Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions on Flow Patterns and Bed Topography
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Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions on Flow Patterns and Bed Topography John T. Beebe JTB Environmental Systems Inc., 180 Holiday Inn Drive, PO Box 25024, Cambridge, Ontario N3C 4B1 It is known that woody debris in stream channels modifies morphology in many ways, ranging from scour of the bed to lateral migration of the channel over time. Since the occurrence of woody debris in streams results in a complex set of inter-related processes, it is useful to use controlled conditio ns in laborato ry experim ents to aid in the understan ding of thes e processe s. A flume study was undertaken to determine the spatial dimensions of influence on flow patterns and on bed topography of woody debris oriented normal to flow. Fluid depth was varied over three se ts of stage conditions (stage condition 1 = low stage; condition 2 = medium stage; condition 3 = high stage) to change the obstruction ratio (the diameter of the debris to the depth of unobstructed flow), and speed of the fluid was va ried to maintain a constant Frou de number. Bed profiling and flow velocity sampling w ere used to determine the effects of the obstruction ratio. Results show that as the percentage of obstruction increases, there is an increase in scour pool area, and a corresponding morphological effect on the shape of the influence zone (or zone of reverse circulation) immediately behind the obstructio n, which is attributable to fluid passing un der the obs truction. Ge ometric relationships of the length of this influence zone to obstruction diameter are presented and discussed in terms of aquatic habitat in natural channels. Keywords: Woody debris, fluid speed patterns, bed topography, flume experiment T here are a number of studies that take a biological western North America, where contributions from perspective towards woody debris in streams and its logging alters the type of debris that is supplied importance in aquatic habitat creation (eg. Zimmerman naturally to streams (Keller and Talley, 1979; Hickin, et al., 1967; Bilby and Likens, 1980; Angermeier and 1984; Lienka emper a nd Sw anson, 1 987; Andru s et al. Karr, 1984; R obison and Be schta, 1990; Sedell and 1988; McD ade et al. 19 88 and others). Little attention Beschta, 1991; S mith et al., 1993; Gipp el, 1995). has been paid to the contribution of log ob structions to Howev er, less attention has been pa id to this issue from low-gradient streams in non-forested regions. the perspective of fluvial geomorphology. Th e first The potential effects of in-channel woody debris on noted reference to alteration of chann el form is channel morphology are a function of the size o f debris attributed to Bevan (‘...large organic debris ca uses more relative to the channe l and the p ositionin g relative to changes than any other agent’:1948-49). More recent the flow (Hogan, 1986; Beebe, 1997); however research has focused on the creation of log steps examining the relation ship betw een wo ody de bris in (Heede, 1972), channel erosion and deposition (Keller river channels, and how it may influence flow and bed and Swanson, 1979 ; Mose ly, 1981 ; Grego ry et al., morphology under fie ld conditions, is a conce rn due to 1985) and channel morpho-dynamics (Beschta and the large number of potentially ‘interfering’ variables Platts, 1986; Lisle, 1986; G regory, 199 2; Gregory et al., which are difficult to identify and control. In o rder to 1993; Nakamura and Swanson, 1993). Consideration understand the processes involved in the interaction has also been given to the stabilizing effects of woody between wood y debris and stream flow, research must debris (Smith, 1976; Keller and Swanson, 1979; Bilby, start at a scale that is workable. 1984), and the effe cts of debris on fluid patterns and Laboratory studies on the effects of w oody debris sediment transport (Beebe, 1997). A large portion of have been lim ited. Besc hta (198 3) was th e first to the research conducted on woody debris in streams describe an experiment on the relationship between focuses on small streams in mountainous regions of PVC cylinders (wh ich represented w oody de bris in The Great Lakes Geographer, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2000
