Page created by Jonathan Holt

FEBRUARY 2021                                                  .COM.AU

               RENAULT MOVES
               DISTRIBUTION TO
                ATECO GROUP
                                                   FERNTREE GULLY
                                                   NISSAN WINS
               SAYS AADA                           GLOBAL AWARD
                     P.06                          P.04
  1             Australia   JANUARY 2021

    INEVITABLE IN 2021                                                                           ROBERT BARRY
                                                                                                EDITOR AUTOTALK

    Hello everyone,                                           particularly buyers with a quality trade-in.
    The improved new car sales figure in January was          Demand for late model used vehicles remains high
    welcome news to an industry that’s weathered more         and residuals for many three-year old vehicles are
    than a few storms in the last 36 months.                  holding their own.
    However, the fallout of 36 months of declining new        According to wholesale vehicle sales data received
    vehicle sales will have an impact on the Australian       from Datium Insights, as of February 8, the three-year
    industry, already we have seen logistics specialist       current week resale value of the Toyota Hiace, Hilux,
    Autocare Services go into voluntary liquidation as it     and LandCruiser Prado was 81.8%, 82.5% and 85.2%
    prepares to restructure itself to operate in the new      respectively.
    normal.                                                   The Toyota Kluger commands a three-year current
    This will be the first of many companies who will         resale value of 68.5%, while the Nissan Qashqai and
    “right size” themselves if they have not yet already      the Mitsubishi Outlander both command a 36-month
    done so in the wake of the pandemic.                      residual of 63.6%.
    Renault Australia’s controversial move to hand over       To put that into perspective the three-year current
    distribution of its vehicles to Sydney-based Ateco        resale value of the Holden Commodore was 58% and
    Group is another example of a brand trying to become      the Ford Mondeo 41%, which shows that even in the
    more efficient and more profitable. Groupe Renault        second-hand market Australians prefer to buy used
    says Australia is one of several countries where it is    SUVs and Utes rather than sedans and station wagons.
    moving to an independent distributor as part of its       In related news, a new classified website for second-
    global restructure to become leaner, meaner, and          hand vehicles, Cartopia.com.au has been launched in
    greener.                                                  Australia by Credit One.
    However, as can be expected the AADA and its              The online classified advertising market for
    membership were rightly concerned and not amused          vehicles is a competitive sector targeting new and
    that the decision was made by Groupe Renault              used dealers. I believe it is a good thing for the
    without any dialogue with current Renault franchise       automotive industry to see a new entrant giving
    dealerships.                                              the established operators some healthy competition
    AADA says once again the lack of any regulation with      and giving both buyers and sellers more choice and
    teeth governing the relationship between franchise        more options.
    dealerships and multinational car manufacturers has       That’s all from me,
    led to this situation. It cites the demise of Holden,
    and the current restructure of the Honda Australia
    network and the move by Mercedes-Benz to an
    agency model as being the result of local legislation
                                                              Best regards
    not having enough protection mechanisms for local
    vehicle dealers.
    Certainly 2021 is going to have its challenges in terms   Robert Barry
    of demand for new vehicles and the supply thereof,        EDITOR AUTOTALK
    but it’s not all doom and gloom for dealers and

2             Australia   JANUARY 2021

RENAULT                                                                                           NEVILLE CHRICHTON

      roupe Renault has announced          New Zealand and South Africa. It
      the appointment of an                is also the distributor of LDV and
      independent distributor to           RAM Trucks in Australia, and in New
operate the Renault network in             Zealand it distributes the Alfa-Romeo,
Australia.                                 Chrysler, Fiat, Jeep, and RAM Truck
Australia joins several overseas           brands.                                                ANOUK POELMANN
markets moving to distributorships         In Australia the Ateco Group has
as part of Groupe Renault’s global         previously been the official distributor
reorganisation.                            for Audi (1998 to 1991), Alfa-Romeo
Sydney-based RVDA, a subsidiary of         (1998-2012), Chery (2011-2018), Citroen
the Balverona Group owned by Neville       (1993-2013), Great Wall (2009-2016),       and by 1977 his company European
Crichton, will operate the Renault         Ferrari (2005-2013), Foton (2013-          Motor Distributors (EMD) was the
brand in Australia from April 1 this       2017), Kia (2000-2006), Ssangyong          official importer of Audi, Porsche and
year.                                      (2012-2018), Suzuki (1985-2000), and       Volkswagen.
                                           Volkswagen (1998-1991).                    Since then, the Giltrap Group has also
The existing Renault dealer network
will remain unchanged say the              Distribution of most of those former       become the distributor of SEAT, Skoda,
companies in a joint media statement.      Ateco managed brands in Australia          Bentley, and Lamborghini. It also
                                           have been subsequently taken over          looks after Aston Martin and McLaren.
“This announcement by Groupe
                                           by the parent manufacturer.                The Renault, Isuzu Ute and Hyundai
Renault secures Australia’s future
as an important market,” Renault           However, in a role reversal Groupe         brands are also distributed in New
Australia managing director Anouk          Renault is the first parent company to     Zealand by the notoriously media shy
Poelmann says.                             withdraw from Australian distribution      Spencer Family through its company
                                           and contract the wholesale franchise       Auto Drive Holdings.
“After recording a strong sales result
                                           operation to the Ateco Group.              Retail car magnate Rick Armstrong
in a difficult year, Renault is on track
to cement its position as a premium        And Group Renault is not the first         is the most recent entrant into the
mainstream brand in Australia,”            French brand to follow this strategy.      distribution game in New Zealand. In
Poelmann says                              Before the Stellantis merger, PSA          2017 he became the official importer
                                           Groupe (Peugeot, Citroen, DS) looked       of Peugeot and Citroen vehicles
“We have a strong track record in
                                           to move to independent distribution        through his company Auto Distributors
successfully building and managing
                                           in smaller less profitable markets.        NZ, after Malaysian-based Sime Darby
world-renowned automotive brands
                                           For example, it sold its Scandinavian      Motors relinquished the distribution
locally,” Neville Chrichton says.
                                           operations to a private importer.          of the French brands in Australia and
“This announcement enables the                                                        New Zealand.
                                           New Zealand is a textbook case as to
Renault brand to stay in Australia
                                           how independent distributors operate
and allow its customers to continue
                                           successfully in a smaller market and
enjoying the same high levels of
                                           why Groupe Renault has gone down
service they have come to expect
                                           this road in Australia.
from one of the world’s leading
automotive brands,” he says.               The Giltrap Group founder Sir Colin
                                           Giltrap became the official New
The Ateco Group is the official
                                           Zealand importer of NSU in 1971,
distributor of Maserati in Australia,

