Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy - Labour Standards in the Platform Economy

Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy - Labour Standards in the Platform Economy
Labour Standards in the Platform Economy |   1

       Fairwork Austria
          Ratings 2022:
Labour Standards in the
     Platform Economy
Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy - Labour Standards in the Platform Economy
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Executive Summary
This is the first Fairwork report for Austria. The report covers
six digital labour platforms in four sectors (food delivery,
grocery delivery, ride hailing, and cleaning work), rating them
against the five Fairwork principles – fair pay, fair conditions,
fair contracts, fair management, and fair representation.
    In Austria, a country with a strong          on the platforms. Although further             minimum earnings, the scores
    tradition of social partnership, the rise    research is needed here, we theorise           took into account not only the
    of the platform economy demonstrates         that the fact that the majority of             amount received via the platform
    some peculiarities, such as a high           workers are from migrant backgrounds           for hours worked, but also the
    collective bargaining coverage rate,         reproduces the invisibility and lack of        costs incurred by the worker for
    which encompasses virtually all              recognition of platform work – as is the       providing task-specific equipment
    the sectors included in this report.         case in comparable fields such as the          and other work-related costs. The
    Nonetheless, in some sectors (bogus)         logistics sector.2                             scores also factored in waiting
    self-employment is used to evade                                                            times between jobs. Some
    these agreements. At the same time,          This report, which documents the               platforms that employ workers
    the platform economy highlights a            findings of the first study of the             on a free service contract, self-
    segment of the labour market that is         Fairwork project in Austria, also              employment, or subcontracting
    characterised by low union density, low      presents an exploratory account of             model do not meet this basic
    earnings and increasingly precarious         the Austrian platform economy and its          threshold if they do not have a
    working conditions, even in the context      transformation during the COVID-19             (sufficiently high) earnings floor,
    of a corporatist welfare state like          crisis. With this, we hope to contribute       or if they do not actively monitor
    Austria.                                     to a better understanding of working           subcontractors in terms of fair
                                                 conditions on different digital labour         pay for their workers.
    In the context of the COVID-19               platforms in Austria. Furthermore,
    pandemic many of these sectors               we aim to contribute to the ongoing            For the advanced point in this
    flourished, resulting in a growing           discussion in the European context             principle, only one platform
    number of workers taking up jobs             on the effective regulation of the             could show that it provides
    on digital labour platforms. At the          platform economy to improve income             hourly earnings that go beyond
    same time, income and working                and working conditions for all platform        the minimum earnings threshold
    conditions in the platform economy           workers.                                       mentioned above, and that are on
    have remained the same or worsened.                                                         a par with a living wage threshold
    Platform workers are, thus, part of          Key Findings                                   ensured by collective bargaining
    the “underrated high performers”                                                            agreements.
    (verkannte Leistungsträger*innen) as         �    Fair Pay: Only three platforms
    the sociologists Nicole Mayer-Ahuja               in Austria could evidence that        �   Fair Conditions: There are
    and Oliver Nachtwey have termed                   they provide earnings to all              numerous risks platform workers
    them: members of a new service class              their workers that exceed the             face in the course of their work,
    whose work is directly related to the             minimum earnings threshold. As            ranging from road safety issues,
    reproduction of labour power and                  there is no statutory minimum             handling harmful materials, to
    social relations, and who are thus of             wage in Austria, the reference is         assaults and violence. Four of the
    central importance for contemporary               the at-risk-of-poverty threshold          platforms were able to evidence
    capitalism, but who do not receive the            which is also a common indicator          that they take reasonable
    social and financial recognition they             for in-work poverty (“working             measures to protect workers
    deserve.1 Even the COVID-19 crisis,               poor”).3 More precisely, workers’         from risks that arise on the job. In
    which briefly made the work of, for               gross earnings in 2021 should             particular, many platforms were
    example, food delivery or care workers            at least amount to 1,616.16               able to evidence some form of
    more visible and hence recognised,                EUR/month gross or 9.32 EUR/              COVID-19 response, including
    did little to alter the conditions of work        hour gross. When assessing                providing personal protective
                                                                                                equipment to workers. Some
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    platforms also demonstrated that          awarded the point.                     appeal disciplinary actions
    they mitigate task-specific risks                                                and other important decisions.
    by accident prevention measures           For the second threshold,              Nevertheless, despite the
    like protective clothing, online          only one platform was able to          prevalence of migrant workers
    tutorials on safety, or on-site           evidence that workers aren’t           in the Austrian platform
    training.                                 faced with unfair clauses.             economy, only a few platforms
                                              Our findings indicate that             could evidence to have anti-
    Platforms which provide (all) their       platforms using a subcontracting       discrimination policies. Moreover,
    workers with an employment                model rarely monitor their             their effectiveness to address
    contract also enable them                 subcontractors vis-à-vis working       discriminatory behaviour by,
    to access paid sick, holiday,             conditions, and whether they           for instance, subcontractors
    and parental leave options                meet the necessary industry            and customers, and to promote
    as indicated by the governing             standards (for example, “fleet         inclusion, remains questionable.
    national laws. However, platforms         partners” in the ride-hailing
    that work on a self-employment            sector). In some cases, platform   �   Fair representation: Freedom of
    (Selbstständigkeit) or free               contracts and terms and                association and the possibility
    service contract model (Freier            conditions also contain outright       to express collective voice is a
    Dienstvertrag) fail to provide            unfair clauses, for example            fundamental right for all workers.
    these measures (in an equivalent          excluding all liability.               However, while three platforms
    form). Hence, only one platform                                                  could point to some mechanisms
    was evidenced to provide a safety     �   Fair Management: Most                  for workers to express their
    net to its workers in line with           digital labour platforms in            voice, at the time of writing, none
    the Fairwork principle of Fair            Austria could demonstrate              of them fully recognises and
    Conditions.                               that they have channels for            cooperates with an independent
                                              workers to communicate with            collective body that represents all
�   Fair Contracts: Platforms in              a human representative and,            of its workers, regardless of their
    Austria tend to do well when              in many cases, these channels          contractual status. Hence, there
    it comes to meeting the first             are considered reliable and            is still much to improve on this
    threshold of the Fair Contracts           effective. However, only three         issue in Austria.
    principle. All platform companies         of these platforms could show
    have clear and accessible terms           they also provide workers with
    and conditions. Hence, they were          processes to meaningfully

Fairwork Austria 2022 Scores*

       Lieferando                                                                         8

