Scaling Up Indonesia's Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally
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WATER AND SANITATION PROGRAM: LEARNING NOTE Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally December 2014 KEY FINDINGS INTRODUCTION More than 101 million people in Indonesia—41.2 percent • A structured approach, which allows for adjustments of the population—lack access to improved sanitation that and improvements to be made, is needed in order hygienically separates excreta from human contact. More than for real-time village data mobile monitoring to scale half of those individuals live in rural areas. The Government up from 2 to 119 districts in three years and all 500 of Indonesia has addressed this lack of access through a of Indonesia’s districts by 2015. community-based total sanitation program that includes demand • A national harmonized approach to rural sanitation, creation, supply strengthening, and enabling environment with sector-wide objectives and monitoring framework support. Called Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM), the is necessary for scaling up data collection. program started with a pilot in 2005 in six districts. Following • Utilizing multiple data verification systems helps the successful demonstration of the program’s ability to improve ensure data accuracy. • To increase the use of the monitoring system as sanitation coverage, the pilot was scaled up, province-wide, to a management tool for programming, feedback all 29 districts in the Province of East Java, home to more than loops, a larger set of customized data information 38 million people. The program continued to show successful tools, and channels to reach specific target users results, so in 2008 the Ministry of Health1 issued a national could be explored. decree endorsing STBM as the national strategy with five pillars: 1. Open defecation free (ODF) communities2 2. Handwashing with soap sanitation targets and has plans for countrywide activities in 20,000 villages. 3. Safe and sustainable household water supply for consumption The Government of Indonesia found that having limited data 4. Safe disposal of household solid waste on rural sanitation access and hygiene behaviors created 5. Safe treatment of household waste water. challenges in designing, implementing, and funding these interventions. In 2009, with the support of the World Bank’s In 2014, the Ministry of Health issued operational guidelines3 Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), the Ministry of Health further detailing how the strategy is to be implemented, conducted a pilot to monitor rural sanitation in two districts and US$9.5 million was allocated for STBM at the national in East Java using a mobile phone Short Message Service level as its operating budget. STBM has set nationwide (SMS) text-monitoring (mobile monitoring) system. The 1 Ministry of Finance, Indonesia 2008 2 Open defecation free (ODF) communities are those in which no one defecates in public and all community members have access to some form of latrine or toilet. 3 Ministry of Health, Indonesia 2014 9107-WSP Indonesia.pdf 1 12/15/14 12:20 PM
2 Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally Scaling Up Rural Sanitation initiative showed that community progress toward becoming total, team members spoke to over 170 stakeholders. This ODF and changes in household access to improved sanitation research then informed the adjustments and improvements could be collected through SMS sent from mobile phones and made while further scaling up the system nationally. stored in a district-level database (see Mukherjee 2011). After a stakeholder meeting at which the pilot was presented, the FINDINGS Government of Indonesia requested assistance to conduct While improvements were made since the initial pilot in 2009, a phased expansion of the mobile monitoring system. the team found certain challenges of the system in new Motivation for the scale up came from the mobile monitoring locations similar to those found in the initial pilot (Mukherjee pilot’s success, the scaling up of STBM nationwide, and the 2011), and some new challenges relating to the national desire to have data to track the Millennium Development Goal scale up. This section discusses the system changes made (MDG) related to sanitation. In 2012, the mobile monitoring in response to these challenges, such as: data collection system was expanded to all 119 districts and cities in five protocol, verification of data, hardware investments, staffing of the country’s provinces, covering approximately 36 million capacity, incentives dissemination, and usage. households and 123 million individuals. The current rollout plan aims to reach all 500 districts in 34 provinces in the Data Collection Protocol: Roles and job