Page created by Henry Richardson
         VIRTUAL + IN - PERSON
    F I L M M A K E R PA N E L S + MO R E

          A P R I L 3 0 – M AY 7

                                                                               SPONSOR LISTINGS                                                1

     let’s meet up at                                                          MESSAGES
                                                                               P A S S E S / T I C K E T S
                                                                               V I R T UA L E N C O R E F E S T I VA L

         hotel SLO
                                                                               VENUES       							                                            8
                                                                               RED CARPET EVENTS              					                           10
                                                                               SPEC IAL PRESE NTATION SC RE E NINGS                           16
                                                                               GEORGE SIDNEY FILM COMPETITION                  		             21
                                                                               N A R R A T I V E F E A T U R E S 				                         22
                                                                               D O C U M E N T A R Y F E A T U R E S 				                     26
                                                                               SCHEDULE              						                                   31
                                                                               E N C O R E W E E K 						                                     36
                                                                               NARR ATIVE SHORTS                    				                      37
                                                                               D O C U M E N T A R Y S H O R T S 				                         42
                                                                               C E N T R A L C O A S T F I L M M A K E R S H O W C A S E 		   44
                                                                               S H O R T S P R O G R A M S 					                              48
                                                                               MUSIC VIDEOS                 					                             52
                                                                               FILMMAKERS OF TOMORROW                    		                   54
                                                                               BE H I N D TH E SC E N ES PAN E L S       		                   55
                                                                               I N D E X 							                                              60

                                                        PATIO AT OX + ANCHOR
                                                                                                          FEATURED WINERY
As proud sponsors of the 2023 SLO International Film Festival, Hotel
SLO invites you to take advantage of our convenient location adja-
cent to the Palm Theater. Join us for a perfect night out before or after
film screenings - where you can dine alfresco and enjoy craft cocktails.
                                                                                                       EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS
OX + ANCHOR               PIADINA                 HIGH BAR
A modern spin on          For a casual vibe       Craft cocktails and
the classic steakhouse,   with farm-fresh fare    shared bites al fresco
drawing inspiration       inspired by Italy and   on the rooftop.
from the hills and        the Central Coast.      DAILY 2-9P
sea surrounding           DAILY 11:30A-9P         (WEATHER PERMITTING)
San Luis Obispo.

                                                                                                    LET’S GO BACK TO THE MOVIES                    1
SPONSORS                                                       SPONSORS
                      PRODUCERS                                                    CINEMATOGRAPHERS

                                                                                             FA M I LY F O U N DAT I O N

                                                                                                   MONA &


                                                                                                                                 PAUL &
                                             ROSSI                                                                               METCHIK


                                                                                     LEAD ACTORS
                                                          LIBBIE AGRAN—WINE           GROWING TOGETHER:                           PRAMS
                                                          HISTORY PROJECT OF            AN LGBTQ+ FUND                       R.A.C.E. MATTERS
                                                              SLO COUNTY              VICTORIA GROSTICK                     JERRY & KIM SCOTT
    H YDE PARK                                          AMERICAN RIVIERA BANK            HOTEL CERRO
     PARTN E RS                                                                                                                SEACREST
                                                          ADAMSKI, MOROSKI,             STACEY HUNT &                      OCEANFRONT HOTEL
                                                        MADDEN, CUMBERLAND &            IRENE SHIPPEE &
                                                              GREEN LLP                                                     PATRICIA GOMEZ &
                                                                                         JANICE ROHN                        FRANKLIN M. SEIPLE,
                                                           SUZAN BOATMAN                INN AT THE COVE                         ARCHITECT
                                                            THE BAUMBERGERS               FREDERICK                         BIZ STEINBERG IN
                                                         IN LOVING MEMORY OF              LAW FIRM                            MEMORY OF
                                                           HELEN BAUMBERGER                                                  HER HUSBAND
                                                                                        TREVOR, EMILY &
                                                           MARY BAIAMONTE                                                  HOWARD STEINBERG
                                                                                     BABY GEORGE KIMBALL
                                                           CONNIE BOOTON                                                    SUSAN STERN-PEARL
                                                                                       MAGGIE KING IN
                                                            JAMES & FELICIA            MEMORY OF HER                        SURFING FOR HOPE
                                                               CASHIN                 HUSBAND DALE KING                     SWIFT ACTION FUND
                                                           SHARON DOBSON               LATINO OUTREACH                       TALLEY VINEYARDS
                                                           THE DOLPHIN BAY                                                  TIDES OCEANVIEW
                                                             RESORT & SPA              MED STOP URGENT                       INN & COTTAGES
                                                                                         CARE CENTER
                                                            EBERLE WINERY                                                  TRANZ CENTRAL COAST
                                                                                       MADONNA PLAZA
                                                           EDIBLE MAGAZINE                                                      CINDY
                                                                                     PACIFIC EYE SURGEONS
                                                           THE MARTHA OLSON                                                 WATHEN-KENNEDY
                                                                                       POINT OF ACTION
                                                        FERNANDEZ FOUNDATION

2                 W W W.SLOFILMFEST.ORG                                        LET’S GO BACK TO THE MOVIES                                        3
SPONSORS                                                    MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR
                                SUPPORTING CAST                                               Many of us have deep memories of going to the movies. The smell of fresh popcorn, going on
                                                                                             first dates, being inspired, laughing with the crowd, quietly holding back sniffles from your tears
                                                                                             and the rush of adrenaline from all the action. Within the visually stunning Central Coast we are
        ACCESS FOR ALL              FIRST AMERICAN TITLE        SHERRIE RHEINGANS            back to doing what we do best­­—host groundbreaking films in iconic venues rich with memories
                                                                                             and history. This year I encourage you to join us to create new memories at the movies! Movies
        THE ALLEN FAMILY           DAVID HARDBERGER &              B.K. RICHARD &                   have the potential to challenge us, inspire us and create needed change within us all.
                                    MARGARET MEANS                 EMILY ROSTEN
         BILL CLEMENS &                                                                                        SKYE MCLENNAN
          SUSIE CLARK                JEFF & KERRY HELLER         ANNE SHANNON                         SLO FILM FEST EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
      CROMA VERA WINES                HERMAN STORY                BERN SINGSEN
         OF EXPRESSIVE                  SLO COUNTY              ERICA A. STEWART &
      CAL POLY DEPARTMENT                JANET                 KRISTIN SWARTZMAN
     STUDIES IN LIBERAL ARTS                                       TOM WILSON
                                        MAUREEN                    IN TRIBUTE TO
        SHARON & JOHN               ‘NURSE MO’ MCGEE            JACKIE MACFARLANE
                                       ERIN MCCALL &            TOM & JUDY WALTERS
         SANDRA DUERR                   MIKE MCCALL             THE WILKINS FAMILY
     BRUCE EKMANIAN, CPA                 ROXY PECK

                                   FILM SOCIETY
              1865                     REGINA GOSS            PARRISH FAMILY VINEYARD
     NOTHING BUNDT CAKES                   PARCH               WILLIAM PENDERGRASS
         MARCIA ALTER                MARGARET JUREN              D.K. & JUDY PHILBIN                                        Executive Director: Skye McLennan
       BAILEYANA WINERY                 DAVE KEITEL               ANN ROBINSON                                               Associate Director: Grace Tucker
                                                                                                                       Development Director: Chelsea Baumberger
    BELLA LUNA ESTATE WINERY            MARIA KELLY              KATHRYN ROGERS                                     Programmer and Festival Assistant: Cindy Kitagawa
     CLAIBORNE & CHURCHILL             NITA KENYON                HEATHER SEALY                                           Volunteer Coordinator: Matthew Brown
                                                                                                Marketing Interns and Box Office Assistants: Jenna Dierkes, Maya Pugatch, Shanti Herzog
            WINERY                   PAUL & MARY KERN             VIRGINIA SENN                                          Development Assistant: Jayne Alexander
        CURIOUS ELIXIRS                                                                 Board—alphabetical by last name: Lydia Bates, Sandra Duerr, David Hardberger, Maria Kelly, Nina Leschinsky,
                                       KERIK KOUKLIS              ISAAC SHAFRAN                   Erin McCall, Paul Metchik, Kyle Plummer, Janice Rohn, Suzanne Schonig, Tom Walters
         DAVE CORONEL                NINA LESCHINSKY                 SLO CIDER
       INDIA D’AVIGNON                                                                                                              Additional Thanks
                                       NOVA MARKS             STEVEN & THERESE SOUZA                                         Graphic Designer: Elizabeth Kurrels
    FIELD RECORDINGS WINERY                                                                                                        Publicist: John Wildman
                                     ALISSA MADDREN                MARY WALKER                                               Lounge Coordinator: Nicole LeBlanc
        MICHAEL FLORES               SARA MIKKELSON            THERE DOES NOT EXIST                                Swag Bag Coordinators: Shoug Albahar, Madison East
         FLYING EMBERS                                                                                         And a big thank you to all of our volunteers, sponsors and venues!
                                        AYRAL ODILE             REX & JANICE WOLF
              HIYO               BEN & JACKIE PARKER FAMILY       JAMES WOOLLEY

                                                                                               MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR

                               SWAG BAG DONORS
                                                                                                    I enthusiastically support the 29th San Luis Obispo International Film Festival. I am proud
       EDIBLE MAGAZINE                    MENDER                  SLO PROVISIONS                     of the growth of this historic event and look forward to the special events, new films, and
                                                                                                   important storytelling. This is truly one of the most exciting cultural events of the year, and I
          FABLE RUNE                 NATE’S ON MARSH               TACO WORKS                                    am excited that this event is being offered in-person and virtually!
        MADONNA INN                   PASO ALMONDS                                                                  E R I C A A . S T E WA R T , M AYO R
                                                                                                                    CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO

                     VIE W A COMPLE TE AND UPDATE D
                          LIST ON OUR WEBSITE.

