Final Assignment Marketing Plan - Mobina Azari

Final Assignment

     Marketing Plan

  Professor David Strickland

         MRK 428 SBB

      Date: April 16, 2021

           Group 1
   Hrak Chouchian (112404173)
 Davit Davo Davtyan (134084193)
   Linh Dan Nguyen (159445170)
 Mobina Azari Zanjani (154312185)
    Zhicong Zhong (018974154)
Mamta Anilkumar Patel (139917199)
Strategic Positioning of GameStop ............................................................................................ 3
   Distribution based competitive advantage............................................................................ 3
   Cost based competitive advantage ........................................................................................ 3
   Differentiation based competitive advantage ....................................................................... 3
Product ....................................................................................................................................... 4
   Current state of the GameStop products .............................................................................. 4
   State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage........................................................... 4
Price ........................................................................................................................................... 5
   Current state of the GameStop products .............................................................................. 5
   State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage........................................................... 5
Place ........................................................................................................................................... 5
People ........................................................................................................................................ 6
   Current state .......................................................................................................................... 6
   State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage: ......................................................... 6
Process ....................................................................................................................................... 7
   Current state .......................................................................................................................... 7
Physical evidence ....................................................................................................................... 8
   Current state .......................................................................................................................... 8
   State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage........................................................... 8
Promotion .................................................................................................................................. 8
   Advertising ............................................................................................................................. 8
   Public Relations .................................................................................................................... 10
   Personal Selling .................................................................................................................... 10
   Sales Promotion ................................................................................................................... 11
   Sponsorship Strategy ........................................................................................................... 13
Works Cited .............................................................................................................................. 15
Strategic Positioning of GameStop
         GameStop: For electronic game enthusiasts of age 15-35 years, GameStop is a first and
world’s largest digital omni-channel video game retailer that offers a unique buy-sell-trade
program for gaming console, software and accessories. The company is creating a social
gaming hub through the frictionless digital ecosystem to provide full spectrum accessibility
for its consumers.

Distribution based competitive advantage

   ● GameStop sells under multiple brand names including EB Games, Game Informer,
     Electronics Boutique, Zing Pop Culture, Power to the Players, PowerUp Rewards,
     Micromania and ThinkGeek banners. Whereas supermarket retailers like Walmart and
     Best Busy have limited medium for gaming sales with diversified product categories.

   ● The store locations are scattered through high-traffic power strip centres, local
     neighbourhood strip centres, shopping malls and pedestrian areas. The service for
     online purchase and curbside pick-up provides flexibility to the customers.
     (MarketLine). Whereas stores like Amazon rely on home delivery leaving the
     customers waiting.

Cost based competitive advantage

   ● GameStop is selling the parts of business that do not align with the gaming and
     collectible business. Through this it is reducing the debt and investing in strengthening
     the online accessibility by relaunch of (MarketLine)

   ● “GameStop has been able to minimize the financial impact of a loss of hard disc sales
     by entering into a multi-year strategic partnership agreement with Microsoft.”

   ● Comparable store sales where the revenue through the in-store sales are monitored
     and analysed. Further, the decisions are made to either upgrade the management of
     the store for better results or find alternative solutions.

Differentiation based competitive advantage

   ● GameStop's unique buy-sell-trade program

   ● Points cards, as well as prepaid digital and prepaid subscription cards
● Strategic partnerships with Microsoft, R/GA, Make-A-Wish, Children’s Miracle
     Network Hospitals, Call of Duty Endowment

   ● “An agreement with Justin Wong, ranked No. 1 in countless Street Fighter gaming
     tournaments, to create a comprehensive gaming clinic coming this fall for GameStop’s
     customers.” (GameStop)

Current state of the GameStop products

      The brands that GameStop owned: Game Informer, GameStop PC, GameStop TV,
MovieStop, GameStop Kids, GameTrust Games and Simply Mac. (Wikipedia contributors)

        The detail products that GameStop sells: video games such as PlayStation 5, Xbox
Series X; accessories such as controllers, skins and headsets; toys & collectibles such as
consoles & hardware such as Plush toys and lifestyle products; electronic products such as
cell phones, speakers and TVs; and clothing. They are sold in stores or online.

State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage

   GameStop can expand the product lines and sell the online games which can be
downloaded by computer Apps and mobile Apps. The reasons for this are:

   1. The tendency of E-commerce is growing especially during the pandemic, shopping
      online will provide convenience for customers. It will create a main market in the

   2. Because of the pandemic, customer behaviours and lifestyles are changing. They
      spend more time at home and will have time to play at home. GameStop Apps would
      make customers’ lives easier and help them to stay safe.

