FARM RANCH DAYS 2021 - Fremont ...

Page created by Samuel Grant
FARM RANCH DAYS 2021 - Fremont ...

 RANCH                         DAYS

FARM RANCH DAYS 2021 - Fremont ...
Farm & Ranch Days 2021 — Wednesday, February 3
                        Program 1                     Program 2                    Program 3                     Program 4
                         Room A                        Room B                       Room C                        Room D
                  Predator Management in            Barnyards and             Fremont County Weed
                  Fremont County Update            Backyards: Online            and Pest Program
9 – 9:45 a.m.

                                                    Resources Tour                 Overview
                  Tracy Frye and Dave Fowler,
                   Fremont County Trappers         Jennifer Thompson,          Aaron Foster, Director,
                                                 Small Acreage Outreach           Fremont County
                                                Coordinator, UW Extension          Weed and Pest

                   Marketing Farm/Ranch           Supplementation                 Simple Sprayer
                    Products Directly to          Considerations for                Calibration
10 – 10:45 a.m.

                        Consumers               Cows/Heifers during the
                                                   Winter Months               Bob Shellard, Assistant
                      Ernie Sheirwagon,                                      Supervisor, Fremont County
                  President, Fremont County        Mckenna Brinton,               Weed and Pest
                      Master Gardeners           UW Extension Educator,
                                                     Uinta County
                      Current Events in           Heifer Development           CWC’s Role in Local
                    the Wyoming Sheep                                          Ag: Farm Incubator,
                          Industry                Dr. Shelby Rosasco, UW        Beginning Farmer
11 – 11:45 a.m.

                                                 Extension Beef Specialist    Training Program and
                  Amy Hedrickson, Executive                                       Meat Science
                   Director, Wyoming Wool
                     Growers Association                                       Joanne Slingerland,
                                                                              Dr. Brad Tyndall, Ethan
                                                                              Page, Melissa Hemken,
                                                                             Central Wyoming College

                      Local Resource            UW Ranch Management           Frank’s Butcher Shop          Cardiovascular Health
                     Improvement and               and Agriculture            — Expanding Retail of          Services in Fremont
                    Cost-Share Programs          Leadership program              Wyoming Meat                      County
12 – 12:45 p.m.

                  Cathy Meyer, Lower Wind        Pepper Jo Six, Program         Bryce Brenton, Vice         Alan Daugherty, Owner,
                  River Conservation District   Coordinator, University of       President Cattle          Western Wyoming Medical
                                                       Wyoming               Operations, Frank’s Butcher
                    Kelsey Beck, Popo Agie                                             Shop                Dr. Claude Minor, Doctor,
                     Conservation District                                                                 Western Wyoming Medical

                        Erin Hanelly,
                     Conservation District


                                        provided by Fremont County Cattlewomen (Thank you sponsors!)
2:45 p.m.

                                   Looking for Diamonds — Finding the Good in Everything You Do in Life
  1:45 –

                             Keynote speaker: Peggy DesEnfants, Wyoming rancher and advocate for agriculture
FARM RANCH DAYS 2021 - Fremont ...
Farm & Ranch Days 2021 — Thursday, February 4
                       Program 1                    Program 2                    Program 3                   Program 4
                        Room A                       Room B                       Room C                      Room D
                     Private Pesticide           Grazing Strategies          Wyoming Livestock          Dealing with Emergency
                     Applicator Class             during Dry Years            Disease Update               Situations on the
9 – 9:45 a.m.

                     Chance Marshall,         Barton Stam, UW Extension         Dr. Jim Logan,
                   UW Extension Educator,       Educator, Hot Springs      Wyoming State Veterinarian       Lauri Wempen,
                     Fremont County                     County                                            Guardian Air Medical
                                                                             Dr. Hallie Hasel,Asst.
                       Robert Finley,                                      Wyoming State Veterinarian
                      Fremont County
                        Weed & Pest             Cover Crops for Soil       Strategies to Best Utilize
10 – 10:45 a.m.

                                                Health and Grazing              Hay Resources
                  Must attend all sessions
                                                Dr. Caitlin Youngquist,         Alex Malcolm,
                                               UW Extension Educator,       UW Extension Educator,
                                                  Washakie County             Fremont County

                                                Toxic Plants to Avoid       The Do’s and Don’ts of
                                                 During Dry Years:           Having a Family Milk
11 – 11:45 a.m.

                                               Potential Management                  Cow
                                                                              Amanda Small, Wind
                                                   Brian Sebade,            River Indian Reservation
                                               UW Extension Educator,         Extension Educator
                                                  Albany County

                                               Getting Started in the          Farm and Ranch
12 – 12:45 p.m.

