Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net

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Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance

Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer

L d
London - September
         S t   b   6
                   6, 2012
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
Safe Harbor Disclaimer

  Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

  Various statements contained in this document constitute “forward-looking statements” as that term is defined
  under the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words like “believe,” “anticipate,” “should,”
  “intend,” “plan,” “will,” “expects,” “estimates,” “projects,” “positioned,” “strategy,” and similar expressions
  identify these forward-looking statements related to our financial and operational outlook, dividend policy and
  future g
         growth pprospects,
                       p     , which involve known and unknown risks,, uncertainties and other factors that may  y cause
  our actual results, performance or achievements or industry results to be materially different from those
  contemplated, projected, forecasted, estimated or budgeted whether expressed or implied, by these forward-
  looking statements. These factors include: potential adverse developments with respect to our liquidity or results
  of operations; potential adverse competitive, economic or regulatory developments; our significant debt
  payments and other contractual commitments; our ability to fund and execute our business plan; our ability to
  generate cash h sufficient
                    ff        to service our debt;
                                             d b interest rate and d currency exchange
                                                                                 h      rate fluctuations;
                                                                                             fl            the
                                                                                                            h impact off
  new business opportunities requiring significant up-front investments; our ability to attract and retain customers
  and increase our overall market penetration; our ability to compete against other communications and content
  distribution businesses; our ability to maintain contracts that are critical to our operations; our ability to respond
  adequately to technological developments; our ability to develop and maintain back-up for our critical systems;
  our ability to continue to design networks,
                                         networks install facilities,
                                                          facilities obtain and maintain any required governmental
  licenses or approvals and finance construction and development, in a timely manner at reasonable costs and on
  satisfactory terms and conditions; our ability to have an impact upon, or to respond effectively to, new or
  modified laws or regulations, pending debt exchange transactions, our ability to make value-accretive
  investments, and our ability to sustain or increase shareholder distributions in future periods. We assume no
      g       to update
                  p       these forward-looking g statements contained herein to reflect actual results,, changes  g   in
  assumptions or changes in factors affecting these statements.

  Adjusted EBITDA and Free Cash Flow are non-GAAP measures as contemplated by the U.S. Securities and
  Exchange Commission’s Regulation G. For related definitions and reconciliations, see the Investor Relations
  section of the Liberty Global,
                         Global Inc.
                                 Inc website (
                                             (http://www lgi com) Liberty Global,
                                                                              Global Inc.
                                                                                      Inc is our controlling
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net

  1   Who we are

  2   Change to capital structure and shareholder
      remuneration policy

  3   Future growth drivers

Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
A cable company with a strong
track record...

                               Fully
                                F ll upgraded,
                                           d d bibi-directional
                                                    di   ti   l 600 MH
                                                                    MHz network
                                                                          t   k
                               Continuous stable level of investments
                               Active node splitting to create next-gen network

                               EuroDocsis 3.0 powered broadband products
                               Full interactive digital HDTV platform with true VOD
                               Active beyond cable: WiFi and mobile

                               Customer Loyalty closely measured: management
                                reward system based on customer satisfaction levels
           Service is key      Leading service levels through efficiency                 3
                               Continuously
                                C ti       l low
                                             l    llevels
                                                       l off churn
                                                              h    relative
                                                                     l ti   tto peers
A strong
                               Strong revenue growth and significant runway ahead
                               Sustained focus on efficiency, disciplined cost control
           Solid financials
                               Vast
                                V t majority
                                        j it off capital
                                                    it l expenditures
                                                               dit     success-based
                                                                                b   d     4
                               Prudent, pro-active balance sheet management

                               Strong, diversified management team
             Our people        Balance between long track record and outside
                                experience                                                5
                               Great company culture, promote from within                4
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net in one of Europe’s most
attractive cable markets...
          Cable penetration per household                                              Triple-play penetration
                           (2011)                                                                  (Q2 2012)

    74%                                                                                65%
                                                    69%                                                              60%

                           52%                                                                                                      47%


     BE         UK          DE         PT            NL                 TNET           VMED           KDG¹           ZON           ZIGGO

