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FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR IVY FALLS EAST NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS WHICH INCLUDES IMPROVEMENTS TO: BROMPTON PLACE, DOWNING STREET, LONDON ROAD, SUTCLIFF CIRCLE, WINSTON CIRCLE, & WINSTON COURT CITY PROJECT #201906 FEBRUARY 24, 2021 City of Mendota Heights I hereby certify that this Feasibility Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. February 24, 2021 Ryan E. Ruzek, P.E. Date Reg. No. 44990
Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 AUTHORIZATION......................................................................................................................................................... 4 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 LOCATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 RESIDENT INPUT ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 5 STREETS..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court........................ 5 WATER MAIN ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 STORM SEWER............................................................................................................................................................ 7 SANITARY SEWER ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 PRIVATE UTILITIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 8 ROADWAY REHABILITATION ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court ...................... 8 WATER MAIN ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 STORM SEWER............................................................................................................................................................ 8 TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................ 9 PRIVATE UTILITIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 FUNDING .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 FEASIBILITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 FUNDING SOURCES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS .............................................................................................. 10 ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ...................................................................................................................................... 10 PROPOSED ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 11 Street Rehabilitation – Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 FUNDING SOURCES…...…………………………………………………………………………………………………..11 PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE .............................................................................................................................. 12 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX A: IVY FALLS EAST NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AREA APPENDIX B: QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX C: REHABILITATION TYPICAL SECTION APPENDIX D: WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT APPENDIX E: STORM SEWER EXTENSION – DOWNING STREET APPENDIX F: IVY FALLS PARK TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS APPENDIX G: ENGINEER’S OPINION OF ESTIMATED COSTS APPENDIX H: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL Feasibility Report Page 3 Project No. 201906
INTRODUCTION Authorization The preparation of this report was authorized by the Mendota Heights City Council by adopting Resolution 2019-74 at the October 2, 2019, City Council meeting. This project has been designated as City Project No. 201906. The improvements to Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court are located in Section 13, Township 28, Range 23. Scope This report addresses the feasibility of street rehabilitation and water main improvements for the urban sections of Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court. This report also addresses the feasibility of trail improvements within Ivy Falls Park. Opinions of estimated costs for the associated improvements are noted herein and project funding strategies have been developed in this report. Location The proposed street reconstruction area is shown in Appendix A. Resident Input An informational letter and questionnaire was sent to the seventy-two (72) residents of the neighborhood on October 4, 2019, to inform them of the project. Forty-three (43) of the questionnaires were returned, for a 60% return rate. The two key issues that were asked in the questionnaire were drainage and traffic/pedestrian related issues. The letter, questionnaire and responses are shown in Appendix B. Feasibility Report Page 4 Project No. 201906
EXISTING CONDITIONS Streets Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court Winston Court (East) was constructed in 1962 under Project Number 6207A as part of the Water and Sewer Improvement No.1 – Project No.1. Brompton Place (North), Downing Street, London Road (North), and Winston Court (West) was constructed in 1965 under Project Number 6511 as part of the Ivy Falls East Addition. Winston Circle and Winston Court (Center) were constructed with curb and gutter in 1969 under Project Number 6920 as part of the North Ivy Hills First Addition. Winston Court (East) was reconstructed with curb and gutter in 1975 under project Number 7518 as part of the Northeast Section Improvements. Brompton Place (South) was constructed with curb and gutter in 1976 under Project Number 7618 as part of the Brompton Courts Addition. Sutcliff Circle was constructed with curb and gutter in 1989 under Project Number 8903 as part of the North Ivy Hills Second Addition. London Road (South) was constructed with curb and gutter in 1992 under Project Number 9208 as part of the Ivy Keep North Addition. Brompton Place (North), Downing Street, and Winston Court (West) were reconstructed with curb and gutter in 1992 under project 9208 as part of the London, Downing, Brompton, Winston Street Reconstruction Project. The existing urban street section for Winston Circle and Winston Court (Center) were constructed in 1969. Concrete curbs and gutters were installed on these streets. The roadway width currently measures 33 feet from face of curb to face of curb. These streets have a pavement section consisting of a 6” bituminous surface over an 8” aggregate base. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main were also constructed on these streets in 1969. The existing urban street section for Winston Court (East) was constructed in 1975. Concrete curbs and gutters were installed on this street and the roadway width currently measures 30 feet from face of curb to face of curb. This street has a pavement section consisting of a 6” bituminous surface over an 8” aggregate base. Sanitary sewer, and water main were constructed on these streets in 1962. Storm sewer was constructed in 1975. The existing urban street section for Brompton Place (South) was constructed in 1976. Concrete curbs and gutters were installed on this street and the roadway width currently measures 33 feet from face of curb to face of curb. This street has a pavement section consisting of a 4.5” bituminous surface over an 8” aggregate base. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main were also constructed on these streets in 1976. The existing urban street section for Sutcliff Circle was constructed in 1989. Concrete curbs and gutters were installed on this street and the roadway width currently measures 33 feet from face of curb to face of curb. This street has a pavement section consisting of a 4” bituminous surface over a 6” aggregate base. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main were also constructed on Feasibility Report Page 5 Project No. 201906
