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Sustainable Development
Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)

Xuemei Bai1,* and Hidefumi Imura2
    Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan
    Nagoya University, Japan

Sustainable water resource management                            integrated systems approach for problem
has become a critical issue for the                              solving. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley &
development of cities that suffer scarce                         Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment.
water resources. Tianjin City, located in
China’s Huaihe basin, one of the most
polluted and water-scarce river basins in                        Received 31 May 2000
the country, is a typical example in                             Revised 12 July 2000
which water is posing a major constraint                         Accepted 2 August 2000
to the development. This paper examines
the current status of the use of water                           INTRODUCTION
resources, and the current practices and
policy measures taken for water resource

                                                                        ianjin City is located on the Huabei
management in Tianjin, with a view to                                   Plain, within the Haihe River Basin in
drawing lessons through an evaluation                                   northern China, neighbouring the coun-
of these measures. The study illustrates                         try’s capital city of Beijing. Geographically,
the role of cities and their complex                             the city belongs to the warm temperate zone,
interaction with their peripheries for the                       with annual mean temperatures between 11
                                                                 and 12 degrees Celsius, and annual mean
allocation of scarce water resources, and
                                                                 precipitation of about 560 to 690 mm. One of
it suggests that a systems approach                              the country’s seven largest river basins, Haihe
should be adopted in order to analyse                            River Basin is also one of the most polluted
and understand the complexity of the                             and water-scarce. It covers a total area of
entire picture. Based on this review and                         about 310000 square kilometres and includes
evaluation of Tianjin’s experience, the                          portions of five different provinces and two
authors propose a framework for                                  mega-cities. Tianjin City is located at the low-
sustainable water resource management                            est point downstream of the river (Figure 1)
in cities, emphasizing the importance of                         and covers 11200 square kilometres, equal to
taking full consideration of                                     5.3 times the area of the Tokyo metropolis in
resource/environmental capacity and an                           Japan. This unusually large scale is an impor-
                                                                 tant factor in the following discussion.
* Correspondence to: Dr. Xuemi Bai, Research Fellow, Institute      Two factors form the background of Tian-
for Global Environmental Strategies, 1560-39 Kamiyaguchi,        jin’s water issues. One is the imbalance be-
Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0198, Japan.
                                                                 tween natural resource distribution and the
                                                                 region’s social and economic stature in China.
Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.     The share of area, population and arable land

                           Figure 1. Water system and major cities in Haihe River Basin.

of the region in the country are 3.3, 9.8 and                    Among many other concerns, a deficit of
10.9%, respectively, while the share of water                  total available water resources, overuse of
resource distribution is only 1.5%. As a result,               groundwater and deteriorating water quality
the per capita water resource is only 430 cubic                are three major water resource related issues.
metres per year, 16% of the country’s average                  The environmental impacts are significant
level. Despite this, the region plays a very                   and diverse, including desertification, land
important socio-economic role. The basin
holds one of China’s five largest urban ag-
glomerations, with Beijing and Tianjin, and
Tianjin is the largest industrial centre in
northern China. The second factor is the rapid
industrialization and economic growth of the
city and surrounding region that have oc-
curred in recent decades. Because water de-
mand upstream has grown rapidly, the
downstream city of Tianjin has suffered. Wa-
ter demand in Tianjin City is also growing. As
the GDP of the city grew tenfold from 1978 to
1996, the urban population grew by 1.5 mil-                    Figure 2. Population and economic growth (data source:
lion persons (Figure 2).                                              Tianjin Municipal Statistical Bureau 1997).