4                              W W W.SLOFILMFEST.ORG                                                                  LET’S GO BACK TO THE MOVIES                                                      5
PASSES                                                                  VIRTUAL ENCORE FESTIVAL
                         S L O F I L M F E S T I VA L E N C O U R AG E S                                                   NEW THIS YEAR, WE ARE EXTENDING OUR
                         PA SS HOLDE RS TO ARRIVE AT TH E                                                                   F E S T I VA L PA S T T H E 6 - D AY E X P E R I E N C E !
                       VE NUE AT LE A ST 35 MINUTES BE FORE                                                              Whether you were out of town and couldn’t make the in-person screenings from April 25–30,
                          THE START OF E AC H SC RE E NING.                                                             would rather watch from the comfort of your home, or just want to continue the festivities into May,
                    Passholders will be let into the venue 30 minutes before the screening time, and will be                                   we have multiple offerings from April 30–May 7!
                      seated on a first-come, first-serve basis. All remaining passholders will be seated in
                     order of arrival. Passholders are not guaranteed a seat to any screening or any other               J O I N U S V I R T U A L LY F R O M A P R I L 3 0 – M AY 7 !
                   festival event. Pre-sold ticket buyers will be seated 15 minutes before the screening time.             Look for the cloud icon on film descriptions to indicate whether the film is available virtually or
                                                                                                                         not. Some films are restricted to California and some have limited virtual capacity, so we suggest
    FESTIVAL PASSES                                                TICKET PACKAGES                                       booking online in advance for individual ticket buyers and Fan Pack holders. Please check online
    ALL-ACCESS MOVIE MOGUL+ $400                                   Save on transaction fees and bring the price          film descriptions for virtual restrictions. Films can be played on your desktop or on your Smart TV
                                                                   of individual tickets down! Not sure how to          through Chromecast or the Elevent App in Apple and Roku stores. More information and FAQs on
    • Grants one person access to all festival                                                                                                      virtual streaming can be found on our website.
       screenings, receptions, workshops, panels,                  fulfill your Fan Pack? Please visit our website
       red carpet events and the Festival Lounge                   for step-by-step instructions on how to select
    • Full virtual encore access for one
                                                                   your films in advance or visit us at our HQ!                                         VISIT
       household April 30–May 7                                                                                                        W W W.V I R T U A L . G O E L E V E N T . C O M
                                                                   FAN PACK 6 $90                                                                TO VIEW FILMS
    • Access to Encore in Paso Robles                              • Six-ticket package good for regular screenings
       screenings, May 2, 3, 4                                                                                           If you have an All-Access Pass (Movie Mogul Pass, Sponsor All-Access, Filmmaker All-Access)
                                                                     in-person or on the virtual platform               or a SLOFilmFest@Home Pass, please log in to the PASS HOLDER area. If you have a Fan Pack 6
    • Please note that some events require an RSVP                 • Purchase your Pack and then make your                     Package or have purchased individual tickets please use the TICKET HOLDER area.
                                                                     film selections on our website or at HQ                    Please Note: FAN PACK holders must select their films in advance and will be sent
    MOVIE STAR+ $225
                                                                   • You must select tickets in advance and                                              a voucher code after selection.
    • Grants access for one person to all regular                    have a ticket for the screening
      festival screenings, workshops and panels
                                                                   • Packages can be shared between multiple people                                       SLOFILMFEST@HOME $120
    • Festival Lounge Access Wednesday
      through Friday before 5pm                                                                                                                              (THE VIRTUAL FESTIVAL)
                                                                   FAN PACK 4 $40                                                                The virtual pass grants access for one household
    • Special presentation screenings, encore screenings           • Four-ticket package good for regular screenings
      and red carpet events are NOT included                                                                                                       to all virtual screenings throughout the week.
                                                                      ONLY AT THE FREMONT THEATER. Events and
    • Full virtual encore access for one                             special presentation screenings not included
      household April 30–May 7                                                                                                                          INDIVIDUAL VIRTUAL TICKETS:
                                                                   • Purchase your Pack and then make your                                                       $12 General
                                                                     film selections on our website or at HQ                                               $10 Student + Film Society
                                                                   • You must select tickets in advance and
    • Access for one household to all virtual screenings             have a ticket for the screening
       throughout the week, April 30–May 7
                                                                   • Packages can be shared between multiple people
    • Please note that not all films are available virtually

                                                                                                                             VIRTUAL KEY                                         IN-PERSON SCREENINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                    IN PASO ROBLES:

                                             TICKETS                                                                       AVAILABLE VIRTUALLY
                                                                                                                                                                                               TUESDAY, MAY 2
                                                                                                                                                                                             DUSTY AND STONES
                      Individual tickets can be purchased in advance across all venues. Tickets must be                                                                                    OKLAHOMA BREAKDOWN
                       redeemed online for the film you are interested in seeing. All events are general
                         admission and we suggest you arrive at least 30 minutes before showtime.
                                                                                                                                                                                            WEDNESDAY, MAY 3
                  In-Person Single Tickets:                                         E.T. At the Drive-In:                                                                                             4:30PM
                         $15 General                                                  $15 Per Occupant                                                                                         VICUNA SALVATION
                   $12 Student + Film Society                                      $10 Under 12 years old                     VIEWABLE ONLY IN                                                        7:30PM
                                                                                       $10 Per Bicycle                           CALIFORNIA                                                       I LIKE MOVIES
                      Virtual Tickets:
                        $12 General                                                   Textures of Love
                  $10 Student + Film Society                                          Shorts Program:                                                                                        THURSDAY, MAY 4
                                                                                     FREE with registration                                                                                       4:30PM
                                                                                                                                         CA                                                    HOME OWNERS
                    Red Carpet Events:
                        $25 General                                                        Panels:                                                                                                7:30PM
                  $20 Student + Film Society                                             $5 General                                                                                        THE AMPHORA PROJECT +
                   Unless otherwise stated.                                            Passes Accepted                              LIMITED                                                 IN PURSUIT OF FLAVOR
                                                                                                                                   OF VIEWS
                                                        REFUND POLICY:                                                             AVAILABLE
                                      All ticket sales are final. No refunds or exchanges.                                                                                                                         *VIEW A MORE
                                       In the event of a sellout, refunds will be honored                                                                                                                          DETAILED
                                                    for individual ticket holders.                                                                                                                                 SCHEDULE ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 36

6                                         W W W.SLOFILMFEST.ORG                                                                               LET’S GO BACK TO THE MOVIES                                                         7
                                    HEADQUARTER HOURS
                  PRE-FEST                                           DURING THE FEST
      April 1–April 16         April 17–April 24                             April 25–April 30
      Mon, Tues, Wed:         Everyday: Noon–6PM                                9AM–8PM
    Thurs, Fri: Noon–6PM
    Sat, Sun: 10AM–4PM
                                     FESTIVAL LOUNGE AT                                                                                                                                 SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                                       Thursday - Monday
                                                                                                                                                                                         5:00 to 9:00 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                            STARTING Gate
                                                                                                                                                           THE STABLES BAR
                                          LOUNGE HOURS                                                                                                                         Every day Happy Hour(s)
                                                                                                                         “Wonderful                                                    4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
                                         Tuesday, April 25: CLOSED
                                     Wednesday, April 26: 5PM–10PM
                                                                                                                          new spot.
                                     Thursday, April 27: Noon–10:30PM                                              Y
                                      Friday, April 28: Noon–10:30PM
                               Saturday, April 29: 10AM–6PM / 9PM–11PM

                                                                                                                         energy, great                                                  PRIVATE
                                       Sunday, April 30: 10AM–10PM

                                                                                                                        food, friendly                                                   EVENTS
            View a more detailed scheduled online. Guided wine tastings, panels, workshops and more!               CY
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Book today!

       F E S T I VA L                       DOWNTOWN                                        SUNSET
    HEADQUARTERS                              CENTRE                                       DRIVE-IN
         849 Higuera St.                     CINEMAS                                         255 Elks Ln.
                                                888 Marsh St.               
        F E S T I VA L
        LOUNGE                                                                            LUNA RED
           967 Osos St.                          PAL M                                      1023 Chorro St.
                                                THE ATRE                          
                                                   817 Palm St.
        THE ATE R
        1035 Monterey St.

                             For all accessible bookings or inquiries, or to notify us of your
                              needs so we can make your visit as enjoyable as possible,
                               please call 805.546.3456 or email:
                   Visit our website for venue accessibility information:                                                          *Polpette: beef, pork, and veal meatball,
                                                                                                                                                          sauce pomodoro, basil gremolata, fresh
                                                                                                                                                          burratta mozzarella

8                                   W W W.SLOFILMFEST.ORG                                                               450 MARSH sT. SLO, CA | 805 544 4454 | | @natesonmarsh
RED CARPET EVENTS                                                                                               RED CARPET EVENTS
                                    OPENING NIGHT                                                                        CENTRAL COAST FILMMAKERS SHOWCASE
                        SPONSORED BY HOTEL SAN LUIS OBISPO                                                                        THERE’S NO PL AC E LIKE HOME!
                                                                                                                       Just a short drive to nearby major cities, the Central Coast boasts incredible scenic filming
                                                                                                                     locations and some of the most amazing talent. Join us on Wednesday, April 26, as we spend
                                                                                                                      the day showcasing films from our Central Coast Filmmakers and celebrate this outstanding
                                                                                                                         community. Awards for this category will be presented at the Wednesday night event.
                                                                                                                     Central Coast Filmmaker Showcase juried by Jody Nelson, Randi Barros and Anuja Ganpule.

