FACILITATIVE BRANCH OF THE COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE - CC-2018-1-5/Monaco/EB 15 October 2018 - unfccc

FACILITATIVE BRANCH OF THE COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE - CC-2018-1-5/Monaco/EB 15 October 2018 - unfccc
FACILITATIVE BRANCH           CC-2018-1-5/Monaco/EB
OF THE COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE          15 October 2018
Submitted in accordance with paragraph 22 (b) of preliminary finding of the Enforcement Branch of
the Compliance Committee (CC-2018-1- 3/MONACO/EB), confirmed by the final decision of the
Enforcement Branch of the Compliance Committee (CC-2018-1-4/MONACO/EB) and referred to in
paragraph 1 of section XV, in accordance with the substantive requirements of paragraph 2 of section
XV and paragraph 1 of rule 25 bis of the rules of procedure of the Compliance Committee of the
Kyoto Protocol.

                                         Octo ber 4, 2018

Monaco s pleased to present this Plan to the Enforcement Branch of the Compliance Committee
under Section XV, paragraph 2 of the “Procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance under the
Kyoto Protocol” (annex to decision 27/CMP.1) (the “Procedures and mechanisms”) in response to the
preliminary finding of the Enforcement Branch of the Compliance Committee (CC-2018-1-
3/Monaco/EB), confirmed by the final decision of the Enforcement Branch of the Compliance
Committee (CC-2018-1-41MO NACO/EB).


 I.          Analysis of the causes of non-compliance                                      4
        1.     NIR2O1S                                                                     4
        2.     NlRs2Ol6and2Ol7                                                             4
        3.     NIR 2018                                                                    5
 Il.         Measures implemented and intend to implement to remedy to be compliance       6
        1.     Implementation of institutional arrangements                                7
        2.     lnventory preparation and management procedure                              8
        3.     Timetable for implementing measures (2018-2019)                             9
        4.     Progress report on the implementation of the Plan                       10
 III.         Conclusions                                                              11

I.     Analysis of the causes of non-compliance

In 2008, the Principality of Monaco created its Department of the Environment, one division of which
is devoted solely to Climate energy pelicy, which includes UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol reporting
obligations and negetiations.
The causes of nen-compliance are expesed beilow for the different reports:

       1. NIR 2015

In 2014, the national system comprised 3 persons.

A consultancy was aise tasked, in late 2014, with assisting the inventory team in impiementing the
2006 1PCC guidelines.
During the same period, there was a significant staff turnover at the Department of the Environment
and in particular in the inventory team.
The national system was reduced to two persons following the departure cf a sector expert in Match
2015 as part of a career development. Said expert was repIaced in May 2015 a a resuit of externaT

A second sector expert, the Head cf Ciimate Division, changed roles in June 2015 in an internai
reassignment foliowing management changes.

The recruitment of the new head cf the Ciimate and Energy Division was completed in Nevember

During that period, werk undertaken with the externai consultants was net conclusive and work for
deveioping new tools was taken on internally in May 2015, and need time to finalize it.

Furthermore, additional difficuities came te light in cellecting data, with regard te the application cf
the 2006 guidelines and higher level methodologies for key categories.

The period was aise devoted te training new experts and the national coerdinator.

Ail of these concurrent difficulties led te a delay in submitting NIR 2015 of more than one year.

       2. NIRs 2016 and 2017

The delay in submitting NIR 2015 necessariiy had significant censequences en NiRs 2016 and 2017.

The main aim of these two inventory reports was te improve methodoiegies in erder te bring them
into compliance with the principles ef “Compieteness” and “Accuracy” in the guidelines on the
preparation ef national inventories (FCCC/CP/2013/10/Add.3 paragraph 4).
During this period internai develepments teck place cencerning certain sectors, and the
recemmendatiens of the iast auditor’s report were ïmplemented (FCCC/ARR/2015/MCO of 29 August
in addition, speciai emissien estimating toeis were develeped in the light cf the unusual
circumstances in the territory, en the ene hand te compiy with the principle cf accuracy, and aise te
best translate changes in emissiens in the light of the policies and measures intcoduced.

The target set internally was to ensure that the 2017 report was submitted at the required date.
 However, only the target for submissions from the CRF was met.
 The initial report for the second period was submitted during the same period.
 NIRs 2016 and 2017 were submitted within one week in September 2017.