                                                                                        JANUARY 2021   Australia               3


         etropolitan dealership Ferntree
         Gully Nissan is celebrating
         its latest success in the 2020
Nissan Global Awards following the
presentation of the accolade by Nissan
Australia managing director, Stephen
Ferntree Gully Nissan had previously
enjoyed success in the Nissan
Elite Dealer Excellence Awards in
Australia for FY19 after performing
exceptionally across a broad range
of criteria including sales, servicing,         (L TO R) IAN MOREILLON – DIRECTOR OF SALES, NISSAN AUSTRALIA / WAYNE STEVENSON – DEALER
                                                GENERAL MANAGER, SOUTHERN REGION, NISSAN AUSTRALIA
However, the dealership’s performance
has gone from strength-to-strength
to gain international recognition            victory as the Metropolitan winner                multiple successes of Ferntree Gully
alongside 131 other Nissan dealerships       further highlights the team’s                     Nissan continue to raise the bar for our
worldwide.                                   experience and capability as a retail             network here in Australia,” Lester says.
Part of the Ferntree Gully Automotive        outlet on the world stage.                        “Their recognition not just in our local
group led by CEO Craig Pearce, this          While the award winners were                      Dealer Excellence Awards, but also on
feat has been repeated a number of           confirmed much earlier in 2020,                   a global scale in the Nissan Global
times by Ferntree Gully Nissan, with the     COVID-19 prevented a physical                     Awards, underlines the continued
team earning the Nissan Global Award         presentation and a formal recognition             professionalism of Craig Pearce, Wayne
(Metropolitan title) for multiple years in   of the team’s achievement was only                Stevenson and the rest of the team. It
a row prior to this achievement.             possible this month.                              is great to finally be able to formally
With the Nissan Global Awards divided        Delivered by Nissan Australia                     acknowledge the achievements of the
into three categories to acknowledge         managing director Stephen Lester,                 Ferntree Gully Nissan team.”
the variety of Australian dealership         and director of sales Ian Moreillon,              Ferntree Gully Nissan was joined as
types - Metropolitan, Provincial and         the award - along with a range of                 2020 Nissan Global Award winners
Rural - the award is a true “best of the     other Elite Dealer Recognition Program            by Motors Nissan Launceston
best” accolade for the brand’s dealer        awards for the high-performing                    (Launceston, Tasmania) and Great
network worldwide.                           outlet – was presented to dealer                  Lakes Nissan (Tuncurry, New South
Subjected to a scoring methodology           principal Wayne Stevenson in January.             Wales) as Provincial and Rural Winners
focused on sales success and the             “We pride ourselves on having an                  respectively.
delivery of an exceptional customer          exceptional dealer network, and the
experience, Ferntree Gully Nissan’s

4                Australia   JANUARY 2021
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             Robert Barry
             +64 21 530 902

             Geoff Dobson
             +64 21 881 823

             MANAGING EDITOR
             Richard Edwards
             +64 21 556 655

             Dale Stevenson
             +64 21 446 214

             Deborah Baxter
             +64 27 530 5016

             PUBLISHER / CHAIR
             Vern Whitehead
             +64 21 831 153

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                                                                   JANUARY 2021   Australia   5

       enault dealers are shocked by         Australian family businesses, but sadly
       the brand's announcement that         it comes as no surprise considering
       it has appointed an independent       some of the behaviour we have seen
distributor without any prior notice or      from the likes of General Motors, Honda
consultation given says the Australian       and Mercedes.
Automotive Dealers Association (AADA).       “Renault Australia employs about 50
Groupe Renault says the decision to          people in Australia yet here they are
relinquish its Australian business and       making decisions that affect a dealer
appoint independent distributor Ateco        network which collectively represents
Group to represent the brand is part         tens of millions of dollars in facilities
of the brand's global restructure.           and employs hundreds of Australians.
“It is very disappointing that Renault       It’s appalling that they don’t respect
dealers heard about this announcement        their dealers enough to bother
in the media, AADA chief executive           consulting with them and notifying
                                             them of their plans.
                                                                                                     JAMES VOORTMAN
James Voortman says.
“Dealers we have spoken to are in            “In a true partnership there should be
shock at this announcement and               maximum transparency when major             this power imbalance, but we are
cannot understand how this can               changes are being considered, but           already receiving reports from dealers
happen when they have existing               too often dealers are kept in the dark      that manufacturers are refusing to
contractual agreements with Renault          around important issues which are           incorporate these principles into new
that have years to run.”                     crucial to their financial viability.       dealer agreements.
“These dealers have contractual              “The Senate Committee inquiring             “After the demonstrated market
agreements with Renault Australia and        into the relationship between car           failures that have occurred over the
have invested huge sums of money             manufacturers and car dealers in            past 12 months and will continue
to represent the brand and service           Australia is holding its final day of       to occur, it is clearer than ever
Renault customers across Australia. For      hearings. This inquiry has heard from       that Australia needs to follow the
dealers to be treated in this way, with      a number of dealers about the power         lead of other overseas nations and
absolutely no prior notice, is disgraceful   imbalance that exists between dealers       adopt strong mandatory automotive
and is yet another example of the            and the manufacturers to which they         franchising protections for dealers,”
contempt that some manufacturers             are franchised.                             Voortman says.
have for their Dealers.                      “Unfortunately, the Government
“This is no way for a large                  believes a voluntary set of principles
multinational firm to treat small            it released late last year will address

6                Australia   JANUARY 2021

Since his last appearance in the January 2019 issue of Autotalk, Fairway Motor Traders buyer Chris
Christofi shares his experience of trading through the COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne.