   3. Easy to use, save time and save money. Customers use their smartphones every day,
      everywhere. Mobile technology is developing, and it creates a huge mobile market.
      GameStop Apps are easy for customers to use and it saves time because customers
      won’t spend that much time compared with store shopping.
Current state of the GameStop products

       GameStop products seldom have discounts, but they will have free shipping over $35
order. GameStop has the trade-in program to allow customers trade in their games products
which they won’t use anymore to get the store credits, and then later customers can use
these credits to purchase something new.

State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage

   GameStop can offer a certain amount of discounts or allowances to reduce the price. For
example, during the pandemic, GameStop can offer 20% off of everything, or customers can
receive 10% of their purchase as store credits. The reasons for this are:

   •   The discounts will attract customers’ interest and arouse the desire of customers to
       purchase more.

   •   GameStop lowers prices for a short period of time and will gain the market share.

   •   The allowances or the store credits will allow customers to realize that they will indeed
       save money on their purchases, and it will allow customers to come and buy next time.

GameStop has two channels where they sell products, which are online websites and retail

        Just across The United States, Canada and Europe GameStop corporation has over 9
thousand outlets. In the United States the number of retail stores reaches over 3 thousand.
You can spot GameStop mostly in shopping malls, pedestrian areas, and strip centres. A lot of
times to make the store visible it is built where there is a mass merchant or a supermarket in
the strip centre. Also, for people to get easy access these stores exist in shopping malls. Even
if people are not there to go to GameStop, it will catch their eye and most likely the person
will walk in and purchase something.

        Most of GameStop’s customers are teens, therefore an in-person store would be
better for them because a lot of these teens do not have access to a credit card and cannot
make purchases online. Outlets are better for teens because they can just come in, pick

whatever they want and have payment options.
Nowadays most shopping is done online. Technology is evolving; therefore, a lot of
people would rather not leave their houses and would prefer shopping online. Also, in this
pandemic state it is safer for people to just order stuff without having the need to leave their
houses. Also, a lot of people live at places where there are no GameStop outlets close by. The
website is the best solution to this. They ship internationally which means it does not matter
where you are or how close you are to a GameStop outlet; you can get your order delivered
straight to your house.

        Nowadays social media is the best way to advertise your company or whatever you
are selling. GameStop has a huge online audience. On all social media platforms GameStop
has over a million followers and listeners. This really helps generate business as people see all
the new things coming out and they can just easily click the link and purchase the item.
GameStop also does a lot of giveaways and promotions on social media, which will catch the
eye of the customer and bring in more and more which is good for the business.

Current state

    GameStop’s Customer Service supports in-store and online. There are a large number of
employees who are well-trained in products and know persuasive techniques to support
customers as soon as possible. Indeed, devoted employees can attract customers through
their knowledge about the products they sell. Online support via online chatting on the
website also is one of the solutions for customers during the pandemic. As a result, they can
get in touch if they have any concern about products.

State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage:
Improve online market and in-store supports.

   •   Employees should be trained for customer services and have knowledgeable products
       as they play an important role in delivering value to the customers. through bonuses
       for meeting targets, or commissions for salespersons and retailers, they will have
       more motivation to complete sale targets.

   •   Using AI as a tool to store customers' information such as purchase history, previous
       customers' reviews. As a result, GameStop can create a good experience to tighten
       connections with customers. Moreover, products and services can be improved
       through customers' reviews.

   •   Due to the pandemic, customer behaviours and lifestyles are changing. Customers
       tend to spend time at home. As a consequence, well-trained staff related to online

       customer support such as returns & refunds, Q&As, online chat, etc is so important to
assist customers. To have a competitive advantage compared to other competitors,
       GameStop should focus on online services for customers.

   •   GameStop should offer in person online chat for their customer services instead of bot
       chat since customers' question concerns related to the interests or attributes of
       products or user experiences will be answered more persuasively through in-person
       rather than automatic bot chat.

Current state

    GameStop’s offers payment through online and in-store. customers can pay by cash, debit
or credit. It is quite convenient for customers.

   ● I think that GameStop should really focus on improving and advancing their online
     store because just like how Netflix put Blockbuster out of business, another company
     with better services and terms can come and put GameStop out of business for

   ● Closing down a lot of stores, keeping only a few big ones is probably a good
     approach to changing the way they work then you can add more products and lower
     rent costs. Now that the stores are bigger and there are more products, there is
     more customer flow.

   ● Changing their name to something geeky and bringing retro gaming consoles and
     other stuff like comic b that can also benefit them a lot. People who still have them
     can come to the stores and buy the original games for their gameboys and all those
     old gaming stuff, instead of having to go to websites that are not trustworthy.

