Far From Canterbury The Barnstormers Theatre Proudly Presents - Sponsored by Wonalancet Neighbors

Page created by Amanda Curtis
Far From Canterbury The Barnstormers Theatre Proudly Presents - Sponsored by Wonalancet Neighbors
The Barnstormers Theatre Proudly Presents

Far From
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Our 91st Season
Sponsored by
The Haynes Family
Far From Canterbury
Book, Music, and Lyrics by                             The Cast, in alphabetical order:
Danny K. Bernstein
                                                       Pim Van Amerongen*    Storyteller #2, James, Guard, Knight
Directed by Katherine Carter                           Kennedy Caughell*     Agnes
                                                       Rodrigo Ignacio Cruz* Storyteller #4, Agnes’ Father,
Stage Manager                      Hollis Duggans*     			Guard, Knight
Scenic Designer                    Reiko Huffman       Ellis Gage*		         John
Costume Designer                   Saawan Tiwari       Alyssa Giannetti*		   Storyteller #1, Candita, Princess
Lighting Designer                  Kelley Shih         Tauren Hagans*		      Storyteller #3, John’s Mom, Oracle
Sound Designer                     Jackson Alexander
                                                       Hennessy*		           Storyteller #6, Nicolas
Music Director                     Anessa Marie
                                                       Darius Harper*		      Storyteller #5, Noblewoman, Queen
Music Supervisor                   Jeff Cox
                                                       Amber Hurst Martin    Dolores, Storyteller #7
Choreographer                      Charlie Johnson
Lead Producer, Artistic Director   Joe Longthorne      Seth Tucker*		        Marcus
Associate Producer                 Lori Tishfield
Assistant Stage Manager            Caroline Duffin     * Member of Actors’ Equity Association

                                    Kennedy Caughell   Rodrigo Ignacio Cruz

     Pim Van Amerongen                                                                 Ellis Gage

                                   Alyssa Giannetti    Tauren Hagans

     Hennessy                                                                          Seth Tucker

