FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton

Page created by Janice Schwartz
FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton
New Brighton
FALL 2020

                             Three Ways
  Midtown                      to Vote in
   Village                   the General


During the
FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton
FALL 2020

      FOLLOW OUR SOCIAL                                                               In this Issue
       MEDIA ACCOUNTS                                                                 ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                      General Election���������������������������� 4–5

                                                                                      PUBLIC SAFETY
                                                                                      Prepare for Severe Weather������������ 6
                                                                                      Keep You and Your Home Safe������� 7

                                      FACEBOOK                                        License Bureau Changes������������� 8–9
                            City of New Brighton
                       facebook.com/cityofnewbrighton                                 COVER STORY
                                       Public Safety                                  Pivoting in the Pandemic���������10–14

                                                                                      COMMUNITY ASSETS
                            Parks and Recreation                                      & DEVELOPMENT
                       facebook.com/newbrightonparks                                  Fall in New Brighton����������������������� 15
                                       Eagles Nest                                    2021 Street Rehabilitation������������ 16
                                      facebook.com/                                   COVID-19 Grants����������������������������� 17
                                   eaglesnestplayground                               Midtown Village������������������������������� 18

                                                                                      PARKS AND RECREATION
                             City of New Brighton
                                                                                      Mission Possible��������������������������������� 19

                             City of New Brighton

                                   CONTACT US
    Val Johnson
                                   City Hall: 651-638-2100
    Council Members                Community Center: 651-638-2130
    Graeme Allen                   Public Safety Center: 651-288-4100
    Emily Dunsworth
                                   Maintenance Facility: 651-638-2111
    Nasreen Fynewever
                                   Brightwood Hills Golf Course: 651-638-2150
    Paul Jacobsen
                                   Official Publication of the City of New Brighton
    City Manager
    Devin Massopust                www.newbrightonmn.gov                                                               10–14
2       New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                                    www.newbrightonmn.gov
FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton
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FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton
3                    ways to vote in the
                     General Election
in-person absentee voting
Ramsey County residents can visit the New
                                                                                     Did you know?
                                                                                     Voting that takes place before
Brighton Community Center (400 10th St NW) to cast an absentee ballot in
person. Pre-registered voters do not need to bring anything with them to cast        Election Day in Minnesota is
a ballot. All materials will be supplied on site. Voters who update their voter      technically absentee voting even
registration when they vote will need to provide proof of residency in the           though it's often referred to as
precinct before they can be issued a ballot.                                         "early voting." Minnesota voters
                                                                                     who wish to cast an absentee
Starting seven days before Election Day, voters will be able to put their ballot     ballot can do so without
directly into a ballot counter insterad of a series of envelopes.                    providing a reason.

Absentee Voting Hours – New Brighton Community Center
September 18 – October 26, Monday–Friday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm                         Curbside voting
October 27 – October 30, Monday–Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00pm                            If you cannot easily leave your
October 31, Saturday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm                                             vehicle to enter a polling place,
November 2, Monday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm                                               you can ask to have a ballot
                                                                                     brought out to you. This is known
                                                                                     as “Curbside Voting.”

absentee voting by mail                                                              When you arrive
Apply for an absentee ballot at www.mnvotes.org. If you          BALLO
                                                                                     at the polls, look
                                                                                     for the parking

don't have access to a computer, call Ramsey County at
651-266-2171.                                                                        spaces marked
                                                                                     "Curbside Voting" and call the
Your ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day and your ballot must        number on the sign. Two election
be received by Ramsey County Elections within seven (7) days of Election Day         judges will bring a ballot out to
– by November 10, 2020. Please mail your ballot as early as possible to ensure       your vehicle. Curbside Voting
it is received before the deadlines. You may return your ballot in person during     is available at the Community
absentee voting hours at the New Brighton Community Center. Please note that         Center for absentee voters and
you cannot return an absentee ballot to your polling place on Election Day.          at your polling place on Election

Vote on election day                                                                 www.mnvotes.org
Polls will be open from 7:00 am–8:00 PM on November 3. if you                        The website mnvotes.org is run
vote on Election Day, you have to vote at the polling place that                     by the Office of the Secretary
is assigned to your precinct. See next page for more information.                    of State and has lots of useful
                                                                                     resources. You can visit the page
In order to keep voters, election judges and election staff as safe as possible in   to track the status of
the polls on Election Day, we will be following recommended social distancing
and other precautionary measures such as: 6’ spacing, face masks, hand
                                                                                     your absentee ballot,
                                                                                     see a sample ballot,
sanitizer, frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces, single-use pens for voters,     check your voter       Voted
non-latex gloves for election judges who share materials with voters,                registration, etc.
plexiglas dividers, increased availability of Curbside Voting.

