Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace

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Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace
Workshop Summary
The Critical Role of CCUS:
Pathways to Deployment at Scale
February 2021
Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace

      Ernest J. Moniz, Founder & CEO

      Anne Canavati, Project Manager and
      Contributing Senior Analyst

      Additional Contributors
      Victor Cary, Research Fellow
      Melanie Kenderdine, Managing Principal
      Alex Kizer, Research Director
      Emelia Williams, Communications Fellow

      Layout Design
      Natalie Volk, Communications Associate


This workshop was made possible thanks to the support of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), the
Labor Energy Partnership, BP, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

About Energy Futures Initiative

The Energy Futures Initiative advances technically-grounded solutions to climate change through evidence-based
analysis, thought leadership, and coalition-building. Under the leadership of Ernest J. Moniz, the 13th U.S. Secretary of
Energy, EFI conducts rigorous research to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy through innovation in
technology, policy, and business models. EFI maintains editorial independence from its public and private sponsors.

Suggested Citation: Energy Futures Initiative. “Workshop Summary: The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment
at Scale.” February 2021.

© 2021 Energy Futures Initiative

This publication is available as a PDF on the Energy Futures Initiative website under a Creative Commons license that
allows copying and distributing the publication, only in its entirety, as long as it is attributed to Energy Futures Initiative
and used for noncommercial educational or public policy purposes.

Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace

On December 3, 2020, the Energy                              emissions economy-wide by highlighting
Futures Initiative (EFI) convened more                       the importance of power generation or
than 80 representatives from                                 industry to certain communities,
government, industry, labor, academic,                       economies, and jobs. The insights from
and non-profit organizations to discuss                      this workshop are summarized in this
the current state of carbon capture, use,                    document.
and storage (CCUS)a globally, as well as
the opportunities, challenges, and                           CCUS is Essential for Rapid Deep
solutions necessary to see large-scale                       Decarbonization. There was general
CCUS deployment in the coming decade.                        consensus that CCUS is a necessary
                                                             component of any global strategy to
This virtual workshop, held under                            achieve net-zero emissions by
Chatham House rule, featured opening                         midcentury to avoid the most
remarks by international experts in                          catastrophic impacts of climate change.
energy, decarbonization, and labor.                          Carbon capture can be implemented on
Following the keynote discussion, a                          numerous emissions sources in the
range of experts provided insights into a                    electricity and industrial sectors, and it
variety of technologies, policies, and                       is one of the only decarbonization
business model approaches to enable                          solutions for a number of sectors, such
CCUS in the four main sessions. The                          as cement and steel.
expert presentations and panel
discussions focused on the role of CCUS                      According to the International Energy
in clean energy transitions; experiences                     Agency (IEA), CCUS is currently “in a
with CCUS—the critical niche it fills, the                   stronger position to contribute to
opportunities, challenges, and lessons                       sustainable economic recovery plans
learned from existing and planned                            than after the global financial crisis in
projects; key technologies enabled by                        2008-09. A decade of experience in
CCUS; and a roadmap for deploying                            developing projects and the recent
CCUS in the United States.                                   uptick in activity means that there are a
                                                             number of advanced ‘shovel-ready’
The workshop concluded with remarks                          projects with potential to double CCUS
that again illuminated the importance of                     deployment and create thousands of
an equitable transition to net-zero                          jobs worldwide by 2025.”b This is

a.   This includes discrete discussions of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilization (CCU).
b.   IEA (2020), CCUS in Clean Energy Transitions, IEA, Paris

                                                                     ENERGY FUTURES INITIATIVE | Page 3
Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace

  Figure 1
 Incremental Value of CCS to Meeting IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario
 Relevant to Its Stated Policies Scenario

                                                                                           Stated Policies Scenario

                                                                                                                           37% Efficiency

                                                                                                                           32 % Renewables
                                                                                                                         8% Fuel Switching
                                                                                                                         3% Nuclear
                                                                                                                         9% CCUS
                                                                                                                         12% Other
                                                                               Sustainable Development Scenario

             2010                   2020                       2030                       2040                      2050

