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CANADIAN MAY/JUNE 2020 FIREARMS JOURNAL NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 Fully Committed On All Fronts CANADA’S NATIONAL FIREARMS ASSOCIATION PM 40009473 Return undeliverable to: Canadian Firearms Journal, P.O. Box 49090, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 6H4 CFJ_NOVENBERDECEMBER20_01_COVER.indd 1 2020-10-15 11:02 AM
TYPE 81 LMG The Type 81 LMG is an infantry support version of the Type 81 rifle family. Chambered in the same 7.62x39, the rifle was designed with a number of changes over the standard Type 81 to support its role. A thicker and longer chrome lined barrel was added for better retained accuracy during high volume firing, a folding bi-pod was attached to the barrel for firing support and the front sight was moved to the end of the barrel to provide a longer sight radius for added precision. A top mounted carrying handle was mounted to the rear sight post and the rear stock changed to “club foot” style to allow the user to fire from the prone position more comfortably. Supplied with two 5/30 magazines, with sling and drum magazines available as optional accessories. All parts and components are new production. Non-restricted. Priced at just $1499. Very limited quantities. TACTICALIMPORTS.CA SALES@TACTICALIMPORTS.CA 800.994.6223 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_02-03_CONTENTS_FINAL2.indd 2 2020-10-16 12:22 PM
CANADIAN November/December 2020 FIREARMS JOURNAL COLUMNS FEAT U R ES CANADIAN MAY/JUNE 2020 FIREARMS JOURNAL NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 Fully Committed On All Fronts CANADA’S NATIONAL FIREARMS ASSOCIATION PM 40009473 Return undeliverable to: Canadian Firearms Journal, P.O. Box 49090, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 6H4 CFJ_NOVENBERDECEMBER20_01_COVER.indd 1 2020-10-15 11:02 AM MISSION STATEMENT Canada’s National Firearms Association exists to promote, support and protect all safe firearms activities, including the right of self defense, firearms education for all Canadians, freedom and justice for Canada’s firearms community and to advocate for legislative change to ensure the right of all Canadians to own and use firearms is protected. The contents of the Canadian Firearms Journal are copyrighted and may be reproduced only when written permission is obtained from the publisher. N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 3 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_02-03_CONTENTS_FINAL2.indd 3 2020-10-16 12:22 PM
O n The C over T his month’s cover features a com- memorative Second World War knife, created by Boker to honour the soldiers of the Devil’s Brigade. This unit was a combined force of Canadian and US soldiers who are best known under that name, but they were officially known as the 1st Special Service Force. This was a commando group formed in 1942, under the command of the United States Fifth Army. All United States Army Special Forces Groups are generally considered to be lineal de- scendants of this combined Canadian/ American unit. Boker’s commemorative knife is a replica of the unit’s V-42 combat knife, complete with sheath and the unit’s red shoulder patch. Also included is a sticker with the words, “The worst is yet to come,” in German. Apparently, these early commandos left stickers like this behind as they created carnage behind enemy lines. The knife is available from all Boker dealers and is pictured here with a battle-scarred German Mauser 98 rifle. Canadian Firearms Journal The Official Magazine of Editor Al Voth General Manager Ginger Fournier 780-439-1394 Accounts/Membership General Information Legal Inquiries National Executive National President 1-877-818-0393 Sheldon Clare EVP, Communications 1-877-818-0393 Blair Hagen Treasurer 1-877-818-0393 PM 40009473 Bill Rantz Return undeliverable to: Secretary 1-877-818-0393 Canadian Firearms Journal, P.O. Box 49090, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 6H4 Jerrold Lundgard PRINTED IN CANADA 4 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBERDECEMBER20_04-09_EDITOR_PRESIDENT_FINAL.indd 4 2020-10-15 3:19 PM
F rom T he E ditor’s D esk Al Voth The Poppy T his issue of the Canadian Firearms Journal will be arriving in mail- boxes just in time for our Remembrance try, more controversy swirls around the poppy every year. People with political agendas are doing their best to make it “whipping boy” for many of society’s ills, especially crime. Governments are supposed to protect minorities against Day celebration here in Canada. I’m a symbol of war-mongering, colonial- the persecution of mob opinion; but in reminded of the time many years ago ism, violence, racism, animal cruelty our case, today’s government is leading when I was in the US just prior to and every other negative you care to the charge. They need to create an en- Remembrance Day and, of course, I was name. Of course, it’s all an effort to emy, a scapegoat, someone to blame for wearing a poppy. I ducked into a hair sa- promote their own agendas while tram- criminal violence, and we’ve been se- lon for a badly needed cut and the nice pling on the graves of veterans to do it. lected. As history shows, it’s not a new lady buzzing my scalp asked about “the I’m sure even some of Canada’s federal strategy, only the focus has changed flower.”That question would never have politicians would love to toss their from being race-based to belief-based. I been asked in Canada, and it was my poppies in the trash as well, and the fully expect more belief-based persecu- first encounter with the fact the poppy only thing keeping them from doing it tion in the years to come. These guys is not a universal symbol. I did my best is the ensuing wrath of voters. So, look are just getting started. to explain the meaning of the poppy, but around this Remembrance Day and see However, we’ll continue to promote I either did a poor job or it didn’t sink who is proudly wearing a poppy. Most and celebrate freedom in these pages, in for some reason as she shrugged and of those people will understand the and we have lots of content for doing so said, “That’s nice. I try not to get politi- value of freedom and have some appre- in this issue. Gary Kangas has his an- cal.” As a result, I learned the poppy is ciation for the cost of keeping it. nual tribute to Canada’s soldiers in his mostly used in Australia, Canada, New Naturally, we gun owners are some column, and we have a wide selection Zealand and the United Kingdom; not of the most vocal people in Canada on of reviews, reports and opinions. I trust so much, if at all, in the US. the subject of personal freedom. That’s you’ll find it all educational and inspir- It seems to me that, even in this coun- to be expected, since we are the current ing. Enjoy your magazine. N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 5 CFJ_NOVEMBERDECEMBER20_04-09_EDITOR_PRESIDENT_FINAL.indd 5 2020-10-15 3:19 PM
