Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts

Page created by Bruce Coleman
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
             FALL 2019

Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
CONTENTS                                                                                                                       From the Executive Director                                                                             1
                                                                                        Board of Trustees
                                                                                        Elizabeth S. Murphy
                                                                                        Thomas B. Lillie

executive director                     1        education                    31–35                                             The Art of Collecting
                                                                                            First Vice-President
                                                                                        Mark L. Lippincott
                                                                                            Second Vice-President
exhibitions                       2–10          art school                   36–38      Elisabeth Saab
                                                                                                                               “Collecting” in general is not a rare pursuit
acquisitions                     11–13          founders travel                    39   Martha Sanford
                                                                                                                               but a fundamental trait of being a human
art on loan                          14         contributions                40–41      Thomas J. Mitchell                     being. The things people collect vary—from
                                                                                            Immediate Past President
films                            15–17          membership                   42–44      Eleanor Brownell                       stamps to rocks to fine works of art—but the
                                                                                        Ann K. Chan

news & programs                  18–31          museum shop                        45
                                                                                        James D. Draper                        impulse is the same. Collecting is a rewarding
                                                                                            Founders Society President
                                                                                        Mona Hardas                            activity that can change the way one sees the
calendars                   19, 21, 27                                                  Carol Hurand
                                                                                        Lynne Hurand                           world.
                                                                                        Raymond J. Kelly III
                                                                                            FIA Representative to FCCC Board      Collectors of art are vital to museums as
                                                                                        Alan Klein
Office Hours		                                  Admission		                             Jamile Trueba Lawand                   they often gift great works of art that provide
                                                                                        Eureka McCormick
Mon–Fri, 9a–5p                                  Adults                     $10.00*      William H. Moeller                     an enriching aesthetic experience for the
                                                12 & under                 FREE         Jay N. Nelson
                                                                                                                                                                                  for collectors through our biennial Art of
Gallery Hours
                                                Students w/ ID             $8.00*                                              community. Of the 8,500 works in the FIA
Mon–Fri, 12p–5p; Sat, 10a–5p;
                                                                                        Karl A. Olmsted                                                                           Collecting exhibition and the FIA Print Fair,
                                                                                        Dr. Brenda Rogers-Grays
Sun, 1p–5p
                                                Senior citizens 62+,       $8.00*                                              collection, more than 90% of them have been
                                                active military, & veteran
                                                                                        Michael Rucks                                                                             held on the alternate year, in November.
                                                                                        Ira A. Rutherford
Closed on major holidays                                                                                                       received as gifts from individual collectors.
                                                                                        Mary Coe Ryan                                                                             Both events are great ways for art lovers to
FIA Theater Hours                                                                       Sharon A. Simeon                          This fall, we celebrate three Michigan
Fri & Sat, 7:30p; Sun, 2p
                                                                                        Patricia Spangler                                                                         start or enrich their collection, with prices that
                                                                                        Theresa A. Stephens-Lock               collectors in the FIA galleries through
Museum Shop &                                                                           Tiffany Stolzenfeld                                                                       fit a wide variety of pocketbooks.
                                                                                        Lynne A. Taft-Draper			                exhibitions of new gifts and borrowed works
Art School Gallery                                                                                                                                                                   While the process of building a collection

                                               * Free to FIA members and                    FOMA President
810.234.1695                                     Genesee County residents               Greg Viener                            including: highlights from Detroit area
                                                                                        Jan Werschky                                                                              is never complete, it can be equally
Mon–Sat, 10a–5p; Sun, 1p–5p
                                                                                        Shannon Easter White                   Richard Manoogian’s stellar collection of
                                                                                        Dean Yeotis                                                                               challenging just to get started. My advice is
The Palette Café
                                                Website 		                                                                     American paintings on loan from the Detroit
810.249.0593                                                                            FCCC Board Representative                                                                 to spend time really looking at art to discover
                                                                                                        Institute of Arts; selections of recent gifts to
Mon–Fri, 9a–5p; Sat, 10a–5p;                                                            David Stickler
                                                                                                                                                                                  your interest and refine your taste. Your
Sun, 1p–5p                                      Address                                 Honorary Trustee                       the FIA of works on paper from Ann Arbor
                                                1120 E. Kearsley St.                    Elizabeth Neithercut                                                                      museum is a great place to begin. Once you
The Museum Shop, Art School                                                                                                    collectors Myron and Barbara Levine; and the
                                                Flint, MI 48503                                                                                                                   have some idea what you are looking for you
Gallery, and The Palette Café are
open late for select special events.            Telephone 		                            Administration                         highly impressive collection of antique and
                                                                                        John B. Henry                                                                             shouldn’t hesitate to purchase an affordable
                                                810.234.1695                               Executive Director                  contemporary paperweights from Lansing-
                                                                                        Michael A. Melenbrink                                                                     item that you discover at a commercial
                                                Fax 		                                     Director of Finance & 		            based Eileen Ellis. These collections reflect
                                                810.234.1692                               Administration                                                                         gallery, artist’s studio, auction, or private
                                                                                        Kathryn K. Sharbaugh                   the unique perspective of the individual
                                                                                           Director of Development                                                                sale. Keep in mind, the opposite of the term
                                                                                        Tracee J. Glab                         collectors’ as well as demonstrate the wide
                                                                                           Curator of Collections &
                                                                                                                                                                                  “buyer’s remorse” is “buyer’s regret,” so don’t
                                                                                                                               range of collectable art, which we hope might
This magazine, made possible through a generous donation by Lynne Hurand,                  Exhibitions
                                                                                        Monique M. Desormeau
                                                                                                                                                                                  miss out on an opportunity to own something
is published four times per year for mailing to FIA members, museums, and                                                      influence others to start their own collections.
libraries around the country.
                                                                                           Curator of Education                                                                   that may not be available at a later date—at
                                                                                        Donovan Entrekin
                                                                                                                                  It is within the museum’s ability and best
                                                                                           Director of the Art School                                                             least at a price you can still afford.
                                                                                        Sarah Mullane
                                                                                                                               interests to foster connoisseurship and assist
The FIA is a non-profit, equal                  FIA Exhibitions and Programs are           Director of Member &
opportunity employer, and                       made possible in part with the
                                                                                           Guest Relations                     collectors in making collecting decisions.
provides programs and                           support of the Michigan
                                                                                                                                                                                     John B. Henry,
services without regard to                      Council for Arts and
                                                                                                                               Both are integral to our past and essential
                                                                                                                                                                                     Executive Director
race, color, religion, national origin, age,    Cultural Affairs, a partner             cover image                            to our future. We do this by presenting
sex or handicap.                                agency of the National                  Jane Peterson
Operating support for the FIA is                Endowment for the Arts.                 American, 1876–1965                    exhibitions of some of the world’s most
provided in part by the Charles                                                         Women and Children in the Park
                                                                                        (detail), 1908                         outstanding collections and by organizing
Stewart Mott
                                                                                        Oil on canvas
Foundation and                                                                          18 × 24 inches                         tours of neighboring museums, and private
the Genessee                                                                            Manoogian Collection
County Millage.                                                                                                                collections. We also create opportunities
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
              CLOSING SOON                                                                                          ON VIEW                                                                                                3

              Isabelle de Borchgrave                                                                                From the Flame
              Fashioning Art from Paper                                                                             through 10.6.19
              through 9.8.19                                                                                        Harris-Burger Gallery

              Hodge & Henry Galleries                                                                               From the Flame is a juried exhibition
                                                                                                                    highlighting the tremendous range and
                                                                                                                    flameworking as an art form. The artists
                                                                                                                    come from across the country, as near as
                                                                                     Isabelle de Borchgrave         southeast Michigan and as far as southern
                                                                                     Belgian, born 1946
                                                                                     Mantua, 2011
                                                                                                                    California. Some have been in the field for
                                                                                     Mixed media, acrylic, ink,     years—working, writing, and teaching—while
                                                                                     metallic powder and adhesive   others are breaking through with innovative
                                                                                     on paper
                                                                                     59 x 94¼ x 25 inches           concepts and laying the foundation for the
                                                                                     Collection of the artist.      next generation. Through October 6, visit the
                                                                                                                    exhibition and vote for your favorite artwork.
                                                                                                                    You can cast your ballot one time per visit,

                                                                                                                    so stop in often! The winner of the People’s
                                                                                                                    Choice will receive an award as will the juror-
                                                                                                                    selected winners of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

                                                                                                                    Reception                                         Jacqueline Bishop            Graphics Gallery
                                                                                                                                                                      American, born 1955          is sponsored by
                                                                                                                    9.27.19 • 5:30p–8:30p                             Peach Tree, 2014
              Isabelle de Borchgrave: Fashioning Art from Paper explores the                                                                                          Watercolor over collage
              history of fashion through life-size paper sculptures. From replicas                                  Lobby & Hot Shop                                  on paper
                                                                                                                                                                      24 x 18 inches
              of Italian Renaissance gowns to re-creations of the modernist                                                                                           Museum purchase with
                                                                                                                    The exhibition reception, From the Flame,
              costumes of the Ballets Russes, the exhibition spans 500 years of                                                                                       funds raised by the Flint
                                                                                                                    includes an awards ceremony, a reception          Print Club, 2016.43
              fashion. Belgian artist Isabelle de Borchgrave uses her knowledge
                                                                                                                    with a cash bar, open museum galleries, and
              of art, history, and fashion to create intricately painted paper