                                                                  (1) Excluding the effect of the TeleColumbus acquisition, as per March, 2012

 Strong historical adoption of cable services                    Triple‐play penetration of 38% at June 30, 2012
 Substitution of basic cable TV by digital TV (cable,            Significant potential to convert remaining 33% of
  IPTV satellite,
  IPTV,   t llit DTT) ‐ still
                         till untapped
                                t    d potential
                                          t ti l for
                                                  f                single‐play
                                                                    i l l customers
                                                                                  t        to
                                                                                           t leading
                                                                                              l di multiple‐play
                                                                                                       lti l l bundles
                                                                                                                 b dl
  migration to higher ARPU digital TV platform
                                                 Legend: BE=Belgium, UK=United Kingdom, DE=Germany, PT=Portugal, NL=The Netherlands
                                                         Source: European Commission E-Communications Household Survey, Company data
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
... in a region
           g    with national

                                                                          + 1/3rd of Brussels

                                                           Legacy Telenet Network
                                                           Interkabel Network = acquired Oct 1, 2008

  Flanders is a cohesive footprint         Our franchise area covers ~2.9
                                                                        2.9 million
  … a focused, regional government          households (61% of Belgium)

  … a regional culture and language        ~2.8 million homes passed with cable
                                             = ~98%
                                                98% reach
  … a regional media environment
                                            ~2.2 million unique customers
  … a strong and growing economy
                                             = ~75% cable penetration
  … superior
       p      GDP p
                  per capita
                        p    ((23% above
                                            In B2B,
                                                B2B we cover the whole of Belgium
   EU average)
                                             and Luxembourg
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
A strong
       g national competitor
versus regional cable systems

  Former telco incumbent is half state
                                  state-    Fragmented cable industry versus
   owned                                     nationwide DSL and mobile operators

  >80% VDSL coverage                       All cable networks are adjacent
                                            Numéricable active in part of Brussels
  Belgacom TV is top 3 IPTV platform
                                             (approx. 180,000 homes passed)
  Fixed and mobile convergence             VOO active in Wallonia
                                             (approx 1.7
                                             (approx. 1 7 million homes passed)
  More than 75% market share in B2B
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
Leadingg the cable space in terms of
(multi-) product penetration

                                                Digital TV
                                                        52%                               32%
                                                     penetration                       penetration

                        Internet                                                                       Mobile
                            penetration                                  Basic
                                                                        Cable TV

Penetration rates relate to total homes passed by the Telenet network                                            8
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
But still a challenger

                 €4.0 bn                                  €3.8 bn                        €0.9 bn
   KPN/BASE        17%                                        2%                            24%


   Mobistar        37%

   Telenet                                                                                  56%


   Belgacom        44%


                Mobile                               Fixed data & voice                      TV

                           Source: BIPT, 2011 – Market size and market shares are based on service revenues
Telenet Goldman Sachs - European Leveraged Finance Conference - Renaat Berckmoes, Chief Financial Officer - Media Corporate IR Net
Cable caters for unparalleled
                                                                                                                                1          Powerful network
service experience

                                                                                                                #        Product – April 2012

                                                       Bandwidth shared                                          1       Telenet Fibernet 100
                                                        over all services
                                                                                                                 2       Telenet Fibernet 60
                                                   Maximum download speed
                                                   up to 30 Mbps                                                 3       Telenet Fibernet

                                                                                                                 4       VOO A La Folie

                                                Dedicated bandwidth per                                          5       Telenet Comfortnet
                                                                                                                 6       VOO Passionément
                                                  Maximum download speed                                         7       EDPnet Newer & Faster
                                                  up to 120 Mbps
                                                                                                                 8       Dommel CityConnect

                                                                                                                 9       Belgacom Favorite

                                                                                                               10        Belgacom Intense

                               Video and multiple devices will make high broadband speeds relevant

                               Added value of cable = simultaneous services into the house

                               New devices (tablet PCs) will require ample streaming capacity
The ISP Monitor Speed Test is an independent source for bandwidth speed comparison. The results shown above are a summary of the test results gathered by the users of
the ISP Monitor software.
Deeper fiberization to retain speed
                                    1                     Powerful network
leadership position
                   Telenet Service                                  homes/