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                                  Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


subsidence, dropping water tables, saltwater                     This four-step water flow can be considered
incursion into groundwater and soil saliniza-                  as common to all cities. The discussion of
tion among many others.                                        major water-resource-related issues in Tianjin
   This paper examines water resource issues                   will therefore follow each of these steps.
in Tianjin following each step of water re-
source use in cities, and draws lessons from
Tianjin’s case through review and evaluation                   Input: distribution of the water resource and its
of the measures taken by the municipal gov-                    changes over time
ernment. Based on these, a framework for
sustainable urban water resource manage-                       The total water resource in Tianjin, of 3.56
ment is presented, emphasizing the im-                         billion cubic metres in an average year, in-
portance of taking full consideration of                       cludes 2.86 billion cubic metres of surface
resource/environmental capacity and an inte-                   water and 702 million cubic metres of
grated systems approach for problem solving.                   restorable groundwater. The total can drop to
Together with the framework, the importance                    less than 2.0 billion cubic metres in a rela-
of institutional arrangements to ensure the                    tively dry year, and can be further reduced to
implementation of these strategies is                          around 1.2 billion cubic metres in a severe
emphasized.                                                    drought. The amount of water resources
                                                               available to Tianjin, especially surface water,
                                                               is on a long-term decreasing trend, thought to
A CASE STUDY IN TIANJIN                                        be a consequence of increased water demand
                                                               and associated water withdrawal upstream.
Water flow in cities can be divided into four                  Figure 3 shows long-term trends in the total
steps. Step 1 is the capture of water from                     volume of surface water entering Hebei
nature as a resource. Water resources include                  Province through rivers. The volume during
water captured within the basin, input from                    the 1970s had dropped by one-third of the
other basins through inter-basin transfers and                 amount during the 1960s, and dropped an-
newly developed resources such as rainwater                    other one-third in the 1980s. Since Tianjin is
use and desalinization of seawater. Step 2 is                  within Hebei Province, it is not difficult to
allocation of obtained water resources among                   imagine the reduction trend in surface water
regions and sectors. Usually it is distributed                 inflow to Tianjin.
between urban and rural areas, and the water                      As the local resource deficit became signifi-
assigned to cities is further allocated to differ-             cant, efforts were made to explore new water
ent sectors such as agriculture, industry, mu-                 resources. In 1981 the city started a project
nicipalities and ecological uses. Ecological                   to transfer water from Luanhe River, which
uses here signify the minimum amount of
water necessary to maintain ecosystems and
hydrological cycles. Despite the importance of
ecological uses, a quantitative understanding
of water for these uses is still inadequate. Step
3 is water use within each sector. The effi-
ciency of resource use, recycling ratio, treat-
ment ratio etc will determine the amount and
quality of discharge. These factors greatly af-
fect Step 4, which is output and environmen-
tal impact. All three kinds of major output
from urban water use, namely municipal
wastewater, industrial wastewater and agri-
cultural discharge, enter the natural water cy-
cle again and cause various environmental                      Figure 3. Decreasing river water inflow (data source:
impacts.                                                                           Zhang, 1989).

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                                  Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


supplies 1 billion cubic metres of additional                  growth of its water demand, Beijing con-
water to the city in a relatively dry year. The                structed many dams and reservoirs upstream,
project was completed and started to function                  and now controls up to 85% of the total flow
in 1983. Other efforts include sewage water                    of the Haihe River. From the viewpoint of
treatment and reuse, and use of seawater for                   water resources, Beijing has predominant
cooling in industry. Treated sewage water is                   power over Tianjin, and enjoys a higher prior-
intended to be used for agriculture, with up                   ity in water resource allocation.
to 70% being used for irrigation. Due to insuf-                   The case of Hebei Province reveals a quite
ficient operating funding of sewage treatment                  different story. Geographically, it contains
plants, they cannot operate to capacity, result-               both Beijing and Tianjin. According to the
ing in a large portion of untreated urban                      Hebei Water Management Bureau, about half
sewage being used for irrigation. Seawater                     of the total outflow from mountain areas of
used by the power industry for cooling saves                   the province goes to Beijing and Tianjin. Sev-
an equivalent of 36 million cubic metres of                    eral large reservoirs constructed by Hebei
fresh water each year.                                         Province for agricultural use, including the
                                                               Miyun, Guanting and Yuqiao dams, supply
                                                               Beijing and Tianjin. As a result of the water-
Resource allocation
                                                               transferring project from the Luanhe River to
Located at the river mouth, and acquiring                      Tianjin, the province supplies an additional 1
most of its surface water through river inflow,                billion cubic metres of water annually to Tian-
water resources in Tianjin City largely depend                 jin. Such relinquishments of water rights re-
on how much of a share it receives compared                    sult from administrative intercession, which
to other areas in the watershed. This section                  lacks proper compensation schemes. Another
discusses regional distribution issues among                   issue is untreated urban sewage, which is
three closely related regions: Beijing, Hebei                  used for irrigation despite prohibition by the
Province and Tianjin. Figure 4 shows priori-                   government, resulting in concerns about long-
ties and issues of resource allocation among                   term health impacts. In addition, the total
them.                                                          inflow of river water to the province has
   Beijing, the capital of China, is located up-               declined significantly, as indicated in Figure
stream of Tianjin. It is superior to Tianjin both              3. As a result, the already stressed demand –
politically and geographically. With the rapid                 supply balance of water resources in Hebei