                                                 Sheep Industry              Financial Assistance
                                               Ty Jarvis, Fremont County
                                                    Sheep Producer            Eric Waton, District
                                                                             Conservationist, NRCS


                                        provided by Fremont County Cattlewomen (Thank you sponsors!)
2:45 p.m.

                                                 307 Meat Company & Marketing Meat
  1:45 –

                                    Keynote speakers: Kelcey Christensen, Founder and President, and
                                      Makenna Greenwald, Marketing Manager, 307 Meat Company
9–9:45 AM                                                 SUPPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS FOR
                                                          COWS/HEIFERS DURING THE WINTER MONTHS
 PREDATOR MANAGEMENT IN FREMONT                           Mckenna Brinton, UW Extension Educator, Uinta
 COUNTY                                                   County
 Tracy Frye, Fremont County Trapper                       A common question we get in Extension offices
                                                          every winter is, “Which supplement option should
 Dave Fowler, Fremont County Trapper
                                                          I buy for my cows?” Mckenna will discuss some
 Fremont County producers deal with all kinds of          important winter feeding considerations that
 predators! Come hear what our county trappers            you need to know to keep your cows and heifers
 have been up to and the projects that they are           productive now and in the future. The supplement
 working on to protect our herds and flocks in            you purchase needs to cover your herd’s nutrient
 Fremont County. There’s guaranteed to be some            requirements but also shouldn’t be too hard on the
 exciting stories in this session!                        checkbook!

                                                          Bob Shellard, Assistant Supervisor, Fremont County
 Jennifer Thompson, Small Acreage Outreach                Weed and Pest
 Coordinator, UW Extension
                                                          Calibrating spray equipment is without a doubt the
 Jenny will take everybody on a virtual tour of some      #1 question that is asked of our Fremont County
 of UW’s online resources. She will discuss the           Weed and Pest professionals. Also, applying the
 Barnyards and Backyards magazine, website, and           correct amount (not too much or too little) of
 various publications that you can find in Extension      chemical to the plant is extremely important when
 offices. She will also talk about the new Barnyards      effectively controlling weeds. Bob will present
 and Backyards LIVE podcast and show.                     a calibration class using the “reverse 1/128th”
                                                          calibration method, and how to easily change your
 FREMONT COUNTY WEED AND PEST PROGRAM                     calibration to fit your application goals.
 Aaron Foster, Director, Fremont County Weed and
 Pest                                                    11–11:45 AM
 Aaron will present a FCWP program review                 CURRENT EVENTS IN THE WYOMING SHEEP
 including: special management programs,                  INDUSTRY
 grasshopper updates, the Russian olive program,
 and high priority weeds to be watching for.              Amy Hendrickson, Executive Director, Wyoming
                                                          Wool Growers Association
                                                          Hear about important topics and current events in
10–10:45 AM                                               the Wyoming sheep industry.

