Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches

Page created by Jerome Hogan
Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
Fall 2019 activity guide

      NEA Big Read is a program of
  the National Endowment for the Arts
    in partnership with Arts Midwest.
Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches

              TABLE OF CONTENTS
  MOVIE NIGHTS                      8         YOUTH SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS    19
  FUN TIMES FOR TWEENS/TEENS       10         ADULT ART                     20
  ADULT ART SERIES                 13         ADULT SPORTS                  21
  TECHNOLOGY HELP                  13         FAMILY EVENTS                 22
                                            HISTORIC SITES
  LIBRARY OF THINGS                14
                                              MUSEUMS & ACTIVITIES          22
                                              CITY RENTALS                  23
  CAMPS                            16

                      NACOGDOCHES PUBLIC LIBRARY
                      1112 North Street | 936-559-2970

                     Monday & Thursday: 9:00am - 9:00pm
                 Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
                           Saturday9:00am - 5:00pm

                                 Nacogdoches Public Library

Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment
     for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest.

This is the third year for our annual campaign aimed at reaching out to citizens
where they live, work and play. Our proposal is that we all read one book at the
same time every year and share our questions, interpretations and understanding.
Sharing a reading experience encourages communication and broadens our
appreciation of both others and ourselves. Through a variety of discussions,
lectures, classes, interactive entertainment and immersive events, we want to bring
the community together in conversation and enjoyment.
In 2019, we invite everyone to read the same book, Into the Beautiful North by Luis
Alberto Urrea. Free copies are available at the library and other locations. October
will kick off a month long series of events with the partnership of local organizations,
and made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts
and Arts Midwest. In addition to conventional book discussions, programs such
as exhibits, demonstrations, film screenings, parties, and more will be offered for
all ages and interests. We will also provide related reading suitable for younger
readers, as well as teaching materials for teachers and book club leaders. Our goal
is to reach a diverse readership, generate excitement about reading and community,
and inspire new and different ways to experience and understand literature. NEA
Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with
Arts Midwest.

Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
SEPTEMBER 28, 9:00 am         October 12, 3:00pm          October 25, 5:30pm
• Fall Fling at the Farmers   • Mission Tejas: Trekking   • Film Screening: The
Market                        to Tejas                    Magnificent Seven (2016 )

September 30, 5:30pm          October 12, 6:00pm          October 26, 2:30pm
• Book to Action Book         • Taste of México           • Books & Brews: Book
Club Discusses Into the                                   Discussion at Fredonia
Beautiful North               October 12, 6:00pm          Brewery
                              • A Bug’s Life (1998)
October    1,   6:00pm                                    October 26, 5:30pm
• Book Discussion at The      October 14, 5:30pm          • SFA International Film
Bosslight Bookstore           • Border Cultures Book      Festival Screening: Yo
                              Discussion with Dr. Cecil   Niña
October 3, 5:30 pm
• Microfiction Workshop:      October 16, 5:30pm          October 28, 5:30pm
Postcard Stories              • Adult Art Series:         • The “Magnificent”
                              Upcycled Art                Women of Into the
October     4,   5:30pm                                   Beautiful North
• Salsa Squared at the        October 17, 5:30pm
Farmers Market                • Keynote Panel Book        October 29, 3:00pm
                              Discussion                  • Book Discussion
October    5,   2:00pm                                    at SFASU Office of
• Tour of Museum &            October 18, 6:00pm          Multicultural Affairs
Historic Sites Special        • Cookbook Club
Exhibits                                                  November 2, 4:00pm
                              October 18, 7:00pm          • DÍa de los Muertos
October     5,    5:30pm      • Film Screening:           Fiesta on the Downtown
• Film Screening: The         Westworld (1973)            Square
Magnificent Seven (1960)
                              October 19, 12:00pm
October     6,    2:30pm      • ¡Los Jóvenes Cocinan!     EXHIBITS IN
• Painting Pottery at         (Kids Cooking Contest)      OCTOBER:
Piece Makers Studio
                                                          • Sterne-Hoya House
                              October 19, 2:30pm
October       7,     5:30pm   • Zine Workshop at          Museum & Library:
• Personal Piñatas            Knuckle Sandwich            Voces Americanas:
                              Restaurant                  Latino Literature in the
October    8,   5:30pm                                    United States
• Books & Bowling: Book       October 19, 5:30pm          • Durst-Taylor Historic
Discussion at Texas Prop      • SFA International         House & Gardens:
Bowl                          Film Festival Screening:    Camino al Norte: The
                              Pajaros de Verano           Journey of Don Juan de
October 9, 12:00pm                                        Oñate
• Lunch Hour Book             October 21, 5:30pm          • Stone Fort Museum:
Club Discusses Into the       • Spanish-language Book
                                                          Nayeli’s Path
Beautiful North               Discussion
                                                          • Library - Border
October 10, 5:30pm            October 21, 5:30pm          Studies
• Vampi’s Goth Makeup         • Found Art for Kids
                              October 22,        5:30pm
October 11, 5:30pm            • Preparing for                All library programs
• Tales of the Monarch        Citizenship                      are free, however,
                                                                  some require
                              October 23, 5:30pm             advance registration.
October 11, 7:00pm            • DÍa de los Muertos           Registration may be
• Film Screening at the       Altar Food (Polvorones)          done in person, by
Cole Art Center: Seven
                                                              telephone, or online
Samurai (1954)
                                                             through our website.

Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
    STORY TIME                                        ■
                                                          LEGO® CLUB
DATE: Wednesdays                                      DATE: September 21, November 16 and
TIME: 10:00am                                         December 21
AGES: 12 years & younger                              TIME: 2:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                  AGES: 5-17 years
Introduce your child to the richness of               REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
literature through stories, songs, crafts and         The library has thousands of Lego® pieces
activities. Story time helps instill a lifelong       from which to choose to build whatever you
love of reading, and it is informative and            can imagine. It’s fun for the whole family!
engaging for parents as well.

DATE: Wednesdays
TIME: 10:30am                                         ■
                                                          STEAM 4 KIDS
AGES: 12 years & younger                              DATE: September 14, October 12,
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                  November 9, December 14
Following Story Time, families are                    Time: 2:30pm
encouraged to stick around for games, crafts,         AGES: 7-12 years; Children under 8
and time with other kids and parents.                 are welcome when accompanied by a
                                                      REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                      the day before the event.
■   UNDER 6 EPICS                                     STEAM 4 Kids will meet every 2nd Saturday.
DATE: September 9 & 23, October 14 &                  Each program will have a different lesson
28, November 11 & 25, December 9                      so children can participate as they are able.
TIME: 4:00pm                                          By registering, you help us ensure that we
AGES: 6 years & younger; accompanied by               will have enough materials for the program.
a caregiver.                                          Parents are encouraged to stay and learn,
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
                                                      STEAM is an acronym for Science,
Explore and engage in the world around
                                                      Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. By
you through hands on sensory activities,
                                                      offering STEAM classes, the public library
life sciences, engineering, and more. These
                                                      strives to provide an environment where
workshops will be play based with physical
                                                      children can become engaged in fun, hands-
                                                      on learning activities in an informal setting.