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions cross-section) and bed patterns with increasing flow. between the three co nditions of flow (Table 1).The Other laboratory experiments continued along this vein. flume ran unobstru cted for up to tw o hours to allow the Cherry and Beschta (1989) found that upstream bed to stabilize (characterized by migrating ripples), oriented dowe ls caused significan t local scour at the flow was then halted brie fly to allow introduction of the bed while down stream-o riented do wels caused reduced obstruction, and then slowly increased to the speed scour and greater bank protection (confirmed in required for each representative run. A single log experim entation b y Gipp el, 1995; Shields and Gip pel, (0.582m x 0.063m), with bark and branches left intact 1995). These studies provided a limited body of process was placed 10mm above the bed and used as the information which may be applied in the field. What is obstruction. Obstructed flow was allowed to continue needed is more detailed information on the distribution until a stable sco ur pool fo rmed (av erage len gth of time of fluid speeds downstream of a woody debris = 2.5 hours). Once the bed stabilized (assumed through obstruction, and the sp atial dimen sions asso ciated w ith observation of a stable scour pool and migrating ripples these flow m odifications. The re ason for th is need is along the unobstructed b ed), flow veloc ities were clear: determining the spatial influence of logs w ill sample d using a Marsh-McBirney Model 2000 allow aquatic b iologists an d geom orpho logists to make electromagnetic current meter, which is a unidirectional decisions on which logs to remove (if a channe l is meter that opera tes at a frequency of 1 Hz. The probe choked with lo gs) or wh ere to place logs to cre ate head of this curre nt meter is e longate in shape, w ith habitat zones. Therefore it is necessary to use controlled dimensions of 250m m in leng th and 2 00mm in experim ents to make initial attemp ts at examining these thickness. Sensors at the head of the probe (three leads relationships. Once relationships are gene rally spaced over 150mm) record disturbance to an understood, they may be applied to field conditions to electrom agnetic field, which is converted into a support management de cisions on wood y debris in velocity. Individual experiments lasted for a total of streams. about six hours. Each series was repeated three times The purpose of this study is to examine the spatial under the same stage conditions. Table 1 summarizes extent of disturbance to flow by outlining the down- characteristics of the flume runs. A number of flow distance which fluid patterns are disrupted, taking parameters were held constant between series into accoun t the influen ce of scou r at the bed as a (obstruction location, le ngth, dia meter, protrusion contributing variable. The expec tation is that re sults length, protrusion angle an d Frou de num ber), wh ile might then be transferred to the field scale and be others were varied between series to make the relevant applied to the creation and maintenanc e of aquatic inquiries (depth an d flow veloc ity). habitat. Due to the numerous scaling problems Fluid velocities were reco rded at five-second associate d with work ing in flum es, these ex perimen ts intervals for a period of 150 seconds, a total of 30 are not intended to make direct comparisons to field- samples for each location. Each recording represented scale conditions, rather, they are intended to stimulate an average velocity over five second s, to reduce scatter. further research into the relationship between woody This was done to factor out some of the turbulence in debris in streams an d alteration s to bed morphology and the influence zone area. Analysis of RMS values for flow patterns. turbulence collected prior to the experim ents showed no difference whether 30 samples or 10 0 samples w ere collected, so the smaller number was chosen for the Methods experiments. Measu rements were made at 20mm intervals, starting A 10m-long, 0.63m-wide, tiltable, flume with a variable near the surface (within 10mm) and incre asing w ith speed pump (recirculating water and sediment) was depth until the pr obe w as 10m m abov e the bed, the used for these exp eriments . Each ser ies of exp eriments distance that ensu red the bed was left undisturbed. (a series was comprised of three runs under identical Velocities were sam pled alon g five pan els (equal w idth conditions) started with a plane bed (initial bed spacing) across the flume and in 20mm tran sects thickness = 250m m, D 50 = 0.40mm, slope = 0.007) at starting immediately behind the obstruction and movin g constant flow dep th and sp eed. Disc harge v aried 10