                                                   N d
                                   loops                            2015
                                              Optical                node
     IP Backbone      CMTS

     Coax                    HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coax Network)
Beyond our network…

 Focus on:

    Our products   Our service   Our brand

Enhancing customer value                                                                   2         Product leadership

(in %)                                      (in %)                                    (in €/month)
    Customer mix H1 2011                       Customer mix H1 2012                           ARPU per customer
                                                                                               +61%          53.5
            34%       39%
                27%                                          29%

                                                                                       Q2 12           1P    2P     3P

  Single-play   Dual-play   Triple-play       Single-play   Dual-play   Triple-play

 (in 000)                                                        (in €/month)
                Triple-play subscribers                                          ARPU per unique customer

                                            +9%                                                             +10%

            H1 2011                       H1 2012                            H1 2011                   H1 2012
Constant innovation                            2     Product leadership

          Internet       Fibernet – up to 120 Mbps

          Digital TV     Sporting, Search & Recommend, GUI

       Fixed Telephony   FreePhone Mobile

                         Subsidies, Homespots, competitive and
                         innovative SIM-only rate plans

          Business       A-Desk
Telenet internet starts where
                                                                                                                   2             Internet
competition ends
                                                                                                                                 Advertized download
                                                   Internet VDSL2                                                                      speeds (Mbps)
                                                    Up to 25 Mbps
               Internet ADSL                           €35.00
               Up to 12 Mbps
                   €25.00                                                   Basic Internet                                                 Fibernet XL
                                                                            Up to 30 Mbps                                                Up to 120 Mbps
             Home Internet 12                                                  €24.95                                                        €64.95
              Up to 12 Mbps
0                                 15                                      30                                      60                                120
          //                                 //                                               //                              //

    Internet Basic                                                             Start                             Fibernet
    Up to 6 Mbps                                                           Up to 30 Mbps                      Up to 60 Mbps
        €25.00                                                                €24.95                              €44.95
                               I t
                                      t Relax
                                        R l
                               Up to 16 Mbps
Home Internet 1
 Up to 1 Mbps                                                                 Comfort
    €25 00
    €25.00                                                                 Up to 30 Mbps
                                Internet Max
                               Up to 16 Mbps
Home Internet 4                    €40.00
 Up to 4 Mbps
                                                                           U to
                                                                           Up t 30 Mbps
 (*) Prices mentioned refer to stand-alone residential broadband internet products, in € (including 21% VAT) – temporary promotions have not been     15
      reflected – prices mentioned on company websites as per July 26, 2012
Increased digitalization                                                        2         Digital
                                                                                            g     TV

 (in %)                                (in %)                              (in €/month)
          Digitalization rate                     g
                                                Digitalization rate                ARPU per customer
               H1 2010                               H1 2012                            profile


                       54%                           68%

                                                                                12 1 TV
                                                                                12.1              Digital TV

          Analog TV     Digital TV              Analog TV    Digital TV            Basic access       VAS

(in 000)                                                      Accelerated digitalization
                                                                             g            fueled by
                  Digital TV subscribers                       successful digital TV migration
                                        +17%                  116
                                                                    700 net new subscribers to our
                                     1,473                     higher ARPU interactive digital TV
                                                               platform in H1 2012, of which 71,300
                                                               in Q
                                                                  Q2 2012;;
             H1 2011                 H1 2012
                                                              68% of cable TV customers on digital.
Sporting Telenet                                                                        2       Digital TV

Addition of top Belgian football resulted in 48%
increase in subscribers

                                 Belgian football
                                     3 top fixtures per week, exclusive and live in
                                     5 remaining fixtures on a non-exclusive            €16.15              +48%
                                      basis                                              if 3-play            yoy
    The best
   sports now                    Top
                                   p European
                                         p    football
                                                                                         €21 55
   exclusively                       550 fixtures per season, live
                                                                                         if 2-play
       on                            Premier League, German, Italian, Dutch and
    Sporting                          French national leagues
     Telenet                                                                             €26.95
                                                                                         if 1-play
                                     NBA Basketball
                                     NFL American Football
                                     Golf