                         Figure 4. Priorities and issues of inter-regional resource allocation.

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                                      Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


Province has gone from bad to worse, and                           highly possible that municipal water use will
water resource problems have become a major                        increase in the future. The major sources of
limiting factor in the development of industry                     municipal water are water transferred from
and agriculture.                                                   Luanhe River and groundwater.
   A similar regional imbalance exists with                           The major water consuming industries are
water quality. Most river waters entering                          the chemical, machinery, petroleum, cotton
Tianjin are heavily polluted. Especially during                    spinning, paper production, food and metal-
times of drought, the city faces serious water                     lurgical industries. Although the amount of
shortages and water pollution problems. As a                       water used by these industries has increased,
result, Tianjin City must deal with a much                         due to improved recycling ratios since the
heavier burden than other cities to clean up                       beginning of 1980s, water withdrawal by
pollution and improve its water environment.                       these industries has not changed much. In
The fact that farmers in Hebei Province are                        1984, the share of water supplied for indus-
using untreated urban sewage water from                            trial uses was 14.9% for river water, 27.5% for
Beijing and Tianjin for irrigation is illustrative                 piped water and 57.6% for groundwater.
of the problems.                                                   Overexploitation of groundwater has resulted
   It can be seen that on the one hand Tianjin                     in a drop in the level of the water table by
City is the victim of Beijing’s power, while on                    over 60 m in the centre of a depression cone.
the other hand the city is mitigating its losses                   Excessive groundwater abstraction has also
by squeezing Hebei Province. Complaints                            caused serious land subsidence over an adja-
have been persisting over this situation, espe-                    cent area of 2300 square kilometres (United
cially in Hebei Province; several conflicts have                   Nations Economic and Social Commission for
occurred since the 1980s, most of which ended                      Asia and the Pacific, 1997). The water recy-
with the triumph of Beijing. With no funda-                        cling ratio reached 74% in the 1990s, equiva-
mental improvements on the horizon, these                          lent to Japan’s level; further improvements
regional disputes are likely to continue for the                   will be difficult since large investments will
foreseeable future.                                                be required for only marginal further im-
                                                                   provements. Tianjin’s industrial production
                                                                   has grown by more than 10% annually;
Water use: sector-wise use and risks                               sweeping reforms in production technology
Water use in Tianjin can be divided into agri-                     as well as industrial structure are necessary if
cultural and urban categories, and the latter                      this trend is to continue without dramatic
can be further divided into municipal, indus-                      increases of water withdrawal. The growing
trial and irrigation (for suburban vegetable                       township and village enterprises usually have
field) uses. About half of the total urban water                   primitive technology and thus a very low
use in the city is for industrial purposes.                        water recycling ratio. This part of industrial
   Per capita municipal water use in 1996 was                      water use is still small, but likely to grow
128 litres per day. This level has not increased                   significantly.
much since 1984. However, the total non-                              Agricultural water use is mainly covered by
agricultural population1 of the city has in-                       local surface water and groundwater. Because
creased from 4.3 million to 5.1 million over                       of the shortage of available water resources,
the period. This newly added urban popula-                         urban sewage water is also used. In 1984, of a
tion has imposed greater pressure on the wa-                       total of 1.629 billion tonnes of agricultural
ter supply system of the municipal govern-                         water use (including 239 million tonnes used
ment. With the improvement in household                            for suburban vegetable fields), 42.5% were
water supply and sanitation facilities, the                        from surface water, 43% from groundwater
popularization of the washing machine and                          and 14.5% from urban sewage. According to a
the development of service industries, it is                       nationwide survey at the beginning of 1980s,
                                                                   the incidence of cancer and diarrhoea in
 A part of the urban population is still engaged in agriculture,
and piped urban water supply is related only to the non-           sewage irrigation areas was 0.3 –0.5% and
agricultural urban population.                                     1.4% higher than in other areas, respectively,