these streets in 1989. To date, typical street maintenance for Sutcliff Circle has been conducted by Public Works staff, including a slurry seal in 2001. The existing urban street section for London Road (South) was constructed in 1992. Concrete curbs and gutters were installed on this street and the roadway width currently measures 33 feet from face of curb to face of curb. This street has a pavement section consisting of a 5” bituminous surface over an 8” aggregate base. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main were also constructed on these streets in 1992. To date, typical street maintenance for London Road (South) has been conducted by Public Works staff. The existing urban street section for Brompton Place (North), Downing Street, and Winston Court (West) was constructed in 1992. Concrete curbs and gutters were installed on this street and the roadway width currently measures 33 feet from face of curb to face of curb. This street has a pavement section consisting of a 5” bituminous surface over an 8” aggregate base. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main were also constructed on these streets in 1992. To date, typical street maintenance for Brompton Place (North), Downing Street, and Winston Court (West) has been conducted by Public Works staff. The storm water for Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, and Winston Court drains into the MnDOT drainage ditch along Sibley Memorial Highway (Hwy- 13). The Sibley Memorial Highway (Hwy-13) ditch surface drainage drains into the Mendota Heights storm sewer system at Sylvandale Road. Storm water for Brompton Place, London Road, Winston Circle, and Winston Court drains into the existing storm sewer system. The existing storm sewer system drains to the Ivy Falls Park pond located within the Ivy Falls Drainage System and the Lower Mississippi River Watershed District. Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court currently have a failing bituminous surface and are in significantly poor condition. All of these streets appear to be near the end of their useful life and the cost to maintain and repair these roadways are steadily increasing. These streets no longer meet the City’s minimum design standards and it is no longer cost effective to continue to repair these streets. Based on the extent of fatigue cracking, a rehabilitation of Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court is recommended by our pavement management system. Street rehabilitation will consist of reclaiming the existing bituminous roadway and the placing of a new bituminous surface over the reclaimed pavement material. Pavement cores have been obtained for these streets that verify the existing street cross- section and that the material will be suitable for pavement reclamation. Overlaying or seal coating the existing pavement is no longer a feasible alternative. Feasibility Report Page 6 Project No. 201906
Water Main St. Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) has recommended replacing all existing cast iron water main and hydrants on Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, and Winston Court. The existing water main is a 6” cast iron pipe and has had a break frequency that exceeds limits recommended by SPRWS. SPRWS has recommended maintenance operations for the remaining ductile iron water main pipe on Brompton Place, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court. Storm Sewer Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court have existing storm sewer. The storm sewer pipe is currently in good condition with no need for replacement. Downing Street storm sewer extension is designed to address slow drainage in an area where the street grade is below current City design standards. Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer located within the limits of the project site was cleaned and televised as part of Mendota Heights City Project MH201706 in 2017 on Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, & Winston Court. Vitrified clay sewer pipes (VCSP) are located on Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, & Winston Court. Overall, the pipes throughout the proposed project site are in good condition with very few instances of leaking located near the manholes. This project does not include replacing any of the existing sanitary sewer lines. Private Utilities Providers of privately owned gas, electric, communications and cable television utilities are present in the neighborhood. Feasibility Report Page 7 Project No. 201906
PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Roadway Rehabilitation Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court The rehabilitation of Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court require a 7-ton street design to meet the City’s Street Rehabilitation Policy. Proposed improvements for these streets will include the reclamation of the existing bituminous roadway and the placing of a 2.5” bituminous base course and a 1.5” bituminous wear course over the reclaimed pavement material. By using the reclaimed pavement material as a base there is a cost savings versus importing a new aggregate base material. This method should rehabilitate the streets to like new condition and extend the life of the pavement an additional 20-30 years with continued preventative maintenance. See Appendix A for project area. See Appendix C for the rehabilitation typical section. Any damaged concrete curb and gutter along these streets will also be replaced as part of the roadway restoration. Driveways that may be disturbed due to the street rehabilitation will be replaced in kind. Disturbed boulevard areas will be restored with topsoil and sod. The existing right-of-way is 60 feet wide throughout the project. No additional right-of-ways acquisitions are anticipated with this project. Water Main As mentioned before, SPRWS has recommended replacing the existing water main and hydrants on Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, and Winston Court. The existing water main is 6” cast iron pipe and has had a break frequency that exceeds limits recommended by SPRWS. SPRWS proposes to install 6” ductile iron pipe and replace the fire hydrants. See Appendix D for proposed water main replacements. As mentioned before, SPRWS has recommended maintenance operations for the remaining ductile iron water main pipe on Brompton Place, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court. This includes fire hydrant replacements and cathodic protection installed to prolong the life of the existing 6” ductile iron pipe. Storm Sewer As mentioned before, the existing storm sewer is in satisfactory condition. This project does not include replacing any of the existing storm sewer lines. Downing Street storm sewer extension is designed to address slow drainage in an area where the street grade is below current City design standards. See Appendix E for proposed Downing Street storm sewer extension. Feasibility Report Page 8 Project No. 201906
Additional storm water improvements including, but not limited to, rain gardens will be considered on an individual basis, based upon homeowner interest and storm water design feasibility after the Informational Meeting scheduled on March 24, 2021. Trail Improvements As part of Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements, an 8’ bituminous trail is considered to be installed within Ivy Falls Park connecting Butler Avenue to Sylvandale Road. See Appendix F for proposed Ivy Falls Park Trail Improvements. Private Utilities No utility companies have indicated they will be making improvements to their distribution networks in conjunction with our proposed improvements. Funding Per the City’s Street Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Policy it is proposed that the benefiting property owners will be assessed for the street rehabilitation. The property tax levy will be used to finance the City’s portion of the street rehabilitation. Storm sewer and water main funds will come from their respective utility accounts. Feasibility From an engineering standpoint, this project is necessary, cost-effective, feasible and can be accomplished as proposed. Feasibility Report Page 9 Project No. 201906