President’s Message Sheldon Clare Battle Stations! T hank you for your vigorous sup- port of the NFA in this difficult time for firearm rights. I am pleased We are continuing to engage in lobbying to report that your contributions to activity in Ottawa and our legal and political fight have so to forcefully press for fundamental change to far brought in some $750,000, which the over 50 years of should stand us in good stead for gun control laws that the legal battle underway against the have nothing to do Order in Council attack on us and with public safety and our property. This fledgling war chest everything to do with civil disarmament. should also give us a strong start in fighting an election, whether it comes Nous continuons notre sooner or later. Even so, we will need lobbying à Ottawa avec to continue growing our membership l’objectif de changer and building funds to fight an elec- fondamentalement 50 ans de contrôle des tion. The way parliament works, there armes qui n’a rien à voir could be one at any time, especially in avec la sécurité publique a minority situation. et tout à voir avec le To that end, we have increased our désarmement civil. professional presence on social and traditional media. We are continuing to engage in lobbying activity in Ot- have delivered your pink slips to disaster forced upon our society by tawa and to forcefully press for funda- Prime Minister Trudeau. He likely the current COVID-19 situation and mental change to the over 50 years of won’t take the message seriously, but the all-too-rampant corrupt misuse gun control laws that have nothing to he should since over 2,000 of us made of taxpayer money. The fact is that do with public safety and everything significant contributions to add to our people have given up a great deal of to do with civil disarmament. As one war chest. I know that our fundraising freedom in return for a little security longtime observer mentioned to me asks are frequent, but they are work- – whether perceived or real. Regard- recently, it really seems these firearm ing, as we are gaining great resources less, this global situation has had the laws are designed and intended to for our fight. I learned many years ago effect of causing tremendous damage fail. Then the argument, “If we only as a political organizer that the best to our society, economy and interper- had more gun laws,” can be trotted out way to get money for a good cause sonal relations. From my perspective, until they are all gone. was to ask for it, and that is just what it’s no wonder there are elements in The political situation is a tense one. we are doing. We are trying to build our government and society who want The Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois up our membership base to reach us to give up our guns. The desire to have made themselves our enemies. 100,000 and beyond. More members get control over large numbers of free If you value individual rights and mean more communication, more thinkers makes getting our firearms freedom, you should not support those awareness and a strong basis to push an essential part of what appears to be parties. The Conservatives have been for our goals of reform and freedom. a growing neo-Marxist agenda. willing to listen to our ideas about a We are in a time of historical I hope we are able to find a political full review of our firearms laws, but change. The upheavals in both the solution which will prevent conflict, even they are still hung up on the es- United States, and to a lesser extent in but I fear we are coming to a great sence of failed gun control (licensing Canada, coupled with the danger of clash of culture and ideology. Such a of people, classification of firearms into economic collapse through poor deci- clash is probably unavoidable given good guns and bad guns, and regis- sions, and the dangerous growth of the number of factors in the mix. tration of firearms.) It will take a lot socialist movements are clear threats Before this happens, it is more critical ISTOCK of effort to turn around this seriously to the individual rights that firearms than ever that you are involved in flawed view of firearms control. ownership represents. This is not politics and you continue to support By the time you read this, we will to mention the economic and social our efforts, while encouraging others 6 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBERDECEMBER20_04-09_EDITOR_PRESIDENT_FINAL.indd 6 2020-10-15 3:19 PM
to do the same. ownership and use are at risk. The Nous sommes dans une période de We are living in dangerous times that same people who don’t like you own- changement historique. Les révoltes have historical precedents, and it is ing firearms also don’t like personal aux États-Unis et moindrement au important for us to take steps now to protection, collecting firearms and the Canada, le danger d’effondrement support calm, rational players who will hunting and target sports. None of économique à cause de mauvaises dé- fight for the private ownership of prop- us are secure from the gun-grabber cisions et la dangereuse croissance de erty and the individual rights which go goals. Make it clear to your elected mouvements socialistes sont des men- along with property ownership. These representatives that we aren’t sheep, aces réelles envers les droits indivi- key indicator issues are closely tied to and we will stand for our rights and duels que la possession d’armes à feu firearms ownership and use. our community. And whatever else représente. Sans oublier le désastre To be clear, all aspects of firearms you do, be an informed voter. social et économique causé par le CO- VID-19 et l’usage corrompu de l’argent des contribuables. Les gens ont donné beaucoup de leur liberté pour très Message du peu de sécurité en retour, qu’elle sois perçue ou réelle. Peu importe cette situation globale cause beaucoup Président de dommages à notre société, notre économie et nos relations interperson- nelles. Je ne suis pas surpris de voir Sheldon Clare qu’il y a des éléments dans notre gou- Aux postes de combat! vernement et notre société qui veulent nous désarmer. Le désir de contrôler un grand nombre de libre-penseurs rend l’acte de mettre la main sur nos J e vous remercie pour votre appui vigoureux durant cette époque dif- ficile en regard des droits des armes à Québécois sont tous nos ennemis. Si les droits individuels et la liberté sont important pour vous, vous ne devriez armes à feu un objectif essentiel de ce qui apparait être un mouvement néo- Marxiste grandissant. feu. Il me fait plaisir de vous annon- pas voter pour ces partis. Les Conser- J’espère que nous trouverons une cer que vos contributions pour notre vateurs acceptent d’écouter nos idées solution politique qui pourra prévenir lutte politique et juridique s’élèvent par rapport à une révision complète des conflits mais je crains que nous ar- à $750,000. Nous sommes donc bien de nos lois sur les armes à feu mais rivons à un grand affrontement de cul- équipés pour contester le Décret qui ils sont quand même convaincus du ture et d’idéologie. Il est probablement fut une attaque envers nous et notre bienfait de lois qui ne fonctionnent inévitable vu touts les éléments qui le propriété