       ExtraSauber                                     5

       Mjam                                    4

       Alfies              2

       Uber                2

       Bolt           1

* Scores are out of 10.
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Platform Work in a
Corporatist Welfare
As in many countries, in Austria the platform economy has
developed dynamically against the backdrop of COVID-19. This is
particularly evident in food delivery, where established platform
companies have been able to expand significantly during the
pandemic, and in grocery delivery, with several new players
entering the rapidly expanding market. In the transportation
sector, by contrast, lockdowns and a reduction in international
tourist numbers led to an overall decline.
    Pandemic apart, there are a number        dynamics, we have for the first time      undocumented work) on the other.
    of legal developments ongoing which       assessed the working conditions of        Sometimes this leads to employees
    aim to minimise the risks workers         digital labour platforms in Austria       working in the same sector or even
    face in the platform economy. Central     using the Fairwork principles and         for the same company alongside
    to this is a directive presented by the   methodology. The analysis presented       persons working under a free service
    EU Commission to improve working          here focuses on six platform              contract or self-employed persons.
    conditions in platform work, which        companies – branches of transnational     A central issue that arises from this
    was introduced in December 2021           corporations as well as locally-owned     situation is the difficulty of trade
    and which must be implemented             start-ups – in a number of different      union organisation and collective
    at a national level within two years      sectors, namely, food delivery, grocery   representation of workers interests
    of its adoption at the EU level.4         delivery, ride-hailing, and cleaning      when employment types and contracts
    Key objectives of these regulatory        work.                                     are so different, and so varied. Only
    efforts are to combat bogus self-                                                   in the food delivery sector have good
    employment, to bring about greater        The results of this first evaluation      approaches (e.g. works councils) been
    transparency and fairness in the use      indicate that geographically-tethered     established so far, which is thanks to
    of algorithmic management, and to         platform work is characterised by         the past trade union efforts and activist
    introduce comprehensive information       great heterogeneity. Depending on         engagement in the sector.
    requirements. Even before its national    the individual business models of
    implementation, the effects of the        the platforms, there are jobs based       Structurally, platform work remains a
    proposal are already noticeable,          on regular employment contracts on        largely low-income form of work. In
    including an increased sensitivity of     the one hand, and various forms of        view of this, it is not surprising that we
    platform companies to issues such         non-standard work (e.g. fixed-term        have found an above-average share
    as employee status or algorithmic         contracts, marginal employment            of migrant workers in almost all the
    management.                               [“Geringfügige Beschäftigung”],           platforms studied. This is in line with
                                              [bogus] self-employment),                 the segmented nature of the Austrian
    Against the backdrop of these             and informal employment (e.g.             labour market.5 The dominance
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                                                                                            Moritz Mairinger / Unsplash

of female workers in sectors that           constructive dialogue we have started
remain invisible, especially in the         with these platform companies, and
cleaning sector, can also be seen as        hope that through our research we
an expression of a persistent gender-       can motivate more companies to
based segregation.                          take up their responsibility for a fairer
                                            platform economy. We expect that
Despite this being only the first year of   this first report will also feed into
our study, we have already been able        current regulatory efforts in Austria,
to initiate positive changes to working     and will serve as a reference for the
conditions in the Austrian platform         various stakeholders in the sector.
economy. For example, as a result of        Most importantly, we hope that at the
our exchanges, Mjam, a food delivery        end of the day, the platform workers
platform, has developed an audit            themselves will benefit from these
process for its subcontractors and will     efforts.
begin implementation in 2022. The
same is true for ExtraSauber, a platform
operating in the cleaning sector,
which also established a new auditing
procedure for its subcontractors as a
result of engaging with us, and which
has further developed its terms and
conditions so that they now explicitly
refer to anti-discrimination (see the
“Impacts and Next Steps” section of
this report).

We would like to continue the
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                                        04   Editorial: Platform Work in A
                                             Corporatist Welfare State

                                        08   The Fairwork Framework

                                        10   Overview of the Austrian platform

                                        13   The Legal Context: Everything
                                             depends on employee status...

                                        14   Fairwork Scores

                                        16   Platform in Focus: Lieferando

                                        19   Platform in Focus: ExtraSauber

                                        22   Workers’ Stories

                                             Theme in Focus: A new era of
                                             responsibility and accountability in
                                             the making?

    Fairwork Austria team               25   Impact and Next Steps

    Markus Griesser
    Leonhard Plank
    Laura Vogel
                                        28   Appendix: Fairwork Scoring System

    Martin Gruber-Risak
    Benjamin Herr                       32   Credits and Funding
    Shelly Steward
    Funda Ustek-Spilda
    Mark Graham                         34   Endnotes
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                                                                                    01              The five
                                                                                     Fair Pay
                                                                                     Workers, irrespective of their
                                                                                     employment classification, should
                                                                                     earn a decent income in their home
                                                                                     jurisdiction after taking account of
                                                                                     work-related costs. We assess earnings
                                                                                     according to the mandated minimum
                                                                                     wage in the home jurisdiction, as well as
                                                                                     the current living wage.

                                                                                     Fair Conditions
                                                                                     Platforms should have policies in place
                                                                                     to protect workers from foundational
                                                                                     risks arising from the processes of work,
                                                                                     and should take proactive measures
                                                                                     to protect and promote the health and
                                                                                     safety of workers.

                                                                                     Fair Contracts

The Fairwork                                                                         Terms and conditions should
                                                                                     be accessible, readable and
                                                                                     comprehensible. The party contracting

                                                                                     with the worker must be subject to
                                                                                     local law and must be identified in the
                                                                                     contract. Regardless of the workers’
                                                                                     employment status, the contract is free
                                                                                     of clauses which unreasonably exclude
                                                                                     liability on the part of the platform.

Fairwork evaluates the working                                                       Fair Management
                                                                                     There should be a documented process
conditions of digital platforms and                                                  through which workers can be heard,

ranks them on how well they do.                                                      can appeal decisions affecting them,
                                                                                     and be informed of the reasons behind
Ultimately, our goal is to show that                                                 those decisions. There must be a
                                                                                     clear channel of communication to
better, and fairer, jobs are possible                                                workers involving the ability to appeal
                                                                                     management decisions or deactivation.
in the platform economy.                                                             The use of algorithms is transparent
                                                                                     and results in equitable outcomes for
                                                                                     workers. There should be an identifiable
 To do this, we use five principles that digital platforms should                    and documented policy that ensures
 comply with in order to be considered to be offering ‘fair work’.                   equity in the way workers are managed
 We evaluate platforms against these principles to show not only                     on a platform (for example, in the hiring,
 what the platform economy is, but also what it can be.                              disciplining, or firing of workers).
 The five Fairwork principles were developed at a number of multi-
 stakeholder workshops at the International Labour Organisation.                     Fair Representation
 To ensure that these global principles were applicable in                           Platforms should provide a documented
 the Austrian context, we then revised and finetuned them in                         process through which worker voice
 consultation with platform workers, platforms, trade unions,                        can be expressed. Irrespective of their
 regulators, academics, and labour lawyers in Vienna.                                employment classification, workers
                                                                                     should have the right to organise in
 Further details on the thresholds for each principle, and
                                                                                     collective bodies, and platforms should
 the criteria used to assess the collected evidence to score
                                                                                     be prepared to cooperate and negotiate
 platforms, can be found in the Appendix.
                                                                                     with them.
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    02            Methodology
    The project uses three approaches
    to effectively measure fairness at work.