     3. NIR 201$

An additional expert was recruited in 2017. Although planned for July 2017, the post only took effect
on 1 October.
The 2018 report was submitted on time, on 14 April 2018, in parallel to the drafting of the 7th
National Communication and the 3rd biennial report.

The diagram shows changes over lime in the number of experts in the inventory team.

Expert inventory team evolution (2008-201$)

                             Experts inventory team evolution



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The most serious delays correspond to significant changes in the inventory team.

Since Monacos capacity is very limited, the departure of an expert has a significant bearing on the
production of reports. It should also be noted that the recruitment of any new expert requires a
relatively long training period in particular because it is impossible to recruit persons who are fully

aware of the reports requirements and the guidelines for calculating emissions.

II.       Measures implemented and intend to implement to remedy to be

in the scape of the review of National Inventory Report 2017, the Expert Review Team considered
weaknesses in the Monegasque national system to be as follows:

       -    Insufficient impiementation of institutional arrangements and maintenance of sufficient
           capacity ta compiy with deadiines for report submission;

       -   Insufficient impiementation of inventory preparation and management procedures.

On the basis of these points, the enforcement branch cf the Compliance Committee decided ta
proceed with its examination.

in this section Monaco presents measures being taken ta fulfil the compliance to the Protocol.

The Department of the Environment has achieved considerable improvement over the past two
years, in terms of capacity building, calculations methodologies, procedures, simplifications and
modernizations of the calculatians and inventory tools.

Ail cf this work is aimed at improving the robustness, compieteness and accuracy of the NIR, as weli
as the accuracy of methodologies used ta estimate GHG emissions. It also aims to give a clear view of
the public policies implemented throughout our territory and ta submit the reports in due time.

Within the preparation of 2016 ta 201$ NIR, the Department of the Enviranment has undertaken
major structurai and methodolagical improvements ta the national scheme.

This work program has leU ta significant impravements and the timely submission cf 201$ NIR. in
addition, further measures have been scheduled ta ensure that the national system achieves the
required capacity ta ensure compliance in the future.

1. Implementation of instïtutional arrangements

 Reinforcement of the inventory Team

The Government Council validated, in June 2018, the recruitment of an additional expert to
strengthen the national system.

Thereby, a new permanent position will be created within the Department of the Environment in
This additional resource does flot affect actual and planned quality insurance and quality control

WiIi be implemented in 2019.

Expertise of the inventory team

Ail the experts of the inventory team benefit from continuous internai and external training program
within the framework of NIR QA-QC for their respective sectors.
Moreover, it is planned to initiate a compiementary training program with the UNFCCC e-learning.

The implementation is ongoing.

Legal provision for data collection

As part of the NIR 2019, improvements have been undertaken regarding the national system by
continuing with the recast of the quality control / quality assurance plan linked to legal provisions to
simplify data collection by making the forwarding of data mandatory.

This obligation will be particularly effective in industry sub-categories with the adoption of the legal
text on F-gases by the first semester of 2019.

The recruitment of a lawyer is currently underway for the Department of the Environment f not
allocated to the National System), whose role will be to accelerate the creation and the adoption of
legal texts in application ofthe Environment Act approved in December 2017.

The implementation is ongoing.

2. Inventory preparation and management procedure.

IT system and collaborative tool

A global work plan to modernize the II system for the Monaco Government has been initiated in
2018. One of the first improvements will be a shared storage space to be available during August
2018, replacingthe former limited version ofthe Department ofthe Environment database.
Part of this storage will be dedicated to UNFCCC Process management including lnventory
preparation (QC RISK and RISK software, data storage, documentary management and historical
report and process).

The Department of the Environment will endow itself in 2018 with a tool for Quality Control tracking,
established by the CITEPA: “QC RISK”.
This tool will be completed in 2019, by a global and simplified system for Emissions data
management, interpretation and inventory management:”RISK”.
Acquisition of “QC RISK” and “RISK “are planned for respectively 2018 and 2019 operating budget.
“OC Risk” will be operational for 2019 Submi5sions, but due to software adaptation and expert
training we expect “RISK” to be fully operational by the second part of 2019.

The signature of the contract 15 clone and the impiementation is ongoing.

