Page created by Louis Evans
FUTURE Factory
  Il domani si stampa oggi.

FUTURE Factory
Printing Il
         thedomani si stampa
              future,        oggi.
                       now. STREAMING.
       Wednesday June 24, 2020
        11:00-13:00 | 15:00-17:00
KNOW THAT                                                 That's when we decided to switch from real to virtual: the
                                                          conference is happening, and it’s happening

                          FUTURE Factory
                                                          streaming. The shape changes but the ultimate goal
this conference is real!                                  remains the same: to spread experiences and insights
                                                          and dialogue on the main focuses of sustainability and
Why?                                                      industry 4.0.
We have spent months organizing a conference in the
                                        Il domani si stampa
most traditional sense: looking at locations, catering,T h r o u goggi.
                                                                  hout           their       visions         and
guests, videos and setting.                               expertise, leading international figures will illustrate
                                                          future scenarios in which technology, innovation an
But then everyone knows what happened. The                d human capital contribute to better management of
country has stopped and we had to go into                 industrial processes, while promoting a much needed
metamorphosis, adapting and trying to keep such a         envoironmental approach.
platform of content alive and active. Content aimed at
a supply chain that, during this time, has remained       THE FUTURE IS OURS:
open and has been able to adapt and transform too.        be proactive, don't react.
             of our
        Il domani    future oggi.
                  si stampa

 Linking your brand and image to Print4All
 Conference 2020 it’s not only a great way to gain
 visibility and notoriety, but it’s the best opportunity to
 engage in this crucial event for our industry from a
 leader’s perspective.
You can choose two different sponsor plans:

 PARTNER                                                      SUPPORTER
 €4.000                                                                 €6.000
                                         +   Company logo and planned
 +   Company Logo on online                  company content on online
     communication                           communication

 +   Promotional flyers to 20 selected   +   Promotional flyers to 50 selected
     participants                            participants

 +   Graphic company content (sent by    +   Company video (sent by you) as a
     you) on advertising frame during        spot interlude between panel
     panel speeches                          speeches

 + Optional: press conference                                           €3.000
          +   Company logo/content on the Print4All Conference 2020 website and social media

€4.000    +   Company logo on DEM sent to the 90,000 contacts of the Print4All Conference 2020
              mailing list

          +   Company logo on foreign field press with targeted communication actions towards
              international audience

          +   Delivery of promotional company flyers or brochure with a thank you letter to 20
              selected participants after the event

          +   Graphic company content (sent by you) on advertising frame during panel speeches
              (focus in the next slide)

          +   Dedicated area in the "Sponsor" section of the Print4All Conference 2020 website,
              showing the graphic/photographic company content (see previous point) plus company
              info and details.
                       Graphic company content (sent by you) on
                       advertising frame during panel speeches


This graphic content will be provided by the sponsor itself
and used as advertising frame.

The frame will be customised with the sponsor’s logo/

In the centre of the screen we still see the speakers
carrying out their talks

                                                              Advertising frame   The event continues
            +   Company logo/content on the Print4All Conference 2020 website and social media

 €6.000     +   Company logo on DEM sent to the 90,000 contacts of the Print4All Conference 2020
                mailing list

            +   Company logo on foreign field press with targeted communication actions towards
                international audience.

            +   Delivery of promotional company flyers or brochure with a thank you letter to 50
                selected participants after the event

            +   Company video as a spot interlude between panel speeches. (The video must be
                delivered according to specific guidelines provided by the organising committee)

            +   Dedicated area in the "Sponsor" section of the Print4All Conference 2020 website,
                showing the company video (see previous point) plus company info and details.

            +   Company video on social media and dedicated online communication channels of
                Acimga’s and Argi’s network .
+   Online Chat Rooms will offer the opportunity to host a press conference with a representation of national and
    international press.
Over 2000 profiled followers, including opinion
           leaders of the industry:



FUTURE Factory
      Il domani si stampa oggi.
 Print4All Conference marks the evolution of the
 entire Communication and Graphic industry.
Target market:                         Format:
+ converting                           + American Talk Show, available streaming in
+ package printing                       in two two-hours’ slots
+ labelling
+ commercial printing                  Registration:
+ industrial printing                  + On the Future Factory website, through
Audience for the Conference:
+ technology manufacturers             Streaming access:
+ converters/printers                  + dedicated area on the Future Factory
+ influencer e brand owners from the     website
  printing world
Next edition:                          + Simultaneous translation Italian/English
+ Print4All
  http://www.print4all.it/             Chat:
                                       + Chat Room for online press conferences.
                                       + Chat Box during the event for questions
                                         from the audience.
In addition to the more technical speeches and talks related to the printing world in all its aspects, there will be
Guest Speakers, covering the main themes of :


                               INDUSTRY 4.0.
VINCENZO Baglieri               ENRICO Barboglio   ALICE Bodreau   MATTEO Bordone   ANDREA Briganti       ULRICH Leberle

                                                                                     Some speakers will be able to be in the
                                                                                     same place, in Milan, at the East End
                                                                                     Studios (focus in the next slide) with
                                                                                     all the safety measures in place.

                                                                                     Others will join from their homes of

MASSIMO Medugno                    FABRIZIO Renzi   MARCO Roveda     NIGEL Tapper    Thanks to a precise and well timed
                                                                                     direction, we’ll be able to blend the
                                                                                     real and tangible with the virtual.
For further info:
Over the years, Spazio Antologico at the East End
                       Studios in Milan hosted important television
                       productions (such as Masterchef), events, conventions
                       and concerts.

                       It has the typical charm of a post-industrial location:
                       exposed red brick and iron beams together with design
                       elements, transparent elevators and beam-lights
                       create an evocative frame.

Via Mecenate, Milano
Matteo Bordone hosts Future Factory. IN STREAMING

11:00-13:00                                                   15:00-17:00
+ The future is ours                                          + Yesterday’s Industry and the Industry of today
  Andrea Briganti, General Manager @ ACIMGA and                 Fabrizio Renzi, President & CEO rnbgate rnb4culture,
  Federazione Carta e Grafica                                   Angel Investor e partner IBM
  Enrico Barboglio, General Manager @ ARGI                    + International Outlook on market trends
                                                                Guest speakers from Global Print organisations.
+ Sustainability in its meaning                                 Delegates from main International Associations such as
  Nigel Tapper, Professor of Environmental Science @            PEIAC (China) and IPAMA (India), along with important
  Monash University of Melburne, School of Earth,               Publishers and Editors from UK and USA.
  Atmosphere and Environment
+ Ensuring future circularity of paper packaging: the         + The transition to a circular economy: strategies,
  new recyclability guidelines.                                 business models and best practice.
  Ulrich Leberle, Raw Materials Director @ CEPI                 Alice Bodreau, Global Partners Manager @ Ellen
  Massimo Medugno, General Manager @ Assocarta                  MacArthur Foundation

+ Industry 4.0. The first Italian supply chain project        + Ideas and actions for the future: current scenarios
  on smart manufacturing.                                       Marco Roveda, Founder @ LifeGate
  Enzo Baglieri, Professor of Practice @ SDA Bocconi          + The Supply Chain point of view
  School of Managment.                                          Workshop and case history presentation
                       You can discover all the Future Factory details in a

                       dedicated webinar preview.

PREVIEW                Joining Print4All Conference Future Factory is the best
                       way to react to the present looking ahead: an event you
          Il domani si stampa oggi.
                       need to take part in, a privileged vision on the
Monday, May 18         possible future scenarios.

ore 11:00 - 13:00      Don’t miss out!
FUTURE Factory
  Il domani si stampa oggi.

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