Page created by Charlotte Leon
Flinders University - Team Australis2
Maritime RobotX WAM-V Application

Administrative/Technical Contact – Prof. Karl Sammut, karl.sammut@flinders.edu.au, M: +61413805
Lead Technical Contact – Dr. Phillip Skelton, phillip.skelton@flinders.edu.au, M: +61403785239
Technical Contact – Dr. Jonathan Wheare, jonathan.wheare@flinders.edu.au
Technical Contact – Assoc Prof. Russell Brinkworth, russell.brinkworth@flinders.edu.au
Technical Contact – Dr. Paulo Santos, paulo.santos@flinders.edu.au
Technical Contact – Dr. Andrew Lammas, andrew.lammas@flinders.edu.au

1. Introduction
The Flinders University Team Australis2 has previously participated in the inaugural 2014 and the 2016
Maritime RobotX competitions. We have developed expertise in many of the challenges involved. In
addition we have also developed a WAM-V’16 system and continually evolved it over the years to use
it in our maritime autonomy research. In this period we have developed our own electronic systems and
been able to reuse the same technology across different autonomous platforms. We plan to reuse much
of this proven technology for the 2022 RobotX competition thus reducing much of our development
time. The WAM-V has become indispensable to us and is in heavy use for many industry postgraduate
research projects including autonomous launch and recovery of a UUV, testing reinforcement learning
based control systems, undertaking collaborative mission planning of multiple unmanned vehicles, sonar
based survey work, testing novel sensors, etc. We are therefore keen to acquire a second WAM-V for
the competition so that our students can prepare the vehicle for the competition while the original vehicle
continues to be used for research purposes. Beyond the competition, we plan to use the vehicle for
collaborative mission planning research work and as a vehicle for teaching aspects of maritime autonomy
to our Masters students. This is an area of significant interest in Australia and one that we believe our
students should be prepared for.

2. Technical Approach and Justification
The solutions that we propose to each of the various tasks are detailed below.
Challenge Task 1 - Entrance and Exit Gates: This component involves three main aspects:-
The first part involves a pinger detector. We had previously developed a hydrophone based pinger
detection system for the RobotX 2016 competition. We have since redeveloped the analogue front end
to reduce the noise. In addition we have enhanced the multilateration system used to identify the pinger’s
position by adding on a particle-filter based tracker to improve the position estimates and correctly
identify the location of the pinger. This work is in progress and scheduled to be completed and tested by
Q3 2021.
The second part involves detecting the buoys – this will involve using the lidar system to map the location
of objects in the water near the starting gate area. A camera system will then be used to examine each of
the objects. To enhance the images and remove glare, we will be using a bioinspired vision technique
developed by our researchers – this has the advantage of allowing the camera to see into the sun –
especially useful early morning and late afternoon. A convolutional neural network (CNN) based
algorithm will be used to identify whether the objects are buoys and what their colour is. The lidar based
detection system and bioinspired vision system have been developed and tested, although the later still
needs to be ported to the ASV platform. The CNN based classifier still needs to be done. We expect
completion and testing of these components by Q3 2021.
The third part will be a path planner that will enable the autonomous surface vessel (ASV) to navigate
through the correct gate markers allowing for wind disturbances. Having navigated through the gate, the
ASV will use its lidar to find the possible location of the distant black buoy and plot a trajectory around
the buoy and then back through the same starting gates. A path planner algorithm has already been

developed and tested 1. A model predictive control system has also been developed to enable the ASV to
follow the given trajectory. This is currently being tested and should be ready by Q2 2021.

Challenge Task 2 – Follow the Path: This involves the following aspects
A drone system will need to be developed along with a takeoff/landing guidance system and capture
system. A small drone system with takeoff and landing guidance systems was developed by the Team in
2019 for use with the ASV. Aruco markers are used to assist the landing. While the guidance systems
are suitable for the new task, a larger drone will be required, to carry the heavier hyperspectral camera
payload. A suitable quadrotor has already been identified. Once airborne, the drone will be required to
fly above and around the ASV looking for and mapping buoy positions. As it images the area, the drone
will send back the raw images plus its relative position back to the ASV which will then build up a
photomosaic. A CNN algorithm will be used to classify the buoys based on shape and colour and the
pattern assessed to determine if the buoys forms a red-green corridor (path). The path planning and
control system employed in Task 1 will then be used to guide the ASV along the identified path. This
work will be completed by Q1 2022. Once the mapping is completed, the drone will return back to land
on the USV or if sufficient battery remains it will fly on to survey the area ready for Challenge 3. We
are currently investigating a design to fit an automated battery swapping mechanism to enable the drone
to conduct all its missions.