 All prices are retail prices per month and including 21% VAT
                                                                                       Also available on        17
Fixed telephony
            p   y remains a reliable 2                                                                                     Fixed telephony
  cheap voice solution
   (in 000)
                                                                                                      i d telephony
                                                                                                            l h     market
                                                                                                                       k share
                                                                                                                           h   (*)
               Fixed telephony subscribers
                                                                                                       Telenet                 Competition
                                  629                                                                        67%             64%             61%
                                                                                                             33%             36%             39%
         2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011                           H1
                                                                     2012                     2008            2009           2010            2011

                                                                                        (*) Adjusted for Telenet footprint only.
                                                                                            Source: company data, adjusted based on own estimations.

         Continued penetration(**) amongst our customer base, reaching 32.2% at the end of Q2 2012;
         Net new subscriber growth driven by attractive flat
                                                              fee rate plans and multiple
                                                                                          play growth;
         Introduction of FreePhone Mobile in November 2011 is expected to drive incremental RGU
         Sustained market share gains despite mature and intensely competitive market;
         Reliability and cheap flat-fee plans remain key advantages over mobile.

(**) Penetration as a % of homes passed across the Combined Network. Combined Network includes both Telenet Network and Telenet Partner Network.
FreePhone tariff plans                                                       2     Fixed telephony

      Relevance of fixed line fuelled by free FreePhone Mobile option

   FreePhone                                                          MOU to mobile

        €20         +           Free option:
                             FreePhone Mobile

      per month                                                    Q1 2011          Q1 2012

      Introduction of free option FreePhone Mobile
      FreePhone Europe allows customers to make the following calls (per month):
            U li it d offpeak
             Unlimited  ff   k calls
                                 ll to
                                     t fixed
                                       fi d li
                                             lines iin B
                                                         l i
            1,000 offpeak minutes to mobile numbers in Belgium
            2,000 offpeak minutes to fixed lines in Europe + Turkey + Morocco
            €10 option to place 24/7 calls to fixed lines in Belgium and Europe

The convergent
          g    future:
                                                       2       Mobile
WiFi + mobile

   Telenet Hotspots / WiFi homezone                    +   Telenet Mobile

               Telenet Hotspots: >1,200
                locations (airports, train stations,
                hotels, highway parkings)

               International coverage:
                >140,000 locations in 95
                countries through iPass

               Telenet WiFi homezone via
                home gateway

Launch of competitive
             p        SIM-only
                             y                             2      Mobile
rate plans

                 Pay as you go                  Ki
                                                King              K

                    €0.15 /min               150 minutes       2,000 minutes

                    €0.10 /SMS               10,000 SMS         10,000 SMS

                    €0.10 /MB                  500 MB              1 GB

Stand-alone             €0                      €20                €70

For Telenet
customers               €0                      €15                €50

               Simple, transparent
               No fixed contract duration
               85% of mobile consumers will be able to save money             21
Telenet for Business                                                                  2                Business

Integration of VAS + connectivity and SmallBiz + enterprise
segments create foundation for unique service portfolio

               Value Added Services   Security Solutions           Security Consulting                Managed Services
Integrated            c-cure
 product             hostbasket        Hosting         Housing       Applications
               Connectivity                                          Carrier Offer

                                          Data                Internet               Voice                  Multi-TV

                                                   Service Levels: Securitisation & Back-up Options

               Transport                Fiber              Coax          Copper              Mobile          Wireless

         g a superior service
                                          3     Service is key
experience to our customers

                                   A unique service experience
           360° Experience
                                   for our customers

                                       Speed leadership
                                       through Fibernet
         Internet     Television
                                          Richest experience &
              OTT market                  convergence


                                       Maximize ARPU per
                                       unique customer

Enhance customer loyalty                                                     3       Service is key

(in %)                                                       Continued low churn levels for all
                 Annualized churn                             services compared to peers and other
                                                 10.3%        cable operators;

                                                     7.1%    Reflects Telenet’s continued
                                                              investments in customer care and
                                                              focus on customer experience;
 Q1'10       Q3'10         Q1'11   Q3'11     Q1'12

         Basic cable TV              Broadband internet      Management incentive schemes to
         Fixed telephony
                                                              enhance customer loyalty.