                                   Darius Harper       Amber Hurst Martin
JACKSON ALEXANDER (Sound             merous regional theatres, and        development. He recently di-
Designer)                            many others. As bandleader           rected and choreographed the
                                     and pianist for Jeremy Stolle’s      national tour of The Queen’s
KATHERINE M. CARTER (Direc-          No More Talk of Darkness, he         Cartoonists. Other direction
tor) (she/her) is a stage director   has directed Broadway-caliber        and/or choreography credits in-
of theatre & opera. Recently         musicians and singers in perfor-     clude Urinetown! (ACT/5th Ave-
Katherine directed Misunder-         mances across the United States      nue Theatre), Pageant (Sensible
stood at The Rose Theatre in         and throughout mainland Chi-         Theater Co.), HeadVoice (New
Omaha, and the Hodges &              na. Jeff is a faculty member at      York Musical Festival), Swing-
Loughery new musical, Sonata         the American Musical and Dra-        time Canteen! (Arrow Rock Ly-
1962 at Interlochen Academy          matic Academy, and he holds a        ceum), Machine Gun America
of the Arts. Previous: Rice Uni-     Master’s Degree in conducting        (FringeNY), and You’re a...Char-
versity Opera, Mad Cow The-          from Ithaca College. www.jeff-       lie Brown (Flat Rock Playhouse).
atre, On Site Opera, Carnegie        coxmusic.com                         He has developed new musicals
Mellon University, Santa Fe                                               with The Rev Theater Co, New
Opera, Parallel 45 Theatre, Ca-      CAROLINE DUFFIN is a New             York Theater Barn, The Drama
nadian Opera Company, Hous-          York based stage manager. She        League, Green Room 42, and
ton Grand Opera. New School          is a graduate of the Pace Uni-       Musical Theater Factory.Charlie
for Drama, Joe’s Pub, Westport       versity Stage Management pro-        is currently the Interim Artistic
Country Playhouse, Wellfleet         gram and has worked on projects      Producing Associate at The 5th
Harbor Actors Theatre, NYMF,         including the pre-production         Avenue Theatre. Prior to that, he
3LD, NYU, and Wolf Trap. Fel-        workshop of Evita (a collabo-        served as the Director of New
lowships: New Georges, The           ration between Pace University       Works for the New York based
Drama League, and Playwrights        and New York City Center) and        theater company Out of the Box
Horizons. 2019 Honored Finalist      Whisper House with The Civil-        Theatrics.He attended Elon Uni-
for Women in the Arts & Media        ians. She is incredibly excited to   versity and is most often found
Coalition with playwright Jac-       be a part of this project!           at the theater, yoga, or Chipot-
queline Goldfinger. Katherine is                                          le. @chipper_charles
currently training to become a       HOLLIS DUGGINS (Stage Manager)
certified Intimacy Director with                                          ANESSA MARIE (Music Direc-
IDC. Upcoming: Disney’s The          REIKO HUFFMAN (Scenic De-            tor) is a composer/lyricist, mu-
Descendants (The Rose The-           signer) is a Scenic Designer and     sic director, orchestrator, and
atre), Guest Faculty at The New      Asst. Professor of Scenic Design     performer in New York City. In
School Mannes Opera, L’Enfant/       at Nebraska Wesleyan Universi-       2019, Anessa debuted Finding
Cendrillon (Carnegie Mellon          ty. She seeks to change the field    Beautiful as part of NYMF’s fi-
University, Opera) With great        of design with emotionally pro-      nal season, where she was also
thanks to the incredible team        pelled choices and interweaving      named the 2019 NYMF Artist
behind Far From Canterbury.          critical awareness into her de-      Fellow. Other NYC credits as