                                                                                                                                                                      Cut & Paste
                                                                                                                    exciting demonstrations in the Hot Shop. This
              sculptures inspired by historic costumes spanning centuries.
                                                                                                                    event is FREE and open to the public.
                  Included in the exhibition is a sculpture based on the portrait
              of Maria Maddalena of Austria and her son, the future Ferdinand
              II, by Justus Sustermans from the FIA’s permanent collection.
                                                                                                                                                                      The Art of Collage
              Maddalena’s wedding gown that appears in the portrait was re-                                                                                           through 10.13.19
              created by de Borchgrave.
                                                                                     Kari Russell-Pool                                                                Graphics Gallery
                                                                                     American, born 1967
              A Conversation                                                         White Wish Bowl, 2016
                                                                                                                                                                      The technique of collage was embraced
                                                                                     8 x 11 inches                                                                    by artists in the early 20th century,
              9.7.19 • 6:00p                                                         Courtesy of the artist                                                           after it had long been a favored
              FIA Theater
                                                                                                                                                                      pastime of children and amateurs
                                                                                     From the Flame                                                                   (making scrapbooks, for example).
              Isabelle de Borchgrave: Fashioning Art from Paper closes on            Prizes courtesy of                                                               The artists in this exhibition, including
              Sunday, September 8. Enjoy one last viewing and experience a                                                                                            Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella,
              conversation between artist Isabelle de Borchgrave and Frank                                                                                            and Wangechi Mutu, bring the art of
              Verpoorten, Director of the Baker Museum in Naples, Florida, in                                                                                         collage into the late 20th and early 21st
              the FIA Theater. Seating is limited.                                                                                                                    centuries, adapting and using it to fit their
              Members: $10      Non-members: $20                                                                                                                      individual artistic expressions addressing
                                                                                                                                                                      such themes as identity, gender,
              No one will be admitted without a reservation. Reserve your                                                                                             environmental issues, and popular
              tickets online at, by phone at 810.234.1695, or in                                                                                         culture.
              person at the FIA Visitor Services desk.
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
              ON VIEW                                                                                                                                OPENING IN OCTOBER                                                       5

                                                            Philip Haas                                                                              Industry
                                                            The Four Seasons                                                                         10.5.19 – 12.30.19
                                                            through 11.15.19                                                                         Henry Gallery

                                                            Hurand Sculpture Courtyard                                                               This exhibition demonstrates the fascination artists
                                                                                                                                                     have had in depicting aspects of industry in the
                                                            The Four Seasons is a large-scale homage to the                                          United States. Since the early 19th century, American
                                                            Italian Renaissance painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo                                          artists have taken the buildings and factories in which
                                                            (1526–1593), who painted a series of the same                                            raw materials are processed to manufacture goods
                                                            name for Habsburg Emperor Maximilian II.                                                 as their subject. Some artists
                                                            Contemporary artist and filmmaker Philip Haas                                            portrayed these buildings in
                                                            conceptualized the transformation of the                                                 optimistic and idealized ways       John Dempsey
                                                            portraits from two-dimensional paintings to                                              as symbols of prosperity, while     American, born 1950
                                                            three-dimensional, 15-foot-tall                                                          others show factories in a
                                                                                                                                                                                         Plant #31, Buick City, Flint,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Michigan, 2009–2010
                                                            sculptures.                                                                              more critical light, reflecting     Acrylic on canvas
              Paul Stankard                                     As in Arcimboldo’s paintings,                                                        on factories’ dehumanization        117 x 72 inches
              American, born 1943                                                                                                                                                        Gift of Margo Lakin and
                                                            the physical features of the four

              Flowers, Fruit and Honeybees Bouquet,, 2006                                                                                            and environmental impact.           John Dempsey, 2018.45
              Glass                                         sculpted figures are rendered in
              31/4 inches diameter
              Private collection
                                                            botanical forms appropriate to
                                                            each season. Each sculpture is

              Small Worlds
                                                            made up of hundreds of sections.
                                                            Welders created supporting steel
                                                            infrastructures for the monumental
              through 10.27.19                              figures. The museum and Haas’s staff
                                                            assembled the figures on site over
              Ann K. Walch-Chan Gallery                     the span of nearly a week.
              Closing in October, Small Worlds
              not only features a vast collection of
              historical European paperweights
                                                            An Evening of
              from the FIA’s permanent                      The Four Seasons
              collection but also a large variety
              of contemporary paperweights                  9.24.19 • 6:00p–8:00p
              from private collections. The
                                                            FIA Isabel Hall and Hurand Sculpture Courtyard
              exhibition explores the world of
              paperweights from the 19th century,           The Flint Institute of Arts and Flint Institute of
              the classic period of production,             Music celebrate the beginning of fall and the
                                                                                                                  Philip Haas
              to present day contemporary                   wonders of nature with art and music at the FIA.      American, born 1954
              weights. Paperweights continue to             Enjoy a performance of Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four     Autumn (After Arcimboldo),
              be a popular art object today, and            Seasons in Isabel Hall followed by cocktails and      Painted and pigmented
              manufacturers and artists all over            hors d’oeuvres in the Hurand Sculpture Courtyard,     fiberglass
              the world have enlarged the scope,            surrounded by the monumental sculptures of            17915/16 x 111 x 12915/16 inches
                                                                                                                  Courtesy of the artist
              scale, design, and fabrication of             Philip Hass’s The Four Seasons. Music from the
              these small artworks.                         Flint Symphony Orchestra and dance from the Flint
                                                            School of Performing Arts.                            Exhibition Sponsors of Philip
                                                                                                                  Haas: The Four Seasons
                                                            $50/person in advance
                                                            $65/person at the door                                                Susie’s
                                                            Host Bar. Cocktail attire. Seating is limited.
                                                            Tickets available online at, by phone
                                                            at 810.234.1695, or in person at the FIA Visitor
                                                            Services desk.
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
              OPENING IN OCTOBER                                                                                                                                                                                                  7

              Visions of American Life                                                                                Karel Appel
                                                                                                                      Dutch, 1921–2006

              Paintings from the Manoogian Collection, 1850–1940                                                      Floating Face, 1969
                                                                                                                      Lithograph on paper
                                                                                                                      211/2 x 291/2 inches
              10.5.19 – 12.30.19                                                                                      Gift from the Collection of
                                                                                                                      Myron and Barbara Levine,
              Hodge Galleries                                                                                         © 2019 Karel Appel

                                                                                                                      Foundation / Artists Rights
                                                                                                                      Society (ARS), New York / c/o
                                                                                                                      Pictoright Amsterdam

                                                                           Visions of American                        Graphics Gallery
                                                                                                                      is sponsored by
                                                                           Life: Artists in Their
                                                                           10.4.19 • 6:00p

                                                                           FIA Theater                                                                Harmony in Expression
                                                                           Benjamin                                                                   The Myron and Barbara Levine
                                                                           DIA Associate                                                              Print Collection
                                                                           Curator of
                                                                           American Art
                                                                                                                                                      10.19.19 – 1.12.20
                                                                                                                                                      Graphics Gallery
                                                                           This lecture
                                                                           explores paintings                                                         This exhibition of 20th-century prints by European and American
                                                                           from Visions of                            John George Brown               artists, including Karel Appel, Jim Dine, Ruth Weisberg, and Adja
                                                                                                                      American, born England,
                                                                           American Life to decipher the ways         1831–1913                       Yunkers, highlights the recent gift of Myron and Barbara Ruth
                                                                           artists examined complex and               A Liberated Woman, n.d.         Levine. As collectors, Myron and Barbara (“Mike and Bobbie”)
                                                                                                                      Oil on canvas
                                                                           competing visions of American              47 x 32 inches
                                                                                                                                                      were unified in their tastes, acquiring works that they both liked
                                                                           politics, culture, and identity in their   Manoogian Collection            and which had expressive meaning for them. They were drawn
                                                                           work.                                                                      early on to collect prints, especially those of the artist movement
              Amid the cultural, political, and economic shifts                Benjamin Colman joined the                                             CoBrA, a group formed in 1948 by artists from Copenhagen,
                                                                                                                      Visions of American
              that shaped the decades between 1850 and 1940,               Detroit Institute of Arts as Associate     Life: Paintings from the        Brussels, and Amsterdam, whose style was highly expressionistic.
              American painters developed fresh ways of depicting          Curator of American Art in 2015. His       Manoogian Collection,           As avid travelers, the Levines collected at least one object or work
              the country and its people, creating new visions             specialty is American decorative arts,     1850–1940 is organized          of art wherever they went. They not only frequented local and
              of life in the United States. Through their diverse          design, and painting from the 17th         by the Detroit Institute of     international galleries to purchase works, but also became friends
                                                                                                                      Arts and made possible
              representations, the artists in this exhibition, including   to 20th centuries. He is a graduate        by the Richard and Jane         with artists, often buying directly from them. Among their travels,
              Childe Hassam, Thomas Moran, John George Brown,              of Yale and holds an MA from the           Manoogian Collection.           they often visited the Flint Institute of Arts.
              William Glackens, and Jane Peterson, allow us to look        Winterthur Program in American             This is one in a series of         Together for 62 years, the Levines lived with their collection
              back in time and consider a period of great change in        Material Culture. Prior to joining         American art exhibitions        in a modernist Ann Arbor home. Mike (1926–2012) joined the
                                                                                                                      created through a multi-
              the nation’s history.                                        the DIA, he worked at the Florence         year, multi-institutional       University of Michigan’s Department of Human Genetics as
                  These paintings highlight many aspects of American       Griswold Museum, Historic Deerfield,       partnership formed by the       Associate Professor in 1961 and remained active in the department
              life, capturing intimate scenes in the home and              and Yale University Art Gallery. He has    Detroit Institute of Arts as    for more than 50 years, committed to education and research.
              suggesting the boisterous energy of public spaces. In        published and curated exhibitions          part of the Art Bridges +       Bobbie (1929–2018) worked as the community education
                                                                                                                      Terra Foundation Initiative.
              unexpected ways, these works offer clues about past          on topics from the broad history of        Generous support is             coordinator at the University of Michigan Museum of Art, where she
              national politics, culture, and identity. From sweeping      American art including 17th- and           provided by the Richard         started as a docent. She continued her work in the arts following
              landscapes to still-lifes, the exhibition features           18th-century furniture, American           and Jane Manoogian              her retirement in 1996 and was on the exhibition committees of the
              paintings drawn from the Manoogian Collection of             Impressionism, modern art and              Foundation.                     Jewish Community Center of Ann Arbor and at the Turner Senior
              American Art on loan from the Detroit Institute of Arts.     design, and studio craft.                                                  Resource Center.
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
              OPENING IN OCTOBER                                                                                      OPENING IN NOVEMBER                                                                                    9