Beebe downflume (Figure 1). An interpolation algorithm (the 50mm down flume, fro m a starting location w ell multiqu adric technique of Hardy, 1971) was used to upflume of the scour pool to a point well downflume. estimate the intermediate values between the known This resulted in a surface profile which was use d in points on the flu id velocity grids for ea ch pane l. This conjunction with the interpolation algorithm to generate allowed for the delin eation of zone b ounda ries at a detailed topographic surfaces. Here, the x-y values higher resolution. Output from the interpolation runs represent channel location in the downflume (x) and were then graphed for those sections immed iately crossflume (y) direction, with z-values representing behind the obstru ction in th e dow nflume direction. depth. Pre-obstruction bed profiles were also recorded to determine the mean depth-to-bed, which was used in Table 1 Parameters for Different Flume Runs determin ing the size and sha pe of the s cour po ol. Stage Condition Parameter 1 2 3 % Obstructed a 50 70 97 Results Obstruction Location (m)b 4.0 4.0 4.0 Bed Profiles Length (m)c 0.582 0.582 0.582 Figure 2 shows the average stable bed topography after obstruction for stage conditions 1 through 3. Each plot Diameter (m)d 0.063 0.063 0.063 shows the entire b ed topo graphy starting ~0.20m e Protrusion Length PL (m) 0.582 0.582 0.582 upstream of the obstruction location and extending Protrusion Angle (deg) 90 90 90 ~0.55m downstream (obstruction located at 22.00 on Flow Depth (m) 0.126 0.09 0.065 the x axis). Filled contours indicate that th e post- obstruction bed was below the pre-obstructed Mean Fluid Speed 0.278 0.234 0.199 3 -1 elevation, that is, the bed was scoured as a result of Discharge (m sec ) 0.022 0.013 0.008 flow thro ugh the obstructio n area. o Water Temperature ( C) 14 12 16 The scour pool created under stage condition 1 (low Froude Number 0.25 0.25 0.25 stage: 50 percent obstructed: Figure 2) has the smallest a percent of the total flow depth obstructed by the diameter of areal extent (53.1 percent of the sampled area) and the the wood (diameter|depth ratio). greatest maxim um dep th of scou r (0.059m : see Tab le 2; b distance downflume from the tank although there is little difference in maxim um dep th c,d characteristics of the wood debris used e distance that the wood protrudes across the flume between the different stage conditions). The upflume boundary of the scour pool is less regular than under The x-y sets of data (representing channel location for the other stag e conditio ns, an ind ication tha t the flow is each velocity m easurem ent: the grid crossings in Figure not as constric ted as it passes under the obstruction. 1) were averaged across each series and then processed Under stage condition 2 (medium st age: 7 0 percent through the multiquadric interpolation algorithm (see obstructed: Figure 2) the resulting scour pool is larger Saunderson, 1992) in order to g enerate a fa mily of two- than under other conditions, and there is a well-defined dimensional surfaces o f velocities to test between- upflume bound ary. Gen eral scour pool sha pe is sample differences. This allowed creation of a tightly- consistent with both condition 1 and 3 (high stage: 9 7 spaced grid of mathematically-derived z values in the percent obstructed: Figure 2). Under stage condition 3 x and y direction, resulting in a digital surface which the scour pool is somewhat smaller overall, and again accurately represen ted the actu al sample d surface . shows a distinct upflume boundary. Scour pool areas Bed profiles were measured from a datum above the range from 53.1 to 63.4 percent of the measured area, flume using a point-gauge (error +/- 2.5mm) according and maximum scour depth ranges from 0.0 57 to to a pre-determined sampling grid. These profiles were 0.059m (essentially an equa l depth o f scour un der all sampled after the flume was allowed to drain and the stage conditions) belo w mean bed elevation (T able 2). bed was drie d, in order to increase accuracy. The ratio of scour depth to obstruction diameter under Measu rements from the datum to the bed surface were all stage conditions is approximately 1:1. carefully taken every 2 0mm cro ss-flume and every 11
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions Figure 1: Schematic showing the experimental set-up and location of sampling transects. Top: Plan view showing position of the obstruction and the location of fluid speed sampling Panels 1-5. Bottom: Side view depicting sampling grid through the vertical column. 12
Beebe Figure 2: Bed topography showing scour pool morphology for each of the sets of stage conditions. Obstruction was centered along x=22.00 axis. Contour interval is in centimeters referenced to a fixed datum. Mean pre-obstructed bed elevation is indicated by the interval at which shading of the contours ends (eg. 51cm for stage condition 1: top). Those contours not shaded represent areas of deposition, and those contours which are shaded represent areas scoured. Scour pool area was determined and is presented in Table 2. 13