Physical evidence
Current state

       GameStop's online website allows customers to view the other customers' ratings
about products, as a result, customers can take consideration before buying.

State Required to Deliver on Competitive Advantage
   Improve customers by reviews and testimonials

   •   GameStop’s should add customers reviews about products into their website, so that
       existing customers can give their experiences about products. As a result, the
       products' quality can be improved through reviews.

   •   To collect more testimonials through customers' feedback, GameStop should give
       some promotions for participants. For example, they can put banners to discount in-
       stores for those customers giving feedback on GameStop’s website.

   •   Set up their store nicely and organizationally to help customers easily access products.
       For example, set up their stores nicely and organizationally to help customers easily
       access products. For example, GameStop’s arranges game topics in other corners of
       their stores. As a result, customers are willing to buy products when customers are

GameStop’s current Advertising strategy:

        According to, GameStop’s most recent TV ad that was launched on December
24, 2020 for the holiday was communicating the joy and excitement that its video games and
console holiday gifts create for people of all ages. The video was capturing individuals from
different age groups opening their holiday gifts which were namely Nintendo games, a Xbox
console, PS4 and Xbox games, etc. and getting so thrilled and happy where they were
screaming out of joy (“GameStop Holiday Sale TV Commercial, 'Screamers'”). The ad was
promoting all GameStop’s video games and consoles, but it particularly communicated a sales
promotion for Nintendo Switch games which was “Buy one, Get one 50% off on Select
Nintendo Switch Games”. You can watch the TV commercial here:
Based on their recent TV commercials they were mainly focused on communicating
sales promotions through their ad which I think was effective to let their customers know
about their newest sales promotions to bring them to their stores (“GameStop TV
Commercials”). However, with taking the Covid-19 pandemic to account, they should
promote their ecommerce and the efficiency of their delivery service to attract customers to
shop online. In the following paragraph, there is an explanation of why they should focus on
communicating the delivery service and how they should do that.

GameStop’s future Advertising strategy would be:

       Since GameStop’s focus is on selling used games, they should focus on positioning
themselves in consumers' minds in a way that they are the only and best destination for
anyone who wants to either own a new or used video game, but there is a problem on their
way which is the closure of their physical stores due to the Covid-19 pandemic. GameStop
should put their focus on delivering their service and products online in order to take
advantage of the current situation for growth.

        The way they can deliver good customer service online is to work on the delivery of
their products to customers. They should make sure that they facilitate the online buying
experience for their customers, meaning that they should make sure deliveries are on time.
The process in which customers who buy video games and want to exchange or return should
be straightforward and as efficient as possible because if a customer feels like the delivery is
not as efficient or there is a delay with delivery, it will be their last time buying from them.
According to a study, “69% of consumers ‘are much less or less likely to shop with a retailer
in the future if an item they purchased is not delivered within two days of the date promised.’”
while replacing new customers may seem a simple solution but a study found that “Acquiring
a new customer can cost anywhere from five to 25 times more than retaining an existing
customer” (“How Late Deliveries Impact Customer Retention”). If they want to stay in the
competition with Amazon, they should definitely work on their deliveries.

       Their advertising objective should be communicating the online experience that
customers would get if they buy from them. For example, one of their ads could be showing
a 17-year-old boy playing with his video game console getting frustrated with playing the
same game, then he goes online on his computer and buys a video game from GameStop, and
the best part is that the boy receives his order on the same day. The ad would be targeted to
male and female teenagers and young adults 16-30 years of age. The media that they should
focus on is social media particularly YouTube because new generations are more into
streaming video games, so with YouTube ads, they can target the people who watch video
games and follow gamer YouTube channels.
Public Relations
GameStop’s current PR strategy:

       GameStop has embedded its corporate policies and practices with breath of life to
compel the voice, commit to inclusion and personify respect. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic
and the racial injustice around the world, GameStop stepped up to champion LGBTQ equality.
"GameStop’s efforts in satisfying all of the CEI’s criteria earned a 100 percent ranking and the
designation as one of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality." Earning the tag from The
Human Rights Campaign Foundation for the eight consecutive years was a proud
announcement for GameStop. "A strategic partnership with global innovation design firm,
R/GA, to strengthen its focus on creating unique in-store experiences as part of its strategic
move in re-affirming its place in the video gaming culture." (GameStop)

       GameStop's strategic partnerships have brought the PR attention, and its community
involvement has been good for its publicity. Its multi-year strategic partnership with
Microsoft will leverage the customer network and "capitalizes on the power of our operating
platform and significant market share in gaming" (GameStop). The GameStop's annual
fundraising campaign, Wish Power, was launched as kick-off during the company's annual
conference with 3,600+ GameStop managers. The kick-off was through a live wish grant for a
Make-A-Wish kid and the announcement of the raised funds of $20 million. Similarly, the
company’s other charitable partnerships like with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals for
the Human Claw Machine Experience at E3 2019, and Call of Duty Endowment for ‘Give Back
to the Brave’ Donation Campaign have served as highlighting news to the community.