                              New Telecom Act                                    Telenet

                                 Maximum fixed                             No fi
                                                                           N   fixed
                                                                                   d contract
                                                                                        t   t
                              contract term limited                        term for all major
                               to six months as of                           services as of
                                 October 1,, 2012                           October 1, 2012

And reward accordingly                          3   Service is key

                  TOP 150



                            and financial

   2007-2009                      As of 2010

                             Customer loyalty
Strong stable cash flows and
                                                                                                                4             Solid financials
significant operating leverage                                                                                                  % of revenue
 (in €m)                                                                        (in €m)
                               Revenue                                                                   Adjusted
                                                                                                           j      EBITDA

                                              1,376                                                                            723
                                                             +7%                                    608                                     CAGR

                 2009           2010          2011                                                 2009          2010         2011
                                                                                                   50.7%         51.5%          52.6%

 (in €m)                                                                        (in €m)
              Accrued capital expenditures                                                                 Free cash flow

                                               160                                                             254            242
                                  31                                                                                                       +22%
                                                                                                162                                        CAGR
                                                     (**)    +9%

                 2009           2010          2011                                             2009
                                                                                                00            2010
                                                                                                               0 0           2011
                        (**)           (**)          (**)
                 26.5%         22.0%          22.5%                                             13.5%          19.6%         17.6%

  (*)  Including approximately €8.0 million of revenue on certain premium voice and SMS content sevices, which were no longer recognized as of
        January 01, 2011 following a change in Belgian legislation.
  (**) Excluding DTT license in 2010, 4th 3G mobile spectrum license and Belgian football rights in 2011.
  p          management
                  g       team      5                                                   Our people
with long tenor across the industry

Name               J i d Telenet
                   Joined T l      P ii
Duco Sickinghe         2001        Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Jan Vorstermans        2003        Chief Operating Officer
Patrick Vincent        2004        Chief Commercial Officer
Renaat Berckmoes       2001        Chief Financial Officer
Luc Machtelinckx       1999        Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Claudia Poels          2008        Senior Vice President Human Resources
Inge Smidts            2009        Senior Vice President Residential Marketing
Herbert Vanhove        2010        Senior Vice President Product Management
Martine Tempels        2009        Senior Vice President Telenet for Business
Ann Caluwaerts         2011        Senior Vice President Public Affairs & Media Management
                                   Senior Vice President Strategy
                                                         Strategy, Investor Relations and Corporate
Vincent Bruyneel       2004

     Promoting an environment that supports a dynamic and innovative culture

Regulation: Timeline of wholesale
of cable services
                                                                               European                                                   N to scale
                                                                                                                                          Not     l
                                                                             Commission                                                  (DD/MM/YY)
                                                                          notification RO and

                                                                                                                              max 3
                 6 months                                     9 months (**)                           6 months                weeks

    Preparation & submission draft                          Approval of                                                   Contract
           reference offer                                reference offer                                                negotiations

1/08/2011      1/09/2011            31/1/2012                        4/9/2012       1/11/2012                      1/5/2013         21/4/2013         6/2013

                                                    Annual review
                                                      by VRM                                                           Launch
            Court of Appeal :
             introduction of
             suspension and                                                     Possible                                          Possible
               annulment                                                     suspension(*)                                     annulment at
                                                                                                                                the earliest

   (*)  In case suspension would not be granted to Telenet, Telenet could incur additional accrued expenditures related to preparatory IT investments for
   (**) Due to the delayed decision on the suspension, which was initially expected by April 26, 2012, the envisioned 4 month period for approval of the
         reference offer will be extended which subsequently affects the start of the 6 months implementation timing.                                       28

