Page created by Marilyn Howell
FCS News

Have you received your annual flu shot yet?           Flu symptoms often include:
National Influenza Vaccination Week is Dec.           • coughing
6 -12. It is a reminder to all Americans 6 months     • fever (not everyone with flu will have a fever)
and older to get their annual flu vaccine if they     • headache
have not already. Influenza, known as the flu, is a   • muscle or body aches
contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza    • sore throat
viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs.      • runny or stuffed-up nose
                                                      • fatigue
In the United States, flu season is the fall          • vomiting and diarrhea
and winter. While influenza viruses spread            (more common in children than adults)
year-round, most of the time flu activity peaks
between December and February. Depending              Here’s what to do if you get sick with the flu:
on the year, flu can stick around until early         Do not risk spreading the flu to others. Stay
spring. This year, in the midst of the COVID-19       home and avoid close contact with others until
pandemic, it is more important than ever to           your fever has been gone for at least 24 hours
get your vaccination. This protects not only          without help from over-the-counter medicine.
yourself and others from the flu, but also helps      Contact your health-care provider if symptoms
save medical resources for COVID-19 patients.         continue to get worse. Most people who get
                                                      flu will recover on their own in a few days to
People who are at a higher risk of serious            two weeks. Some people will experience severe
flu complications include older adults, young         complications, requiring hospitalization.
children, and those with preexisting health
conditions. The good news is that everyone            Getting an annual flu vaccine is the best way
6 months of age and older qualifies for a flu         to help protect yourself against the flu. There
vaccine every season with rare exception.             is still time to protect yourself and your loved
                                                      ones from the flu. And now it is more important
                                                      than ever. Flu shots are safe and effective at
                                                      reducing flu illness, hospitalizations, and death.
                                                      It usually takes about two weeks for your body
                                                      to develop immunity to influenza, so make a
                                                      plan to get your flu shot as soon as possible!
                                                      The flu shot is widely available. Find where to get
                                                      a flu shot near you by visiting vaccinefinder.org.
                                                      REFERENCES: http://fcs-
When school is cancelled due to weather, Leslie County Extension Programs will be cancelled as well.

                 Extension & Homemaker News
Check out our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lesliecoextension

                What’s Coming up in Extension?
                                       Attention Homemakers!
Challenge time has arrived! Lucy Scott, fellow homemaker is challenging each of us to pursue planning
and preparation of cultural arts pieces for our upcoming exhibits for Fall 2022! She has expressed
interest in each homemaker learning and growing as we pursue Cultural Arts Categories for 2022!
Remember, funny money may be earned (for fun at our Annual Homemaker's Meeting) by submitting your
pieces. Watch our newsletter for upcoming lessons to assist us in learning new skills for our challenge!

                                        Christmas Holiday Make-&-Take Program
                          Christmas Holiday Make and Take Program will be held on Tuesday,
                          December 14, 2021, starting at 4:00 p.m. Join us for a fun filled evening of
                           "holiday family fun"! Call today to register at 672-2154.

                                        Cutting Board Workshop
                                               December 16th
We plan to depart at 8:45 a.m. traveling to the UK Wood Utilization Shop, Robinson Center in Jackson.
There will be a $10.00 fee to cover supplies, due by registration deadline: December 13th. Call (606)
672-2154 to register.
                                Physical Activity and Wellness for 2022
Adding activity into your day is possible! Join us at Leslie County Extension on January 19, 2022 @
1:00 for an educational and informational session on physical activity and wellness. We will begin our
walking program so wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Call today to register @ 672-2154.

                                     Caring for Someone with Cancer
                                  FCS Talks Cancer - Lunch and Learn
                                        January 27th - 12:00 Noon
A primary cancer caregiver may wear many hats. They may serve as a companion, home health aide,
chauffer, chef, housekeeper, financial manager, or appointment maker. Join us to learn more about how
to help caregivers prepare for the evolving emotional and physical demands of cancer caregiving and
ways that caregivers may take care of themselves. Crystal Osborne, Owsley County FCS Agent will be
teaching this lesson. Call (606) 672-2154 to reserve your spot.
Managing Nutrition During Cancer
                                  FCS Talks Cancer - Lunch and Learn
                                         February 4th - 12:00 Noon
 Nutrition status affects cancer outcomes, tolerance to treatment, and quality of life. Cancer treatment can
increase calorie, protein, vitamin, and mineral needs, but at the same time cause side effects that make
obtaining adequate nutrition difficult. This lesson offers healthy ways to maintain body weight and
muscle mass, including a recipe for a nutritional wellness shake. Nanette Banks, Letcher County FCS
Agent will be teaching this lesson. Call (606) 672-2154 by January 31st to reserve your spot.