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions Table 2 Results of Bed Scour for the Three Runsa flowing over the obstruction, therefore the obstruction Stage Condition is having less influence on flow. The patterns in stage condition 2 (Figure 4) a re Parameter 1 2 3 somewhat similar in that there is a definite area of % Obstructed 50 70 97 slowed flow immediately behind the obstruction, but the primary difference between co nditions 1 and 2 are Flow Depth (m) 0.126 0.09 0.065 in the patterns of flow near the surfa ce. Under stage Sampled Area (cm ) 2 4500 4500 4500 condit ion 2, the surface flow is more affected by the obstruction, thereby creating a disturbance to flow Scour Pool Area (cm2) 2389 2853 2756 through the entire w ater colum n, which is an expected % of Total Area 53.1 63.4 61.2 result considering the ratio between flow depth and log Max. Depth of Scour (m) 0.059 0.057 0.057 diameter (Tab le 2). When flow is almost entirely obstructed (stage Ds/H ratiob 0.47 0.64 0.88 condition 3: Figure 5) the patte rn of flow s is Ds/Obst. Diameter 0.94 0.91 0.91 significan tly altered. Zo nes of rev erse circula tion a results for each condition represent values averaged over extend farther downflume and at times extend to the the series of experiments; variation between series within surface (panel 3). Patterns indicate that flow each run were less than 1.0 percent of the mean value. b accelerating along the bed has a direct impact on the ratio between maximum scour depth and average flow depth (after Cherry and Beschta, 1989). influenc e zone. Figures 3 through 5 clearly show that there are Under all stage conditions the downflume side of the patterns of flow d isturbance b ehind o bstruction s in scour pool is marked by an inconsistent boundary, streams, and that these disturbances extend for which may be the result of the influence of roughness relatively consistent distances under repeated on the obstruction. Other experiments (not reported experiments. Analysis of the variables and relationsh ips here) with PVC pipe for obstructions resulted in much guiding the persiste nce of tur bulent w akes is w ell smoother upstream and downstream scour pool documented in the fluid dynamics literature (see Bays- boundaries. Visual analysis of ripple crests and troughs Muchmore, 1993; Giralt and Ferre, 1993 and others). in this area ind icate they may have been formed by Howev er, for applications with regard to management differential rates of downwelling, resulting from flow of log obstructions in streams, a more simplified cresting the roug h boun dary of th e obstruc tion. In all approach is warranted. It is therefore imp ortant to cases the shape of the overall scoured area seems determine the extent of th ese disturb ances im mediate ly relatively consistent among runs. behind the obstru ction as this information may have management implicatio ns. Detail ed sampling of flow Fluid Velocity Profiles velocities was undertaken in the area directly behind Figure 3 shows fluid velocity contours moving away the obstruction to determine the distance at which flows from the obstruction in the down flume direction under appeared to return to mean velocities. Table 3 gives the stage conditio n num ber 1. There are very distinct areas downflume distance where velocities return to mean of slowed flow im mediate ly behin d the ob struction, and pre-obstructed values for each of the panels within each in some instances, for example panels 1 through 3, of the series of experim ents. This data permits mapping these areas exhibit reverse circu lation. For the most of the zone in a manner that has not previously been part, the patterns of obstruction in the flow are used, and this ‘map’ can then be used to visualize the relatively consistent across the flume. The one effect of a non-uniform boundary on flow. exception, however, occurs at panel 4, where the Figures 6, 7 and 8 show the zone boundaries for the upturned pattern in the conto urs indicates a heavy three runs in this study. Under stage condition 1 (50 influence of underpassing flow moving along the bed. percent obstructed, Figure 6) there is evidence of The relatively high speeds at the surface of panels 1 slowing flow at the surface across all panels, w ith through 3 indicate that flow is less inhibited from evidence (see Figure 3) of accelerated flow 14
Beebe Figure 3: Diagram of fluid speed patterns in the downflume direction for stage condition 1 (50 percent obstructed). The panels represent transects downflume as indicated in Figure 1. Flow is from right to left. 15
