FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN

Page created by Tina Rodgers
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
FELIX: the Detector Interface for
                           the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Front End LInk eXchange

          Alexander Paramonov1 on behalf of ATLAS TDAQ Collaboration
          1) Argonne National Laboratory

          19 May 2021

                 25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
ATLAS DAQ for LHC Run3 (2022-2024)
                                          LAr           FE          FE           FE
                             100kHz                                                                           Fully synchronous
             L1 trigger                                                                                       Custom
                                         FELIX        FELIX        ROD          ROD      Custom Link
              40MHz         100kHz                                                                            Multiple types
GBT : synchronous serial                                                                                      Fixed latency
protocol at 4.8 Gb/s                                                                                          Highly-parallel
                                        software     software
FM: 8b/10b RX link at                     ROD          ROD
                                                                    ROS         ROS
9.6 Gb/s (Full Mode)
                             COTS                                                                           Custom
 ROD : ReadOut Driver,                                                                    Ethernet          Electronics
 ROS : ReadOut System,                                                                                      PC
 HLT : High Level Trigger                 HLT          HLT          HLT          HLT

  FELIX (Front End LInk eXchange) is a modern detector readout system with fewer
   custom parts.
     Easier to support and upgrade than the older system
  FELIX will readout the new muon detectors, LAr calorimeters, and calorimeter
   trigger electronics
     Readout and configuration of on-detector electronics
     Distribution of trigger information and LHC clock to the on-detector (FE)
                                     25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics          2
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
FELIX hardware platform
                                            FELIX Host PC
             FELIX PCIe card
 TTC interface                              Memory                          CPU        MSI-X
                                                 buffer                             Device Driver
 Optical Links      FPGA  PCIe Gen3              buffer
  24-48 ch,      firmware 126 Gb/s               buffer
  4.8 or 9.6                                                                              Optical Link
    Gb/s                                                      PCIe Gen3     NIC     Dual 25 or 100Gb/s ports
                                                              126 Gb/s

                 PCIe card with FPGA chip + Host PC + NIC

 TTC (Time, Trigger and Control) : LHC protocol used to distribute global clock
 (40.08MHz) and information from the real-time trigger

                       25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics           3
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
FELIX hardware components
                                                                                   SuperMicro X10SRA-F
                                                                                   Intel® Xeon™ E5-1660 V4

o   FLX712 board
       Custom board with Xilinx Kintex Ultrascale XCKU115
       48 optical links (MiniPODs) with up to 12 Gb/s per link
       Input: 24 GBT links or 12/24 links at 9.6 Gb/s (fullmode)
       Output: 24 or 48 GBT links (4.8 Gb/s)
       Slot for mezzanine board to allow customization to different
        timing and trigger distribution mechanisms                                 Mellanox ConnectX-5; 2x100
       The ATLAS TTC signal is sampled with ADN2814 receiver on                   GbE (25 GbE in some cases)
        the mezzanine board
       SI5345 and LMK03200 clock jitter cleaners
       PCIe Gen3 x16 (via a 2x8 switch)
       250+ boards were produced via an external manufacturer
        contracted through CERN

                         25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics           4
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
ATLAS sub-detectors currently connected to FELIX

– Liquid Argon Calorimeter
    – LTDB (LAr Trigger Digitizer Board) --
      propagation of TTC information to front-end via
      FELIX cards hosting 48 GBT channels. Control,
      configuration and monitoring data arriving from
      the front-end.
    • LDPB (LAr Digital Processing Blade) -- FELIX in
      FULL mode
– Level-1 calorimeter trigger (see the TDR)
    • gFEX (Global Feature Extractor): 12 FULL mode
    • ROD, Hub for eFEX (Electron Feature
      Extractor) and jFEX (Jet Feature Extractor)
    • TREX (Tile Rear Extension)
– Muon spectrometer
    • New Small Wheels (NSW)
    • BIS78 (Barrel Inner Small RPC (sector 7/8))

                       25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   5
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Highlights from integrations for Run-3
• NSW cosmic tests were performed as a final step of the integration process
    – FELIX was used to readout a section of the detector
    – As an example, the efficiency map is shown below
• First LAr Trigger Digitiser and Digital Processing Blades integrated into
  ATLAS data taking with FELIX during 2020. Commissioning of remaining
  modules ongoing

FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Planning and development for Run 4
• System specifications
    – Higher trigger rate: 100 kHz  1 MHz
    – support new detector systems and data transmission protocols
         • lpGBT and 64b/67b (Interlaken) for the optical links
         • 64b/66b (Aurora), 6b/8b, and a variety of custom serial link protocols for the
           slower electrical links.
    – The new TTC system will receive data at 9.6 Gb/s instead of 80 Mb/s
• Prototype hardware platform
    –   Uses Xilinx Versal Prime FPGA
    –   Supports PCIe Gen4 x16
    –   Optional support for optical links with up to 25 Gb/s
    –   Recent tests of the PCIe gen4 interface are promising
• System integration
   – Tile Calorimeter
   – Pixel and Strip sensors test setups (for the upcoming ITk Inner
                      25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   7
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Selected results for Run-4 integration

                                        RD53A in FNAL

                       FIBER TO FELIX
Tile Cal in testbeam

FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Selected results for Run-4 integration

• The system performance was evaluated for Run-3 operation at
  100 kHz trigger rate (left-hand plot).
• The system is stress tested to evaluate its performance for trigger
  rates up to 1 MHz (right-hand plot)

FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
Summary and prospects

• FELIX is a router between custom serial links and a
  commodity network
  • Takes advantage of the latest technology to simplify the ATLAS
• In LHC Run-3 (2022-2024) FELIX will be used for
  selected detectors and trigger systems.
  – FELIX firmware and the software are mature
  – All of the boards needed for data taking have been produced
• Ongoing efforts:
  – Integration with the ATLAS on-detector (front-end) systems
  – Development of FELIX board and firmware for LHC Run-4.