4     New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                          www.newbrightonmn.gov
FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton

Some facilities that have served
as long-time polling places are
unavailable for this year’s elections
due to the pandemic. As such, the
City Council has designated new              Precinct 8
polling places for the November 3
General Election.

Please visit MNVotes.org to
confirm your polling location
and watch the City Website and
social media accounts for updated
                                                                       Precinct 5
                                         Precinct 6
 Precinct 1: New Brighton
Community Center
400 10th Street NW

 Precinct 2: St. John the
Baptist Catholic Church
835 2nd Ave NW                                        Precinct 7

 Precinct 3: St. John the
Baptist Catholic Church
835 2nd Ave NW

 Precinct 4: United Church
of Christ
1000 Long Lake Rd

 Precinct 5: New Brighton
                                         Precinct 4                Precinct 3
Community Center
400 10th St NW

 Precinct 6: United Church
of Christ
                                                 Precinct 2
1000 Long Lake Rd

 Precinct 7: GracePoint                                                   Precinct 1
Church                                   Find your
2351 Rice Creek Rd NW                   polling place
                                        at mnvotes.
 Precinct 8: GracePoint
2351 Rice Creek Rd NW

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FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton

More “Cooks”
in the Kitchen
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many
of us have had to adjust to being more
comfortable in the kitchen. Cooking
fires are responsible for nearly 45%
of all residential fires every year, and
more than 50% of residential fires are
associated with the kitchen. There are
simple steps we can all take to keep that

                                            Prepare for Severe
from happening:

•   Never leave your cooking

                                            Weather Year Round
•   Don’t store anything
    inside of your oven.
•   On the stovetop, turn
    your handles in, away                   Being prepared for severe weather       Make a kit to have on hand during
    from traffic areas and away from        is important year round. As we are      power outages as well as for your
    other burners.                          now closing in on the winter months     vehicle. The kit may include:
•   When children are around, use only      we wanted to provide some helpful       • Batteries
    the back burners to keep curious        tips to keep yourself and your family   • Flashlight
    hands away.                             safe during the extreme weather that    • Blankets
•   Wear short sleeves, roll-up your        Minnesota can provide. It is also       • Battery powered radio
    sleeves and avoid loose fitting         important to remember that a loss of    • Bottled water
    clothing and accessories.               power at your home can happen at        • Non-perishable foods
•   Never store or keep any                 any time for several reasons.           • Can opener
    combustibles near your cooking                                                  • Essential medications
    area.                                   Much like if there were a fire in       • First aid supplies
•   Never use your oven to heat your        your home, have a plan in the event     • Do I have pets that also have
    home- using appliances outside of       there is a power outage or if you get       needs?
    their intended use is dangerous.        “snowed in.” Don’t wait until the       • Any other items that are essential
•   Always have a fire extinguisher for     weather forecast sounds bad to get          to you!
    your kitchen. Make sure to have         prepared, have all of your items in
    it in an easily accessible spot, and    advance.                                Plan Ahead
    check it annually.                                                              • Stay informed. Utilize battery
                                            Do you have essential items?                powered radios and have a vehicle
In case of a kitchen fire:                  • Consider those that are                   charger for your cell phone.
• Don't add water – turn off the               dependent on assistance from         • Consider purchasing or having
    heat source and smother a grease           medical equipment and be sure            immediate access to a generator
    or cooking fire with the pot lid or        they have a backup power source.     • Have a plan with others that may
    metal cover.                            • Be sure you have immediate                be able to help you
• Close the oven door. Burned those            access to a communication device     • Contact your utility company
    buns…like really burned…turn off           and flashlight.                          to make them aware of a power
    the heat and close the oven door.       • How will I be alerted to                  outage
• If there is a kitchen fire that is           emergencies?                         • Check with your neighbors and
    beyond your control, get everyone       • Where will I shelter?                     family members and assist them
    out of the dwelling, get a safe         • What is my family                         in preparation or help arrange
    distance away and call 911.                communication plan?                      assistance for them.