FUNDING SOURCES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS The area proposed to be assessed is every lot, piece, and parcel within the city limits benefiting from said improvement, whether abutting or not, within the following described areas: Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court. Specific property descriptions included in the above-described area, but not inclusive, are as follows: Ivy Falls East Addition, North Ivy Hills First Addition, Brompton Courts Addition, North Ivy Hills Second Addition, and Ivy Keep North Addition. The roadway improvement costs can be assessed on a unit basis to the benefiting properties as per the Street Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Policy adopted by the City council on June 16, 1992. The following section discusses the assessment distribution for the street improvements based on the City’s policy. Estimated Project Costs The following costs were prepared based upon an Engineer’s Opinion of Estimated Costs (Appendix G) and are subject to change, depending on the final design of the project, soil conditions, bids received, and actual work performed. PROJECT COSTS ITEM CONSTRUCTION INDIRECT* TOTAL Street Rehabilitation $821,654.50 $205,413.63 $1,027,068.13 Trail Construction $38,908.00 $9,727.00 $48,635.00 Storm Sewer $25,250.00 $6,312.50 $31,562.50 Water Main $562,329.00 $140,582.25 $702,911.25 Totals $1,448,141.50 $362,035.38 $1,810,176.88 * Includes 25% indirect costs for legal, engineering, administration, and finance. Feasibility Report Page 10 Project No. 201906
Proposed Estimated Assessments Street Rehabilitation - Brompton Place, Downing Street, London Road, Sutcliff Circle, Winston Circle, and Winston Court The estimated total assessable amount for the project is based on specially assessing 50% of the street rehabilitation costs including but not limited to mobilization, traffic control, bituminous removal/reclamation, bituminous base course, bituminous wear course, tack coat, curb and gutter, valve and manhole adjustments, and appurtenant work. The preliminary assessment roll listing the assessable parcels is provided in Appendix H. ASSESSMENT CALCULATIONS - STREET REHABILITATION Assessable Costs $1,027,068.13 Assessment $513,534.06 Assessable Units 71 Estimated Unit Assessment per City Policy $7,232.87 $513,533.77 50% Proposed Unit Assessment $5,500.00 $390,500.00 38% The estimated unit assessments for the street rehabilitation are higher than the rates that staff anticipates for future rehabilitation projects with pavement reclamation due to the anticipated sub-grade correction. Staff proposes to assess the benefiting properties $5,500/unit in order to bring the rate closer to anticipated rehabilitation projects costs. The costs and funding sources for the projects are summarized in the following tables: FUNDING SOURCES COST MUNICIPAL UTILITY ITEM ESTIMATE ASSESSMENT BONDS FUNDS Street Rehabilitation $1,027,068.13 $390,500.00 $636,568.13 Trail Construction $48,635.00 $48,635.00 Storm Sewer $31,562.50 $31,562.50 Water Main $702,911.25 $702,911.25 Totals $1,810,176.88 $390.500.00 $685,203.13 $734,473.75 With a total estimated project cost of $1,810,176.88 and an estimated bond issue of $685,203.13, the assessed amount of $390,500.00 would be equivalent to 26.9% of the total bond issue. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 Special Assessment Bond Issue requires that a minimum of 20% of the total bond issue amount be recovered through special assessments. Feasibility Report Page 11 Project No. 201906
PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE The following project schedule outlines an approach to complete the assessable projects in 2021: ACTIVITY DATE Accept Feasibility Study/Call for Public Hearing March 2, 2021 Hold Informational Meeting March 24, 2021 Conduct Public Hearing/Accept Project/Order Plans and Specifications April 6, 2021 Hold Second Informational Meeting (if necessary) April 2021 Approve Plans and Specifications/Order Advertisements for Bids April 20, 2021 Open Bids May 2021 Accept Bids/Award Contract May/June 2021 Begin Construction June/July 2021 Complete Base Course & Wear Course of Bituminous Pavement Fall 2021 Authorize Amount to be Assessed/Schedule Assessment Hearing October 2021 Conduct Assessment Hearing/Adopt Assessment Roll October 2021 CONCLUSION The proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint and should be made as proposed. The total estimated cost of the recommended improvements is $1,810,176.88. A portion of this project is proposed to be assessed to the benefiting property owners and the remainder through other funding sources. Feasibility Report Page 12 Project No. 201906
APPENDIX A: Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements Project Area Feasibility Report Project No. 201906
Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements (MH201906) City of Project Area Mendota 0 300 Heights February 23, 2021 SCALE IN FEET Legend HIAW ST 2021 Street Rehabilitation ATHA D AR 605 M 623 613 2021 Assessments AVE SI 588 MIRIA SUTCLIFF CIR M ST 630 622 614 606 596 DIEGO LN 990 990 994 CHIPPEWA AVE DO 995 W 994 569 565 561 557 553 NI NG 613 547 ST 1000 WINSTON CIR 989 605 1000 995 WINSTON CT 993 1004 1001 542 LO 1006 ND 1010 ON 1007 610 580 568 562 558 554 550 546 RD 1014 600 590 1007 1015 1012 JUNCTION LN 1013 1020 1020 BR 1017 O 1018 M PT 1022 O 1023 N PL Y KIRC HW H NE 1025 1028 1022 R AV E 1024 AL 1027 I OR EM ELLEN ST M 1033 1034 1035 1036 Y LE ES B SI TH ER 1040 LN 1039 1040 JOHN ST LN VALLEY LN VIEW SY 1043 1044 1046 1043 LVA ND LEA R D R E D G D ID R DR D D O O O D
APPENDIX B: Questionnaire Feasibility Report Project No. 201906
October 4, 2019 RE: Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements – Property Owners Questionnaire Dear Resident: The City of Mendota Heights has initiated the process of roadway and utility improvements for the summer of 2020 with your neighborhood identified as a potential project. The Mendota Heights City Council ordered the preparation of a feasibility report for the Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements at the October 2, 2019, City Council meeting. The next step is to get feedback from you regarding a number of key components of the project. The information you share with us is essential in determining certain aspects of the project that may be constructed. Things to know and consider if an improvement project is approved: Residents pay a portion of the overall project cost in the form of a special assessment. You will not be billed for the special assessment until Fall 2020. Estimated special assessments for your neighborhood will not be determined until after information has been gathered from the questionnaires and a feasibility report is completed. Components of a project vary and are based on questionnaire responses. Special assessments typically include the cost of the new roadway. Other utility upgrades such as water main, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer are funded through utility funds and are not assessed. Construction typically starts in spring/early summer and ends in late fall of the same year. The following information explains the questionnaire that is enclosed. A map showing the boundaries of the area to be reconstructed is also enclosed. After reading this letter completely, please complete the questionnaire and return by October 25, 2019, in the self-addressed stamped envelope. Drainage and Erosion Issues We are aware of a few drainage and erosion issues in your neighborhood which we will address as part of the street reconstruction project. In most cases, it is unlikely that we will be able to address occurrences on private property, but providing us with the information on the questionnaire will help us to better understand what is happening and to see if there might be ways to work with individual property owners to resolve these occurrences. The City would like to know about any local drainage problems that you may have. Does storm water run-off stand in the street or in front of your house? As part of the storm sewer design process, we would like to know if this or similar situations are occurring in your neighborhood.