DATE: September 7, October 5, November
2, December 7
                                                          KIDS ART SERIES
TIME: 2:30pm                                          DATE: September 16, November 18,
AGES: 7-17 years                                      December 16
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                TIME: 5:30pm
the day before the event.                             AGES: 10 years & younger (under 7 must
Team up with us on the library’s own                  be accompanied by an adult)
Minecraft server. We provide the laptops              REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
and access to the game, and you provide the           the day before the event.
creativity and fun. For those with a laptop           Let’s start to get artsy! We will be teaching
and game license, feel free to bring your             the basics to kids using several different
own and join the fun. At each session, we’ll          mediums, from watercolor to prints and clay
present a new challenge, and winners will be          to collages. “There are no mistakes, just
featured in their very own Minecraft video!           happy little accidents,” as Bob Ross stated.

Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
 UNICORNS, MERMAIDS,                                  ■
                                                          EDIBLE ART FOR KIDS
AND FAIRIES, OH MY!                                   DATE: December 5
DATE: September 14                                    TIME: 5:30pm
TIME: 12:00pm                                         AGES: 4-11 years
AGES: All ages                                        REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                  the day before the event
Only mythical creatures allowed for this fun          Bring joy to eating through making art. Kids
celebration of magic and creativity for all           will be given supplies and a demonstration
ages! We’ll have snacks and crafts to help            to create edible art pieces out of delicious
you get into character. Children under 8 are          goodies. We will take a gallery walk before all
welcome when accompanied by a caregiver.              is devoured.
WITH JUNIOR FORUM                                     EVENTS FOR THE
DATE: September 19 & October 17
TIME: 6:00pm                                          WHOLE FAMILY
AGES: All ages
REGISTRATION: Free, no registration.
                                                       REPAIR CAFE AT HABITAT
Join us as the wonderful volunteers from              FOR HUMANITY RESTORE
Junior Forum entertain children and their             DATE: September 14
families with stories, crafts and games! Wear         TIME: 10:00am
your favorite pajamas and bring your teddy            AGES: All
bear!                                                 REGISTRATION: Free. No registration
                                                      Join us at a free community event where we
    ¡LOS JÓVENES COCINAN!                             bring our beloved broken items and, together
(KIDS & TEENS COOKING CONTEST)                        with volunteer repair coaches, we fix them!
DATE: October 19                                      Bring small appliances, electronics, clothes,
TIME: 12:00pm                                         jewelry, bicycles, and things that need gluing
AGES: 5-17 years                                      or cleaning. Children’s activities and food
REGISTRATION: Free. Please submit entry               trucks will be available. Location: Habitat
form by October 18th.                                 for Humanity ReStore, basement workshop,
Everyone is getting into the spirit of our NEA        entrance on Lenwood Drive
Big Read celebration of Into the Beautiful
North. This year’s cooking contest will have a
Mexican-food based theme. Kids and teens
cook their items at home and bring them into
the library to be judged by local celebrity
judges. Contestants may enter up to two
dishes (but not in the same category) in salad/
appetizer, entrée or dessert categories. Prizes
will be awarded. Entry forms will be available
by September 5th at the public library and on
the website.
DATE: October 21                                      DATE: September 28, October 26,
TIME: 5:30pm                                          November 23, December 28
AGES: 10 years & younger (under 7 must be             TIME: 2:30pm
accompanied by an adult)                              AGES: 10 years & up.
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by the
the day before each event.                            Friday before each event.
Kids can get in on the Big Read fun, too! We’ll       Join us on the 4th Saturday of each month for
practice recycling by making art out of found         maker projects suitable for tweens through
objects. And check out some kid-friendly              adults. Expect electronics, coding, building,
read-alikes for Into the Beautiful North.             and creating of all kinds.

Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
 STORY HIKE AND                                       ■
                                                       KICKOFF MUSEUM AND
NATURE PLAY                                           HISTORIC SITE TOUR
DATE: September 21, November 16
TIME: 10:00am                                         (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
LOCATION: Pioneer Park (Top parking                   DATE: October 5
lot), Banita Creek Trail (499 Rusk St,                TIME: 2:00pm
Nacogdoches, TX)                                      LOCATION: CVB, Sterne-Hoya Museum,
AGES: All                                             Durst-Taylor House, Stone Fort Museum
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                  AGES: All
                                                      REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
Join us as we blend literature and nature to
                                                      the day before the event.
create a unique adventure. Through selected
readings, activities, and hikes, we will              Join us for a tour of our city’s historic sites
explore the many beautiful trails that spread         and museums with a reception and special
throughout Nacogdoches. Bring your water              exhibits for the Big Read. Exhibits will
bottles and your curiosity.                           include: Camino al Norte: The Journey of
                                                      Don Juan de Oñate, Voces Americanas:
 FALL FLING AT THE                                    Latino Literature in the United States,
                                                      and Borders & Ownership. Register early
FARMERS MARKET                                        to ensure a spot, or travel to the venues
(NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)                            separately.
DATE: September 28
TIME: 9:00am-2:00pm
LOCATION: Farmers Market Lot, Old Tyler
                                                        POTTERY PAINTING AT
Road and Main Street                                  PIECE MAKERS STUDIO
AGES: All                                             (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
REGISTRATION: Free.                                   DATE: October 6
We’re pleased to announce that we’ll once             TIME: 2:30pm
again be joining the Farmers Market Fall              AGES: All
Fling, so look for the bright red library tent!       REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
We’ll be doing crafts, hosting performances,          the day before the event.
and handing out copies of Into the Beautiful          Meet up at Piece Makers Studio (905 East
North.                                                Main) and discuss Into the Beautiful North
                                                      while getting creative with pottery art. There
 BOOK DISCUSSION                                      will be a fee to paint and fire a piece, but
                                                      you’re welcome to come for the discussion
BOSSLIGHT BOOKSTORE                                   only.
DATE: October 1
TIME: 6:00pm
Join us for the first Big Read book
discussion, light refreshemnts will be served.

DATE: October 4                                       ■
                                                          BOOKS & BOWLING
TIME: 5:30pm                                          (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
AGES: All                                             DATE: October 8
REGISTRATION: Free. Entry forms for the               TIME: 5:30pm
salsa making contest will be available online         AGES: All
and at the Public Library.                            REGISTRATION: Free. No registration
Join us at the Farmers Market lot for a salsa         Join us at the family-friendly Texas Pro Bowl
making contest, followed by music and                 for a discussion of Into the Beautiful North
salsa dancing. Think you have the best salsa          and try your hand at beloved character Tia
recipe? Let the community be the judge!               Irma’s favorite sport and bowl a few frames!

Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
    TALES OF THE MONARCH                           ■
                                                       BOOKS & BREWS
DATE: October 11                                   DATE: October 26
TIME: 5:30pm                                       TIME: 2:30pm
AGES: 10 years & up                                AGES: All
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by             REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
the day before the event.                          Join us at the family-friendly Fredonia
The Monarch butterfly migrates great               Brewery for a discussion of Into the Beautiful
distances and overcomes barriers on a              North. A food truck will be onsite or bring a
journey to safe climates. Come join the            picnic to enjoy with your favorite local brew
presentation and discussion about these            or root beer.
amazing creatures.

    TREKKING TO TEJAS                              ■
                                                    DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS
(NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)                         FIESTA
DATE: October 12                                   (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
TIME: 3:00pm
                                                   DATE: November 2
LOCATION: Mission Tejas State Park,
                                                   TIME: 4:00 - 8:00pm
19343 State Highway 21 E. Grapeland, TX
                                                   AGES: All
                                                   REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
AGES: All                                          Join us downtown on the square for a
REGISTRATION: Free.                                colorful cultural event that has become a
A journey awaits on the El Camino Real.            Nacogdoches tradition. Expect excellent
This trail has been traveled for hundreds of       music, dance, food, drink, and vendors
years! Come learn a bit of history and take        around the square and all over downtown.
a short hike where so many others have             Dress up for the occasion and enter the
come before. Remember to bring water and           Costume Contest at the Convention &
comfortable shoes.                                 Visitors Bureau. The Fredonia Hotel, Red
                                                   House Winery, and the Cole Art Center, along
 ZINE WORKSHOP AT                                  with others, will welcome revellers before,
KNUCKLE SANDWICH                                   during, and after the event.
DATE: October 19
TIME: 2:30pm                                       ■
                                                    MINI-PUMPKIN PAINTING
AGES: 10 years & up                                PARTY
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                   DATE: November 7
the day before the event.
                                                   TIME: 5:30pm
Learn about the cool and timeless DIY              AGES: All
publishing trend and make your own, while          REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
enjoying the delicious offerings of one of
                                                   Get into the holiday spirit and bring the
Nac’s newest eateries.
                                                   whole family to paint festive fall pumpkins
                                                   and enjoy pumpkin treats!
BOOK DISCUSSION                                    ■
                                                       CLOTHING SWAP
                                                   DATE: December 7
DATE: October 21
                                                   TIME: 2:30pm
TIME: 5:30pm
                                                   AGES: All
                                                   REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
                                                   Come switch out your lightly used clothes for
A book discussion for Spanish-speakers. We
                                                   a whole new wardrobe! Exchange lightly used
will discuss Into the Beautiful North. Pick
                                                   clothes, shoes, and accessories you no longer
up your free copy of the Spanish version
                                                   need or wear. Items may be brought to the
of the book at the public library beginning
                                                   library one day in advance.
September 25th.

Fall 2019 activity guide - NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest - City of Nacogdoches
 KEEPSAKE CHALKBOARD                                  ■
                                                          A BUG’S LIFE (1998)
ORNAMENTS                                             (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
DATE: December 9                                      DATE: October 12
TIME: 5:30pm                                          TIME: 6:00pm
AGES: All                                             AGES: All
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.                             the day before the event.
All ages are welcome to make cute                     Here’s a warm, cute story that follows the
chalkboard ornaments that can be used again           theme of some of the characters in Into the
and again with different messages.                    Beautiful North, that the whole family can
                                                      enjoy. A bumbling ant recruits a band of
                                                      insect circus performers to save his colony
                                                      from an army of greedy grasshoppers. Rated
MOVIE NIGHTS                                          G. Screened during A Taste of Mexico adult
DATE: September 6
TIME: 5:30pm                                          ■
                                                          WESTWORLD (1973)
AGES: 18 years & up                                   (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                DATE: October 18
the day before the event.
                                                      TIME: 7:00pm
Join us for a screening of one of this                AGES: 18 years & up
year’s biggest blockbusters and enjoy                 REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
light refreshments. The film is rated PG-             the day before the event.
13. Children should be accompanied by a
guardian.                                             In the novel, Into the Beautiful North, Tia
                                                      Irma loves Yul Brynner, so we’re screening
                                                      one of his films that also happens to be the
 THE MAGNIFICENT                                      original source of the popular HBO series.
SEVEN (1960)                                          Written and directed by Michael Crichton.
                                                      The film is rated PG.
DATE: October 5
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.
                                                        BIRDS OF PASSAGE
Enjoy the film that sparks the characters’            (PÁJAROS DE VERANO)
journey in Into the Beautiful North. There will       FOREIGN FILM FESTIVAL
be a brief discussion following the film.             WITH SFASU
                                                      (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
                                                      DATE: October 19
    SEVEN SAMURAI (1954)                              TIME: 5:30pm
AT THE COLE ART CENTER                                AGES: 18 years & up
(NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)                            REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
DATE: October 11                                      the day before the event.
TIME: 7:00pm                                          The Department of Languages, Cultures,
AGES: 18 years & up                                   and Communication at SFASU is expanding
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                their International Film Fest to the public
the day before the event.                             library. Join us as we search for the common
The Cole Art Center invites the public to a           themes in the book Into the Beautiful North
screening of the classic film on which The            with films from Latin America. This is a
Magnificent Seven was based. The film is not          Colombian film in Wayuu and Spanish with
rated. Refreshments will be served.                   English subtitles.

 THE MAGNIFICENT                                      ■
SEVEN (2016)                                          POSTCARD STORIES
DATE: October 25                                      DATE: October 3
TIME: 5:30pm                                          TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up                                   AGES: 13 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.                             the day before the event.
Join us for a screening of the recent update          Postcards play a big role in Into the Beautiful
of the classic western that inspires Nayeli to        North. Come explore this dying art and let
start her journey in Into the Beautiful North.        your imagination run wild!
The film is rated PG-13. Stay after for an
informal discussion.

                                                          PAINTING MINI FIGURES
                                                      DATE: November 9
 YO NIÑA (I GIRL),                                    TIME: 2:30pm
                                                      AGES: 10-19 years
FOREIGN FILM FESTIVAL                                 REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
WITH SFASU                                            the day before the event.
                                                      Whether you’re into RPGs, fantasy creatures,
DATE: October 26
                                                      or just want to express yourself in a new way,
TIME: 5:30pm
                                                      this workshop will make your day. Supplies
AGES: 18 years & up
                                                      will be provided, but feel free to bring a
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                      mini-figure of your choice.
the day before the event.
The Department of Languages, Cultures,
and Communication at SFASU is expanding
their International Film Fest to the public
library. Join us as we search for the common          ■
                                                       SHERLOCK HOLMES
themes in the book Into the Beautiful North           ESCAPE ROOM
with films from Latin America. This is an             DATE: November 15
Argentinian film in Spanish with English              TIME: 5:30pm
subtitles.                                            AGES: 10-19 years
                                                      REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                      the day before the event.
                                                      Do you think you can solve a series of
                                                      puzzles created by the most famous sleuth
FUN TIMES FOR                                         of all? Why, it’s elementary, my dear Watson!