    Desk Research
    The process starts with desk research to
    ascertain which platforms are currently
    operating in the country of study. From
    this list the largest and most influential   interviews enable the Fairwork
    platforms are selected to be part of the     researchers to see copies of the
    ranking process. If possible, more than      contracts issued to workers, and learn
    one platform from each sector (such          about platform policies that pertain to
    as ride-hailing or food delivery) are        workers. The interviews also allow the
    included to allow for comparisons within     team to confirm or refute that policies
    the sector. The platforms included           or practices are really in place on the
    in the ranking process are both large        platform.
    international ones as well as national/
    regional ones. Desk research also flags      Workers were approached using a
    up any public information that could         range of different channels, including
    be used to score particular platforms        approaching them by ordering a service
    (for instance the provision of particular    on the platform on which they operate,
    services to workers, or ongoing              or asking them to participate in the
    disputes).                                   research at known worker meeting
                                                 points. In a few cases snowball
    Platform Interviews                          recruitment from prior interviews
                                                 was used or platforms were asked
    The second method involves                   to assist with contacting workers for
    approaching platforms for evidence.          interviews by posting interview ads
    Platform managers are invited                internally. The interviews were semi-
    to participate in semi-structured            structured and made use of a series of

    interviews as well as to submit evidence     questions relating to the 10 Fairwork
    for each of the Fairwork principles. This    (sub)principles. In order to qualify for                 How we
    provides insights into the operation         the interviews, workers had to be over
    and business model of the platform,          the age of 18. Due to the COVID-19                       score
    while also opening up a dialogue             pandemic, all interviews were
                                                                                            Each of the five Fairwork principles is
    through which the platform could agree       conducted either via video call or face-
                                                                                            broken down into two points: a basic
    to implement changes based on the            to-face outdoors (where interviewers
                                                                                            point and a more advanced point that
    principles. In cases where platform          were PCR tested). The vast majority of
                                                                                            can only be awarded if the basic point
    managers do not agree to interviews, we      interviews were done in Vienna, either
                                                                                            has been fulfilled. Every platform
    limit our scoring to evidence obtained       in German or English.
                                                                                            receives a score out of 10. Platforms
    through desk research and worker
    interviews.                                  Putting it all together                    are only given a point when they
                                                                                            can satisfactorily demonstrate their
    Worker Interviews                            This threefold approach provides a
                                                 way to cross-check the claims made
                                                                                            implementation of the principles.

    The third method is interviewing             by platforms, while also providing the     Failing to achieve a point does not
    platform workers directly. A sample          opportunity to collect both positive       necessarily mean that a platform
    of 6-10 workers are interviewed for          and negative evidence from multiple        does not comply with the principle in
    each platform. These interviews do not       sources. Final scores are collectively     question. It simply means that we are
    aim to build a representative sample.        decided by the Fairwork team based on      not – for whatever reason – able to
    They instead seek to understand the          all three forms of evidence. Points are    evidence its compliance.
    processes of work and the ways it            only awarded if clear evidence exists on
                                                 each threshold.                            Further details on the Fairwork
    is carried out and managed. These
                                                                                            Scoring System are in the Appendix.
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Overview of the
Austrian platform
Austria has one of the strongest traditions of “social partnership”
in Western Europe. Social partnership is defined as a neo-
corporatist arrangement between the state, trade unions and
employers’ organisations, in which industrial or labour relations
play a key role.6 While balancing the interests between capital and
labour is a fundamental part of social partnership, it also goes
further by including labour and business actors in economic and
social policy making.7
 Despite its declining importance             the high collective bargaining coverage    third pillar is works councils, which
 in policy making in Austria, due to          is the statutory “erga omnes effect”       are statutory organisations of co-
 Europeanisation processes and the            which ensures that all employees with      determination at the company or plant
 anti-union policies of recent centre-        an employer bound by a collective          level.12
 right governments, social partnership        agreement are covered, irrespective of
 is characterised by a high degree of         their union membership.                    Could Austria’s neo-corporatist labour
 stability.8 This stability manifests                                                    relations serve as a model for how to
 for instance in Austria’s collective         Organised labour in the context of         deal with the challenges posed by the
 bargaining coverage rate of around 98        social partnership rests on three          platform economy?
 percent in the private sector.9 This high    formally independent but closely
 coverage rate is an indirect result of the   intertwined pillars. The first pillar is
 compulsory membership of nearly all          the ÖGB, which serves as the umbrella      Social partnership and
                                              organisation of currently seven trade
 employers in the Austrian Chamber of
 Commerce (WKO), because collective           unions, each of which organise workers     the platform economy
 bargaining agreements are legally            based on their employment category
                                                                                         Despite the high stability of
 binding for WKO members. All in all,         (e.g. blue- or white-collar workers) or
                                                                                         social partnership, crisis-driven
 more than 450 collective agreements10        sectoral affiliation (e.g. construction
                                                                                         developments have brought about
 are negotiated every year by the             or transportation sector). The second
                                                                                         a far-reaching transformation of the
 industry-level organisations of the          pillar is the Chamber of Labour, which
                                                                                         Austrian labour market since the
 WKO and the Austrian Trade Union             is the mandatory interest organisation
                                                                                         1980s. While unemployment is still
 Federation (ÖGB).11 Another reason for       of all private sector workers. The
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                                                                                                Stas Knop / Shutterstock.com

