the
                                                                    classes 45-70 inclusive.
                                     cut flower section will
                                                                    The vegetables must be
7   There is no restriction          be provided by the
                                                                    displayed within an area of
    on the number of entries         organisers. However,
                                                                    maximum width no greater
    which an exhibitor may           there are only a limited
                                                                    than 600mm. Back board
    show in any one class.           number of display boxes
                                                                    optional. Please refer to
                                     for roses and pansies.
                                                                    the RHS Horticultural Show
8   An exhibitor may be              Those entering the Flower
                                                                    Handbook for guidance.
    awarded more than one            Arrangement Section
                                                                    Please note parsley is not
    prize in any class unless        should bring their own
                                                                    permitted as a decoration
    otherwise stated. All            containers, vases etc.
                                                                    as it is a class (58).
    points earned will count
    towards allocation of
                                                                    Failure to abide by any
                                                                    of these rules will lead
                                                                    to disqualification.

Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough
Section 1
Cut Flowers
Class Category                 12    Gladioli (large)          21   Dahlias
1    Sweet Pea                       3 spikes, 1 variety or         3 blooms small ball
     7 stalks of a single            mixed                          (not over 170mm
     colour                                                         diameter)
                               13    Gladioli
2    Sweet Pea                       Primulinis or 3 spikes    22   Dahlias
     7 Stalks, mixed colours         (any colour). Butterfly        3 blooms miniature
                                     type                           decorative (not over
3    Roses                                                          115mm diameter)
     1 stem miniature          14    Carnations
                                     5 blooms                  23   Dahlias
4    Roses                                                          3 blooms miniature
     1 bloom HT in             15    Dahlias
                                                                    ball (not over 115mm
     exhibitor’s own                 1 bloom giant, or large
     container                       decorative
                                                               24   Dahlias
5    Roses                     16    Dahlias
                                                                    3 blooms collerette
     3 blooms HT (1 variety)         1 bloom giant, large
                                     cactus or semi-cactus     25   Dahlias
6    Roses                                                          3 blooms pom-poms
     3 blooms, mixed           17    Dahlias
                                     3 blooms medium           26   Perennials
7    Roses                           decorative (not over           Not classed,
     3 stems floribunda in           220mm diameter)                1 vase, 1 variety
                               18    Dahlias                   27   Annuals
8    Roses                           3 blooms medium                Not classed,
     6 blooms HT to be               cactus and/or                  1 vase, 1 variety
     shown in a box                  semi-cactus (not over
                                                               28   Pansies
9    Roses                           220mm diameter)
                                                                    6 blooms
     1 stem floribunda         19    Dahlias
                                                               29   Chrysanthemums
10   Roses                           3 blooms small
                                                                    3 blooms (disbudded)
     In fruit, not more than         decorative (not over
     3 stems                         170mm diameter)           30   Chrysanthemums
                                                                    3 Sprays
11   Gladioli (large)          20    Dahlias
     1 spike, any colour             3 blooms small cactus     31   Hydrangea
                                     and/or semi-cactus             3 blooms
                                     (not over 170mm

Flower Show & Summer Market - Mid and East Antrim Free - Mid and East Antrim Borough
Section 2                      Section 3
Pot Plants                     Vegetables
Class Category                 Class Category                   65   Rhubarb
                               45   Potatoes                         3 stalks
32   Pelargonium
     (Geranium) in pot              Dish of 3 (white)           66   Lettuce (Cabbage)
                               46   Potatoes                         One head
33   Fuchsia
                                    Dish of 3 (coloured)        67   Lettuce
     Other than standard
                               47   Cabbage                          (any other variety)
34   Fuchsia                                                         One head
                                    One head
     Standard                                                   68   Shallots
                               48   Cauliflower
35   Begonia                        One curd                         7 of any one variety
     In pot                                                     69   Tomatoes
                               49   Courgette
36   Any other flowering            Dish of 3                        Dish of 6 only
     plant not classified      50   Peas                        70   Cucumber
     In pot                         Dish of 7 Pods                   One only