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions Figure 4: Diagram of fluid speed patterns in the downflume direction for stage condition 2 (70 percent obstructed). The panels represent transects downflume as indicated in Figure 1. Flow is from right to left. 16
Beebe Figure 5: Diagram of fluid speed patterns in the downflume direction for stage condition 3 (97 percent obstructed). The panels represent transects downflume as indicated in Figure 1. Flow is from right to left. 17
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions Table 3 Maximum Downflume Extent of Altered Speeds for Runs 1-3, Panels 1-5 and Depths 0-60mma Depth Panel Stage Condition (mm) 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Stage Condition 1 0 15.33 11.52 15.33 11.90 8.09 12.43 50% Obstructed 10 17.23 13.42 13.80 9.61 7.33 12.27 20 18.38 14.95 12.66 6.95 17.61 14.10 30 16.85 13.42 11.14 3.52 19.14 12.81 40 14.57 5.04 11.52 0.00 0.00 6.23 50 11.52 0.00 8.85 0.00 0.00 4.07 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Stage Condition 2 0 16.09 14.95 10.76 18.38 24.46 16.93 70% Obstructed 10 17.24 12.29 13.04 17.24 19.90 15.94 20 15.71 12.29 14.95 17.61 18.00 15.71 30 16.47 11.90 18.38 18.00 15.71 16.09 40 8.09 18.00 18.00 12.29 8.09 12.89 50 5.04 8.09 17.61 5.81 5.42 8.39 60 0.0 4.29 18.00 0.00 0.00 4.46 Stage Condition 3 0 12.67 14.57 15.33 15.71 16.85 15.03 97% Obstructed 10 13.04 13.42 16.47 14.57 14.95 14.49 20 13.42 12.66 13.80 15.33 14.95 14.03 30 14.19 12.28 12.66 14.57 14.57 13.65 40 14.57 17.61 12.28 7.71 7.71 11.98 50 12.28 23.71 9.23 3.52 6.19 10.99 60 8.85 0.00 6.57 0.00 3.90 3.86 a The values in each cell are in centimetres downflume from the obstruction. Results for each condition represent values averaged over the series of experiments, variation between series within each run were less than 0.7 percent of the mean value. underpassing the obstruction at p anels 2, 4 and 5 . If (60mm from the surface of the obstruction) are never flow were influenced equally across the cross-section of slower than the mean value for the transect: that is, the obstruction, then the resulting wake diagram as seen there is no slowing of fluid as a direct result of the in Figure 6 would approx imate tha t of the classic obstruction. Only in panels 2 and 3 is the bed effect horseshoe vortex, which is common around cylindrical negated. The plan view for condition 2 (Figure 7) bridge piers (Gill, 1972; Melville , 1975; B reusers et al., shows that the distu rbed zo ne varies c onsidera bly with 1977; Baker, 1980; Kothyari et al., 1992). At 30mm depth, from broad at the surface to almost non-existent depth in Figure 6, it appears that the flow through the at the und erside. free end is extending the zone, rather than suppressing Under stage condition 3 (97 percent obstructed, it, and the absence of any disturbed zone at the Figure 8) shape goe s from one ex treme to the other. In underside indicates the effect of the bed on shooting panel 1 the bound ary is shaped as would be expected flow (as previo usly described ). given the nature of the two su rfaces that b ound it Under stage condition 2 (70 percent obstructed, (deform able air and more resistant sediment). On the Figure 7: side view) the influence of the bed is evident other hand, panel 5 shows that the boundary is highly for panels 1, 4 and 5, wh ere velocities at the underside irregular in shape. 18
Beebe Figure 6: Diagram showing the downflume extent of the disturbed zones under stage condition 1 (50 percent obstructed). The zone is shown in cross-section at the panels (side view) and in the downflume direction through the water column at each transect (plan view). The obstruction shape is simplified in both plan and cross-section view. The lightly shaded zones are where speeds are slowed as a result of the obstruction, the farther from the obstruction this zone extends the more effect the obstruction has on speeds. 19
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions Figure 7: Diagram showing the downflume extent of the disturbed zones under stage condition 2 (70 percent obstructed). The zone is shown in cross-section at the panels (side view) and in the downflume direction through the water column at each transect (plan view). The obstruction shape is simplified in both plan and cross-section view. The lightly shaded zones are where speeds are slowed as a result of the obstruction, the farther from the obstruction this zone extends the more effect the obstruction has on speeds. 20