              Double Take                                                                                             Useful and Beautiful
              10.26.19 – 2.23.20                                                                                      Decorative Arts Highlights
              Harris-Burger Gallery                                                                                   11.16.19 – 7.26.20
              Have you ever looked at a work of art and wondered, “What is that                                       Ann K. Walch-Chan Gallery
              made of?” Perhaps it’s a ceramic vase that looks like glass, or a wood
              sculpture that looks like bone. Artists often manipulate the properties                                 Referring to the aesthetic movement, with its
              of one medium to appear like something else. The contemporary              Liberty & Co.                emphasis on beauty over substance, Oscar
              objects in this exhibition build on the historical tradition of trompe
                                                                                         British, founded London,     Wilde wrote in his preface to The Picture of
              l’oeil, which translates from French to “deceive the eye.” While some      Chalice, ca. 1890            Dorian Gray, “All art is quite useless.” This
              artists intentionally try to make one material look like another, others   Pewter and glass             exhibition demonstrates that art can be both
                                                                                         6 x 5 x 5 inches
              are simply exploring the versatility of the medium.                        Gift of Janis and William    beautiful and useful, highlighting decorative
                  Whether intentional or not, artworks featured in Double Take           Wetsman, 2016.23             arts from the FIA collection. Decorative arts
              toy with your eyes to raise questions about the nature of art and                                       as a category was created in Europe after
              perception. Rather than focusing on the natural beauty of glass,                                        the Renaissance in distinction from the “fine
              William Morris uses the medium’s ability to transform into wood,                                        arts” of painting and sculpture, designating

              bone, fiber, and sinew. Steven Montgomery’s painted ceramics                                            objects that are utilitarian but also artfully
              explore the changes caused by time and environment. What looks to                                       crafted. During the 19th-century Arts and
              be an old rusted nut is, in reality, a hand-painted ceramic sculpture.                                  Crafts movement in England and the United
              These objects are sure to keep you guessing and may just make you                                       States, there was a greater appreciation for
              do a double take.                                                                                       the decorative arts, with many championing
                                                                                                                      the idea that there was no meaningful
                                                                                                                      difference between fine and decorative. In
                                                                                                                      other cultures, such as in Chinese art, this     Styles reflect the period in which they were
                                                                                                                      distinction would not have been relevant,        made, and designs are often derived from
                                                                                         William Morris               as the most valued works include those that      the natural world, including plant forms and
                                                                                         American, born 1957          could be categorized as “decorative.”            animals, but also geometric designs and
                                                                                         Zande Man, 2001
                                                                                         Blown glass, steel stand        Decorative arts includes objects such as      abstract shapes. This exhibition features
                                                                                         26 x 16 x 16 inches          vases, teapots, dinnerware, candlesticks,        highlights from the FIA collection, including
                                                                                         Courtesy of the Isabel
                                                                                         Foundation, L2017.120        and musical instruments. These objects           recent acquisitions that have never been
                                                                                         Photo credit: Douglas        were made with a wide variety of materials,      on view, demonstrating the broad variety of
                                                                                         Schaible Photography
                                                                                                                      including glass, ceramics, metal, and wood.      objects both useful and beautiful.

                                                                                                                                                                       11.16.19 – 7.26.20
                                                                                                                                                                       Decorative Arts Corridor

                                                                                                                                                                       This display of important paperweights
                                                                                         Cristallerie de Pantin                                                        from a local collector acts as a “postscript”
                                                                                         French, 1850–1915
                                                                                         Salamander, 1878                                                              to the recent Small Worlds exhibition of
                                                                                         41/2 inch diameter                                                            weights from the FIA collection and private
                                                                                         Collection of Eileen Ellis
                                                                                         Photo: Paul Dunlop
                                                                                                                                                                       collections. Featuring 60 weights from the
                                                                                                                                                                       collection of Lansing-based Eileen Ellis, this
                                                                                                                                                                       exhibition highlights major works by such
                                                                                                                                                                       manufacturers as Pantin, Baccarat, and Clichy,
                                                                                                                                                                       as well as weights by contemporary artists.
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
              MEDIA ARTS GALLERY                                                                                           FEATURED ACQUISITION                                             11

              September                                                                                                    Harvey Littleton
              Generated Petals                                                                                             Harvey Littleton is considered to be the founder of
              Interpolation                                                                                                the American Studio Glass movement because of his
                                                                                                                           pivotal role as an educator and advocate for progress
              Using the former Bell Labs complex in                                                                        in glassmaking. Born and raised in Corning, New York,
              New Jersey as her setting, Sarah Meyohas                                                                     and, along with his father, a physicist who developed
              executed her latest performance, Cloud                                                                       Pyrex for Corning Glass Works, Littleton had both science
              of Petals. Sixteen workers photographed                                                                      and glass in his blood. Earning his MFA in ceramics from
              100,000 individual rose petals, compiling                                                                    Cranbrook Academy of Art, Littleton used his knowledge
              a digital database of their findings.                                                                        of working with clay in kilns to conduct research on glass.
              Using the information gathered, the                                                                          In June 1962, after years of experimentation, he led two
              artist developed an artificial intelligence algorithm      Made possible by   Sarah Meyohas                  workshops at the Toledo Museum of Art, where he
              that generated new, unique petals. Generated                                  French-American, b. 1991       demonstrated that artists could mix and melt glass
                                                                                            Generated Petals
              Petals Interpolation is the result of this project.                           Interpolation, 2018            in small furnaces. This innovation allowed artists to
              The installation features unique and continuously                             Installation at the            blow glass in individual studios, thereby enabling
                                                                                            Wasserman Projects, Detroit
              morphing digital petals that undulate on the screen.                                                         them to work outside of a traditional manufactory