 This figure shows the emissions reductions by technology category in the IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario
 This figuretoshows
               its Stated Policies
                    the emissions   Scenario;
                                  reductions by this includes
                                                technology     a nine
                                                           category in percent     share of CCUS.
                                                                        the IEA’s Sustainable       Source:
                                                                                              Development    International
                                                                                                          Scenario relative toEnergy
                                                                                                                              its Stated
 Agency,     2019. this includes a nine percent share of CCUS. Source: International Energy Agency, 2019.
 Policies Scenario;

 important as the world looks to both                                     September 2020, flagship report, CCUS
 rapidly reduce emissions and recover                                     in Clean Energy Transitions, the IEA
 from the economic devastation of the                                     concluded that “reaching net zero will
 COVID-19 pandemic.                                                       be virtually impossible without CCUS”
                                                                          (see Figure 1). This conclusion and the
 Finally, CCUS paves the way for                                          growing recognition by scientists,
 emerging carbon dioxide removal (CDR)                                    policymakers, and governments that a
 strategies, the widespread deployment                                    net-zero emissions target is necessary
 of which will likely be essential to limit                               for holding temperature increases to 1.5
 global temperature increases to the 1.5-                                 degrees by mid-century, provided the
 degree to 2-degree Celsius scenarios                                     motivation for this workshop.
 projected by international bodies like
 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
 Change (IPCC) and the IEA. In fact, in its

 c.     IEA (2020), CCUS in Clean Energy Transitions, IEA, Paris

Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace

Figure 2
Global CCS Facilities at Various of Development

This figure shows the current state of CCUS projects around the world, showing the increasing interest in the industry
as well as the potential for regional hub systems in America, Europe, Arabia, and East Asia. Source: Global CCS
Institute, Global Status of CCS, 2020

Challenges for Rapid Deployment of                            neutral measures such as carbon pricing
CCUS. Presently, there are policy,                            are generally not sufficient. Measures
regulatory, investment, and public                            targeted at specific CCUS applications,
acceptance challenges in the U.S. and in                      including capital grants and operational
other countries around the world. IEA                         support, can help build a business case
describes options to address these                            for investment and drive widespread
challenges, including the needs of                            deployment in the near term.”c
individual countries as follows: “There is
no one-size-fits-all policy template: the                     Supportive, consistent, and durable
appropriate choice or mix of instruments                      policies and regulations at national,
for each country depends on local                             regional, and state levels will be
market conditions and institutional                           necessary to ensure that the
factors. On their own, technology-                            environment is protected, and the CO2 is

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Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace
Framing  the Issues

permanently and securely stored. At the       Even with these obstacles and
same time, project developers must be         considerations, CCUS has been deployed
able and willing to navigate the              around the world. Figure 2 details the
permitting or other policy mechanisms         location of existing projects. An essential
that make a project financially viable. The   component of the EFI workshop was
development of strong and predictable         highlighting some of these key projects
policy and regulatory environments for        and hearing the lessons learned from
CCUS, especially for geologic storage,        specific projects across the range of
will also be critical for CDR pathways        project types.
that require storage, such as direct air
capture (DAC), and bioenergy with
carbon capture and storage (BECCS).

Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace
                                                                              the Issues

Framing the Issues
The workshop began with an                    others, underscores the critical
acknowledgement that the world is             importance of keeping global
currently facing three critical challenges:   temperature increases to 1.5 degrees.
the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVID-             Meeting a net-zero target, however,
related economic recession, and climate       requires support for key policy and
change. These challenges could share          technology investments. Speakers
common solutions and needs.                   expressed optimism that the U.S. Would
                                              join these countries by setting a net-
Rebuilding Global Economies, Post-            zero emissions target and taking action
COVID. As the world navigates its way         to meet this goal.
out of the pandemic, it could, in the
words of President Biden, “build back         As more countries set net-zero targets
better,” by creating jobs and addressing      and strategize how to achieve these goals,
the climate challenge at the same time.       two main considerations were raised. First,
Doing so could also address equitable         the world should build new facilities,
solutions to the climate crisis, build        buildings, industrial sites, and power
diverse coalitions needed for rapid           plants to be as low emitting as possible.
action, establish strong partnerships as      Second, legacy infrastructure must be
the world rebuilds in the post-               considered and accommodated to avoid
pandemic era, and encourage                   stranding investments, other capital-
investments in innovation.                    intensive assets, as well as the workers
                                              that support operation and maintenance.
CCUS offers an example of a climate
mitigation solution that addresses all of     This is a global issue but is especially
these post-COVID concerns. It has the         relevant in parts of Asia, where there are
support of a wide range of stakeholders,      many power plants—largely coal-fired—
and it can create jobs and aid in the         that are less than ten years old. These
clean energy transition. It offers sizeable   young plants prove to be problematic in
economic benefits and dramatic                the transition to a net-zero world. These
emissions reductions in both the power        facilities are critical for electrification and
sector and in vital industrial sectors that   economic development; CCUS provides
have few alternatives to decarbonize.         an option for ensuring their ongoing
                                              contributions to local economies while
Meeting Net-Zero Targets Across the           dramatically reducing emissions. Figure 3
Globe. The increased focus of national        shows megawatts of coal plants under
governments on net-zero targets in the        construction around the world in 2018.
European Union, UK, Japan, Korea,
Canada, and New Zealand, among