descriptions country by December 2015. As of August 2014, the mobile are clarified and reflect the responsibilities for routine monitoring system is functional in 20 provinces. data collection Similar to the pilot and other previous monitoring systems, PROBLEM STATEMENT the mobile monitoring system records village-level data. The To monitor progress toward national targets, the STBM number of rural households using each type of sanitation is program is scaling up a mobile monitoring system countrywide. recorded based on the STBM standard definitions: improved This learning note documents the typical challenges faced latrines, semi-permanent latrines, shared latrines, and open when scaling up a mobile monitoring system. It also documents defecation in villages. In addition, a community’s progress improvements the government has made to the system and towards ODF status is recorded. This village-level data is lessons learned while embedding it in existing government then compiled across subdistricts, districts, and provinces. institutions. While country and institutional contexts differ, However, who collects the data has changed between the these emerging learnings aim to help other countries wishing pilot and scale up. In the pilot, data collection started with to introduce or expand similar monitoring systems. the creation of a village-level community map during the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) triggering process (Kar ACTION 2008). A community leader was identified to assist with data To identify improvements since the first 2009 pilot and collection and reporting. The community leader would send the document lessons learned during the scaling up of the results of the community mapping process to a district gateway mobile monitoring system, a WSP team conducted qualitative server via two initial text messages. The first message would research at the subdistrict, district, and provincial levels in state the total number of households in the community. The 2014 in three locations in Pemalang, Semarang, and Brebes second message would define the baseline situation, by stating in Central Java. Team members interviewed individuals one the number of households using unimproved latrines, improved on one, in small groups and in larger group settings, and tried latrines, shared latrines, and open defecation. Later changes in to get viewpoints on the functioning of the monitoring systems the sanitation status of households in the community were sent from a wide array of stakeholders, including midwives, through additional messages either by the sanitarian during community members, sanitarians,4 clinic staff, and public regular visits to the community or directly by the community works, home affairs, and health department employees. In leader. During the scale up, the roles and official job descriptions have been changed to make the data collection more routine and to increase clarity on who has responsibility to collect the 4 Rural sanitation officers, called sanitarians are employed by the District Health Office at each sub-district level in Indonesia. data. A district health officer enters all the baseline data for all 9107-WSP Indonesia.pdf 2 12/15/14 12:20 PM
Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally 3 Fourth, when a community reports that all households have improved sanitation and the community wants to be declared ODF, a verification team makes a final trip. Institutional Arrangements: National government takes lead role in data analysis and dissemination During the pilot, most of the responsibility for the mobile monitoring system rested with the district government. Although the district and subdistrict still do most of the data collection and verification, during the scale up, the central Ibu Setiowati Budi Utami sending data government plays a major role in coordination and leads in Banjarnegara, data dissemination and analysis. In addition, the central Central Java government maintains the website. Figure 1 shows the roles and responsibilities of the different levels of government villages within the district and the sanitarians send the updated related to data collection. progress reports via text message. In large villages with difficult- Hardware Investments: National scale up requires to-reach areas, the subdistrict sanitarian may still work together national government to invest in hardware and software with a local midwife, village chief, or health cadre to collect the while keeping costs low at district level data, but ultimate responsibility lies with the sanitarian. These In order to scale up the system nationwide, the national updates are intended to be sent during routine village visits, government had to invest substantially in appropriate which should occur once or twice a month to complete other