privée. Ce montant devrait pas (l’émission de permis, la clas- compose. Avant que cela n’arrive, il est aussi nous permettre de nous défen- sification des armes qui les qualifient très important que vous vous impli- dre avec vigueur lorsqu’une élection comme bonne ou mauvaises et leur quiez en politique et que vous contin- sera déclenchée. Nous devrons quand enregistrement). Il nous faudra beau- uez à nous appuyer tout en encourag- même continuer d’accueillir plus de coup d’effort pour changer cette vision eant d’autres à faire de même. membres et d’augmenter le mon- sérieusement erronée du contrôle des Nous vivons une époque dangereuse tant de notre caisse pour nous battre armes à feu. dont les précédents historiques sont durant l’élection. Nous pourrions en Quand vous lirez ces lignes, le alarmants. C’est donc important que subir une n’importe quand vu le gou- Premier Ministre aura reçu vos avis nous prenions les moyens d’appuyer vernement minoritaire. de congédiement. Il ne les prendra des intervenants calmes qui vont se Pour ce faire nous avons augmenté sûrement pas au sérieux mais il battre pour la possession de propriété notre présence professionnelle sur devrait parce que plus de 2000 d’entre privée et les droits qui l’accompagne. les médias sociaux et traditionnels. nous avons contribué à notre caisse Ces enjeux clé sont intimement liés à Nous continuons notre lobbying à électorale. Je sais que nous deman- la possession et l’usage d’armes à feu. Ottawa avec l’objectif de changer dons fréquemment des fonds, mais ça Soyons clairs, TOUS les aspects de la fondamentalement 50 ans de contrôle marche et nos ressources pour la lutte possession d’armes à feu sont à risque. des armes qui n’a rien à voir avec la augmentent sans cesse. Il y a plusieurs Les mêmes personnes qui n’aiment sécurité publique et tout à voir avec le années lorsque j’étais organisateur pas que vous possédiez des armes à désarmement civil. Un observateur de politique j’ai appris que la meilleure feu, n’aiment pas aussi la protection longue date m’a fait remarquer récem- manière de recevoir des fonds pour personnelle, la collection d’armes à ment, que les lois sur les armes à feu une bonne cause était de les demand- feu, les sports de tir et la chasse. Aucun sont conçues pour échouer, comme er et c’est ce que nous faisons. Nous d’entre nous sommes en sécurité ça l’argument “Si seulement il y avait essayons d’augmenter le nombre de contre ces gens. Ne vous gênez pas de plus de lois sur les armes à feu” est nos membres à 100,000 et plus. Plus de dire à vos élus que nous ne sommes présenté jusqu’à temps qu’il n’en reste membres équivalent à plus de com- pas des moutons et que nous main- ISTOCK plus une. munications, plus de sensibilisation tiendrons nos droits et notre commu- La situation politique est très ten- et une bonne base pour pousser nos nauté. Quoique vous fassiez, soyez un due. Les Libéraux, le NPD et le Bloc objectifs de réforme et de liberté. électeur informé. N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 7 CFJ_NOVEMBERDECEMBER20_04-09_EDITOR_PRESIDENT_FINAL.indd 7 2020-10-15 3:19 PM
Vice-President’s M essage Blair Hagen The Liberal Disarmament Plan M any of you reading this will have grown up in an earlier Canada, where the contract between citizens and that? Is this the kind of Canada you want to live in, ruled by a government which rewards responsibility and law- The Liberal plan is that when they can get a scheme together and find some- body to operate it for them, Canadians government was respected. Canadians fulness with the confiscation of lawfully will line up to hand in their property respected laws, and the government acquired and owned property? and receive the payment deemed ap- respected rights and property. We are Basically, the Liberals are emotional propriate for it in due course. Recal- a nation founded on English Com- juveniles. Their irresponsible actions as citrant Canadians who do not comply mon Law, which protected the rights, government are driven by progressive will be targeted selectively, according freedoms and property of Canadians. politics and feelings. Their symbol- to the leisure of the Liberals and law However, those stays which so famously ism is more important than the rights, enforcement. As usual, the Liberals established Canadian civil society, our freedoms and property of Canadians, have dismissed any thought of the laws, our governments and our history and this is dangerous to every citizen ramifications of their confiscations on are being attacked by a Liberal govern- of this country. The Liberals have all the rights, freedoms and property of ment behaving like an insolent child but admitted this act will do nothing Canadians, the relationship between smashing a toy he has grown bored to make Canada safer, but nonetheless Canadians and the government and the with. Those concepts have not only been it is important because of their values. relationship between Canadians and abandoned by the Liberals, they have Liberal values. Their values. law enforcement. been dismissed with prejudice and con- The belief behind it is that “hunt- The Liberal Party obviously believes tempt. And not just the firearms issue, ers” will not object to the confiscations we are used to being treated like crimi- but other issues of rights, free speech because it does not affect them. It is al- nals, that Canadians have accepted they and economic opportunity and security. leged the firearms targeted are not used have no right to arms or property, and Think about that. in hunting, so it is unlikely to cause the that Canadians will accept any gun law Your sacrifices of personal rights and political controversy and furor that the imposed because they say so. The Liber- freedoms in an attempt to continue to Liberal attempt at universal registration als are about to learn a hard and stark legally possess your property over the did back in the 1990s/2000s. This is how lesson – again. They have obviously years and decades mean nothing to obtuse the ideologs and party apparat- learned nothing from their 1995 C-68 them. Less than nothing, actually. Their chiks in the Liberal Party are. Far from Firearms Act debacle, and it is essential firearms legislation and their Order in the anecdotal support from “hunters” that Canadians mete out the appropri- Council are literally ideological flights the Liberals claim to have, the move has ate punishment a second time. The Lib- of fancy. caused opposition from a whole variety erals have proven they are not worthy of Juxtapose this with the recent decrimi- of Canadians, some of whom have no the privilege of forming government. nalization of marijuana. You foolishly interest in firearms but much interest There is no evidence this property is attempted to comply with firearms in how the Liberal move affects their a danger to public safety, there is no laws, while others ignored and flouted rights and property. Not only are indi- demand from law enforcement that it the drug laws they disagreed with and vidual Canadians concerned, but the be seized, and there are no statistics