 comparatively low, unemployment            The rise of the platform economy            transport business) has been raised to
 figures have risen in the last few         is closely interlinked with these           the new 1,500 EUR level for a 40-hour
 decades and there has been an              developments. For example, most             work week (14 times a year).19 It is
 increasing spread of non-standard          platform companies are operating            also true for the passenger transport
 forms of employment (e.g. part-time        in sectors with a low union density         business, where ride-hailing services
 and temporary agency work).13 In           and correspondingly low (minimum)           like Uber or Bolt operate and where
 2019, for instance, the unemployment       wages. This can be partially explained      the correlation between low union
 rate was 4.5 percent, which was the        by the lack of a statutory minimum          density and low (minimum) wages is
 lowest level since the end of the long     wage in Austria. Rather, (minimum)          particularly evident. Here, the union
 recession after the financial crisis of    wages are defined by sectoral               membership rate is said to be less
 2007/08. In 2020 the unemployment          collective agreements and therefore         than one percent and the collective
 rate rose again to 5.4 percent, due        vary from sector to sector, resulting       agreement in 2021 defined a minimum
 to the COVID-19 crisis. Meanwhile,         in comparatively high intersectoral         wage of 1,500 EUR per month gross
 the share of non-standard workers          income differentials. Against this          for a 55-hour work week (14 times a
 amongst all employees has remained         backdrop, the ÖGB has intensified           year). While this remains very low, it is
 constant at around 33 percent.14           its efforts towards a cross-sectoral        important to point to a strong increase
                                            minimum wage policy since 1990s.17 In       in minimum wages in this sector due
 Together with the increased                2007 and again in 2017, ÖGB and WKO         to the aforementioned cross-industry
 internationalisation and tertiarisation    signed cross-industry memoranda             memorandum (2019: 1.285 EUR;
 of the economy, these trends have          according to which all collectively         2020: 1.350 EUR).20
 fostered the consolidation and             agreed minimum wages had to be
 expansion of labour market segments        raised, most recently to a minimum          An additional downward pressure
 with low-paid and precarious jobs, in      level of 1,500 EUR per month (14 times      on earnings is that many platform
 which female and migrant workers are       a year due to Christmas and holiday         companies simply “escape”
 overrepresented. Additionally, in some     bonuses) by 2020 at the latest.18           collective agreement coverage and,
 sectors, (bogus) self-employment is                                                    hence, minimum wage regulations,
 used to evade the protective labour        These memoranda have directly               by replacing employees with
 legislation and collective bargaining      impacted Austria’s regulation of            self-employed persons, be they
 agreements. In this context, organised     sectors that are of crucial importance      free service contractors (Freie
 labour has constantly lost ground.15 For   for the platform economy. This is, for      Dienstnehmer*innen) or (solo)
 example, union density has fallen from     instance, true of food and grocery          self-employed (Einpersonen-
 60.1 percent in 1960 to 26.3 percent       delivery services, where the collectively   Unternehmer*innen). Both types
 in 2019.16                                 agreed monthly minimum wage (e.g.           of contracts entail a more limited
                                            for bicycle messengers or the small         protection under labour legislation,
Labour Standards in the Platform Economy |                   11

such as sick leave, representation          comparable conclusions regarding             represent the employees but not the
by works councils or paid vacation.         the EU 27-countries. For instance,           free service contractors, which make
Delivery platform companies like            according to a study of the European         up around 90 percent of the workforce.
Mjam or Alfies employ a majority of         Commission in 2018, 11 percent of
their workers as such free service          the working-age population provided          The second means by which organised
contractors while many “partner             services via digital labour platforms        labour has attempted to regulate
companies” of ExtraSauber are solo          (though only 1.4 percent as main             the platform economy is to cover
self-employed persons.                      activity).26                                 the emerging platform economy in
                                                                                         collective agreements. After years of
                                            The economic effects of the COVID-19         debates that were mainly driven by
The rise of the                             crisis have massively impacted
                                            Austria’s platform economy. Food
                                                                                         organised labour, in January 2020
                                                                                         the first collective agreement for
platform economy                            delivery and grocery delivery services       bicycle couriers (Fahrradboten) came
                                            expanded significantly during the            into effect, covering, amongst other
The platform economy in Austria             pandemic. Indeed, several new                things, employed riders of the delivery
became a topic of public debates            platforms in grocery delivery have           platforms. Still, the majority of workers
in the mid-2010s with the arrival of        sprung up in this increasingly               are not covered by this agreement, as
digital labour platforms like Uber          competitive market, where not only           the sector is mainly characterised by
and Helpling.21 Nowadays, food              large supermarket chains are involved,       (bogus) self-employment.
delivery and ride-hailing services are      but even Mjam – which usually delivers
dominated by a few multinational            meals from restaurants to customers –        Thirdly, organised labour is also
corporations. Just Eat Takeaway.com         has now added grocery deliveries to its      trying to improve working conditions
(in Austria: Lieferando) and Delivery       business model. While workers in these       by mobilising institutional power
Hero Holding GmbH (in Austria:              sectors are facing new challenges,           resources, for instance, by influencing
Mjam) dominate platform-based food          especially the risk of infection, in other   policy making processes. Most
delivery, while Uber and Bolt dominate      sectors like ride-hailing services, many     recently, this has happened in the
ride-hailing. On the other hand, in the     have lost their jobs due to lockdowns,       context of a far-reaching reform of the
empirically less investigated domestic      social distancing and the decline of         legal basis of ride-hailing platforms
work sector (cleaning, care work, etc.),    tourism.                                     in the taxi and hire car sector.28
multinational corporations like Helpling                                                 However, trade unions and their allies
and Book-a-Tiger closed their Austrian                                                   ultimately failed to ban the business
branch offices in the late 2010s,
creating opportunities for local start-
                                            Regulating the                               model of Uber and others altogether.
                                                                                         Hence, ride-hailing platforms have
ups like ExtraSauber to thrive.             platform economy                             continued to offer their services in

Several studies have suggested a            “from below”?                                Vienna and other cities, albeit within
                                                                                         a legal context that has undergone
minor, albeit growing, importance                                                        several adjustments, primarily in terms
                                            Recent attempts of organised labour
of the platform economy in Austria.                                                      of the fare system and qualification
                                            to regulate the platform economy or
Nonetheless, available data is rare,                                                     requirements of drivers.
                                            to fight against precarious working
and it varies due to a lack of clarity on
                                            conditions have largely been oriented
technical definitions and application                                                    As these examples demonstrate, the
                                            towards “traditional” neo-corporatist
of research designs.22 According to                                                      orientation of organised labour towards
                                            patterns. Firstly, this is true for a
a Eurobarometer telephone survey,                                                        traditional neo-corporatist patterns has
                                            series of conflicts and disputes
in 2016 only around two percent of                                                       been only partially successful.29 This
                                            aimed at establishing works councils.
Austrian residents aged 15 years                                                         is true for food and grocery delivery
                                            In 2017, food-delivery workers at
or older offer services via so called                                                    services and ride-hailing services, but
                                            Foodora (now Mjam) established the
“collaborative platforms” (e.g. work                                                     probably even more so for platforms
                                            first works council in the country’s
on digital labour platforms) at least                                                    in the field of cleaning work. Austrian
                                            platform economy, supported by the
once a month.23 In contrast, a study                                                     trade unions have thus begun to
                                            Austrian Transportation and Services
by the University of Hertfordshire from                                                  rethink their traditional orientation
                                            Union “vida”. This was followed by
2016 found that around 13 percent                                                        towards a “logic of influence” in favour
                                            the establishment of a works council
of the working-age population (18-                                                       of a new orientation towards a “logic
                                            at Lieferando in 2019.27 However,
65) in Austria undertake platform                                                        of membership”, including within the
                                            Lieferando has issues to recognize its
work at least once a month, most of                                                      platform economy.30 Corporatist social
                                            works council to the full extent and
them as a side activity.24 While the                                                     dialogue strategies have therefore
                                            filed a complaint against its election,
latter study has been criticised for                                                     been complemented by organising
                                            with the outcome of the case still
overestimating the number of platform                                                    strategies, and self-organised
                                            open (see the “Platform in Focus I”
workers in Austria,25 recent studies                                                     structures within unions like the so-
                                            section of this report). At Mjam, the
on the European Union-level reached                                                      called Riders Collective have been
                                            works council is legally only entitled to
12   |   Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022