      airway Motor Traders is a family-                                               heavily modified are also holding their
      owned business based in Port                                                    value well, “ he says.
      Melbourne which has been trading                                                “European classics such as Citroen or
wholesale second-hand vehicles to car                                                 Rovers are not as popular. We sold
dealerships for more than two decades.                                                a very good looking Rover through
According to Chris Christofi, Fairway                                                 Greys Online and although it was an
Motor Traders is positioned as a                                                      interesting car it didn’t sell for as much
service to the more than 60 dealers it                                                as we expected.
buys from and sells to.                                                               Three generations of the Christofi
“If they’re losing money from their           CHRIS CHRISTOFI                         family still work in the business, Chris,
wholesale we can help, and it’s not just                                              his father Steve, and his grandfather
for cars, we do bikes, light commercials,   Christofi says that mainstream brands     Chris who comes in every day.
and fleets,” Christofi says.                such as Toyota, Ford, Hyundai and Kia     “It all began with my grandfather who
Trading during the restrictions of the      are maintaining good residual values in   started the business as a workshop
COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne meant        the current used car market.              with a car yard beside it, then my dad,
working more remotely and a lot             He says light commercials such as the     having been the sole distributor for
more reliance on using a smartphone         Toyota Hilux and the Ford Ranger have     Lada Australia until they folded, got
according to Christofi.                     even stronger residual values in the      into the business,” Christofi says.
“We were able to buy and sell vehicles      second hand market, as these tool of      Fairway Motor Traders continues
to and from country dealers, there was      trade vehicles are in high demand from    to thrive thanks to the network of
a lot of click and collect business, and    the trades and other users.               customers which Chris and his father
we did a lot more trading by phone          “There is no doubt that JobKeeper         Steve have built up and the company’s
rather than in person,” Christofi says.     stimulated the economy and people         low-margin/high-turnover business
“We were able to do enough trading          have been able to save for the purchase   model.
to get us through. Turnover last year       of big ticket items, there are people     “We’ve always had competitors but
was about 30% down on 2019 and              looking to buy a second hand car to       there are not many who operate as we
supply of used cars has been slow,          replace an even older vehicle.            do. For example we offer no lot fees
and while prices do fluctuate a little,     “The next few months will be              because we want meat on the bone of
in general used car prices are staying      interesting to see how the market         every car our customers are buying,”
strong.                                     settles. I think sales in June and July   Christofi says.
“One consequence of the market is           will be the true barometer of where       “My grandfather loves to work, and
that late model low mileage cars are        the vehicle market settles.               he still loves fixing cars if he can do
commanding close to new car money.          “The interest in classic cars has also    it. We’ll then get the vehicles back to
I’ve heard a story that the owner           exploded, as people are looking to        our shop, give them a tidy up, and
of a two-year old LandCruiser with          spend their discretionary income.         then in the afternoons we’re usually
30,000km on the clock, took it back to      “Classic Ford and Holden cars have        sending those wholesale cars off to
the dealer and his trade in price was       become very desirable, and HSV and        their new owners.
the same as what he’d paid for the car.     FPV models which have not been

                                                                                         JANUARY 2021   Australia                7

VEHICLE PRICES                                                                                    BY MICHAEL BRISSON

        ustralian used-vehicle prices      While popular new utes remained             for a private ride in lieu of public
        experienced a year unlike any      hard to obtain, the used-market             transport having already purchased a
        before. Pushed by the COVID-19     supply remained depleted. Lease             vehicle. Others may be anticipating
pandemic, consumers rushed into            contracts were pushed out due to            the return to public transport as plans
the market at the same time supply         lockdowns, social distancing, and           for vaccine distribution are rolled out.
was restricted by slow production and      lack of miles driven, limiting the          With an end of the pandemic now
reduced trade-ins. According to the        used supply of younger vehicles.            in sight, it does not make sense to
Datium Insights-Moody’s Analytics          These roadblocks caused transactions        purchase a car you probably would
Price Index, wholesale used-vehicle        through Pickles, the largest auto           not use until next winter.
prices were up by 35% from where           auction house in Australia, to end the      Used-vehicle prices are expected to
they ended 2019. This incredible jump      year down 20% compared with 2019.           have peaked across Australia in the
in prices is made more improbable          Additionally, new vehicle sales             fourth quarter of 2020.
because it happened as the nation          were low coming into 2020,                  Wholesale prices are expected to
endured numerous lockdown orders,          making the availability of younger          decrease by a seasonally adjusted
devastating job losses, and the first      vehicles harder to come by, a trend         3% in the first quarter of 2021 and an
recession in a generation.                 exacerbated by the plunging sales in        additional 1% in the second quarter.
Used-vehicle prices in 2020 threw          the early months of the lockdown.           This will mark the first quarter-over-
out relationships with traditional         Depressed new-vehicle sales                 quarter drop in prices in the past two
economic indicators such as the            experienced a bounce-back to end            years outside of the lockdown-driven
unemployment rate and were driven          2020 in response to the astronomical        drop in the second quarter of 2020.
by untraditional supply and de-            used-vehicle valuations. New-vehicle        Risks to the forecast are weighted
mand factors. Pandemic-induced             sales experienced the best month            towards the downside. A comparable
changes to tastes and preferences          in nearly two years in November.            rise in used-vehicle prices has never
caused people to shun public and           Inspite of many households struggling       been experienced in the Australian
shared transportation such as air-         economically, new car and ute sales         market. A lack of precedent is driving
planes and public transport. Apple         are expected to remain elevated as          considerable uncertainty about how
mobility data show public transport        supply returns and prices remain            prices will wind down: slow and
routes searched remain down 25%            attractive compared with record prices      steady or steep and sudden.
from where they were towards the           on the used market.
start of 2020.                                                                         If unneeded newly purchased
                                           The jump in used-vehicle prices             vehicles come back to the market
At the same time demand was                has not merely been an Australian           at the same time extended lease
heightened, supply was being               phenomenon. Across the globe, the           contracts expire, and new-vehicle
squeezed. New vehicle production,          prices of used vehicles rose as a result    supply is no longer constrained,
which was shut down for weeks, has         of the idiosyncrasies of the COVID-19       there will be significant downward
reopened in fits and starts. This has      global recession. In spite of disparities   pressure on used-vehicle prices.
caused many popular vehicles and           in cultures and policy responses,           In this case, the slow and steady
trims to remain at arm’s length from       used-vehicle valuations ended the           forecast will underestimate the
potential buyers, sending them to          tumultuous year up in Europe and            roughness of the road back to
the used market. The most popular          North America. used-vehicle prices in       normal.
vehicles across Australia remain utes/     the US ended the year up more than
light trucks. This has caused the          13%, the highest year-over-year gain
segment of larger vehicles to rise         on record.
faster than the market in general.
                                           Still, seasonally adjusted prices have
Prices of light trucks/SUVs/utes have      cooled in the US over the past couple
risen at a 46% clip year over year,        of months and the same trajectory is
more than 40% faster than the              expected in the Australian market.
decreasingly desirable passenger car       Demand for an additional vehicle has
segment.                                   likely dried up, with those looking