                                                       LIBRARY AFTER HOURS:
 STRANGER THINGS                                      NERF™ BATTLE IN THE
ESCAPE ROOM                                           STACKS
DATE: September 13                                    DATE: December 6
TIME: 5:30pm                                          TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 10-19 years                                     AGES: 10-19 years
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.                             the day before the event.
Navigate puzzles, codes, and hidden clues             Face off with friends against your foes in an
to prevent the Upside Down from taking                epic Nerf battle in the library stacks. Bring
over Hawkins.                                         your own Nerf gun and some spare ammo.

LIBRARY ADULT                                          ■
                                                        VAMPI’S GOTH MAKEUP
ACTIVITIES                                             PARTY
                                                       (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
                                                       DATE: October 10
 STRANGER THINGS                                       TIME: 5:30pm
ESCAPE ROOM                                            AGES: 10 years & up
DATE: September 13                                     REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
TIME: 7:30pm                                           the day before the event.
AGES: 18 years & up                                    Unleash your inner Goth and try out some
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                 Vampi-inspired makeup and hair. All supplies
the day before the event.                              will be provided. Just bring the attitude!
Navigate puzzles, codes, and hidden clues
to prevent the Upside Down from taking
over Hawkins.

DATE: September 27
TIME: 6:00pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.
Celebrate your freedom to choose what you
want to read by testing your knowledge of
characters, plots, and themes of some of the
most widely read but frequently challenged
books. Sponsored by the Friends of the
                                                           TASTE OF MÉXICO
                                                       (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
                                                       DATE: October 12
 MICROFICTION:                                         TIME: 6:00pm
                                                       AGES: 18 years & up
POSTCARD STORIES                                       REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
(NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)                             the day before the event.
DATE: October 3
TIME: 5:30pm                                           Brought to you by the Friends of the Library.
AGES: 13 years & up                                    Enjoy regional foods from México and taste
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                 some Into the Beautiful North-inspired
the day before the event.                              margaritas.
Postcards play a big role in Into the Beautiful
North. Come explore this dying art and let
your imagination run wild!                             ■
                                                        BOOK DISCUSSION
                                                       WITH DR. LESLIE CECIL
    PERSONAL PIÑATAS                                   (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
(NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)                             DATE: October 14
DATE: October 7                                        TIME: 5:30pm
TIME: 5:30pm                                           AGES: 18 years & up
AGES: All                                              REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                 the day before the event.
the day before the event.                              Dr. Cecil from SFA Anthropology will lead
Learn how to make small Piñatas that are               a discussion focused on cultural differences
big fun! Children under 8 are welcome if               and adaptation through the lens of Into the
accompanied by a guardian.                             Beautiful North.

 CONCURSO DE                                       ■
                                                    DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS
CALAVERAS- DÍA DE LOS                              ALTAR FOOD:
DEADLINE: October 15, 9:00pm                       (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
AGES: 18 years & up
                                                   DATE: October 23
REGISTRATION: Free. Entry forms will be
                                                   TIME: 5:30pm
available at the Public Library.
                                                   AGES: 18 years & up
Calaveras are poems written in rhyming             REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
verse that mock death and can sometimes            the day before the event.
include satirical commentaries on politicos
                                                   In anticipation of our Día de los Muertos
or society. Entries will be accepted until
                                                   celebration and as part of our NEA Big Read
October 15th. Winners will be notified
                                                   celebration of the book, Into the Beautiful
by October 28th. Winning calaveras will
                                                   North, we will learn how to make polvorones
be read during the Día de los Muertos
                                                   (Mexican wedding cookies) and other
celebration on November 2nd.
                                                   Mexican sweets. Please bring a container for

DATE: October 17
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up
                                                    THE “MAGNIFICENT”
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.               WOMEN OF INTO THE
Amelia Fisher, local attorney, Dr. Mario           BEAUTIFUL NORTH
Morera, SFA Modern Languages professor,            (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
and Dr. Dana Cooper, SFA History professor,        DATES: October 28
discuss the book and invite audience               TIME: 5:30pm
participation.                                     AGES: 18 years & up
                                                   REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
                                                   Mercedes Franks examines the roles of
                                                   the women featured in the book. What are
                                                   traditional female and male gender roles?
                                                   How did they conform? How were they
CITIZENSHIP                                        ■
                                                    BOOK CLUB WITH SFA
DATE: October 22                                   (NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)
TIME: 5:30pm                                       DATES: October 29
AGES: 18 years & up                                TIME: 3:00-4:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.               AGES: College students & adults
Rosa Ramirez, Community Relations Officer,         LOCATION: SFA Student Center, Room
with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration              3.101, Office of Multicultural Affairs
Services will present information on how           REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
to prepare and apply for U.S. citizenship.         October 10
Ms. Ramirez will review the forms, fees,           We’ll discuss the book, Into the Beautiful
examination questions, and conduct a mock          North. Registration does not include
citizenship interview.                             parking.

 SHERLOCK HOLMES                                       ■
                                                           PULL AND POUR ART
ESCAPE ROOM                                            DATE: November 14
DATE: November 15                                      TIME: 5:30pm
TIME: 7:30pm                                           AGES: 18 years & up
AGES: 18 years & up                                    REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                 the day before the event.
the day before the event.                              We’ll use a variety of techniques to create
Do you think you can solve a series of puzzles         unique works of art. Each attempt results in
created by the most famous sleuth of all?              a fun surprise.
Why, it’s elementary, my dear Watson!

DATE: September 9
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                 ■
                                                           MACRAME SATCHELS
the day before the event.
                                                       DATE: November 18
Learn a simple and beautiful way to create
                                                       TIME: 5:30pm
a stitch-bound book that can be completely
                                                       AGES: 18 years & up
customized to reflect your personality.
                                                       REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                       the day before the event.
                                                       Macrame is back in fashion, but there’s more
    UPCYCLED ART                                       to it than hanging planters. In this workshop,
(NEA BIG READ NACOGDOCHES)                             we’ll make gorgeous and useful satchels.
DATE: October 16
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up
                                                           BOOK JEWELRY
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                 DATE: December 12
the day before the event.                              TIME: 5:30pm
Just like in Into the Beautiful North, we’ll           AGES: 18 years & up
practice finding beauty in unexpected places           REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
and making something useful out of things              the day before the event.
that would otherwise be thrown away.                   In this workshop, we will make use of old,
                                                       damaged books as the foundation for
                                                       whimsical small sculptures or jewelry, just in
                                                       time for holiday gifts.
DATE: November 4
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.                              ■
We’ll use unusual objects and                          Call to set up an appointment with a friendly
embellishments to make delightful tiny                 librarian for a 15 minute to half hour one-on-
sculptures. Supplies will be provided, but             one session to learn how to use your device
feel free to bring any items you’d like to use.        or get tech advice.

