Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software

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Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Filing 1095-C & ACA
Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer
Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

Today’s Agenda
                       Quick Introductions
                       Laura Detsch
                       Greenshades Compliance Officer

                       A Brief Overview of the ACA
                       Affordable Care Act – What you need to know
                       Changes for 2020

                       Form 1095-C
        i              How to use Form 1095-C
                       What’s new for 2020

                       Answering your questions about Form 1095-C and the ACA

Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

About Greenshades

• Solving difficult problems for our customers                 LinkedIn:
                                                               Greenshades Software
• Providing a series of tax, compliance, and HR
• Flagship offering is a complete Payroll/HR
  platform that supports the entire employee
  lifecycle                                                    Instagram:

• Over 15 years of experience and expertise
• Serving 4,000 clients across North America                   Greenshades Software

Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

Evolution of Greenshades

Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

Today’s Presenter

Laura Detsch
Compliance Officer, Greenshades Software

•15+ years as a Finance Director

•6+ years as GS Compliance Officer

•Graduate of DuBois Business College

•Part-time tax preparer with HR Block

•Fun fact - I use to drive a school bus!

Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

A Few Legal Notes

• Do not construe this content as formal legal

• Always check with your local counsel, as well
  as your organization’s accounting teams

• We’re providing high-level insights and
  guidance, but you should be aware of state-
  and region-specific impact.

• Greenshades partner myHRCounsel is
  extending an opportunity to leverage their
  expertise at a low monthly cost.

Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase


Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

The Affordable Care Act – Things to Remember

• Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) that have 50 or
  more full-time equivalent employees must offer
  affordable coverage to their workers and their
• All employers subject to the ACA must distribute
  reporting forms to their employees and file with the
• Deadlines:
    • Distribute 1095-C to staff members by March 2,
    • File form 1095-C with IRS by February 28, 2021 if
       paper filing, and by March 31, 2021 if
       electronically filing

Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

ACA Compliance: Your Checklist
                       • Figure out your ALE status (use previous year’s data
                           for this year’s status)
                       • Make sure all employee hours have been tracked,
                           including vacation/holiday time, medical leave,
                           military deployment, jury duty and other hours
                       • Make sure you have accurate Social Security
                           numbers for all employees and that requests are
                           being fulfilled in a timely manner
                       • Plan ahead on completing, distributing and filing
                           your forms – know the deadlines

Filing 1095-C & ACA Presented by Laura Detsch, Compliance Officer - Greenshades Software
Greenshades Showcase

Form 1095-C
• Used to show that employer-offered healthcare complied with the Affordable Care Act – Final
  version and instructions released on October 15
• New fields on Form 1095-C are:
    • “Employee’s age on January 1”
    • Part II, Line 17 - ZIP code for primary residence (for codes 1L, 1M or 1N on line 14) or primary
       employment (for codes 1O, 1P or 1Q on line 14) by month
• Part III (for self-insured coverage - lists the employee and dependents who were enrolled in
  coverage) is now on Page 3 with instructions on Page 2
• Line 14 has eight new offer codes for Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Accounts
  (ICHRA). All health plans must keep following ACA regulations for meeting minimum value and
  cost. Some of the new Line 14 codes, 1L through 1Q, let employers report the type of ICHRA

Greenshades Showcase

Line 14 Offer Codes
• 1L. Individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) offered to you only with
  affordability determined by using employee’s primary residence location ZIP code
• 1M. Individual coverage HRA offered to you and dependent(s) (not spouse) with affordability
  determined by using employee’s primary residence location ZIP code
• 1N. Individual coverage HRA offered to you, spouse and dependent(s) with affordability determined
  by using employee’s primary residence location ZIP code
• 1O. Individual coverage HRA offered to you only using the employee’s primary employment site ZIP
  code affordability safe harbor
• 1P. Individual coverage HRA offered to you and dependent(s) (not spouse) using the employee’s
  primary employment site ZIP code affordability safe harbor
• 1Q. Individual coverage HRA offered to you, spouse and dependent(s) using the employee’s
  primary employment site ZIP code affordability safe harbor
• 1R. Individual coverage HRA that is NOT affordable offered to you; employee and spouse or
  dependent(s); or employee, spouse, and dependents
• 1S. Individual coverage HRA offered to an individual who was not a full-time employee

Greenshades Showcase


Greenshades Showcase

Form 1095-C

Greenshades Showcase

Part III (for self-insured coverage - lists the employee and dependents who
were enrolled in coverage) is now on Page 3 with instructions on Page 2

Greenshades Showcase

Greenshades Dynamics Payroll Inspector ACA
ACA Coverage Manager
• Alerts the user in instances of non-compliance under ACA
• Calculates full-time status for standard and
  initial measurement periods
• Tracks offered, waived, and enrolled coverage and
  generates the appropriate IRS code from form 1095-C
• Aggregates ALE group support
• Stores dependent information for form 1095-C
• Integrates directly with Dynamics GP HR and Payroll
Greenshades Showcase

ACA Compliance Tracking
Greenshades Online Benefits Module
• Includes all features of the Dynamics Payroll Inspector
• Provides an employee interface for the completion of enrollment events
• Allows for employee notification of new benefit offerings due to a change in ACA full-time status
• Updates Microsoft Dynamics when elections are made

Greenshades Online Payroll ACA Module
• Works with the Greenshades Payroll Module to track ACA compliance of employees
• Includes all features of the Dynamics Payroll Inspector within Greenshades Payroll

Greenshades Showcase

Year-End Forms for ACA
1095-C Distribution and Reporting

• Pull ACA data directly from Dynamics Payroll
   Inspector, Benefits, or Greenshades Payroll
   modules (or import via excel)
• Touchless 1095-C Distribution:
     • Allow easy access, using our self-service
         portal with managed, electronic consent
     • Have Greenshades print and Mail forms
         directly to your recipients
• Reporting:
     • Build and e-file directly to the IRS   17
Greenshades Showcase


Greenshades Showcase

Top Five Reasons to Outsource Year-End Processing

        EMPLOYEE SAFETY                                                            REGULATORY COMPLIANCE
        Although COVID-related restrictions are easing in                          Thanks to the COVID crisis, 2020 has a unique and
        some locations, many employees are still concerned                         diverse array of policies that have been added to
        for their safety and the safety of their loved ones.                       the books. Greenshades' expert team keeps up-to-
        Outsourcing your print & mail services keeps them                          date on everything impacting your business so you
        safe at home.                                                              don't have to.

        COST CONTAINMENT                                                           PROCESS FLEXIBILITY
        Disinfecting the workplace can be a costly                                 As your businesses needs evolve, so too will the
        proposition, ranging from $1 to $10 per square foot.                       size, composition, and nature of your workforce.
        Add-in personnel costs required to print and mail                          Outsourcing empowers you to effectively scale
        forms and outsourcing stands as a more economical                          both capabilities and capacity on-the-fly.

                                                   RISK MITIGATION
                                                   The old saying "measure twice, cut once" seems
                                                   tailor-made for year-end tax processing. Our
                                                   research and validation services catch and correct
                                                   issues before they can impact your company or your                           19
Greenshades Showcase


Ready to end 2020 with your best foot forward?
Make Greenshades part of your team today!
Contact us and let us take your payroll, HR, and
year-end processes to the next level.

Greenshades is ready to help, so email or call

Contact Sales
(888) 255-3815 ext. 2
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