  1   Who we are

  2   Change to capital structure and shareholder
      remuneration policy

  3   Future growth drivers

Policy changes to enhance returns to

                                                          Target range of 3.5-4.5x
                                                                           3 5 4 5x Net Total Debt to EBITDA((*))
             Net leverage to                               maintained
1             higher end of                               Objective to move to around 4.5x from c.3.5x
              target range
                                                          Higher net leverage supported by:
                                                                   Strong cash flow generation
                                                                   Stable business profile
                                                                   Solid future growth
                                                                   No significant acquisitions in the foreseeable future

         Future shareholder                               Underpins future growth potential
           remuneration                                   Tax neutral for shareholders if in form of program (if in
2         mainly via share                                 form of self-tender, for Belgian retail shareholders and
            repurchases                                    other investors that cannot benefit from exemption or
                                                           reduction, rate of the Belgian withholding tax is 21%)
                                                          Enhances flexibility for shareholder distributions
                                                           and increases FCF per share potential
                                                          Inc
                                                               ease of ownership
                                                                        o ne ship percentage
                                                                                   pe centage for
                                                                                                fo remaining
                                                           shareholders as repurchased shares will be cancelled
 (*)   Net leverage ratio is calculated as per the Senior Credit Facility definition, using net total debt, excluding subordinated shareholder loans, capitalized
       elements of indebtedness under the clientele and annuity fees and any other finance leases, divided by last two quarters’ annualized EBITDA.
Immediate actions

                                                    Opportunistic
                                                     O    t i ti time
                                                                   ti t raise
                                                                      to  i additional
                                                                              dditi  l debt
                                                                                       d bt financing
                                                                                            fi    i
           Incurrence of                            Further improvement of long-term capital structure
1         additional debt
                                                    Proceeds of any additional debt are intended to be used
                                                     to fund a share buy-back
                                                    Telenet is targeting a Net Total Debt to EBITDA ratio of
                                                     around 4.5x (*)
                                                   (*) Net leverage ratio is calculated as per Senior Credit Facility definition, using net total debt,
                                                       excluding subordinated shareholder loans
                                                                                            loans, capitalized elements of indebtedness under the clientele
                                                       and annuity fees and any other finance leases, divided by last two quarters’ annualized EBITDA

                                                    Voluntary conditional tender offer
        Share buy
                   back of
        €656.4 million via                          20,673,043 shares or up to 18.2% of the share capital
2                                                      (**)
         self-tender offer
                                                    Offer price of €35.0 per share (***)
                                                    Majority shareholder LGI will not tender its shares
                                                    Current €50.0 million Share Repurchase Program 2012,
                                                     of which 91% has been executed, has been terminated

 (**)  Total number of shares issued by the Company including own shares currently held by the Company. These treasury shares represent 0.76% of
       the total number of shares.
 (***) To be adjusted downwards by the gross amount of any distributions prior to the closing of the tender offer (including the €3.25 per share to be        31
       paid on August 31, 2012 pursuant to the capital decrease approved by the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting on April 25, 2012).
Details about share repurchase plan via
self-tender offer

                                   Share buy-back enhances flexibility for shareholder
 Purpose                            distributions and increases FCF per share potential
                                   However, shareholders with focus on cash only returns can opt
                                    for voluntary tender offer

                                    Self-tender
                                     Self tender in accordance with the Belgian tender offer rules for a
 Form                                maximum of 20,673,043 shares, or 18.2% of the share
                                     capital of TGH NV (*), at a price of €35.0 per share (to be
                                      adjusted downwards by the gross amount of any distributions prior to the closing of the
                                      tender offer, including the €3.25 per share capital return to be paid on August 31, 2012)

                                    LGI, Telenet’s majority shareholder, would not tender any
                                     shares in the tender offer, but reserves its position concerning
                                     tendering in possible future repurchase programs. (**)
                                    Each shareholder would be able to tender approximately
                                     37% of the shares it owns and tender additional shares by
                                     way of a pro ration mechanism (to the extent the tender offer is