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                                   Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


and the mortality ratio by these two diseases                  brewing, paper mill, cotton spinning, food
was 0.02% higher (Haihe Water Resource                         processing, leather manufacturing and phar-
Management Committee, 1997). Despite the                       maceutical industries, accounting for 74% of
agricultural water shortage, irrigation water is               industrial pollution discharge. About half of
still used wastefully and with low efficiency,                 the pollution originates from six districts in
due to leakage from old irrigation facilities,                 the centre of the city.
outdated irrigation methods such as flood irri-
gation etc. The long-term health risks of pol-                 Tianjin’s share of pollution discharge in
luted agricultural products are a matter of                    the Haihe Basin
concern.                                                       Table 1 shows the share of Tianjin City in the
   Ecological water use is often neglected. A                  water pollution discharge of Haihe Basin. Al-
minimum amount of water is essential to sus-                   though Tianjin covers only 3.74% of total area
tain natural ecosystems and hydrological cy-                   of the river basin, its share in the total pollu-
cles, though the exact amount has not been                     tion discharge is 18.4%, and in COD discharge
clarified by research. Some changes in the                     16.74%. The average intensity of discharge of
natural ecosystem are already noticeable in                    the Haihe Basin, calculated by dividing total
this area due to human overuse of water. In                    discharge by area, is 13100 tonnes per square
Bohai Bay, the decreased fresh water inflow                    kilometre, while for Tianjin it is 64400, or 4.92
from Haihe River has resulted in changes in                    times the average level. A similar tendency
marine fauna. Dropping groundwater tables                      can be observed in the case of COD discharge.
accelerate aridity of the soil and lead to deser-              These numbers indicate that Tianjin’s contri-
tification. Such changes in natural ecosystems                 bution to water pollution is quite high, and
may eventually destroy the ecological founda-                  also that the city cannot solve water quality
tions on which the city relies, and thus need                  problems on its own.
more attention.
                                                               Wastewater treatment
Output: water pollution                                        In order to reduce its wastewater discharge,
                                                               the city plans to improve its wastewater treat-
Pollution discharge and sources                                ment capacity by expanding existing plants
According to 1995 data the total wastewater                    and constructing new plants. The daily treat-
discharge from the city was 765.6 million cu-                  ment capacity of the Jizhuangzi Wastewater
bic metres, with industrial wastewater ac-                     Treatment plant, the first urban sewage treat-
counting for more than 56%. The total                          ment plant in China, was expanded from 26
chemical oxygen demand (COD) from urban                        to 40 tonnes per day. In 1996 a new plant with
effluent is 396 400 tonnes of oxygen, 72% of                   the capacity of 40 tonnes per day was estab-
which is from industrial discharge. Major                      lished in an eastern suburb. These two plants
polluting industries include the chemical,                     can treat up to 40% of the city’s sewage

Table 1. Total wastewater discharge in Haihe Basin and the share of Tianjin (data source: cited from an unpublished
research work of Li W. 1998. Plan for Total Pollutant Load Control in Tianjin. Tianjin Research Institute of Environmental

                               Area             Sewage            COD (104 t)         Discharge per unit area
                               (104 km2)        discharge
                                                (108 m3)