External Support

In preparing the NIR 2018, the Department ofthe Environment has already completed, internally and
in collaboration with CITEPA (FRANCE), many methodological improvements for the calculation of
emissions from road transport, navigation, urea and lubricants. Improvements have also been made
to consolidate the quality control / quality assurance plan.

The assistance provided by CITEPA comprises a yearly support, for general issues, and specific tasks
for more important improvements,

The first specific mission will be to carry out checks on NIR 2018 and the CRF Table 2018, as part of
an external audit to improve global quality of reporting for 2019 submissions (these verifications will
also include the seventh national communication and LRTAP Report).

The second mission assigned to CITEPA will be to assist the Department of the Environment in
enforcing Quality Assurance and Ouality Control plan, and in achieving methodological
improvements including:
    • Consolidation of reference approach for energy sector.
    • Evolution of calculation tools for waste incineration.
    • Capacity building in ref approach tool for road transportation.
    • Emissions relating to the use of paraffin.
    • Methodological improvement-consolidation for F-Gas according to the availability of new
    • Wastewater emissions.

The contract 15 signed and the mission start in august 2018.

In 2019, Monaco will also mandate CITEPA for a pre-submissions review of 2019 NIR and General and
Specific assistance for the second part of the year including Pre and Post UNFCCC review.

3. Timetable for implementing measures (201$-2019)

                                            Vear                        2018                                                     2019
                                            Month      Aug      Sept    Oct     Nov        Dec        Jan       Feb     Mac
                                                                                                 •                                Apr     4i       Jun.     JuIy
                                            Week    31323334313b37383940414243444546474849505152     1234   i   67e   91O1112131415161718192O212223242S26272B293O

Instftutional aringement

Reinforcement of the nventory team
UNFCCC courses
legal provision for data coIection

Inventory preparation and management procedure

n system and collaborative tool
ITshared storagespace
QC management “QC RSK ‘Software
Inventory data management ‘RISK” Software

CITEPA”GIoba assistance’
CITEPA 2018 Inventorv Report Review”
CITEPA ‘Quality Assurance 2018
CITEPA Quality Assurance 2019

2019 Inuentory Preparation
Methodologi cal I mprovments
Calculahon and drafhng
C1TEPA “2019 lnventoryReportqA”

Progresa on impiementation ofthe plan

Progresa repport

4. Progress report on the ïmplementation of the Plan

According to paragraph 3 of section XV of decision 27/CMP.1 Monaco will submit on a regular basis
report on the implementation ofthe Plan.
For the one year period of the implementation of the Plan, Monaco could address the following
Progress report to the enforcement branch.

1. Submission of the Plan
Octo ber 2018.

2. Progress report
Before 15 of April 2019, to inform on 2019 NIR and CRF submissions and improvement, progress
made on institutional arrangement, on T system and collaborative tool.

3. Progress report for the end of the period
Before the 31 of July 2019, result of the plan and ongoing work.

III.    Conclusions

Monaco herewith has analyzed the reasons underlying Monaco’s non-compliance and has presented
the ongoing measures to regularize this situation with a specific implementation timetable.

Monaco highlights its intention to use the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms at the end of the year and in
2020 to comply with its commitment for the second period by financing some CDM projects.

Monaco emphasized that it will be ready to comply with the “Guidelines for the preparation of the
information required under Article 7 of the Kyoto Protocol” (annex to decision 15/CMP.1 in
conjunction with decision 3/CMP.11) in conjunction with the “Guidelines for 16 CC/ERT/ARR/2018/8,
annex III, paragrah 2. 4 national systems for the estimation of anthropoenic greenhouse gas
emissions by sources and removals by sinks under Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol”
(annex to decision 19/CMP.1 in conjunction with decision 3/CMP.11) for the 2019 National lnventory

Monaco considers that ail these positive changes will enable the inventory team to anticipate the
implementation of the Paris Agreement rulebooks.

As the enforcement branch of the Compliance Committee 15 already aware, even if its historical
responsibility 15 very limited, the Principality has decided to adopt ambitious mitigation goals and has
communicated its first nationally determined contribution including a catbon neutrality target for
2030. In the context of achieving these goals, Monaco has the view that a robust transparency
framework is needed so as to provide a clear explanation on how the actions are implemented at the
national level.

lt demonstrates the strong commitment of Monaco to be part of the global efforts to tackle climate

Therefore, Monaco requests to the Enforcement Branch of the Compliance Committee to approve
this Plan.

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