37   Foliage Plant             51   Peas (Mange Tout)           71   Grow Your
     In pot (any kind)              Dish of 7 Pods                   Own Selection
                                                                     Any 4 kinds of
38   Cactus                    52   Broad Beans                      vegetables from
     One cactus up to and           Dish of 7 Pods                   categories 45-70
     including 3½” pot         53   Runner Beans                     inclusive. Each of the
                                    Dish of 7 pods                   4 vegetables chosen
39   Cactus
     One cactus 4” pot         54   French Beans                     must be displayed in
     and over                       Dish of 7 pods                   the amounts stated
                               55   Carrots                          in categories 45-70.
40   Cacti                                                           Vegetables grown either
                                    3 roots
     A collection of 5 cacti                                         in a garden or allotment
     up to and including       56   Parsnips
                                                                     garden will be accepted
     3½” pot                        3 roots
                                                                     in this category.
                               57   Garden Swede
41   Succulent                                                  72   Monster Vegetable
                                    One only
     One succulent (not                                              An exceptionally
     cactus) up to and         58   Parsley                          large vegetable for its
     including 3½” pot              3 fronds                         category. The monster
                               59   Leeks                            vegetable must be
42   Succulent
                                    2 plants                         a kind of vegetable
     One succulent (not
                               60   Table Celery                     from categories 45-70
     cactus) 4” pot and over
                                    2 heads maximum                  inclusive.
43   Succulents                                                 73   Novelty Vegetable
                               61   Vegetable Marrow
     A collection of 5                                               An unusually shaped
                                    One only (for preserving)
     succulents up to and                                            vegetable for its
     including 6” pot          62   Onions From Sets
                                    3 of any one variety             category. The novelty
44   Cacti and/or                                                    vegetable must be
                               63   Onions From Seeds                a kind of vegetable
     Succulent Garden
                                    3 of any one variety             from categories 45-70
     Grown in one container
     not to exceed 24”         64   Beetroot                         inclusive.
                                    3 roots

Section 4                        Section 5                        85    Chocolate Cake
                                                                        Freestyle, eg.
Flower                           Junior                                 chocolate fudge
Arrangement                                                       86    Sweet Pancakes
                                 16 years and under
                                                                        3 small sweet pancakes
In all classes of Flower         Class Category                   87    Scones
Arrangement, any fresh plant                                            3 scones (any fruit/
material or foliage may be       78   Mini Beasties
                                      An insect exhibit                 berry)
used. Mats and bases may be
used in all classes.                  made from foliage           88    Scones
                                      and flowers. Can be               3 savoury scones
Class Category                        presented on A4 card.
                                                                  89    Madeira Cake
74   The Blooming Best!          79   Treasures from Trash
                                                                  90    Fruit Cake
     A floral display ‘in             An exhibit made from
     bloom’ with colour.              recycled materials.         91    Lemon Cake
     Not to exceed 45cm          80   Cupcakes                    92    Victoria Sponge
     (18”) in width.                  3 decorated cupcakes
                                                                  93    Shortbread
75   Coastal Creation            81   No-Bake Tray Bake                 3 shortbread biscuits
     A natural display                3 no bake items,
     showcasing the coast.                                        94    Brownies
                                      eg. fifteens, rice crispy
     Not to exceed 45cm                                                 3 chocolate brownies
                                      buns, tophats.
     (18”) in width.                                              95    Tray Bakes
76   Edible Garden                                                      3 tray bakes
     A display to include
     fruit, flowers and herbs.   Section 6                        96    Fifteens
                                                                        3 fifteens
     Not to exceed 45cm          Home Industry                    97    Cup Cakes
     (18”) in width.
                                                                        3 cup cakes
77   Summer Basket               Class Category                         (any variety)
     (novice class)
                                 82   Glass Jar                   98    Apple Tart
     A display including
                                      Fruit jam, home made
     foliage and flowers                                          99    Wheaten Bread
                                      (any fruit/berry)
     from the garden. Not
                                                                  100   Fruit Bread
     to exceed 45cm (18”) in     83   Glass Jar
     width. For new entries           Marmalade, home
     to the show only.                made                        101   Banana Bread
                                 84   Glass Jar
                                      Savoury preserve,
                                      home made (using
                                      any fruit/vegetable).

Flower Show &
Summer Market
Entry Form
Your Details (Please complete clearly, in full and using capitals)

Full Name



Telephone Number                                         Age (Children’s section only)


I agree to abide by the rules in the schedule and to the decision of the judges.

Signed                                                   Date

Please give details of your exhibits overleaf, then return your form as detailed below.

Returning Your Form
                                                                  Office Use Only
Send your entry to:
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
Parks & Open Spaces
11 Antrim Street
Carrickfergus BT38 7DG.                                           Exhibitor

Electronic Entries                                                Number
Applications can also be emailed to
Flower Show & Summer Market Entry Form

Please complete the table below, detailing the number
of exhibits that you wish to enter into each class:

 Class        Number           Class         Number             Class    Number
 Number       of Exhibits      Number        of Exhibits        Number   of Exhibits

No changes to entries will be permitted during staging times.
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
Parks and Open Spaces
Museum and Civic Centre
11 Antrim Street
Carrickfergus BT38 7DG
0300 124 5000
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