                                                                                      Sewage                 COD
                                                                                      (104 m3/km2)           (t/km2)

Haihe Basin                    31.82            41.63             236.8                 1.31                    7.44
Tianjin City                    1.19             7.66              39.64                6.44                   33.31
Tianjin City/Haihe (%)          3.74            18.40              16.74              492                     448

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                                      Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


discharge, but, due to a lack of operating                        In order to alleviate the problem of urban
funds, the plants usually cannot be operated                   water deficiency, the city started to draw wa-
at full capacity. Currently the city is planning               ter from dams upstream as well as from other
to build four more sewage treatment plants,                    river basins. Following several trials of water
two of which will be funded by the Asian                       transportation from Huanghe, a project to
Development Bank. Funding sources for the                      transfer water from Luanhe to Tianjin started
two other plants have not been found. While                    in 1981. This project contributed greatly to the
it is important to install this infrastructure, it             improvement of the demand –supply balance
is of vital importance to set up an effective                  and the quality of drinking water in Tianjin.
financial mechanism to support the full opera-
tion of existing facilities, in order to improve
                                                               Measures since the start of the 1980s
water quality and reduce the amount of
                                                               Since the beginning of the 1980s, with the
sewage used in irrigation and its negative
                                                               rapid urbanization and industrialization of
                                                               Tianjin and other areas in the basin, the em-
                                                               phasis of water resource management in Tian-
                                                               jin shifted to enhancement of efficiency in
REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF                                       industrial water use, water conservation in
MEASURES                                                       municipal water use, and adjustment of the
                                                               industrial structure.
                                                               “ Water conservation. Quotas were set for mu-
Review and future perspective                                    nicipal water use, and water supplies were
                                                                 rationed. Efforts are being made to install
Measures before the end of the 1970s                             a water meter in every household, and
Flood disaster prevention was the most im-                       to replace toilet equipment with water-
portant task of water management from 1949                       conserving designs. Due to these efforts,
until the end of the 1970s. During the 10 years                  per capita daily water use in Tianjin was
from 1964 to 1973, more than 30 waterways to                     kept at a low level. Even more significant
discharge water more quickly to the sea were                     achievements have been made in industrial
constructed and 35 medium to large reser-                        water use. The municipality administers a
voirs were either constructed or refurbished.                    ‘planned water use system’, which in-
These flood control measures prevented flood                     cludes penalties for water use exceeding
disaster in the Haihe Basin to a great extent.                   the given quota. For water use exceeding
However, these projects also resulted in a                       quotas, enterprises are required to pay two
great deal of alteration of the natural environ-                 to ten times the normal rate for water. By
ment. Located at the lowest reaches of the                       introducing water conservation technolo-
river basin, Tianjin once had thousands of                       gies, the water-recycling ratio was im-
small lakes, marshes, and ponds because of                       proved from 40% in the 1980s to 74% in
the high groundwater level. Most of these                        the 1990s, the highest level in China, and
have disappeared as a direct result of flood                     comparable to Japan’s level. During the 10
control projects and land reclamation under                      years from 1984 to 1994, water withdrawal
agricultural development policies. These                         per 10 thousand yuan of industrial produc-
shifted water storage functions from the lower                   tion was reduced to one-third of the origi-
to the upper reaches of the river. Many of                       nal level.
these measures are now considered to have                      “ Adjusting industrial structure. Since the sur-
been shortsighted because they altered the                       facing of the problem of shortages of water
natural ecosystem balance and lowered the                        resources the city has adopted an indus-
flood water storage and resilience of nature.                    trial development policy to control the de-
However, this perception is limited to scien-                    velopment of large water using industries
tists and is far from being reflected in policy                  and allocate its limited resources more ef-
measures.                                                        fectively. The share of some industries

