Page created by Louis King
FOR PLAYERS FROM ‘SMALLER’                                            IT HAS BEEN GREAT TO WATCH
                                      CRICKET COUNTRIES IT IS                                               THE GROWTH OF THE WOMEN’S
                                      OFTEN A CHALLENGE TO                                                  GAME AND WE URGE CRICKET’S
                                                                                                            ADMINISTRATORS AROUND THE
                                      BE HEARD.
                                                                                                            WORLD TO FOCUS ON PROVIDING
                                      PRINCIPLES OF EQUITY                                                  EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL.
                                      AND FAIRNESS SHOULD BE
                                                                                                            Vikram Solanki
                                      NON-NEGOTIABLE THOUGH
                                                                                                            (FICA President)
                                      AND AS PLAYERS WE LOOK
                                      FORWARD TO PLAYING OUR
                                      PART IN CONTINUING TO DRIVE
                                      PROGRESS IN OUR COUNTRIES
                                      AND AT GLOBAL LEVEL.
                                      Priyanaz Chatterji            MORE INVESTMENT IN QUALITY COACHES AND IN FULL-TIME ATHLETES
                                                                    IS NEEDED TO IMPROVE THE DEPTH AND STANDARD OF THE GAME.
                                                                    Current International

WE BELIEVE THAT PLAYERS                                             WOMEN’S CRICKET HAS MADE
HAVE A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT                                           SIGNIFICANT GAINS WHICH WERE
TO CONTRIBUTE IN TERMS OF                                           DISPLAYED AT THE RECENT T20
                                                                    WORLD CUP FINAL.
OF THE NUANCES OF THE WAY                                           PLAYERS, ADMINISTRATORS AND
IT’S PLAYED, AND OF THE TERMS                                       NATIONAL BOARDS AROUND THE
AND CONDITIONS FACING                                               WORLD NEED TO CONTINUE TO WORK
PLAYERS AROUND THE WORLD.                                           TOGETHER AND INVEST HEAVILY
                                                                    IN BUILDING ON THIS TO CAPITALISE
WE LOOK TO THE ICC AND GAME’S                                       ON THE HARD WORK OF THOSE WHO
LEADERS TO WORK WITH US,                                            HAVE LAID THE PLATFORM, CREATE
THROUGH OUR REPRESENTATIVES,                                        A NEW NORMAL, AND TO ENSURE
TO ENSURE THIS HAPPENS.                                             THE WOMEN’S GAME ISN’T EVER
Heather Knight & Alyssa Healy
                                                                    AN AFTER THOUGHT…
(Australia & England)                                               LET’S KEEP WORKING TOGETHER
                                                                    TO ENSURE THE WOMEN’S GAME
                                                                    USES THE PLATFORM IT HAS CREATED
                                                                    TO GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL.
                                                                    Lisa Sthalekar (FICA Director)                                        3
    PLAYERS AND THE GAME                                                                                                            WHERE TO NEXT?
    TOM MOFFAT, FICA CEO                                                                                                            ALYSSA HEALY AND HEATHER KNIGHT                                 CAREER VIABILITY
                                                                                                                                    Seeing a packed house at the MCG in advance of the             Providing an aspirational career path for more young girls
    OUR ASPIRATION                                                                                                                  T20 World Cup final earlier this year was a thing of beauty.   in more countries must be the game’s aim. On behalf of the
    FICA’s aspiration is for women’s cricket to be thriving across                                                                  That event gave us all a glimpse of what the women’s game      current crop of players around the world, we understand
    all cricket countries, enabling all female cricket players to                                                                   can be when it is invested in, promoted and prioritized.       our responsibility and we want to play our part in taking
    build viable careers and be the best players they can be.                                                                       We can’t stop there though.                                    the game to the next level and providing a platform for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   future growth and success of the game around the world.
    A thriving women’s game will have the required investment,                                                                      At the time of writing this we are both in Australia at the
    scheduling, support and promotion to be well-attended,                                                                          WBBL, which is now a fantastic standalone event separate       We believe that players have a significant amount to
    commercially viable and played at a high performance                                                                            from the men’s event. The growth and development of this       contribute in terms of the direction of travel for the game,
    standard. In order to be the ‘best players they can be’                                                                         league and of the women’s game around the world has been       understanding of the nuances of the way it’s played, and of
    we know that players, as with employees in other industries,                                                                    an important step. The domestic leagues and international      the terms and conditions facing players around the world.
    require strong levels of financial security and emotional                                                                       cricket are going to be an important part of the future        We look to the ICC and game’s leaders to work with us,
    wellbeing. Addressing the historical underinvestment in                                                                         of the game, and in creating viable careers for more of        through our representatives, to ensure this happens. Despite
    the women’s game compared to the men’s, and embedding                                                                           the best female athletes. We have seen the second IPL          the good work and positive steps forward to date, there is still
    gender equity principles in the game from the top down                                                                          Challenge held this year, and the (almost) commencement        much more that needs to be done to drive the game forward.
    and across countries is also central to achieving this                                                                          of the women’s Hundred in the UK.
    ambition. This report sets out FICA’s view on many
                                                                                                                                    Whilst all of these developments are positive, as players we
    of the key areas and metrics that need to be focused             The current group of players are committed to driving the
                                                                                                                                    want to see a clear global structure for the game that gives
    on by those running the game in order to achieve this.           game forward in their own countries and globally. Our game
                                                                                                                                    everyone an easy-to-follow calendar for players and fans.
    We set this out in the form of a professionalisation             is blessed with strong player leaders and those running the
                                                                                                                                    We know that players from some of the smaller cricket
    maturity curve, developed in conjunction with gender             game must continue to listen to them, and engage them on
                                                                                                                                    countries (and the bigger ones) are starved of cricket
    equity experts, to demonstrate the path forwards based           fundamental issues, including through their representatives.
                                                                                                                                    and playing opportunities. There is no reason for there to
    on different starting points.
                                                                                                                                    be scheduling overlap between international cricket and
                                                                     THESE REPORTS                                                  domestic leagues around the world, and we would like to see
    A QUESTION OF PRIORITY                                           This is FICA’s second Women’s Global Employment Report.        the women’s game learn from some of the issues in the men’s
    The global game is the sum of many moving parts and              FICA will continue to complete these reports on a regular      game. Scheduling windows are an obvious way to ensure
    each cricket country is interdependent on others. As an          basis as a stocktake of the status quo around the world,       a clear structure and to prevent overlap with scheduling.
    international sport, there is a clear requirement for key        and as a core part of FICA’s work to both contribute to
    stakeholders in cricket to work together to achieve the          the global cricket landscape and game and to advocate          MORE ACTION
    best outcomes. Whilst this report covers the period pre          for the players who make it successful and vibrant. We want
                                                                                                                                    As players, we understand that cricket countries around the
    Covid-19, at the time of writing we are in the midst of a        the game to reach its potential and we want all professional
                                                                                                                                    world are in very different financial positions. Having said
    global pandemic that has presented significant challenges        players to be treated fairly and equitably. There is a long
                                                                                                                                    that, there needs to be equal commitment from all countries
    around the world, including to cricket. We have seen various     way to go to achieve that. There is a lot of excellent work
                                                                                                                                    to addressing barriers, and promoting and investing in the
    postponements of tours and events in light of the pandemic,      that has been done around the world, but the game can
                                                                                                                                    women’s game if we are to achieve gender equity on the
    many of which have been necessary based on health and            do more and it needs strong global leadership from the
                                                                                                                                    global stage and in individual cricket countries.
    safety. We continue to urge the game’s decision makers to        top to ensure it fulfils its potential.
    collaborate on, invest in, and prioritise the women’s game                                                                      At global level, we think there is an opportunity for the
    at this time more than ever, and to ensure there is renewed                                                                     ICC to prioritise increased and targeted investment in the
    and ongoing focus on the women’s game at this time.                                                                             game around the world, not just in global events. This could
                                                                                                                                    include for example more centralized funds to assist the
                                                                                                                                    professionalisation of the game in more countries and
                                                                                                                                    to ensure more cricket can be played.