GameStop’s future PR strategy would be:

       According to the Marketline (2021) report, “the US casinos and gaming sector is
forecast to reach US$163,793 million by 2023, an increase of 4.4% since 2018.” The pandemic
regulations have put hold on the casino world and there is an opportunity to enter the online
casino gaming. The strategic partnership with casinos would pull a new market of target

       An increase in Social Media contribution by creating gaming GIFs, filters, stickers and
audio tracks would make the content go viral on the social network. This would lead to
increased publicity as well as attract new customers.

Personal Selling

GameStop’s current personal selling strategy:
GameStop employs personal selling in their physical stores by having sales reps to
assist customers when they are shopping at the store, but since March 22, 2020, GameStop
closed all the store locations and processed customer orders on a digital basis, moving to
curbside pick up at stores and ecommerce delivery only (“GameStop Provides US Store
Operations and Customer Service Update”). As their current On-line chat service, they don’t
have an AI chat bot where customers can ask questions and get responses right away. In fact,
on their website they have a traditional AI chat bot in which customers can fill out a form
including their information such as their name, Email address, and their inquiry and they will
get answers within 24 hours (“GameStop”).

GameStop’s future personal selling strategy would be

    GameStop doesn’t have an AI bot where you can either chat with a person over the web
or chat with an AI. Since most of their retail stores are closed, they can hire customer service
representatives to provide service online. In my opinion, if they invest in customer service
over the web, their ecommerce sales will rapidly grow because customers would find it easy
to order their product online and they can ask any questions that they might have over the
web. Three reasons why they should offer online personal customer service through their
website are:

   •   Since most of the brands including GameStop’s competitors don’t offer personal
       customer service over the web, they can take advantage of this opportunity to
       differentiate themselves from their competitors.

   •   Customers can get better customer service as they can ask any questions or concerns
       that they might have regarding the delivery of their orders and the availability of the
       products and they can get answers right away, so this will save customers a lot of time.

   •   By having customer service reps over the web, they can offer a personalized service
       which will increase the customer satisfaction, as a result their online sales will grow
       because customers will market their brand through word of mouth.

Sales Promotion
GameStop’s current sales promotion strategy

        GameStop offers a decent number of sales promotions through different platforms
and media. On their website, they offer different kinds of sales promotion such as discounts,
coupons, membership cards for their video games, Xbox and PlayStation consoles, PC

gaming accessories, Nintendo Switch, and their merchants such as toys and T-shirts. They
update the deals on a weekly basis (“Deals”). When customers go to their website they get

special offers based on the location that they are located in. They basically ask for your ZIP
code when you go to the “Deals” page on their website. For example, they offer up to $20
discount on Mortal Kombat 11 Xbox games for those who are located in Ontario (“weekly ad
April 11-17”).

        In addition to their website, they offer coupons on third party websites such as
Forbes Magazine’s coupons page, Groupon, CouponFollow, Los Angeles Times, etc. For
example, on Forbes Magazine customers can get different kinds of deals such as “15-50% off
when you spend $40-$100+ on pre-owned titles and consoles” and they can get information
about GameStop’s coupons on their FAQ section on their website (“GameStop Coupons
2021”). Their partnership with third parties not only does benefit GameStop but third
parties can also benefit from it by earning a percentage of sales when they generate leads
through their website for GameStop. The list of the websites that list GameStop’s coupons
and discounts on their website are listed below

Forbes Magazine:



Los Angeles Times:

       For creating urgency, they also have exclusive deals of the day that encourage
customers to take action immediately when they see the deals. Furthermore, they even
categorize the video games for PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo based on a price which are
“video games for each of these consoles under $20” (“Deals”). Lastly, they offer pre-order
games where customers can pre-order games before its launch (“GameStop Promotion &
Advertising Strategy”).