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Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace
Framing the Issues

Figure 3
Megawatts of Coal Plants Under Construction in 2018

China had a significant amount of coal-fired power plants under construction in 2018, despite the imperatives to
transition to cleaner energy sources. CCUS offers an opportunity for countries with significantly younger coal fleets to
continue to utilize those assets, while achieving emissions reductions needed to curb climate change. Source: Global
Energy Monitor, Greenpeace India, and the Sierra Club, 2018.d,e

Addressing Different National, Regional,                       Session Four), estimated that California
Local Needs. The varying regional needs                        could meet 15% of its 2030 economy-
for CCUS were highlighted as a key                             wide emissions reduction target with
framing issue. In the U.S., many states                        CCUS in the power and the industrial
and cities have decarbonization goals,                         sectors. In contrast, EFI’s November
and there will be different paths to                           2020 study, Net-Zero New England:
decarbonization for various regions;                           Ensuring Electric Reliability in a Low-
CCUS could play a critical role. For                           Carbon Future concluded that CCUS is
example, EFI’s October 2020 report, An                         not a viable option because of the lack of
Action Plan for Carbon Capture and                             geologic storage potential and historic
Storage in California: Opportunities,                          challenges with infrastructure siting in
Challenges, and Solutions (discussed in                        the region. Under the Biden-Harris

d.   Global Energy Monitor, Greenpeace Environmental Trust, & Sierra Club (2019), Boom and Bust 2019: Tracking the
     Global Coal Plant Pipeline, Global Energy Monitor, Greenpeace Environmental Trust, & Sierra Club, https://
e.   McCarthy, Niall (2019), Where The Most Coal Power Plants Are Under Construction, Statista, https://

Workshop Summary The Critical Role of CCUS: Pathways to Deployment at Scale - February 2021 - Squarespace
Framing the Issues

 Figure 4
Longship Initiative: Illustration of Carbon Capture from Industrial Facilities/Power
Production, Transport by Pipeline/Ship, Geologic CO2 Storage

A CCUS value chain that encompasses multiple emissions sources and carbon transport options, ultimately securing
emissions in deep geological storage. Source: Norweigan Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Longship Carbon Capture
and Storage, 2019-2020.

Administration, it is possible that national               Overview of Several Successful CCUS
CCUS deployment could be a key climate                     Projects. The session concluded with a
mitigation opportunity; however, it is                     brief overview of CCUS efforts in Norway
critical to closely assess the regional                    (e.g., the recently launched Longship
variations in the applicability of and use                 initiative, see Figure 4), the UK, Japan, the
cases for CCUS.                                            Middle East, and Canada as successful
                                                           examples of public-private partnerships

                                                                   ENERGY FUTURES INITIATIVE | Page 9
Session One
Framing the Issues

supporting CCUS. These initial efforts are   new administration. As the Biden-Harris
important first movers for technologies      Administration works to restore U.S.
where there will be massive needs in the     leadership in clean energy technology
near- and long-term.                         development and deployment, a central
                                             focus on jobs and other local issues (e.g.,
The speakers noted that the U.S. has         siting, public participation, and justice)
historically been the global leader in       will be key to success for developing
innovation and clean energy technology       CCUS projects at the speed and
and expressed an expectation that this       frequency needed to meet near-term and
leadership role would resume with the        midcentury climate goals.