4    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5
OUR                                             OUR                                                              WHY THIS
    PURPOSE                                         PRIORITIES                                                       REPORT?
    FICA IS THE WORLD                               PLAYERS                                                          This is the second FICA Women’s Professional Cricket Global Employment Report and it
    PLAYERS’ BODY IN CRICKET                        SERVING PLAYERS’ COLLECTIVE                                      covers the cricket seasons across the world during 2018 and 2019. It aims to provide an
                                                    INTERESTS GLOBALLY                                               accurate and balanced assessment of the women’s game global employment market in which
    FICA is a democratic player-driven                                                                               players around the world are looking to build successful and meaningful careers. This report will:
    organisation that brings together the           Players are at the heart of everything we do. We will continue
                                                    to strengthen our relationships and affinity with them,
    world’s professional cricketers under           continue to understand their needs, and their issues,
                                                                                                                     TRACK                                                CONTRIBUTE
    an international body which focuses on          and represent and deliver for them at global level               …a full range of data points and player             …to the future direction of the game
    matters that affect the players collectively,                                                                    insights with subsequent consistent                 by providing thought leadership on
                                                                                                                     monitoring allowing for the identification          some of the key issues, challenges and
    and the global game. Players who are
                                                                                                                     of patterns and trends across the game              opportunities that the game faces
    members of a FICA member association            THE GAME
    are, by extension, also guaranteed              POSITIVELY INFLUENCING THE                                       INFORM                                               ADVOCATE
    the support of the other players’
                                                    DIRECTION OF THE GLOBAL GAME
                                                                                                                     …the game’s stakeholders, decision-makers,          …for more consistent playing structures and
    associations in other countries                 We care about the game. Through our research,                    media and fans with reliable, accurate              global minimum standards in employment
                                                    knowledge and thought leadership, we will have                   information deriving a better understanding         conditions ensuring that cricket remains
                                                    a positive impact on the direction of the global game            of the realities of the professional game and       vibrant by offering viable, secure and
                                                    and especially on issues that matter to players                  the career choices and issues faced by players      rewarding professional careers for its players

    OUR                                             MEMBER PLAYERS’ ASSOCIATIONS                                     TO ASSIST THE GAME TO                                TO INSPIRE AND SUPPORT
    VISION                                          STRENGTHENING AND GROWING OUR
                                                    GLOBAL INFLUENCE
                                                                                                                     ACHIEVE GENDER EQUITY
                                                                                                                     FICA HAS ALSO:
                                                                                                                                                                          PROGRESS AGAINST ITS
                                                                                                                                                                          ASPIRATION FICA WILL
                                                                                                                                                                          CONTINUE TO:
    To be recognised and respected                  Our member players’ associations are the lifeblood               BUILT ON FICA’S
    as the global representative federation         of FICA. We will support and strengthen them,                    2017/18 REPORT                                      ASSESS AND BENCHMARK
                                                    ensuring they benefit from being part of our global
    of all professional cricketers, past            collective, whilst encouraging and assisting the growth
                                                                                                                     …mapping key factors across a four stage            …each country’s performance against
                                                                                                                     professionalisation maturity curve of               the gender equity model metrics,
    and present, around the world                   of new players’ associations worldwide
                                                                                                                     amateur, fledging professional, progressive         sharing lessons learned, celebrating
                                                                                                                     professional and established professional,          achievements and highlighting issues
                                                                                                                     creating a clear pathway for the global             and opportunities for improvement
                                                                                                                     game and countries to follow in pursuit
                                                                                                                                                                         WORK WITH STAKEHOLDERS
                                                                                                                     of gender equity and professionalisation
                                                                                                                     of the women’s game                                 …to agree targets against priority
                                                                                                                                                                         factors, whilst continuing to advocate
                                                                                                                     Developed in conjunction with gender
                                                                                                                                                                         for progress and making proposals
                                                                                                                     equity experts, the model captures key
                                                                                                                                                                         in line with our ambition
                                                                                                                     factors that impact the success of women’s
                                                                                                                     cricket and the performance of women
                                                                                                                     cricket players such as management
                                                                                                                     mindsets, employment terms, game
                                                                                                                     structures, marketing and promotion,
                                                                                                                     remuneration and access to and quality
                                                                                                                     of support staff

6    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                      7
     Since our last report there has been     1. THE PACE OF                          2. GENDER EQUITY                    3. PROFESSIONAL                         4. CAREER VIABILITY                       5. THERE IS HOPE
     some progress with regards to the        CHANGE IS SLOW                          IS THE NAME                         STRUCTURES                              IS CRUCIAL                                FOR THE FUTURE
     development of the women’s game                                                  OF THE GAME                         MUST IMPROVE
     generally, and ensuring professional     Whilst a handful of FICA member                                                                                     The overwhelming majority of              There is an overwhelming feeling
     cricket is a viable career option for    nations have made some progress         Gender equity remains one of        The pathways to professional            players, including many internationals,   that women’s cricket is moving in
     athletes. However a limited number       since FICA’s 2018 report, the wider     the most important issues in the    international cricket remain unclear    are forced to search for a                the right direction, with 91% of
     of changes have been made from a         outlook of the global women’s game      game as identified by the players   in many countries, with leagues in      supplementary income to support           survey respondents indicating that
     global perspective. Here are five key    hasn’t significantly changed. Roughly   themselves. The majority of         Australia, England and New Zealand      their cricket careers. Pursuing a         they feel optimistic about the future
     findings from our 2020 Women’s           the same number of professional         players feel that improvements      offering the only semi-professional     full-time career in women’s cricket       of the game. During the report
     Global Employment report.                contracts – around 119 in total –       to remuneration, facilities and     domestic contracts worldwide during     remains a privilege afforded to           period the success of the 2018 ICC
                                              are available worldwide, whilst the     coaching are needed in order        the report period. 88% of current       very few, as a result of the lack of      Women’s World T20 (and 2020
      IMPERFECT DATA                          players themselves continue to          for them to experience the same     players feel that improving domestic    stable, long-term contracts on offer      event, outside of the report period)
      ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                         identify recurring issues which are     level of opportunity as their       cricket structures is very important    throughout the game. Investment           built on the momentum gained by
                                              holding back women’s cricket. Several   male counterparts. A significant    when it comes to safeguarding the       is needed across the sport to ensure      the previous year’s World Cup, and
     FICA acknowledges that there is a        major cricket countries still have no   pay gap exists in every country     future of the sport. No country         that professional women’s cricket         it is evident that public interest in
     time lag on some of the statistical      discernible professional structure      between male and female             included in this report has improved    is made more accessible.                  the game exists. The challenge for
     data in this report and that it does     whilst others continue to almost        professional cricketers, and FICA   on its overall FICA categorization                                                governing bodies around the world
     not have access to full data sets from   exclusively focus resource on           research suggests less than 20%     since the 2018 report, with Australia                                             is to harness that exposure in order
     across the game and specifically         elite-level international players.      of governance board members         remaining the sole ‘progressive                                                   to overcome the obstacles that
     in countries where no players’           We are not seeing the depth of          worldwide are female.               professional’ nation.                                                             currently stand in the way of the
     association exists or where the          investment needed to create a                                                                                                                                 women’s game.
     players’ association has limited         sustainable structure for women’s
     access to player data. It is FICA’s      cricket which will enable the game
     intention to build its data capacity     to thrive for generations to come.
     to ensure the most accurate picture
     of the cricket employment market
     can be represented.