Challenge Task 3 - Wildlife Encounter and Avoid: This challenge will involve the use of a hyperspectral
camera fitted to the drone. We have existing capability in hyperspectral imaging from airborne vehicles
and are currently in the process of identifying a suitable camera for the drone. A CNN algorithm will
again be used to identify the targets and determine their shapes and the path planning system will then
be used to determine a suitable trajectory around the targets following the direction rules. It is anticipated
that this will be ready by Q2 2022.

Challenge Task 4 - Scan the Code: The Team developed a working solution for this in the RobotX 2014
and 2016 competitions. We have built a similar light assembly to that used in the competition for testing.
This task is completed.

Challenge Task 5 - Dock and Deliver: There are two components to this challenge:-
For the docking component, we have developed a suitable docking trajectory generator that takes into
consideration wind speed and currents. We have also developed a steering system that steers each rear
propulsor independently enabling the vehicle to skid steer. We will further explore the possibility of
adding a steered front thruster to achieve better station keeping. This is accommodated for in our control
system. We anticipate this task will be completed by Q4 2021.
For the deliver part, we have developed a compressed air racquet ball launcher. The launcher elevation
and azimuth are currently fixed leaving the boat manoeuvring control to adopt the correct firing position
- we may look at modifying this arrangement to accommodate pan and tilt mechanisms. The imaging
system for identifying the target has also been completed. We will be ready to test this on our test range

 Wheare, J., Lammas, A., Sammut, K., Toward the Generation of Mission Plans for Operation of Autonomous Marine
Vehicles in Confined Areas, IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING, VOL. 44, NO. 2, APRIL 2019

by Q3 2021. Note, the ball launcher is considered a firearm. We obtained an exemption from the South
Australian Police, a similar exemption from New South Wales Police may be required.

Challenge Task 6 – UAV Replenishment: For this task, the drone will need to be fitted with a servo
actuated gripper or perhaps a suction pad to enable it to pick up the disc. A downward facing camera
will be used to identify the coloured disc and guide the drone to collect it. The same camera system could
be used to locate the position of the Helios beacon on the land-based Helipad. More information
regarding the discs, light beacon flashing rate and whether it is visible/IR light will be needed to be more
exact about the solution. We anticipate that this work will be completed by Q2 2022.
Task Summary                                          Completion dates
Task 1                                                Q3 2021
Task 2                                                Q1 2022
Task 3                                                Q2 2022
Task 4                                                Completed
Task 5                                                Q4 2021
Task 6                                                Q2 2022
WAM_V completion                                      Q4 2021 (depending on delivery date)

3. Team Qualifications
Team Australis2 will primarily comprise Engineering and Computer Science students recruited from our
Field Robotics Club. This is open to all students from first year through to final year, Masters and Ph.D.
Most of these students undertake studies in autonomous systems, computer vision, control, machine
learning, electronics, mechanical, and programming.

Team Australis2 will be supervised by academic staff affiliated with the Centre for Maritime
Engineering. The Centre specialises in developing autonomy and platforms for unmanned marine
vehicles, including surface and underwater vehicles. Our research activities, include mission planning,
guidance systems, AI/ML, computer vision and ML based control systems. Our research projects are
primarily conducted in collaboration with and funded by our industry partners, Thales Australia, Naval
Group, BAE Systems, and DST Group.

Three members of staff, Sammut, Wheare and Lammas, previously participated in the 2014 and 2016
RobotX events and are well experienced in the RobotX Challenge and in developing the hardware and
autonomy for the WAM-V platform. In between challenges the WAM-V platform has been used as an
intrinsic part of our research infrastructure. New staff additions, Brinkworth, Santos and Skelton, bring
additional expertise in computer vision (including hyperspectral imaging) and machine learning.

4. Facilities
The Flinders University Centre for Maritime Engineering has access to a dedicated test area on the Port
Adelaide river where we have been testing our autonomous surface vehicles. This is a large restricted

site provided solely for our use with the support of Defence SA and the Port Adelaide City Council.
Within this area we can place buoys and mockups of the dock and target so that we can test the
performance of our obstacle detection and avoidance, docking and targeting algorithms. We also have
access to a secluded beach area at North Haven where we can test the vessel and the drone in a more
exposed environment with less restriction on the drone usage. Both sites are within easy reach from the
University enabling us to test on a regular basis.