www.KatherineMCarter.com             sign process. Upcoming credits       composer include Queering the
                                     for Reiko Huffman include The        Canon (Joe’s Pub), Beautiful:
JEFF COX (Music Supervisor)          World Goes Round at the Coro-        the Music and Lyrics of Anes-
is a New York-based music di-        nado Playhouse in Coronado,          sa Marie (April 2018), and A
rector and conductor who has         CA, Songs For a New World at         Glimpse of the Rainbow (June
performed internationally and        the Onstage Playhouse in Chu-        2018). Her original work for
on Broadway. He has appeared         la Vista, CA, and Hello Dolly! at    symphony orchestra and piano,
in the orchestras of The Band’s      Nebraska Wesleyan University.        A New York Renaissance, writ-
Visit (Broadway), A Letter to                                             ten in response to COVID-19
Harvey Milk (Off-Broadway),          CHARLIE JOHNSON (Choreog-            will premiere in 2022. Anessa is
Wicked (National tour), Austen’s     rapher) is a Seattle based theater   also in development for Reign,
Pride (Fifth Avenue Seattle), nu-    artist with a focus in new musical   a new contemporary steampunk
rock opera inspired by Christo-       Colbert, Savage x Fenty Show      About the Author
pher Marlowe’s Edward II. She         2019 (Amazon Streaming), An-
will also serve as music super-       derson .Paak Summer Tour          DANNY K. BERNSTEIN (Book,
visor and music director for The      2019, and VFiles Spring 2020      Music, Lyrics) is an award-win-
Regulars, to premiere in the UK.      Show (Barclays Center). kelley-   ning composer/lyricist, direc-
Love and light. www.anessama-         shih.com                          tor, music director and pianist.
rie.com. IG: @anessamarieam                                             His music and lyrics have been
                                      SAAWAN TIWARI (Costume            heard off-broadway, Feinstein’s
KELLEY SHIH is a lighting de-         Designer) is a Manhattan-based    54 Below, Green Room 42, Club
signer, programmer and light-         costume designer and gradu-       Cumming, Prohibition, and all
ing director for live performance     ate of the University of Michi-   over New York City. NYC: Wings
and film/TV. Recent designs:          gan. Credits - Piper Theatre:     (Book, Music, Lyrics), Far From
Slow Down SuperBlue Miami             Prospect Hill (CD) Superhero      Canterbury (Book, Music, Lyrics)
VIP Opening, Le Comte Noir            Clubhouse: The Jungle and         - Outstanding Overall Musical,
(MSM), The Internet’s Hive Mind       Luminescence City (CD) Black      2015 New York International
World Tour (including Sydney          and Brown Theatre: Mirror on      Fringe Festival. 2020 Fred Ebb
Opera House, London Brix-             the Wall (CD) U-M: La Boheme      Award finalist, 2019 Kleban Fi-
ton O2 Academy performanc-            (ACD), Alcina (ACD), Rude Me-     nalist, 2019 and 2017 Jonathan
es), Kyle at Madison Sq. Gar-         chanicals: A Streetcar Named      Larson Award Finalist, 2014
den, Syd’s Always Never Home          Desire (CD), Wolves (CD) MUS-     Winner, New Voices Project,
Tour, Hive Rise (Ashley Fure/         KET: Bare: A Pop Opera (CD),      New Musical Inc., through Walt
Berghain/CTM Music Festival),         Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson      Disney Imagineering, Los Ange-
Together Games (Ensemble              (ACD) Runyonland Productions:     les. Proud member of ASCAP
Modern/Ashley Fure), and Chris        Shel: The Historically Fiction-   and the BMI Advanced Musical
Fleming’s Bobba Everyday Tour.        alized Musical (CD) Bayview       Theatre Workshop. Instagram:
Lighting Programming: Merry           Music Festival: West Side Story   @dannykbernstein
Wives (The Public/Shakespeare         (ACD), An Opera Lover’s Guide
in the Park), Kesha Raising Hell      to Love and Murder (CD)
on The Late Show with Stephen