6     New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                          www.newbrightonmn.gov
FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton

Keep You and Your Home Safe
The New Brighton Department of Public                                     of a crime. Theft is the most prevalent
Safety wants to remind residents that                                     crime in the city. Thefts are crimes of
there are several ways that you can                                       opportunity and we can all work together
protect yourself from becoming a victim                                   to cut down on those opportunities.

SENSITIVE INFORMATION                  PACKAGES                                    MAIL                                  VALUABLES
Shred documents with                   Try to have packages delivered              Bring outgoing mail to                Do not leave
sensitive information that             to a location that somebody will            the post office to be                 valuables, such
you no longer need. Don’t              be there to receive it or have              sent out. Use a locking               as purses, wallet,
provide personal information           it delivered to office location             mail box for mail that                phones, unattended
over the phone.                        where you can pick it up                    you receive.                          while in public.

                                                       GARAGE DOORS
                                                       Be sure your garage door is closed
                                                       when you are not in or in view of it,
                                                       especially over night.

                        LOCK YOUR CAR                                                          Be sure you have
                        Always lock your vehicle                                               adequate lighting
                        even when parked inside                                                around the exterior of
                        of a garage                                                            your home and leave
                                                                                               lights on at night.

          THINK AHEAD
          If you need to leave                                                                               LOCK YOUR DOORS
          valuables in your vehicle,                                                                         Always lock the doors
          be sure to secure them                                                                             to your home
          in a trunk out of site
          prior to arriving at your
          destination. The bad
          guys may be watching

                                BE AWARE
                                Always be aware of                                     ITEMS IN VEHICLES
                                your surroundings,                                     Do not leave items in
                                take note and report                                   your vehicle, including
                                anything suspicious                                    keys and garage door
                                to 911.                                                openers.

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FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton

    When a customer brings their
    tab renewal, driver’s license
    application, or title work to
    be processed at their local
    License Bureau, that office
    gets to keep a small portion
    of the fee the customer pays.
    That fee is the main source of
    revenue to support the staff
    and equipment necessary to
    keep the office open. When
    those transactions are instead
    processed online, the entire
    fee goes to the State and the
    local License Bureau receives

    License Bureau
    Monday–Friday: 7am–5pm

    Passport Office
    *By Appointment Only*
    Monday–Friday: 9am–5pm
    Saturday: 9am–1pm

The License Bureau has Implemented
This past May when the New Brighton        scheduling. Appointment scheduling           seats are spaced 6 feet apart and hand
License Bureau reopened after a            has become a well-received solution for      sanitizer is available.
brief COVID-19 shut down, creative         limiting the number of people inside             The tab renewal drive-up drop box
solutions were made inside and             the building at one time. It also provides   is available 24/7 in the parking lot. A
outside the building to better serve our   customers a more accurate timeframe          customer can leave their renewal notice
customers.                                 for their visit.                             and payment in the box for License
   Changes in operations included                                                       Bureau staff to process and mail back.
moving the “tab line” outside to a walk-   Appointments are conducted indoors           Customers who use the drop box
up window, implementing a vehicle          through plexiglass barriers and all          receive their tab stickers much earlier
registration tab renewal drop box,         countertops and equipment are                than if they had sent it directly to the
and, most importantly, appointment         sanitized between customers. Lobby           State for processing.

8     New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                                 www.newbrightonmn.gov
FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton

                                                                                             Was Your Summer
                                                                                             Water Bill Higher
                                                                                             Than Expected?
                                                                                             There are a few common
                                                                                             factors that cause a summer
                                                                                             water bill to be higher than
                                                                                             the spring or winter bills,
                                                                                             including lawn irrigation,
                                                                                             filling swimming pools or
                                                                                             college students moving

                                                                                             This year, the pandemic
                                                                                             should also be considered
                                                                                             as residents think about
                                                                                             what may have caused their
                                                                                             increased water usage.
                                                                                             New “quarantine hobbies”
                                                                                             and home projects such as
                                                                                             landscaping and gardening
                                                                                             require more watering.
                                                                                             Cancelled summer camps
                                                                                             or daycare programs and
                                                                                             working remotely result
                                                                                             in more bathroom visits,

New, Convenient Methods                                                                      handwashing, cooking and
                                                                                             cleaning throughout the day
                                                                                             at home.