8               Australia   JANUARY 2021


      ia celebrates its 20th anniversary       the relationship and shared values that
      as the major partner of the              exist between Kia and the Australian
      Australian Open in 2021.                 Open.
It marked the occasion with the reveal         “The growth and evolution that both        Melbourne Park precinct this year to
of Kia’s new logo at the Australian            Kia and the Australian Open have           bring its new brand evolution to life
Open vehicle handover ceremony held            undergone over the past 20 years is        for not only tennis-goers but the wider
at Grand Slam Oval – which features            extraordinary. At a time when we have      broadcast and digital audience.
Kia Australia’s first electric vehicle,        been faced with such unprecedented
                                                                                          A first of its kind LED digital cube
the Niro.                                      challenges, we are entering our next
                                                                                          display will be the focus for Kia’s
Current world tennis players Dylan             phase of growth and innovation as a
                                                                                          Australian Open activation, the
Alcott and Nick Kyrgios uncovered the          brand,” he says.
                                                                                          build consists of a 12-metre wide by
new Kia logo as part of the ceremony,          Australian Open tournament director        2.6-metre-tall screen and displays
which saw Kia hand over the keys to            Craig Tiley says the grand slam is proud   Kia’s new EV vehicles for the first time
the Australian Open for its 130-strong         of its long-standing relationship with     in Australia.
fleet of cars.                                 Kia.
                                                                                          Titled ‘Kia-Morphia’, the LED
Since 2002, Kia’s fleet of courtesy            “Kia has helped drive the success of the   digital cube installation is set to
vehicles has to date accumulated               Australian Open over the past 20 years,    give audiences an immersive, 3D
over six million kilometres and tens           and we’re grateful for their on-going      anamorphic illusion created to
of thousands of journeys during the            commitment to the tournament,” Tiley       represent ‘Movement that Inspires’.
Australian Open.                               says.
                                                                                          Kia Australia general manager of
The Kia Australian Open 2021 fleet             The launch of the new Kia                  marketing Dean Norbiato says the shift
comprises a mix of Sorento and Carnival        logo celebrates its vision and             in focus presents a unique opportunity
models. For the first time yet, the Kia        transformation for the future. The         for Kia to secure more engagement and
AO fleet also includes a collection of Kia     new logo unveils a new brand               interaction from tennis fans and the
Niro Hybrid electric vehicles.                 direction and slogan ‘Movement that        public across the Australian Open.
Kia Australia Chief Executive Officer          Inspires.’
James Cho says the milestone 20th              Kia has adapted its on-ground
anniversary represents the strength of         presence at Grand Slam Oval in the

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                                                                                            JANUARY 2021   Australia              9

USE IN 2021

    n 2020, Internet activity reached       pay-per-click (PPC) basis – no paying
    an all-time high in Australia           per lead here.
    during plenty of downtime at            When should you use Google Ads?
home due to obvious reasons. For
                                            • Jump to the top of Google searches
dealerships and consumers, this also
meant that car buying moved to a            • Increase website traffic and direct
much more digital experience. Now             enquiries                                            BY BRADLEY AYRES
while things are gradually getting          GOOGLE DISPLAY ADS                                  SENIOR DIGITAL STRATEGIST
back to normal, the consumer                                                                  DEALER SOLUTIONS | DIGIPURPLE
                                            Think about your commute to work
behaviour has changed forever and           and all the billboards and outdoor ads
digital is at the core every car buyers’    you see. How many do you remember?        relevant customers who are either
journey.                                    One, maybe two? For those couple we       looking for cars on Google or are
Whether you’ve been utilising               remember, there’s hundreds that we        retargeted to on Facebook. The best
digital advertising for a while or are      just don’t take notice of. With all the   thing about Automated Inventory
just starting to include it into your       content that we’re subjected to, to       Ads is that rather than send them to
dealership’s marketing strategy,            grab the attention, and hold it, you      third-party websites where you then
you’ll know it’s an often complex           need to reach your target audience        pay for the lead, traffic is sent directly
and confusing world to navigate.            with a relevant message. Traditional      to the vehicle details page on your
With all the different digital channels     advertising channels have limitations     website.
on offer, it’s difficult to figure out      in their targeting but that’s where       When should you use Automated
where to invest your advertising            digital excels.                           Inventory Advertising?
dollars. So, to help you on your            With Google Display Ads, reaching         • Increase eyeballs on your inventory
journey, here’s our picks of the top        your target market flips the concept
                                                                                      • Reduce your cost-per-lead
four digital advertising channels to        of traditional advertising on its head.
boost sales for your dealership in 2021!    Google Display Ads allow you to           • Download our free guide
GOOGLE ADS                                  advertise on websites that are relevant   As I have run out of space to explain
                                            to your dealership, reach customers       the fourth channel, I invite you to
Let’s set the scene; a woman is in the
                                            based on their personal interests, or     download this Free Guide where
market for a new Mazda CX-5 and is
                                            target their age, gender and location.    you will learn more about the three
ready to book a test drive at her local
                                            You can even reach people who are         channels that I mentioned here and
dealership, which just so happens to
                                            currently looking to buy a car or have    discover channel #4, which when
be your dealership. She goes to Google
                                            visited your website previously. Plus,    using it together with the other three
to search for “2018 Mazda CX-5” in
                                            similar to Google Ads you can pay-        channels, create a winning strategy
her area and sees an ad for another
                                            per-click or cost-per-impression          for your dealership, allowing you to
Mazda dealership in the area and
                                            (when people see your ads).               move forward and gain that valuable
books a test drive. If you had been
                                            When should you use Google Display        competitive advantage.
using Google Ads, this could have
been easily avoided.                        Ads?                                      DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE HERE
                                            • Build brand awareness cost-             or send me a message at Bradley.
Google Ads (formally Google AdWords)
                                              effectively                             Ayres@dealersolutions.com.au for
is one of the most popular forms of
                                                                                      an informal chat on how Digital
digital advertising, so I’m sure you        • Re-engage with customers
                                                                                      Advertising can help you achieve your
would have heard about it but here’s        AUTOMATED INVENTORY                       2021 dealership goals.
a quick overview just in case. Google       ADVERTISING
Ads uses targeted keywords or specific
                                            Automated Inventory Ads are
searches that trigger your ads on
                                            dynamically created ads that
Google, the world’s biggest search
                                            are generated directly from your
engine. These ads will look almost
                                            dealership’s actual inventory. These
identical to regular Google listings.
                                            ads can run across both Facebook
However they’re a quick way to get
                                            carousels or Google Ads and reach
yourself to the top of the page on a