DATE: September 30
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by the day before the event.
Join us for a twist on the traditional book club. We’ll read a book together, and then use what
we learn and discover to make a change in our community. The book will be our NEA Big Read
Selection, Into the Beautiful North.
DATE: October 18 & December 13
TIME: 6:00pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register and choose a recipe by the day before the event.
The idea is simple. Choose a recipe from the selected cookbook and make it. Then, bring it to
the library Cookbook Club to taste it and other offerings from fellow members. Open to any
and all who bring a dish. Novices welcome! Special event for October: Our selected cookbook
will focus on Mexican dishes.
DATE: September 11, 25, October 9*, 23, November 13, December 11
TIME: 12:00pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free, no registration.
Join us for a nontraditional book club. Bring whatever you’re reading to share with others. Find
out what other people are reading and get book recommendations. Feel free to bring your own
lunch. Meetings are held every other Wednesday. *We’ll discuss Into the Beautiful North.

DATE: Tuesdays (los martes)
TIME: 12:00pm
AGES: 18 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
Do you know some Spanish but never have an opportunity to practice? This group joins
English-speakers who want to learn Spanish with Spanish-speakers who want to learn
English. We take turns speaking in English and Spanish. This is a great way to practice your
comprehension and speaking skills. All levels welcome! Si usted desea practicar su inglés,
nosotros tendremos un programa para usted. Aquí practicamos a cómo hablar inglés con
personas que quieren aprender español. Ambos grupos gozan la oportunidad de aprender
más. Todos niveles de inglés son bienvenidos.

Did you know that you can check out more than just books, CDs, and DVDs at the library?
Now you can check out a telescope, tabletop game, specialty cake pan, or a STEM backpack
with books and activities for kids and families. Or, take home some seeds from our Seed
Library. You can also download free eBooks and eAudio books through our Overdrive
collection. We’re adding more items all the time! Ask about these services at the circulation
desk, and let us know if you have a suggestion for something you’d like to see circulating.

C.L. Simon
             Recreation Center
                        1112 North Street
            Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9:00pm
                 Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm

                 Nacogdoches Parks & Recreation

                        Please register early!
  We make every effort to conduct the classes we advertise. However,
  in fairness to our instructors, there is a point when courses must be
 cancelled due to insufficient registration. With that in mind, please do
not wait until the last minute to sign up for a class. You could be the one
           participant needed to meet the required minimum.

                        Accident Insurance
    The City of Nacogdoches does not provide individual, team, or
   group accident insurance for participants in Recreation programs.
   We recommend that you check with your personal agent to assure
    coverage. Please report any injuries to your program supervisor.

                            Refund Policy
  Persons needing to cancel out of a program may apply for a refund
   at the Recreation Center prior to the starting date of the program.
 Refunds will not be issued after the first class meeting unless a written
  statement from a physician is received indicating illness or disability.

              CAMPS                                   ■
                                                       RHYTHM KIDS DRUM
 WINTER ADVENTURE                                     CLUB
                                                      INSTRUCTOR: Brandi Cartwright
DAY CAMP                                              DATE: September 5 and December 12
                                                      COST: $10 per child OR bring a friend and
DATES: December 30-January 3 *No camp
                                                      both pay $5 Siblings: $5
on January 1st
                                                      AGE: 4-6 years old - 4:30 - 5:15pm
TIMES: 8:30am-3:30pm
                                                              6-12 years old - 6:15 - 7:00pm
AGES: 5-8 & 9-12
COST: $75/Week                                        DESCRIPTION: Rhythm Kids® Drum Club
REGISTRATION: December 2 until 1st day                is Eversong’s new music, movement, and
of camp if space is still available.                  drumming club. We will introduce you to
                                                      a program that is designed to help your
DESCRIPTION: Campers must bring their
                                                      child develop their rhythm skills and gain a
own lunches and snacks will be provided.
                                                      deeper level of musical understanding, even
Arts and Crafts, weekly library & knowledge
                                                      preparing them for formal music instruction,
sessions, gymnastics or cheerleading.
                                                      as well as helping with coordination and
Campers will learn all about our weekly
                                                      balance needed in many other activities. We
camp theme through instructors, hands on
                                                      will learn drumming patterns through playful
learning and projects.
                                                      animal-themed rhythmic chants, experience
    MOM & ME ART CLASS                                and improvise with new repertoire using
INSTRUCTOR: Rachel Shipp                              a range of percussion instruments, create
DATE: September 3, 10, 17, 24 / October 1,            imaginative movements, improvise patterns,
8, 15, 22, 29 / November 5, 12, 19                    and sharing ideas with the group, and so
                                                      much more!
TIME: 10-10:45am
COST: $35/month - $10 discount for siblings
AGE: 2-5 years old
DESCRIPTION: Attention PRE-                           ■
                                                          TEXAS AIKIDO
SCHOOLERS!!! Bring your mom and have                      Junior Budoka
some messy fun! Enjoy exploring process art           INSTRUCTOR:
and trying new things. This class is all about        Robert Cheshire, 5th degree black belt
FUN! Don’t wear your favorite outfit since            LaReid Oats, 2nd degree black belt
we will get messy! Must register by the 1st           Jeff Cuevas, 2nd degree black belt
of each month!                                        Brent Gotcher, 2nd degree black belt
                                                      DATES: Tuesdays & Thursdays
    ROCK A BYE BABIES                                 TIME: Children: 7:00-8:00pm
INSTRUCTOR: Brandi Cartwright
                                                      AGE: Ages: 5-14
DATE: October 7, November 4 &
December 2                                            COST: $5/class OR $60/16 punch card
TIME: 11am-12pm                                       DESCRIPTION: The Junior Budoka class
COST: $10 per child                                   will focus on self-defense, anti-bullying and
AGES: Newborn to 8 months                             personal growth. This will be done in an
DESCRIPTION: Did you know babies can                  environment that is fun and participants will
coo on the resting tone of a song? Come               make new friends. Participants are taught
learn how to identify and support your                how to identify dangerous situations and
baby’s musical growth in our class designed           strategies to best handle them. They will
specifically for non mobile babies. This is           also learn elements of striking, hip throws,
the age to start their music education. And           disarmaments and ground techniquest.
it’s fun for parents too! We will sing, dance,        Classes are taught with encouragement
play, and learn new songs each class and              and recognition of strengths and challenges
revisit beloved favorites. Music is the               of each individual as lessons are adjusted
perfect way to connect with your baby. 18             to fit the needs of the student. Our Chief
downloadable lullaby songs are included               Instructor is the National Kids Program
with your first class.                                Technical Director for our organization.