                                                                                                                   I WANT MY SLOMVTV! MUSIC VIDEO SHOWCASE
               A N D S P E C I A L F I L M , B L A C K B E R R Y.                                                                                 SUPPORTED BY 93.3 KZOZ
     Come and kick off the 29th SLO Film Festival by meeting our special guests and fellow film and                Remember back in the ‘80s, ‘90s and early 2000s when MTV actually played music videos? For
     music lovers at this year’s Opening Night Reception hosted by Luna Red, just a few blocks from                the third year in a row, music videos officially have a home at our festival. We are elated to once
      the Fremont Theater. We’ll have live music from popular SLO County band, THE TAPROOTS,                         again be able to experience and celebrate the eclectic mix of creative music videos in person
             along with wine, beer and appetizers to help us ring in the start to a great week.                    alongside live music performances by Caleb Nichols, Connect the Coast, The Honeyboys
                                                                                                                    & a Peaking Lights DJ set! Awards will be presented in both the Central Coast Filmmaker and
                                                                                                                         Music Video Showcase on Wednesday, April 26, during our Music Video Showcase.
                                                      BLACKBERRY                                                      Music Video Showcase juried by Manuel Del Valle, David Hardberger and Ernesto Rivera.
                                                      Coming straight from its premiere at SXSW,
                                                      BLACKBERRY tells the story of Mike Lazaridis (Jay
                                                      Baruchel) and Jim Balsillie (Glenn Howerton), the two     WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26
                                                      men who charted the course of the spectacular rise and    FREMONT THEATER
                                                      catastrophic demise of the world’s first smartphone.
                                                      Recounting the Canadian company’s humble yet              7:30PM LIVE MUSIC + MUSIC VIDEO
                                                      chaotic rise to market dominance, BLACKBERRY is a         SHOWCASE + CCFS / MV AWARDS
                                                      darkly comedic telling of the tragic tale of a Canadian
                                                      company that revolutionized the way we communicate,       $25 General
                                                      before swiftly plummeting into obsolescence.              $20 Student / Film Society
                                                                                                                All-Access Passes accepted
                                                      DIRECTOR: Matt Johnson
                                                      WRITERS: Matt Johnson, Matthew Miller
                                                      PRODUCER: Niv Fichman

                                                      TUESDAY, APRIL 25
                                                      5PM RECEPTION AT LUNA RED
                                                      7PM FILM SCREENING AT FREMONT THEATER                                See page 52 for more
                                                                                                                     information on our Music Video
                                                                                                                      Showcase and pages 44–46
                                                      Reception: Only open to All-Access Passholders.                   for more information on the
                                                      Limited capacity. Must RSVP by Saturday, April 22.              Central Coast Showcase films.
                                                      Film Screening:
                                                      $25 General / $20 Student
                                                      All-Access Passes accepted

10                                          T U E S DAY                                                                                                   W E D N E S DAY                                                11
RED CARPET EVENTS                                                                                                            RED CARPET EVENTS
                                               E.T. LANDS AT THE                                                                                                                  SURF NITE
                                               SUNSET DRIVE-IN
                                                                                                                                                            PRESENTED BY CITY OF PISMO BEACH
                                  PRESENTED BY CENTRAL COAST FILM SOCIETY                                                                          ALSO SUPPORTED BY VESPERA RESORT ON PISMO BEACH,
                                       ALSO SUPPORTED BY COAST 104.5                                                                            SURFING FOR HOPE, THE KRUSH 92.5 AND CAYUCOS COLLECTIVE

     IT IS WITH GRE AT                                           E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
     E XC ITEME NT THAT WE                                       4K RESTORATION
     THE SUNSET DRIVE-IN                                         After a gentle alien becomes stranded on Earth, it is
     THIS YEAR TO PRESENT                                        discovered and befriended by a young boy named
                                                                 Elliott (Henry Thomas). Naming the extra terrestrial E.T.,
     A RETROSPECTIVE                                             he brings his new friend into his suburban home and
     SCREENING OF THE                                            introduces the alien to his brother and his little sister,
     ADORED CL ASSIC , E.T.                                      Gertie (Drew Barrymore). Though the children decide
     THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL.                                      to keep its existence a secret, E.T. soon falls ill, resulting
                                                                 in government intervention and a dire situation for both
     New this year, in true E.T. fashion, you can cycle into     Elliott and the alien.
     the drive-in! Please dress warmly and don’t forget
     blankets and cozy gear!

                                                                                                                                                     SURF NITE IN SLO IS ONE OF THOSE
                                                                                                                                                    R ARE E VE NTS FU E LE D BY TH E E N E RGY
                                                                                                                                                      AND ENTHUSIASM OF THE CROWD
                                                                                                                                                         THAT AT TE NDS E AC H YE AR .
                                                                                                                                                    It is with great excitement that we will be returning to the FREMONT
                                                                                                                                                    THEATER for the first time in many years to celebrate surfing on the
                                                                                                                                                     big screen! With iconic cars, drinks in the lobby and live music from the
                                                                                                                                                   Boomer Surf Band before the feature, join us for what’s been coined
                                                                                                                                                   the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” for surf and film lovers!

                                                                                                                                  We’re excited to present the 100 FOOT WAVE                THE 100 FOOT WAVE EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                  Experience with legendary Big Wave Surfer Garrett         On the brink of airing Season 2, we are so thrilled to
                                                                                                                                  & his partner Nicole McNamara in attendance.              play an episode from the first season of HBO’s 100
                                                                                                                                  McNamara’s Emmy-award winning show explores               FOOT WAVE, featuring Garrett McNamara who
                                                                                                                                  big wave surfing and the pursuit conquering the 100       pioneered the giant waves of the previously unknown
     DRIVE-IN TIPS                                                         THURSDAY, APRIL 27                                     foot wave. This is a rare opportunity to see the show     town of Nazare, Portugal.
     • Reduce your car                                                     SUNSET DRIVE-IN                                        on the big screen and hear from Garrett himself and
                                                                                                                                                                                            His effort drove the sport of surfing to new heights
        battery usage by                                                                                                          what’s upcoming in Season 2.
        bringing an FM Radio.                                              6:30PM | GATE OPENS                                                                                              and helped transform this tiny fishing village into the
                                                                           8PM | FILM BEGINS                                                                                                world’s preeminent big-wave surfing destination. This
     • Two cars per slot (look out                                                                                                FRIDAY, APRIL 28                                          breathtaking six-part documentary series chronicles
        for the white poles)
     • Please park larger vehicles (trucks
                                                                           $15 Per Occupant                                       FREMONT THEATER                                           McNamara’s quest, and we can’t wait to experience
                                                                           $10 Under 12 years old                                                                                           one of the episodes on the big screen with you, like
        + vans) in the back rows to avoid                                  $10 Per Bicycle — Cycle into the drive-in in           5:30PM DOORS OPEN + LIVE MUSIC                            you’ve never seen it before.
        blocking the view of smaller vehicles                              style! We’ll have an area just for cyclists            7PM FILM BEGINS
     • Snack bar is CASH ONLY! Enjoy all the                                                                                                                                                After the film we’ll be joined for a conversation by
        movie-viewing staples including hot dogs,                                                                                 $25 General                                               surfing legend and the main subject in the film, Garrett
        nachos, candy, soda and popcorn.                                                                                          $20 Student / Film Society                                McNamara, and shown an exclusive blooper reel
                                                                                                                                  All-Access Passes accepted. Must RSVP                     of the content that didn’t make it into the show, and a
                                                                                                                                                                                            teaser of what’s to come in Season 2!

12                                                       T H U R S DAY                                                                                                                F R I DAY                                                        13
RED CARPET EVENTS                                                                                              RED CARPET EVENTS
                                   AWARDS GALA:                                                                                                               CLOSING NIGHT
                            A CELEBRATION OF FILM & CRAFT
                                                                                                                                                      SPONSORED BY BHE RENEWABLES
                                PRESENTED BY COUCH FAMILY WINES
                           ALSO SUPPORTED BY DOLPHIN BAY RESORT & SPA
                                                                                                                                   T H E 2 9 T H A N N UA L S L O F I L M F E S T I VA L
                     J O I N U S F O R O U R M O S T H I G H LY                                                                     WILL WR AP UP WITH OUR AUDIENCE
                 ANTIC I PATE D E VE N ING A S WE C E LE BR ATE                                                                           AWARD WINNERS VOTED ON
                AWARD - WINNING FIL MS ON THE STAGE OF                                                                           T H R O U G H O U T T H E F E S T I VA L , A L O N G S I D E
                    THE HISTORIC FREMONT THE ATE R .                                                                                      A SHOWING OF IMORDECAI.
               Filmmakers and special guests will grace the Red Carpet leading up to the awards ceremony.          Based on a true story, IMORDECAI is a comedy about        Mordecai becomes friends with the “Einsteins” led by
              George Sidney Independent Film Awards, presented each year in several categories, are juried         a Holocaust survivor whose life changes when his          Nina, who teach him to use this strange device with
                                    by film and media professionals in the industry.                               son buys him an iPhone. Mordecai (JUDD HIRSCH)            no buttons. He becomes open to new experiences
                            Stay tuned for a late announcement on special guests!                                  likes to fix things. It’s why his phone is 20 years old   and new perspectives. Ultimately he begins to heal
                                                                                                                   and held together with duct tape and tinfoil. It’s why    the things he cannot fix and turn the pain of his
                                                                                                                   he worked his entire life as a plumber and a painter.     past into something beautiful. A journey that takes
     SATURDAY, APRIL 29                                                  9PM AWARDS NIGHT                          But this is a story about the things he cannot fix:       you through every human emotion, IMORDECAI
     FREMONT THEATER                                                         AFTERPARTY                            Getting older, the Alzheimer’s diagnosis of his wife      teaches you that it’s never too late for inspiration.
                                                                      FESTIVAL LOUNGE: 967 OSOS                    Fela (CAROL KANE), and his relationship with his
     5:30PM RED CARPET                                                                                                                                                       102 min | USA
                                                                                                                   son Marvin (SEAN ASTIN, The Lord of the Rings).
     6:30PM AWARDS CEREMONY                                                     STREET                                                                                       DIRECTOR: Marvin Samel
     9PM AFTERPARTY                                                                                                Sometimes, something small and unexpected can
                                                                      Party the night away with the award                                                                    WRITERS: Marvin Samel, Rudy Gaines, Dahlia Heyman
                                                                                                                   change your whole world. For Mordecai, this moment
     $25 General / $20 Student + Film Society                       winners, live music, bites and drinks at the                                                             PRODUCERS: Marvin Samel, Dahlia Heyman
                                                                                                                   happens when his son, Marvin, replaces his ancient
     All-Access Passes and Red Carpet/Special                       Festival Lounge, just a quick walk from the                                                              KEY CAST: Sean Astin, Judd Hirsch, Carol Kane,
                                                                                                                   phone with a brand new iPhone. This act sets off a
     Presentation Tickets accepted                                               Fremont Theater.                                                                            Azia Dinea Hale, Stephanie J. Block
                                                                                                                   series of unexpected events and magically changes
                                                                             All-Access Passes Only                both Mordecai and the people closest to him.
                                                                     Rush Tickets: $50 General/$45 Student