10               Australia   JANUARY 2021

FAIR DATA ACCESS FOR ALL                    for manufacturers and their dealer
The recent release of draft legislation     network.
to mandate access to vehicle service        REGISTRATION RE-THINK
and repair information in Australia         When motorists receive their vehicle
is unprecedented, and an exciting           registration bill, they’ll probably find
opportunity for the industry.               they’re charged the same as the person
But there’s work to be done.                down the road. That’s great, some
                                            might think. But what if one owner’s                        BY GEOFF GWILYM
Some see this issue as a dealer
                                            vehicle is lighter, more fuel efficient, or      CEO, VICTORIAN AUTOMOBILE CHAMBER OF
versus independent repairer battle.                                                                        COMMERCE
It’s not. This is an issue for vehicle      emits less pollution than ‘that’ vehicle
manufacturers. It is they who must          down the road. Would they still feel the
                                            same?                                         meaning government incentives should
provide technical data to all sectors of
                                                                                          come with warning stickers on them.
the automotive industry, not dealers.       I’m all for equality, but in Victoria at
                                            least, the registration authorities view      Incentive programmes are often
Currently, vehicle service and repair
                                            a motorcycle as a motorcycle, a car as        designed for good use – to move
information is often not made available
                                            a car, and a truck as a truck. That’s         people from aging technologies to
by vehicle manufacturers to aftermarket
                                            simply not fair. Some motorcycles use         newer ones or to use less energy, for
repairers. This causes consumer rights
                                            less petrol than others, some cars emit       example. However, seldom is much
and fair-trading issues and lessens
                                            less pollution than others, and some          thought given to the long-term effects
genuine choice for motorists.
                                            vehicles weigh much less than others.         on business once the programme ends.
It’s only right that motorists have safe,
                                            One-size-fits-all approaches are              History has shown many dangers
well maintained vehicles and that
                                            usually organised for the benefit             associated with incentivising relatively
repair businesses have the information
                                            of government departments, not                stable markets. For every opportunistic
required to deliver on that expectation.
                                            the motorists who pay their wages.            pop-up business that profits and
Accounting for 54% of automotive                                                          moves on, there are legitimate
                                            So, it’s easy to imagine bureaucrats
businesses, the repair and maintenance                                                    operators left ‘in’ the market that find
                                            developing pricing based on basic
sector is very important to Australia’s                                                   themselves on the downside of the
                                            categories – motorcycle, car, truck.
economy – employing 385,500 people                                                        programme.
                                            Surely, we can be more sophisticated
and contributing approximately $37
                                            than that.                                    Take the pink batts scandal from a few
billion in GDP per annum. But to
                                            Here’s a thought – why not base               years ago. Legitimate operators were
continue providing quality service
                                            vehicle registration on other, more           there before the Rudd government
to motorists it’s crucial equal access
                                            meaningful metrics? Like a vehicle’s          incentive programme was announced
to accurate repair and maintenance
                                            fuel consumption (and the type of fuel        and they remained in the aftermath.
information is available.
                                            it uses, including alternative power          But life was never the same.
The Federal Government must also                                                          Meanwhile, opportunistic operators ran
                                            sources such as electricity), its carbon
recognise that a ‘mandated scheme’                                                        with the money, possibly to pop-up
                                            emissions, and its weight (because
without penalties for non-compliance                                                      elsewhere at the next announcement
                                            large SUVs wear roads down much more
will not work in the real world.                                                          of yet another government funded
                                            quickly than a compact sedan).
A genuine scheme would mean                                                               programme.
                                            Scooters and motorcycles cause less
independent repairers have access                                                         Incentives can work if carefully
                                            road congestion and ease parking
to the same technical information                                                         managed. However, care needs to
                                            conditions, as do smaller cars and
made available to authorised                                                              be taken in assessing the potential
                                            commercials. And digging up less fossil
dealers and manufacturer-preferred                                                        elimination of local businesses pitted
                                            fuel and emitting less pollution into
repairer networks. It would include                                                       against incentivised service providers
                                            the atmosphere isn’t a bad idea either.
environmental, safety and security-                                                       who have moved onto the next honey
related data – ensuring motorists have      A sliding registration scheme could see
access to competitive, convenient,          the sticker price on some vehicles come
                                            down. That’s good for dealers and             The Victorian Government’s cash-
safety-focused service and repair
                                            consumers.                                    for-clunkers scheme is the latest in
information for the life of their motor
                                                                                          a long line of incentive programmes
vehicle.                                    It will also incentivise vehicle owners
                                                                                          that need clear thought and industry
Manufacturers invest heavily in creating    to ‘go green’ and think about the
                                                                                          consultation before the fine print is
their products and industry believes        necessity of driving solo to work in
                                                                                          released later this year.
they should be allowed to reap the          oversized vehicles. Why wouldn’t
                                            Australia’s roads authorities want that?      I support any efforts to get motorists
rewards of this investment. Industry
                                                                                          out of older vehicles and into safer new
acknowledges such information               INCENTIVISE ME!
                                                                                          ones, but don’t leave legitimate car
should be made available at a fair          It doesn’t matter whether it’s pink           dealers and vehicle recycling businesses
and reasonable rate – which would           batts, LPG conversions, or electric           behind at the expense of pop-up or
mean an additional income stream            car subsidies – many of these well-           backyard operators.

                                                                                             JANUARY 2021   Australia               11


    artopia officially launched its         recognised many of the frustrations         strategy, involving online search and
    new vehicle sales site on January       for dealerships promoting their stock       social media advertising, as well as
    7, 2021. This is really an exciting     through traditional car buying websites.    sponsorships and radio advertising.
milestone says the Credit One Group         Through Cartopia, the goal has been to      This strategy will produce rapid growth
which created the new website that          create an alternative and change the        in Cartopia usership, meaning more
was in development for several months       way to pay and to advertise stock.          Australians seeing dealer listings on the
before going live.                          For a limited time dealerships can          website.
The new Cartopia website features           currently have stock advertised on the      So what’s the pricing difference?
new and used vehicles, access to low        Cartopia website FREE of charge.
                                                                                        There will be a very affordable monthly
rate finance, car news and reviews          This allows dealers to trial the site and   subscription fee and rather than a pay
and an easy to navigate search              reach a nationwide audience of car          per lead model, there will be an agreed
function.                                   buyers without incurring the usual fees     fee for every successful sale originated
Since being established in 1999, Credit     and costs associated with car buying        via the Cartopia platform.
One has developed strong relationships      websites.
                                                                                        To get on board as a Cartopia dealer –
with dealerships throughout Australia       After only being live for just over a       contact your local Credit One rep on
and helped thousands of car buyers          month, the site has exceeded all            1300 696 392 (MyNewCar) or email:
secure finance on their vehicle             expectations with a high number             info@cartopia.com.au.
purchases.                                  of unique buyer visits to Cartopia.
                                                                                        The new website can be viewed at
So why create another classified            Foundation dealers reporting strong
vehicle sales site?                         enquiry and successful sales.
After working closely with dealerships      Over the coming months, Cartopia
over many years, Credit One has             will be pursuing an aggressive growth