were finally rewarded with changes by provincial governments of Alberta and showing these firearms are used in Liberal governments. Saskatchewan, and the Conservative more crimes or tragedies than other And now they will attempt to confis- Party of Canada as well. firearms. The Liberal justifications are a cate your property using the law. Your gun today, my gun tomorrow. lie. Full stop. Oh, they say they will pay you for Soon, no guns. That is the Liberal As we begin this journey of once them, as if that is any consolation. They disarmament plan, and it was exposed again securing our rights, property and haven’t said how much or even devised by the 1995 C-68 Firearms Act with its culture, as we begin this journey of a scheme to do it, but in their twisted attempt to impose mandatory licensing once again defeating the Liberal civil minds the offer makes it okay. “You want and universal registration. The fact that disarmament agenda, all of us require your money, don’t you?” Well, it’s not the Liberals are attempting to use the a single-minded determination that okay and it doesn’t erase the egregious- restricted firearms registry, as well as justice will be done. We will stop this ness of the act. pre-2012 long gun registry data, which tyranny and we will put things right How do you feel about that? More was supposed to be destroyed, proves because we are Canadians and it is in importantly, what do you think about this beyond a shadow of a doubt. our blood. 8 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBERDECEMBER20_04-09_EDITOR_PRESIDENT_FINAL.indd 8 2020-10-15 3:19 PM
Become an NFA FIELD OFFICER Are you a firearms activist eager to make a difference and fight to protect gun owners’ rights? Volunteer and join our leadership team today! FIELD OFFICER PROGRAM: 1-877-818-0393 // J u l y /A u g u s t 2 0 2 0 9 CFJ_NOVEMBERDECEMBER20_04-09_EDITOR_PRESIDENT_FINAL.indd 9 2020-10-15 3:19 PM
Devenez AGENT DE TERRAIN NFA Êtes-vous un(e) activiste voulant faire une différence et se battre pour protéger les droits des propriétaires d’armes à feu? Joignez-vous à notre équipe de bénévoles dès aujourd’hui! PROGRAMME AGENTS DE TERRAIN 1-877-818-0393 // Nathaniel Milljour CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER_10-11_POINTBLANK.indd 10 2020-10-16 10:23 AM
Point Blank Chris McGarry 2 019 was a record year for mass shootings in the United States. Following these tragic events, unwitting souls are commonly referred to as Fudds. And each of us knows at least one. particularly the mass shootings in It wasn’t all that long ago that El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, I had a Fudd tell me nobody which occurred within 12 hours needs to own an AR-15, as the of each other, the mainstream firearm’s sole purpose is to kill. news and social media were alive Even more alarming was when with the usual weak argument he affirmed how over the moon that, “Nobody needs an AR- he was regarding the RCMP’s 15.” As if the model of firearm decision to ban magazines for the used was solely responsible for 10/22 rifle and also further tighten the mass shootings, not mental the screws on AR-15 and semi- health, violent video games, bad auto owners. After all, who needs parenting, etc. a magazine that holds any more As those of us who stay regularly than a few rounds for a casual day in the loop know all too well, Who needs of hunting in the backcountry? the lowly AR-15 has received an AR-15? Given that this individual is a a punishing dose of bad press. licensed firearms owner who For years, anti-gun politicians in enjoys hunting and target Canada salivated at the thought shooting, he should know better. of outlawing this popular sporting Today, the antis are targeting AR- firearm, which, contrary to what 15s. Next year, it could easily be a gullible, uneducated public the rifle or shotgun he uses for believes, is no more of a military- hunting game in the fall. grade weapon than your father’s office in 2015, addressed a shocked The next time an anti or 30-06. In the wake of the worst mass and angry public with the same tired uninformed person tells you that shooting in modern Canadian history, platitudes regarding the lack of need nobody needs an AR-15, or any semi- which took place on April 18, 2019, in Canadian society for semi-automatic automatic firearm for that matter, in central Nova Scotia, the Trudeau firearms. In this case, what our leftist reply by stating unequivocally that Liberals wasted no time exploiting this politicians and their lackeys in the when governments acquire the power national tragedy to bolster their own mainstream media failed to make to decide what property citizens are antigun agenda. They moved swiftly widely known right away was that the permitted to own, even if they don’t to ban over 1,500 models and variants, Nova Scotia shooter was prohibited own firearms specifically, their SUV or including the evil AR-15, which to date from legally possessing firearms and large house could one day be deemed has never been used in a mass shooting acquired the firearms he used on the a menace to the environment and in Canada. black market. The Trudeau government confiscated. Okay, I know that sounds In a free society, it’s taken as a given adopted a facts-be-damned mentality like lunacy, but if you read the fine that for most items, an onus needn’t be when presented with hard evidence, print contained within UN Agenda placed on citizens to justify a specific and advanced with their disarmament 2030, a document many western need for ownership, whether that agenda for cheap political gain. governments have signed on to, the be a firearm, car or yacht. Trying to While gun rights advocates always danger is more a threat than most explain this to people who just plain seem to be fighting an unending uphill people think. can’t accept the idea that gun control battle against the illogical rhetoric In conclusion, whatever property HOWARD COMMUNICATIONS and, more specifically, the outlawing spewed liberally by anti-gun groups, a law-abiding citizen owns is their of specific classes of firearms due to sadly one of our biggest opponents business, just as long as they use it their frightening looks, does nothing wears the same uniform as us. I’m responsibly. For the sake of liberty to enhance public safety, is downright referring to a class of gun owner who and common sense, let’s put the needs Nathaniel Milljour frustrating. doesn’t mind throwing his brother and argument to rest once and for all. In the days following the Nova sister gunnies under the bus, as long Scotia shootings, the Coalition for as the type of firearms he happens to Chris McGarry is a freelance writer and Gun Control, which has had the ear of own never find themselves in the sights indie author who lives in Prince Edward the Trudeau government since it took of anti-gun politicians. These poor, Island. N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 11 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER_10-11_POINTBLANK.indd 11 2020-10-16 10:23 AM