                                             NUCLEAR NOW
                                                              We are excited to be hosting the US Festival
                                                              Premiere of Oliver Stone’s new documentary
                                                              NUCLEAR NOW, based on the book, A
                                                              Bright Future, by Joshua S. Goldstein. With
                                                              unprecedented access to the nuclear industry in
                                                              France, Russia, and the United States, NUCLEAR
                                                              NOW explores the possibility for the global
                                                              community to overcome the challenges of climate
                                                              change and energy poverty to reach a brighter
                                                              future through the power of nuclear energy.
                                                              Looking squarely at the problem, Oliver Stone
                                                              shows us that knowledge is the antidote to fear,
                                                              and our human ingenuity will allow us to solve the
                                                              climate change crisis if we use it.
                                                              104 min | USA
                                                              DIRECTOR: Oliver Stone
                                                              WRITERS: Oliver Stone, Joshua S. Goldstein
                                                              PRODUCERS: Fernando Sulichin,
                                                              Maximilien Arvelaiz, Rob Wilson

                                                              SUNDAY, APRIL 30
                                                              FREMONT THEATER
                                                              9:30AM                                               SUNDAY, APRIL 30                                          $25 General
                                                              $15 General                                          FREMONT THEATER                                           $20 Student + Film Society
                                                                                                                                                                             All-Access Passes + Movie Star Passes accepted
                                                              $12 Film Society + Student                           7PM AWARDS + SCREENING
                                   US FESTIVAL PREMIERE       Movie Star Passes accepted

14                                          S A T U R D A Y/ S U N D A Y                                                                                              S U N DAY                                                  15
SPECIAL SCREENINGS                                                                                SPECIAL SCREENINGS
                                           RED EYE CINEMA:                                                                              COASTAL AWAKENING:
                                      A NIGHT OF MICROHORRORS                                                                     A TRIBUTE TO HUNTER S. THOMPSON
                                                                                                                   ALSO SUPPORTED BY KVEC NEWS TALK 920 AM, 96.5 FM

                                                                                                      Every year Coastal Awakening sponsors several
                                                                                                      films grouped around a central theme. This year, the
                                                                                                      focus is on three films in celebration of writer Hunter
                                                                                                      S. Thompson, whose appreciation for countercultures
                                                                                                      and consciousness expansion exemplifies the mission
                                                                                                      and vision of the Coastal Awakening, a loose collective
                                                                                                      of local writers, artists, historians, chefs, surfers, and
                                                                                                      philanthropists committed to preserving and promoting
                                                                                                      the unique creative spirit of the Central Coast from Ojai
                                                                                                      to Esalen. Thompson lived in Big Sur for a few years
                                                                                                      in the early 1960s and published his first magazine
                                                                                                      feature about the artists and outcasts drawn to life on
                                                                                                      the Central Coast. He wrote, “This is the way life goes
                                                                                                      in Big Sur: waiting for the mail, watching the sea lions in       FRIDAY, APRIL 21
                                                                                                      the surf or the dim lights of a ship far out at sea, sitting in   AT THE SLO PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                                                                                      the tubs at Hot Springs, once in a while a bit of drink —         7PM
                                                                                                      and, most of the time, working at whatever it is that you         The Creative Alchemy of
                                                                                                      came here to work on, whether it be painting, writing,            Hunter S. Thompson, Spawn of the Beats:
                                                                                                      gardening or the simple art of living your own life.”             An Evening with Author David Wills
                                                                                                      Accompanying the film series will be featured
                                                                                                      speaker David S. Wills, founder of the literary
                                                                                                      journal Beatdom and author of High White Noise:                   SATURDAY, APRIL 22
                                                                                                      The Rise and Fall of Gonzo Journalism. Wills will
                                                                                                      introduce each of the Hunter S. Thompson films
                                                                                                                                                                        AT THE SLO PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                                                                                      and give a talk on Thompson’s art of living directly              12PM
                                                                                                      following the 10am film Animals, Whores, and                      A Celebration of Gonzo Journalism and Zine Culture
                                                                                                      Dialogue: Breakfast with Hunter Vol. 2.
     K ATIE NE VILLE AND                            DISCERNMENT                                       Prior to the festival, David will also join the Coastal
                                                                                                                                                                        SUNDAY, APRIL 30
     JASON K AISER,                                 (2021)                                            Awakening for other community events centered
     FOUNDERS OF THE                                Lakin Jacino                                      around Thompson and Gonzo Journalism hosted in                    AT THE PALM THEATRE
     KILLER ANNUAL                                  A young women finds herself in a vulnerable       partnership with San Luis Obispo Public Library.
     OCTOBER DIY                                    mental state. When she seeks help from heaven,    View more information about these                                 ANIMALS, WHORES,
     F I L M F E S T I VA L ,                       she finds herself in Hell (4 min).                films and talks on our website.
     MICROHORRORS,                                                                                                                                                      AND DIALOGUE:
     PRESENT A SPECIAL                              MASSACRE OF THE                                                                                                     BREAKFAST WITH
     EVENING OF TRICKS                              SORORITY BABES                                                                                                      HUNTER VOL. 2
     AND TRE ATS .                                  (2022)                                                                                                              (2010)
                                                    Matt McGill
     An opportunity to see a few of the             As three sorority members ponder their own                                                                          11:30AM
     horrific shorts from the past two fests        existence, someone watches them...with an                                                                           David Wills talk: “Hunter S. Thompson
     plus an exclusive retrospective slasher        urge... to KILL (7 min).                                                                                            and the Simple Art of Living Your Own Life”
     straight from the archives, INTRUDER.                                                                                                                              (Palm Theatre after film)
                                                    POTTY MOUTH                                                                                                         1:30PM
                                                    Ian Meyers                                                                                                          GONZO: THE LIFE
     FRIDAY, APRIL 28                               A foul-mouthed bully meets his match                                                                                AND WORK OF
     THE PALM THEATER                               on Halloween night (5 min).                                                                                         DR. HUNTER S. THOMPSON
     8:30 PM                                                                                                                                                            (2008)
                                                    SILENCE YOUR PHONES
     $15 General                                    (2022)                                                                                                              4:30PM
     $12 Student + Film Society                     Jason Kaiser
                                                    Six women’s D&D campaign takes a
                                                                                                                                                                        FEAR AND LOATHING
     All-Access Passes accepted
                                                    turn for the worse (11 min).                                                                                        IN LAS VEGAS
                                                    (1989)                                                                                                              $15 General
                                                    Scott Spiegel                                                                                                       $12 Film Society + Student
                                                    The overnight stock crew of a local                                                                                 All-Access Passes accepted
                                                    supermarket find themselves being stalked and                     Photo Credit: Courier Journal
                                                    slashed by a mysterious maniac (88 min).

16                                                                 VISIT SLOFILMFEST.ORG             FOR MORE INFOR M ATION                                                                                                  17
SPECIAL SCREENINGS                                                                                 SPECIAL SCREENINGS
                            MAMA BEARS                                                                                                      ROMAN HOLIDAY (1953)
                            SPONSORED BY: TRANZ CENTRAL COAST &                                                                             SPONSORED BY: NATE’S ON MARSH
                            GROWING TOGETHER: AN LGBTQ+ FUND                                                                                In celebration of its 70th anniversary, we bring back a cin-
                            Spread across the country but connected through private Facebook                                                ematic classic in a beautiful restored version. Audiences are
                            groups, over 30,000 mothers in America—many from conservative,                                                  invited to fall in love with Oscar winners Audrey Hepburn and
                            Christian backgrounds—fully accept their LGBTQ+ children. They                                                  Gregory Peck all over again in this romantic comedy classic.
                            call themselves “mama bears” because while their love is warm and                                               Nominated for a total of 10 Academy Awards, a modern-day
                            fuzzy, they fight ferociously to make the world kinder and safer for all                                        princess who, rebelling against the royal obligations, explores
                            LGBTQ+ people. MAMA BEARS explores the journeys of two mama                                                     Rome on her own. She soon meets an American newspaper-
                            bears and a young lesbian whose struggle for self-acceptance                                                    man who pretends ignorance of her true identity, in the hopes
                            exemplifies why the mama bears movement is vitally important.                                                   of obtaining an exclusive story. Naturally, his plan falters as
                                                                                                                                            they inevitably fall in love.
                            DIRECTOR: Daresha Kyi | PRODUCERS: Laura Tatham, Daresha Kyi
                                                                                                                                            DIRECTOR: William Wyler
                            91 min | USA                                                                                                    WRITERS: Dalton Trumbo, Ian McLellan Hunter, John Dighton
                            SUN 4PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                                PRODUCERS: Lester Koenig, Robert Wyler, William Wyler
                                                                                                                 70 YEAR ANNIVERSARY
                                                                                                                                            118 min / USA

                            MOON GARDEN                                                                                                     SUN 4PM FREMONT
                            SPONSORED BY: 7 POINTS DELIVERY
                            When a little girl has a terrible accident and slips into a coma,
                            she finds herself thrust into a darkly surreal industrial dreamworld.                                  “ROME.
                            Haunted by a nightmarish spectre that feeds off her tears, she
                            must follow her mother’s radio-static voice to find her way back to                             BY ALL MEANS. ROME!”
                            consciousness. Shot on expired 35mm film stock with vintage re-
                            housed lenses, MOON GARDEN is a fantastical odyssey and a                                     Show your pass for an exclusive cocktail fit for royalty at
                            visionary, handcrafted, and fully practical work of art that shows                             NATE’S ON MARSH. Just whisper “The Princess Ann.”
                            how a child can shine light even in the darkest places.
                            DIRECTOR/WRITER: Ryan Stevens Harris
                            PRODUCER: John Michael Elfers
                            Fantasy, Thriller / 93 min / USA
                            THURS 7:30PM PALM

