File Format Document DDU_DDS_EXTRACT (.DDU) - Xoserve

Page created by Cory Jensen
File Format Document
                               DDU_DDS_EXTRACT (.DDU)

                                  CDSP to Transporter

                                    Copyright Xoserve 2017©, all rights reserved.
   No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any
 medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of Xoserve
              except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.

            Author:                              Xoserve
            Owner:                               Xoserve
            Version:                             2.03.0FA
            Status:                              LiveFor Approval
            Date:                                PNID16/12/2019

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                                            Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-
Version Control

 Version         COR          Issue Date             Implementation    Summary of Change
 1                                                                     Previous Live version
 2.0             1154         09-Jan-2015            PNID              Live Version at PNID
 3.0FA           n/a          16-Dec-2019            Feb-2020          Amended description in M29
                                                                       record for EUC_DESCRIPTION
                                                                       data attribute to provide
                                                                       additional clarity.

 Contains 3 different Record Types

 Level   Record Name                                                        Occurrence     Optionally
   1     HD_A00_STANDARD_HEADER                                                 1              M
   2     M29_DDS_UPDATE_EXTRACT                                               15000            O
   1     TR_Z99_STANDARD_TRAILER                                                1              M

Note 1

OPT - Optional/Mandatory (O - Optional, M - Mandatory)
DOM - Domain (T - text, N - Numeric, D - Date (YYYYMMDD), M - Timestamp)
LNG - Number of characters
DEC - Number of decimal places

Note 2

All text fields will be enclosed in double quotes ("")

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                                           Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-
Record Type Definition


RECORD/FIELD_NAME       OPT   DOM   LNG         DEC                    DESCRIPTION

                                                        DEFINITION: A code identifying the type of
TRANSACTION_TYPE        M      T     3            0
                                                        Unique identifier to indicate
ORGANISATION_ID         M      N    10            0
                                                        the organisation

FILE_TYPE               M      T     3            0     Unique identifier for the file type

                                                        DEFINITION: The date on which the file
CREATION_DATE           M      D     8            0
                                                        was generated. YYYYMMDD
                                                        DEFINITION: The time at which the file
CREATION_TIME           M     M      6            0
                                                        was generated (within the Creation Date).

                                                        DEFINITION: A sequence number to
GENERATION_NUMBER       M      N     6            0
                                                        identify the file

Total                               36

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                               Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-

TRANSACTION_TYPE               M      T            3    0    DEFINITION: A code identifying
                                                             the type of request that this
                                                             record represents.
                                                             VALUE: M29

METER_POINT_REFERENCE          M      N        10       0    A unique identifier for the point
                                                             at which a meter is, has been or
                                                             will be connected to the gas

SUPPLY_METER_POINT_STATUS_CO   M      T            2    0    Holds the status of
DE                                                           SUPPLY_METER_POINT. This
                                                             does not have to be inline with
                                                             the Meter Status. When in a
                                                             planned state, there is no meter
                                                             fitted until completion of
                                                             siteworks. When Live the meter
                                                             may be Live or Isolated. The
                                                             meter must have been removed
                                                             before the Meterpoint Status
                                                             becomes Dead or Extinct
                                                             (Extinct is used when the
                                                             meterpoint has been marked as
                                                             a duplicate). ALLOWABLE
                                                             VALUES: LI - Live (Capable of
                                                             passing gas) CU - Cut Off
                                                             (Meter may still be fitted) CL -
                                                             Clamped (Meter may still be
                                                             fitted) DE - Dead (No Gas, No
                                                             Meter) EX - Extinct (No Gas, No
                                                             Meter, Duplicate) CA – Capped

MAINS_PRESSURE_TYPE            O      T            1    0    Mains pressure type. Values - L
                                                             = low; up to 75 mbar, M =
                                                             medium; 76 mbar - 2 bar, I =
                                                             intermediate; 2.1 bar - 7 bar,H =
                                                             high; 7.1 bar - 19 bar, S =
                                                             supergrid; above 19.1 bar, U =
                                                             Unknown. Mandatory for > 25k

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                        Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-
METER_LOCATION_CODE          O    N            2   0   A code representing the location
                                                       of a meter VALUES:
                                                       0 - Unknown, 1 - Cellar, 2 -
                                                       Under Stairs, 3 - Hall, 4 -
                                                       Kitchen, 5 - Bathroom, 6 -
                                                       Garage, 7 - Canteen, 8 -
                                                       Cloakroom, 9 - Cupboard, 10 -
                                                       Domestic, 11 - Front Door, 12 -
                                                       Hall Cupboard, 13 - Kitchen
                                                       Cupboard, 14 - Kitchen under
                                                       the sink, 15 - Landing, 16 -
                                                       Office, 17 - Office Cupboard, 18
                                                       - Outside WC, 19 - Pantry, 20 -
                                                       Porch, 21 - Public Bar, 22 -
                                                       Rear of Shop, 23 - Saloon Bar,
                                                       24 - Shed, 25 - Shop Front, 26 -
                                                       Shop Window, 27 - Staff Room,
                                                       28 - Store Room, 29 - Toilet, 30
                                                       - Under Counter, 31 - Waiting
                                                       Room, 32 - Meterbox, 98 -
                                                       Other, 99 - Outside.

METER_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION   O    T        40      0   Only populated if different. A
                                                       free format description of the
                                                       location of the meter (e.g.
                                                       “under the stairs”, “in the boiler
                                                       room”). This should not
                                                       duplicate the detail held in the
                                                       Meter Location Code.

SUPPLY_METER_POINT_ AQ       O    N        15      0   The annual offtake quantity of a
                                                       Supply Meter Point. This AQ
                                                       may be revised following read

SMP_AQ_EFFECTIVE_DATE        O    D            8   0   The date from which the current
                                                       Annual Quantity is effective.