If so, please describe it in the drainage and erosion section of the questionnaire. We will review them for possible corrective action. Rain Gardens A rain garden is simply a "sunken" flowerbed, designed to retain and infiltrate as much storm water as possible. Rather than having the typical "raised" flowerbed that drains water away from the plants that need it, how about creating a garden to capture and use storm water to water the plants? The benefit to the environment is the reduction in the amount of storm water entering our ponds, lakes and streams. Every drop of water entering the street has no place to go, except down the gutter, into the storm sewer and into our ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. Should you choose to have a rain garden, it will be graded, prepared and plants supplied as part of the project at NO additional cost to you. The only condition is that you take ownership of the garden as far as maintaining it as part of your landscaping. Please call or stop in at the Engineering Department in City Hall for more information. Private Underground Utilities Some residents install private underground utilities in the City owned right-of-way. Typically the right-of-way is 12' to 20' behind the roadway. These utilities are usually lawn irrigation or pet containment systems. Utility and roadway reconstruction can damage these utilities. The contractor is responsible for protecting marked irrigation systems and pet fences, if damaged; they will be repaired by the contractor. However, if the contractor knows the location of these private utilities, they can attempt to avoid damaging them. If you have any private underground utilities, please tell us in the private underground utilities section of the questionnaire. Tree Issues The City regards trees as an important element in any neighborhood environment and will do everything possible to design around any boulevard trees - especially mature ones. By no means will the City ever clear-cut entire boulevards of trees as part of a construction project! There are some instances in which individual boulevard trees may need to be removed. Several instances include whether 1) the tree is an obstruction in which the new street, in extreme cases, cannot be designed around, or 2) if the tree has been a maintenance problem or sight distance hazard in the past, or 3) if the tree is located over an existing utility in need of repair, or 4) if the tree is located where a new utility is to be located, or 5) if the tree is suffering from a disease or pest. If a tree needs to be removed, the City will notify the property owner whose yard fronts the boulevard in which the tree stands prior to removal and explain the reason for removal. Residents who desire to have boulevard trees removed must notify the city prior to construction bidding which usually occurs in early spring. Residents who desire to have non-boulevard trees removed or trimmed must do so at their expense.
Traffic/Pedestrian Issues The City of Mendota Heights typically reviews traffic or pedestrian issues on local streets. We would like to know if you feel that your roadway has any traffic or pedestrian issues. Questions If you have questions after reading this letter, please call me or the engineering staff at 651-452- 1850. Sincerely, Ryan Ruzek, PE Public Works Director ryanr@mendota-heights.com Enclosed: Property Owners Questionnaire Reconstruction Map Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope
PROPERTY OWNERS QUESTIONAIRE IVY FALLS EAST NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Please do not answer these questions until after you have read the attached letter. Please complete and return this survey by October 25, 2019, using the self-addressed stamped-envelope. Name ___________________________ Address ____________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email_______________________________________ Drainage and Erosion Issues 1. Do you regularly get water in your basement? Yes No If yes, when? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) After big rain storms After almost any rain or melting event In the spring - during snow melt All the time - continuous Comments__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you have any of the following? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) Basement drain tile Sump pump None 3. Does water stand in your yard after big storms? Yes No If yes, A. How long is it there? ______________________________________________________ B. How far away is it from your house? __________________________________________ C. Where is it in relation to your house (direction and feet)? _________________________ D. Is the standing water creating damage to the property or is it just a nuisance? ________________________________________________________________________ E. Please sketch in the space below: your house, garage, driveway, and where drainage problem is occurring: 4. Please list specific surface water drainage or erosion problems in your neighborhood: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Project No. 201906 Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements 1
NOTE: Most private drainage problems (which are usually attributed to grades at or near the foundation) will likely NOT be solved by this street project. However, with this information we may be able to take a look at the whole picture and possibly address some occurrences. Rain Gardens 5. If it is feasible to do so, do you wish to have a rain garden placed in the boulevard on your parcel? Yes No If you answered "yes", A. Do you have a preferred size? _______________________________________________ B. Preferred location: ________________________________________________________ 6. Additional Comments/Questions about Rain Gardens:_______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Private Underground Utilities 7. Do you have an underground lawn irrigation system in the City right-of-way? (Typically the right-of-way is 12' to 20' behind the roadway.) Yes No 8. Do you have an underground electric pet containment system in the City's right-of-way? Yes No 9. Do you have any private wiring, private pipes, etc in the City's right-of-way? Yes No Tree Issues 10. Do you have any trees in the City right-of-way that you would like removed? (Typically the right-of-way is 12' to 20' behind the roadway.) Yes No Traffic/Pedestrian Issues 11. Do you feel your neighborhood or roadway has any pedestrian or traffic issues (e.g. crossing adjacent to busy roadways, parking, excessive speed, traffic volumes, etc.)? Yes No If yes, where? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Other Issues 12. Additional Comments/Questions:________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your cooperation. Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped-envelope. Please complete all questions and return to the City of Mendota Heights by October 25, 2019. Project No. 201906 Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements 2
QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PROJECT: Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements Questionnaire Date: 10/4/2019 Questionnaires Sent Out: 72 PROJECT #: 201906 Questionnaire Due Date: 10/25/2019 Questionnaires Returned: 43 Last Questionnaire Received: 11/13/2019 Percent Returned: 60% Map General Information Drainage and Erosion Issues Rain Gardens Private Underground Utilities Tree Issues Other Issues drawn Does water Pet Other Do you have a Does your stand in your Where If feasible, would you Containment Private trees in the neighborhood have Returned Water in Do you have any of the yard after big How from Damage or Describe specific drainage or erosion like a rain garden in Irrigation Sys. Sys. in Utilities in ROW you would any pedestrian or Describe specific pedestrian or traffic issues in Describe other issues or concerns in your Address Survey basement? following? storms? How Long? Far House? Nuisance? problems in your neighborhood. your yard? in ROW? ROW? ROW? like removed? traffic issues? your neighborhood. neighborhood. Basement Sump Yes No drain tile Pump None Yes No Yes No Maybe Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 2 ft/15 S side/NE After almost any rain or melting event - not Excessive speed on Highway 13 - I wish there Raingarden: Open on size, front yard near 1020 Brompton Place 1 1 1 1 1 -5 days 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft fence sure if it is damaging was a sidewalk or walkway along 13 curb Hwy 13 - cars drive too fast up the hill and between Sylvandale & Annapolis. There is Water in also an increase of traffic on Hwy 13. I bike yard after Water is several inches deep and sits there - Hwy 13 which can be difficult with cars driving 1022 Brompton Place 1 1 1 1 big storms: 20 ft backyard Nuisance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 neighbors water drains between our homes fast and not moving over. Cars will pass me days to a while I am riding on shoulder - so close I could week touch them. Maybe a sign to slow down for bikes. Would like a raingarden - but don't think placing it in the blvd would be a solution. Plows coming off Hwy 13 consistently turn onto our cul-de-sac, dumping chemically saturated snow and ice into our driveway - sometimes We get standing water during winter melt. We have a big, dead cottonwood. Highway 13 - dumping piles of compacted snow and ice 2 ft, Some erosion in our back yard - exposed tree 1025 Brompton Place 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 excessive speed and traffic volumes. No 3 ft piles high across our driveway. Our 1 roots - dirt (weeds) - yard seems to have private utilities that we know of in blvd. mailbox has been knocked down in the five "sunk" a bit years that we have owned the house several times. It is currently wired together after we replaced it once. Knocked down mailboxes have occured regularly over the 40 some years that this house has been in this family. We get water in our sump - it comes in after The roadway has been patched over the years 1028 Brompton Place 1 1 1 1 1 the snow melt but during the spring rain that 1 1 1 1 1 1 and is in poor shape. follows Basement water - continuous. We have a Raingardens: No blvd on our street. We do sump pump system that runs continuously not have a blvd. I would rather see water 24/7, 365 days per year. This prevents water properly drain on our street and at least one in the basement but it runs constantly. Water Traffic speed on Highway 13 is 40 mph, which additional storm sewer & better grading. several south & mostly a nuisance but suspect it gets drained would be nice to drop to 30. It would also be Private pipes - possibly our sump pump drains 1033 Brompton Place 1 1 1 1 5-20 ft Nuisance 1 1 1 1 1 1 days west by sump. Water drainage issue in the nice to have a safe pedestrian/bike area on to street. Tree issues - We have a birch tree south/southwest portion of our lot and in lot to Hwy 13 to make it easier to exit Brompton. that may be in right-of-way. Our roadway the south of our lot. Some pooling in cul-de- surface is in serious disrepair and could be sac. Hwy 13 somethimes drains to Brompton graded better, drain better, and have an Place additional storm sewer. 1034 Brompton Place 1040 Brompton Place Ivy Falls Park behind us (south) retains Recently, the town house at the north end of standing water on the basketball court ever N on a lot damage to the park must have routed a sump pump since the berm was put in for the skating rink. 1043 (?)Brompton Place 1 1 1 1 1-2 days 20 yds & E on blacktop & 1 1 1 1 1 1 across the path. Standing water is always on The problem was not there prior. The road driveway lawn the field from it. No adddress or name on drains to the end of the cul-de-sac and there survey. is not adequate drainage. XXX Brompton Place - 1043 Brom Constant water in front of mailbox, water runs under curb instead of on top to sewer. Major ice buildup in winter months. During heavy Need better signage identifying Brompton as a Looking forward to a new and dry street 1044 Brompton Place 1 1 1 1 1-2- days 15 ft backyard 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rain, sewer seems overworked, water flows dead end, and no park access (via Brompton) (Private wiring Comcast) over curb into neighbors driveway/yard (1043 Brompton) 995 Diego Lane 1 1 1 1 I know of none 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 1 of 4
QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PROJECT: Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements Questionnaire Date: 10/4/2019 Questionnaires Sent Out: 72 PROJECT #: 201906 Questionnaire Due Date: 10/25/2019 Questionnaires Returned: 43 Last Questionnaire Received: 11/13/2019 Percent Returned: 60% Map General Information Drainage and Erosion Issues Rain Gardens Private Underground Utilities Tree Issues Other Issues drawn Does water Pet Other Do you have a Does your stand in your Where If feasible, would you Containment Private trees in the neighborhood have Returned Water in Do you have any of the yard after big How from Damage or Describe specific drainage or erosion like a rain garden in Irrigation Sys. Sys. in Utilities in ROW you would any pedestrian or Describe specific pedestrian or traffic issues in Describe other issues or concerns in your Address Survey basement? following? storms? How Long? Far House? Nuisance? problems in your neighborhood. your yard? in ROW? ROW? ROW? like removed? traffic issues? your neighborhood. neighborhood. Basement Sump Yes No drain tile Pump None Yes No Yes No Maybe Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 989 Downing Street 1 1 1 1 1 Highway 13 ditch drainage & erosion 1 1 1 1 1 1 Excessive speed & traffic volumes on Hwy 13 Raingardens - Size - Large location - everywhere. I love rain gardens my last one No where to cross on Hwy 13 Dodd. Can't was so big it had a seating area. We are Water traveling between me and neighbor's 990 Downing Street 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 safely walk to school in the morning. Hwy 13 chemical free already, switching to clover lawn. 1 home can get trapped during snow melt had a huge uptick in traffic. Irrigation system is abandoned. Trees - if we have any in blvd. removed then yes. Please do not close Hwy 13 during this process. 993 Downing Street 994 Downing Street behind Unsure -private utilities, there is an old system Corner of Downing & Hwy 13 two issues: 1- house fills in yard and unsure of location. Raingarden: I 1000 Downing Street 1 1 1 1 2 days 15 ft Nuisance I am not aware of other drainage issues 1 1 1 1 street sign hard to read at night 2 - homeowner 1 area do not have blvd, but if water in back can be hedges block oncoming traffic 50'x20' rerouted to front rain garden I am open to it 1001 Downing Street 1006 Downing Street 1007 Downing Street 1012 Downing Street 1 1 1 1 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 1015 Downing Street 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Raingardens - we don't have a boulevard 1018 Downing Street 1022 Downing Street Sink hole near the corner of Downing & 1024 Downing Street 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Difficult to cross Dodd at Delaware Winston - has been repaired Water in basement after big rain storm, any 1004 London Road 1 1 1 1 1-2 days 40 ft E NE Nuisance 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hwy 13 Old sprinkler no longer used Y rain or melting event, in the spring Low area in yard, always floods after storms. I live on the corner of 13/London and 13 has Underground lawn irrigation - possibly. Backyard 1007 London Road 1 1 1 1 6-10 hours 30 ft Nuisance This part of the street always has standing 1 1 1 1 1 1 dramatically increased in traffic over last few Previous owners installed one but it doesn't Y & street water & ice during winter years work and we don't use it. 1010 London Road We had the landscape altered to stop the problem (water after big rain storms) - Across Highway 13 from Annapolis to Sylvandale is 1013 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Raingarden: small one in front yard the street in neighbor's back yard - regular dangerous 24/7 for crossing, biking, & walking standing water along property In the spring time after snow melt - no line in 1014 London Road 1 1 1 1 20 ft nuisance drainage problems in the front of the yard - 1 1 1 1 1 Y backyard only in the backyard along the property line behind house Major problem occurred in 2013 after heavy Underground sprinkler systems, wiring for lamp 1017 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rains. Other times no issues post on my property Neighbor has three teenage boys, 6 cars & trailer constantly parked on the street. Friends constantly over in more cars. Driving crazy There is a drain field in the middle of our 5-6 fast choking off ability to go thru London Road. houses between London/Downing Streets. All Are there not limits on the number of cars and For trees: 3 pine trees on blvd above sewage 1020 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y these lots tip toward the drain field - very overnight parking? Not to mention all the oil exit from house swampy wet in the spring stains out front on the street. The 4 wheelers bombing down the street & walkways, the scooters and riding lawn mowers used as recreational toys 1023 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Occasionally water in basement after big rain In my opinion no need for road work other than storms and in spring during snow melt. to repair properly pot holes which appears to 1027 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Drainage issue, if any, occurs because have been done. No assessments are needed neighbors drain spout flows into my yard for London Road residents 1035 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 None that I am aware of 1 1 1 1 1 1 London Road/Hwy 13 intersection - frequently cannot see traffic coming from the West on Size of raingarden n/a on cul-de-sac Thank 1036 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hwy 13 because of large shrubs - very you for doing this. dangerous Page 2 of 4
QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PROJECT: Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements Questionnaire Date: 10/4/2019 Questionnaires Sent Out: 72 PROJECT #: 201906 Questionnaire Due Date: 10/25/2019 Questionnaires Returned: 43 Last Questionnaire Received: 11/13/2019 Percent Returned: 60% Map General Information Drainage and Erosion Issues Rain Gardens Private Underground Utilities Tree Issues Other Issues drawn Does water Pet Other Do you have a Does your stand in your Where If feasible, would you Containment Private trees in the neighborhood have Returned Water in Do you have any of the yard after big How from Damage or Describe specific drainage or erosion like a rain garden in Irrigation Sys. Sys. in Utilities in ROW you would any pedestrian or Describe specific pedestrian or traffic issues in Describe other issues or concerns in your Address Survey basement? following? storms? How Long? Far House? Nuisance? problems in your neighborhood. your yard? in ROW? ROW? ROW? like removed? traffic issues? your neighborhood. neighborhood. Basement Sump Yes No drain tile Pump None Yes No Yes No Maybe Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Have no need or interest in rain garden. No Would like a call from the city planner need for improvements. I am opposed to regarding these improvements. The cul-de-sac Home built in new cul-de-sac in 1998 no being assessed for any improvements. Assess homes on London Rd paid the assessments 1039 London Road 1 1 1 1 1 problems. No problems - newer development 1 1 1 1 1 1 the older homes in the area impacted the when developed in the 90's. We should not be - no reason to do improvements homes in the London Road cul-de-sac should assessed for these improvements for those not be assessed. homes in the area built in the 60's! 1040 London Road 1043 London Road 1046 London Road We just finished landscaping so we hope all 588 Sutcliff Circle 1 1 1 I am not aware of any on our cul-de-sac 1 1 1 drainage issues have been resolved Lack of visibility turning onto Hwy 13 due to Sutcliff Circle is badly in need of resurfacing. 