The Centre has Lidars (Velodyne, and Ouster), marine radar (Simrad 4G), windspeed sensor, and
cameras at its disposal. We also have an existing WAM-V ’16 that we use for much of our research
activities. To assist the testing of our sensors, we have developed mockups of the racquetball target, the
dock, and the buoys.
Within the University, we have access to excellent mechanical and electronic workshops, where the team
members can construct and assemble the sensor platforms and ancillaries for the ASV.

5. Sponsorships and Partnerships
At this early stage, we are still in the process of organising sponsorships. However, to date we have been
successful in secured sponsorship offers from:
 Thales Australia - $10,000, contact – Mr. Gavin Henry, gavin.henry@thalesgroup.com.au
 Defence SA - airflights and accommodation for students, contact - Mr. David Eyre,
We are currently organising further sponsorship from Flinders University and industry partners to assist
with purchase of some equipment and logistics. Given the rough costings presented below, we appreciate
that we will need to work hard over the next year to secure more funding. We are therefore engaging the
professional support of our University’s Marketing & Communications Office to assist us in this venture.
We are in discussion with research our partner institution, ENSTA Bretagne in France to involve some
of the French & Australian Baudin Exchange Scholarship students on joint projects.
Last but not least, we will be involving former graduates who participated in previous RobotX
competitions and other industry partners as mentors for the students to help motivate them.

6. Management Approach
Our first action is to rebuild up the Australis2 Team. Some of the previous members are still present and
members of our research team. We will use the University’s Field Robotics Club to heavily promote and
recruit student members from all year levels. Together with the staff, they will arrange a work schedule,
working bee events and social events to incentivise students to get the work done. We have also started
to recruit final year students to work on more specialised aspects for their Honours & Masters projects,
together with reusing some aspects of our Ph.D students’ work. Some tasks are also being introduced
within our courses as assessed lab exercises to challenge the students to develop novel solutions. We
will hold regular management meetings to ensure that we remain on track with the tasks.

Leadership Responsibilities                            Academic Staff Leads
Administration and Technical management                Sammut and Skelton
ROS development                                        Wheare & Skelton
Electronic/Electrical/Mechanical                       Lammas, Wheare and Skelton
Quadrotor Drone Development                            Sammut and Brinkworth
Computer Vision & Classification                       Brinkworth, Santos and Skelton
Control Systems                                        Sammut, Lammas and Wheare
Web page Development                                   Flinders Field Robotics Club

7. Rough Order of Magnitude Cost

Item                                                                             AU$               US$
Li-Ion Batteries (Kokam 2 x 4kWh)                                                    $18,000       $13,500
2 x Torqeedo Cruise 2R Propulsion                                                    $12,000         $9,000
2 X MAR WAM-V engine modules                                                         $10,000         $7,500
Trimble BX982 dual GPS tracker + AHRS                                                $19,000       $14,250
Host Computer + Misc. electronics, mechanical, servos and cabling                    $10,000         $7,500
Quadrotor Drone                                                                        $2,000        $1,500
Hyperspectral camera                                                                 $20,000       $15,000
Team Accommodation (8 people 10 days)                                                  $6,000        $4,500
Air travel – Adelaide Sydney (8 people)                                                $4,000        $3,000
Freight costs WAM-V (Adelaide Sydney return)                                           $3,000        $2,250
Total                                                                               $104,000       $78,000

8. Summary
The Maritime RobotX Competition is undoubtedly one of the most educational and challenging field
robotics challenges. Our involvement at the previous 2014 and 2016 RobotX competitions has given us
much valuable experience in developing solutions ready for the 2022 RobotX competition. The most
valuable lesson learnt however, is to take nothing for granted. The second most valuable lesson is that
we need to spread the load within our team in terms of the technical and administrative management as
well as making sure that we have overlap across all skill sets. This is something that we did not address
well in the previous challenges. A third lesson is that simple solutions often work better than more
advanced ones, so it is always useful to have backup solutions ready to use. Last but not least, we must
ensure that everything is tested thoroughly in the field at our trial site well before the competition. While
solutions may work very well in the lab, they often fail badly, so repeatedly trialling our systems will be
indispensable. The next nineteen months will be challenging to fit in work schedules and arrange field
trials that work with student academic calendars. Our goal is to be well prepared well ahead of the
competition so that we do not leave any development to the last minute as we and many other teams did
in previous competitions. Our objective is not so much to beat the other teams, but to successfully
complete each of the challenges. This is above all what RobotX is about.

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