   CHANGES BEGINNING OCTOBER 19                                                              If you have a new AMI
   Online Waitlist                            add themselves to the online waitlist          meter and have questions
   To continue limiting the number of         available on our website. The customer         about your water usage,
   customers waiting inside the building      will receive a notification when it is their
                                              turn to enter the building. Appointments
                                                                                             please call Utility Billing
   during the colder winter months, an
   online waitlist will replace the outdoor   will continue to be utilized for all other     at 651-638-2129 or submit
   service window mid-October. This will      transactions.                                  questions online at www.
   be utilized for quick transactions: tab                                                   newbrightonmn.gov/
   renewals, game and fish licenses, and      Change in Hours of Operation
   DNR registrations. When a customer         The License Bureau will no longer offer
   arrives in the parking lot, they will be   Saturday hours and will instead be open        department.
   directed to wait in their vehicle and      7:00am to 5:00pm Monday–Friday.

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FALL 2020 New Brighton - Pivoting During the Pandemic - Three Ways to Vote in the General Election - City of New Brighton
10   New Brighton   Fall 2020   www.newbrightonmn.gov
                        During the
                        It is hard to believe that it has been just over six
                         months since COVID-19 was declared a global
                          pandemic. When the New Brighton Community
                           Center (NBCC) closed on March 13, it was
                            unimaginable to most that six months later,
                             things would look the way they do now. The staff
                              within the New Brighton Parks and Recreation
                               Department have been working since March
                                to reimagine what it looks like to provide
                                   recreational services during a public health

                                 “We were told at the start of COVID that
                                  each Department’s main focus should shift
                                   to providing community support in whatever
                                    way they could. We knew that the Parks
                                     and Recreation Department was uniquely
                                      situated to do just that,” said Parks and
                                       Recreation Director Jennifer Fink.

                                                                Continued >>>
www.newbrightonmn.gov                                        Fall 2020   New Brighton   11
"It Was Important to Us to Find a 
            hen faced with a population   CRG launched, the parks and recreation      – and prior to the pandemic – it was
            of vulnerable residents       department staff have:                      set to be full again. “We knew from Ed-
            who were isolated in their    • Delivered food to 165 families            Ventures, that there was a segment of
homes, people with a lack of access to    • Made 4,000 calls to residents for         our population that wouldn’t have their
food, and a known database of New             welfare checks                          needs met when it came to childcare.
Brighton resident contact information,    • Answered over 150 calls for help to       It was important to us to find a way to
the Parks and Recreation Department           the CRG Hotline                         safely offer this program and continue
worked in partnership with Public         • Provided 10 mass food delivery to         providing community support,” said
Safety and the staff in the License           residents of senior living facilities   Fink.
Bureau, to launch the Community
Resource Group (CRG). This group          Summer and Fall Reimagined                  Thanks to the experience and passion
of staff, who had a desire to connect     As summer was drawing near, Parks           of the staff in the department, they
with residents, proactively contacted     and Recreation staff knew that there        were able to reimagine how this
over a third of the City’s population.    was a need for a summer program that        popular community program might
When contacting them, they were           provided a safe space for children of       operate. Rather than operating at the
able to identify community risk for       parents who weren’t able to work from       Neighborhood Center in Freedom
COVID-19 as well as provide access to     home, but yet didn’t qualify for the        Park, staff moved the program to the
much-needed resources for those who       tier one childcare offered through the      New Brighton Community Center. This
may need access to housing assistance     school district. Historically, the Ed-      allowed for the children – in small pods
and basic needs resources. Since the      Ventures Summer program has filled          of ten – to experience summer! While