The Legal Context:

Everything depends on
employee status…
In Austria, platforms use different legal statuses when contracting
with their workers – sometimes they are treated as employees, but
more often they are considered to be self-employed. The full range
of employee protections though, such as paid annual leave, sick
pay, collective bargaining coverage (including minimum wages)
and employee representation at the workplace level are only
available for those working under an employment contract. Only
a very limited number of statutes31 (and no collective agreements)
apply to an intermediary category of persons, “who may be
considered employee-like due to their economic dependence”.32

 In Austria, exactly who is an               bring cases of bogus self-employment         split between employer and employee,
 employee is not very obvious. No            to court – even though they would            whereas self-employed platform
 statutory definition exists, but only       be supported by the unions as well           workers must take care of their
 case law, which is largely based on         as by the statutory representation of        insurance themselves, as platforms do
 doctrine.33 Accordingly, an employee        interest, the Chambers of Labour. This       not take any responsibility.
 is a person who is obliged by contract      reluctance is related to a number of
 to perform, generally in person,            reasons, including the fear of retaliation
 a service for someone else in a             as well as the marginal and/or
 relationship of personal dependence         transitory nature of their employment.
 (persönliche Abhängigkeit) or personal
 subordination.34 A variety of indicators    In terms of social security protection,
 to assess this dependence have been         there is actually no difference between
 developed: an obligation to work at         different employment statuses, as
 specified times and in a specified place,   platform workers enjoy the same level
 the right of the contractual partner to     of protection (health insurance, old
 give orders, especially with respect to     age and invalidity pension insurance),
 personal work-related behaviour and         if they pass the marginal earnings
 integration in the partner’s operational    threshold of 485.85 Euros (2022)
 organisation.35 Interestingly, no           per month. Even workplace accident
 case law has yet been developed for         insurance is provided for those with
 the employment status of platform           marginal incomes. The legal status of
 workers. This is despite the fact that      platform workers only influences the
 their legal status is not always very       question of who pays contributions,
 obvious, and bogus self-employment          and who administers the insurance.
 is a possibility.36 However, platform       For employees and employee-like free
 workers are generally reluctant to          service contractors, contributions are
Labour Standards in the Platform Economy |   13

Fairwork Scores
Score (out of 10)

 Lieferando                                                                                 8

 ExtraSauber                                       5

 Mjam                                       4

 Alfies             2

 Uber               2

 Bolt         1

The breakdown of scores for individual platforms can be seen on our website: www.fair.work/ratings
14   |   Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022

                                             the principle thresholds, as it provides   actions and other important decisions.
                                             all its workers with an employment
                                             contract which ensures them to access      The advanced point assesses whether
                                             sick pay, holiday pay, and parental        equity in the management process is
                                             leave options as stipulated by law.        provided. While some platforms have
 Fair Pay                                                                               anti-discrimination policies in place
                                                                                        we could not (yet) see evidence as to
 In order to obtain the basic point                                                     its effectiveness. Therefore, we could
 associated with the at-risk-of-poverty                                                 not award this principle to any of the
 threshold (defined as 60 percent                                                       platforms.
 of median disposable income) for a
 single-person household as stipulated       Fair Contracts
 by the EU Statistics on Income and
 Living Conditions in 2021, platforms
 guarantee that all workers earn at          To be awarded the basic point for this
                                             principle, workers need to be provided
 least 9.32 Euros/hour gross after
 costs (e.g. for equipment, vehicle,         with clear and transparent terms and       Fair Representation
 and maintenance). Furthermore, it           conditions. Moreover, contracts should
                                                                                        The basic point for this principle seeks
 must be guaranteed, e.g. through an         be accessible to workers at all times,
                                                                                        assurance of freedom of association
 appropriate auditing procedure, that        and every worker should be notified
                                                                                        and the expression of collective voice.
 all workers (including subcontracted        of proposed changes in a reasonable
                                                                                        Only three platforms (Lieferando, Mjam
 ones) meet this threshold. Only             timeframe. Furthermore, the party
                                                                                        and ExtraSauber) could be awarded
 three platforms, namely, Lieferando,        contracting with the worker must be
                                                                                        this point.
 Alfies and ExtraSauber, could provide       identified in the contract, and it must
 evidence in this regard.                    be subject to the law of the place in      The advanced point investigates
                                             which the worker works (i.e. Austrian      whether democratic governance is
 To meet the advanced threshold,             law). All platforms were awarded this      supported. We could not award this
 platforms guarantee that workers earn       basic point.                               point to any platform in this scoring
 at least the living wage in Austria after                                              round.
 costs. Here, the point of reference is      The advanced point in this principle
 the rates set by the sectoral collective    can only be awarded if the contract
 bargaining agreements for 2021. Only        does not impose unfair terms, such
 Lieferando was awarded this point.          as excluding liability for negligence or
                                             exempting the platform from liability
                                             for working conditions. The contract
                                             should also not include clauses which
                                             prevent workers from effectively
                                             seeking redress for grievances which
                                             arise from the working relationship.
 Fair Conditions                             Both standards must also be
                                             guaranteed for the contracts between
 The basic point for this principle is       workers and subcontractors. Only
 awarded if platforms have policies          Lieferando was awarded this point.
 and practices in place which show
 that they are aware of task-specific
 risks and take steps to protect their
 workers. Measures for adequate,
 responsible and ethical data
 protection also need to be taken. Four
 platforms (Lieferando, Mjam, Uber and
 ExtraSauber) could show they meet the       Fair Management
 criteria for this principle.
                                             This principle investigates the due
 The advanced point is awarded if            process for decisions affecting
 workers have access to a safety net         workers. Several platforms (Lieferando,
 which adequately compensates for            Mjam and ExtraSauber) could evidence
 income loss due to inability to work,       that there is a human representative
 such as for reasons of illness or other     to address workers’ queries, as well
 emergencies. Only one platform              as a documented process for workers
 (Lieferando) could evidence to meet         to meaningfully appeal disciplinary
Labour Standards in the Platform Economy |                  15