Next Show:
By James Hindman
August 31-September 4
Doug Shapiro and Amanda Huxtable in multiple roles.
Welcome to Popcorn Falls, a small American town
whose only claim to fame – their namesake waterfall
– has dried up. Now bankrupt, their last chance is a
large grant that can only be used if the town produc-
es a play in a week. One big problem: no playhouse.
Another problem: no play.

Led by the Mayor and the local handyman, the en-
terprising townsfolk try to rise to the challenge and
prove that art can save the world.
Sponsored by The New Woodshed
CAST                                     Theatre of St. Louis. Rodrigo has       Christine Daaé Understudy and En-
PIM VAN AMERONGEN is thrilled            BFA in Musical Theatre from Millikin    semble Swing. She most recently
to be back on stage, and back at         University. Many thanks to everyone     was seen singing more Lloyd Web-
The Barnstormers. Some of his            at Eisen Associates and to Ann Mc-      ber hits in the World Premiere of
favorite Tamworth appearances in-        Mann and Cynthia Oeck for always        Unmasked: The Music of Andrew
clude A Funny Thing…, Our Town,          believing in him. As always, much       Lloyd Webber at Paper Mill Play-
The Full Monty, The Producers, and       love to Mom, Dad, and Matthew.          house!
Damn Yankees. He has performed           Gracias por tu fe y amor. Proud
all over the world, in national tours,   AEA member! www.RodrigoIgnaci-          TAUREN HAGANS is thrilled to be
regional theaters, and recent-           oCruz.com                               back on stage and to be making
ly created a tapping and singing                                                 her Barnstormers debut! Some of
trio called Manhattan Shuffle. He        ELLIS GAGE, New England native,         her favorite credits include Mamma
proudly holds a BFA in Musical The-      began at age 10 in the out-of-town      Mia (Rosie), 9 to 5 the Musical (Roz)
atre from The Boston Conservatory,       premiere of Pasek/Paul’s James &        and The Dixie Swim Club (JeriNe-
and currently lives in Amsterdam.        the Giant Peach (Goodspeed Mu-          al) all at Flat Rock Playhouse, How
@pimvanam                                sicals), subsequently appearing in      To Succeed in Business Without
                                         Kooman/Dimond’s Dani Girl (Cher-        Really Trying (Ms. Jones) at Maltz
KENNEDY CAUGHELL is excited              ry Lane Theatre), Phyllis Newman’s      Jupiter Theater and In the Heights
to bring this story to life! Kenne-      Peter Pan adaptation & Glen Rov-        (Daniela) in the National Tour. She
dy was seen most recently on the         en’s Anderson’s Solo (American          also sang in the vocal ensemble of
road playing Carole King across the      Opera Projects), winning an IRNE        the movie version in theaters now.
Country in Beautiful: The Carole         for his performance in The King & I     Proud PANK (Professional Aunt No
King Musical. Broadway: Natasha,         (North Shore Music Theatre). Grow-      Kids) to Jaimie, Kori, Bea, Beck,
Pierre, & the Great Comet of 1812        ing up, he was known as “the kid        Miles and Baxter. @itstauren
& Beautiful. Nat’l/Int’l Tours: Wick-    with the big belt” on Sirius XM’s
ed (Elphaba Standby) & American          Seth Speaks & a vocalist for the        DARIUS HARPER is head over his
Idiot (Heather). Regional: Paradise      Metropolitan Opera’s featured con-      heels to be back in NH for the sum-
Square (Berkley Rep), & Mary Pop-        temporary works. In recent years,       mer. As a Nashua native he grew up
pins (Mary), TV/Film: The Outlier        he’s received praise for performanc-    performing with the Peacock Play-
(Katya) & Law & Order: SVU. Elon         es in the developing Imaginary Boy      ers and The Seacoast Repertory
BFA. You can catch her this fall in      for Tourette Association of America,    Theatre! Credits include: The Book
Chicago in the Broadway-bound            “Happily” (NYMF), & Poupelle of         of Mormon, Smokey Joe’s Cafe,
musical Paradise Square. Love to         ChimneyTown (CTUSA/Japan). He’s         and Kinky Boots (Lola)! Before the
Tim, Fam, the K’s, and DGRW, for         been seen in NYC and regionally at      pandemic Darius was most recently
believing in me! Twitter/Insta: @        Prospect Theatre, Broadway Unit-        on the road with Cirque Du Soleil’s
KennedyCaughell. www.Kennedy-            ed, WorkShop Theatre, Hunting-          VOLTA as the vocalist/emcee.
Caughell.com. Psalms 9:1                 ton Theatre, Boston Lyric Opera,        Thank you to The Barnstormers and
                                         Wheelock Family Theatre, Passage        Lori Tishfield for allowing me to oc-
RODRIGO IGNACIO CRUZ is                  Theatre, Carriage House Theatre, &      cupy space as my true self! xoxo @
thrilled to be making his Barnstorm-     on tour. Ellis is an experienced Jazz   dariusharius
ers debut with Far From Canter-          singer/arranger & voiceover artist.
bury. Most recently he performed         www.ellisgage.com @ellis_gage           HENNESSY WINKLER is Hawaii
the role of Juan Perón for the sec-                                              raised, NYC trained. Icelandic
ond time with the Gulf Coast Sym-        ALYSSA GIANNETTI is a classically       Academy Award winner; ‘Best Ac-
phony. Favorite credits include: The     trained singer and actor based out      tor Overall’ - NYCfringe; Original
25th Anniversary National Tour of        of New York City! She is a graduate     co-host of CBS’s Kill Me Now with
CATS , Juan Perón (Evita) The Beast      of Northwestern University where        Judy Gold. Trained at Marymount
(Disney’s Beauty and the Beast) The      she received a BM in Voice &            Manhattan, BTG and ESPA. Proud
Baker (Into the Woods) and Wait-         Opera Performance, as well as, a        AEA member. @hennessyhaole -
er/Man #3 in the Chicago regional        minor in Choral Music Education         Hennessy.NYC. Managed by Trans
premiere of First Date, the musical.     and a certificate in Musical            Talent & ATB Talent. Grateful to be
Regionally he has been seen on           Theatre Performance. Originally         part of this life and show.
the stages of Orlando Shakes, the        from Bloomfield Hills, MI, Alyssa
New York Musical Festival, Chicago       made her professional debut while       AMBER HURST MARTIN is delight-
Shakespeare Theatre, Drury Lane          touring with the 1st National Tour      ed to be making her Barnstormers
Oakbrook, The Utah Shakespear-           of Love Never Dies, the sequel          debut! Classically trained in music &
ean Festival, and The Repertory          to The Phantom of Opera, as the         theater at Fordham College Lincoln
Center, Amber began her performance career singing
in Manhattan jazz clubs like Birdland & Dizzy’s. Soon
                                                                         This Sunday!
after, she was cast in the national tour of one of her      Come have fun, listen to great music and
favorite musicals, Jesus Christ Superstar. Since then,      dance under the spacious tent. Support
her musical career has taken her to 49 of the 50 states       The Barnstormers Theatre in style!
(Vermont!), to the Caribbean with Disney Cruise Lines,
as far as the Daegu Opera House in South Korea and
on a second national tour with the It Gets Better mu-
                                                                The Barnstormers Theatre Presents
sical - a unique opportunity for her to truly fulfill her
                                                               JAZZ AND SWING
passions for performance, travel & effecting change.
She recently premiered her solo cabaret, You Can’t Act
A Color in Los Angeles. Love to my beautiful family -
thank you for being here. www.amberhurstmartin.com
@tamberine716                                                                    featuring