hardware, software, and phone credit whereas the district job responsibilities. government only had to invest in limited hardware and Data Verification Process: Automated error messages, operating costs. In the 2009 pilot, messages sent by random spot-checks and ODF verification field visits are sanitarians or community leaders were received by a district used to validate data accuracy and reliability gateway server as well as the central server of the STBM Since the initial pilot, the data verification process has been program secretariat. Currently, an upgraded central server5 improved for better accuracy in four ways. First, the current is used and district gateway servers are no longer needed. system automatically sends a response text message back To minimize costs, open source software programs (such anytime data is submitted. The response text message lets the as PHP, MySQL, and Gammu) are used. In the scale up, individual who sent the data know if the information sent was the national government has also allocated funds to pay for correct or had errors. If the data has errors, the response text the telecommunication cost of the automatic responses. To message will indicate what was wrong. Typical errors include scale up, districts have had little need to invest in hardware SMS structure is incorrect, phone number of individual sending as the only hardware needed is a mobile phone and text the message is not registered, village code does not match message credit. Most staff already have access to a mobile records, baseline data has not yet been entered, or data is phone. This mobile phone can be a very simple model with inconsistent with previously received data. Second, the district a number keypad; there is no need for a smartphone. health center and subdistrict sanitarians make verification visits Although some districts pay for phone credit to send text to the communities and carry out random spot checks at the messages, many do not as credit for messages is often given household level to assure validity of the community data. In free when purchasing call time. some cases, this occurs multiple times a month when staff go to villages for other related job tasks. Third, when a village, district or city approaches 100 percent open defecation free status in 5 That server contains an Intel Xeon processor and a GSM multiport modem. The server also includes 32 gigabytes of memory, more the system, local stakeholders are notified to confirm the status. than double the memory capacity during the pilot. 9107-WSP Indonesia.pdf 3 12/15/14 12:20 PM
4 Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Figure 1: Data flow process through the different levels of government in Indonesia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taffing Capacity: Structured training and back-up the national level, training has been conducted to ensure support is provided for primary data collectors the responsible team in the Ministry of Health can manage Hardware investments are easily addressed compared to the both the hardware and software. Capacity building is also staffing, capacity, and incentives required to actually make the needed for personnel directly responsible for data collection, system work. Initial investigations into why not all sanitarians maintenance, and analysis. Currently, a cascading approach were submitting data revealed that some sanitarians are not is used whereby the district environmental health officer, familiar with sending an SMS, ask younger family members to who is responsible for monitoring in the district, is trained in send SMS, find it hard to find time to validate the data given all aspects of the mobile monitoring system. These officers by the community, forget the village ID numbers, do not have then train the 20 to 40 sanitarians (and supporting data good phone signal, do not have a mobile phone, are “lazy,” collectors) in their districts and become resource persons for or prioritize other work.6 To address this, knowledge transfer the sanitarians who may have questions and need back-up has been required for data collection and management. At support to adequately use the system. Training of trainers was held for 34 provinces, during two training events in South 6 Sulawesi and East Kalimantan, in March and May of 2014, Workshop reports from Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and Jawa Tengah (Central Java) provinces. respectively. 9107-WSP Indonesia.pdf 4 12/15/14 12:20 PM
Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally 5 As of August 2014: • 3,787 of the 10,559 health center sanitarians in the country have sent village sanitation data via SMS • 800 to 1,000 messages have been received per month by the central server • 50,850 messages with data have been collected • Data for 20 provinces, including 40,470 villages and 42.9 million households, have been uploaded into the mobile monitoring system and evaluation system data is housed on the existing STBM Training of SMS-based monitoring system for data collection website, which already attracts sanitation stakeholders by in Buleleng, Bali posting articles and displaying comments entered through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. District and Incentives: Recognition and incentives are designed provincial level staff can log into the monitoring website to view to improve data collection recent SMS entries and errors or enter additional information To encourage staff to send data after being trained, groups only available to those with a password, such as monitoring and at the national, provincial, and district levels are exploring evaluation training participants. incentives to further motivate staff to submit data. At the national level, the task has been added to the official job Data Usage: Data can be used as a program description of sanitarians and the website lists the top users management tool to improve service delivery each month. In West Tenggara Barat and Central Java Similar to the pilot, user feedback has been generally very provinces, the employee “performance indicators” have been positive at all levels. Sanitarians, district staff, and their superiors, adopted to include data submissions. In one district in West are quite satisfied with the mobile monitoring system and Java, staff can receive a prize, such as a new mobile phone, reported that they valued the digital form of the data, saved time if their name appears as top performer on the website. on cumbersome paper-based data collection, improved regular data flow, and eased data usage. During both the pilot and the Data Dissemination: Data is hosted on STBM national current scaling up of the mobile monitoring system, use of the website and accessible to the wider public data has been manifold at all levels of government to improve The current mobile monitoring system allows for easier performance. National government officers reported that the dissemination of data. During the pilot, the data was kept offline mobile monitoring system is becoming more accepted as a way in a local computer at the district level, but now the data is to obtain updated, more valid data on the sanitation situation in openly accessible to anyone. Seconds after receiving the data rural areas to assess which areas need more assistance and and carrying out automatic validity checks, the STBM program which excel at service delivery. District health officers report office displays the data on its website (http://stbm-indonesia using the data to justify budget requests for rural sanitation. Two .org/monev/). The website has a number of graphic interfaces, district health officers at different clinics in Pemalang, Indonesia, including tables, maps, and graphs, to display the regularly even reported using the data to calculate the potential market updated rural sanitation data (See Figures 2–4). In the pilot, in their respective areas to encourage entrepreneurs to get the data was immediately available only to some stakeholders involved in sanitation marketing in their area. In total, during the with system access, but now the information is available period July 2013 to July 2014, an average of about 4,500 users without restrictions to anyone with an Internet connection. The per month and 15,131 page views were tracked; 38 percent of information can also be analyzed at the national, provincial, these are returning visitors. This number is still modest, as not all district, or subdistrict level. To increase traffic, the monitoring sanitarians have access to or are familiar with the Internet, but is 9107-WSP Indonesia.pdf 5 12/15/14 12:20 PM
6 Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Figure 2: Table of baseline and progress access to sanitation differentiate by improved sanitation, unimproved sanitation, Shared sanitation, and Open Defecation per province as presented on the STBM website. The far right column shows consistency (green bar) and completeness/progress entry of the data (blue bar). NASIONAL Identitas Data Kemajuan (Data aktual ter-entry/Data of BPS) Baseline (Progress) (Data Identity (actual/census)) Nama Provinsi Jumiah JSP JSSP BABS JSP JSSP BABS Status Data No Jumiah Jumiah % % Kab/Kot Sharing Sharing (Name of Kec Desa/Kel Jumiah KK (Improved) (Unimproved) (OD) Akses (Improved) (Unimproved) (OD) Akses (Data Status) Province) (No. of (No. of (No. of (No. of HH) Jamban Jamban districts/ KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK subdistricts) villages) (% access) (% access) cities) (HH) (HH) (HH) (HH) (HH) (HH) (HH) (HH) 9 DI 1 5/5 78/78 438/438 1.073.724/ 813.930 143.517 55.921 60.356 94.51 841.236 135.538 46.593 50.357 95.36 9 