GameStop’s future sales promotion strategy would be

        In the future, GameStop should introduce a new concept for their PowerUp Rewards
Loyalty program. They should use the same strategy as Loblaws uses for their PC Optimum
Loyalty program. The way that this strategy would work for GameStop is that it will encourage
customers to become a member of their loyalty program because with every purchase they
will earn points and they can redeem points when they collect for example 5,000 points ($5
value). Setting a high number for redemption would encourage customers to spend more in
order to collect more points. By introducing the new loyalty program, they would also be able
to create an app where gamers can connect, learn about new video game launches, and learn
about different kinds of promotions. Basically, this loyalty program would make it easier for

GameStop to get app installs. Furthermore, this new loyalty program and app would give
GameStop an ability to get their customers’ feedback by running different kinds of contests

to give their customers a chance to play video games with each other and win awards in the
form of PowerUp points. With their loyalty program, they can make it easier and more fun for
customers to trade their video games with GameStop or even with each other by connecting
with each other on the GameStop App.

       In terms of the coupons and promotions that they offer on their website and on third-
party websites, they should reduce the number of promotions and coupons given on their
website instead they should promote their loyalty program and app installation and
encourage customers to use the GameStop app to access coupons.

        All of these promotional activities stated above are intended to drive online traffic to
their e-commerce store. Possibly giving them a chance to close the remaining physical stores
to become a giant gaming e-commerce. According to an article, Ryan Cohen who acquired a
10% stake in GameStop has a plan to expand GameStop’s online selection and compete head-
to-head with giant e-commerce retailers such as Amazon (“Top GameStop Investor Wants to
Turn Retailer Into Amazon Rival”). By employing the new sales promotion strategy, GameStop
would be able to get closer to their ultimate goal.

Sponsorship Strategy
GameStop’s current sponsorship strategy

        On October 8, 2020, GameStop announced its partnership with Microsoft Corp. This
partnership was grounded to help GameStop to expand its physical and digital video game
offerings, as well as improve the retail technology framework (“GameStop announces multi-
year strategic partnership with Microsoft''). Through its partnership with Microsoft,
GameStop has worked on its personal selling and sales promotion. GameStop plans to employ
Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams in its retail stores which will help more than 30,000 store
associates to collaborate with each other when they are at the store providing service to
customers. Sales associates will be able to easily ask questions and communicate with each
other without wasting time by having to talk to each other in person, so this will give them an
opportunity to provide better service to customers (''partnership includes enterprise and
commercial elements”). When it comes to GameStop’s sales promotion plan with its new
partnership with Microsoft, GameStop has expanded its Xbox family of product offerings
which offers an Xbox console along with 24 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate to players
with no upfront cost (''partnership includes enterprise and commercial elements”).

GameStop’s future sponsorship strategy would be:

       Since GameStop has partnered with Microsoft Corp to advance its in-store and online

service to its customers, now it’s time to communicate their new adopted technology to

consumers which are gamers aged between 16 to 30 years old. Since GameStop’s vision is to
be “a popular destination for gamers to find their favourite video games, hardware and
accessories, socialize with others in the community, try out new games, and get educated on
the latest tips and trends,” as Matt Renner, President, US Enterprise Commercial, Microsoft
said (“partnership includes enterprise and commercial elements”), they should not only focus
on Xbox but they also need to straighten their relationship with other game console producer
giants like Sony PlayStation, Nintendo, etc to get the bigger market share and dominate the
gaming service market. One possible partnership that GameStop could have would be a
partnership with Sony along with its existing partnership with Microsoft. According to The
Verge article, Microsoft and Sony has partnered up after competing head to head for over 15
years to develop future cloud solutions for game and content-streaming services to compete
with Google’s Stadia cloud streaming service and Amazon cloud streaming service that it
prepares to launch (“Microsoft and Sony are teaming up for the future of gaming”). It's
apparent that Sony and Microsoft don’t want to let Amazon and Google get a market share
in game streaming services, so GameStop can act strategically to be on the side of Sony and
Microsoft. Three reasons why this collaboration is beneficial for GameStop in the future are
stated below:

   •   The partnership of Sony and Microsoft with GameStop would allow GameStop to offer
       product bundles of video games and consoles at a lower price.

   •   With the partnership of Sony and Microsoft, they would be able to develop more
       cross-platform games with a better quality that doesn’t change in terms of its features
       when played on different platforms and GameStop can take advantage of that by
       offering more cross-platform games that can’t be found elsewhere.

   •   GameStop can take advantage of Sony’s cross-entertainment asset portfolio including
       music, video games along with Microsoft’s cloud and cross-platform services (“PS5
       and Travis Scott partnership illustrate PlayStation’s/Sony’s cross-entertainment

Works Cited
Forbes Magazine. “GameStop Coupons 2021.” GameStop Coupons 2021, Forbes Magazine,
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