               25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   10
Thank you!

What is a collider experiment?

    Contemporary collider experiments study collisions of particles such as
     protons, electrons, and nuclei to look for new physics.
    The particles are accelerated in bunches so collisions are spaced in time.
    For example, the Large Hadron Collider accelerates protons to about 7 TeV
     and collides them every 25 ns. The ATLAS experiment at the LHC examines
     products from these collisions.

25 ns

                     25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   1
Design of the present Data Acquisition System

•    At LHC energies only 10 out of 40,000 proton
     collisions can be recorder for further study.                        All collisions
•    The trigger system performs real time
     selection efficiently to remove most of
     uninteresting data.
•    The DAQ system buffers data while the
     trigger system is analyzing it. It also                              Interesting collisions
     transports data from on-detector to offline,
     while facilitating online data preparation.

 ATLAS            DAQ            CPU-based
detector                         Event filter

             Trigger system

                        25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   1
Challenges of the detector readout

1.   Huge number of channels. For example,
     the ATLAS experiment has
        calorimeter with 120k channels
        muon system with 820k fast channels
         (RPCs and TGCs)
        inner tracker has 80M pixels and 46k
2.   Fast sampling rate without dead time
        40 Msps for the majority of the ATLAS
3.   High level of synchronization for
     digitization across all the systems (better
     than 1 ns) for years.
4.   High reliability. Beam time is very
5.   Affordable. Limit how much custom
     electronics is designed.
                     25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   14
ATLAS DAQ for LHC Run2 (2015-2018)
                                       FE            FE           FE            FE
                           100kHz                                                                         Fully synchronous
          L1 trigger                                                                                      Custom
           40MHz                      ROD           ROD          ROD           ROD      Custom Link       Multiple types
                                                                                                          Fixed latency
                                       ROS          ROS          ROS           ROS
                                                                                         Ethernet          Custom
ROD : ReadOut Driver,                                                                                      Electronics
ROS : ReadOut System,
HLT : High Level Trigger                                                                                   PC
                                       HLT          HLT           HLT          HLT

    Custom hardware and link protocols are used for the frontend readout
          During Runs 1 and 2, the experience gained suggested that commodity systems are easier to support than the
           custom alternatives
    Most of data are buffered in the on-detector electronics (FE) while the L1 trigger system is analyzing the
    Trigger signals and LHC clock are sent to both front-end and ReadOut Driver (ROD)
    This architecture was dictated by the capabilities of available electronics in ~2005.
    Based on this experience, a new system for Run 3 and 4 has been designed to make better use of
     commodity electronics and benefit from technological advancement in the intervening years
                                     25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics            15
FELIX data flow overview                                          Large-scale flexibility of commodity
              up to 320 Mb/s                                        to synchronous serial networking.
              E-link                                   TTC
  FE ASIC       E-link     GBTx                                                                                  Calibration
  FE ASIC    E-link
                           FPGA                                                          network
                                   link up to                                            100Gb/s                    DCS
                                   ~4.8 Gb/s

                                                      TTC                                                      FE configuration
  FE ASIC   E-link
  FE ASIC         E-link   GBTx
              E-link                                                                                            Event readout
  FE ASIC     E-link
                                                                                                   network      Event readout

  FE ASIC     E-link                                   TTC
  FE ASIC       E-link     GBTx
  FE ASIC    E-link

                                                                                                                Event readout
  FE ASIC   E-link
  FE ASIC         E-link   GBTx
  FE ASIC     E-link
                                                                             Commodity network. Multiple
                                                                              asynchronous data streams.
Custom data links. Fully synchronous system.
                               25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics                      1
FLX712 components

          25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   17
FELIX firmware architecture

24 GBT (4.8G) links
12 or 24 Full mode (9.6G) links

24 GBT (4.8G) links
48 GBT links for TTC-fan-out

                      25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   18
GBT Protocol
•    The protocol provides aggregation and de-aggregation of
     multiple slower data streams into a single fast serial link
      •   A slow serial link (aka E-link) is driven by a selected set of bits in the
          GBT frame
                                                                                                  GBTx IC. Rad-hard

•    The GBT frame is fully synchronous with the LHC clock (200 bits in 25 ns)
•    GBTX ASIC offers high fidelity clock (40 , 80, 160, or 320 MHz clock)
      •   Trigger and timing control for the on-detector electronics
•    Flexible configuration of the I/O ports                                          Slow serial e.g. 160 Mbps

                    Fast serial 4.8 Gbps
                                                                                          40 MHz clock
     FELIX                                           GBTx IC or FPGA
                 Fast serial 4.8 Gbps
                                                                                      Slow serial e.g. 320 Mbps

                           25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics          1
FELIX software

 FelixStar application is a data processing pipeline between the PCIe DMA buffer
  and the NIC
 Custom-designed network transport software layer (netio-next) is used for
  communication between FELIX hosts and network peers. It abstracts the low
  level network implementation. .POSIX and RDMA backends are supported
                    25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics   20
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