    KIDS BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU                           ■
INSTRUCTOR: Tony Cruz & Derrick Terry                  INSTRUCTOR: Cha-Chi Cordero
DATE/TIME: Tuesday & Friday - 6-6:50pm                 DATE: September 7-December 14 (Saturdays)
COST: $10/class or $100.00/month -                     *No class on October 19, November 23 and November 30
monthly is unlimited access                            TIME: 9:30-10:15am
AGE: Children, 7 - 14                                  COST: $80 for 8 class punch card - 2 silblings
DESCRIPTION: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a            AGE: 0-4, must have a caregiver present
grappling based martial art, whose central                         *12 student limit
theme is controlling and resisting opponents           DESCRIPTION:Zumbini is a new world of
in ways that force them to submit by way of            music and movement where little ones, 0-4,
joint manipulation and chokes. It is used for          can sing, wiggle and grow alongside their
self defense, as a combat sport and physical           caregivers. Each session includes a songbook,
fitness. BJJ promotes the concept that a               CD of songs, 20 songs on the Zumbini app,
smaller, weaker person can successfully                and a plush toy. A bonding experience is had
defend against a bigger, stronger assailant            by all through singing, dancing and playing
by using leverage and proper technique.                instruments. Song Bundle: No Way Jose
Benefits of BJJ include self defense, weight
loss, increased self confidence, critical              ■
thinking, humility, patience, stress relief and        INSTRUCTOR: Crystal Kilmer
improved concentration.                                DATES: Tuesdays
    TUMBLE TOTS                                        TIMES: Beginner 6:15-7:00pm
                                                                 Advanced: 7:15-8:00pm
DATE: Mondays                                                    Select Team: 8:00-8:45pm
TIME: 10:00-11:00am                                    COST: $35/month
AGES: Baby - Preschooler                               DESCRIPTION: Learn fundamentals, tricks,
COST: $5/class or $20/month                            salutes, footwork, kicks, dance, twirling and
Looking for something to do with your active           novelty routines! Students will need a baton
tot? Want to chat with other moms? Come                that fits the length of their arm. Students
let your child explore, climb and crawl in a
safe environment while getting some time               have the opportunity to perform at local
to socialize with other moms. This open                events throughout the year. These students
gymnastics time is the perfect place to meet           will also perform in local parades, festivals
other moms and get your little one’s energy            and contests. Semi-private and private
out while improving his/her gross motor skills.        lessons available upon request.

                      FITNESS FACILITIES
                             COST: $2.00/day OR $20.00/month
   AGES: 12 years and under must have supervision by an adult 18 years of age or older
 Open gym time is available for pickup basketball and indoor walking. Gym schedule changes
                    often so call (936) 559-2960 to check for availability.
                                    WEIGHT ROOM
    COST: $2.00/day OR $20.00/month • AGES: 18 years and up ONLY in the weight room
          The weight room may be used during C.L. Simon Recreation Center hours.
                                    PICKLEBALL COURTS
                            COST: Free • TIME: Sunrise to sunset
         Two courts available at Banita Creek Park. Bring your own equipment and net.

The gymnastics area can be rented for supervised birthday parties. The fees are as follows:
                       -    Up to 12 children: $75 for two hours
                       -    13 - 24 children: $125 for two hours
Parties are reserved in two hour blocks of time on Saturdays only. Party times include
set-up and clean-up. Available times are as follows:
            9:30am - 11:30am, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm and 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm.
                     SESSION I: Sept. 16 - Oct. 24
    SESSION II: Nov. 4-Dec. 19 *No classes the week of Thanksgiving

             CLASS                                TIME                   PRICE
 Tiny Tots                                4:00-4:45                            $45
 Mini & Me                                5:00-5:45                            $40
 Beginning Gymnastics                     5:00-5:45                            $45
 Mini & Me                                6:00-6:45                            $40
 Tots Class                               6:00-6:45                            $45
 Cheer & Tumble                           6:45-7:30                            $45
 Tots Class                 4:00-4:45                                          $45
 Tumblers Class             4:00-4:45                                          $45
 Beginning Gymnastics       5:00-5:45                                          $45
 Mini & Me                  5:00-5:45                                          $40
 Cheer & Tumble             6:00-6:45                                          $45
 Tiny Tots                  6:00-6:45                                          $45
 Mini & Me                  4:00-4:45                                          $40
 Tumblers Class             5:00-5:45                                          $45
 Tiny Tots                  5:00-5:45                                          $45
 Beginning Gymnastics       6:00-6:45                                          $45
 Cheer & Tumble             7:00-7:45                                          $45
 Tots Class                 4:00-4:45                                          $45
 Tumblers Class             5:00-5:45                                          $45
 Beginning Gymnastics       5:00-5:45                                          $45
 Tiny Tots                  6:00-6:45                                          $45
 Cheer & Tumble             6:00-6:45                                          $45

Mini & Me: Children must be 1 - 3 years of age. This is an introductory level class designed
for the very young gymnast who requires a parent or guardian to accompany him or her on
the floor. Children will work on advancing their motor skills and coordination while being
introduced to a variety of gymnastics equipment.

Tiny Tots: Children must be 2.5 - 4 years of age and can be without a parent during the class.
The primary objectives for this group are: following the teacher’s instruction, taking turns and
playing well with others within the gymnastics setting. This class develops the skills featured in
the Mini & Me class and introduces more challenging ones.

Tots Class: Children must be 3.5 – 5 years of age. Gymnasts must be able to follow
directions and able to learn more advanced motor skills and gymnastics skills. Each gymnast
should be working to master the skills featured in Tiny Tots and developing the strength and
coordination for more challenging ones.
Tumblers Class: Children must be 4.5 – 6 years of age. Gymnasts are able to concentrate
for longer periods of time. This class will focus on mastering key fundamentals and learning
proper technique on a variety of apparatus.
Beginning Gymnastics: Children must be 5.5 - 7 years of age. At this level gymnasts
must be advancing from Tumblers class. This class will be mastering skills that can be put into
routines as they advance into their next phase of gymnastics.
Cheer and Tumbling: Children will begin working on tumbling such as standing backbend,
round-offs, back walkovers, front walkovers and running round-offs. If students are advanced
the class will work on more advanced tumbling skills. Stunting will be taught in if there are
more than 4 students in a class.