8   THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9
       REPRESENTATION                            professionals worldwide at just 119        at a lack of scheduled domestic        Asia Cup and ICC Women’s World           the players want to see rectified          the men’s game and is unacceptable.
                                                 (compared to over 400 professional         50-over and T20 cricket.               Twenty20, as well as the qualifiers      through the development of a clear
                                                 male cricketers in England and Wales
                                                                                            MORE CRICKET IS NEEDED
                                                                                                                                   for both tournaments, dominating         and coherent global scheduling             WELFARE
                                                 alone), whilst during the report                                                  the international schedule. Domestic     calendar providing consistent playing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE VALUE OF POSITIVE
      Over half of players do not think          period there were a small number of        The need for more scheduling           T20 competitions including the WBBL      opportunities for more countries.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MENTAL HEALTH
      women’s players in their country           semi-professional contracts available      of women’s cricket extends into        and KSL continue to provide the
      have a clear say on issues within          in just three countries: Australia,        the international arena. Although      best competition outside of women’s       EMPLOYMENT                                The topic of mental health in elite
      the game. There remains a striking         England and New Zealand.                   there has been a slight increase       international cricket, and both                                                     level sport has increasingly come to
                                                                                                                                                                            JOB SECURITY IS
      lack of female representation on                                                      in the number of scheduled days        tournaments are benefiting from                                                     the fore in recent times, with many
                                                 INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                              PARAMOUNT
      decision-making boards around                                                         of women’s cricket since our last      increased broadcasting exposure.                                                    cricketers starting to open up more
                                                 ABILITY GAP
      the globe, whilst many players still                                                  report, 93% of survey respondents                                               Two-thirds of players feel insecure in     about their own personal battles.
                                                                                                                                   MULTI-SPORT GAMES
      do not have access to the benefits         Australia, England and India have          stated that scheduling more cricket                                             their cricketing employment, whilst        Nearly half of players feel they don’t
      of a formal players’ association.          dominated recent major global              was important in order to improve      There is overwhelming support for        a further 81% would favour contract        have enough access to mental health
      FICA is aware of, and continues to         tournaments, with all three reaching       competition and increase exposure      the inclusion of women’s cricket in      and job security over playing in           support, whilst those in countries
      highlight, systematic barriers to their    the semi-finals of both the 2017           of the game. In 2018/19, some          the summer Olympics, with 81%            different competitions. This anxiety       with no formal players’ association
      formation in certain countries.            ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup              full-time professionals were           of survey respondents highlighting       is caused by limited, short-term           often have no access whatsoever.
                                                 as well as the 2018 ICC Women’s            involved in as few as 23 days          this as something they would like        and insecure contracts, with 82%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FEMALE SPECIFIC
       STRUCTURE                                 World Twenty20 during the report           of scheduled international cricket,    to see in the near future. Along         of women cricketers currently on
                                                 period (and 2020 event, outside            whilst their male counterparts         with cricket’s recent inclusion in the   contracts that are one year or less
                                                 of the report period). There is a          were involved in as many as 92.        Commonwealth Games, and provided         in duration.                               Whilst players rightly continue to
      Many players identified the worrying       growing concern that the ability                                                  it fits in a well-structured global                                                 call for equity between the men’s
                                                                                            ODI’S ARE ALL-IMPORTANT                                                         TRUST BETWEEN PLAYERS
      number of players who opt to leave         gap between the countries with the                                                calendar, involvement in the Olympic                                                and women’s game, there is still
                                                                                                                                                                            AND ADMINISTRATORS
      the game as a key issue currently          most resources and those with the          In the absence of regular Test         Games would provide much-needed                                                     a need to ensure that female
                                                                                                                                                                            IS KEY
      facing the game. Players often play        least is becoming too great, and           cricket, and despite the continued     exposure as well as a boost to the                                                  specific considerations are taken
      cricket alongside their studies before     that this will lead to a lack of healthy   emergence of T20, 63% of players       amount of scheduled international        For women’s cricket to grow                into account when it comes to
      going onto pursue professional             competition in the future.                 view ODI’s as the most important       women’s cricket on offer.                sustainably, it is crucial that positive   developing the women’s game.
      careers elsewhere. This could                                                         format of the game. In 2018/19,                                                 relationships are forged between           More female representation is
                                                 DOMESTIC ABILITY GAP                                                              BOOM OR BUST
      manifest itself in a general lower                                                    only 39 women’s ODI’s took place                                                the players, their associations and        needed on boards and coaching
      standard of play as a consequence          As a result of a general lack of           (compared to 128 men’s) – that         The women’s game continues to see        governing bodies around the globe.         staffs around the world, and players
      of a lack of competition for places,       domestic pathways and career               equates to just 21% of the scheduled   ‘cluster scheduling,’ with periods of    A number of players have cited the         have cited concerns about feeling
      as well as an increasing ability gap       viability, with many players leaving       women’s international cricket for      back-to-back cricket and scheduling      lack of support from their respective      uncomfortable around the support
      between the top players and the rest.      the game at a young age, there is          that year.                             overlap between international cricket    boards as one of the biggest issues        staff they are provided with.
                                                 not enough competition for places                                                 and domestic leagues providing           facing the game, and women’s
      AN EXCLUSIVE SPORT                                                                    THE T20 FORMAT PRESENTS
                                                 in elite level women’s cricket.                                                   a challenge from both a calendar         cricket is seen by many as just a
      The women’s game at the elite level        To improve the quality of the                                                     and player workload perspective. At      ‘box-ticking exercise’ for the game’s
      is still an extremely small sport with a   international game, investment is                                                 other times there is a complete lack     administrators. A quarter of players
      very small pool of players worldwide.      needed at a domestic level, with           2018/19 was a huge year for            of volume of scheduled international     have felt bullied or intimidated by
      FICA puts the number of full-time          over half of players citing a concern      women’s T20 cricket, with both the     and domestic cricket, a problem          their employer. This mirrors issues in