      he Federal Chamber of Automotive      than $100 billion every year in research
      Industries (FCAI) has welcomed        and development to design and build
      the announcement on Future            the low and zero-emission vehicles of
Fuels Strategy by Minister for Energy       the future.
and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor.       “This research continues to present us
It says it shows the Government             with a vast range of options – from
desire to let the market determine          highly efficient internal combustion
the uptake of new technology while          engines, through hybrids to battery or
supporting its growth through               plug-in electric and hydrogen fuel cell.
investment in infrastructure and the        The Government is wise to acknowledge
removal of barriers that discourage         that the future directions include this
vehicle technology development and          range of technologies.
adoption.                                   “Governments should choose targets
FCAI chief executive Tony Weber says        – not technology. The market tells us
                                                                                                        TONY WEBER
that continued development of zero          that these advanced drive technologies
and low emission vehicles by global         are accepted in Australia if they are fit   “We encourage the Federal Government
manufacturers coupled with the              for purpose and affordable,” Weber          to work cooperatively with State
market demand led by private and            says.                                       and Territory Governments to ensure
business buyers at affordable prices        He also says the discussion paper           all Australians can have confidence
and operating costs will be the drivers     commentary about the role of                in consistent development of
towards zero carbon emissions.              Government in the development of            infrastructure and policy settings that
“The FCAI will consider the                 critical supporting infrastructure was      support the adoption of new zero and
Government’s position and respond           a positive message to the market.           low emission technology.
formally to the discussion process,”        “Governments have a critical role to        “This is an important time for unity,
Weber says.                                 play in the development and roll-out        clarity, planning and delivery across
“It is very significant that the Minister   of appropriate infrastructure to support    the entire country rather than
is placing the focus on a mix of            the growth in market demand for new         poorly considered tax grabs by State
technologies rather than taxation           technologies. Access to world-class         Governments on electric and hydrogen
to lead the transition. Globally, our       fuel quality remains a missing link in      vehicles,” Weber says.
member companies are taking a lead          this story.
in emissions reduction and invest more

12               Australia   JANUARY 2021
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                                                                  JANUARY 2021   Australia   13

      odium is an interaction              your reviews, and that they
      management platform                  prioritise reviews above personal
      that enables dealerships             recommendations, loyalty, and
to personally manage customer              traditional marketing.
communications through text and            “As an example, a new car buyer is
instant message. From starting             looking for a Mazda 3 in a competitive
conversations, to closing deals, taking    metro area, and there are 10
payments and asking for Google             dealerships nearby selling the exact
reviews, personalised messaging is         same car. The buyer pulls out their
the latest revolution in customer          phone and Googles ‘Best Mazda dealer
experience.                                near me.’ The dealership at the top
The platform integrates with               of the results with 1500+ reviews and
websites such as CarSales, Facebook        a near-perfect star rating is going
and Google to deliver seamless             to attract their attention first. If the                EDWARD TAPLEY
communication underpinning the             reviews are current and mention staff
customer journey from the initial          by name, the choice becomes obvious.       “By allowing the customer to connect
online touchpoints to the eventual                                                    directly with the dealership sales
                                           “Turning eyes online into genuine
showroom visit, all through their                                                     team via text message, we eliminate
                                           conversations is the next challenge,
preferred communication channel,                                                      the endless games of phone tag,
                                           and third-party chat solutions or
such as text messaging.                                                               voicemails and emails that only
                                           chatbots don’t make sense. It’s
                                                                                      provide friction and cause delay.
Podium senior sales executive              frustrating for the buyer and creates
                                                                                      Speed in starting a conversation with
Ed Tapley says that the use of             challenges for sales teams in restarting
                                                                                      the customer is absolutely critical in
smartphones in consumer searches           the conversation through another
                                                                                      improving conversions because if you
has disrupted how consumers find,          comms channel.
                                                                                      give your competition time they may
evaluate and interact with their local     You would never have a robot be            have the conversation first. We know
retailers and particularly new and         the first point of contact when            that 90% of all text messages are
used vehicle dealers.                      someone walks into your showroom,          read within three minutes of being
More importantly he notes that the         and with customers now starting            received. It’s the most effective way to
old-fashioned word-of-mouth referral       their journey online, why should           start the conversation today.
has now been usurped by online             your online storefronts be treated
                                                                                      “There is still a big gap between
Google reviews and star ratings,           any differently? Podium routes this
                                                                                      how dealerships communicate and
which are so visible when a person is      conversation to the buyer’s phone
                                                                                      how buyers prefer to be contacted.
searching for details about a product      and text messaging, delivering
                                                                                      Research by J.D. Power shows that
or service.                                a flexible and personal customer
                                                                                      more than 49% of Generation Y want
“Everyone is looking online for a five     experience.
                                                                                      to be contacted by dealerships via
star experience, as well as the very       “We’ve got to move beyond                  text but in reality, dealership uptake
best deal and a trustworthy brand,         capturing leads and focus on starting      of text is languishing at about 11%, so
but how can they find that and be          conversations with the intending           there is huge untapped potential for
reassured they are making the right        buyer immediately. Podium enables          dealers.
decision?” Tapley asks.                    this through Google, Facebook,
                                                                                      “With today's consumer, text
“Car dealers are realising the             Instagram, CarSales, and dealer
                                                                                      messaging is such a powerful tool to
power of positive Google reviews           websites.
                                                                                      underpin the customer journey from
and showing up online in front of          “We know that the average buyer will       first touches online to final sale and
potential buyers. It can be a huge         contact two to three dealerships when      beyond."
advantage in creating enquiry and          they are shopping online for a new car
closing deals.                             and it’s likely they will purchase from
“We know 84% of Australian                 the first dealership that responds to
consumers are influenced by                their enquiry.

14              Australia   JANUARY 2021

       udi Australia has announced that     a market where all auto brands are
       it will join its affiliated brands   importers, no national sales company
       in the national sales company        will have the breadth of offering nor
Volkswagen Group Australia (VGA).           the sheer product strength of VGA.
The merger is subject to final              "From a Fabia city car all the way
approval by the parent companies in         to Audi's R8 supercar with every
Germany, and locally by the Foreign         passenger car and SUV segment
Investment Review Board.                    between and a dominant light
It unites Volkswagen, Audi, Volkswagen      commercial vehicle arm, Volkswagen
Commercial Vehicles and the VW-             Group Australia will be class-leading in
owned Czech brand Skoda in a single         all aspects of the automotive market in
                                                                                                          PAUL SANSOM
Australian entity, however the dealer       which it competes," he says.
networks will operate as per existing       Audi Australia managing director Paul
agreements with the brands.                 Sansom says that the merger would
Volkswagen Group Australia managing         have clear benefits both for Audi and
director Michael Bartsch who was            VGA.
appointed to the role in 2018 will now      "Audi Australia has enjoyed enormous
lead the expanded group.                    success over the last 15 years and
Audi Australia will continue to be lead     the consolidation of its place in the
by managing director Paul Sansom who        Volkswagen Group here begins the next
was appointed to the role in 2017.          exciting chapter," Sansom says.
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles              "As a prestige brand, Audi has its own
director Ryan Davies will continue          distinct identity in VGA and remains
                                                                                                         MICHEAL IRMER
in his role which he assumed in             the Group's technological spearhead.
January 2019, and the Skoda brand will      Vorsprung durch Technik means
continue to be directed by Michael          progress through technology and Audi
Irmer as he has done since 2013.            is set to continue its rich history of
                                            innovation by taking a leading role in
Audi Australia (established in 1997)        future mobility."
and VGA (2001) have previously traded
as separate NSCs. The companies,            "Audi will be the brand that leads
which shared functions such as IT           VGA's push into electric vehicles,"
and procurement, had for some time          Bartsch says
examined other areas for combining          "As such, VGA will be positioned most
recourses culminating in the decision       advantageously to dominate what will
to merge as per practice in most            in time become a common form of
markets where multiple Group brands         personal mobility.                                           MICHAEL BARTSCH
are sold.                                   "Eventually each group brand will have
Bartsch says that the combined group        separate EV ranges that reflect the         Work is advanced on the new VGA
would be a force in the Australian          diversity and price positioning of their    national headquarters in and around
passenger vehicle market.                   conventional showrooms. Yet, crucially,     Audi's South Dowling Street premises
                                            the brands retain their entirely distinct   in inner-Sydney Zetland.
"Unification fortifies the position of
these Group brands," Bartsch says. "In      identities and customer sets," he says.