SETH TUCKER is grateful to return to live performance
                                                               Tall Granite
in his Barnstormers Theatre debut. Seth is an Arizona
based Latino artist, producer and proud member of Ac-
tor’s Equity. Seth studied Music Theatre and Business

                                                                 Big Band
Marketing at ASU. Favorite credits: Parade (Leo Frank,
AriZoni nomination) Arizona Regional Theatre, I Am
My Own Wife (Charlotte) BLK BOX PHX Pageant (Miss
West Coast, Original Cast Recording) Off Broadway,
The Producers (Carmen Ghia) Maltz Jupiter Theatre,
Avenue Q (Rod) Mixed Blood Theatre, and Cabaret                         $35 Reserved Tent Seats
(Emcee) FUSE Productions, The 25th Annual Putnam                           $20 Lawn Seating
County Spelling Bee (Coneybear, AriZoni Award) Phoe-
nix Theatre Company & Beef and Board Theatre. www.                                       5 pm August 15
SethATucker.com                                                                          at The Preserve
                                                                      cash beer and wine bar, hors d'oeuvres
                                                               Tickets: 603-323-8500 or barnstormerstheatre.org
Page 1 - Cast photo caption should read:
Page 1 - Arrangements by Jeff Cox
JACKSON ALEXANDER (they/he) is a Brooklyn based
Sound Designer and overall Audio Nerd. If it makes
a sound, or is supposed to make a sound, Jackson
is all over it. Some of Jackson’s New York credits in-
clude: Oscar at the Crown, One November Yankee,
Emojiland, Clueth: An Unauthorized Parody in Verse
and Jannifer’s Body. Jackson is overjoyed to be back
in a theatre again and they are extremely grateful to be
working with The Barnstormers team.

                                                                                   The Sailcloth tent at The Preserve
WAITRESS - August 27-29
Music and lyrics by Sara Bareilles, Book by Jessie Nelson
The musical is based on the 2007 film of the same name, written by Adrienne Shelly. It tells the story of Jenna
Hunterson, a baker and waitress in an abusive relationship with her husband, Earl. After Jenna unexpectedly
becomes pregnant, she begins an affair with her doctor, Dr. Jim Pomatter. Looking for ways out of her trou-
bles, she sees a pie baking contest and its grand prize as her chance.
August 27: 2 shows at ROSIE’S RESTAURANT. 5 and 7 pm, limited seating.
August 28 on the TAMWORTH HISTORY CENTER lawn, 2 pm
August 29: CASTLE IN THE CLOUDS. Tickets available soon at castleintheclouds.org
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