METER_SERIAL_NUMBER          O    T        14      0   The manufacturers meter serial

METER_STATUS                 O    T            2   0   A code indicating the current
                                                       status of the meter VALUES LI
                                                       - Live, FA - Faulty, IN - Inactive,
                                                       CU - Cut off Meter, CL -
                                                       Clamped, CA - Capped, SP -
                                                       Spin Cap, OT - Other, UN –
                                                       Unknown, NI – Not Installed, RE
                                                       - Removed. CONTEXT: This is
                                                       the information held in UK Link
                                                       for the most recently recorded
                                                       asset, even if this asset is
                                                       removed. This field will not be
                                                       populated if no asset
                                                       Information has been recorded
                                                       against the Meter point.

METER_STATUS_CHNG_DT         O    D            8   0   The date relating to the current
                                                       meter status.

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                  Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-
IMPERIAL_METER_INDICATOR   O    T            1   0   Indicator identifying if the meter
                                                     measures volume of gas
                                                     consumed in metric or imperial
                                                     units. VALUES: Y - Imperial N –
                                                     Metric meter.

METER_CAPACITY             O    N        10      4   The amount of gas that can be
                                                     passed through the meter in a
                                                     given time period. This is the
                                                     manufacturer's maximum value.
                                                     ALLOWABLE VALUES: If the
                                                     imperial indicator is set to Y, the
                                                     capacity should be expressed in
                                                     cubic feet per hour. If the
                                                     imperial indicator is set to N, the
                                                     capacity should be expressed in
                                                     cubic metres per hour.

SUPPLY_METER_POINT_CLASS   O    N            1   0   It defines the class type for the
                                                     supply meter point. VALUES: 1
                                                     – Class 1, 2 – Class 2, 3 –
                                                     Class 3, 4 - Class 4

END_USER_CATEGORY          O    N        10      0   A unique reference for the End
                                                     User Category.

EUC_DESCRIPTION            O    T        12      0   Acronym for the make up of an
                                                     End User Category (EUC).
                                                     EUC's categorise end users in
                                                     terms of their LDZ, AQ lower
                                                     limit, AQ upper limit, meter read
                                                     frequency, BGIC code, winter
                                                     start, and end month and the
                                                     ratio of upper, and lower limit
                                                     and for EUC01 and EUC02
                                                     Market Sector Code & Meter
EUC_EFFECTIVE_DATE         O    D            8   0   Date from when the new EUC
                                                     mentioned in the file is effective.

CURRENT_DM_SOQ             O    N        10      0   The maximum rate of gas flow
                                                     (measured in KWH) for a gas
                                                     day for a Class 1 or Class 2
                                                     Supply Meter Point. CONTEXT :
                                                     The current maximum rate of
                                                     gas flow.

CURRENT_DM_SHQ             O    N        10      0   The maximum hourly rate of gas
                                                     flow (measured in KWH) for a
                                                     Class 1 or Class 2 Supply Meter
                                                     Point. CONTEXT : The current
                                                     maximum hourly rate of gas flow

DM_EFFECTIVE_DATE          O    D            8   0   DEFINITION: Obtained from
                                                     DATE.Date on which the DM
                                                     capacity becomes effective.

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-
BUILDING_NUMBER               O    N            4   0   Building Number as defined in

BUILDING_NAME                 O    T        50      0   Building Name as defined in

PRINCIPAL_STREET              O    T        40      0   A combination
                                                        THOROUGHFARE NAME and
                                                        DESCRIPTOR as defined in

POST_TOWN                     O    T        40      0   The post town in which the
                                                        street lies. CONTEXT: Post
                                                        Town as defined in PAF.

POSTCODE _OUTCODE             O    T            4   0   Standard PAF outcode as
                                                        defined in the PAF digest.

POSTCODE _INCODE              O    T            4   0   Standard PAF incode as defined
                                                        in the PAF digest.

LDZ_IDENTIFIER                O    T            4   0   This field identifies the LDZ to
                                                        which the supply meter point is

TDT_DISTRICT_ID               O    T            2   0   A two character string uniquely
                                                        identifying the Transporter
                                                        District within the Transporter

EXIT_ZONE_IDENTIFIER          O    T            3   0   This field identifies the Exit Zone
                                                        to which the supply meter point
                                                        is associated.

METER_LINK_CODE               O    T            1   0    A code enabling the functional
                                                        relationship between meters
                                                        (the way in which they
                                                        are linked together) at given
                                                        locations on an End User's site
                                                        to be described. VALUES:- P
                                                        =Primary meter, S = Sub-meter,
                                                        , F = Free standing meter,

FORMULA_YEAR_SMP_AQ           O    N        15      0   The Supply Meter Point AQ that
                                                        is fixed throughout the formula
                                                        year for determination of
                                                        Transportation rates. For Class
                                                        3 and Class 4 Supply Meter

FORMULA_YEAR_EFFECTIVE_DATE   O    D            8   0   The date from which the Supply
                                                        Meter Point formula year details
                                                        is applied. FORMAT:

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                   Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-

*Occurs Max 1*          OPT       DOM         LNG     DEC             DESCRIPTION

                                                              A code identifying the type of
TRANSACTION_TYPE        M           T          3       0      request that this record
                                                              represents VALUE:Z99
                                                              The number of detail records
                                                              contained within the file. This
                                                              should not include the
                                                              Standard Header (A00) and
RECORD_COUNT            M           N          10      0
                                                              Standard Trailer (Z99) but
                                                              should include any file specific
                                                              Headers and Trailers specified
                                                              for this file type.
Total                                          13

                              Total Length: 391

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Version 2.0 Live3.0FA                                       Implementation Date: PNIDFeb-
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