Beebe Figure 8: Diagram showing the downflume extent of the disturbed zones under stage condition 3 (97 percent obstructed). The zone is shown in cross-section at the panels (side view) and in the downflume direction through the water column at each transect (plan view). The obstruction shape is simplified in both plan and cross-section view. The lightly shaded zones are where speeds are slowed as a result of the obstruction, the farther from the obstruction this zone extends the more effect the obstruction has on speeds. 21
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions Discussion Flow Patterns As the percent obstructed flow decreases there is a Fluid velocity patterns thro ugh the ob struction site are corresponding change in mean flow ve locity upstream influenced by the nature of the obstruction and the of the obstruction, which has the effect of each percentage of flow that is obstructed. The distance that canceling the other out. This highlights the stability of flow is affected away from the obstructio n varies little the size of the influence zone. Results indicate that as under each condition (2.45 L D to 3.09 LD , an actual stage changes, the extent of the influence zone is only channel distance of only 41mm : Table 4). There mode rately altered. This is an important result for appears to be a lack of symmetry in the influence zone management of woody debris in streams as aquatic across the series of experiments, which may be a habitat. This also implies that assessment of the function of the rough bound ary. Clea rly the rap id influence zone of wo ody deb ris may be conducted at accelerating flow from the underside of the obstruction any stage, though it is preferable to determine these plays a major role in the size and shape of the influence influences at low stage as that is ge nerally the zone. Where flow accelerates quickly , the zone is small prevailing conditio n in streams for the majority of time. along the 60mm plane, and where flow is slower through the und erside, the z one is larger. There app ears Bed Morphology to be little difference in the shape of the influence zones between conditions 2 and 3; in side view (Figures Bed scour patterns for the three conditions were 7, 8) they ap pear very similar. Th e patterns s hown in relatively consistent in shape regardless of the condition 1 (Figure 6) are different enough that they obstructi on ratio. The only difference was seen in the cannot be classed with the o thers. Fro m the da ta in size of the sco ur pool (T able 2), w hich was expected. Table 3, it is clear that there is no relationship between There was a tenden cy for the scour pa ttern to extend in percent obstructed and the size of the zone, except that the downflow direction across the entire obstruction generally as percen t obstructed increases the patterns with tails at the open (unsecured) end and also at the become more fragmented, especially at the underside. secured end. Th e tail at the secu red end is attributed to The zone of disturbance appears to decrease in areal the effects of the clamping mechanism holding the log extent at 97 percent obstructed, which is an expected in place, wh ereas the tail at the open end is attributed to result (as flow depth decreases relative to the diameter pinched flow accelerating through the site and of the obstru ction the in fluence o f that obstru ction deflecting off the wall of the flume. These results differ decreases), and there is little difference between the 50 from those found by Owusu (1984) , who fo und w ith percent and 70 percent obstructed zones. perpendicular obstructions that scour was localized at This work shows that for this particular orientation of the open end and extended downstream. Although the obstruction and these obstruction ratios, there is a downflow component is consistent with these results, minimum distance that flow is disturbed, as outlined by the scour pool was not localized at the open end. the extent of the influence zone in Figures 6-8. Beyond The relationship between maximum depth of scour that point there is little information on flow patterns. and average flow depth for cylinders lying flat on the Since fallen trees enter streams at orientations between bed has been investig ated by C herry an d Besch ta 0 and 180 degrees (Cherry and Beschta, 1989: Figure 3, (1989), who arrived at a dimensionless value of 2.00 for p. 1035), th is work is only a starting point in studying Ds/H (see Table 2 for definition of the term). The range flow patterns and scour around fallen trees in streams. of values for Ds/H in this stu dy are much below that of Cherry and Be schta (Ta ble 2), bu t it appears that the Table 4 Spatial Dimensions of Influence Zones value of 2.00 actually represents H/Ds (5.36/2.68, see Stage Condition Flume LD a Range Table 1, p. 1035) in their study. I f the value for Ds/H were calculated using their values, the ratio would be 1: 50% obstructed 2.52 2.49-2.57 0.5, which closely approximates that for condition 1 in 2: 70% obstructed 3.06 3.00-3.09 this study. 3: 97% obstructed 2.48 2.45-2.49 a dimensionless relationship between downflume length of influence as a function of obstruction diameter 22