YOGYAKARTA 1.039.754 0 100 1 2 BALI 9/9 57/57 716/716 994.722/ 765.563 34.029 84.774 110.370 88.15 769.883 34.052 85.110 105.691 88.75 1 1.088.136 0 100 9 JAWA 3 TENGAH 35/35 573/ 8.577/ 9.857.367/ 4.652.067 1.532.796 783.199 2.889.305 69.52 5.110.840 1.541.705 896.621 2.309.547 75.63 9 573 8.577 9.670.054 0 100 JSSP = Jamban Sehat Semi Permanen (Semi-Permanent healthy toilet); JSP = Jamban Sehat Permanen (Permanent healthy toilet); BABS = Buang Air Besar Sembarangan (Open defecation); KK = HH (Household) expected to grow over time with increasing mobile Internet use. A national harmonized approach to rural sanitation, Whereas 78 percent of households in Indonesia have access to with sector-wide objectives and monitoring framework, an Internet-capable mobile phone, only 21 percent of consumers is necessary for scaling up data collection. Currently, reported they had used the Internet in the past 12 months when the Government of Indonesia has a national strategy that surveyed (Nielsen 2011). includes a national programmatic approach. Districts using the approach share the same objective, namely to reach KEY LESSONS 100 percent ODF and are therefore interested in collecting Several changes, discussed above, were made during the scale and monitoring similar data. A national harmonized approach up of the monitoring system, and there will likely be additional also enables the national government to take the lead changes as the scale up continues nationally. The key lessons in data storage, analysis and dissemination, and enable from the experience of going from a pilot monitoring system in standardized capacity building while still allowing districts to five districts to a system in 20 provinces are summarized below. explore different incentive options. A structured approach, which allows for adjustments Utilizing multiple data verification systems helps ensure and improvements to be made, is needed in order for data accuracy. Although technology does speed up the real-time village data mobile monitoring to scale up from availability of information, the quality and reliability of data 2 to 119 districts in three years and eventually all 500 of needs to be verified. The government’s commitment to Indonesia’s districts by 2015. It was helpful to conduct a accurate data, by having a mix of built-in validity checks and pilot to ensure that the objectives were clearly defined with random verification of data at the point of collection, helps measurable indicators that were simple enough to be coded improve the quality of the data. into a text message. The structured approach for scaling allowed for roles and responsibilities of those collecting and Use of the monitoring system as a management tool for transmitting the data to be clearly defined. improved programming is still limited. Although the data 9107-WSP Indonesia.pdf 6 12/15/14 12:20 PM
Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally 7 Figure 3: Snapshot of provincial data on the website. Figure 4: Map generated by the mobile monitoring The top chart shows a summary of progress for the system as presented on the website. This map shows province of Central Java, by type of access. The the percentage of progress toward open defecation bottom chart shows the percentage of individuals with free (ODF) status differentiated by color gradation. access to sanitation by district, for each district in Central Java. Grafik Summary Kemajuan PROV. JAWA TENGAH 6M 5M 4M Jumlah KK 3M 2M 1M 0M Jamban Sehat Permanen Jamban Sehat Semi Sharing Open Defecation (Permanent healthy toilet) Permanen (Semi- Permanent healthy toilet) Baseline Progress Grafik Kemajuan Berdasarkan Progres PROV. JAWA TENGAH 100 Persentase Akses Progres 75 50 25 0 NG LON N NEG O ARA ALA G A I GAN US SRA TI KEB EN EN ANG ARA AR SUK RANG O RA LI GEL N ANG P AK L NG GA REM JO G ANG BRE L BES URA GAL TA PEM GAN BAN ANG AS GIR EGA DA TIG ACA GA TE PA SOB N ARJ BAN OLA KAR ANY RE DEM YUM KUD G UM BLO ING KOT EMARA KOT GELA GU KLA KEN JEP TE BAT NO OBO N AL OH AT WO CIL BOY A ALO NO ANG BAL WO SEM KOT AS A MA JAR EKA PUR GR WO AM PEK AS PUR TEM AS KAR BAN AP KOT KOT KOT Nama Kabupaten % Non Akses % Akses and some analysis are available for free to anyone who visits the STBM website, use of the online tool by key stakeholders, such as government, nonprofits, and the private sector, has Data usage in Klaten, Central Java been lagging. Possible reasons for the lack of data utilization could be a poor understanding of stakeholder data needs, data can be improved so that community, subdistrict, district, not enough customization of data for various stakeholders, provincial, and national government stakeholders, sanitation inappropriate dissemination channels, or inadequate analysis businesses, and the general public can increase sanitation capacity among