                                                          Dr. Shelby Rosasco, UW Extension Beef Specialist
 Ernie Sheirwagon, President, Fremont County Master
                                                          Dr. Rosasco is the University of Wyoming’s new Beef
                                                          Extension Specialist. She has a wealth of knowledge
 In today’s world, there are growing opportunities for    and experience with developing replacement heifers
 ag-producers to market their products directly to        and will discuss some important considerations in
 consumers. Producers are finding ways to diversify       her first-ever presentation at Farm and Ranch Days.
 and become more profitable. Learn from our local
 Master Gardeners who have experience selling
 products (fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs, etc.)
 directly to consumers in Fremont County.
 MEAT SCIENCE ENTREPRENUERSHIP                           Bryce Brenton, Vice President Cattle Operations,
 Joanne Slingerland, Outreach Director, Central          Frank’s Butcher Shop
 Wyoming College, Lander, and the Alpine Science         Frank’s Butcher Shop has big plans to expand retail
 Institute                                               of Wyoming meat in Fremont County and in other
 CWC is launching ambitious and innovative               locations in Wyoming. Come and listen to their plans
 programs focusing on the development of                 for the future
 agriculture entrepreneurs. The vision to “Grow
 our Own” will strengthen the growing local food         CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH SERVICES IN
 movement in Fremont County and beyond. Come             FREMONT COUNTY
 learn about the new farm business incubator and         Alan Daugherty, Owner, Western Wyoming Medical
 beginning farmer training program starting in April
 at CWC’s Alpine Science Institute and CWC’s new         Dr. Claude Minor, Doctor, Western Wyoming Medical
 mobile meat slaughter, processing and package
                                                         No matter your occupation, it is important to keep
                                                         your heart healthy. Living in Wyoming, it is normal
                                                         for us to have to travel long distances for quality
                                                         health care. However, big things are happening in
12–12:45 PM                                              Fremont County and we might not have to travel
 LOCAL RESOURCE IMPROVEMENT AND COST-                    that far after all for some things. Western Wyoming
 SHARE PROGRAMS                                          Medical is providing world-class care by using
                                                         a compassionate and comprehensive approach
 Cathy Meyer, Lower Wind River Conservation District     to precision rural medicine. They are taking an
                                                         individualized approach to each and every patient,
 Kelsey Beck, Popo Agie Conservation District
                                                         accounting for everything from lifestyle habits,
 Erin Hanelly, Dubois/Crowheart Conservation District    location, and family history to provide world-class
                                                         cardiovascular care—all from Lander, Wyoming.
 Join Fremont County Conservation District
 managers for a discussion of ongoing efforts to
 improve local resources and make cost-share
 programs available to folks wanting to make
                                                        KEYNOTE 1:45–2:45 PM
 improvements to their properties.                       LOOKING FOR DIAMONDS; FINDING THE GOOD
                                                         IN EVERYTHING YOU DO IN LIFE
 LEADERSHIP PROGRAM                                      Peggy DesEnfants —
                                                                          ­ Wyoming rancher and advocate
                                                         for agriculture
 Pepper Jo Six, Program Coordinator, University of
 Wyoming                                                 Peg and her husband, Greg, run a cow/calf
                                                         operation 25 miles north of Torrington. Greg is a 4th
 Pepper Jo was recently hired by the University of       generation rancher, and Peg is a relative newcomer
 Wyoming to coordinate the launch of the new Ranch       to the business ... 43 years to be exact! Peg married
 Management and Agriculture Leadership program           into the world of ranching and discusses her journey
 offered through UW. The new program will offer          from town girl to hired hand. Join us as we explore
 training to career ranch managers and agricultural      finding the diamonds in all that we do.
 leaders. This program includes a bachelor’s
 degree and post-baccalaureate education in ranch
 management and agricultural leadership. Each level
 incorporates workforce development, practical
 experiences, research-based technical knowledge
 and real-world problem solving through interactions
 with industry leaders throughout the West.
9-12:45 AM                                                 STRATEGIES TO BEST-UTILIZE HAY RESOURCES
                                                           Alex Malcolm, UW Extension Educator, Fremont
 PRIVATE PESTICIDE CLASS                                   County
 Chance Marshall, UW Extension Educator, Fremont           Many livestock producers had to purchase hay at
 County                                                    a higher price this year to feed through the winter.
                                                           If 2021 turns out to be a dry year, hay could be
 Robert Finley, Fremont County Weed & Pest
                                                           expensive and harder to come by than normal. Alex
 Must attend all sessions in-person                        will discuss ways to best-utilize your resources and
                                                           prevent waste.
 This class is required to certify individuals who need
 to obtain or renew their Private Pesticide Applicator
 License. Note: you must attend the entire class to       11-11:45 AM
 receive certification
                                                           [PRIVATE PESTICIDE CLASS CONTINUES]
 Barton Stam, UW Extension Educator, Hot Springs           TOXIC PLANTS TO AVOID DURING DRY YEARS:
 County                                                    POTENTIAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES
 2021 might be a dry year! Cattle producers should         Brian Sebade, UW Extension Educator, Albany
 be thinking about a grazing management plan               County
 during drought years. Barton will discuss ways to         This presentation will cover some of the more
 adapt grazing plans to get through dry times.             common types of poisonous plants managers
                                                           deal with during periods of drought. Discussion
 WYOMING LIVESTOCK DISEASE UPDATE                          of potential management strategies when faced
 Dr. Jim Logan, Wyoming State Veterinarian                 with poisonous plants and helpful hints for proper
                                                           identification will be provided.
 Dr. Hallie Hasel, Assistant Wyoming State
 Veterinarian                                              THE DO’S AND DON’TS OF HAVING A FAMILY
 Animal health and regulatory disease updates in           MILK COW
 Wyoming coming directly from the State Vet’s office.      Amanda Small, Wind River Indian Reservation
                                                           Extension Educator
                                                           Having a “family milk cow” is a trend that seems to
10-10:45 AM                                                be coming back! Amanda and her family have a few
                                                           dairy cows themselves and they enjoy always having
                                                           fresh milk on hand. However, there are several
                                                           important things that people need to realize before
 COVER CROPS FOR SOIL HEALTH AND GRAZING                   having their own “family milk cow.”
 Dr. Caitlin Youngquist, UW Extension Educator,
 Washakie County
 This interactive session will highlight some of the
 annual forage crops that have been successfully
 used in the Big Horn Basin. Examples of seed
 mixes will be available to look at, and resources for
 choosing the right species for your system
12-12:45 PM                                                  1:45-2:45 PM – KEYNOTE
                                                                Keynote Speakers: Kelcey Christensen – Founder and
  GETTING STARTED IN THE SHEEP INDUSTRY                         President, 307 Meats
  Ty Jarvis, Fremont County Sheep Producer
                                                                Makenna Greenwald – Marketing Manager, 307
  Ty and Esther Jarvis found their way into the sheep           Meats
  industry in 2018 with the purchase of 345 old-age
  ewes. They started on 40 acres with approximately             The 307 Meat Company is a Wyoming business
  25 acres of irrigated pasture. Since then, they have          designed to serve Wyoming people. Using real-
  grown and expanded their operation to include                 world experience, hard work and excellent customer
  more animals and grazing allotments. The Jarvis’              service, their mission is to bridge the gap between
  represent an example of young people becoming                 producers and consumers in the meat industry
  involved in a sector of the ag industry and being             to create a unique, high-quality meat buying
  profitable. Ty will discuss their experience getting          experience. 307 Meat company’s goal is to assist
  started in the sheep business, growing their                  Wyoming ranchers in increasing profit margins while
  business, and also how they utilize guard dogs in             providing a variety of products that are unmatched
  their operation.                                              in quality. Kelcey and Makenna will discuss the
                                                                exciting future or marketing Wyoming meats and
  FARM AND RANCH FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE                           what this could mean for Wyoming ranchers.
  Eric Watson, District Conservationist, NRCS Riverton
  The new District Conservationist for our area,
  Eric Watson will discuss the financial assistance
  programs and qualifications that are available to
  farmers, fanchers, and landowners in Fremont