P reserving O ur F irearms H eritage Gary K. Kangas & Daryl Drew T he Second World War officially began on Sept. 3, 1939, when Britain and France declared war on 10th Canadian Provost Corps., Germany in response to the invasion of Vancouver Poland. Canada entered the war Sept. Island, 1942. Vic Drew second 10, 1939, and in response young men from left. and women volunteered themselves for service in combat, as well as support and covert operations. Canada’s declaration of war resulted in the formation of new military units, many of them largely unseen by the public and the media of the day. These unseen soldiers laboured under dan- gerous conditions, but they have not received the high-profile acknowledge- ment of front-line combat soldiers. They made Canada secure in an era when our coasts and supply lines were vulnerable, when ships were being tor- pedoed in the St. Lawrence by German U-boats, and during Japanese attacks Provost Corp., which is Military Police. ing rotated to Nanaimo and Alberni on Vancouver Island. Canada was at At the outbreak of the Second World and via transport to Tofino. Attached war at home and multiple other fronts. War, Canada was without any Military to this unit was the 10th Company of One unit, designated the Devil’s Police, but on Sept. 13, 1939, the Royal the Canadian Provost Corp. of Military Brigade, was perhaps better known Canadian Mounted Police received per- Police. Vic Drew was now stationed at than most unseen soldiers. It was a mission to form a Provost Company us- the Bay Street armoury in Victoria. The joint American/Canadian Special ing volunteers from its ranks. This unit 10th Company of the Canadian Provost Commando unit designed for covert was designated the 1st Provost Corp. Corp. was operational in all phases operations, specially trained and (RCMP) of the 1st Canadian Infantry of Military Police work, from security specially equipped with weapons such Division. The Canadian Provost Corp. and intelligence to convoy escort, and as the distinctive V-42 stiletto fighting was officially authorized in June 1940. was fully mechanized with Indian and knife. These specialists trained at Fort Vic Drew quickly found himself guard- Harley Davidson motorcycles. William Henry Harrison near Helena, ing prisoners being transported from Moving troops, Bren gun carriers, Mont. This first special service force Halifax to Montreal on CPR trains. This artillery and tanks was all done in was activated in July 1942, with half was followed by undercover work with convoys that travelled at night under American and half Canadian troops. the RCMilitary Police catching traffick- blackout conditions. By the winter of The Montana location was selected ers of morphine and heroin from stolen 1941/1942, Vic Drew was a 21-year-old for its proximity to mountain terrain Army medical supplies. sergeant responsible for the orderly for winter training and flat terrain for When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, movement of these convoys along the airborne training. The training was the 10th Company Provost Corp. was narrow gravel road from Nanaimo to intense and rigorous. formed, and troops were re-assigned Port Alberni. The route taken wound The day after Canada entered the to defend the west coast. The attack on around Mount Arrowsmith on a one- Second World War, 19-year-old Victor Pearl Harbor and the invasion of the lane road, which was prone to fog, rain, Drew, a machinist assistant working Aleutian Islands by Japanese Impe- snow and ice in the wintertime. The at a stove works in Sherbrooke, Que., rial Forces intensified concerns over young Military Polices would attach a joined the Sherbrooke Regiment, his the possible invasion of Canada’s side car to their motorcycles, weighing initial training likely taking place in west coast. The 6th Military Division it down with gear to provide stability Fort William, Ont. Sometime during was established on Vancouver Island in the deep snow, which was common 1940, members of the Sherbrooke Regi- at Work Point Barracks in Esquimalt, on the mountain. The drop offs were ment were seconded to the Canadian with brigades within the division be- vertical without guard rails, and in 12 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER 20_12-15_POLITICS&GUN_FINAL2.indd 12 2020-10-16 3:04 PM
Vic Drew, 1943. Vic Drew, centre, in 1942. blackout conditions during a bliz- zard it was not uncommon for convoy vehicles to slide into each other, even though each vehicle, including motorcycles, had a small blue light in which meant they were on the road for sion on BC’s west coast was reduced. the front and the back that was visible 20 hours at a time. Members of the 10th Provost Co. for about 10 feet. If a truck slid into Another task assigned to the Provost were sent to Terrace, BC, to escort the the barrel of an artillery piece ahead Company, should a successful inva- Brigade, which had been stationed of it, the truck’s radiator would be sion of Vancouver Island occur, was to there, and subsequently reassigned to punctured and the truck would have carry out behind-the-line harassment Wainwright, Alta. These troops were to to be pushed off to the side to await of the enemy along the logging roads train for deployment to Italy and Nor- a wrecker truck, several of which fol- that crisscrossed the island. For this mandy. The troops were moved by train lowed the end of the convoy. mission, the Military Police were armed to Prince George, then by road convoy, Within an hour in such a storm, with 303 British rifles, STEN guns, .38 one of the longest ever undertaken the three-man escort would be stiff calibre revolvers and explosives. in Canada, to Wainwright, Alta. From from ice and snow, draped in icicles, When the Japanese became en- there, the 10th Co. Provost Corp. was as they moved in and out between trenched on Attu and Kiska of the deployed to other units and duties until the vehicles to keep them properly Aleutian Islands, the Alaska High- the end of the war in 1945. spaced and on track. We often forget way was built in response, and Allied Next issue, we’ll look at more unseen that these young men were carrying Forces moved north in the attempt to soldiers, including two further mili- huge responsibilities. Road condi- remove the Japanese. An invasion of tary adventures in British Columbia, tions were hazardous even in sum- these islands, beginning with Kiska, Vancouver Island, the Gum Boot Navy, mer. They wore no protective gear was launched on Aug. 15, 1943. The Pacific Coast Militia Rangers and the such as helmets, and casualties were Canadian contingent was assembled Devil’s Brigade. high among the Military Polices, in Nanaimo, but upon arriving at Kiska as accidents and fatalities were not found the Japanese forces had been uncommon. quietly spirited away by submarines Once the convoy reached Port Al- of the Japanese Imperial Navy. Mem- Sources: berni, some Military Police remained bers of the 10th Provost Co. remained Daryl Drew/Vic Drew on Kiska four months before being reminiscences, Wikipedia, History to disperse troops to transport loca- the of the 10th Co. Provo Corp. tions, while others returned to Na- recalled to Victoria. naimo to prepare for the next convoy, By 1943, the threat of Japanese inva- N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 13 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER 20_12-15_POLITICS&GUN_FINAL2.indd 13 2020-10-16 3:04 PM