12    New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                               www.newbrightonmn.gov
Way to Safely Offer This Program"
field trips were canceled, they were still   appear, the department is building on         Brighton Lions and other organizations
able to put miles on their bikes, shoot      the summer success of Ed-Ventures.            for additional funding to increase the
baskets, have special guests, and make       They launched Mission:Possible                amount available to families.”
oodles of craft projects.                    Distance Learning Day Camp. This
                                             day camp again provides a place for           New Normal
The Parks and Recreation Department          children to be when not at school.            While meetings and events, fitness
also recognized the importance               This model allows for staff to assist         memberships, recreation programs,
of outdoor activities in regards             and coach their learning while they           and Eagles Nest access were all closed
to wellbeing, especially during a            are distance learning. Children attend        on March 13, Parks and Recreation has
pandemic. Golf staff worked hard to          on off days from in-person learning at        begun to return to “the new normal.”
set up Brightwood Hills so that it could     their schools. “Again, we saw a gap in        The Fitness Center re-opened in June –
be utilized in a safe manner. This has       the availability for people who did not       allowing members to return to working
resulted in more rounds being played         qualify for tier-one child care. Many of      out in a facility with socially distanced
at Brightwood Hills Golf Course by           these participants are adversely affected     fitness class options and that is routinely
September 1, than all of last year!          by the inability to utilize Y-care at their   sanitized for safety. The NBCC is also
Parks and Recreation staff also ensured      local schools,” shared Assistant Parks        home to the New Brighton Farmer’s
that outdoor sports went ahead while         and Recreation Director Jason Hicks.          Market. Deemed an essential service
heeding safety recommendations for           “The City also worked to increase             and access to healthy food, the City
children and adults.                         access to their scholarship fund for
    As we begin to see the fall colors       this program. We approached the New                            Continued >>>
www.newbrightonmn.gov                                                                                   Fall 2020   New Brighton   13
The person behind many of the recreation programs you have come to know and expect
from the New Brighton Parks and Recreation Department were most likely run at some
point by Pat Tuma. September 30 was her last day with the City after 35 years! She
leaves behind generations of people who grew up in her programs! Looking forward, New
Brighton native and Recreation Supervisor, Maria Larson will be taking over most of her
programs. Congratulations Pat! Enjoy Retirement!

"Parks and Recreation Will Continue to Adapt"
worked closely with organizers to adapt       Chalk Walk Festival, and the new            programs, changing policies, adjusting
their market model. This has allowed          Pumpkin Walk that is coming this            the layout of buildings, and providing
for them to have over 11,000 visitors         October. They have partnered in             social and recreational opportunities.
safely attend the market. It will move        coordinating emergency response             “We know that as temperatures begin to
indoors starting this fall, so plan to hear   efforts including food distribution         cool down, demand will grow for more
more about how the market will look in        and connecting community members            indoor recreational opportunities,”
the coming weeks.                             to needed social services. They             notes Director Jennifer Fink. “With
                                              have assessed spaces and programs,          a rapidly changing situation and
The Parks and Recreation staff have           crafted reopening plans, enhanced           challenges emerging on a near day-
stepped into action to maintain access        communications, and worked alongside        to-day basis, we will continue to ask
to essential infrastructure including         peers and colleagues to apply lessons       for your patience as we move forward.
parks, trails, and green spaces, which        learned and innovative solutions            New Brighton Parks and Recreation
saw unprecedented use this spring and         from across the profession. They will       will continue to adapt by providing
summer. They continue to launch new           continue to protect our residents and       opportunities for people to be active
initiatives like virtual programming,         staff by establishing new training          and connected during these times.”

14    New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                                 www.newbrightonmn.gov

Fall in New Brighton
              Fall Sweeping                 Yard stakes                                 Right-Of-way
           Fall sweeping typically begins   With the snow season around the             When completing yard projects;
   the first part of October and will       corner, if you have experienced sod         Remember, the City street right-of-way
   continue until the snow flies to keep    damage in the past, you can help the        typically extends to an area ten to
   leaves and debris clear from the catch   plow drivers by marking the edge of         fifteen feet beyond the curb. This area
   basins.                                  your yard by pounding some stakes           is called the boulevard and is intended
                                            in immediately behind the curb. You         to provide for snow storage, utilities,
                                            can purchase inexpensive reflective         sidewalks, and other public uses.
                                            stakes at many local hardware stores

   Irrigation Systems                       or wooden lathe stakes and paint the
                                            ends with a bright color.
   When irrigation
   systems are blown
                                                                                         Water Turn Offs
   out in the fall of                                                                    If you need your water service
   the year, home
   owners need to
                                            Adopt a Drain                                turned off for plumbing on
                                                                                         your home or business,
   be sure there is a                       Rain washes anything                         the City is responsible for
   shut off valve in place                  that’s on streets and                        turning your water off and
   so as not to force air back into the     paved surfaces down                          on. Please notify the City so we can
   water distribution system through        storm drains and into                        locate the outside water valve, also
   your home. This situation can not        lakes and rivers. Help                       referred to as a curb stop or curb
   only allow air into yours and your       keep our water clean!                        box. It can take some time to locate
   neighbors’ plumbing but can also in      Adopt a Drain asks residents to adopt        a curb stop, especially in the winter,
   rare cases cause a health hazard.        a storm drain in their neighborhood          and on occasion they may not be
   Make sure your contractor is aware       and keep it clear of leaves, trash, and      functioning properly. The curb stop
   of this and checks your system for a     other debris to reduce water pollution.      is the home owner’s responsibility to
   shut off valve. Please call 651-638-     Visit www.adopt-a-drain.org for more         repair. Call Public Works at 651-638-
   2111 with any questions.                 information.                                 2111 to schedule an appointment.