Peggy DesEnfants
Peg and her husband, Greg, run a cow/calf operation 25 miles north
of Torrington. Greg is a 4th generation rancher, and Peg is a relative
newcomer to the business….43 years to be exact! Peg married into the
world of ranching and discusses her journey from town girl to hired

                                          Kelcey Christensen
                                          Born and raised in the Tongue River Valley and Thunder Basin of Wyoming,
                                          Kelcey has always loved this state and the agricultural industry. As the
                                          son and grandson of butchers, his passion for meat processing began
                                          early, but was solidified his freshman year at the University of Wyoming
                                          when he began working at the Meat Lab. Originally planning to attend
                                          vet school, Kelcey decided that his dream would be to one day own his
                                          own processing plant in Wyoming. After graduation, he spent two and a
                                          half years as a commercial lender and the next 11 years as the Meat Lab
                                          manager at the University of Wyoming before finally breaking ground as
                                          the founder and president of 307 Meat Company.
Thanks to our sponsors
307 Financial—Mike Zirbel                                                           Killebrew Irrigation
ABS Global                                                                          Kusel’s
American Racing Pigeon Union                                                        Lower Wind River Conservation District
Atnip Well & Pump Service                                                           Nicholas Custom Leather & Boot Repair
Bailey Enterprises                                                                  NRCS
Big Horn Co-op                                                                      Nutralix—Whitlock Feed
Brown and Company                                                                   Pain Relief of Wyoming
Central Bank & Trust                                                                Popo Agie Conservation District
Classic Air Medical                                                                 Renewal by Anderson
Copper Mountain Irrigation                                                          Rid the Rodent
Cowboy State Marketing                                                              Rocky Mountain Agronomy
Central Wyoming College                                                             Riverton Chamber of Commerce
Double H Feeds                                                                      Riverton Livestock Auction
Edward D Jones—Grace Andrus                                                         Riverton Tire and Oil
Fabrizius Insurance                                                                 Rocky Mountain Agronomy
Farm Credit Services of America                                                     Smartt Insurance Agency, Inc.
First Interstate Bank                                                               Stotz Equipment
Franks Butcher Shop                                                                 Tegler & Associates—Lander
Fremont County Cattleman Association                                                University of Wyoming Extension
Fremont County Farm Bureau                                                          USDA
Fremont County Master Gardeners                                                     Wind River Ag—Alan Lebsack
Fremont County Solid Waste                                                          Wind River Honey
Fremont County Predatory Animal Management                                          Wind River Ranch Supply
Fremont County Emergency Management                                                 Wyoming Community Bank
Fremont County Weed & Pest                                                          Wyoming Livestock Board
Home Source Realty                                                                  Wyoming Livestock Roundup
Huelle Ag

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