                            OKLAHOMA BREAKDOWN                                                                                              SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN
                            SPONSORED BY: 98.1 KJUG & KRISTEN SWARTZMAN                                                                     SPONSORED BY: LATINO OUTREACH COUNCIL
                            Spread across the country but connected through private                                                         This music documentary still remains as a captivating tale about the
                            Facebook groups, Mike Hosty is a one-man band, freak of                                                         best singer-songwriter you’ve never heard of. An Oscar winning
                            nature, comedian and talented musician able to produce original                                                 documentary that tells the remarkable story about a man by the name
                            pieces and performances on the fly. When Stoney LaRue turned                                                    of Sixto Rodriquez. Rodriquez, the child of a Mexican immigrant with
                            Hosty’s “Oklahoma Breakdown” into the #1 hit of 2007, few                                                       working class parents in Detroit, had the voice and songwriting skills
                            knew anything about the creator. OKLAHOMA BREAKDOWN                                                             of Bob Dylan but his albums failed to sell in the United States in the
                            dives into why an underground legend has his reservations about                                                 1970s. Little did he know that he was in fact a cultural phenomenon in
                            fame and limelight.                                                                                             South Africa. Two South African record store owners go on a quest to
                                                                                                                                            get to the bottom of what happened to their musical hero.
                            DIRECTOR/WRITER/PRODUCER: Christopher Fitzpatrick
                                                                                                                                            DIRECTOR: Malik Bendjelloul
                            92 min / USA
                                                                                                                                            86 min / Sweden, United Kingdom, Finland
                            WED 7:30PM PALM
                            ENCORE TUES 7:30PM PASO                                                                                         SUN 1PM FREMONT

                            PARTY GIRL (1995)                                                                                               WE ARE STILL HERE
                            SPONSORED BY: MADONNA INN                                                                                       SPONSORED BY: SWIFT ACTION FUND
                            A brand new restored version of a cult classic that was the first                                               WE ARE STILL HERE is a unique Indigenous film that weaves together
                            film to ever premiere live on the internet in 1995! Parker Posey                                                eight powerful tales to tell a sweeping story of hope and survival.
                            stars as a 20-something, irresponsible party girl who bailed out                                                Through the eyes of these protagonists, the film traverses 1,000
                            of jail by her librarian godmother. To repay the loan, she starts                                               years (past, present, and future) to explore kinship, loss, grief, and
                            working at the library and gradually turns her life around. This                                                resilience. In a universal story, WE ARE STILL HERE ultimately shows
                            is a rare opportunity to see this unique film oozing with fashion,                                              the strength of love and hope in overcoming shared traumas that
                            one of a kind characters and a non-stop party!                                                                  Indigenous people from Australia, New Zealand and the South
                                                                                                                                            Pacific continue to face.
                            DIRECTOR: Daisy von Scherler Mayer
                            WRITERS/PRODUCERS: Harry Birckmayer, Sheila Gaffney                                                             DIRECTORS: Beck Cole, Dena Curtis, Tracey Rigney, Danielle
                            KEY CAST: Parker Posey, Liev Schreiber, Omar Townsend,                                                          MacLean, Tim Worrall, Renae Maihi, Miki Magasiva, Mario Gaoa,
                            The Lady Bunny                                                                                                  Richard Curtis, Chantelle Burgoyne
                                                                                                                                            *see full credits on our website*
                            Comedy / 94 min / USA
                                                                                                                                            90 min / Australia, New Zealand
                            FRI 4:30PM PALM                                                                                        CA

                                                                                                                                            SUN 10:30AM PALM

18                                                         VISIT SLOFILMFEST.ORG                       FOR MORE INFOR M ATION                                                                                        19
SLO LIFE TIP #25                                                            GEORGE SIDNEY
  KEEP OUR                                                                                 INDEPENDENT
                                                                                        FILM COMPETITION
                                                                           Our annual film competition continues to attract exciting new independent films from around
                                                                           the world. Named after George Sidney, the Festival’s first recipient of the King Vidor Award,
                                                                           Sidney was a Central Coast resident and a passionate supporter of independent filmmaking.
                                                                            A panel of more than 100 screeners evaluated over 1,200 submissions, helping us make some very difficult
                                                                           decisions to finalize our Official Selections. The finalists in competition are juried by a panel of film and media
                                                                             professionals, and cash prizes will be awarded at the Fremont Theater during our Awards Night Gala on
                                                                                                     Saturday, April 29. Jury bios are available at

                                                                                                           DOCUMENTARY FEATURES
                                                                                                  RENEE TOD — Producer/Development Executive - B-Side Films
                                                                                                     COREY MCLEAN — Alumni Filmmaker, HAVANA LIBRE

                                                                                                             NARRATIVE FEATURES
                                                                                                  CHELSEA CHRISTER — Alumni Filmmaker, BLEEDING AUDIO
                                                                                                    HERB STRATFORD — Film Festival Programmer/Film Critic
                                                                                                KRISTIN BAUER — AMC Networks SVOD/Sr. Manager, Marketing

                                                                                                           DOCUMENTARY SHORTS
                                                                                                     RENEE WHALEN — Documentary Journalist
                                                                                        ROB YOUNG — Alumni Filmmaker, BRING THEM HOME (Award Winner, 2022)

                                                                                                               NARRATIVE SHORTS
                                                                                                         LORENA GORDON — Alumni Filmmaker, AT LAST
                                                                                                           A.J. GORDON — Alumni Filmmaker, AT LAST

                                                                                            ADDITIONAL FILM
  Lights, camera, climate action! Did you know Visit San Luis Obispo’s
  Keys for Trees program donates a portion of your hotel room charge
 to plant trees in our community? It’s an easy way to travel sustainably
                                                                                         CENTRAL COAST FILMMAKER SHOWCASE
  while you’re here for the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival,                           JODY NELSON — Producer/Educator — Nelson Films
       plus support our city’s vision to be carbon neutral by 2035.
                                                                                                         RANDI BARROS — Filmmaker/Editor
 Learn about our goal to plant 10,000 trees and other sustainable                           ANUJA GANPULE-SHEOREY — Alumni Filmmaker, CANDLE & THE CURSE
       tourism initiatives at

                                                                                                          MUSIC VIDEO SHOWCASE
                                                                              MANUEL DEL VALLE — Alumni Filmmaker, THE SKY BELONGS TO NO ONE (Award Winner, 2022)
                                                                                                    DAVID HARDBERGER — Filmmaker/VFX Artist
                                                                                                ERNESTO RIVERA — Visual Artist/Experimental Painter

                                                                                                        LET’S GO BACK TO THE MOVIES                                                              21
NARRATIVE FEATURES                                                                                                NARRATIVE FEATURES
     THE BEEHIVE                                                                                                           HOME OWNERS
     SPONSORED BY: 93.3 KZOZ                                                                                               SPONSORED BY: TREVOR, EMILY & BABY GEORGE KIMBALL
     DIRECTOR/WRITER: Alexander Lasheras                     A captivating science-fiction drama follows a                 DIRECTORS: Pablo Aragues, Marta Cabrera               In search of their forever home, Ana and Maxi
     PRODUCERS: Alexander Lasheras, Arun Fryer,              family facing an unexplainable cosmic event                   WRITER: Pablo Aragues                                 are shown the house of their dreams for less than
     Mike Johnston                                           on their farm. When the young, curious and                    PRODUCER: Marta Cabrera                               their budget. Everything is perfect until they realize
                                                             adventurous Rosemary discovers what she assumes                                                                     that it is even better than they thought: the house
                                                             to be a large beehive growing on a branch of                                                                        gives them everything they ask for. This fast-paced,
                                                             one of their trees, she visits it each day to carefully                                                             surrealist and thrilling comedy leaves you on the
                                                             document its unusual growth and soon discovers                                                                      edge of your seat as Ana and Max discover what
                                                             it’s not what she thought it was. Featuring up-and-                                                                 happens when they stop asking the house for what
                                                             coming Indigenous talent and a scenic Canadian                                                                      they want.
                                                             landscape, as the hive and threat grows, so do                                                                      Comedy, Horror / 72 min / Spain
                                                             tensions within the community and family.
                                                                                                                                                                                 WED 6PM DOWNTOWN
                                                             Sci-Fi, Drama / 86 min / Canada                                                                                     SAT 3:15PM DOWNTOWN
                                                             THURS 7:30PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                               ENCORE THURS 4:30PM PASO
                                                             FRI 4PM DOWNTOWN
                                                             SAT 7:30PM PALM

                                                                                                                         WEST COAST PREMIERE

     BLACKBERRY                                                                                                         I LIKE MOVIES
     SPONSORED BY: MATCHFIRE                                                                                            SPONSORED BY: POINT OF ACTION
     DIRECTOR: Matt Johnson                                  BLACKBERRY tells the story of Mike Lazaridis (Jay          DIRECTOR/WRITER: Chandler Levack                      Teenage cinephile Lawrence dreams of attending
     WRITERS: Matt Johnson, Matthew Miller                   Baruchel) and Jim Balsillie (Glenn Howerton), the          PRODUCERS: Lindsay Blair Goeldner, Evan Dubinsky,     film school in the Fall. In order to raise the hefty
     PRODUCER: Niv Fichman                                   two men who charted the course of the spectacular          Chandler Levack                                       tuition fee, he gets his dream job at a local video
                                                             rise and catastrophic demise of the world’s first                                                                store, Sequels. Wracked with anxiety about his
                                                             smartphone. Recounting the Canadian company’s                                                                    future, he begins alienating the most important
                                                             humble yet chaotic rise to market dominance,                                                                     people in his life — his best friend Matt and his single
                                                             BLACKBERRY is a darkly comedic telling of the tragic                                                             mother Terri — all while developing a complicated
                                                             tale of a Canadian company that revolutionized the                                                               friendship with his older female manager, Alana. As
                                                             way we communicate, before swiftly plummeting into                                                               graduation looms, a series of painful realizations
                                                             obsolescence.                                                                                                    force Lawrence to realize that he has some growing
                                                                                                                                                                              up to do.
                                                             Drama / 124 min / Canada, USA
                                                                                                                                                                              Comedy, Drama / 99 min / Canada
                                                             TUES 7PM FREMONT
                                                             THURS 10:15AM DOWNTOWN                                                                                           THURS 12PM FREMONT
                                                             SAT 4PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                                 SAT 4:30PM PALM
                                                                                                                                                                              ENCORE WED 7:30PM PASO

     EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE LOVED                                                                                        JAMOJAYA
     SPONSORED BY: MAGGIE KING IN MEMORY OF HER HUSBAND DALE KING                                                       SPONSORED BY: COAST 104.5
     DIRECTOR: Katharina Woll | WRITERS: Florian Plumeyer,   On a blisteringly hot summer day, psychotherapist          DIRECTOR: Justin Chon | WRITERS: Justin Chon,         Straight from Sundance, JAMOJAYA follows
     Katharina Woll | PRODUCERS: Markus Kaatsch, Nina        Ina notices something is wrong with her but                Maegan Houang | PRODUCERS: Alan Pao, Justin Chon,     James, an aspiring Indonesian rapper, as he
     Poschinski, Michael Grudsky                             doesn’t have time to worry about it. With patients         David Matheny, Joseph Dang, Alex Chi, Yama Cibulka,   records his debut album for a major U.S. record
                                                             waiting at her practice, her daughter threatening          Shaun Sanghani                                        label. Accompanied in Hawaii by his father and
                                                             to move in with her father, her boyfriend                                                                        former manager, who is still mourning the death
                                                             pressuring to move them to another country, and                                                                  of James’ brother and unwilling to surrender
                                                             her self-centered mother’s 70th birthday party                                                                   control of his career, James sinks deeper in debt
                                                             closing in, Ina is desperate to please everyone                                                                  to the label. Caught between the music industry’s
                                                             without losing herself.                                                                                          commercial demands and a power struggle with
                                                                                                                                                                              his suffocating but loving stage dad, James is
                                                             Comedy, Drama / 80 min / Germany                                                                                 forced to find his voice.
                                                             THURS 1:30PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                            Drama / 90 min / USA
                                                             SAT 6:30PM DOWNTOWN
                                                             SUN 1:30PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                              THURS 2PM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                              FRI 1:30PM FREMONT
                                                                                                                                                                              SAT 1PM PALM


22                                                                            VISIT SLOFILMFEST.ORG                    FOR MORE INFOR M ATION                                                                                             23
NARRATIVE FEATURES                                                                                             NARRATIVE FEATURES
     LAND OF GOLD                                                                                                    RODEO
     SPONSORED BY: FREDERICK LAW FIRM                                                                                SPONSORED BY: PERINET
     DIRECTOR/WRITER: Nardeep Khurmi                       First-generation Punjabi truck driver Kiran is            DIRECTOR: Lola Quivoron                                 A unique and high speed first-time feature from
     PRODUCERS: Nardeep Khurmi, Keertana Sastry, Pallavi   a soon-to-be dad. When on the job he hears                WRITERS: Lola Quivoron, Antonia Buresi                  Venice Film Festival, RODEO shares the story of
     Sastry, Simon Taufique                                pounding inside his shipping container and                PRODUCER: Charles Gillibert                             a hot-tempered and fiercely independent Julia,
                                                           finds a young Mexican-American girl inside, his                                                                   who thrives in hostile environments and turns every
                                                           already tumultuous life takes a drastic turn as he                                                                situation to her advantage. Her obsession with
                                                           seeks to reunite her with her family. What begins                                                                 the high-octane world of urban ‘Rodeos’— illicit
                                                           as a road trip to Boston becomes much more                                                                        gatherings where riders show off their bikes and
                                                           as they form a friendship and teach each other                                                                    latest daring stunts — sparks a chance meeting
                                                           unforgettable lessons.                                                                                            with a volatile clique. Striving to prove herself to the
                                                                                                                                                                             ultra-masculine gang, Julia performs cons and runs
                                                           Drama / 105 min / USA                                                                                             errands for their incarcerated ring leader.
                                                           THURS 4:30PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                             Drama / 107 min / France
                                                           FRI 6:45PM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                             THURS 7PM PALM
                                                                                                                                                                             FRI 7:30PM PALM
                                                                                                                                                                             SAT 5PM DOWNTOWN

     MEDITERRANEAN FEVER                                                                                             SCRAPPER
     SPONSORED BY: PAUL & ROBYN METCHIK                                                                              SPONSORED BY: CINDY WATHEN-KENNEDY
     DIRECTOR/WRITER: Maha Haj                             Waleed, an aspiring writer suffering from chronic         DIRECTOR/WRITER: Charlotte Regan                        Following her mother’s death, a resourceful
     PRODUCERS: Baher Aghbariya, Thanassis Karathanos,     depression, develops a close relationship with his        PRODUCERS: Theo Barrowclough, Eva Yates,                12-year-old girl, Georgie, continues to live alone in
     Martin Hampel, Juliette Lepoutre, Pierre Menahem,     new neighbor, a small-time crook. Though having           Farhana Bhula, Michael Fassender, Conor McCaughan,      their London-outskirts flat. Making money stealing
     Marios Piperides, Janine Teerling                     an ulterior plot in mind, the scheme turns into an        Daniel Emmerson, Jim Reeve                              bikes and keeping the social workers off her back
                                                           unexpected friendship between the two men and                                                                     by pretending to live with an uncle, her plan works
                                                           leads them through a journey of dark encounters.                                                                  like a charm until Jason (Harris Dickinson, Triangle
                                                                                                                                                                             of Sadness), her long-estranged father, shows up.
                                                           Drama, Dark-Comedy / 108 min / Palestine,                                                                         Sizing him up as a rubbish dad, Georgie wonders
                                                           Germany, France, Cyprus and Qatar                                                                                 why he’s suddenly taking an interest. Straight from
                                                           THURS 4:30PM PALM                                                                                                 Sundance, this vibrant, joyful, imaginative father-
                                                           SAT 7PM PALM                                                                                                      daughter story beautifully brings together two
                                                                                                                                                                             emotionally tangled people: a grieving kid thrust
                                                                                                                                                                             into adulthood and a father in over his head.
                                                                                                                                                                             Comedy, Drama / 84 min / UK
                                                                                                                                                                             THURS 6PM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                             SAT 3:30PM DOWNTOWN

     OUR FATHER, THE DEVIL                                                                                           UNIDENTIFIED OBJECTS
     SPONSORED BY: PAUL & ROBYN METCHIK                                                                              SPONSORED BY: MARY BAIAMONTE
     DIRECTOR/WRITER: Ellie Foumbi                         An African refugee works as the head chef at a            DIRECTOR: Juan Felipe Zuleta | WRITER: Leland Frankel   Peter is a misanthropic little person hiding from
     PRODUCERS: Ellie Foumbi, Joseph Mastantuono           retirement home in small-town France, but her quiet       PRODUCERS: Juan Sebastian Jaimes, Matthew August        the world in his shabby New York City apartment.
                                                           existence is upended by the arrival of Father Patrick,    Jeffers, Juan Felipe Zuleta, Masha Leonov, Sarah Hay,   When an unexpected visit from his upbeat and
                                                           a charismatic priest with whom she’s convinced            Leland Frankel, Ramfis Myrthil                          unhinged neighbor, Winona, forces him out of his
                                                           she shared a traumatic past in her homeland. As                                                                   shell and onto an impromptu road trip to what she
                                                           Father Patrick charms all her co-workers, Marie must                                                              believes to be an upcoming alien visitation site, he
                                                           decide if she will exact her revenge or cling to the                                                              reluctantly agrees. On their increasingly surreal
                                                           new life she’s built. Nominated for an Independent                                                                odyssey, Peter and Winona encounter bickering
                                                           Spirit Award.                                                                                                     lesbian cosplayers, shroom-addled survivalists,
                                                                                                                                                                             and even extraterrestrial highway cops. But the
                                                           Content Warning: Mature themes and                                                                                further they go and the more their trauma comes
                                                           sexual trauma.                                                                                                    to light, it becomes clear that the only thing more
                                                           Drama / 108 min / USA, Cameroon                                                                                   nerve-wracking than being abducted is being
                                                                                                                                                                             alone in the universe.
                                                           THURS 7:15PM DOWNTOWN
                                                           FRI 7PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                                  Drama / 100 min / USA
                                                           SUN 1:15PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                               THURS 12PM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                             FRI 11:30AM DOWNTOWN

24                                                                          VISIT SLOFILMFEST.ORG                   FOR MORE INFOR M ATION                                                                                              25
                                                                                                                      DOCUMENTARY FEATURES
     BODY PARTS                                                                                                      DUSTY AND STONES
     SPONSORED BY: WOMEN MAKING WAVES                                                                                SPONSORED BY: 98.1 KJUG & HYDE PARK PARTNERS
     DIRECTOR: Kristy Guevara-Flanagan                     In an industry historically dominated by the male         DIRECTOR: Jesse Rudoy                                   Dusty and Stones struggle to sustain a country
     PRODUCER: Helen Hood Scheer                           gaze, BODY PARTS, featuring Jane Fonda and                PRODUCERS: Melissa Adeyemo, Jesse Rudoy                 music career in their tiny African kingdom of
                                                           other prominent actresses in the industry, traces                                                                 Swaziland and yearn for greater recognition.
                                                           the evolution of intimacy on screen, uncovering the                                                               When they are unexpectedly invited to record their
                                                           often invisible and uncomfortable realities behind                                                                songs in Nashville and compete in a Texas battle
                                                           some of the most iconic scenes in cinematic history.                                                              of the bands, the two cousins journey to the heart
                                                           Exploring the toll it takes on those directly involved                                                            of American country music, determined to win big
                                                           and their impact on women in the real world, this                                                                 and turn their careers around.
                                                           insightful and revealing documentary celebrates                                                                   83 min / USA
                                                           the positive changes now rippling through the
                                                           entertainment industry and the bold creators                                                                      FRI 2:30PM DOWNTOWN
                                                           leading the way.                                                                                                  SAT 11AM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                             ENCORE TUES 4:30PM PASO
                                                           86 min / USA
                                                           FRI 5PM PALM
                                                           SUN 10:30AM DOWNTOWN