                                                                        the Issues

Session One
The Role of CCUS in Clean Energy Transitions

The first session of the workshop was a     2. Providing a platform for low-carbon
presentation on the IEA’s September            hydrogen production. Heavy
2020 flagship report, The Role of CCUS         industries account for almost 20% of
in Clean Energy Transitions. The report        global CO2 emissions today. CCUS is
is part of the IEA’s Energy Technology         the only demonstrated technology
Perspectives series, which took a              solution for deep emissions
technology-neutral approach to                 reductions from cement production.
illuminate the opportunities and               It is also the most cost-effective
challenges for meeting international           approach in many regions to curb
energy and climate goals. The study            emissions in iron, steel, and
found that currently, the world’s 20           chemicals manufacturing. Captured
existing largescale CCUS projects, while       CO2 is a critical part of the supply
important, are seriously insufficient for      chain for synthetic fuels from CO2
meeting a two-degree target by 2050.           and hydrogen – one of a limited
New net-zero targets, a broader                number of low-carbon options for
experience base, and stronger                  long-distance transport, particularly
investment incentives are, however,            aviation.
building momentum for CCUS.
                                            3. Providing a solution for the most
Strategic Roles for CCUS. As noted             challenging emissions. CCUS can
earlier, the IEA study concluded that          support a rapid scaling up of low-
“reaching net zero will be virtually           carbon hydrogen production to meet
impossible without CCUS.” It identified        current and future demand from new
four strategic roles for CCUS                  applications in transport, industry,
(summarized in Figure 5):                      and buildings.

1. Dramatically reducing emissions          4. Removing carbon from the
   from existing infrastructure. CCUS          atmosphere. For emissions that
   can be retrofitted to existing power        cannot be avoided or reduced
   and industrial plants that could            directly, CCUS underpins an
   otherwise emit 600 billion tons of          important technological approach
   CO2 over the next five decades –            for removing carbon and delivering a
   about 17 years’ worth of current            net-zero energy system.
   annual emissions.

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Session One

Figure 5
Four Strategic Roles for CCUS

The IEA identified four strategic roles for CCUS in its 2020 flagship report: tackling emissions from existing
infrastructure, providing a platform for low-carbon hydrogen production; providing a solution for the most challenging
emissions; and removing carbon from the atmosphere. Source: IEA, 2020.

Session One

Growing Interest in CCUS. The               The session concluded with an overview
recognition of the need for and             of the critical need for government and
importance of CCUS is reflected in the      industry action in this decade to
growing number of planned projects          accelerate the progress of CCUS. The IEA
around the world. In the last three years   identified the following four high priority
alone, more than 30 commercial              areas for government and industry:
projects have been announced.
Deployment in some crucial sectors,         1.   Create the conditions for investment
including steel and cement, however, is          by placing a value on reducing
lagging even though CCUS is one of the           emissions and providing direct
few emissions reductions opportunities.          support for new or developing CCUS
CCUS, on the other hand, is relatively           projects.
over-represented in other subsectors,
including natural gas processing and        2. Coordinate and underwrite the
fertilizer production. At the same time,       development of industrial hubs with
the project portfolio for CCUS is              shared CO2 infrastructure.
growing in diversity to include power
generation, cement, and hydrogen.           3. Identify and encourage the
                                               development of CO2 storage in key
The IEA study concluded that the               regions.
success of CCUS will depend on the
deployment of infrastructure to connect     4. Boost innovation to reduce costs and
emissions sources with suitable                ensure that critical emerging
geologic storage. A rapidly emerging           technologies become commercial,
trend for CCUS is the development of           including in sectors where emissions
hubs and cluster models that utilize           are hard to abate.
shared CO2 transportation and storage
infrastructure to reduce costs and
optimize infrastructure use.

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Session Two

Session Two
Experiences with CCUS: The Need, Opportunities,
Challenges, and Lessons Learned