                                                                                          JANUARY 2021      Australia             15


       eneral Motors has launched a
       social media campaign to pay
       tribute to the Holden brand and
remind current owners that it continues
to offer parts and service support across
Created by the AJF agency, the
Rewinding Roads website combines
the smarts of Google Maps with
the photographic skills of everyday
It will remain live for the rest of 2021 as
a gallery for all of Australia to enjoy.
“It was always our intention to
recognise the important contribution
Holden has made in this country,” GM
Australia and New Zealand managing
director Marc Ebolo says.
“This website is a simple way that
Holden family and friends can come
together to celebrate this iconic
Australian brand.
“With Holden continuing to service
vehicles and provide parts to its many
customers in Australia, we wanted
to make sure this didn’t feel like an
“Just as Holden drivers can keep using
and enjoying their vehicles for years
to come, we hope that this site can
be enjoyed by all Australians, whether
they are uploading their favourite
photos or just browsing the galleries of
Holdens all over the country.
“We’re excited to be launching such           Keep your customers happy and keep your dealership or workshop
a tribute to Holden and a partnership         running smoothly by using messaging. Podium saves you from
with Google and RMIT,” Ebolo says.            constant phone calls and keeps every customer interaction in
“We wanted to create an opportunity           one clean inbox.
for all Australians to share their Holden
ownership over the years. And thanks
to the team at Google, who provided
access to their Google Maps platform,
we have made it easy for Aussies to
share their Holdens with Australia,“
AJF founding partner ECD Adam Francis
“We would also like to thank the RMIT
students who are helping AJF with this
“And finally, we’d like to thank all the
talented people at Holden that we’ve
shared a journey with for more than 11
“We will always be appreciative of
the many marketers and dealers with
whom we formed great relationships
with along the way,” Francis says.
Website link: rewindingholden.com.au
                                              Visit try.podium.com/auto to get started
Video link: https://youtu.be/

16               Australia   JANUARY 2021

        ew Zealand prime minister           raising concerns that the plan goes too
                                                                                                    MICHAEL WOOD
        Jacinda Ardern has confirmed a      fast.
        new average emissions standards     “While we believe the fuel economy
for light vehicles which has received       standard is necessary, the speed at
mixed reactions from the new and used       which we must reach the average target
vehicle industry as well as the New         of 105 grams of CO2 per km is the most
Zealand Automobile Association and          aggressive and severe in the world,”
lobby group Drive Electric.                 chief executive David Crawford says.
The move is likely to have as bigger        “No other country has ever had to face
impact on the availability of vehicles      a 40% rate of reduction in five years
for New Zealand buyers as in the late       that we now must meet. We urge the
1980s when the government allowed           Government to amend the target date
used vehicles (grey imports) into the       to 2030.”                                              DAVID CRAWFORD
country mainly from Japan, Singapore,
                                            “Contrary to the views of Government,
and the UK.
                                            the 2025 target date does not allow
The ‘clean car import standard’, will       time for model development, vehicle
require new and used vehicle importers      sourcing arrangements and does not
to move towards a target of average         recognise that for many distributors
emissions of 102grams for cars and          in New Zealand their model choice is
SUVs, and 132g for Utes, vans and larger    tied to the Australian market. With no
4X4 vehicles by 2025. The overall target    similar policy required in Australia, our
is 105g.                                    market, which represents just 0.018%
Currently the average vehicle in New        of new vehicle production in any one
Zealand has CO2 emissions of around         year, is too small for manufactures to
171 grams per kilometre (g/km). In NZ       develop models just for us.”                             DAVID VINSEN
cars and SUVs alone average 161 g/km,       “We also urge the rules to be the
compared to 105 g/km in Europe. In          same for both new and used imported
2017, the most efficient vehicle models     vehicles. Giving used imported vehicles
on the market had, on average, 21%          softer penalties will lead to an increase
higher emissions than their counterpart     in older, less safe vehicles entering New
models in the United Kingdom.               Zealand.”
New Zealand is only one of two              VIRTUE SIGNALLING SAYS USED
countries in the OECD without a vehicle     IMPORT BODY
CO2 standard, the other nation is
                                            The body for used vehicle importers
Russia (Australia’s vehicle industry has
                                            in New Zealand, VIA, says the vehicle
implemented its own standard). The                                                                    NEERAJ LALA
                                            emissions standard as ‘nothing short of
first target of 105g set for 2025 was
                                            virtue signalling.
already achieved by Japan in 2014 and
by Europe in 2020. On average, New          Chief executive David Vinsen says the
Zealanders pay 65% more in annual           strategies biggest impact to the local
vehicle fuel costs than people in the       market will be consumers paying more
European Union, even though Europe’s        for the same cars they drive now.
petrol prices are higher.                   “The biggest change is New Zealander’s
Recording will begin in 2022, with          will end up paying more for the same
charges for missing the target from         vehicles they drive now,” he says. “If
2023. Used vehicle importers will           they were really serious about cutting
have lower penalties than new car           carbon they would put a carbon tax on
importers.                                  hydrocarbon fuels, but they are not.”
                                                                                                   MARK STOCKDALE
“The Import Standard will prevent up to     “There is an international trend
3 million tonnes of emissions by 2040,      towards these sorts of changes because
mean more climate-friendly cars are         transport is seen as being relatively low   “We are yet to see the detail of the
available, and will give families average   hanging fruit.”                             draft legislation, but there is no doubt
lifetime fuel savings of nearly $7,000      Vinsen has yet to see specific details      this will materially affect the shape of
per vehicle,” Transport minister Michael    of what the final regulation will look      New Zealand’s fleet over time.”
Wood says.                                  like, but notes VIA has been part of        “Our role is to try to assist government
Although supportive, the Motor              the development of the plan. It will        in making sure it is effective and able
Industry Association of New Zealand is      continue to work with the government        to be implemented.”
                                            despite its concerns.
                                                                                                                       to page 18...