     BUTTERFLY IN THE SKY                                                                                            THE GRAB
     SPONSORED BY: MONA & GORDON JENNINGS                                                                            SPONSORED BY: STACEY HUNT & IRENE SHIPPEE & JANICE ROHN
     DIRECTORS/PRODUCERS: Bradford Thomason,               This nostalgic and feel-good documentary tells the        DIRECTOR/WRITER: Gabriela Cowperthwaite                 In the newest documentary by the director of
     Brett Whitcomb | WRITER: Bradford Thomason            story of the beloved PBS children’s series, Reading       PRODUCERS: Nathan Halverson, Amanda Pike, Blye          Blackfish (2013), an investigative journalist
                                                           Rainbow, its iconic host LeVar Burton, and the            Pagon Faust, Nicole Rocklin, Gabriela Cowperthwaite     uncovers the truth behind the money, influence
                                                           challenges its creators faced in cultivating a love of                                                            and rationale that goes into the covert efforts to
                                                           reading through television. With the series focused                                                               control the most vital resources on the planet —
                                                           on bringing books to life and finding fun in reading,                                                             food and water.
                                                           Reading Rainbow and Burton became a conduit to                                                                    104 min / USA
                                                           learning for children of every background, delving
                                                           behind the pages to the people, places and things                                                                 WED 11:30AM FREMONT
                                                           each story explored.                                                                                              FRI 11AM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                             SAT 1:30PM DOWNTOWN
                                                           86 min / USA
                                                           THURS 3PM FREMONT
                                                           SAT 10AM DOWNTOWN
                                                           SUN 12PM DOWNTOWN

     CROWS ARE WHITE                                                                                                 HOLLYWOOD’S FINEST
     DIRECTOR: Ahsen Nadeem | WRITERS: Ahsen Nadeem,       After decades of living a secret life and struggling      DIRECTOR: Claire Hannah Collins                     An intimate portrait of motherhood on the streets
     Matt Mayes, Dawn Light Blackman                       to reconcile his desires with his faith, a filmmaker      WRITERS: Claire Hannah Collins, Gale Holland        of Los Angeles, HOLLYWOOD’S FINEST follows
     PRODUCERS: Riel Roch Decter, Sebastian Pardo, Ahsen   travels to a strict Japanese monastery in search          PRODUCERS: Gale Holland, Erik Himmelsbach-Weinstein McKenzie through pregnancy in a Hollywood
     Nadeem, Ben Renzo, Jill Ahrens, Ryan Ahrens           of guidance. But the only monk who will help                                                                  unhoused encampment to the fight to recover her
                                                           him prefers ice cream and heavy metal over                                                                    child from the custody of the city’s Family Services.
                                                           meditation. Together they forge an unlikely                                                                   By detailing the support McKenzie received
                                                           friendship that leads them to higher truths and                                                               from her street family, nomadic mom and social
                                                           occasionally a little trouble. Shot over five years                                                           worker and her own history of addiction and
                                                           on three continents, CROWS ARE WHITE is an                                                                    housing insecurity, HOLLYWOOD’S FINEST looks
                                                           exploration of truth, faith and love, from the top of                                                         into the complex network of social workers and
                                                           a mountain to the bottom of a sundae.                                                                         bureaucracy she encounters while struggling to find
                                                                                                                                                                         her footing in mainstream society.
                                                           100 min / USA
                                                                                                                                                                         78 min / USA
                                                           THURS 5PM DOWNTOWN
                                                           FRI 3:45PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                           WED 5:30PM DOWNTOWN
                                                           SUN 10:15AM DOWNTOWN                                                                                          FRI 10:30AM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                         SAT 10:30AM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                    WEST COAST PREMIERE

26                                                                          VISIT SLOFILMFEST.ORG                   FOR MORE INFOR M ATION                                                                                        27
DOCUMENTARY FEATURES                                                                                                  DOCUMENTARY FEATURES
     IN PURSUIT OF FLAVOR                                                                                                  OKAY! THE ASD BAND FILM
     SPONSORED BY: THE KRUSH 92.5                                                                                          SPONSORED BY: PRAMS
     DIRECTOR: Gerod Bond                                   An apologetic sommelier returns to his once-home               DIRECTOR: Mark Bone | WRITERS: Gregory Rosati,      Following the members of The ASD Band, four
     WRITERS: Gerod Bond, Ashwin Muthiah                    of Georgia to explore the humble and hidden                    Andrew Simon | PRODUCERS: David Bodanis, Mark       talented musicians with autism embark upon the
     PRODUCER: Matthew Courchaine                           truth about wine and its inception. In touring the             Bone, Amalie Bruun, Gregory Rosati, Andrew Simon,   challenging journey of writing their first original
                                                            lush countryside and documenting the deceptively               Tamara Sulliman                                     album and gearing up to perform in their first
                                                            simple process of Georgian winemaking and the                                                                      live show.
                                                            unique fruits of its labor — namely, orange wine —                                                                 87 min / Canada
                                                            Ashwin rediscovers the original magic that saved his
                                                            life and brought him to the world of flavor.                                                                       THURS 3PM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                               FRI 2PM DOWNTOWN
                                                            61 min / USA                                                                                                       SAT 10AM FREMONT ——                     Sensory Friendly
                                                            WED 1:30PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                                                                        Screening
                                                            SAT 1:30PM PALM
                                                            ENCORE THURS 7:30PM PASO


     LOVELY JACKSON                                                                                                        PASANG: IN THE SHADOW OF EVEREST
     SPONSORED BY: SHARON & JOHN DOBSON                                                                                    SPONSORED BY: SHARON DOBSON & SUZAN BOATMAN
     DIRECTOR: Matt Waldeck | WRITERS: Rickey Jackson,      Following the longest wrongfully incarcerated person           DIRECTOR: Nancy Svendsen | WRITER: Sharon Wood      Though Nepalis assist as sherpas for tourists daily,
     Matt Waldeck | PRODUCERS: Matt Waldeck, Rickey         in U.S. history, LOVELY JACKSON is the harrowing               PRODUCERS: Sharon Wood, Christy McGill,             Pasang Lhamu Sherpa risked everything to become
     Jackson, Ben Hecht, Travis Killian, Jillian Wolstein   true story of Rickey Jackson, a man who spent 39               Andrea Pierpont                                     the first Nepali woman to summit Everest. As an
                                                            years on death row and in prison for a crime he                                                                    uneducated, Indigenous woman and a Buddhist
                                                            was convicted of based solely on the eye witness                                                                   in a Hindu kingdom, Pasang’s dream to scale the
                                                            testimony of a 12-year-old neighborhood paper boy.                                                                 legendary mountain pitted her against family, foreign
                                                            In a retelling of his experience, Jackson returns to the                                                           climbers, her own government, and nature itself. Her
                                                            prison he was sent to as an innocent man and guides                                                                determined pursuit of Everest plays out within the
                                                            his younger self from death row to freedom.                                                                        context of her nation’s quest for democracy and the
                                                                                                                                                                               emergence of the commercial climbing industry.
                                                            104 min / USA
                                                                                                                                                                               71 min / USA
                                                            THURS 4PM PALM
                                                            SAT 1PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                                   THURS 10:30AM DOWNTOWN
                                                            SUN 3:15PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                                FRI 11AM FREMONT
                                                                                                                                                                               SUN 9:30AM DOWNTOWN


     NO ORDINARY CAMPAIGN                                                                                                  RELENTLESS RIDE
     SPONSORED BY: THE MARTHA OLSON FERNANDEZ FOUNDATION,                                                                  SPONSORED BY: COVELOP
     TOM WILSON IN TRIBUTE TO JACKIE MACFARLANE                                                                            DIRECTOR/WRITER/PRODUCERS: Brian Hill,              Every year, cyclists brave the Arkansas High Country
                                                                                                                           Adam Harbottle                                      bike-packing race on some of the best and worst
     DIRECTOR: Christopher Burke                            At just 37, Brian Wallach was diagnosed with ALS and                                                               gravel roads in the state, riding 1,000 miles and
     PRODUCERS: Tim Rummel, Christopher Burke               quickly discovered that there is no system built to help                                                           climbing 80,000 feet. With little to no sleep and
                                                            patients like him deal with this new reality. Instead, he                                                          having to carry, find, or buy everything needed to
                                                            found a broken and failed system in which doctors                                                                  complete the course, some cyclists push their limits to
                                                            told patients to “get their affairs in order and get ready                                                         achieve the fastest known time while others simply try
                                                            to die.” From executive producer Katie Couric and                                                                  to finish the race and find themselves along the way.
                                                            featuring interviews with Barack Obama and Mark                                                                    As bodies fail and minds betray, these cyclists explore
                                                            Zuckerberg, NO ORDINARY CAMPAIGN follows the                                                                       the depth of their own humanity.
                                                            formation of I AM ALS, Brian’s patient-led nonprofit
                                                            dedicated to patients taking control of the fight for their                                                        106 min / USA
                                                            lives, breaking down walls and finding new solutions.                                                              THURS 11AM DOWNTOWN
                                                            82 min / USA                                                                                                       SAT 2PM DOWNTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                               SUN 1PM DOWNTOWN
                                                            THURS 1:15PM DOWNTOWN
                                                            SAT 12:15PM DOWNTOWN
                                                            SUN 1:45PM PALM
                                                                                                                          WORLD PREMIERE