Beebe Fluid approa ching fro m upflu me has th ree possib le of-the-year salmon ids). But, th e implications for routes once it encounters the obstruction: it can either aquatic systems are more far-reaching than this. go over, under or be deflected around to the side In general terms, cha nnels tha t are hyd raulically (Beebe, 1997). In well-armoured gravel or bedrock rough (by having natural imped iments to flow ) are channe ls the passing under option is limited by the most likely to be characterized by the trapping and resistance of the bed, and when the shearing stresses retention of organic matter, material that is a major food created by pinched, accelerated flow are below the source for aquatic organisms (Sedell and Beschta, shearing strength o f the bed, little scour results. In these 1991). This, cou pled w ith increase d habitat d iversity instances the bulk of flow e ither passes over or goes that results from fallen trees in streams, provides a new around the obstruction. With passing over there is the and productive habitat for fish which may not have potential for scour by plunging flow, and the resulting existed previously (Bilby a nd Lik ens, 198 0). A scour pool would be highly concentrated and de ep. In complex habitat provides rearing space for small fish a looser, cohesionless sand bed the passing undershear (including a diversity of substrates for food organisms) stresses may easily surpass the entrainment threshold of and hiding places from which large fis h can prey on bed material, and scour occurs immediately upon smaller species (S edell and Beschta , 1991). The obstruction. At the point where the time-averaged introduction of woody debris into channels has also stress|streng th ratio = 1, the scour pool stabilizes and r e s u lt e d in greater h abit a t d i v e r s i t y f o r remains so until that ratio is disturbed. Under these bed macroinvertebrates (Marzo lf, 1978), re sulting in conditions (where a stable scour pool is formed) flow increased populations and species diversity. These can pass over or under the obstruction with relative species are a potential food source for fish. ease, and in doing so simulates flow around cylindrical piers (with the exception that orientations are shifted by 90 degrees). The tendency then is to assume that the Conclusions fluid will behave as it w ould aroun d a cylindrical pier, These experiments show that cross-stream positioned but in reality that is not the case. woody debris has a direct influence on flow and bed characteristics which are relatively consistent for Ecological Implications similar stage cond itions. It can be concluded therefore This research h as poten tial implicatio ns for aqu atic that positioning of woody debris in streams, or allowing habitat. The ability to de termine the effect of w oody existing wood y debris to remain in place, may have debris in streams enables stream managers to better positive implications for stream ecology. Specifically, assess their stream s. It is clearly understood that woody a number of direct conclusions may be drawn from debris provide s a num ber of be nefits for aq uatic these experiments: 1) scour pool shape was relativ ely organisms (shade, sh elter, food), but too m uch deb ris similar over the th ree sets of stage conditio ns. Of no te may be detrim ental to the ability of the stream to route is the fact that the shape of the scour pool where fluid and sedime nt through the system (Bee be, 1997). maximum depths were recorded paralleled the position Laboratory studies, such as the one carried out here, of the log; 2) the location of the maximum point of give preliminary dimensions to obstructed flow which scour occurred near the fixed end of the obstruction may be compared to stream situations. These rather than the free end, indicating that scour may be experim ents have shown tha t a cross-strea m obstru ction greater where th e obstruc tion is mo re stable; 3) D s/H creates a scour poo l that is relatively consistent ov er a ratios indicate that, for these configurations, the range of flow depths (an indication of stability), and maximum depth of scour will range between 47 and 88 that fluid is slowed behind such obstructions for a percent of the pre- obstructe d flow d epth under sand bed distance downstream which may be expresse d in terms conditions; 4) the downflume extent of the influence of the number of obstructio n diame ters (Table 4). This zone varies considerably within conditions (between is importa nt because it creates a slackwater area, of depths) and betwe en conditions . There was no obvious determinable distance, av ailable for u se by aq uatic relationsh ip between the size of these zones and the organisms in the earlier life stages (for example young- percent of flow obstructed; 5) flow underpassing the 23