596 Sutcliff Circle 1 1 1 30 min 30 feet Not aware or effected by any 1 1 1 1 1 1 growth of bushes and trees to the SW of Some curb damage in the cul-de-sac due to Y Sutcliff Ci (on Hwy 13 r-o-w) snow plow damage 597 Sutcliff Circle 605 Sutcliff Circle Raingarden - Don’t have a boulevard. The Sutcliff Circle and Hwy 13 since other road blacktop in Sutcliff Ci is terrible. It has been construction detoured cars to Hwy 13 we have 606 Sutcliff Circle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 patched several times and after winter is over had much more traffic than before making it most of the patched blacktop ends up in pieces more difficult at times to exit Sutcliff Ci in our yard. It is very messy and irritating. 613 Sutcliff Circle 614 Sutcliff Circle 1 1 1 1 1 1 day 15 ft E&W Nuisance 1 1 1 1 1 1 622 Sutcliff Circle Highway 13 traffic volume/speed. Highway 13 623 Sutcliff Circle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 difficult for walking/bikers and a path would be nice 630 Sutcliff Circle 990 Winston Circle 994 Winston Circle 995 Winston Circle Water in basement/yard - not at all we are 1000 Winston Circle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Excessive speed on Winston Court We sit very high on our land Y elevated 542 Winston Court 546 Winston Court 547 Winston Court After big rain storms have history of flooded basement x 2 - Yard standing water - very Hope new grading of the street will eliminate 550 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 24 hrs 8 ft south side little grass will grow - have had to pump it out. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y water pooling in front of my mailbox Bad drainage in front of house to street, pools on the south side of Winston 550 553 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sometimes speeding 554 Winston Court After almost any rain or melting event - water Visual obstruction from bushes turning onto in garage. We regularly get water in tuck 557 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sibley Memorial Highway from Downing Street Raingarden: no preferred size near tree in yard under garage after almost any rain or melting (especially on the left) event, but not in basement 558 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vehicles travel too fast on Winston Court. Turning onto Hwy 13 from Downing it is very 561 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mostly people who are cutting through to Hwy hard to see around the hedges 13 562 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 565 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y up to SE up to Water - after big rain storms and in the spring - Our neighborhood is extremely dark, poorly lit. Raingarden: no preferred size, preferred 568 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 2-3 days the back Damage 1 1 1 1 1 Y during snow melt It's difficult to see people walking at night. location front porch porch 569 Winston Court Raingarden as large as possible - centered on People go very fast up Winston Court from front of property. We have preannual gardens 580 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Downing on both sides of our driveway - will these be saved? 590 Winston Court Page 3 of 4
QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PROJECT: Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements Questionnaire Date: 10/4/2019 Questionnaires Sent Out: 72 PROJECT #: 201906 Questionnaire Due Date: 10/25/2019 Questionnaires Returned: 43 Last Questionnaire Received: 11/13/2019 Percent Returned: 60% Map General Information Drainage and Erosion Issues Rain Gardens Private Underground Utilities Tree Issues Other Issues drawn Does water Pet Other Do you have a Does your stand in your Where If feasible, would you Containment Private trees in the neighborhood have Returned Water in Do you have any of the yard after big How from Damage or Describe specific drainage or erosion like a rain garden in Irrigation Sys. Sys. in Utilities in ROW you would any pedestrian or Describe specific pedestrian or traffic issues in Describe other issues or concerns in your Address Survey basement? following? storms? How Long? Far House? Nuisance? problems in your neighborhood. your yard? in ROW? ROW? ROW? like removed? traffic issues? your neighborhood. neighborhood. Basement Sump Yes No drain tile Pump None Yes No Yes No Maybe Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 600 Winston Court It seems to be used as a shortcut between 13 605 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 & Dodd Driveway & front steps are constantly eroding, Hedge/tree removal on Highway 13 & Downing Winston Court needs to be replaced. All pot 610 Winston Court 1 1 1 1 when replaced both driveway & steps only 1 1 1 1 1 1 hard to see traffic on Hwy 13. holes! Thanks for the attention last a few years see sketch - should have had these grades Raingardens: Would consider something that versus flat condition. When the homes on the would help solve drainage issue at back of the south side of Sutcliff Ci were constructed, the lot. Lawn irrigation abandoned. When Many people use the street to walk or bike. drainage across the back was never put in roadwork is done, the water pipes should be The grade on Winston Court encourages 613 Winston Court 1 1 1 place per plans filed with the city. This 1 1 1 1 1 1 replaced. Frequent water main breaks in the Y speeding. Also, stop sign at Downing is situation results in excess storm drainage winter. Repair man suggest that the pipe is frequently ignored. across my yard and into my neighbors yards "brittle". Repairs are the source of many to the west. Note no swale and installation of patches on Winston Court and Downing Street. drain tiles that dump water onto property line Feel free to call to discuss these issues further. Returned 43 5 35 15 18 19 12 29 8 29 2 23 18 2 40 3 38 4 39 21 18 Percent of Returned Responses* 100% 12% 81% 35% 42% 44% 28% 67% 19% 67% 5% 53% 42% 5% 93% 7% 88% 9% 91% 49% 42% 18 Percent of Questionnaires Sent Out* 60% 7% 49% 21% 25% 26% 17% 40% 11% 40% 3% 32% 25% 3% 56% 4% 53% 6% 54% 29% 25% * Percentages are based on responses of returned questionnaires and may not equal 100% if questions were not answered on questionnaire. Page 4 of 4