Platform in Focus:

Lieferando                                                                                                                Total

           Principle 1:                   Pays at least the local
                                          minimum wage after costs
                                                                                     Pays at least a local living
                                                                                     wage after costs
           Fair Pay

           Principle 2:
                                          Mitigates task-specific risks              Provides a safety net                 2
           Fair Conditions

           Principle 3:                   Provides clear and
                                          transparent terms and
                                                                                     Does not impose unfair
                                                                                     contract terms
           Fair Contracts                 conditions

           Principle 4: Fair              Provides due process for
                                          decisions affecting workers
                                                                                     Provides equity in the
                                                                                     management process

                                          Assures freedom of
           Principle 5: Fair              association and the
                                          expression of collective
                                                                                     Supports democratic
           Representation                                                                                                  POINT

                                          worker voice

                                                             Lieferando’s overall score                              08
Lieferando is part of the listed company Just Eat Takeaway.com
N.V., established in 2020 as a result of a corporate merger of
Takeaway.com (founded in 2000 in the Netherlands) and Just Eat
(founded in 2001 in Denmark).37
 The Austrian branch is headquartered     hub riders with their own (or rented)              in Austria earned around EUR 10
 in Vienna and was founded in 2012        bicycles on the road.41                            gross per hour (plus tips), which was
 under the name Lieferservice.at.                                                            slightly above the collectively agreed
 Initially it connected customers with    Lieferando is the only delivery                    (minimum) wage of EUR 8.90 gross.
 restaurants, but began offering food-    platform in our study which provides               Moreover, riders are entitled to various
 delivery services in 2017.38             an employment contract to all its                  bonuses and special payments as
                                          riders (i.e. riders are not free service           employees, as defined in the collective
 Currently, Lieferando is present         contractors, solo-self-employed                    agreement, for instance Christmas
 in seven Austrian cities. Its fleet      workers, etc.), and it does not use                and holiday bonuses (referred to as
 consists of more than 2,000 riders,      subcontractors. This implies that all              13th and 14th month wages in Austria)
 thanks to the massive growth during      riders must be employed in accordance              (article XII of the KV). For non-hub
 the COVID-19 pandemic.39 Most            with the collective agreement                      riders, a kilometre allowance is added
 of the riders can be recognised by       (Kollektivvertrag, KV) for bicycle                 (0.24 EUR/km) to the calculated
 their characteristic ‘pedelecs’40 with   messengers.42                                      earnings, in line with the regulations
 a Lieferando logo, and their orange                                                         of the collective agreement (article
 delivery backpacks. Since January        In terms of payment, our study
                                                                                             XVII of the KV). Finally, riders are
 2021, there are also so-called non-      shows that in 2021 Lieferando riders
16   |   Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022

 also compensated for the use of their       employment contract contains               contract, leave must be applied for
 private mobile phones (article XVII of      provisions on data protection, including   in writing “at least four weeks” in
 the KV).                                    specific measures for protecting the       advance, and cannot be “granted
                                             personal data of riders. Additionally,     in certain calendar months” for
 Lieferando was therefore able to score      a data protection clause is attached       operational reasons, which has been
 point 1.1 and 1.2 for Fair Pay, as          to the contract and handed out to the      criticised by some riders for being
 workers earn not just above the at-risk-    riders.                                    “super strict”.
 of-poverty threshold, but also above
 the collectively agreed minimum wage        All things considered, Lieferando          As already noted, Lieferando provides
 in the food delivery sector.                satisfies the requirements for point       its workers with employment contracts
                                             2.1. Nonetheless, in our worker            (in English and German) which were
 In recognition of the various job           interviews several riders made an          considered clear and comprehensible
 hazards workers may encounter in            interesting point about a concern they     by our interviewees. Moreover,
 the course of their work, Lieferando        had for downloading the Lieferando         contracts are accessible to workers at
 provides protective gear to mitigate        app to their private mobile phones.        all times, since a copy of the signed
 task-specific risks. This implies several   For some, this evokes the feeling, as      contract is handed over to the riders.
 measures for accident prevention            one rider put it, to have your employer
 including, among others, the provision      “always in your pocket”.                   Hence, point 3.1 and 3.2 of the Fair
 of a bicycle helmet and other protective                                               Contracts principle are also awarded.
 clothing, and the obligation to wear        As employees, Lieferando riders            A particularly critical point in this
 a helmet. Moreover, once a year, all        are fully entitled to social rights, for   context is, nonetheless, marked by the
 workers must participate in riding          example, workplace accident, health,       fact that Lieferando abolished fixed-
 safety training during working hours        pension and unemployment insurance.        term contracts in favour of permanent
 and the platform takes a variety of         They are also entitled to sick leave,      ones in countries like Germany in
 measures to protect workers against         as regulated by the Continuation of        2021.43 In Austria, however, fixed-term
 COVID-19, for example through               Remuneration Act, to parental leave        contracts are maintained, and this has
 distribution of FFP2 masks and              and to (at least) five weeks paid leave    been criticised by many riders as it
 disinfectants.                              a year. Lieferando is thus also awarded    deprives them of the protection against
                                             point 2.2 of the Fair Conditions           dismissal and of long-term future
 With respect to taking adequate,            principle.                                 prospects and planning certainties
 responsible and ethical data protection                                                associated with permanent contracts.44
 and management measures, the                However, according to the employment