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                               Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


    such as cotton spinning has decreased                           traded into inappropriate uses or out of sys-
    since the beginning of 1990s, while chemi-                      tems that are already stressed (OECD, 1998).
    cal, metallurgical, automotive and ‘high-
    tech’ electronics industries have grown
                                                                    Evaluation of water management measures of
    steadily. The share of the six top water
    using industries (excluding township and
    village enterprises) in total industrial out-
    put in Tianjin dropped significantly from
                                                                    Figure 5 shows the trends in water with-
    55.4% in 1984 to 37.2% in 19972.
                                                                    drawal per unit of industrial production in
                                                                    eight regions of the basin. With the exception
Future perspectives of Tianjin’s
                                                                    of Neimeng (Inner Mongolia), water with-
water-resource-related policies
                                                                    drawal per unit of industrial production has
According to estimates by the Tianjin Water
                                                                    declined significantly, and the most recent
Management Bureau (1996), by the year 2010
                                                                    figure for Tianjin shows the lowest level of all
the city will have a total water demand of 5.25
                                                                    throughout the period of comparison. It can
billion cubic metres while the water supply
                                                                    be seen from the figure that industrial water
will be only approximately 4 billion cubic
                                                                    use efficiency is improving, and yet large re-
metres in a normal year, which means a water
                                                                    gional disparities exist. These disparities are
deficit of 1.25 billion cubic metres. This deficit
                                                                    closely related to geographical location. Water
will increase to 2.64 billion cubic metres in
                                                                    use efficiency tends to improve as one ap-
relatively dry years. Most of the water use
                                                                    proaches the river mouth. This relationship
increase will be in the industrial sector: water
                                                                    might reflect the fact that the water resource
use is predicted to become almost three times
                                                                    constraints upstream are not as severe as
the 1993 level, while the industrial output will
                                                                    downstream, and these constraints led to a
grow to 9.6 times. The Bureau recommended
                                                                    greater improvement in resource efficiency of
the early construction of a major project to
                                                                    industrial production downstream such as in
divert water from south to north, redirecting
14.5 to 23 billion metric metres of water annu-
ally from the Yangzi River, in addition to an
                                                                    Long-term vision and policy integrity
expanded water diversion quota from the
                                                                    Until the end of the 1970s, because water was
Luanhe, emergency water diversion from the
                                                                    perceived as the cause of natural disasters
Yellow River in drought years, and further
                                                                    rather than as a precious resource, measures
development of local water resources includ-
                                                                    were more focused on flood prevention. Some
ing surface water and the use of seawater.
                                                                    of these flood control projects, especially
There are arguments over viability as well as
environmental impacts of inter-basin water
transformation in all three geographical re-
gions: the exporting region, the transfer re-
gion and the importing region (Liu and Du,
1985; Caulfield, 1986), and further develop-
ment of local water resources is imposing
more pressure on surrounding regions. While
water transformation and temporary leasing
of water rights may encourage more efficient
water use and the trading of water into
higher-value uses, they must be carefully reg-
ulated, however, to ensure that water is not

 Calculated based on data from China Statistical Yearbook,          Figure 5. Trends in water withdrawal ratio per unit
1997; Urban Statistical Yearbook of China, 1984–1995; Statistical   industrial production in Haihe Basin (data source: Haihe
Yearbook of Tianjin, 1997, 1998.                                        Water Resource Management Committee, 1997).

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                                         Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