28                                                                           VISIT SLOFILMFEST.ORG                        FOR MORE INFOR M ATION                                                                                          29

       DOCUMENTARY FEATURES                                                                                                                                TUESDAY
     SURF NATION                                                                                                               LOC ATION                                         TIMES
     DIRECTORS: Jessica Chen, Jeremiah Bogert Jr.                 As China trains its first generation of Olympic surfers,
     PRODUCERS: Diane Quon, Nevo Shinaar, Jessica Chen,           two promising young athletes navigate adolescence,              HQ
     Jeremiah Bogert Jr.                                          freedom and their love of the sport. Filmed over a                                                           9AM–8PM
                                                                  two-year period, SURF NATION follows as hundreds
                                                                  of young recruits leave their families and are paid
                                                                  to live together in a communal hotel, take classes six        LUNA                                 Opening Night Reception (p10)
                                                                  days a week, and become elite surfers. Though the              RED                                             5PM
                                                                  recruits face extreme pressure to avoid being kicked
                                                                  out of the program, their Australian coaches teach
                                                                  not only technique, but surfing’s central attribute:                                           Opening Night (p10)      Movie Starts
                                                                  individuality, in a culture that demands conformity.         FREMONT                               Doors Open              7PM
                                                                  88 min / USA
                                                                  WED 4:30PM PALM
                                                                  FRI 12:45PM DOWNTOWN
                                                                  SUN 10AM DOWNTOWN
     VICUNA SALVATION                                                                                                          LOC ATION                                         TIMES
     DIRECTOR/WRITER: Luis Ara | PRODUCERS: Luis Ara,             At more than 5,000 meters above sea level,
     Michael Safley, Dale Cantwell, Bruno Franco Abuapara,        VICUNA SALVATION tells the incredible story of                                                               9AM–8PM
     Andrew Curtis, Aaron Marcellino                              the conservation of a species and the empowerment
                                                                  of a community that lives in the Peruvian mountains.
                                                                  With the vicuña producing the finest wool fiber in                                                                                      SHORTS #5:
                                                                  the world and its garments costing thousands of                                                              Shoe Shine            FAMILY MATTERS (p48)
                                                                  dollars, poachers and the black market led to the                                                           Caddie (p46)                   7PM
                                                                  near-extinction of the species. Alerting the Peruvian         PALM
                                                                  government to the situation, global brands and                                                                                          Oklahoma
                                                                  communities made a pact to only market garments                                                          Surf Nation (p30)           Breakdown (p18)
                                                                  that were made with certified fiber.                                                                          4:30PM                     7:30PM
                                                                  65 min / USA
                                                                  FRI 1:30PM DOWNTOWN                                                                                         The Amphora
                                                                  SAT 10AM DOWNTOWN                                                                                          Project (p44) +
                                                                  ENCORE WED 4:30PM PASO                                                                                      In Pursuit of             SHORTS #3:
                                                                                                                                                Angulos de la Hora            Flavor (p28)               POWER IN
                                                                                                                                              (p44) + The Greatest of            1:30PM               COMMUNITY (p48)
 WORLD PREMIERE                                                                                                                                   all Tina (p45)                                           5PM
                                                                                                                                                       11AM              Fresh to Frightening
                                                                                                                                                                         (p45) + Epic Bill (p44)         Hollywood’s
                                                                                                                                                Bread Bike (p44) +              2:30PM                    Finest (p27)
     Over the past couple of years we’ve                          Physically going to the movies is an experience. It                             Something to                                              5:30PM
     watched as we’ve all become comfortable                      becomes a memory. An “Oh I haven’t seen that since                            Crow About (p56)              Friends Call
     watching movies at home on our couches.                      it came out in theaters!” Or “Wow I can’t believe                                   12PM                 Us Unlucky (p45) +         Home owners (p23)
     While this was necessary and has allowed for                 that was 10 years ago!” Or the bragging rights of                                                         Woodsman (p56)                  6PM
     more accessibility and convenience, there’s nothing          “Yep, saw that one in theaters on opening day!”                                                                 3PM
     like entering those big theater doors, smelling              Who did you go with? What was the audience like?
     popcorn, waiting in anticipation as the trailers play        Did you dress up and wait in line for hours? Was there a
     for slightly too long, and then all at once being                                                                                                                                                Music Video / CCFS
                                                                  rude couple who wouldn’t stop making noise throughout
     transported to another place, life, time or feeling.                                                                                                                                              Red Carpet (p11)
                                                                  the whole film? Did you laugh about that afterwards?
                         Jokes are always a little funnier when                                                                                                                                            6:30PM
                                                                  While we are excited to offer a virtual festival for those                   Whale-Roads (p46) +             Jack Has
                         the people around you are laughing       who are unable to attend in person, we are even more         FREMONT           The Grab (p27)               A Plan (p45)               Music Video
                         too. Jump scares are somehow             excited to see movies on the big                                                  11:30AM                      2:30PM                  Showcase +
                         more frightening. Heartbreak is a        screen with you!                                                                                                                    CCFS / Music Video
                         little more earth shattering when
                         immersed in the silence and tears                                                                                                                                              Awards (p11)
                         of everyone around you, and              LET’S GO BAC K                                                                                                                           7:30PM
                         happy endings are substantially
                         sweeter when you’ve all been on this
                                                                  TO THE MOVIES!
                         two-hour journey together.                                                                                                LOUNGE OPEN              CCFS Filmmaker            Music Video / CCFS
                                                                                                                                                    5PM–10PM                     Mixer                Afterparty (p11)
                                                                                                                                                                                  5PM                       9PM

30                  VISIT SLOFILMFEST.ORG FOR MORE INFOR M ATION                                                                           T U E S D A Y/ W E D N E S D A Y — A P R I L 2 5 TH, 2 6 TH 2 0 2 3              31
SCHEDULE                                                                          SCHEDULE

                         THURSDAY                                                                                   FRIDAY
     LOC ATION                                    TIMES                                     LOC ATION                                  TIMES

                                                  Open                                         HQ
                                                9AM–8PM                                                                              9AM–8PM

                                          Lovely Jackson (p28)            Rodeo (p25)                                                                        Rodeo (p25)
                                                  4PM                        7PM                                                  Party Girl (p18)             7:30PM
                                             Mediterranean             Moon Garden (p18)
                                                                                                                                                           MicroHorrors +
                                               Fever (p24)                 7:30PM                                                Body Parts (p26)           Intruder (p16)
                                                 4:30PM                                                                                5PM                     8:30PM

                                              SHORTS #3:
                                               POWER IN                                                                          Surf Nation (p30)
                                            COMMUNITY (p48)                                                                          12:45PM
                    SHORTS #1:                                                                                                      SHORTS #1:
                  LIFE, ANIMATED:             No Ordinary                                                                         LIFE, ANIMATED:
                    ANIMATION                Campaign (p28)               Crows Are                                                 ANIMATION
                   SHORTS (p48)                  1:15PM                   White (p26)                                              SHORTS (p48)
                      9:30AM                                                                              SHORTS #4:                     1PM
                                           Everybody Wants                   5PM                        I‘M HERE (p48)
                    SHORTS #2:              To Be Loved (p22)                                               10AM                      Vicuna                 SHORTS #2:
                  I’m OKAY (p48)                 1:30PM                 Scrapper (p25)                                            Salvation (p30)          I’M OKAY (p48)
                       10AM                                                 6PM                         SHORTS #6:                    1:30PM                   5:30PM
                                            Jamojaya (p23)                                               REMEMBER
                 BLACKBERRY (p22)               2PM                       SHORTS #5:                    WHEN? (p48)            Dani’s Twins (p42) +         SHORTS #3:
       DCC           10:15AM                                                FAMILY                         10AM                   Okay! The ASD              POWER IN
                                              Okay! The ASD              MATTERS (p48)                                           Band Film (p29)          COMMUNITY (p48)
                   Pasang (p29)              Band Film (p29)                6:30PM            DCC       Hollywood’s                    2PM                    6:15PM
                     10:30AM                      3PM                                                    Finest (p27)
                                                                          Our Father,                      10:30AM                   Dusty and            Land of Gold (p24)
                    Relentless                  SHORTS #4:               The Devil (p24)                                            Stones (p27)               6:45PM
                     Ride (p29)               I‘M HERE (p48)                 7:15PM                     The Grab (p27)                2:30PM
                       11AM                        4PM                                                      11AM                                            Our Father,
                                                                        The Beehive (p22)                                           SHORTS #5:             the Devil (p24)
                    Unidentified              SHORTS #6:                     7:30PM                      Unidentified                 FAMILY                    7PM
                   Objects (p25)               REMEMBER                                                 Objects (p25)              MATTERS (p48)
                       12PM                   WHEN? (p48)                                                 11:30AM                     3:30PM
                                                                                                                                    Crows Are
                                           Land Of Gold (p24)                                                                       White (p26)
                                                4:30PM                                                                               3:45PM
                                                                                                                                 The Beehive (p22)
                                              Butterfly in                Cal Poly                                                     4PM
     FREMONT     I Like Movies (p23)          the Sky (p26)            Short Cuts (p49)
                        12PM                       3PM                       6PM
                                                                                                                                                           Surf Nite (p13)
                                                                                                                                                            Doors Open
                                                                           E.T. at the                  Pasang (p29)             Jamojaya (p23)           Music / Mingling
                                                                         Drive-In (p12)     FREMONT                                                           5:30PM
                                                                                                           11AM                     1:30PM
     DRIVE-IN                                                             Doors Open
                                                                           Photo Ops                                                                         FILM Starts
                                                                            6:30PM                                                                               7PM
                                                                         Movie Starts
                                                                            8PM                                       Lounge Open                             Surf Nite
                                                                                                                      12–10:30PM                             AFTERPARTY

32                    T H U R S D A Y — DAAPTREI L 2 7 T H , 2 0 2 3                                         F R I D A Y — AD
                                                                                                                            PAR TI LE 2 8 T H , 2 0 2 3                        33
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