                                                                                           JANUARY 2021   Australia              17

...from page 17
He acknowledges the import trade has         “We understand the intentions                and motor industry to devise an
access to the hybrid-friendly Japanese       behind it and our members want               action plan to reduce transport
market, but notes there is domestic and      to see more low-emissions vehicles           emissions and also improve the safety
other international market demand for        available here but the risk is that this     of the fleet. In addition to emissions
those vehicles.                              target could simply result in higher         standards and biofuels, this could also
“There is a limited number of electric       prices for new cars that still don’t         investigate scrappage schemes and
vehicles and low emissions vehicles,”        meet the emissions standard. That            other incentives such as depreciation
he says. “There is an opportunity there      could even result in people holding          allowances and fringe benefit taxes.
for hybrids, but there is demand for         onto their older, higher emissions car       TOYOTA NEW ZEALAND WELCOMES
those as well.”                              for longer.”                                 EMISSIONS POLICY
On the topic of why used importers           A move that is welcomed by the AA            Toyota New Zealand (TNZ) chief
have – as AutoTalk and the MIA               is the announcement to investigate           executive Neeraj Lala says the brand
understand it – a lower penalty rate,        a biofuels mandate that could make           is committed to reducing the carbon
Vinsen says that is because new vehicle      fuels sold at the pump become lower-         footprint across the full life of its
distributors have better access to           emitting.                                    product lines, including manufacturing,
electric and low emissions stock.            “The emissions standards focus on            distribution and tail pipe emissions.
EV LOBBY GROUP CALLS FOR MORE                the approximately 300,000 vehicles           “To transition to a resilient, zero-
                                             entering the fleet every year, but we        carbon economy we need a range of
Mark Gilbert, chair of Drive Electric
                                             also need to reduce the emissions from       initiatives from both manufacturers
says, “The standards being proposed
                                             the existing fleet of some 4.6 million       and government. Toyota is playing
for 2025 have already been met in other
                                             vehicles. Biofuels are one way to do         its role to deliver increasingly lower
comparable markets, like the EU and
                                             that, especially second-generation           emitting vehicles. The introduction
Japan, and must be achievable here.”
                                             biofuels which are fully compatible          of a new Clean Car Import Standard
“The standard is a useful tool in that it    with any motor vehicle,” Stockdale           is an encouraging move from the
asks importers to look at the portfolio      says.                                        Government,” he says.
of vehicles they are importing, which
                                             Stockdale says the AA is disappointed        TNZ has a target to reduce tailpipe
should increase low emissions choice
                                             that the revised emissions targets           emissions to 152g CO2/km and 178g CO2/
across a range of vehicle types and
                                             developed by an industry working             km for Toyota and Lexus respectively by
price points. With more EVs coming into
                                             group in conjunction with the Ministry       2030. It has already achieved the Lexus
New Zealand, this also increases the
                                             of Transport have not been adopted.          target (currently 151.4g CO2/km).
second-hand market over time.
                                             “This proposed the same target,              “However, to reduce further to 105g per
“That said, such a standard is really
                                             but for 2028, which would give the           km is certainly a tough ask. But we are
just a first step towards managing a
                                             car industry enough time to source           prepared to work in partnership with
transition away from fossil fuel vehicles
                                             vehicles for the New Zealand market.         the Government to achieve a transition
and towards no emissions vehicles.”
                                             “As it is the proposed targets are the       to a low carbon vehicle fleet.”
“To meet New Zealand’s legislated
                                             most stringent of any country in the         Toyota has been working with the
climate ambitions, to keep warming
                                             world, and the timeframe is just too         Motor Industry Association (MIA) for
within 1.5 degrees celsius, our analysis
                                             short.”                                      several months on a lower emitting
shows we need to aim for at least
250,000 EVs on the roads by 2025, and        “Everyone who owns a petrol or diesel        vehicle standard. Lala says the industry
for this trend to continue through to        motor vehicle is already collectively        is not ignoring the issue and is working
2030.                                        contributing 8c per litre for a collective   co-operatively to meet new global
                                             $420m a year to offset transport             standards and develop new low or zero
“Firstly, we should look at announcing
                                             emissions through the ETS. Right now         emitting automotive technologies such
a date by which we end the
                                             none of this money is actually being         as hybrid, pure electric and hydrogen
importation of fossil fuel vehicles into
                                             targeted at reducing emissions, and          fuel cells.
New Zealand, entirely. This has been
                                             the AA thinks it should be. Within           Lala supported the stance of the MIA
done in many other markets around
                                             a few years, that fund will rise to          which believes the 2025 deadline is
the world, including the United
                                             $800m a year, and this money must            too aggressive, is not aligned with
                                             be used to help establish a viable           most countries and not achievable
“Policies that need to be considered         second-generation biofuels industry,         as decisions on new vehicle products
include incentives, adjustments to           and to fund other initiatives to reduce      and volumes imported into New
fringe benefit taxes and depreciation,       transport emissions and incentivise          Zealand are largely made by off-shore
and investment to ensure we are ready        the uptake of low-emissions vehicles,”       management.
for more at-home charging and public         Stockdale says.
charging,” Gilbert says                                                                   Hybrid sales by Toyota increased from
                                             The AA also supports the development         1636 in 2017 to 12,210 in 2020,
NZ AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION                    and introduction of a feebate scheme         leading to a falling emissions profile
QUESTIONS TIMEFRAME                          which would complement an emissions          for the overall Toyota and Lexus
While supportive of the government’s         standard. “Other countries have both         model range. More hybrid and plug-
move, the NZAA is also concerned             an emissions standard and a feebate          in hybrid models will be launched in
that the proposed targets may not be         scheme, and their experience shows           New Zealand this year by Toyota and
possible within the timeframe.               that both work to reduce emissions           its premium brand, Lexus, including
“The proposed emissions target for           from new vehicles entering the fleet,”       the first local offering of a pure
2025 is an aspirational target that may      Stockdale says.                              electric car, the Lexus UX 300e.
not be achievable,” NZAA spokesperson        The AA also wants a broader fleet
Mark Stockdale says.                         strategy developed by the government

18                Australia   JANUARY 2021
You can also read