construction of drainage waterways, played a                   role. In addition, the water-related jurisdiction
negative role later in water resource preserva-                of these bureaus is not clear in many cases. In
tion. A long-term development vision and                       the case of Tianjin, surface water in central
comprehensive industrial planning was lack-                    districts and groundwater in suburban prefec-
ing in the past, as one can see from the                       tures are managed by the water resources
existence of heavy water using industries in a                 bureau, while the groundwater in central dis-
region that has very limited renewable water                   tricts is under the control of the Urban Con-
resources. Since the economic, resource and                    struction Committee of the city. Due to this
environmental policies were not integrated at                  artificial segmentation, water resources in the
an early stage, the municipality was forced to                 city cannot be planned and managed as a
deal in a haphazard way with water resource                    whole. Most people are skeptical about the
problems caused by rapid economic growth.                      possibility of setting up a new administrative
                                                               institution that has integrated supervision au-
Equity                                                         thority over water-related issues at the city
A ranking of priority in sector-wise water                     level.
resource allocation can be recognized from
Tianjin’s case:from urban municipal water use
at the top, to industrial, and then agricultural
water use at the bottom. As discussed above,                   IMPLICATIONS OF TIANJIN CASE
almost no water is allocated for agricultural                  STUDY
use in the city, and much of the discharged
urban sewage is used for irrigation. The prob-                 Typical of water-scarce cities in China, Tian-
lem of sector-wise water use equity links di-                  jin’s case reveals the complexity of urban wa-
rectly to the health risk of residents in the case             ter resource management, with many complex
of Tianjin. As a result, it warrants more atten-               factors interacting. As Falkenmark (1999)
tion. Inequity can also be observed in inter-                  pointed out, the developing world includes
regional resource allocation. Virtually no                     three phenomena in relation to water re-
economic compensation is given to regions                      sources – escalating water competition, esca-
that provide water resources to other regions,                 lating dispute proneness and escalating
and these allocations of water from one region                 pollution load. At least two out of these three
to another are carried out by administrative                   can be found in the case of Tianjin, and many
order. Under the ranking system with Beijing                   other cities, especially those experiencing
at the top, followed by Tianjin and last of all                rapid economic growth and urbanization, are
Hebei Province, the people in the latter have a                following similar paths. The most important
strong perception of inequity. In the case of                  lesson to be learned through Tianjin’s case is
water quality, there is also a different kind of               that urban water management cannot be car-
inequity. Because of its location at the lowest                ried out within the city alone, but rather re-
point downstream of the river, inflows to                      quires a comprehensive systems approach
Tianjin are already heavily polluted, and pos-                 including the natural hydrological cycle and
ing a heavier burden on the city for water                     socio-economic factors in a much wider re-
purification.                                                  gional context. Water resource and water
                                                               pollution, resource capacity and demand
Institutional arrangements                                     management and inter-regional relationships
Complex administrative arrangements worsen                     in resource allocation are three major issues
the situation. More than ten administrative                    which need to be addressed in relation with
bureaus, including a water resource bureau,                    this systems approach. Concerning the latter
environmental protection bureau, economic                      issue, the necessity of cooperation between
planning committee, financial bureau and                       appropriate institutions has been recognized
others, are involved in water resource man-                    (Ostrom et al., 1999), and there seems a prone-
agement. None of these are subordinate to                      ness to create institutions that facilitate co-
another, nor can any of them play a leading                    operation (Falkenmark, 1999). In the case of

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                               Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