    FALL YOUTH VOLLEYBALL                            ■
                                                      FALL YOUTH
REGISTRATION: July 29-August 27                      BASKETBALL
7-10 year olds - Friday, September 6 - 5:30pm        REGISTRATION: September 29 - October 19
11-14 year olds - Friday, September 6 - 7pm          DRAFT/TRYOUTS: TBD
COST: $60/player                                     COST: $60/player
DIVISIONS: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14                   DIVISIONS: 5-12 year olds
GAMES BEGIN: September 28                            GAMES BEGIN: September 28

                                  CONTACT: Jason Smith
                                EMAIL: smithje450@yahoo.com
                                  PHONE: (936) 221-2073

                                 CONTACT: Michael Montes
                                 WEBSITE: nysa.gotsport.com
                                  PHONE: (214) 208-5111

                          WEBSITE: nacogdochesyouthbaseball.com
                                 PHONE: (936) 615-2572

                ETEX Swim Team – General Public Swim Lessons, Master’s Swim
                          Pineywoods Youth Football Association
                               WEBSITE: www.bgcdet.org
                            EMAIL: Nacogdoches@bgcdet.org
                                 PHONE: (936) 560-6844
ADULT ART                                               ■
                                                            BARRE FUSION
                                                        COORDINATOR: Jill Wheeler
 BEGINNING                                              DATE: Tuesdays
WATERCOLORS                                             TIME: 5:15-6:00pm
INSTRUCTOR: Rachel Shipp:                               AGES: 18 years & up
DATE: SEPTEMBER 3, 10, 17, 24                           COST: $7/class or $55/for a 10 class punch
         OCTOBER 1, 8, 15, 22, 29,                      card
         NOVEMBER 5, 12, 19                             A fun, energetic, workout that fuses
TIME: 9-9:55AM                                          techniques from Dance, Pilates, and Yoga
AGES: 18 & up                                           that will tone, define and chisel the whole
COST: $40/month                                         body. This class provides the perfect
DESCRIPTION: In this class we will work on              combination of strength and flexibility with
basic watercolor techniques while creating              an added cardiovascular element utilizing
realistic and whimsical artworks. There is a 1          the barre.
time supply fee for paints and brushes that
will be your to keep for next time or use at
your home!

ACTIVITIES                                              ■
                                                         BEGINNER, BEGINNER
    ZUMBA                                               PLUS & EASY
INSTRUCTOR: Misti Cranford
DATE: Monday - Friday
                                                        INTERMEDIATE CLOGGING
                                                        INSTRUCTOR: Cathy Michaels
TIME: 5:30 - 6:30pm
                                                        DATE: Mondays
AGES: 13 years & up
                                                            Beginner - September 16 - October 28
COST: $5/class or $60 for a 20 class punch
                                                            Beginner Plus - November 4-December 16
                                                        TIME: Beginners 6-7pm
Join us for a calorie-burning, fun-filled cardio
                                                                Easy Intermediate 9pm
party! We will crank up the music and let
                                                        AGES: 15 years & up
                                                        COST: $40/beginner session & $45/beginner
    BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU                                 plus session
INSTRUCTOR: Tony Cruz                                   DESCRIPTION: High steppin’ and toe
DATE/ TIME: Monday & Wednesday -                        tappin’ enthusiastic adults wanted! Students
5-5:50pm & 6-6:50pm                                     will learn basic clogging steps and routines
Tuesday & Thursday - 4-4:50pm & 5-5:50pm                performed by the group throughout the year.
AGES: Men and Women - 14 & up                           Clogging shoes or Keds with clogging taps
COST:$10/class or $100/month - monthly is               required. This is a great way to exercise while
unlimited access                                        having a blast!
DESCRIPTION: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a
grappling based martial art, whose central              ■
                                                            CLOGGING RAPID FIRE
theme is controlling and resisting opponents            INSTRUCTOR: Donna Oliver, CCI
in ways that force them to submit by way of             DATE: Thursdays
joint manipulation and chokes. It is used for           TIME: 6:15-7:00pm
self defense, as a combat sport and physical            AGES: 16 years & up
fitness. BJJ promotes the concept that a                COST: $7/class or $60/10 class punch card
smaller, weaker person can successfully                 DESCRIPTION: This will be a fast-paced
defend against a bigger, stronger assailant             class with numerous 10-minute quick teaches
by using leverage and proper technique.                 followed by a dance through. There will also
Benefits of BJJ include self defense, weight            be stretching and line dances. This will be a
loss, increased self confidence, critical               great way to stay in shape without making it
thinking, humility, patience, stress relief and         about performances!
improved concentration.

 HIGH INTERMEDIATE                                     ■
                                                            TEXAS AIKIDO
CLOGGING                                               BUDOKA
INSTRUCTOR: Donna Oliver, CCI                          INSTRUCTOR: Robert Cheshire, 5th degree
DATE: Thursdays                                        black belt
TIME: 6:00-7:30pm                                        LaReid Oats, 2nd degree black belt
AGES: 15 years & up                                      Jeff Cuevas, 2nd degree black belt
COST: $7/class or $60/10 class punch card                Brent Gotcher, 2nd degree black belt
DESCRIPTION: High steppin’ and toe                     DATES: Tuesdays & Thursdays
tappin’ enthusiastic adults wanted! Students           TIME: Adult: 7:00-9:00pm
will learn basic clogging steps and routines           AGES: 14 & up
performed by the group throughout the year.            COST: $5/class or $60/16 punch card
Clogging shoes or Keds with clogging taps              DESCRIPTION: Budoka for adults is
required. This is a great way to exercise while        comprised of Judo, Aikido, Karate and Jujitsu.
having blast!                                          Participants learn elements of self-defense
                                                       while enjoying a traditional Japanese martial
                                                       art. Individuals will learn to challenge ourselves
 ADULT EXHIBITION                                      both physically and mentally. Participants will
TEAM CLOGGING                                          learn aspects of escaping from grasps, various
INSTRUCTOR: Donna Oliver, CCI                          throws (and how to land/roll safely), weapon
DATE: Thursdays                                        disarms and ground fighting.
TIME: 7:30-9:00pm
AGES: 15 years & up
                                                         BALLROOM &
COST: $7/class or $60/10 class punch card               COUNTRY DANCING
DESCRIPTION: Rhythm Rocker Cloggers                     INSTRUCTOR: Andy Manrriquez
are an energetic clogging group with a family           DATES: Saturdays
dynamic. Performances at festivals, nursing             TIME: Ballroom/Latin: 11:00-11:55pm
homes, weddings (yes, weddings!), State                        Country/Western: 12:00-12:55pm
Clogging Convention and many more. The                  COST: Singles: $5/class or $36 for 12 classes
Lamplight Theater has become a regular                         Couples: $8/class or $60 for 12 classes
and exciting place to perform. The goals                *$3 discount available for SFA and High
of the exhibition team are: fun, fitness and            School students
promoting the love of dance.                            DESCRIPTION: Social dance lessons in a
                                                        variety of different styles including Ballroom,
                                                        Latin, Country, Western and Swing.