              October                                                                                                          As an educator, Littleton served on the faculty
                                                                                                                           of University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1951 to
              In Ictu Oculi                                                                                                1977, where he established the first glass curriculum
              In Ictu Oculi (“in the blink of an eye”) is                                                                  in the United States. One of his first students was
              concerned with the experience of time. The                                                                   Dale Chihuly, who also championed innovative
              work’s title, which alludes to the brevity of                                                                education programs for glass, founding the Pilchuck
              human existence, is shared by a number                                                                       Glass School in Washington State. Littleton retired
              of vanitas paintings from the 17th century.                                                                  from teaching in 1977 and moved to North Carolina,
              A dinner table, laden with plates of food                                                                    where he set up a glass studio to produce his own
              and wine bottles, its chairs waiting to be                                                                   works. There he created some of the most
              occupied, stands in a semi-mountainous                                                                       technically challenging and physically
              landscape, a breeze flickering its tablecloth. The table’s placement          Greta Alfaro                   demanding work of his career. During
              alludes to Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. From out of the blue,
                                                                                            Spanish, b. 1977               the 1970s and 1980s, he continued
                                                                                            In Ictu Oculi, 2009
              vultures descend cautiously, bringing instability to the implied order        10:37 minutes                  to refine his work and explored
              of the scene. The meal’s duration, and its strange quietness, lend it a       Image courtesy of the artist   the physical possibilities of glass,
              human quality. The birds act out a travesty of human vanities: gluttony,                                     creating large and vibrant sculptures,
              selfish aggression, and the coveting of what will quickly pass away.                                         such as Sliced Form of 1987. In
                                                                                                                           addition to experimenting with color,
                                                                                                                           he finished these works through the
                                                                                                                           cold-working techniques of cutting
              SSS                                                                                                          and polishing.
              The self-proclaimed “grandmother of performance
              art,” Marina Abramović collaborated with multi-
              media artist Charles Atlas to create SSS, an
                                                                                                                                        Harvey Littleton
              autobiographical performance in which Abramović                                                                           American, 1922–2013
              delivers a personal chronology. This brief narrative                                                                      Sliced Form, 1987
                                                                                                                                        Blown and drawn glass,
              history, which references her past in the former                                                                          cut and polished
              Yugoslavia, her performance work, and her                                                                                 251/2 x 6 x 3 inches
              collaboration with and separation from long                                                                               Museum purchase with
                                                                                                                                        funds donated by Jack
              time partner Ulay, is intercut with images of her                                                                         and Stephanie A.
              engaged in symbolic gestures and ritual acts, such as scrubbing her           Marina Abramović and                        Neal, 2019.1
                                                                                            Charles Atlas
              feet or staring like Medusa as snakes writhe on her head. Closing her         SSS, 1989
              litany with the phrase “Time past, time present,” the artist invokes the      6 minutes
              personal and the mythological in a poignant affirmation of self.              Courtesy of Electronic Arts
                                                                                            Intermix (EAI), New York
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
              ACQUISITIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13

              Wesley Adderegg                  Rafa Pérez                      Churchill Ettinger              C. Jac Young                    Robert von Sternberg              Sheila Pinkel                     Daniel Buren
              American, born 1960              Spanish, born 1957              American, 1903–1984             American, born Germany,         American, born 1939               American, born 1941               French, born 1938
              Way Back Cup & Saucer, n.d.      Vessel, 2014                    A Corner of the Cove, 1938      1880–1940                       San Simeon, California 2017,      Light Bulb, 2016                  1 + 2 = 3, 1998
              Painted earthenware              Ceramic                         Etching on paper                Singing Birches, 1938           2018                              Xeroradiograph inkjet print       Woodcut on paper
              9 × 41/2 × 41/2 inches           5 × 8 × 8 inches                73/4 × 113/4 inches             Etching on paper                Archival inkjet print             10 × 15 inches                    195/8 × 153/4 inches
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna    Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna   Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara   71/4 × 10 inches                11 × 161/2 inches                 Gift of Sheila Pinkel, 2018.196   Gift of Bennett and Sylvia
              Harris Burger, 2018.156          Harris Burger, 2018.165         in memory of her parents,       Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara   Gift of the artist, 2018.186                                        Engelman, 2018.204
                                                                               Alice Stemsrud and Herman       in memory of her parents,                                         Sheila Pinkel
              Michael Blair                    Mary Scheier                    Shlionsky, 2018.172             Alice Stemsrud and Herman       Robert von Sternberg              American, born 1941
              American                         American, 1910–2007                                             Shlionsky, 2018.177             American, born 1939               Palmos Stereo Camera,
              Ear of Corn Vessel, n.d.         Edwin Scheier                   Gordon Grant                                                    Sunrise, Bastion Point,           2012–2016
              Celadon ceramic                  American, 1910–2008             American, 1875–1962             Robert von Sternberg            Mallacoota, Victoria, Australia   Archival inkjet print                                                Gilles Demarteau
              121/2 × 7 inches                 Vessel, 1984                    Hauling in the Nets, 1937       American, born 1939             2010, 2018                        20 × 20 inches                                                       French, 1722–1776
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna    Stoneware                       Lithograph on paper             Best Western Chateau, Big       Archival inkjet print             Gift of Sheila Pinkel, 2018.197                                      Venus sur un Dauphin, n.d.
              Harris Burger, 2018.157          13 × 12 inches                  9 × 113/8 inches                Bear Lake, California, 2018     11 × 161/2 inches                                                                                      Crayon engraving on paper
                                               Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna   Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara   Archival inkjet print           Gift of the artist, 2018.187      Bonnie Schiffman                                                     113/8 × 167/8 inches
              Robert Burger                    Harris Burger, 2018.166         in memory of her parents,       12 × 161/2 inches                                                 American, born 1950                                                  Gift of Dr. Jamile Trueba
              American, born 1938                                              Alice Stemsrud and Herman       Gift of the artist, 2018.178    Barry Andersen                    Andy Warhol 1976, 2018                                               Lawand, 2018.210
              Honeycomb Sphere, n.d.                                           Shlionsky, 2018.173                                             American, born 1945               Inkjet print
              Porcelain                                                                                        Robert von Sternberg            Connemara Mountains, Peat         191/2 × 13 inches                                                    Edward Moran
              8 × 9 inches                                                     Irwin D. Hoffman                American, born 1939             and Sky, Ireland, 2004            Gift of the artist, 2018.198                                         American, born England,
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna                                    American, 1901–1989             Car Wash, Tuscon 2013, 2018     Archival inkjet print                                                                                  1829–1901
              Harris Burger, 2018.158                                          Pastoral - Puerto Rico, 1938    Archival inkjet print           10 × 14 inches                    Bonnie Schiffman                                                     “Deigindisch”, Night Scene
                                                                               Etching on paper                11 × 161/2 inches               Gift of the artist, 2018.188      American, born 1950               Cathy Richardson                   with Fisherman and Boat on
              Gary di Pasquale                                                 9 × 11 inches                   Gift of the artist, 2018.179                                      Ed Ruscha 1985, 2018              American, born 1949                Shore, 1895