  Sewer Back-Ups
  If you experience a sewer back-
  up, call 911 as soon as possible. The
  City has personnel on call 24 hours a
  day. The City has adopted a Sewer
  Backup and Watermain Cleanup Assis-
  tance Policy and this policy will help
  cover cleanup costs incurred from a
  sewer backup or watermain break from
  the City main.

  Private Sewer Cleaning
  If you have had your private sewer
  service cleaned or cleared of roots,
  call 651-638-2111 or email kim.otis@

www.newbrightonmn.gov                                                                               Fall 2020   New Brighton      15

Zoning Code
Over the next 12 to 18 months,
the City of New Brighton will
be undertaking an effort to
modernize and update the City’s
zoning ordinances which date
back to the 1970’s in some cases.
The new ordinance will place an
emphasis on a number of key
factors including: 1) formatting
and organization to ensure codes
are easy to navigate and are
easy to understand, 2) making
the zoning code user-friendly
by including illustrations and
utilizing web hyperlinks, 3)
modernizing code to ensure
all language is consistent with
changes to state statute and
laws over the years, and finally
                                       2021 Street Rehabilitation
4) updating specific standards         The 2021 Street Rehabilitation               • Gregory Drive
as needed to meet legal                Project will include the removal and         • Cedar Drive
requirements while minimizing          replacement of approximately 2.11 miles      • Sunnyside Terrace
impediments to residents and           of street surface, partial curb and gutter   • Sunbow Lane
businesses.                            replacement, fire hydrant replacement,       • Rainbow Lane
                                       and miscellaneous storm sewer                • Oriole Lane
Concurrent with the zoning             improvements. Streets included in the        • Long Lake Court
code update project, the City          project are listed below:                    • 14th Avenue NW
will also be launching a public        • Longview Drive                             A neighborhood informational meeting
outreach effort specific to            • Brighton Lane                              will be held with residents in the project
areas guided for mixed use             • 17th Avenue NW                             corridor in the spring of 2021.
development. HKGi, the
consulting firm that led the
City’s Comprehensive Planning          LED Street Lighting Upgrade Project
effort, will lead a discussion with
landowners and neighbors of            The City will receive bids this fall for a   HPS luminaires located along 5th Avenue
our mixed use areas to guide the       LED Street Lighting Upgrade Project.         NW and Old Highway 8 NW. Once
City in creating new zoning for        This project will include the replacement    complete, both the Silver Lake Road and
such areas. A project steering         of all remaining High Pressure Sodium        5th Avenue NW/Old Highway 8 NW
committee representing a broad         (HPS) streetlights and poles located along   corridors will be completely transitioned
cross-section of the community         Silver Lake Road (primarily south of         over to all LED lighting, which are much
will also be utilized to guide staff   I694). The project will also include the     more efficient, have longer life spans, and
on proposed updates. Please            replacement of all remaining decorative      provide improved visibility at night.
visit the Community Assets &
Development portion of the
City’s website (newbrightonmn.
gov) for more information, and
for updates throughout the life
of this project.

16    New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                               www.newbrightonmn.gov

                                         en                      ts:
              City of New Brighton Resid

              Rental and
                                                                                       New Brighton Small Business                                  Funds can
                                                                                                                                                   be used for

                                                                                        COVID-19                                                   operating


                                                                                       Relief Grants
                                                                                                                                                   • Rent

                                                                                                                                                   • Mortgage
                                                                                                                                                   • Utilities
                                                                                                                                                   • Payments to
                                                                                                                                                  • Production
                                                                                                                                                    of business
                                                                                                                                                  • Technical
                                              City of New Brighton resid
                Grants are available to help                                 ID-19                                                                • Technology
                          expe rien ced a  loss of income related to the COV                                                                        capital
                who have
                pandemic. Get   help now  !
                                                                                                                                                  • Marketing
                                                                                         Apply and see eligibility criteria online:
                                                 r your past due mortgage or                                                                        assistance/
                Apply today for grants to cove                                         mccdmn.submittable.com/submit/174012/                        tools
                Grant funds are limited.                                                    city-of-new-brighton-covid-relief
                                                                                                                                                  • Security
                                                                                        Call 612-843-3262 for more information.
                                           apply here:
                 Read more information and
                 or call 651-999-5737.