                                                                                                   Ratikova / Shutterstock.com
Labour Standards in the Platform Economy |   17

With regard to the principle of Fair       More precisely, Lieferando has filed
Management, our investigation              a complaint with the Vienna Labour
confirms that there are different          and Social Court in order to challenge
channels for riders to communicate         the most recent election, arguing that
with human representatives of              the established works council should
the platform (e.g. via in-app chat,        be responsible for the whole country
telephone). Additionally, a ticket         (i.e. all seven cities) and not only for
system is available in the Lieferando      Vienna. However, while the outcome
app when workers need help with            of the case is still to be decided, the
important matters, such as payment         management has emphasised to us
issues. Furthermore, Lieferando has        that “Lieferando Austria considers the
a multi-level system of warnings.          cooperation with its current works
Riders are warned in writing for           council to be constructive and also
various violations of official duties      welcomes a future co-determination of
(e.g. unexcused absence from work),        its riders by a works council.”
with the threat of termination only on
the third warning. If such warnings        Against this backdrop, and considering
or terminations are perceived as           that representatives of the Lieferando
unjustified, an appeal process is          management and of the works
available to the riders, as they can       council (as part of the industry-level
contact the works council. All points      organisations of WKO and ÖGB)
considered, Lieferando is awarded          participate in collective bargaining with
point 4.1.                                 respect to the Collective agreement for
                                           bicycle messengers, we award point
According to the management                5.1 to Lieferando. Point 5.2, on the
interview we undertook, Lieferando’s       other hand, could be awarded in future
riders are characterised by a              ratings as soon as the legal dispute
high degree of diversity, primarily        has been resolved and the further
with reference to citizenship. The         procedure clarified.
management takes into account this
diversity, as their communication
materials are supplied in German and
English (among other languages).
There are also anti-discrimination
guidelines included in the (company-
internal) Code of Conduct as well as in
their restaurant policy with cooperating
restaurants. In addition, Just Eat
Takeaway.com has an established
speak-up policy with clear rules
for investigating and sanctioning
discriminatory behaviour or assaults.
However, many of these policies are
new and they need to be more widely
publicised. Therefore, we would like
to observe how Lieferando succeeds
in making its existing approaches
practically effective before awarding
point 4.2.

Regarding the principle of Fair
Representation, there is a works
council at Lieferando in Vienna and
evidence suggests that the cooperation
between local management and
the works council works well so far.
However, the election of the new works
council has been appealed again, as
was the election of the old one in 2019.
18   |   Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022

Platform in Focus:


           Principle 1:                    Pays at least the local
                                           minimum wage after costs
                                                                                   Pays at least a local living
                                                                                   wage after costs
           Fair Pay

           Principle 2:
                                           Mitigates task-specific risks           Provides a safety net                   1
           Fair Conditions

           Principle 3:                    Provides clear and
                                           transparent terms and
                                                                                   Does not impose unfair
                                                                                   contract terms
           Fair Contracts


           Principle 4: Fair               Provides due process for
                                           decisions affecting workers
                                                                                   Provides equity in the
                                                                                   management process

                                           Assures freedom of
           Principle 5: Fair               association and the
                                           expression of collective
                                                                                   Supports democratic
           Representation                                                                                                  POINT

                                           worker voice

                                                       ExtraSauber’s overall score                                    05
ExtraSauber is a platform for cleaning services, which was
founded in Vienna in 2014 by the Austrian start-up extrafrei
GmbH. Thanks to its steady growth over the past few years, the
platform is now present in six Austrian cities or regions. Moreover,
it has recently also expanded into Germany and Switzerland.45
 Based on our interviews with the          support team and the customers which            a total price for the different workers
 management, currently (with regard to     are then advertised in an internal              that are available for the job, which
 the volume of orders) approximately       pool. ExtraSauber charges 20 percent            includes time spent travelling to and
 one-third of the so-called “partner       platform fees of the gross order value          from the client (e.g. one hour per order
 companies” are solo self-employed         for either option.                              in the city). In order to do this, “partner
 cleaners, while two-thirds are cleaning                                                   companies” (as part of the registration
 companies with employees.46               Concerning the first and most common            process) have to define their (a)
                                           option of “standard cleaning”,                  availabilities (i.e. times when they can
 Private customers have two different      customers can order a cleaning at a             be booked); (b) minimum prices (i.e.
 options on ExtraSauber, namely,           fixed price via the app. For this option,       the minimum price an order must have
 the “standard cleaning” of flats and      they must provide information on the            in order to be accepted); and (c) hourly
 “special cleanings” (e.g. of “messy       size and type of the flat (how many/            calculation rates for every worker.
 flats”), where individual prices are      which rooms, etc.).47 Based on this
 negotiated between the ExtraSauber        information, the algorithm calculates           ExtraSauber sets a minimum threshold
Labour Standards in the Platform Economy |                   19

for these hourly calculation rates.           ergonomic cleaning techniques and on       (“partner companies”) in regard to
Even though our evidence suggests             the safe handling of harmful materials.    imposition of unfair terms such as the
that the chosen rates are usually             Additionally, the cleaning products        exclusion of liability for negligence,
slightly higher, in response to our           offered by ExtraSauber via an online       if the newly established auditing
feedback ExtraSauber raised this              shop are stored with safety data sheets    procedures prove to be effective point
minimum threshold from 15 EUR to              that contain information of potential      3.2 can also be awarded in future
20 EUR gross per hour. For the solo           hazards and safety precautions. Finally,   ratings.
self-employed cleaners, this minimum          several measures also exist in order to
floor is of immediate relevance for           protect cleaning workers from assaults     Moving to the principle of Fair
their pay, and should guarantee that          (e.g. blacklisting customers if workers    Management, our evidence suggests
they are earning not only above the           submit complaints about them).             that there is a channel for workers
at-risk-of-poverty threshold but also                                                    to communicate with a human
above the collectively agreed minimum         When registering on the platform,          representative of the platform (e.g. by
wage in the sector after costs (e.g. for      workers are asked to accept a              telephone via the customer centre, by
transport, work equipment, and liability      Privacy Agreement, which explains          email or by an in-app chat). Messages
insurance). In the case of employees          the data collected and its purpose.50      (chat, email) are linked to a ticket
of the “partner companies”, on the            Additionally, in the Terms and             system, which guarantees a maximum
other hand, the hourly calculation            Conditions for partners, the platform      response time of 48 hours. In addition,
rates are defined by the employers,           informs the workers which data will        Clause 3 of ExtraSauber’s Terms and
and there is no direct relationship           be available in the worker’s profile on    Conditions for partners sets out the
between these rates and their actual          the app (e.g. first name and surname       conditions for terminating the contract.
wages. That said, in the General Terms        abbreviation, photo, customer rating,      This essentially involves specifying
and Conditions for partners the latter        etc.). ExtraSauber thus scores point       the main reasons for terminating the
are obliged to comply with existing           2.1 of the Fair Conditions principle,      contractual relationship or blocking the
minimum wage requirements.48 In the           but not point 2.2, due to the lack of a    user account (e.g. “non-compliance
Austrian context, where no statutory          safety net provided by the platform.       with labour law requirements”). In
minimum wage exists, this implies that                                                   the case of terminations that are
                                              In the course of the registration          perceived as unjustified by the partner
employees must be paid in accordance
                                              process several documents (General         companies, they can still contact the
with the collective agreement
                                              Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy)      management (e.g. via telephone or in
for the “monument, facade and
                                              have to be accepted. Most of the           the context of a personal conversation)
building cleaners” which would also
                                              workers we interviewed consider these      in order to appeal such disciplinary
include various bonuses and special
                                              documents to be understandable             decisions. All in all, ExtraSauber is also
payments.49 Until recently, however,
                                              and also accessible, since they can        awarded point 4.1.
there were no procedures on the
                                              be accessed at any time via the
part of the platform to audit whether
                                              partners’user account.                     In common with the rest of the
partner companies are complying with
                                                                                         cleaning sector, the vast majority of
these requirements. However, after            Moreover, there are no reports of          workers at ExtraSauber are women,
close exchange with the Fairwork team,        any clauses perceived as unfair in         and most of them have a migration
such a procedure was established (see         the worker interviews. Hence, for          background. While the platform had
the “Impact and Next Steps” section           example, none of the interviewees          anti-discrimination guidelines in their
of this report). Therefore, we award          complained about the obligation set        (company-internal) Code of Conduct,
point 1.1 of the Fair Pay principle to        out in the Terms and Conditions to         after engaging with Fairwork, this was
ExtraSauber and will consider awarding        provide ExtraSauber with proof of          extended to the Terms and Conditions
point 1.2 as well in future ratings, if the   liability insurance, with a permanent      for partners and for customers (Clause:
aforementioned procedures prove to            minimum cover of one million EUR per       “Code of Conduct”).51 Moreover, the
be effective.                                 claim. Furthermore, one critical point     possibility for cleaning workers to also
                                              regarding the Terms and Conditions         rate the customers was introduced,
In recognition of the variety of task-
                                              has been changed by the platform           which also includes a general feedback
specific risks which are associated with
                                              in response to our feedback. More          option. This new feature aims to
providing cleaning services in private
                                              precisely, it has been specified that      provide a mechanism to reduce the
households, ExtraSauber provides
                                              in the case of a refusal of orders due     risk of users discriminating against
its workers with different health and
                                              to illness, no fees will be charged,       workers, and to monitor customers to
safety measures, including measures
                                              provided that a medical certificate is     ensure that they provide workers with
to protect them against COVID-19 (e.g.
                                              submitted in time. With regard to the      a welcoming working environment. We
communication of safety guidelines to
                                              Fair Contracts principle we thus award     hope to rate the effectiveness of these
workers, etc.). For accident prevention,
                                              point 3.1 to ExtraSauber. While we         policies associated with point 4.2 in
the platform has established an
                                              still know little about the contracts      future ratings.
“ExtraSauber Academy” which
                                              between workers and subcontractors
provides online instructional videos on
20   |   Fairwork Austria Ratings 2022