              American, born 1954                                              Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara                                   Barry Andersen                    Inkjet print                      Homage to Margaret Mee,            Etching on paper
              Shaped Vase, 2003                                                in memory of her parents,       Robert von Sternberg            American, born 1945               153/4 × 153/4 inches              2018                               173/4 × 115/8 inches
              Ceramic                                                          Alice Stemsrud and Herman       American, born 1939             Grindavik 2, Iceland, 2016        Gift of the artist, 2018.199      Glass                              Gift of John and Janice Henry,
              24 × 7 × 8 inches                                                Shlionsky, 2018.174             Chesterton, Indiana 2015,       Archival inkjet print                                               27/8 × 27/8 × 11/4 inches          2018.211
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna    Bobby Silverman                                                 2018                            12 × 18 inches                    Bonnie Schiffman                  Gift of the artist, 2018.205
              Harris Burger, 2018.159          American, born 1956             Joseph Margulies                Archival inkjet print           Gift of the artist, 2018.189      American, born 1950                                                  Albert Young
                                               Stacked Bowls with Vase, 2001   American, born Vienna,          11 × 161/2 inches                                                 Frank Gehry 1985, 2018            Douglas J. Becker                  American, born 1951
              Anne Hirondelle                  Ceramic                         1896–1984                       Gift of the artist, 2018.180    Barry Andersen                    Inkjet print                      Amoeba, 1985                       Untitled (Commission for
              American, born 1944              8 × 20 inches                   Light and Shadow, 1937                                          American, born 1945               15 × 20 inches                    Glass                              Robinson Lawn), 1999–2000
              Vessel, n.d.                     Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna   Etching on paper                Robert von Sternberg            Salt Flat Pool, Carmargue,        Gift of the artist, 2018.200      25/8 × 27/8 inches                 Steel, cast glass
              Stoneware                        Harris Burger, 2018.167         10 × 71/2 inches                American, born 1939             Arles, France, 2013                                                 Gift from the Estate of Margaret   dimensions vary
              8 × 11 inches                                                    Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara   Grand Canyon, Arizona 2005,     Archival inkjet print             Melanie Walker                    J. Clinton, 2018.206               Gift of the Family of Jack A.
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna    Toshiko Takaezu                 in memory of her parents,       2017                            12 × 18 inches                    American, born 1949                                                  and Aviva Robinson, 2018.212
              Harris Burger, 2018.160          American, born Japan,           Alice Stemsrud and Herman       Archival inkjet print           Gift of the artist, 2018.190      Tobacco Field (Self Portrait)     Murano
                                               1922–2011                       Shlionsky, 2018.175             11 × 16 1/2 inches                                                1972, 2018                        Italian                            Richard Meitner
              Lynn Kuhn                        Vase, 2000                                                      Gift of the artist, 2018.181    Kenda North                       Inkjet print                      Millefiori, ca. 1920               American, born 1949
              Swiss                            Stoneware                                                                                       American, born 1951               12 × 12 inches                    Glass                              Untitled, n.d.
              Shell Bowl, n.d.                 3 × 3 inches                                                    Robert von Sternberg            Bliss, 2012–2018                  Gift of the artist, 2018.201      21/2 × 3 inches                    Blown glass
              Faience                          Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna                                   American, born 1939             Ultrachrome pigment print                                           Gift from the Estate of Margaret   Gift of the Family of Jack A.
              3 × 51/2 inches                  Harris Burger, 2018.168                                         Highway 1, Catayina, Mexico     17 × 22 inches                    Clarence Morgan                   J. Clinton, 2018.207               and Aviva Robinson, 2018.213
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna                                                                    1984, 2018                      Gift of Kenda North, 2018.191     American, born 1950
              Harris Burger, 2018.161          Joan Takayma-Ogawa                                              Archival inkjet print                                             Zelda, 2017                       Roman                              Naoko Serino
                                               American, born 1955                                             8 × 12 inches                   Kenda North                       Lithograph on paper               Cup, 1st-3rd century               Japanese, born 1962
              Anna Metcalfe                    Made in Pasadena: Let Us                                        Gift of the artist, 2018.182    American, born 1951               16 × 16 inches                    Glass                              Untitled, n.d.
              American, born 1979              Cultivate Our Decadence, 2007                                                                   Descent, 2012–2018                Gift of Max Lepler and Rex L.     23/4 × 25/8 inches                 Jute
              A Living Topography: Stories     Ceramic, metal, mixed media                                     Robert von Sternberg            Ultrachrome pigment print         Dotson, 2018.202                  Gift of U.S. Sugar, 2018.208       Gift of the Family of Jack A.
              from Lake Superior, n.d.         5 × 8 × 8 inches                                                American, born 1939             17 × 22 inches                                                                                         and Aviva Robinson, 2018.214
              Porcelain, monofilament, steel   Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna   Grant Wood                      Huntington Beach, California    Gift of Kenda North, 2018.192                                       Audrey Flack
              frame                            Harris Burger, 2018.169         American, 1891–1942             1988, 2018                                                                                          American, born 1931
              30 × 57 inches                                                   Shrine Quartet, 1939            Archival inkjet print           Kenda North                                                         Maquette for Civitas, 1988
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna    John Steuart Curry              Lithograph on paper             8 × 12 inches                   American, born 1951                                                 Patinated and gilded bronze,
              Harris Burger, 2018.162          American, 1897–1946             71/4 × 12 inches                Gift of the artist, 2018.183    Red Shoes, 2012–2018                                                cast glass frame
                                               Missed Leap, 1934               Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara                                   Ultrachrome pigment print                                           571/2 × 12 × 17 inches
              Tom Otterness                    Lithograph on paper             in memory of her parents,       Robert von Sternberg            17 × 22 inches                                                      Gift of Mrs. Susan P. and Mr.
              American, born 1952              163/4 × 93/4 inches             Alice Stemsrud and Herman       American, born 1939             Gift of Kenda North, 2018.193                                       Louis K. Meisel, 2018.209
              Standing Couple, 1982            Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara   Shlionsky, 2018.176             Palisades Park, Santa Monica,
              Plaster                          in memory of her parents,                                       California 1975, 2018           Sheila Pinkel
              111/2 × 73/4 × 5 inches          Alice Stemsrud and Herman                                       Archival inkjet print           American, born 1941
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna    Shlionsky, 2018.170                                             93/8 × 12 inches                Bausch Lomb Protar, Zeiss
              Harris Burger, 2018.163                                                                          Gift of the artist, 2018.184    Lens, 2012-2016
                                                                                                                                               Archival inkjet print
              Gustavo Pérez                    John Steuart Curry                                              Robert von Sternberg            20 × 20 inches
              Mexican, born 1950               American, 1897–1946                                             American, born 1939             Gift of Sheila Pinkel, 2018.194   Jennifer Bartlett
              Vaso Cortado, 2000               Summer Afternoon, 1939                                          Prague, Czechoslovakia 1967,                                      American, born 1941
              Stoneware                        Lithograph on paper                                             2018                            Sheila Pinkel                     House: Dots, Hatches, 1999
              7 × 61/4 inches                  10 × 14 inches                                                  Archival inkjet print           American, born 1941               Screenprint on paper
              Gift of Dr. Robert and Deanna    Gift of Anne Lindell Hagiwara                                   8 × 12 inches                   Ilex Lens, 2012–2016              38 × 38 inches
              Harris Burger, 2018.164          in memory of her parents,                                       Gift of the artist, 2018.185    Archival inkjet print             Gift of Bennett and Sylvia
                                               Alice Stemsrud and Herman                                                                       20 × 20 inches                    Engelman, 2018.203
                                               Shlionsky, 2018.171                                                                             Gift of Sheila Pinkel, 2018.195
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
              ART ON LOAN                                                                                                                         FIA FILM SOCIETY                                                                                                                          15

              The artworks listed here are on loan from the FIA to the following exhibitions:                                                     The Friends of Modern Art (FOMA)
                                                                                                                                                  film series is made possible                   Film Society Membership Form
              The Early Celebrity of                                                                 The Color of the Moon                        through support from membership
                                                                                                                                                  in the FIA Film Society, beginning             o $100 Ticketholder                      o $1,000 Leading Actor/Actress
              Peter Paul Rubens                                                                      James A. Michener Art Museum
                                                                                                                                                                                                 o $500 Supporting Player                 o $2,500 Screenwriter
              Legion of Honor Fine Arts                                                              Doylestown, Pennsylvania                     its eighth year. We invite you to
              Museums of San Francisco                                                               6.1.19 – 9.8.19                              support our great 2019–20 film                 Total Amount Enclosed $__________________
              San Francisco, California                                                              Thomas Chambers                              series by joining today.
                                                                                                     American, born England, 1808–1869                                                           2 Payment Plan Option
              4.6.19 – 9.2.19                                                                                                                     $100 Ticketholder Basic Benefits
                                                                                                     Old Sleepy Hollow Church, ca. 1850
                                                                                                                                                                                                 $ _____________ by 12/31/19                  $ _____________by 5/31/20
              Art Gallery of Ontario                                                                 Oil on canvas                                 • 36 transferable tickets good
                                                                                                     183/4 × 243/8 inches
              Toronto, Canada                                                                                                                        for any screening during the                Exact name of the individual/company/foundation to appear
                                                                                                     Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler
              10.5.19 – 1.5.20                                                                       Garbisch, 1968.18                               membership year (excludes                   on all recognition and donor listings:
                                                                                                                                                     special series films)
              Peter Paul Rubens                                                                                                                    • A monthly “Hello, Film Lovers”
              Flemish, 1577–1640                                                                     Lee Krasner                                     newsletter from Ed Bradley, FIA             ________________________________________________________
              Angel, 1610–11
              Oil on modern support transferred from
                                                                                                     Schirn Kunsthalle                               Associate Curator of Film
              wood panel                                                                             Frankfurt, Germany                                                                          Contact Information
              801/2 × 57 inches                                                                      10.10.19 – 1.12.20                           $500 Supporting Player & $1,000
              Gift of Viola E. Bray, 2005.158                                                                                                     Leading Actor/Actress Benefits                 _______________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                     Zentrum Paul Klee                                                                           Name
                                                                                                                                                   • Basic benefits

                                                                                                     Bern, Switzerland
                                                                                                                                                   • Recognition in FIA Magazine,                _______________________________________________________________________________________
              Roger Brown: Virtual Still                                                             2.7.20 – 5.10.20
                                                                                                                                                     FIA annual report, and film pre-

              Lifes                                                                                  Guggenheim
                                                                                                                                                     screenings                                  _______________________________________________________________________________________
                                                       Nature’s Nation: American                     Bilbao, Spain                                                                               City                                             State            Zip
              Museum of Arts and Design                                                                                                            • A generous tax deduction
                                                       Art and Environment                           5.29.20 – 9.6.20                                                                            _______________________________________________________________________________________
              New York, New York                                                                                                                                                                 Phone                                Email
              5.2.19 – 9.15.19                         Crystal Bridges Museum of                     Lee Krasner                                  $2,500 Screenwriter Benefits
              Roger Brown
                                                       American Art                                  American, 1908–1984                           • Basic benefits and above
                                                                                                     Happy Lady, 1963                                                                            Method of Payment
              American, 1941–1997                      Bentonville, Arkansas                         Oil on cotton duck                            • Listing on film posters
              Virtual Still Life #15: Waterfalls and   5.25.19 – 9.19.19                             58 × 753/4 inches                             • Logo and link on FIA website                o Check payable to “FIA Film Society”                        Please return this
              Pitchers, 1995                                                                         Purchased with funds from the National
              Oil on canvas with mixed media
                                                       Hughie Lee-Smith                                                                            • 72 transferable tickets                                                                                  form by 11/1/19 to:
                                                       American, 1915–1999                           Endowment for the Arts Museum Purchase                                                      o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o AMEX
              371/2 × 50 x 9 inches                                                                  Grant and the Samuel and Alma Catsman                                                                                                                    Flint Institute of Arts
              Museum purchase, 2011.324
                                                       Slum Lad, ca. 1960
                                                                                                     Foundation, 1978.59
                                                                                                                                                  For more information, contact the              _________________________________________________________
                                                       Oil on canvas                                                                                                                                                                                          FIA Film Society
                                                                                                                                                  Membership office at 810.234.1695              Account #                                    Exp. Date
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1120 E. Kearsley St
                                                       26 x 32 inches
                                                       Courtesy of the Isabel Foundation, Inlander                                                or                      _________________________________________________________    Flint MI 48503
                                                       Collection, L2003.80                                                                                                                      Signature

