February 2021 - AAUW California

Page created by Andrea Mendoza
February 2021 - AAUW California
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                          February 2021

Dear ,
Welcome to the California Connection, the monthly e-blast sent to every
member from your state organization for a quick read of things to know and do
in AAUW!

Things to know

                             “One Grande Caramel Macchiato, please.”

                             “That’ll be $5.70 at the window. We accept bitcoin
                             and gold bricks.”

                             $5.70 for a cuppa Joe? Can’t you get anything for
                             under five bucks anymore? YES. For only $3.00
                             more per year, you can continue your
February 2021 - AAUW California
membership in AAUW and help fight the good

Sure, it’s a small increase in the national dues.

But, hey, it’s caffeine-free.

An internet search will return 3,971 quotations
about the future. We will not repeat them all here
because we like you. The only statement about
the future we’re interested in is that AAUW
California has launched a new task force called
“Tech Trek of the Future.” Using input from state
leaders, camp directors, branch coordinators,
and others, this team will dream of what future
Tech Trek camps could look like and sketch out a
roadmap to get there.
Oh, sorry, did you actually WANT an inspirational
quote about the future? Here’s one that’s even
Tech Trekky:
“We cannot always build the future for our youth,
but we can build our youth for the future.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

To degree or not to degree? That is the question.
(Well, it’s a mangled version of the question.)
This spring, AAUW members will be asked to
decide if the education requirement for
membership should be eliminated. That’s meaty
stuff. The national website is loaded with material
explaining the AAUW Board of Directors’
proposal and you can even watch a recording of
a town hall on the topic. The open comment
period is now over, but you can weigh in with
your Yay or Nay on the national election ballot
from 4/7 – 5/17.
February 2021 - AAUW California
Things to do

Netflix. Hulu. Amazon. Acorn. Peacock.
Too many movie streaming services with weird
names? Partridge in a Pear Tree? Chili Cheese
Break away and join the February AAUW
webinars for “entertainment that matters.” Wait,
who said that? Was it someone famous? Was it
an advertisement? Oh well. Try these:

      2/8/2021 (yes, yes, that’s TODAY) How to
      Upload your Speech Trek Video to
      YouTube. Learn how to edit your branch’s
      winning Speech Trek video and send it to
      AAUW California for judging. It works for
      cute videos of puppies cuddling ducks too.

      2/24/2021 She Who Thrives,
      Survives. Big branch? Little branch? It
      doesn’t matter! Learn ideas to make any
      branch successful by exploring the key
      elements of leadership, membership
      retention, growth and engagement, and

                            View Webinar Schedule

Your kids don’t listen to you. Your significant other
doesn’t listen to you. Your dog doesn’t listen to
you. And cats don’t listen to anybody. But maybe
your local legislators will! Bend their ear(s) on
virtual Lobby Day, March 24th, and advocate for
the issues AAUW cares about. To be a part of it,
click HERE,
February 2021 - AAUW California
“Yikes!” you say with trembling voice, “What do I
tell said legislators?” We KNEW you’d ask that.
Click HERE for the required training webinar on
March 22nd.

      The secret’s out: watch "The Women are

See you next month.
In the meantime, we offer a verse from Hamilton:

I am not throwin' away my shot.

                         AAUW California
AAUW's mission: To advance gender          AAUW California's mission: AAUW
equity for women and girls through         California facilitates California
research, education, and advocacy.         branches in meeting the vision and
AAUW.org                                   mission of AAUW by providing
                                           programs, education and resources.
February 2021 - AAUW California
Copyright © 2021 AAUW California, All rights reserved.

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February 2021 - AAUW California February 2021 - AAUW California February 2021 - AAUW California
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