 For Fair Representation, ExtraSauber      will continue to monitor developments
 initiated a two-step plan in close        in our future ratings with respect to
 cooperation with the Fairwork Team        point 5.2.
 to improve the possibilities of co-
 determination and representation
 for cleaning workers. In a first step,
 the function of an ombudsperson
 was created and appointed by the
 management with an experienced
 cleaning worker. Cleaning workers are
 informed about the ombudsperson via
 the app (including contact details and
 availability). Additionally, references
 to the counselling centres of the
 Austrian Economic Chamber (for solo
 self-employed workers) and of the
 Chamber of Labour (for employees)
 can be found. In a second step, an
 advisory board consisting of partner
 companies and cleaning workers
 will be established. This process has
 already been initiated by inviting all
 eligible persons to stand for election.
 Once elections have been held, the
 board should meet about four times a
 year virtually or in person to discuss
 problems and concerns with the
 management. With this in mind, we
 awarded point 5.1 to ExtraSauber. We

                                                                                   Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock.com
Labour Standards in the Platform Economy |              21

Workers’ Stories
                      Natia* takes care of children, working          work depend on what is directly negotiated
                      on a self-employed basis through a care         with the clients. Natia likes the flexibility
                      work platform in Vienna. She takes her          of platform work. Nevertheless, she has
   Natia              clients’ children home from day care,           the feeling that these flexible working
                      plays with them, prepares their meals,          arrangements primarily benefit the
 Care worker
                      puts them to bed, then does some light          clients, not her. Some weeks her clients
                      housework. Natia enjoys working with            do not need her at all, another week she
                      children, but in the longer term she would      is expected to work more hours, which is
                      prefer a job in the field of her studies. She   inconvenient for her studies.
                      obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business
                      and Economics from her home country in          In addition to the lack of stability, Natia
                      Eastern Europe and moved to Austria to          faces another risk when performing care
                      continue her studies. As she is not an EU       work through digital labour platforms:
                      citizen, she said babysitting was the fastest   harassment and abuse. As a young female
                      way to enter the labour market: “I do           worker, meeting new clients is stressful
                      something Austrians and people from EU          for her: “I am always scared that someone
                      countries do not like to do themselves”.        is crazy”. With her student job based on a
                                                                      regular employment contract, and a few
                      Recently, Natia found another part-time         reliable, trustworthy clients she finally
                      student job that provides health insurance,     found on the platform, Natia now feels
                      sick leave, and paid vacation – a safety        more comfortable with platform work,
                      not provided in platform work. Now she          compared to her initial situation, when she
                      only works on the platform in the evenings      was entirely dependent on it.
                      and on the weekend, and the conditions of

                      Bilal* came from Pakistan to Austria in         He also used the platform’s equipment,
                      2019 in order to study in Vienna. Coming        including the app for shift scheduling and
                      from a so called “third country”, his access    the backpack for deliveries. However,
   Bilal              to the Austrian labour market is restricted     the piece rates per order paid by the
Delivery driver       by his student residence permit. Among          subcontractor were about half those of his
                      other things, he is only allowed to work        counterparts working on the platform.
                      up to 20 hours per week and potential
                      employers must apply for his work permit.       At one point, the subcontractor stopped
                      While it is generally difficult to find a job   paying Bilal and his colleagues altogether.
                      that fulfils these criteria, it became even     In response, riders decided to organise
                      more difficult in the beginning of the          and resist this wage theft. “Me and my
                      COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment            colleagues, we made this group, and we
                      was skyrocketing.                               were developing strategies, how we should
                                                                      approach the employer”, Bilal recalls.
                      Bilal was more than happy when he was           Finally, they decided to get counsel from
                      offered a job at a subcontracting company       the Chamber of Labour which filed a
                      of a huge delivery platform: “I was             lawsuit against the subcontractor. Since
                      desperate to find a job. And I said, okay, it   the subcontractor had become insolvent
                      is better than nothing”. As a rider for the     in the meantime, in early 2021 all unpaid
                      subcontracting company, he did the same         wages were paid through the Insolvency
                      job on the outskirts of Vienna as did other     Remuneration Fund.
                      riders of the platform in the inner city.

*Names and nationalities changed to protect worker identity
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