10   THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11
       WE ARE AT A CRITICAL                  1. VOLUME                     3. GENDER EQUITY                 5. REPRESENTATION                  7. DIALOGUE
       MOMENT FOR THE                        OF CRICKET                    FRAMEWORKS
       SPORT                                                                                                Develop and agree clear            Ensure clear channels of
                                             Ensure ’tagged’ funding       Urgently convene a dedicated     targets for women’s                ongoing and meaningful
      During the process of collating and    is utilised to increase the   global multi-stakeholder         representation on all relevant     engagement and dialogue
      publishing this report, we have
                                             volume of cricket across      expert group at ICC level,       boards, committees                 between governing bodies
      seen an un-precedented global
      pandemic, which appears to have        more countries                including FICA, to develop       and panels at global               and players’ associations at
      disproportionately impacted women’s                                  and publish step plans for       and domestic level                 global and domestic level
      sport around the world.                2. STRUCTURE                  achieving gender equity
      It is now paramount that boards        CLARITY                       at global level and across       6. MINIMUM                         8. PROTECT PEOPLE
      around the world, led by the ICC
      at global level, reaffirm their        Develop and agree clear       countries, and track             STANDARDS
                                                                           progress against them                                               Ensure proactive protection
      commitment to prioritizing and         global scheduling windows                                      Urgently develop and agree         of players’ fundamental rights
      investing in international and
                                             at ICC level to prevent                                        mandatory global minimum
      domestic women’s cricket structures.                                 4. CENTRALISED                                                      at ICC level, including through
                                             overlap, including between                                     standards at ICC level including
      This is critical to safeguarding the                                 FUNDING                                                             removing systematic barriers
      future of the game for years to        domestic leagues and                                           in critical areas such as:         to players’ associations
      come, as well as to avoid losing out   international cricket         Develop and agree clear and
      on the considerable progress which                                                                    • HEALTH AND SAFETY                and committing to
                                                                           transparent ‘tagged’ funding
      has been made in recent times. With                                                                                                      internationally recognised
                                                                           streams at ICC level to assist   • PLAYER WELFARE
      that in mind, FICA has produced                                                                                                          human rights frameworks
      eight recommendations for game                                       to expedite professionalism      • CONTRACTS AND
      administrators worldwide.                                            and to strengthen the              CONTRACT
                                                                           foundations of women’s game        ENFORCEMENT
                                                                           and gender equity ambitions      • MATERNITY AND FAMILY
                                                                                                              CARING PROVISION
                                                                                                            • BULLYING AND

12   THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                             13
               Our aspiration for players and the game   4    SECTION 2
               Where to next?                            5    PLAYING & EMPLOYMENT LANDSCAPE                                 40
               FICA purpose and vision                   6    Overview                                                       42
               Why this report?                          7
                                                              SECTION 3
               Five key findings                         8
                                                              INTERNATIONAL CRICKET DATA & DOMESTIC LEAGUES DATA 44
               Recommendations                           12
                                                              International cricket volume                                   46
               Gender equity in cricket                  16
                                                              2018/19 International cricket most active players by country   48
               Professionalisation maturity curve        18
                                                              Domestic cricket structures by country                         50
               SECTION 1                                      2018/19 Domestic T20 players match days                        51
                COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS              22
                                                              SECTION 4
               Introduction                              25
                                                              WOMEN’S 2019 PLAYER SURVEY DATA                                52
               Afghanistan                               26
                                                              Representation & voice                                         54
               Australia                                 27
                                                              Employment rights                                              55
               Bangladesh                                28
                                                              Cricket structure                                              56
               England                                   29
                                                              Welfare, education and career transition                       57
               India                                     30
               Ireland                                   31   FICA members and FICA contacts                                 58
               New Zealand                               32
               Pakistan                                  33
               Scotland                                  34
               South Africa                              35
               Sri Lanka                                 36
               West Indies                               37
               Zimbabwe                                  38

14   THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                              15
     Gender equity will be achieved when all professional players have equal opportunity
     to build viable careers and be the best cricketer they can be. This relates to all factors
     that impact player performance. The key metrics FICA will be continuing to use
     to measure the game against this aspiration are set out in the professionalisation
     maturity curve below, with top performing men’s cricket countries used as
     a benchmark in certain areas where appropriate.

        NOTE: Embedding gender equity in cricket does not necessarily mean the women’s
        game needs to be, or even aspire to be, a carbon copy of the men’s game. In fact,
        the view from many players is that they do not want the women’s game “to be”
        the men’s game and there is an opportunity for it to continue to evolve via its own
        pathway. For this reason, direct comparisons to the men’s game can provide some
        guide to where inequities exist, particularly in the context of investment, but these
        comparisons are not always appropriate, for example in the context of game formats.

     Pay equity will be achieved when male and female players receive the same total
     remuneration for work of equal or comparable value.

     Value is a function of time, effort, commercial value and social license to operate that
     recognizes the historical underinvestment in women’s cricket. Total remuneration should
     consider all monetary and non-monetary benefits and the same principles should be
     behind pay/remuneration and prize money.

     An example of some of the relevant factors that have been identified in quantifying                                                 IDENTIFIED BARRIERS/IMPEDIMENTS TO
     ‘value’ are:                                                                                                                        ACHIEVING GENDER EQUITY IN CRICKET

      MEN'S                                                          WOMEN’S                                                              POLITICAL                        ECONOMIC                             CULTURAL
      Plus Pre-existing commercial value                             Plus Reputational value for cricket
                                                                                                                                          Lack of common goals             Vastly different size of            Different cultural attitudes
                                                                                                                                          and minimum standards            cricket economies across            to gender equity and
      Plus Established game                                          Plus Growth game                                                     exacerbated by lack of a         countries, impacting on             women across cricket
                                                                                                                                          genuine global governing         ability to invest and spend,        playing countries.
      Plus Core audience                                             Plus Unlocking and attracting new audiences                          body and individual countries    exacerbating inequality.
                                                                                                                                          acting unilaterally.
      Plus Volume of cricket including Tests                         MINUS No or limited Test playing opportunity

      Plus Established professional status                           MINUS Lack of volume of cricket
                                                                                                                                          PLAYER APATHY                    TOKENISM
                                                                     MINUS Historical underinvestment/denial of pro status                An attitude of ‘gratefulness’,   Significant energy and focus on things that “look good”,
                                                                                                                                          which diminishes women’s         such as prize money announcements, without sufficient
                                                                     MINUS Historical societal undervaluing of women and women’s sport
                                                                                                                                          rights to fair and equal         focus and investment in building genuinely sustainable
                                                                                                                                          opportunity.                     and equitable foundations.
                                                                     MINUS Gender bias, women held to different behavioural standards

16    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                         17
     In FICA’s 2018 Women’s Global Employment Report, across cricket playing countries, three
     stages of professionalisation of the women’s game were identified. This report builds on
     and expands these distinctions, adding further metrics across other areas identified as
     fundamental to professionalisation and achieving gender equity, for both the players and the
     game. A fourth, aspirational category of “Established Professional” has also been added.