                                                       ADULT SPORTS
                                                           FALL ADULT SOCCER
                                                       REGISTRATION: July 29 - August 24
                                                       COST: $55 per individual OR $550 per team
                                                       DIVISIONS: Co-Ed
                                                       GAMES BEGIN: Games will begin Sunday,
    TABLE TENNIS                                       September 8 (30+) and Tuesday/Thursday,
INSTRUCTOR: Robert Payne                               September 10 (Open)
DATE: Mondays                                          AGES: 18 & up
TIME: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
AGES: 6 years & up
COST: $2/day                                       ■
                                                           FALL ADULT SOFTBALL
DESCRIPTION: The Nacogdoches Table                 REGISTRATION: July 29 - August 24
Tennis Club (NTTC) welcomes all levels of          COST: $385 per team, $25 late fee, No sign
players. NTTC promotes a family friendly           ups after August 28 at 5pm **ONLY IF SPOTS
atmosphere with serious minded children            ARE AVAILABLE IN ANY GIVEN LEAGUE
welcome under adult supervision. Our goals         DIVISIONS: Men’s & Co-Ed
are fun, exercise and the improvement of           GAMES BEGIN: September 3
table tennis skills.                               AGES: 18 & up

Historic Sites Museums
                  and Activities
                                      Nac Historic Sites

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
LOCATION: 304 North St.
COST: Free
The Durst-Taylor Historic House & Gardens is a circa 1835 wood-frame house & is the second
oldest building in Nacogdoches. The house sits very close to the intersection of the old
El Camino Real de los Tejas & La Calle de Norte & was home to many early businessmen,
bankers, & political leaders including Thomas J. Rusk, Bennet Blake & William Ochiltree. This
hands-on museum includes a fully functioning smokehouse, blacksmith shop & chicken coop
as well as heirloom gardens & a sugarcane mill.

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
LOCATION: 211 S. Lanana
COST: Free
The Sterne-Hoya House Museum & Library is an 1830 dogtrot house built by prominent
merchant & Texas Revolution leader, Adolphus Sterne. It was occupied by the Sterne family
until 1869 when it was sold to the von der Hoya family. The house remained in the von der
Hoya family until it was donated to the City of Nacogdoches in 1958.

HOURS: Hours vary, so please call Historic Sites for Depot Hours.
LOCATION: 101 Old Tyler Rd.
COST: Free
The Nacogdoches Railroad Depot was built by Southern Pacific Railways to replace the
original wooden depot & opened on April 3 of 1911. The wooden depot was built in May of
1910 & burned to the ground less than a year later after it was struck by lightning. The depot
remained in service until 1954. Please call ahead for exhibit schedule.

DATES: November 29, 30 and December 1. Decemeber 6, 7 and 8. December 13,14 and 15
TIME: Fridays and Saturdays 10 am - 6 pm. Sundays 12 pm - 5 pm
LOCATION: Nacogdoches Railroad Depot - 101 Old Tyler Rd.
AGES: All ages
COST: Free
The Loblolly Model Train Display is coming by to the Nacogdoches Railroad Depot for the
2019 holiday season! Visit us at the Nacogdoches Railroad Depot for this family favorite.

DATES: Saturday, December 7th
TIME: 10 am - 4 pm
LOCATION: Sterne-Hoya House Museum & Library
AGES: All ages
COST: Free
Join us for A Very Victorian Christmas celebration reminiscent of those hosted by the von der
Hoya family in the late 1800s. Visitors will be treated to the decorations, traditions, gifts and
food that might have been seen at an early Nacogdoches Christmas party. This come and go
event will be filled with historical information, guided tours, hot apple cider and Victorian crafts
for all to enjoy. Join us for an old-fashioned Christmas come to life!

                            CITY RENTALS
Liberty Hall (El Camino Real Park) is available for parties, reunions, or corporate functions. The
facility has a small kitchenette and large meeting area with a maximum capacity of 75 people.
Some tables and chairs are provided.
CONTACT: C.L. Simon Recreation Center (936) 559-2960
COST: $140.00 for four hours and $35.00 for each additional hour
*Security Deposit required on the day the key is picked up. $100 without alcohol or
$500 with alcohol.
*Payment must be received within 7 days of making the reservation. Cancellations
made more than 7 days prior to the event will receive a full refund.

Park pavilions are available to reserve for get-togethers. There are 15 different covered
pavilions throughout the City and around Lake Nacogdoches.
CONTACT: C.L. Simon Recreation Center (936) 559-2960
COST:$10.00 per hour OR $50.00 all day
*Payment must be received within 7 days of making the reservation. Cancellations
made more than 7 days prior to the event will receive a full refund.

               PIONEER PARK                                               PECAN ACRES
     Size: 30 Acres Location: 501 Lenwood St.                     Size: 23 Acres Location: 826 Starr Ave.
   This park features 3 Group pavilions, picnic               This park features a large pecan orchard, 1
 tables, playground equipment, volleyball court,              group pavilion with electricity, picnic tables,
open playfield, disc golf course and parking area.           disc golf course, playground equipment, open
                                                               playfield, recreation trial, & parking area.

             MARONEY PARK
                                                              ROBERT MCCRIMMON PARK
   Size: 17½ Acres Location: 2110 Maroney Dr.
   This park features jogging-exercise trail,                    Size: 14 Acres Location: 2130 Woden Rd.
 basketball court, 1 group pavilion, playground
                                                            This park features 1 group pavilion with electricity,
 equipment, picnic tables, parking facilities and
                                                              picnic tables, playground equipment, lighted &
         Community built playground.
                                                              covered basketball court & paved access road.

              FESTIVAL PARK
     Size: 18 Acres Location: 507 S. Pecan St.
                                                             BANITA CREEK PARK NORTH
  This park features large event pavilion, open                    Size: 12 Acres Location: 501 Pearl St.
  area to accommodate event/festival set-up,
    3 group pavilions with electricity, lighted                This park features a soccer field, disc golf
 basketball court, playground equipment, picnic              course, playground equipment, group pavilion
        tables, restroom & parking area.                        with electricity, picnic tables, Dog Park
                                                             Nacogdoches, restroom, parking area, softball
     TEMPLE SPRAY STATION                                            practice field & exercise trail.

Size: 1 Acre Location: : 1100 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
                                                                       MILL POND PARK
3 shade structures with picnic tables and parking.
                                                                  Size: 26 Acres Location: 1628 John St.
             LAKESIDE PARK
                                                                 This park features 1 basketball court,
      Size: 6 Acres Location: 4800 N. Pearl St.                playground equipment, 1 group pavilion &
This park features a small pond, picnic tables &
            playground equipment.
                                                                   RITCHIE STREET PARK
                                                                  Size: 6 Acres Location: 800 Ritchie St.
        Size: 1 Acre Location: East Main St.                 This park features 1 group Pavilion, baseball
   This park features Gazebo, park benches &                practice field, landscaping exercise equipment,
                  parking area.                               basketball court & playground equipment.

                              TRAILS & LAKES
        LAKE NACOGDOCHES                                                       TRAILS
 Lake Nacogdoches is a 2210 acre reservoir located           The Nacogdoches trail system is over 8 miles of
10 miles southwest of the City on FM 225. There are         both paved & unpaved walking and/or biking paths.
  three pavilions, a swimming area, a fishing pier, &        The trails are equipped with water fountains and
  a boat ramp in the west side park. There are also          emergency phones & patrons are encouraged to
tables, a swimming area & another boat ramp on the
                                                                         enjoy the wooded scenery.
                 east side of the lake.
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