Flume Studies of the Effect of Perpendicular Log Obstructions obstruction appears to exert the greatest control on the Beschta, R. L. 1983. The effect of large org anic deb ris shape of the influence zone; 6) more res earch is needed upon channel morphology: a flume study. on varying orientations and dip (see Cherry and Proceedings of the D. B. Simons Symposium on Beschta, 1989) using pieces of woo dy deb ris in place of erosion and sedimentation, pp.8/63-8/78, Simons, Li cylinders to determine m ore fully if a predictab le and Associates, Ft. Collins, Colorado. relationship can be found. Beschta, R. L. and Platts, W . S. 1986 . Morp hologic al Results show that there are distinct zones behind features of small streams: significance and function. obstructions in flow whereby vortex generation and Wat. R es. Bull. 22(3):369-379. flow separation occu rs. Technological limitations Bevan 1948-1949. Floods and fore stry. Univ. prevented further investigations into the spatial Wash ington Forest C lub Qu arterly 22(2):8 pages. variability of these p henom enon at th is scale. It is Noted in Keller and Swanson, 1979. important that these factors be investigated in detail at Bilby, R. E. 1984. Removal of woody debris may affect the field scale due to their obvious relevance to aquatic stream channel stability. Jour. Forestry 82: 609-613. habitat. Additionally, it is important to investigate the Bilby, R. E. and Likens, G. E. 1980. Importance of role that fluctuations in discharge plays in bed organic debris jams in the structure and function of morphological changes and alterations to fluid patterns stream ec osystem s. Ecology 61(5):1107-1113. (combining to represent influen ce zones). Breusers, H. N. C., N icollet, G. an d Shen , H. W. 1977. Local scour around cylindrical piers. Jour. Hydra ul. Acknowledgements Res. 15:211-252. The author would like to acknow ledge Dr. Rick Cheel Cherry, J. and Beschta, R. L. 1989. Coarse woody of Brock Unive rsity, wh o provid ed time in the flume debris and channel morphology: a flume study. Wat. for this study; Mr. Jim Dozois, who assisted with data Res. Bu ll. 25(5):1031-1036. collection; and Dr. Houston Saunderson and three Gill, M. A. 1972. Erosion of sand beds around spur anonymous reviewe rs who se comm ents hav e made this dikes. Jour. Hydr. Div., A.S.C.E. 98:1587-1602. a much better ma nuscript. Gippe l, C. J. 1995. Environmental hydraulics of large woody debris in stream s and rive rs. Jour. Env. Eng. References 121(5):388-395. Andrus, C. W., Long, B. A. and Froehlich, H. A. 1988. Giralt, F. and J. A. Ferre 1993. Structure and flow Woody debris and its contribution to pool formation patterns in turbule nt wak es. Physics of Fluids A: in a coastal stream 50 years after logging . Can. Jour. Fluid Dynam ics 5(7): 1783-1789. Fish. Aq . Sci. 45:2080-2086. Gregory, K. J. 1992. Vegetation and river channel Angermeier, P. L. and Karr, J. R. 1984. Relationship interactions. In P.J. Boo n, P. Callo w and G. E. Pe tts between wood y debris and fish h abitat in a sm all (eds), River Conservation and Management, pp.255- warmwater stream. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 113:716- 269, Wiley and Sons, New York. 726. Gregory, K. J., Davis, R. J. and Tooth, D. 1993. Spatial Baker, C. J. 1980. Theoretical approach to prediction of distribution of coarse woody debris dams in the local scour around bridge piers. Jour.Hydraul. Res. Lymington Basin, H ampsh ire, UK. Geomorphology 18:1-12. 6:207-224. Bays-Muchmore, B. 199 3. On stre amwis e vortices in Gregory, K. J., Gurnell, A. M. and Hill, C. T. 1985. The turbulent wakes of cylinde rs. Physics of Fluids A: permanence of debris dams related to river channel Fluid Dynamics 5(2): 387-392. processe s. Hydrological Sciences Jour. 30:371-381. Beebe, J. T. 1997. Fluid patterns, sediment pathways Hardy, R. L. 1971. Multiquadric surfaces of topography and woody ob structions in the Pine River, Angus, and other irreg ular surfac es. Jour. Geophys. Res. Ontario. Unpu bl. PhD Thesis, W ilfrid Laurier 76:1905-1915. University. 241 pages. Heede, B. 1972. Influences of a forest in th e hydra ulic geometry of two m ountain streams. Wat. R es. Bull . 8(3):523-530. 24
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