Politics & G uns Bruce Gold I n this age of political upheaval and radical political rhetoric, it’s important to understand when someone is changing FROM ELECTED PARLIAMENT TO APPOINTED COUNCIL Another fundamental change was the With the Firearms Act, the Liberals re- turned to the direct rule of Canada (now at the bidding of cabinet instead of the fundamental structures, while presenting restructuring of our legislative practice. monarchy.) This shifting of legislative the change as a mere shift in policy. Under Section 91(27) of the Constitu- authority was a fundamental change tion, Parliament has broadly defined an because it took all future changes to FROM RIGHT TO PRIVILEGE exclusive jurisdiction over criminal law firearms law (criminal law) out of the An example of fundamental change is in Canada. This is part of the Suprem- elected legislature, insulating it from po- the Firearms Act. Prior to this legisla- acy of Parliament, a vitally important litical debate and parliamentary voting. tion, firearm ownership was regulated inheritance from the struggle between Some might interject at this junction in various ways, but with the Firearms Parliament and divine right kings. This that it is of little concern how they Act the Liberal Party turned ownership centuries-long struggle for power and shuffle the paperwork in Ottawa, and in of these inanimate objects from a right control of the state was the struggle for any case, so what? This change doesn’t to a criminal offense and 400 years of representative government anchored in currently affect my old hunting rifle or our cultural and legal traditions were the right to vote. This struggle pro- my trusty duck gun so it’s clearly not my swept away. Millions of Canadians who ceeded through bloody civil wars and problem. had followed all the rules and behaved includes our struggle for voting rights On May 1, 2020, Trudeau and the Lib- in accord with law and custom were (early voting rights were narrowly erals demonstrated why this is every now instant criminals by Liberal Party restricted by social class) so that all citi- gun owner’s, and indeed every Cana- fiat. Making fundamental change is like zens would be represented. The result- dian citizen’s problem. On that date, an changing the layout of a house’s founda- ing supremacy of an elected legislature Order in Council was promulgated that tion – it supports everything. With this and its untrammeled right to make law, rewrote criminal law and over 100,000 change, every aspect of gun ownership, especially criminal law, is rightly viewed law-abiding Canadian citizens who had use and commerce became subject to as a fundamental bedrock of Canadian followed all the laws and complied with criminal law. democracy. all the regulations awoke to find they If one wonders why peaceful, law- The Liberal Party decided, for purely were now criminals by Royal Decree. abiding citizens are now monitored by self-serving political reasons, that Without debate, Parliamentary vote or the Canadian Police Information Centre governing through Parliament did not legal warning, they now faced 10 years and subject to 24/7 background checks, suit their electoral strategies. With the in prison. Those inclined to dismiss this is why: they are engaging in “crimi- Firearms Act, they shifted all firearms this as just a gun owner’s problem, nal activity” allowed under license and regulation out of the elected legislature. and good riddance, would be wise extensive regulation. Why are people Henceforth, firearm’s law would be de- to remember that Common Law, the (criminals) who had previously lost the cided by cabinet and mandated through basis of our jurisprudence, advances by right to arms not included? Because the governor and council. precedent. A mighty precedent for the they are not engaging in current illegal A short history demonstrates how creation and application of criminal law activity, they get a pass. Note how slip- regressive this is. The office of the in Canada has been set, and criminal pery the verbiage becomes. People say governor and council began when law, my friends, can apply to anything that criminals have “lost the right” to French Canada was conquered during the government of the day wants it to possess firearms as a punishment for the French and Indian War and King apply to. There now exists a proven criminal behaviour. When in truth, all George III appointed a royal gover- method of ruling by decree, quite free Canadians have lost the right by govern- nor in 1760 (Field Marshal Amherst, of any troublesome Parliamentary ment decree. With the law criminalizing commander of the military forces that oversight and debate. Something fun- the mere ownership of firearms, the Lib- conquered Canada.) Seventy-odd years damental has changed in our hard-won erals introduced a fundamental change of direct rule in the feudal manner fol- democracy. to our rights, then hid the change lowed, and it was not until the Rebellion behind a completely malleable agenda of 1837 that responsible government FROM CERTAINTY TO SECRECY of “licensing.”They could then pretend finally emerged and elected legisla- One of the basic tenants of the rule of not much has changed. Citizens could tures began our tradition of responsible law in democratic countries is that the still have their now criminalized inani- government. The end to direct royal rule law must be known and understand- mate objects, albeit under sufferance, in Canada came 60 years after America’s able. This principle serves as a limitation as a long-established custom becomes a rebellion against the practice and 150 on the power of the state. It is a protec- highly regulated, conditional privilege. years after it ended in Britain. tion against tyranny because it enables 14 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER 20_12-15_POLITICS&GUN_FINAL2.indd 14 2020-10-16 3:04 PM