           COVID-19 GRANTS
            available to residents and businesses
           In late July, the City of New Brighton                                     ($350K) and a business support program
           received its share of CARES Act funding                                    ($350K) began accepting applications in
           (≈$1.74M) from the Federal Government                                      mid-September, and will be open through
           to help Cities weather the economic                                        early November provided funding remains
           impacts of COVID-19. As directed                                           available. Both programs have specific
           by the City Council, staff analyzed                                        requirements for funding eligibility (i.e.,
           the available funds to identify ways                                       expenses must be COVID related, must
           to ensure funding could be extended                                        have been incurred during a specific
           directly to our residents and businesses                                   timeframe, etc). Non-profits meeting
           in need of support. That effort resulted in                                specific standards may also be eligible,
           approximately $700,000 being allocated                                     so please inquire. Visit the City of New
           to local grant programs to supplement                                      Brighton website (newbrightonmn.gov)
           existing County and state programs. Two                                    and click on the COVID Relief Programs
           programs, a residential grant program                                      button for more information.

www.newbrightonmn.gov                                                                                                                 Fall 2020      New Brighton   17

Midtown Village is Transforming
Anyone driving by the former home        Village was approved in 2019, and the      set to begin construction in October.
of the old New Brighton Elementary       first two phases of owner-occupied         All development activity will likely
school recently has seen the dramatic    townhomes and affordable workforce         be complete by early 2022, and will
transformation of a once underutilized   rental units are both well on their        represent the City’s first step towards
space into a burgeoning area of          way to completion. A third and final       achieving the housing goals established
new housing within the City. The         phase, the affordable senior building      by citizens in the City’s new 2040
development known as Midtown             to be known as Oaks Landing, is now        Comprehensive Plan.

Renovations Underway at the New Brighton Maintenance Facility
Since the beginning of 2020, the City    couple of months, and our old salt shed    final change to our Maintenance Facility
of New Brighton’s Maintenance Facility   was replaced with a new salt shed that     includes remodeling of our warm
has seen many changes. The adjacent      complements our cold storage building.     storage building. These renovations
affordable work-force apartment                                                     will allow all of our large equipment
complex, utilized a small portion of     Our fueling operations were also           to be stored under one roof is being
the northern end of our maintenance      impacted, and a new fueling station        remodeled to accommodate our winter
yard (where our old salt shed stood)     was installed that will supply the fleet   plowing fleet (completion is expected by
for onsite parking. Fast forward, a      with both diesel fuel and gasoline. The    the end of 2020).

18   New Brighton   Fall 2020                                                                             www.newbrightonmn.gov
                                                                     day camp
 Looking for a way to keep your child on track during distance learning? New Brighton Par
 & Recreation
     Looking for designed    Mission
                 a way to keep          Possible
                               your child           Day Camp
                                          on track during distanceto provide a fun and engaging place f
 students      New Brighton
            entering        Parks & Recreation
                       kindergarden-5th          designed
                                               grade   on Mission
                                                           their distance learning days.
          Possible Day Camp to provide a fun and engaging place for
 Location:  New
     students      Brighton
               entering        Community
                        kindergarden-5th gradeCenter
                                               on their distance
 Registration   Fee: $50
     learning days.
 Weekly   Fee: New
     Location:  $40Brighton
                      per day   with a minimum
                              Community  Center      of 2 days/week
     Registration  Fee: $50
 Registration Code: 20FMP20
          Weekly Fee: $40 per day with a minimum of 2 days/week
          Registration:   more information visit (code:
                        newbrightonmn.maxgalaxy.net  newbrightonmn.gov/missionpossible