 (*) Total number of shares issued by the Company including own shares currently held by the Company. These treasury shares represent 0.76% of the
     total number of shares.
 (**) If the maximum number of shares is tendered and subsequently cancelled, LGI’s shareholding in Telenet would increase from 50.04% to 61.18%
     of the share capital of Telenet and to 61.75% if treasury shares are not counted.
Leverage to higher end of range while
   i t i i  strong
             t     deleverage
                   d l        capacity

                       Leverage ratio (1)                                                                                                  (**)
             Pro Forma Net Total   Debt/EBITDA                   (*)                         Pro Forma deleverage capacity

               6.25x                                                                                                                  CONCEPTUAL
 6                                                                                    6
 5                                                                                    5
 4                   Leverage threshold 3.5-4.5x                                      4
 3                                                                                    3
 2                                                                                    2                                      -1.0x
 1                                                                                    1
 0                                                                                    0
     Q1 09   Q3 09     Q1 10     Q3 10     Q1 11    Q3 11     Q1 12 Q3 12                      2012           2013           2014           2015

             Senior Credit Facility                 EBITDA Covenant                                        Net Debt / L2QA EBITDA

  Leverage ratio to increase to around 4.4x (pro-forma Q3’12) from 3.1x (Q2’12)
  Reflects planned €3.25 per share capital reduction (€369.2 million in aggregate) and
   proposed €656.4 million share buy-back
  Telenet maintains strong autonomous deleverage capacity
  Assuming all Free Cash Flow would be used for debt repayments, leverage would
   decrease by ~1.0x by 2014 and by ~1.5x by 2015
 (*)  Calculated as per Senior Credit Facility definition, using net total debt, excluding subordinated shareholder loans, capitalized elements of
      indebtedness under the clientele and annuity fees and any other finance leases, divided by last two quarters’ annualized EBITDA.
 (**) Conceptual, assuming that all FCF will be used to repay existing debt instruments. FCF based on Bloomberg consensus estimates as of Aug 7, 2012
     that do not reflect management projections and are included for informational purposes. The Company takes no responsibility for the accuracy of    33
     such data.
Balanced debt profile remains unchanged

(in €m)                                                                    (in €m)
                  Debt profile (committed)                                              Pro-forma debt profile
                                                                                  (estimated amounts and maturities
                                                                                          post transaction)

                                                                    400                                                           400
                                                      799                                                            799
                                                             500                                                           500   450
                                158 431                             300                              158431                   300
                                               175                                                         175                                     250
                                100                                                                  100
  2012    2013    2014   2015   2016    2017   2018   2019   2020   2021     2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

  TL M     TL N     TL O    TL P       TL Q    TL R   TL T    Revolver          TL M   TL N   TL O   TL P   TL Q   TL R   TL T   Revolver   New issuance

  Average maturity of ~7 years                                             New issuance of €700 million
  No debt repayments before 2016                                            equivalent, of which €450 million 10Yr
                                                                             Senior Secured Notes at 6.25% and
                                                                             €250 million 12Yr Senior Secured
                                                                             Notes at 6.75%
                                                                            Further extends average maturity

Enhanced shareholder return for 2012

                                          Initial shareholder                        Amended shareholder
                                              return 2012                               return 2012

                                             €1 00 per share
                                             €1.00                                        €1 00 per share
 Regular dividend
                                               (paid May 10)                                (paid May 10)

                                             €3.25 per share                              €3.25 per share
 Capital reduction
                                           (to be paid Aug 31)                            (paid on Aug 31)

  Share buy back                             €50.0m in total                           €702.1m in total          (*)

(*)   Of which €45.7m under the Share Repurchase Program 2012 as announced on Feb 16, 2012 and terminated on August 11, 2012.


      Who we are

  2   Change to capital structure and shareholder
      remuneration policy

  3   Future growth drivers

FY 2012 outlook reconfirmed
FY 2012 will be at least at top end of outlook

                                                                                                                                         Top line and Adjusted EBITDA growth will
                                                                               5% – 6%
       Revenue growth                                                                                                                     be higher in H1 relative to H2 2012;
                                                                         ,     – €1,459m)
                                                                                   ,    )                                                We will no longer
                                                                                                                                                        g benefit from favorable
                                                                                                                                          impact from price increases and launch of
                                                                                                                                          Sporting Telenet both happened in Q3
       Adjusted EBITDA                                                          5% – 6%                                                  Strong continued underlying growth in H2
            growth                                                                                                                        fueled by digital TV,
                                                                                                                                                            TV broadband and
                                                                         (~€760m – €767m)                                                 mobile.