                                                                                                                                                      save the dates
                                                                                                                               a                      NOV 14 & DEC 5
                                                                                                                      ty   gal
                                                                                                            mu                                        The Communities First Inc. Culture Shock
                                                                                                     com                                              program, in partnership with the FIA,
                                                                                                                                                      presents the first events in a four-film
                                                                                                                                                      series dealing with African American

                                                                                       save the date                                                  themes and culture in the FIA Theater.
                                                                                                                                                      For up-to-date information, visit
                                                                                              JANUARY 25, 2020                               or
Fiamagazine FALL 2019 - Flint Institute of Arts
        FOMA FILMS                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17

        Admission                         Film titles are                                                                   Films are                            Preview                          Additional
        $5 members                        subject to change.                                                                supported by                         sponsor                          sponsors
        $6 non-members
        $4 FOMA members

                                                                                                                                                                                   NOV 1, 2 @ 7:30p, NOV 3 @ 2:00p
        SEPT 6, 7 @ 7:30p, SEPT 8 @ 2:00p
                                                                                                                                                                                   Sword of Trust
        Tolkien                                                                                                                                                                    (U.S., 2019) Directed by Lynn Shelton, 88 min., rated R
        (U.S., 2019) Directed by Dome Karukoski, 112 min.,                                                                                                                         Michaela Watkins (TV’s Trophy Wife), Jillian
        rated PG-13
                                                                                                                                                                                   Bell, and comedian Mark Maron lead the
        We open the 2019–20 FOMA movie season
                                                                                                                                                                                   cast of a comedy about two women who aim
        with a look at the formative years of future
                                                                                                                                                                                   to collect a strange inheritance: an antique
        author J.R.R. Tolkien (played by Nicholas
                                                                                                                                                                                   sword believed to be proof the South won
        Hoult of Mad Max: Fury Road), who rose to
                                                                                                                                                                                   the Civil War.
        fame despite a difficult boyhood.
                                                                                                                                                                                   NOV 8, 9 @ 7:30p, NOV 10 @ 2:00p
        SEPT 13, 14 @ 7:30p, SEPT 15 @ 2:00p
        Official Secrets                                                                                                                                                           The Last Black Man in San
        (United Kingdom/U.S., 2019) Directed by Gavin Hood,                                                                                                                        Francisco

        112 min., rated R                                                                                                                                                          (U.S., 2019) Directed by Joe Talbot, 120 min., rated R
        Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes, and Matthew                                                                                                                                An African American man raised in San
        Goode co-star in a fact-based thriller about a                                                                                                                             Francisco returns to reclaim his childhood
        British whistleblower who leaked a top-secret                                                                                                                              home, only to find that the city he loves has
        NSA memo exposing a U.S./U.K. spying                                                                                                                                       left him behind.
                                                                                                                                                                                   NOV 15, 16 @ 7:30p, NOV 17 @ 2:00p
        SEPT 20, 21 @ 7:30p, SEPT 22 @ 2:00p                                                                                                                                       Long Day’s Journey Into Night
        The Souvenir                                               OCT 4, 5 @ 7:30p, OCT 6 @ 2:00p                          OCT 18, 19 @ 7:30p, OCT 20 @ 2:00p                     (China, 2018) Directed by Gan Bi, 138 min., subtitled,
        (United Kingdom/U.S., 2019) Directed by Joanna Hogg,       The White Crow                                           After the Wedding                                      not rated
        120 min., rated R                                          (United Kingdom/France, 2019) Directed by Ralph          (U.S., 2019) Directed by Bart Freundlich, 110 min.,    This epic Chinese drama (unrelated to the
        A young film student’s life is changed by                  Fiennes, 127 min., rated R                               rated PG-13                                            same-titled Eugene O’Neill play) concerns
        a toxic relationship. This coming-of-age                   The magic of famed ballet dancer Rudolf                  Michelle Williams, Julianne Moore, and Billy           a man who returns to his hometown as he
        drama co-stars Tilda Swinton and her real-life             Nureyev plays out in a tense Cold War-                   Crudup head the cast of a drama in which a             recalls the death of an old friend and the
        daughter, Honor Swinton Byrne.                             set bio-drama that revisits its subject’s                manager of an orphanage in India travels to            profound ache of lost love.
                                                                   controversial defection from Russia to the               New York to meet a benefactor. A remake of
        SEPT 26 @ 7:30p, SEPT 28 @ 4:00p, 		                       West in 1961.                                            the 2006 Danish film of the same name.                 NOV 22, 23 @ 7:30p, NOV 24 @ 2:00p
        SEPT 29 @ 4:00p                                                                                                                                                            Wild Rose
        Framing John DeLorean                                      OCT 11, 12 @ 7:30p, OCT 13 @ 2:00p                       OCT 25, 26 @ 7:30p, OCT 27 @ 2:00p                     (United Kingdom, 2019) Directed by Tom Harper,
        (U.S., 2019) Directed by Don Argott and Sheena M. Joyce,   Give Me Liberty                                          Ophelia                                                101 min., rated R
        109 min., not rated                                        (U.S., 2019) Directed by Kirill Mikhanovsky, 110 min.,   (United Kingdom/U.S., 2019) Directed by Claire         As a musician from Glasgow yearns to
        Revolutionary or con artist? Watch this                    not rated                                                McCarthy, 114 min., rated PG-13                        achieve the unlikely goal of country stardom
        compelling documentary about the                           In a comedy set in segregated Milwaukee, an              Daisy Ridley (Star Wars) portrays the character        in Nashville. Irish singer Jessie Buckley
        unconventional auto executive—and the car                  ambulance driver is torn between a promise               from Hamlet as the film retells the classic            earned critical raves for her breakout
        made famous in Back to the Future—and                      to transport a group of elderly Russians to a            story from her point of view. Naomi Watts and          performance in a lively musical drama.
        decide for yourself.                                       funeral or helping a young African American              Clive Owen also star.
                                                                   woman with ALS.                                                                                                 NOV 29, 30 @ 7:30p, DEC 1 @ 2:00p
        SEPT 27, 28 @ 7:30p, SEPT 29 @ 2:00p                                                                                OCT 31 @ 7:30p, NOV 2 @ 4:00p, 		                      The Fall of the American Empire
        All Is True                                                OCT 17 @ 7:30p, OCT 19 @ 4:00p, 		                       NOV 3 @ 4:00p                                          (Canada, 2019) Directed by Denys Arcand, 127 min.,
        (United Kingdom, 2019) Directed by Kenneth Branagh,        OCT 20 @ 4:00p                                           Midsommar                                              rated R
        101 min., rated PG-13                                      Anthropocene: The Human Epoch                            (U.S./Sweden, 2019) Directed by Ari Aster, 147 min.,   After a shy, insecure delivery-truck driver
        The final days of William Shakespeare play                 (Canada, 2018) Directed by Jennifer Baichwal and         rated R                                                inadvertently picks up two bags of dirty
        out in a well-acted tale with a top cast:                  Edward Burtynsky, 87 min., subtitled, not rated          We celebrate Halloween with a well-crafted             money and hides them in his truck, two
        Kenneth Branagh (who plays The Bard and                    This ambitious documentary travels to six                horror mystery in which a group of friends             bumbling detectives get on the case in a
        also directed), Judi Dench, and Ian McKellen.              continents and 20 countries to record the                travel to Sweden for a festival—and find               satirical crime thriller set in Montreal.
                                                                   impact humans have made on the planet.                   themselves under the control of a pagan cult.
                  BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                                                   SEPTEMBER                                                                                        19

                  The FIA welcomes the following members to the Board of Trustees.
                                                                                                                      4 WED
                                                                                                                                                18 WED
                                                                                                                                                                                              26 THU
                  Lynne Hurand returns                             Dr. Sharon A.                                      Art à la Carte            Art à la Carte                                FOMA Film
                  to the Board this year,                          Simeon moved to                                    Troublemakers: The        Painted Land: In Search                       Framing John
                  where she previously                             Flint, Michigan in the late                        Story of Land Art         for the Group of Seven                        DeLorean
                  served as trustee and                            1980s. An avid art lover
                                                                                                                      6 FRI                                                                   27 FRI
                  president. A Founders                            since childhood, the                                                         Book Discussion:
                  Society member and                               retired teacher consultant                                                   Part One
                  longtime FIA docent,                                                                                7:30p                                                                   5:30p
                                                                   for the Flint Community                            FOMA Film
                                                                                                                                                Almost Nothing: The
                                                                                                                                                                                              Exhibition Reception
                  Lynne also serves on the                         Schools has been a                                                           20th-Century Art & Life
                  Board of Directors of                                                                               Tolkien                                                                 From the Flame
                                                                   student at the FIA Art                                                       of Józef Czapski