APPENDIX C: Rehabilitation Typical Section Feasibility Report Project No. 201906
APPENDIX D: Water Main Replacement Feasibility Report Project No. 201906
Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements (MH201906) City of Water Main Replacement Mendota 0 300 Heights February 23, 2021 SCALE IN FEET G ! . Legend G G ! . HIAW ! . ST Existing Water Main ATHA D AR M AVE 2021 Water Main Replacement SI G ! . G ! . G ! . .MIRIA Existing Hydrant G ! SUTCLIFF CIR MST G ! . G 2021 Hydrant Replacement ! . DIEGO LN DO CHIPPEWA AVE W G ! . NI NG G ! . ST WINSTON CIR G ! . WINSTON CT G ! . LO G ! . G ! . ND ON RD G ! . JUNCTION LN G ! . BR O M PT O N PL G ! . Y KIRC G ! . HW HNE R AV E AL G ! . I OR EM ELLEN ST M Y LE ES B SI TH G ER ! . G ! . LN JOHN ST LN VALLEY LN G ! . G ! . VIEW SY G LVA ! . ND LEA R D R E D G D ID G ! . R DR D G D O G ! . ! . O O D W
APPENDIX E: Storm Sewer Extension – Downing Street Feasibility Report Project No. 201906
Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements (MH201906) City of Storm Sewer Extension - Downing Street Mendota 0 100 Heights February 23, 2021 SCALE IN FEET Legend * " 66 Existing Storm Sewer 66 6 * 66 66 2021 Storm Sewer Extension 6 " Y 66 * HW DO W " ) L 2021 Proposed Catch Basin IA NI NG OR ST EM * M * EY BL 66 SI * " * WINSTON CIR " 66 66 " " 66 ! W IN 66 ST " ON " 66 CT 66 66 6"6 66 " 66 66 ! 66 " " ) LO ND ON RD 66 ! 66 66 " ) 66
APPENDIX F: Ivy Falls Park Trail Improvements Feasibility Report Project No. 201906
Ivy Falls East Neighborhood Improvements (MH201906) City of Ivy Falls Park Trail Improvements Mendota 0 60 Heights February 23, 2021 SCALE IN FEET Legend 2021 Bituminous Trail 2021 Pedestrian Ramp Existing Right-of-Way Ivy Falls Park DR E G D RI D O O W BUTLER AVE SYLVANDALE RD
APPENDIX G: Engineer’s Opinion of Estimated Costs Feasibility Report Project No. 201906
ENGINEERS OPINION OF ESTIMATED COSTS CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PROJECT: Ivy Falls East Neighborhoob Improvements PROJECT #: MH201906 DATE: 2/24/2021 LOCAL JOB 201906, ROADWAY LOCAL JOB 201906, ROADWAY LOCAL JOB 201906 LOCAL JOB 201906 LOCAL JOB 201906 STREET REHABILITATION CURB REPLACEMENT TRAIL CONSTRUCTION STORM SEWER WATER MAIN ENGINEER'S REHABILITATION REHABILITATION TRAIL TRAIL STORM SEWER STORM SEWER WATER MAIN WATER MAIN ENGINEER'S ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CURB ESTIMATED CURB ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ITEM NO. SPEC. NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY QUANTITY AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT QUANTITY AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHEDULE 'A' - STREET REHABILITATION & WATER MAIN 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1.00 0.40 $30,000.00 0.10 $7,500.00 0.10 $7,500.00 0.10 $7,500.00 0.30 $22,500.00 $75,000.00 2 2101.501 CLEARING ACRE 0.05 0.05 $500.00 $500.00 3 2101.506 GRUBBING ACRE 0.05 0.05 $500.00 $500.00 4 2101.602 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 4" AND LARGER DIAMETER TREE 3 3.0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 5 2101.602 TREE TRIMMING Each 10 10.0 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 6 2104.502 SALVAGE CASTING Each 51 51.0 $12,750.00 $12,750.00 7 2104.502 REMOVE HYDRANT Each 7 7.0 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 8 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 52 52.0 $260.00 $260.00 9 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 3,821 1,908.0 $9,540.00 1,913.0 $9,565.00 $19,105.00 10 2104.503 REMOVE 6" CAST IRON WATER MAIN L.F. 2,018 2,018.0 $20,180.00 $20,180.00 11 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S.Y. 457 210.0 $4,200.00 247.0 $4,940.00 $9,140.00 12 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT S.Y. 600 420.0 $3,780.00 180.0 $1,620.00 $5,400.00 13 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY L.F. 358 158.0 $948.00 200.0 $1,200.00 $2,148.00 14 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY L.F. 465 315.0 $1,102.50 150.0 $525.00 $1,627.50 15 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L.F. 306 306.0 $918.00 $918.00 16 2104.618 SALVAGE BRICK PAVERS S.F. 622 622.0 $6,220.00 $6,220.00 17 2105.607 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) C.Y. 1,650 1,445.0 $36,125.00 205.0 $5,125.00 $41,250.00 18 2105.607 COMMON EXCAVATION - HAUL OFF-SITE (EV) C.Y. 142 142.0 $4,970.00 $4,970.00 19 2105.607 COMMON BORROW (RECLAIM MATERIAL; IN-PLACE) C.Y. 73 73.0 $2,555.00 $2,555.00 20 2105.507 SUBGRADE/AGGREGATE BASE CORRECTION EXCAVATION OUTSIDE THE AREA OF INFLUENCE OF CONTRACTOR INSTALLED UTILITY TRENCHES (SEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS - SECTION 2) C.Y. 1,611 1,611.0 $45,108.00 $45,108.00 21 2105.526 SELECT TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) C.Y. 605 105.0 $2,625.00 100.0 $2,500.00 400.0 $10,000.00 $15,125.00 22 2112.604 STREET SUBGRADE PREPARATION S.Y. 17,344 17,344.0 $17,344.00 $17,344.00 23 2112.604 BASE PREPARATION (SEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS - SECTION 2) S.Y. 14,644 14,644.0 $14,644.00 $14,644.00 24 2123.501 COMMON LABOR HR 10 10.0 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 25 2123.509 DOZER WITH OPERATOR HR 10 10.0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 26 2123.514 2 CU YD FRONT END LOADER WITH OPERATOR HR 10 10.0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 27 2123.610 SKID STEER (BOBCAT) WITH OPERATOR HR 10 10.0 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 28 2123.610 BACK HOE WITH OPERATOR HR 10 10.0 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 29 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM) HR 20 20.0 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 30 2211.501? AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 HAUL OFF-SITE & DISPOSE TON 2,948 2,948.0 $58,960.00 $58,960.00 Page 1 of 2
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