                                                                                                                                             ~76% success-based;
        Accrued                                                             22% – 23%                                                        Higher spending on set
                                                                                                                                                                       top boxes and
Capital Expenditures                                     (1)
                                                                         (~€318m – €335m)                                                     customer installations, in line with
                                                                                                                                              expected RGU growth, and Pulsar.

                                                                                                                                             Solid and sustainable Free Cash Flow
   Free Cash Flow                                (2)                                                                                          generation despite higher cash payments
                                                                                                                                              for Belgian football rights and higher cash
                                                                                                                                              interest expenses,.

 (1)   Represents accrued capital expenditures. Accrued capital expenditures are defined as additions to property, equipment and intangible assets, including additions from capital leases and other financing arrangements, as reported
       in the Company’s statement of financial position on an accrued basis.
 (2)   Free Cash Flow is defined as net cash provided by the operating activities of Telenet’s continuing operations less (i) purchases of property and equipment and purchases of intangibles of its continuing operations, (ii) principal
       payments on vendor financing obligations, and (iii) principal payments on capital leases (exclusive of network-related leases), each as reported in the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows. Free Cash Flow is an
       additional measure used by management to demonstrate the Company’s ability to service debt and fund new investment opportunities and should not replace the measures in accordance with EU GAAP as an indicator of the
       Company’s performance, but rather should be used in conjunction with the most directly comparable EU GAAP measure.
Future growth drivers

 1             Broadband penetration                   2                   TV subscribers

     Inter-               +19%                                                          32%
      net                                                    TV
                   80%                                                    68%

                   2011          2015 (Est)
                                                                              Digital          Analog

 3               Mobile SIMs per                       4                 Business growth
                 cable customer                                           opportunities

                          13%                                          Legacy business              Small
     M bil
     Mobile                                                 B2B                                      Bizz

                    87%                                              Security       Hosting

                                                                                     Video          MLE
              Telenet Mobile   Other mobile provider

Strong fundamentals to deliver long-term
 h   h ld   value

1                 Convert 62% of 1P and 2P
                                                 2                Continued investments in
                   customers to triple play                        fixed network (Pulsar node
                  Repositioning in mobile and                     splitting project)
                   quadplay enhancing ARPU       Invest and       Maintain leadership position
    Future                                        maintain         on broadband speed and
                  Broadband market growth
        th                                       leadership        interactive digital TV platform
                   from c.80% now to c.95% by
                   2015                            position
                                                                  Strong focus on customer
                  Convert 32% remaining                           excellence and loyalty
                   analog TV base to digital

3                                                4                Significant availability of
                  Balanced revenue mix
                   underlines defensive                            cash at 4.5x leverage
                   characteristics                                Enhanced flexibility for
                  Solid EBITDA margins and           Strong       long-term shareholder
      Sound                                           share-
                   Free Cash Flow generation                       distributions
           i l                                        holder
     profile      No debt maturities before                      Stable leverage target of
                   2016, average maturity                          ~4.5x projects attractive
                   around 7 years                                  and recurring shareholder
                  Interest risks fully hedged

And long
         term strategy

                         L d hi
                                         Leading cable network
                                         Fiber closer to the homes

                                         Aggregate services
        Service Layer
                                         All-IP

                         E ll
                                         Competitive, simple and rational
                                         Top leadership commitment for


Telenet                  Vincent Bruyneel                           Rob Goyens
Liersesteenweg 4         Senior Vice President Strategy, Investor   Director Investor Relations
2800 Mechelen,
      Mechelen Belgium   Relations and Corporate Communications     and Strategic Planning     + 32 (0)15 33 56 96                        + 32 (0)15 33 30 54
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