       Player Status                                                                                ESTABLISHED
       • Players report feeling ‘fully’ professional as cricketers                                  PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                   All players and/or provision
                                                                                                   or access on par with top
       Player Representation                                                                       performing men’s cricket
       Access to best practice:                                                                    economies

       • Workplace representation/players’ association
       Player Development/Welfare Support                                                          Majority of players and/or
       Access to best practice:                                                                    significant provision or access

       • Personal development and welfare support programs
       • Retirement and hardship funds
                                                                                                   Only some players and/or only
       Employment Terms and Conditions                                                             limited provision or access

       Access to best practice:
       • Secure and multi-year employment/contract structures
                                                                                                   No players and/or
       • Insurance, injury compensation, medical treatment, OHS/safe workplace provision
                                                                                                   no provision or access
       • Travel standards, per diem
       • Maternity and family caring provision
       • Protection in respect to family and caring responsibilities

       • Whilst the metrics in this report have been prepared            professionalisation by drawing on global best practice,
         with a view to expediting progress in the women’s game,         sharing information, celebrating achievements,
         many of them are also relevant to all players and the           and continuing to highlight where there is a lack
         game generally, including the men’s game in smaller             of focus or underinvestment.
         and developing cricket economies.                             • FICA intends to continue to evolve and expand on
       • FICA will be aiming to assist players’ associations, and        the metrics set out in this report to ensure they
         decision makers, to work through these stages of                are both relevant and clearly measurable.

18    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                19

      THE GAME                                                                                                           INVESTMENT, PAY & PRIZE MONEY

      Management Mindset, Attitudes                                                    ESTABLISHED                       Overall Financial Investment    ESTABLISHED
      • Players report feeling valued equally to men’s players                         PROFESSIONAL                                                      PROFESSIONAL
      • Players report having an equal voice in the game                               All players and/or provision                                      A clearly defined model with
      • Administrators have clearly articulated the case for gender                    or access on par with top                                         equal base rate of investment
        equity and published plans for achieving progress                              performing men’s cricket                                          and pay with adjustment
                                                                                       economies                                                         loading reflecting ‘value’
                                                                                                                                                         (women’s total average
      Game Structures                                                                  PROGRESSIVE                                                       remuneration > 30% of men’s)

      Access to:
                                                                                                                         Player Salary/Pay               PROGRESSIVE
      • A clear professional pathway from amateur to professional                      Majority of players and/or
                                                                                       significant provision or access
      • Optimal volume of cricket (training and playing) for 12 months of the year
                                                                                                                                                         Equal base rate of investment
                                                                                       FLEDGLING                                                         and pay with adjustment

      Staff/Coaching/Facilities                                                        PROFESSIONAL                                                      loading reflecting ‘value’
                                                                                                                                                         (women’s total average
      Access to highest standard:                                                      Only some players and/or only
                                                                                                                                                         remuneration < 30% of men’s)
                                                                                       limited provision or access
      • Support and coaching staff
      • Umpires                                                                                                                                          FLEDGLING
                                                                                       AMATEUR                                                           PROFESSIONAL
      • Training and playing facilities                                                                                  Prize Money
                                                                                       No players and/or
                                                                                                                                                         Some significant investment
                                                                                       no provision or access
                                                                                                                                                         and pay but at ‘random’ levels
      Marketing and Promotion
      • Marketing and promotion of the game & players                                                                                                    AMATEUR
      • Visibility of the game and players (including broadcast exposure)                                                                                Limited or no investment and
      • Boards, Players’ Associations, players actively advocate for women’s players                                                                     pay or reimbursement level only

20   THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                       21
                                           BY COUNTRY

22   THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                    23
                                       This section of the FICA Women’s Professional Cricket                          The categories are:
                                       Global Employment Report provides an overall snapshot
                                                                                                                              Established Professional
                                       of the professional and elite employment and playing
                                       landscapes in the main individual cricket countries                                    Progressive Professional
                                       worldwide during the 2018/19 report period. It builds                                  Fledgling Professional
                                       on the analysis presented in our previous report.
                                       This section of the report highlights the main features
                                       of current women’s cricket structures, as well as
                                                                                                                    NOTE: This analysis is based on the 2018/19
                                       the unique challenges faced by each country. The
                                                                                                                    report period. Accordingly several more recent
                                       country-by-country analysis has been provided
                                                                                                                    positive developments across countries will fall
                                       through individual country assessments, provided
                                                                                                                    within the next report period.
                                       either by the local player association or senior players.
                                       At the end of each individual country analysis FICA
                                       has categorized each country into one of four overall
                                       structural categories, relating to the employment
                                       landscape in that country, based on the metrics
                                       identified in the professionalisation maturity curve
                                       set out above.

                                        ESTABLISHED PROFESSIONAL
                                        PROGRESSIVE PROFESSIONAL
                                          FLEDGLING PROFESSIONAL






                                                                                                                                                     Sri Lanka




                                                                                                                                                                                              New Zealand

                                                                                                                                                                                                            South Africa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           West Indies

24   THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                 25
COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                     FICA MEMBER         COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS

     AFGHANISTAN                                                                                          AUSTRALIA
     Due to a lack of sufficient information, FICA is not in                                              Australia remains the global leader of the women’s              ICC Women’s World Twenty20 after comprehensively
     a position to provide a realistic and balanced assessment                                            game. There are 238 professional and semi-professional          defeating England by eight wickets in the final in
     of the women’s game in Afghanistan. It is FICA’s                                                     contract opportunities across the international and             Antigua in November 2018, a precursor to the team’s
     understanding that no female players in Afghanistan                                                  domestic game. Those players retain access to the               more recent success in the Australian edition of the
     would be considered full-time professionals and                                                      benefits introduced by the ground-breaking five-year            event. On a domestic level, Australia is streets ahead
     that no professional structures exist within Afghan                                                  MOU agreed by the Australian Cricketers’ Association,           of other countries when it comes to professionalism.
     women’s cricket.                                                                                     which started in 2017. Although there have been                 The Women’s Big Bash League (WBBL) is the world’s
                                                                                                          no significant changes to employment terms and                  pre-eminent female T20 tournament, offering players
                                                                                                          conditions since our last report, that means that female        lucrative short-term contracts for its duration, whilst
                                                                                                          Australian cricketers still enjoy significantly higher levels   the 50-over Women’s National Cricket League (WCNL)
                                                                                                          of employment security and remuneration than their              provides a healthy level of competition played on
                                                                                                          peers. The country’s 14 contracted international players        good pitches with players enjoying access to excellent
                                                                                                          (with provision for 15 annually) all sit within a salary        facilities nationwide. Both the WBBL and WCNL provide
                                                                                                          range that means there is no need for players to find           remuneration, such that players who appear in both
                                                                                                          supplementary incomes or to pursue second careers.              tournaments need not necessarily find a supplementary
                                                                                                          In addition, international players retain access to ACA         income to support their careers in professional cricket.
                                                                                                          education and welfare support programmes and, as a              However, the country will remain in the ‘Progressive
                                                                                                          result, enjoy a healthy relationship with the game that         Professional’ category until more key metrics in the
                                                                                                          is reflected in their performance on the pitch. During          domestic female game is are par with that of the
                                                                                                          the report period the national team won its fourth              men’s game.

     Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category                                                          Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category
     AMATEUR                                                                                               PROGRESSIVE PROFESSIONAL

       PLAYERS                                    THE GAME                   INVESTMENT PAY                 PLAYERS                                      THE GAME                                 INVESTMENT PAY
                                                                             AND PRIZE MONEY                                                                                                      AND PRIZE MONEY
            PLAYER STATUS                            	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,                                        PLAYER STATUS                             	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,
                                                       ATTITUDES              	OVERALL FINANCIAL                                                             ATTITUDES                             	OVERALL FINANCIAL
            PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                               INVESTMENT                        PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                               INVESTMENT
                                                        GAME STRUCTURES                                                                                        GAME STRUCTURES
         	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                  PLAYER SALARY/PAY             	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                                    PLAYER SALARY/PAY
           WELFARE SUPPORT                           	STAFF/COACHING/                                          WELFARE SUPPORT                             	STAFF/COACHING/
                                                       FACILITIES               PRIZE MONEY                                                                   FACILITIES                               PRIZE MONEY
         	EMPLOYMENT TERMS                                                                                   	EMPLOYMENT TERMS
           AND CONDITIONS                            	MARKETING AND                                            AND CONDITIONS                              	MARKETING AND
                                                       PROMOTION                                                                                              PROMOTION

                                                                             KEY                                                                                                                  KEY
                                                                               Established Professional
                                                                              	                                                                                                                     Established Professional
                                                                               Progressive Professional
                                                                              	                                                                                                                     Progressive Professional
                                                                               Fledgling Professional
                                                                              	                                                                                                                     Fledgling Professional

26    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                  27
COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS                FICA MEMBER                                                                                                                 FICA MEMBER         COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS

     BANGLADESH                                                                                         ENGLAND
     Due to a lack of sufficient information, FICA is not                                               Despite ongoing player concerns regarding a growing       counterparts in terms of welfare and support. National
     in a position to provide a realistic and balanced                                                  ability gap between the international and domestic        players have expressed concerns over a growing ability
     assessment of the women’s game in Bangladesh.                                                      game, women’s cricket in England has the most             gap between the international and domestic women’s
     It is FICA’s understanding that no female players in                                               established structure and benefits from the highest       game. During the report period, the seven-week Kia
     Bangladesh would be considered full-time professionals                                             general standard of professionalism in the world          Super League (KSL) tournament was the only semi-
     and that no professional structures exist within                                                   outside of Australia. The national side followed up its   professional structure below the national team, but
     Bangladesh’s women’s cricket.                                                                      memorable home 2017 ICC Women’s World Cup victory         it’s 90 contracted players were often forced to find a
                                                                                                        in with an appearance in the final of the ICC Women’s     supplementary income to be able to participate in the
                                                                                                        World Twenty20 just over a year later, although they      competition. However, the ECB and the PCA have made
                                                                                                        were defeated in the final in Antigua by Australia.       strides forward in this area since FICA’s last report,
                                                                                                        National team structures and salaries have continued      establishing the new Hundred competition, which
                                                                                                        to strengthen for fully contracted players during         should go some way to bridging the gap between the
                                                                                                        the report period. The national squad qualifies for       domestic and international game. In addition, eight new
                                                                                                        membership of the Professional Cricketers’ Association    regional centres of excellence have been negotiated
                                                                                                        (PCA), meaning they enjoy certain employment              with five professional players per centre, each with a
                                                                                                        benefits akin to those of their international and         reasonable salary. The benefits of these developments
                                                                                                        domestic male equivalents, however welfare support        have not yet been felt, however, with the inaugural
                                                                                                        is still provided by the England and Wales Cricket        Hundred delayed until at least 2021 due to the Covid-19
                                                                                                        Board (ECB) rather than the PCA’s team of Personal        pandemic and the regional centres set to be introduced
                                                                                                        Development Managers (PDMs), meaning female               in late 2020.
                                                                                                        cricketers in England and Wales lag behind their male

     Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category                                                        Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category
     AMATEUR                                                                                            FLEDGLING PROFESSIONAL

       PLAYERS                                   THE GAME                  INVESTMENT PAY                 PLAYERS                                 THE GAME                               INVESTMENT PAY
                                                                           AND PRIZE MONEY                                                                                               AND PRIZE MONEY
            PLAYER STATUS                          	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,                                       PLAYER STATUS                         	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,
                                                     ATTITUDES              	OVERALL FINANCIAL                                                        ATTITUDES                           	OVERALL FINANCIAL
            PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                             INVESTMENT                       PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                         INVESTMENT
                                                      GAME STRUCTURES                                                                                   GAME STRUCTURES
         	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                PLAYER SALARY/PAY             	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                             PLAYER SALARY/PAY
           WELFARE SUPPORT                         	STAFF/COACHING/                                          WELFARE SUPPORT                        	STAFF/COACHING/
                                                     FACILITIES               PRIZE MONEY                                                              FACILITIES                             PRIZE MONEY
         	EMPLOYMENT TERMS                                                                                 	EMPLOYMENT TERMS
           AND CONDITIONS                          	MARKETING AND                                            AND CONDITIONS                         	MARKETING AND
                                                     PROMOTION                                                                                         PROMOTION

                                                                           KEY                                                                                                           KEY
                                                                             Established Professional
                                                                            	                                                                                                              Established Professional
                                                                             Progressive Professional
                                                                            	                                                                                                              Progressive Professional
                                                                             Fledgling Professional
                                                                            	                                                                                                              Fledgling Professional

28    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                         29
COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                 FICA MEMBER         COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS

     INDIA                                                                                                                                IRELAND
     India followed up its appearance in the 2017 ICC                      times. However, 85% of domestic cricketers state that          Although there is general optimism for the future           both a domestic and international level. Ireland were
     Women’s Cricket World Cup final with a semi-final outing              the fees they earn from those fixtures are not enough          of the women’s game in Ireland amongst the player           only involved in 16 days of scheduled cricket in 2018/19
     at the ICC Women’s World Twenty20 the next year,                      to represent a regular income 1. For domestic women’s          group, 85% of women cricketers in Ireland still rate the    – under half the figure for established nations such
     cementing its place as one of the strongest countries                 cricket in India to become a viable option as a full-time      relationship between players and CI as poor, and 79%        as India (37) and South Africa (35), and significantly
     on-field in the women’s game. The Indian general public               career, the establishment of a women’s IPL has been            feel they don’t have a say on player issues within the      fewer than other developing cricketing nations such
     are increasingly accepting of female sport in general                 mooted, though this idea remains in its nascent stages         Irish game. Significantly, during the report period, the    as Bangladesh (31) and Sri Lanka (23). This is a result
     and off the field, in 2018/19 the top players in India                with only ‘exhibition’ style games taking place to date. The   country’s first ever part-time women’s contracts were       of numerous factors, including resourcing and the
     received increases in their annual contracts to become                development of both international and domestic players         introduced, with six international players on a limited     structure of the game and its economics globally. The
     amongst the better paid women’s cricketers in the world.              in India is hampered by the ongoing lack of a formal           annual retainer, it remains clear though that the most      majority of Irish women cricketers believe that support
     However, 11 of the international squad still receive central          players’ association representing current players, meaning     important next step for CI is to improve the structure      for the recently formed Irish Cricketers’ Association
     contracts with very little monetary value, meaning a                  players are unrepresented when it comes to negotiating         of women’s domestic cricket in the country and define       (ICA) is strong and the ICA continues to make strides
     significant proportion of the Indian women’s national                 contracts with BCCI. Players also have no access to any        the pathways into the international squad. The Super        forward in negotiating the country’s first women’s
     team are likely forced to search for supplementary                    structured form of personal development and welfare            3s Series is the only domestic women’s competition          contracts, creating links with Sport NI and Sport Ireland
     income elsewhere. To make a stark comparison to the                   programme or employment benefits offered by other              of note, and sees three sides competing mostly in           on player welfare, and laying the foundations for a 24/ 7
     remuneration of men’s cricketers in India, the lowest                 players’ associations around the world, including those        and around the Dublin area with little women’s cricket      confidential helpline for players.
     paid male international player reportedly earns twice                 with comparable resource such as Australia and                 being played away from the capital. For the domestic
     what the top ‘Grade A’ women’s players take home in a                 England. The establishment of a players’ association           Irish game to expand, however, players identify that
     year, and ten times their ‘Grade C’ equivalents. Domestic             would aid women cricketers in the world’s leading              significant improvements to practice facilities are
     players still don’t benefit from professional contracts,              cricket economy to thrive for generations to come,             needed as existing club facilities are already saturated.
     though match fees for participating in India’s centralized            both on and off the pitch.                                     There is also a common consensus amongst Irish
     domestic structure have increased significantly in recent                                                                            players that more cricket needs to be scheduled at

     Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category                                                                                          Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category
      FLEDGLING PROFESSIONAL                                                                                                              AMATEUR

       PLAYERS                                                  THE GAME                            INVESTMENT PAY                          PLAYERS                                    THE GAME                               INVESTMENT PAY
                                                                                                    AND PRIZE MONEY                                                                                                           AND PRIZE MONEY
              PLAYER STATUS                                      	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,                                                           PLAYER STATUS                            	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,
                                                                   ATTITUDES                           	OVERALL FINANCIAL                                                                  ATTITUDES                           	OVERALL FINANCIAL
              PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                                      INVESTMENT                              PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                            INVESTMENT
                                                                   GAME STRUCTURES                                                                                                           GAME STRUCTURES
          	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                                           PLAYER SALARY/PAY                   	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                                 PLAYER SALARY/PAY
            WELFARE SUPPORT                                      	STAFF/COACHING/                                                              WELFARE SUPPORT                           	STAFF/COACHING/
                                                                   FACILITIES                             PRIZE MONEY                                                                       FACILITIES                              PRIZE MONEY
          	EMPLOYMENT TERMS                                                                                                                  	EMPLOYMENT TERMS
            AND CONDITIONS                                       	MARKETING AND                                                                AND CONDITIONS                            	MARKETING AND
                                                                   PROMOTION                                                                                                                PROMOTION

     1	‘An Equal Hue: The Way Forward for the Women in Blue’
        S Pradhan, K Keshav and S Patnaik (2020), p63
                                                                                                    KEY                                                                                                                       KEY
                                                                                                        Established Professional
                                                                                                       	                                                                                                                         Established Professional
                                                                                                        Progressive Professional
                                                                                                       	                                                                                                                         Progressive Professional
                                                                                                        Fledgling Professional
                                                                                                       	                                                                                                                         Fledgling Professional

30    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                              31
COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS                  FICA MEMBER                                                                                                                                                             COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS

     NEW ZEALAND                                                                                                              PAKISTAN
     Women’s cricket in New Zealand continues to punch           to receive a structured package of health, insurance         During the report period women’s cricket in Pakistan        benefit from access to good quality pitches as well as
     above its weight, with international players receiving      and pension benefits, as well as pregnancy provisions        showed slow development with limited investment and         the country’s national training academy. Domestically
     benefits similar to those enjoyed by individuals in         and ongoing access to the NZPCA’s team of Personal           resulting lack of facilities and formalized structures      during the report period, Pakistan’s structure consisted
     countries with more resources. Effective from August        Development Managers (PDMs). Travel entitlements are         needed to keep pace with the world’s leading cricketing     of the Departmental T20 Women’s Championship
     2019, a new Women’s Master Agreement, negotiated            also of crucial importance, given that the freedom to        nations. Pakistan recently cut its international women’s    as well as the 50-over PCB Triangular Women’s
     between New Zealand Cricket and the NZCPA, will see         play in overseas T20 competitions remains an ongoing         squad from 20 players down to 10, announcing more           Tournament, providing a semblance of a pathway to
     domestic women cricketers in the country become part        need due to New Zealand’s low domestic pay brackets.         attractive and incentive-based contracts for its 10         the international squad, albeit these competitions
     of that framework for the very first time – a significant   Players who do participate in such tournaments receive       elite cricketers. Similar to the Indian structure, those    only consist of four and three teams respectively and
     development given that there is an overwhelming             good coverage, with the Australian WBBL being broadcast      players are place into three pay-grade categories. As       remained amateur during the report period. Those
     feeling amongst New Zealand’s players that improving        in New Zealand with a number of NZ players featuring.        a consequence of this move, the remainder of the            teams cannot commit to cricket full-time due to the
     domestic structures is vital to the future of the women’s   Despite these positives, there is work to be done to         international Pakistan squad are part-time, meaning         lack of remuneration. In comparison to their male
     game. Fifty four domestic women’s contracts have            ensure that the voices of women cricketers in New            cricket still doesn’t present itself as a viable career     counterparts, many of whom are global stars, the
     subsequently been introduced in addition to eight           Zealand are heard. Half of survey respondents from the       option for them. Contracted players have received an        women’s game in Pakistan is marginalized, though
     development contracts which aim to bridge the gap           country rated the relationship between the players and       increase in their daily allowances whilst on duty at home   the lack of respondents to the FICA player survey
     between the domestic and international game. Despite        their governing body as ‘poor’ whilst 75% don’t think that   and abroad, and players receive medical cover but still     makes it difficult to ascertain exactly what the players
     this development, the only full-time professionals in       women cricketers in New Zealand have a clear say on          lack other significant employment benefits including        themselves, as a collective, regard as the biggest issues
     New Zealand women’s cricket remain the international        player issues within the game. At a governance level,        pensions and structured welfare and education support       facing the game. It is hoped that the return of elite
     squad, which has increased in number from 15 to 17 and      NZC has five women members on its board of nine              analogous to top performing countries. Pakistan’s elite     level cricket to Pakistan following a 10-year hiatus will
     a significant remuneration boost under the new terms.       (including President Debbie Hockley).                        cricketers competed in a strong volume of international     increase exposure of the women’s game and lead
     From a wellbeing perspective, those players continue                                                                     fixtures in 2018/19 – 26 scheduled days in all – and        to structural improvements in the near future.

     Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category                                                                              Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category
     FLEDGLING PROFESSIONAL                                                                                                   AMATEUR

       PLAYERS                                     THE GAME                              INVESTMENT PAY                         PLAYERS                                   THE GAME                                INVESTMENT PAY
                                                                                         AND PRIZE MONEY                                                                                                          AND PRIZE MONEY
            PLAYER STATUS                            	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,                                                           PLAYER STATUS                           	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,
                                                       ATTITUDES                            	OVERALL FINANCIAL                                                                ATTITUDES                             	OVERALL FINANCIAL
            PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                             INVESTMENT                             PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                             INVESTMENT
                                                        GAME STRUCTURES                                                                                                         GAME STRUCTURES
         	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                                 PLAYER SALARY/PAY                  	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                                 PLAYER SALARY/PAY
           WELFARE SUPPORT                           	STAFF/COACHING/                                                              WELFARE SUPPORT                          	STAFF/COACHING/
                                                       FACILITIES                              PRIZE MONEY                                                                     FACILITIES                               PRIZE MONEY
         	EMPLOYMENT TERMS                                                                                                       	EMPLOYMENT TERMS
           AND CONDITIONS                            	MARKETING AND                                                                AND CONDITIONS                           	MARKETING AND
                                                       PROMOTION                                                                                                               PROMOTION

                                                                                         KEY                                                                                                                      KEY
                                                                                             Established Professional
                                                                                            	                                                                                                                        Established Professional
                                                                                             Progressive Professional
                                                                                            	                                                                                                                        Progressive Professional
                                                                                             Fledgling Professional
                                                                                            	                                                                                                                        Fledgling Professional

32    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                   33
COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS                  FICA MEMBER                                                                                                                                           FICA MEMBER         COUNTRY BY COUNTRY ANALYSIS

     SCOTLAND                                                                                                                    SOUTH AFRICA
     Included in the FICA Women’s Global Employment                in Scotland, and all players therefore have careers outside   The introduction of a four-year MOU agreement               to on-pitch success for South Africa’s talented pool
     Report for the first time, the women’s game in Scotland       of the game. Scotland were involved in an extremely           between Cricket South Africa (CSA) and the South            of international players and established household
     is still very much in the early stages of its development.    limited number of scheduled games during the 2018/19          African Cricketers’ Association (SACA) in 2018 led          names who help to bring exposure to the South
     At a regional level, Scottish women’s cricket features        report period and more international fixtures are clearly     to significant material benefits for South Africa’s         African women’s game and consequently make the
     two amateur sides – Eagles and Stormers – who                 needed. Frequency of training and regular access to           women cricketers during the report period. Under            international squad the pre-eminent women’s sports
     compete in the annual Cricket Scotland Women’s                high quality coaching are also key issues. There is plenty    the agreement, the women’s retainer pool has almost         team in the country. The domestic system provides
     Regional Championship. Whilst players appearing in the        of work still to be done to progress the women’s game         doubled, meaning the entire women’s international           pathways to the international squad, but remains
     tournament have their travel expenses covered, there          in Scotland.                                                  squad consider themselves as professional cricketers.       amateur and therefore doesn’t represent a viable
     are no match fees available meaning the domestic                                                                            Further benefits of the new MOU include pension             career opportunity – further investment is needed
     game is currently amateur. The structure still requires                                                                     contributions, insurances, commercial rights payments,      in this area to help take the women’s game in South
     significant development, with training and coaching not                                                                     as well as access to Player Plus Online, an online player   Africa to the next level. The leadership crisis in recent
     yet at the frequency or quality needed. Pathways into                                                                       learning hub which gives players access to interactive      times at CSA has been a barrier to the progression of
     the international squad are limited as a result of only                                                                     online educational material. The software supplements       women’s cricket in South Africa, with players citing a
     22 first team spots being available underneath the top                                                                      the work of SACA’s Personal Development Managers            lack of leadership and skill amongst the board’s decision
     level. Although still effectively amateur, international                                                                    (PDMs) in this area, leading 86% of South African           makers. Frustration at the lack of development in the
     squad players benefit from a part-time support staff                                                                        survey respondents to state that they feel they have        women’s game in South Africa is reflected in the fact
     and receive a modest match fee for international                                                                            enough support in the area of personal development          that over half of the country’s players would prefer
     appearances. Players receive travel expenses for training                                                                   and wellbeing, though 21% believe that more work            to be paid more as a free agent than to appear for
     and games, and daily expenses when on tour, but it is not                                                                   needs to be done in the area of mental health support.      their national side.
     enough for cricket to be a viable career option for players                                                                 Access to facilities, coaching and team support has led

     Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category                                                                                 Professionalisation Maturity Curve Category
      AMATEUR                                                                                                                    FLEDGLING PROFESSIONAL

       PLAYERS                                     THE GAME                                 INVESTMENT PAY                         PLAYERS                                    THE GAME                               INVESTMENT PAY
                                                                                            AND PRIZE MONEY                                                                                                          AND PRIZE MONEY
             PLAYER STATUS                           	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,                                                              PLAYER STATUS                           	MANAGEMENT MINDSET,
                                                       ATTITUDES                              	OVERALL FINANCIAL                                                                 ATTITUDES                            	OVERALL FINANCIAL
             PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                              INVESTMENT                              PLAYER REPRESENTATION                                                            INVESTMENT
                                                         GAME STRUCTURES                                                                                                           GAME STRUCTURES
         	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                                   PLAYER SALARY/PAY                   	PLAYER DEVELOPMENT/                                                                PLAYER SALARY/PAY
           WELFARE SUPPORT                           	STAFF/COACHING/                                                                 WELFARE SUPPORT                          	STAFF/COACHING/
                                                       FACILITIES                                PRIZE MONEY                                                                      FACILITIES                              PRIZE MONEY
         	EMPLOYMENT TERMS                                                                                                          	EMPLOYMENT TERMS
           AND CONDITIONS                            	MARKETING AND                                                                   AND CONDITIONS                           	MARKETING AND
                                                       PROMOTION                                                                                                                  PROMOTION

                                                                                            KEY                                                                                                                      KEY
                                                                                               Established Professional
                                                                                              	                                                                                                                         Established Professional
                                                                                               Progressive Professional
                                                                                              	                                                                                                                         Progressive Professional
                                                                                               Fledgling Professional
                                                                                              	                                                                                                                         Fledgling Professional

34    THE FICA 2020 EMPLOYMENT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                     35
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