                                                                                                                      7 SAT
                  the Flint Cultural Center                                                                                                                                                   7:30p
                                                                   School for many years                                                                                                      FOMA Film
                  Corporation, the Whiting Governing Council,      studying several mediums. Currently working                                                                                All Is True
                  and is a Flint Community Players Trustee. Her    part-time at Powers Catholic High School           6:00p
                  art collection began during her studies at the
                  University of Michigan, and she is “mom” to
                                                                   as a tutor, she is also a volunteer with the
                                                                   American Red Cross, as well as a caseworker
                                                                                                                      Isabelle de Borchgrave:                                                 28 SAT
                  two rescue dogs, Bottom and Thisbe.              at East Central Bay Restoring Family Links.
                                                                                                                      A Conversation
                                                                                                                      7:30p                                                                   FOMA Film
                                                                   Dr. Simeon holds an Associates degree

                  Thomas A. Lillie                                                                                    FOMA Film                                                               Framing John
                                                                   from Mott Community College, BS from the
                  is a Director at Lewis                                                                              Tolkien                                                                 DeLorean
                                                                   University of Michigan-Flint, MA in teaching

                                                                                                                      8 SUN
                  & Knopf, CPAs, P.C.,                                                                                                                                                        7:30p
                                                                   from both Marygrove College and Saginaw                                                                                    FOMA Film
                  heading up the firm’s
                                                                   Valley State University, and a Doctorate of
                  Financial Planning                                                                                  2:00p
                                                                                                                                                                                              All Is True
                                                                   Education from Wayne State University.
                  Division. He serves in                                                                              FOMA Film
                  various capacities for                           Greg Viener is                                     Tolkien
                  the Flint Institute of Arts,
                                                                                                                      11 WED
                                                                   president of Huntington
                  including as a member

                                                                                                                                                20 FRI                    25 WED
                                                                   Bank’s Mid-Michigan
                  of the development and                           Region. Previously, he was                         12:15p
                  exhibition committees.                           Treasury Manager at the                            Art à la Carte            7:30p                     12:15p
                  Tom is a member of the investment                University of Michigan,
                  committee for the Community Foundation
                                                                                                                      Levitated Mass            FOMA Film                 Art à la Carte
                                                                   Senior Treasury Analyst for
                                                                                                                      13 FRI
                                                                                                                                                The Souvenir              Craft in America:
                  of Greater Flint. He holds a BS in Accounting    Coors Brewing Company,
                                                                                                                                                21 SAT
                  from Central Michigan University. He enjoys      and the Assistant Cash
                  golf, international travel with his wife, and                                                       7:30p
                                                                   Manager at United Artists
                  spending time with his eight nieces and                                                             FOMA Film                 2:00p
                                                                   Theatre Circuit. Prior to starting his career in
                  nephews.                                                                                            Official Secrets          Youth Membership
                                                                   financial services, he served nine years in the

                                                                                                                      14 SAT
                                                                                                                                                Four Seasons: Artists
                                                                   U.S. Air Force as a noncommissioned officer.
                  Elisabeth Saab
                                                                                                                                                                                              29 SUN
                                                                                                                                                Inspiring Artists
                                                                   The Genesee County resident serves on
                  works for Sorensen                                                                                  7:30p                     7:30p
                                                                   several boards, including the Flint Downtown                                 FOMA Film
                  Gross in Flint Township.                                                                            FOMA Film                                                               2:00p
                                                                   Development Authority (treasurer), United
                  A long-term volunteer on                                                                            Official Secrets          The Souvenir
                                                                                                                                                                                              FOMA Film
                                                                   Way of Genesee County (vice chair), and

                                                                                                                                                22 SUN
                  several FIA committees,
                                                                                                                      15 SUN
                                                                   Food Bank of Eastern Michigan.                                                                                             All Is True
                  including those for                                                                                                                                                         4:00p
                  The Party and Art on                                                                                                          2:00p                                         FOMA Film
                  Tap, Elisabeth currently                                                                                                      FOMA Film                                     Framing John
                                                                                                                      FOMA Film
                  serves on the boards                                                                                                          The Souvenir                                  DeLorean
                                                                                                                      Official Secrets
                  of the Foundation for
                  Mott Community College, Metro Community
                  Development, and the YWCA of Greater Flint.
                                                                                                                                                24 TUE
                  She is also a member of the Flint Women                                                                                       Event
                  and Girls Fund Advisory Committee at the                                                                                      An Evening of The
                  Community Foundation of Greater Flint.                                                                                        Four Seasons
                                                                                                               OCTOBER                                                                                               21

                                 Be a Part of
                                            The Contemporaries!                                                2 WED
                                                                                                                                                                    18 FRI
                                                                                                                                                                                            25 FRI
                  the                                                                                          Art à la Carte                                       Preschool Playdates     Installation

                    con-                    The Contemporaries is an affiliate group of the
                                                                                                               Craft in America:                                    Arranging Leaves

                                                                                                               Borders                                                                      Martin Blank
                                            Flint Institute of Arts, geared towards FIA members                1:30p                                                Art on Tap              7:30p
                                            ages 21–45. Members gain exclusive access to                       Book Discussion:                                     Beer, Bourbon, & BBQ    FOMA Film

                   raries                                                                                                                 9 WED
                                                                                                               Part Two                                             7:30p                   Ophelia
                                            the FIA through special events, tours, workshops,
                                                                                                               Almost Nothing: The                                  FOMA Film
                                            and networking with other young professionals.                     20th-Century Art & Life    12:15p                    After the Wedding
                  Flint Institute of Arts

                                                                                                                                                                    19 SAT
                                            Membership in The Contemporaries is $50 for one                    of Józef Czapski           Art à la Carte

                                                                                                               4 FRI
                                            person and $75 two people. You must be an FIA                                                 Craft in America:
                      Sponsor of The                                                                                                      Neighbors                 10:00a
                                            member at the Individual level ($30) or higher.

                                                                                                                                          11 FRI
                                                                                                               11:00a                                               Exhibition Opening
                                                            For more information on The Contemporaries         Art Explorers                                        Harmony in Expression
                                                            or to join, go to     Exploring Lines            7:30p                     4:00p
                                                            the-contemporaries.                                6:00p                      FOMA Film                 FOMA Film
                                                                                                               Members Preview

                                                                                                                                          Give Me Liberty           Anthropocene: The
                                                                                                               Visions of American

                                                                                                                                          12 SAT
                                                                                                                                                                    Human Epoch
                                                                                                               Life: Paintings from the                             7:30p

                                                                                                                                                                                            26 SAT
                                                                     2019–20 SCHEDULE                          Manoogian Collection,                                FOMA Film
                                                                                                               1850–1940                  7:30p                     After the Wedding
                                                                     September 19–22, 2019
                                                                                                               7:30p                      FOMA Film

                                                                     EXPO CHICAGO, The International                                                                                        10:00a
                                                                     Exposition of Contemporary &              FOMA Film                  Give Me Liberty
                                                                                                                                                                           SUN              Exhibition Opening

                                                                                                                                          13 SUN
                                                                     Modern Art                                The White Crow
                                                                                                                                                                                            Double Take
                                                                     Get the VIP experience at EXPO                                                                                         11:00a
                                                                                                                                                                    FOMA Film
                                                                     CHICAGO, a leading international art                                 2:00p                                             Family Activity
                                                                                                                                                                    After the Wedding
                                                                     fair with more than 135 exhibitors in                                FOMA Film                                         Halloween Ghosts and
                                                                     Navy Pier Festival Hall.                                             Give Me Liberty                                   Goblins
                                                                                                                                                                    FOMA Film
                                                                     November 8, 2019                                                     2:00p                                             3:00p
                                                                                                                                                                    Anthropocene: The
                                                                     Fall Into Art                                                        Family Program                                    Artist Talk
                                                                                                                                                                    Human Epoch
                                                                     Work on your own seasonal art piece,                                                                                   Martin Blank

                                                                                                                                                                    23 WED
                                        At look back at 2018–19                                                                           Baby Tour
                                                                     inspired by the exhibition Philip Haas:                              3:00p                                             7:30p
                                                                     The Four Seasons in the FIA Art School.                              Family Program                                    FOMA Film
                                                                                                                                          Family Yoga               12:15p                  Ophelia
                                                                     February 21, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                            27 SUN
                                                                                                                                                                    Art à la Carte

                                                                                                                                          15 TUE
                                                                     The FIA Legacy                                                                                 Documenting the Face
                                                                     Tour the galleries, learn more about
                                                                                                                                                                    of America
                                                                     works donated to the museum by                                                                                         2:00p

                                                                                                               5 SAT
                                                                                                                                          6:00p                     1:30p
                                                                     members of the Flint community, and                                  Thompson Lecture                                  FOMA Film
                                                                                                                                                                    Book Discussion:
                                                                     chat with legacy members about their                                                                                   Ophelia
                                                                     support of the FIA.                       10:00a
                                                                                                                                          Protecting the Price-     Part One

                                                                                                                                                                                            30 WED
                                                                                                                                          less: History in Peril!   The Shadow Catcher
                                                                                                               Exhibition Opening