        What’s Been Happening and What’s Coming Up
Leslie County Hyden Homemakers met at Leslie County Extension on November 16th at 5:00pm.
Everyone enjoyed organizing and planning their upcoming meetings for the coming year. Faye shared a
lesson on tree decoration, and everyone enjoyed decorating their very own tree.

A Christmas Celebration meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2021, at 5:00. Everyone attending plans
to bring cookies and if you would like to participate in gift exchange, please bring a $10.00 gift. There is
also an ornament exchange if you would like to participate, please bring an ornament. For more
information contact Faye Couch at 672-3231 or Vicki Boggs at 672-2154.

                        Leslie County Extension Community Trick or Treat
Over 700 suckers were shared with community Youth celebrating 2021 Halloween! October 30th, despite
the rainy weather many goblins, superheroes, cowboys and too many others to mention covered the streets
of Hyden, Ky. Downtown businesses and community generously participated in this annual event.
Pumpkin Patch Painting Class

Pumpkin Patch Painting Class was held, Thursday, October 28th @ 4:00 p.m. at Leslie County Extension
office. An evening of artsy fun and
creative expression was enjoyed by 13
individuals. They all made their own
little patch of 3 pumpkins with some
variations and creative designs too!
Paint, brushes, a few fall leaves and
raffia were supplied for each participant
to create their own patch just in time for
Fall! Special thanks to Begley General
Store for supplying the wood for the
project and homemaker for delivery and
cutting it.
Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show Bags to Go were picked up on Tuesday, November 23, 2021!
“Christmas gift, craft, and recipe” ideas filled our bags reaching over 100 individuals! Ideas for
Christmas and family traditions along with Plate it Up recipes, how to thaw and bake a turkey, craft
supplies for making a quilted mug rug, ingredients for hot cocoa, a surprize treat and more filled our
Holiday Bags! Special thanks to staff and homemaker volunteers for going above and beyond helping put
this bag together!
                          Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show Bags to Go
Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show Bags to Go were picked up on Tuesday, November 23,
2021! “Christmas gift, craft, and recipe” ideas filled our bags reaching over 100 individuals! Ideas for
Christmas and family traditions along with Plate it Up recipes, how to thaw and bake a turkey, craft
supplies for making a quilted mug rug, ingredients for hot cocoa, a surprise treat and more filled our
Holiday Bags! Special thanks to staff and homemaker volunteers for going above and beyond helping put
this bag together!
2022 Exploring MYPLATE Professor Popcorn 1st & 2nd grade

Hayes Lewis
Tuesdays: 279-4121               1st Grade                          2nd Grade
      January 18 th       Kendra Coots: 9:45-10:15         Victoria Fields: 10:20-10:50
      February 15th
       March 15th

W.B. Muncy
Tuesdays: 279-4155              1st Grade                         2nd Grade
                    th    Ruby Couch: 12:00-12:30          Courtney Asher: 12:35-1:05
       January 18
      February 15th
       March 15th

Thursdays: 672-2337             FMD UNIT
                 th         Melissa Napier 12:30
      January 20
      February 17th
       March 17th

Thursdays: 374-3641                1st Grade                        2nd Grade
                 th      Barbara Sizemore: 1:30-2:00        Kristen Collett: 9:30-10:00
      January 20
      February 17th      Patricia Sizemore: 2:00-2:30      Brooke Roberts: 10:00-10:30
       March 17th

Mountain View
Fridays: 672-2425                 1st:Grade                         2nd Grade
                 st        B. Whitaker: 12:45-1:15        Arianna Sizemore: 11:40-12:10
       January 21
      February 18th           A. Jones: 1:20-1:50            S. Sizemore: 10:50-11:20
        March 18th                                              T. Boggs: 2:00-2:30

                                  (updated: 12/02/2021)
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