everyone – citizens, police, bureaucrats ing license and other specific legal of arbitrary direct cabinet rule on and judges – to know what the law requirements, will occur in a rapid, on- Canada. Under their now-accepted permits, forbids and requires. The most going manner. The RCMP contribute precedent, any majority government recent firearms ban (prohibitions) is a to the chaos with their murky firearms can vote any part of the criminal law, deliberate violation of this principle. classification process and by recording hence governance, out of our open The Liberals have, for reasons of public the ever-changing results in the secre- parliament and into secretive direct relations and political maneuvering, tive Firearms Reference Table. This rule through cabinet. It is no coinci- banned military-style assault weapons sort of legal practice is often referred dence that this agenda began with the without creating a legal definition of to as a Star Chamber. Named after the right to arms and its long historical as- what they are banning. This leaves the medieval Court of the Star Chamber, it sociation with the right to self defense actual criminal offense undefined and refers to a court with arbitrary rulings, and citizenship. reduces the law to a matter of shifting no due process and secretive proceed- Some Canadians are very compla- opinion. The Liberals have compounded ings. Such courts often impose pun- cent with this approach to firearm the legal uncertainty by making changes ishments for action the government regulation, and indeed see firearms through Orders in Council which are disapproves of for moral reasons, even themselves as overdue for complete not collated or promulgated the way if they do not violate the specifics of elimination. For some reason, they normal laws are. In each case and in ev- any law. The virtue signaling over the seem to miss the whole concept of ery instance, the court, the prosecution most recent gun ban (reclassification) “process.” A government that can and the accused must engage in a labo- confirms this tendency. No Canadian use this process to social engineer rious search of all Orders in Council to citizen can receive anything even firearms out of Canada (at least for find what the law was on the occasion of vaguely resembling a fair trial under the law-abiding) can use the process the incident. They must then determine secretive laws where guilt or even the for any other desired re-engineering. if the Order is lawful, within delegated law itself is reduced to the subjective, Complacency is not something to hand powers and applicable to the case. often political opinions of judges, pros- a political party that believes Canada This legal mess is further compounded ecutors and police. is a blank slate to be written on as by the government’s policy of “ever- they please. And it becomes danger- green” classification, where firearms CONCLUSION ous when handed to a PM who openly classification, with their accompany- The Liberals have imposed a system admires China’s basic dictatorship. Nathaniel Milljour CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER 20_12-15_POLITICS&GUN_FINAL2.indd 15 2020-10-16 3:04 PM
CONCENTRICITY PRODUCES ACCURACY 16 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_16-19_CONCENTRICITY_FINAL.indd 16 2020-10-16 12:36 PM
H Both chamfering andloaders tend to tinker. And closer to the size of those ladybugs. To tools index off the flash hole to ensure Redding Reloading Equipment the extent that each step in the process an even bevel on manufactures tons of tinker-perfect tools is precise and repeatable, theoretically, both sides of the – like their two piloted neck chamfering/ the output will be predictable accuracy. case mouth. deburring tools and their brand-new Handloaders control and manipulate Slant Bed Concentricity Gauge. All three these various variables by adjusting and tools are an effort to provide consistent testing results. Redding’s indexed low- and concentric bullet and rifle bore angle chamfer and deburring tools help alignment, which is one of the many handloaders get low-angle case neck variables handloaders try to control. This chamfers consistent and the new Slant is because case and bullet concentricity Bed Concentricity Gauge confirms the determine if the bullet engages the ri- results. fling straight or slightly offkilter. This, of A.J. Ferris, an engineer with Redding course, affects accuracy. The more closely Reloading, told me, “The inside chamfer a bullet is aligned to the bore, the more reamer indexes off the case flash hole, likely it will exit the muzzle consistently so the idea is to keep the inside chamfer and be off to an accurate start. aligned and as concentric as possible. The thinking is if the bullet is seated in NEW TOOLS the case straight and even, it comes out The two piloted hand tools help hand- of the case the same way and has a bet- loaders obtain consistent chamfers in- ter chance of leaving your barrel evenly. side and outside case mouths, while the If you start (the bullet) straight, it’s easier new concentricity gauge confirms how to end up straight. The 15-degree (VLD) closely bullets are aligned with the bore chamfer tool’s low angle works well with of the rifle. For a handloader, the only any bullet.” thing better than perfectly aligned bul- lets in rows of polished brass cartridges INNOVATION P are bullets from rows of polished brass Being a tinkerer himself, Ferris devel- cartridges that punch ladybug-sized oped the Slant Bed Concentricity Gauge groups when sent downrange. After to measure how concentric handloaded all, the accuracy game of handloading rounds are. He was frustrated with the is played in incremental steps. Each contortions required to read his exist- step, when properly done, shrinks holes ing concentricity gauge and wanted N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 17 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_16-18_CONCENTRICITY_FINAL.indd 17 2020-10-15 10:57 PM
RIGHT: The strain required to read a dial disappears with the innovative tilted angle of Redding’s Slant Bed Concentricity Gauge. BOTTOM: Depth can be set and locked, so the same amount of material is removed from each case. to reduce the risk of a reading error folks at Redding who are also hand- indexed low-angle (15 degrees) reamer because of the angle of the gauge. It loaders. When they started to use the and then deburr the outside edge of led him to make some major design gauge Ferris made to diagnose concen- the case mouth with the indexed de- adjustments. tricity problems, someone said, “Why burr tool. Both Redding reamers have Concentricity gauges aren’t new, don’t we commercialize this and make a hex screw on the shaft of the reamer fussy handloaders have been using it available to our customers?” It’s now so handloaders can set a consistent them to check loads for some time, but a valued part of their extensive line of cutting depth, ensuring a repeatable what is new is the slant Ferris put on handloading tools. amount of material is removed from the gauge. “I wasn’t necessarily making the inside edge of the case mouth. a tool to sell. I had a few gauges of my USING THE TOOLS I used the low-angle reamer to own at home and thought there was The top two measurements the Slant load a fresh batch of 7mm Rem- room for improvement. I set out to Bed Concentricity Gauge checks are case ington Magnum brass, trimming to make one for myself. One of the things neck concentricity before loading, and minimum, deburring and low-angle I wanted to accomplish was to be able bullet runout after loads are completed. chamfering using the flash-hole to see the gauge. Then I got the brain- Once cases are sized, run them through indexed reamers. The new Slant Bed storm to cant it back 30 degrees so it’s the concentricity gauge and remove the Concentricity Gauge confirmed the right in front of your eyes and at line outliers. Or, as some handloaders do, bullet runout as less than three thou- of sight when it’s sitting on the table,” add case neck turning as an additional sandths of an inch, with some varying said Ferris. step to ensure neck concentricity. Once less than two thousandths. Now this Ferris shared the gauge he made cases are trimmed, bevel the inside edge tinkerer is closer to shooting those with some of the customer service of the case mouth with the flash-hole- bug-sized groups. 18 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_16-18_CONCENTRICITY_FINAL.indd 18 2020-10-15 10:57 PM