stakeholders. coverage. Investigations could look at how other nations’ governments and ministries are using social media or hard- WHAT ELSE DO WE NEED TO KNOW copy newsletters to share information. As the mobile monitoring system continues in national roll- out, there are additional learning questions that should Current efforts are underway to explore incentives that would be explored related to data use, incentives, and system motivate district health officers and subdistrict sanitarians to expansion. understand how data collection can be more sustainable. It could be worth exploring if a feedback loop can be created Although some stakeholders are using results of the data so that administrative levels not only report data but also use collected, ways to analyze, customize, and disseminate the the information to improve planning and management. 9107-Book.pdf 7 1/9/15 3:33 PM
8 Scaling Up Indonesia’s Rural Sanitation Mobile Monitoring System Nationally Scaling Up Rural Sanitation Lastly, currently the mobile monitoring Sanitation in East Java. WSP Working system only collects data related to one Paper. Washington, DC: World Bank. Acknowledgements pillar of the STBM program. The Ministry /sites / / This Learning Note was prepared of Health has expressed interest in files /publications / WSP-Monitoring- by Amin Robiarto, Effentrif Sofyan, exploring how the existing mobile Information-TSSM.pdf Deviariandy Setiawan, Alan Malina, and monitoring system could be expanded Emily Rand. The authors also gratefully Nielsen Media Research. 2011. “The acknowledge valuable contributions to collect data for some of the other Digital Media Habits and Attitudes of by Susanna Smets and review pillars of the STBM program, such as Southeast Asian Consumers, October comments provided by Jane Bevan, handwashing with soap. 2011.” New York: The Nielsen Company. Kristin Darundiyah, James Dumpert, Jacqueline Devine, Eduardo Perez, Upneet Singh, and Almud Weitz. REFERENCES RELATED READING Kar, Kamal, and Robert Chambers. 2008. Kumar, C. Ajith, and Upneet Singh. About the program Handbook on Community-Led Total 2012. You Manage What You Measure: Today, 2.5 billion people live without Sanitation. London: Plan International. Using Mobile Phones to Strengthen access to improved sanitation. http://www.communityledtotalsanitation Outcome Monitoring in Rural Sanitation. Of these, 71 percent live in rural .org/sites/communityledtotalsanitation communities. To address this WSP Field Note. Washington, DC: challenge, WSP is working with .org/files/media/cltshandbook.pdf World Bank. governments and local private sectors Ministry of Health, Indonesia. 2008. Pinto, Rebekah, Deviariandy Setiawan, to build capacity and strengthen Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Health performance monitoring, policy, and Ari Kamasan. 2013. Results, financing, and other components Ministry Decree No. 852/2008 Strategi Impacts, and Learning from Improving needed to develop and institutionalize Nasional Sanitasi Total Berbasis Sanitation at Scale in East Java, large scale, sustainable rural Masyarakat/Community Based Total Indonesia. WSP Field Note. Washington, sanitation programs. With a focus on building a rigorous evidence base to Sanitation Program. Jakarta: MOH DC: World Bank. support replication, WSP combines Indonesia. Robiarto, Amin, and Effentrif Sofyan. Community-Led Total Sanitation, Ministry of Health, Indonesia. 2014. 2011. Manual for Monitoring of behavior change communication, and sanitation marketing to generate Health Ministry Regulation No. 3/2014. Community Based Total Sanitation. sanitation demand and strengthen Jakarta: MOH Indonesia. STBM Secretariat, Directorate General the supply of sanitation products and Mukherjee, Nilanjana, Djoko Wartono, and of Disease Control and Environmental services, leading to improved health for people in rural areas. For more Amin Robiarto. 2011. Managing the Flow Health. Jakarta: Ministry of Health, information, please visit of Monitoring Information to Improve Rural Indonesia. scalingupsanitation. Contact us For more information please visit or email Emily Rand at The Water and Sanitation Program is a multi-donor partnership, part of the World Bank Group’s Water Global Practice, supporting poor people in obtaining affordable, safe, and sustainable access to water and sanitation services. WSP’s donors include Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and the World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are entirely those of the author and should not be attributed to the World Bank or its affiliated organizations, or to members of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. © 2014 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 9107-WSP Indonesia.pdf 8 12/15/14 12:20 PM
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