Tianjin, the Haihe Water Resource Manage-                      source management (Lackey, 1998), which
ment Committee exists, but its administra-                     determines the proper perspective and scale
tive power is too weak to take on co-                          of the issue (Norton, 1991).
ordinating responsibility. Though the impor-                      Here the ultimate goal is to achieve sus-
tance of these relations are recognized by                     tainable management of water resource of a
scientists, there is very limited awareness of                 certain city. The underlying methodology to
this at the municipal level, and this limited                  achieve this ultimate goal is an integrated
understanding is not reflected in actual man-                  approach, not trying to address water re-
agement process in any way.                                    source issues in a single disciplinary context,
                                                               but rather in a broader complex system in-
                                                               cluding natural, social, and economic con-
                                                               texts. Under an overall target, four strategies
STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE                                     – supply management, demand manage-
WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT                                      ment, efficiency management and emission
                                                               management – can be adopted to achieve
Management framework                                           the overall goal. Under each of these strate-
What can urban municipalities do to achieve                    gies, the respective management targets
sustainable water resource management?                         should be to maximize resource input, keep
Based on the review of Tianjin’s case, a                       demand within resource capacity, maximize
framework of urban water resource manage-                      the efficiency of use and limit the discharge
ment is drawn to provide a holistic picture                    of pollutants within the environmental ca-
of the issues and their relationships, while                   pacity. Each of these management targets
providing alternative choices for municipal                    can be achieved through various detailed
decision makers to choose from. In drawing                     measures. Figure 6 shows the outline of
this framework, the following three aspects                    such an overall framework.
are considered important. Firstly, it is im-
portant to consider water resource manage-
ment of cities in the context of watershed                     Implementation regime
management approach, which has emerged                         The above strategies should be implemented
as a holistic and integral approach, as the                    together as a whole in order to achieve sus-
way of research, analysis and decision-mak-                    tainable water resource management goals.
ing at a watershed scale (Montgomery et al.,                   However, the actual situation cities face can
1995). As argued by Voinov and Costanza                        be very different, and in many cases, mea-
(1999), this certainly implies more than just                  sures tend to be concentrated in one or two
the regional scale of analysis, but rather the                 categories that require less effort from inside
necessity to integrate not only physical and                   and bring more immediate results. This is
biological factors, but also political and                     particularly true when there are regional
socio-economic ones. Secondly, rather than a                   disparities among cities that share the same
mystical concepts of holism, which is often                    water resources. For example, Tianjin City
associated with a dangerous ‘top-down’                         tends to adopt the first strategy – to expand
thinking, the holistic view here means a                       resource availability – which can be seen
limited, contextual holism. As argued by                       from its past record and also future perspec-
Norton (1991), a contextual holism is a sys-                   tives. This is because the other strategies ei-
tematic approach which sees the manage-                        ther require much more laborious efforts or
ment problems from a local viewpoint or                        the benefits of the strategies are indirect,
perspective, but recognizes also that any lo-                  and Tianjin City has the ability to take ad-
cal perspective is limited, and that the prob-                 vantage over other surrounding regions.
lem must be understood also in its larger,                     Asking cities or regions with different rela-
systematic context, as a part of many larger                   tive strengths and under evident conflicts
‘wholes’. Thirdly, it is important to deter-                   of interest to solve the water resource man-
mine the ultimate goal or boundary of re-                      agement problem in a democracy seems

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                              Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


                      Figure 6. Framework for sustainable urban water resource management.

impractical. A similar situation in ecosystem                  CONCLUDING REMARKS
management has been likened to asking a
pack of four hungry wolves and a sheep to                      This paper examined the water resource man-
apply democratic principles to deciding what                   agement issues in Tianjin, focusing on the
to eat for lunch (Lackey, 1998). To deal with                  major policy measures taken by the municipal
this situation, one might think of bringing                    government and the effectiveness of these
someone who has supreme power to watch                         measures. It has been found that cities are
over the situation, educating and persuading                   large contributors to water-resource-related
the wolves to respect their fellow sheep and                   issues, and their shares become increasingly
turn vegetarian, watching the process care-                    important. Inter-sector water allocation in-
fully and being prepared to intervene if the                   equity is significant. Shortage of agricultural
wolves were to eat the sheep, and bringing in                  water supply is causing the illegal use of
more sheep and other animals into the discus-                  untreated urban sewage, which might have
sion to change the situation of four wolves                    risks for human health. The allocation of re-
versus one sheep. These suggest respectively                   sources among the province and municipali-
the importance of (i) an institutional arrange-                ties concerned is not rationalized, and the
ment that can control and supervise the deci-                  regional disparities in resource use efficiency
sion making process, (ii) establishing water                   are significant. Regions that are subject to
ethics which have to be up to date and based                   stronger water resource constraints tend to
on an understanding of how the life support                    achieve higher water use efficiency. Regional
systems function (Falkenmark, 1999), (iii) es-                 allocation of resources is a complex issue that
tablishing effective monitoring, evaluation                    needs an integrated approach of economic,
and incentive as well as a punishment system                   social and institutional arrangements. Effec-
and (iv) increasing social involvement in the                  tive urban water resource management can-
procedure; in water resource management.                       not be enforced by a single city, but rather
Only with these to ensure the implementation                   requires cooperative regional measures based
can strategies become practical.                               on a systems approach with participation of a

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.                              Sust. Dev. 9, 24 – 35 (2001)


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