 Kickers” Karate” Ages 7 through Adult
     We are looking for additional staff for our Mission Possible
 merican  Tae-Kwon-Do
     program. Flexible hours,Karate   for boys,
                              fun environment!    girls,
                                                 More     teens can
 nd adults  ishere:
     be found   designed     to teach participants self-
 efense, safety awareness and teamwork, while

ncreasing flexibility. Students will focus on Make
                                              devel- dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser

 ping the basic fundamentals of kicking, punch-
                                              to support New Brighton Parks And Recreation. Come
                                              in to the Chipotle at 1021 Red Fox Rd in Shoreview on
ng, blocking and defense techniques. Participants
                                              Wednesday, November 4th between 5:00pm and 9:00pm.
 hould wear loose comfortable clothing and wear
                                              Bring in a
                                                       this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the

                   AN EFFECT
                                              cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33%
mask. Hand Sanitizer will be available at theofdoor.
                                                 the proceeds will be donated to New Brighton Parks

                   AN EFFECT
 quipment will be cleaned prior to and after use.
                                              And  Recreation.

 ocial distancing will be implemented.        NEW! ORDER ONLINE FOR PICKUP! Use code DMEXGY7
                                                                                      before checkout in ‘promo’ field. Orders placed on
  ids Dance Preschool through Age 11                                                  Chipotle.com or through the Chipotle app for pickup using
                                                                                      this unique code will be counted towards the fundraiser.
 hese high-energy classes focus on improving
hythm, balance and coordination. Children                                                                  will orders must be placed for pickup at the
                                                                                                      All online
        Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support New same time/location of the fundraiser. Delivery cannot
 ave fun      learning basic tap, jazz and ballet steps.
       Brighton Parks And Recreation. Come in to the Chipotle at 1021 Red Fox be counted at this time. Gift card purchases during
 lder children
        Make in Shoreview
                dinner         onwill
                         a selfless
                                       act bycontinue
                                    Wednesday,        November
                                                joining   us for a 4th   learning
                                                                     fundraiser    to 5:00pm
                                                                                      support New advanced
                                                                                                  and fundraisers do not count towards total donated sales, but
                                                                                               theFox purchases made with an existing gift card will count.
       Brighton    Parks   AndinRecreation.
                                    this flyer, show
                                                   Comeit in
                                                                  the smartphone       or tell
                                                                        Chipotle at 1021     Red
teps, dance
        Rdcashier      choreography
             in Shoreview       supporting
                               on   Wednesday, the cause     and
                                                      November  make 4thcreative
                                                                         sure  that 33%
                                                                          between     5:00pmofmovement.
             proceedsBringwill be
                                in donated
                                    this flyer,toshow
                                                           on your Parks       And Recreation.
 ancers cashier
            should              wear athefacemask    cause to make sureand               clothing         that
           9:00pm.                                                     smartphone      or tell the
                      you’re supporting                                        that 33%     of the

s comfortableproceeds
     www.newbrightonmn.gov  and
                          will be
                                    donated    to  New
                                                      to move
                                                          Brighton     Parks
                                                                  FOR PICKUPin. All dancers will
                                                                               And  Recreation.
        Use code DMEXGY7 before checkout in ‘promo’ field. Orders placed on Chipotle.com or through
                                                                                                                                         Fall 2020 New Brighton   19
 eed tap andNEW!           ballet  ORDER    shoes ONLINE      (which
                                                                  FOR PICKUP      can be ordered
           the Chipotle app for pickup using this unique code will be counted towards the fundraiser.
                                                                               U.S. Postage
                                                                              Twin Cities, MN
                                                                                Permit No.
803 Old Hwy 8 NW
New Brighton, MN 55112

                                        Postal Customer
                                        New Brighton, MN 55112

September 18, Absentee Voting for the
General Election Started
• New Brighton Community Center
                                          30 DAYS for 30 DOLLARS
  10:00 am–4:00 pm, Monday–Friday
October 24, New Brighton Parks
& Recreation Pumpkin Walk
Veterans Park 4:00–8:00 pm
November 3, General Election
• Polls open 7:00 am–8:00 pm
November 11, Veterans Day
• City Offices Closed
November 12–13 License Bureau Closed
• State System Updates
November 26–27 Thanksgiving                Enjoy a 30 day fitness center pass for only $30
• City Offices Closed                      this holiday season! This special promotion is
December 24–25 Christmas                   available for purchase between November 26 and
                                           December 31.
• City Offices Closed
January 1, New Year's Day
• City Offices Closed

20   New Brighton
                    Fall 2020                                                 www.newbrightonmn.gov
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