                                                                                                                                          16 WED
                                                                     May 2, 2020                                                                                    7:00p
                                                                                                               Visions of American
                                                                     The Kentucky Derby Affair                                                                      The Sheppy Dog          12:15p
                                                                                                               Life & Industry
                                                                     Make a Run for the Roses at the 2nd                                                            Fund Immersive          Art à la Carte
                                                                                                               7:30p                      12:15p
                                                                     Annual Kentucky Derby Affair. Watch the                                                        Experience
                                                                     race as you enjoy food, music, and fun.   FOMA Film                  Art à la Carte                                    Ken Burns’ America:
                                                                                                               The White Crow             First Face of America     Irish Folk Tales and    Thomas Hart Benton

                                                                                                                                                                                            31 THU
                                                                     July 18, 2020                                                                                  Halloween Legends:
                                                                     Mystery Road Trip
                                                                     Hit the road for secret art adventure!    6 SUN
                                                                                                                                          17 THU                    An Evening of
                                                                                                               FOMA Film                  FOMA Film                                         FOMA Film
                                                                                                               The White Crow             Anthropocene: The                                 Midsommar
                                                                                                                                          Human Epoch
                                            L E CT U R E                                                                     23

                                            29th Annual Thompson Lecture
                                            October 15 • 6:00p • FIA Theater
                  FIA members-              Protecting the Priceless: History in Peril!
                  only event
                                            Guest Lecturer: Robert K. Wittman
                                            The Devil’s Diary: Alfred Rosenberg and the Stolen Secrets of the Third
                                            Reich (Harper; Hardcover) by New York Times bestselling author Robert
                                            K. Wittman chronicles Wittman’s dramatic 2013 recovery of the long-
                                            lost private diary of Alfred Rosenberg, who, as the Nazi Party’s chief
                                            ideologue, laid the philosophical foundations for the Holocaust. The
                                            diary had been lost for more than 60 years. Rosenberg is known as
                                            the man who made Hitler into Hitler. The book mines the diary’s long-
                                            hidden contents to create a groundbreaking, page-turning account
                                            of the Nazi rise to power, the Final Solution, and Germany’s brutal
                                            occupation of the Soviet Union.
                                               Wittman discusses his new book and the importance of the

                                                                                                                         NEWS & PROGRAMS
                                            protection and recovery of manuscripts and lost artworks. Known in
                                            some circles as the FBI’s real Indiana Jones, Wittman has recovered
                  Robert K. Wittman
                                            more than $300 million in lost and stolen artwork and cultural property.
                                            He chronicles many of these thrilling recoveries in “Protecting the
                                            Priceless: History in Peril!”
                                               Wittman joined the FBI as a Special Agent in 1988. He served as
                                            the agency’s investigative expert involving cultural property crime.
                                            Because of his unique experience, Wittman coauthored the FBI
                                            Cultural Property Investigative Manual in 2001. In 2005, he created the
                                                                                             FBI’s rapid deployment
                  The Thompson                                                               national Art Crime Team
                  Lecture was                                                                (ACT). Wittman has
                  established in 1991                                                        conducted investigations
                  by Dr. and Mrs.                                                            across the globe and
                  Jack W. Thompson                                                           instructed international
                  to enable the
                                                                                             police and museums
                  Flint Institute of
                  Arts to present
                                                                                             in recovery and use
                  a distinguished                                                            of high-asset value
                  speaker in the arts                                                        security techniques. He
                  or humanities each                                                         has written two books,
                  year. The Thompson                                                         including the best seller
                  Lecture is one of                                                          The Devil’s Diary, and
                  the Institute’s few                                                        been featured on the
                  members-only events                                                        History Chanel. Wittman
                  and was established,
                                                                                             is president of Robert
                  in part, to attract new
                  members to the FIA.
                                                                                             Wittman Inc., which
                                                                                             specializes in consulting
                                                                                             in art matters, including
                                                                                             expert witness testimony,
                                                                                             investigation, and
                                                                                             collection management.
                  Media Sponsor
                                                 I M M E R S I V E EXPER I ENC E                                          TAK E-A-S EAT                                                           TAX BENEFITS                                       25

                                                 The Sheppy Dog Fund                                                      Grayce Scholt                                                           Benefit the FIA with
                                                 October 23 • 7:00p • FIA Theater
                                                                                                                          The FIA honors and remembers Grayce Scholt.                             Your IRA Distribution:
                                                                                                                          Grayce served on the Board of Trustees, donat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  There may be new
                  Free and open                  Irish Folk Tales and Halloween Legends:                                  ed works of art to the permanent collection, and
                  to the public                                                                                           was a dedicated student of ceramics in the Art                          requirements!
                                                 An Evening of Storytelling                                               School. Her legacy continues through a bequest
                                                                                                                          to the Art School endowment.                                            Currently, individuals 70½ are required
                                                 Storyteller: Mark Ó Géaráin                                                                                                                      by the IRS to take annual Required
                                                 This evening recalls legends and tales, for an adult audience, of the                                                                            Minimum Distributions from their
                                                 ancient feast known now as Halloween.                                                                                                            retirement accounts. If the impending
                                                    Irish Storyteller Mark Ó Géaráin presents the origins of Samhain                                                                              SECURE Act is passed, the age
                                                 (pronounced SAH-win) through shadowy, twisted stories marking                                                                                    will change to 72. Check with your
                                                 the beginning of the dark half of the year. These mythologies have                                                                               financial advisor to verify the required
                                                 inspired and protected Irish people for generations. Ó Géaráin gives                                                                             age. Please consider directing your
                                                 a raw and darkly funny look at the stories and traditions that have                                                                              distribution to the Flint Institute of Arts.
                                                 shaped the legend’s life.                                                                                                                        The FIA is a 501(c)(3) which qualifies
                                                    Ó Géaráin is the Experience Manager of the National Leprechaun                                                                                you to take a tax-free distribution from

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS & PROGRAMS
                                                 Museum in Dublin, Ireland, the world’s only museum dedicated                                                                                     your retirement plan. This is an excellent
                  Mark Ó Géaráin                                                                                           Take-A-Seat Form                                                       way for you to make gifts and receive
                                                 to Irish folklore and mythology. He grew up in the foothills of the
                                                 Dublin Mountains, surrounded by tales of Gods and warriors, heroes        Payment Options                                                        tax benefits in return.
                                                 and monsters. Coming from a background in fine art and sculpture,         Seat - $1,000
                                                 Ó Géaráin found the medium of the spoken word to be more fluid            o A one time payment
                                                                                                     and flexible than     o A pledge of $500 per year for two years
                                                                                                     steel or stone.       o Instead of sponsoring a seat, I would like to make
                                                                                                     Storytelling has        a gift to the Endowment Fund of $ _______________
                                                                                                     a commonality         Brass Plaque Inscription
                                                                                                     which allows          Please clearly print the text as you would like it to appear
                                                                                                     people from all       on your brass plaque. It can be your name, a family
                                                                                                     backgrounds and       name, a business name or a tribute to another person
                                                                                                     cultures to come      (three lines maximum, one character per box, blank
                                                                                                                           spaces count as one character).
                                                                                                     together. He
                                                                                                     firmly considers                                                                             • Contact the broker or investment
                                                                                                     himself to be                                                                                  company that manages your IRA.
                                                                                                     a “storyteller                                                                               • Set up a transfer directly from your
                                                                                                     and conversa-                                                                                  IRA to the FIA. You are the IRA trustee
                                                                                                     tionalist” and                                                                                 and it is up to you to make the
                                                                                                                           Method of Payment
                                                                                                     believes there are                                                                             order to qualify for the tax benefit
                                                                                                     no stories unless                                                                              of showing no income from the
                                                                                                     there are people      Address____________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                    distribution. Please remember: if you
                                                                                                     to tell them to.      City_________________________________ State________ Zip_____________     withdraw the money from your IRA
                                                                                                                           o Check payable to “FIA Endowment Fund”                                  and later donate it, it will not qualify
                                                                                                                                                                                                    as a tax-free qualified charitable
                                                                                                                           o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o AMEX
                  John Rogers Cox                                                                                          Acct. #___________________________________________ CVV # ___________   • All distributions must be made any-
                  American, 1915–1990
                  Nocturne - Silver and Grey,
                                                                                                                           Exp. Date____________ Signature__________________________                time during the calendar year but
                  1952                                        The Sheppy Dog Fund Lecture has                                                                                                       always on or before Dec. 31, 2019.
                                                              been established to address the topics                       Return form to:                For more information:
                  Oil and tempera on
                  Masonite                                                                                                 Take-A-Seat                    contact Kathryn Sharbaugh               • The FIA will send you a donation
                                                              of art, religion, and history, and is
                  17 x 237/8 inches                                                                                        Flint Institute of Arts        at 810.234.1695 or 		                     acknowledgement for tax purposes.
                                                              funded annually by The Sheppy Dog
                  Gift of Pat Glascock and                                                                                 1120 E. Kearsley St. 
                  Michael D. Hall in memory                   Fund, Dr. Alan Klein, Advisor.                               Flint, MI 48503
                                                                                                                                                                                                  If you have questions, please call or
                  of all American Regional                                                                                                                                                        email Kathryn Sharbaugh, 810.234.1695
                  artist, Inlander Collection,
                                                                                                                           Your contribution is tax deductible in accordance with current law.
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