STUCK! there is an easier way. Now I have Resume your reloading session wiser an RCBS stuck case remover on about case lubrication. my bench. Until this test, it had The stuck case remover is one of yet to be used. It was surprising those loading bench additions that how much effort it took to force handloaders will rarely need. But a twice-fired 223 Remington when you jam a case in a die, it is case to stick in a full-length the only thing that will enable you to sizing die on purpose. proceed with loading. It’s worth not- RCBS and others market ing I have ruined more cases out of stuck case removers. It is fear of not getting enough lube on the one of those extras for the case than sticking a case because of loading bench that is worth insufficient lube. In 20 years of loading adding before you need it. thousands of rounds, I’ve had three The RCBS kit comes with stuck cases, the third of which was a drill bit, tap, a bolt that done on purpose for this article. In the threads into the tapped first two incidents, I was under a bit of case and a cap that fits pressure to crank out some loads for over the die to act as le- an upcoming hunt. That’s probably an- verage for the bolt to grip other lesson – don’t be in a rush when and lift the case. It works you’re handloading. like this: Remove the die from the press, unscrew the decap- The stuck case ping assembly and insert the die remover is upside-down in the press or put one of those the die in a vice. Caution: do not loading bench The RCBS Stuck attempt this next step if there’s a additions that Case Remover is a handloaders will live primer in the case! rarely need. But good addition to any Using the supplied drill bit, carefully loading bench. when you jam a drill through the web at the bottom case in a die, it of the case using the primer cup and is the only thing flash hole as a guide. Use a little cut- that will enable S you to proceed uccessful handloading requires ting oil or light gun oil to help the bit with loading. good judgment. Misjudge the cut. amount of case lube required for Once clear, use the tap to cut threads reforming brass and you either dimple inside the freshly drilled hole. Again, the case shoulder with too much lube, a drop or two of oil helps the process. or your handloading session screeches Once the tap clears the web, back it out to a halt because of a stuck case – too and remove it. little lube. Slip the steel cap over the end of Sometimes balance can be elusive. the die and thread the bolt into your The last time I experienced an inexo- freshly tapped case. rably stuck case, my son and I were Using the provided hex key, tighten cranking out some 243 Winchester the bolt and the case will back out loads for his hunt the following day. from the die. Ten strokes in, a new brass case stuck Once clear, clean the die with solvent on the downward stroke of the press and give the interior the smallest arm. We sent that die back to RCBS for smear of oil. You may have to replace them to extract and replace the decap- the decapping assembly if it was dam- ping pin, which they graciously did at aged during removal. Obviously, the no charge. That was before we knew case is ruined. N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 9 19 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_16-18_CONCENTRICITY_FINAL.indd 19 2020-10-15 10:57 PM
RULE BEATER I recently had the opportunity to test the 10/22 magazine adapter from Spectre Ballistics, an Alberta company that’s big on creative solutions. This handy device allows shooters to use Remington 597 magazines in a Ruger 10/22. Why, you ask, would anyone want to do that? Simple – to increase magazine capacity. Ruger 10/22s, due to the exis- tence of a rare pistol variant called the 10/22 Charger, can only have a 10-round magazine because the standard 10/22 magazine is now con- sidered a pistol magazine. The Rem- ington 597, on the other hand, only comes in rimfire rifle models and as such is not subject to magazine capacity laws. As a result, magazines with up to 30-round capacity are readily available. As for Spectre’s magazine adapter, install is a snap – take out the origi- nal magazine, put this in its place and you’re done. No milling, drilling or gunsmithing. This, I liked. As for reliability, the only issues I could make happen occurred when push- ing the magazine forward while fir- ing. Doing this prevented the action from going into battery completely, creating a light strike. I twisted, pushed and pulled every which way with no other issues; even firing the rifle upside down (in a safe fashion) caused no troubles. After some usage, the only flaw I encountered was with the Reming- ton 597 magazines themselves. I had Remington maga- zines in a Ruger rifle restore its capacity. 20 N o v e m b e r/ D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_20-21_RULE BEATER.indd 20 2020-10-15 11:03 PM
Spectre’s magazine adapter replaces the 10-round magazine with a filler block designed to take Remington 597 magazines. two of them shatter springs. Initially, I thought the adapter was causing feed issues, but upon inspection, my magazines sounded like maracas. I took them apart and found that what should have been one long spring was now nine pieces in one magazine and four pieces in the other. A bit of research online shows that some people have found it wasn’t. It turns out I much pre- sible to have a fresh magazine in the had much better results with the 597 fer it over the original Ruger release. left hand, hit the release with the left magazines if they follow a preliminary With this adapter and longer magazine, index finger, allow the empty magazine break-in process. It’s simple, only load I can maintain control of the rifle with to free fall (it has enough weight and the magazine to five rounds a few my right hand, grab the magazine with clearance to do so) and then insert the times, then 10 rounds a few times, then my left, then use my left thumb to hit fresh magazine. 15, and so on. the release and pull the magazine out. I think anyone who picks up one of One thing I was hesitant about, but This allows me to always have posi- these adapters will be happy they did. really came around on, is the magazine tive control of both the firearm and the After being lent one to test, I’ve decid- release being on the left-hand side. magazine. In a rushed reload, as in a ed to buy one. You can buy them direct I worried it would be awkward, but shooting competition, it’s even pos- from CFJ_NOVEMBER DECEMBER20_20-21_RULE BEATER.indd 21 2020-10-15 11:03 PM
You can also read