This session began with a brief               •   There are three factors that help
presentation on the Global CCS                    make the business case for CCS
Institute’s annual Global Status of CCUS          around the world:
2020 report. It concluded that despite
the challenges of COVID-19, the pipeline          ◦   An enhanced tax credit in the
of projects that are operational and                  United States
those under development grew for the              ◦   Hubs and clusters
third year in a row. The report provides          ◦   Hydrogen as the fuel of the
detailed information on and analyses of               future
the global CCS facility pipeline,
international policy perspectives, CO2        •   Despite the progress on CCS in
storage, and the CCS legal and                    2020, to achieve net-zero
regulatory environment. Additional                emissions by midcentury, CCS
points highlighted in the presentation:           capacity must increase more than
                                                  a hundredfold by 2050.
   •   There are 26 CCS facilities in
       operation, three under              A Range of Uses for CCUS. Following
       construction, 34 under              the study overview, the panel discussion
       development, and two that have      elicited insights from CCUS experts in
       suspended operations. There         industry who are working on CCUS
       were 17 new facilities added to     projects around the globe. Each
       the pipeline in 2020 alone.         representative described their
                                           company’s CCUS project(s), lessons
   •   The number of countries, cities,    learned from previous projects, and
       and companies that have             insights about the future of CCUS.
       committed to net-zero emissions     Below is a summary of some of the key
       targets increased in 2020 despite   insights gleaned from this discussion:
       the adversities of the COVID-19
       pandemic, accelerating CCS             •   Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS) is a
       development.                               negative emissions technology
                                                  that can play a major role in
   •   Policy and funding support for             reducing emissions, as it is
       CCS continued its momentum.                relatively simple, does not require
                                                  the development of entirely new

Session Two

Figure 6
8 Rivers: BECCS, Industrial Carbon Capture, Direct Air Capture

Technical processes developed by 8Rivers Energy facilitate capture, utilization, and storage of carbon dioxide, and can
be adapted for use with bioenergy to ultimately achieve negative emissions. Source: 8 Rivers, 2020.

         technologies, and is low cost (see                        •    CCUS in steel manufacturing
         Figure 6 for BECCS and zero                                    presents a significant opportunity
         carbon electricity). Furthermore,                              since, according to Our World in
         BECCS can be paired with                                       Data, in 2016, steel and iron
         renewables to create zero or                                   production contributed 7.2% of
         negative carbon transportation                                 global greenhouse gas emissions
         fuels that can easily be integrated                            and has very few other options to
         into existing transportation                                   reduce emissions. There are
         infrastructure. Finally, BECCS is a                            currently two projects underway
         very suitable technology to deploy                             in the United Arab Emirates
         regionally due to the need for                                 conducted by the Abu Dhabi
         networks for gathering feedstocks                              National Oil Company (ADNOC)
         that make clustering suitable.                                 that will reduce an estimated 2.4
                                                                        MtCO2/year (Figure 7).

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Session Two

Figure 7
CCUS for Steel: Al Reyadah Project Description

This figure shows the processes for a low-carbon steelmaking operation utilizing carbon capture and sequestration.
Source: ADNOC, 2020.

    •    There is an important role for                           •   The knowledge and experience of
         government support of CCUS                                   oil and gas corporations can be
         absent internalization of the                                leveraged to deploy CCUS
         external costs of climate change.                            because it involves many of the
         Public-private partnership for                               same skillsets for planning,
         hubs and clusters is emerging as                             developing, deploying, operating,
         the ideal business model for risk                            monitoring, and testing CO2
         sharing and investment in CCUS                               injection wells. The oil and gas
         projects. The Longship project in                            industry also has significant
         Norway, for example, received                                experience with pipelines,
         nearly two-thirds of its funding                             another skillset that could
         from the government to cover                                 support the buildout and
         investments and 10 years of                                  maintenance of CCUS
         operations; industry will be                                 infrastructure.
         responsible for funding the
         balance of costs and must build                          •   Financial incentives from
         and operate its own facilities.                              governments are currently the
                                                                      key driver of CCUS but the
                                                                      industry needs long-term

Session Two

      commitments and more durable        construction deadline; clarifying
      policies to ensure widescale        regulation; developing a long-term
      deployment.                         CCUS policy that acknowledges the
                                          geographic and industrial variations of
The session concluded with a “lightning   the U.S. (i.e. not a one-size-fits all CCUS
round” of questions in which panelists    policy); leveraging partnerships with
provided advice to the Biden-Harris       industry to harness expertise and
Administration about lessons learned      accelerate development; and
about CCUS deployment. Responses          incorporating CCUS development within
included: extending the 45Q tax credit    a broader pandemic recovery effort.

                                               ENERGY FUTURES INITIATIVE | Page 17
Session Three

Session Three
Key Technologies Enabled by CCUS

The third session of the workshop                 trade for around $200/ton of CO2
featured executives from three                    captured and stored.
companies leading in cutting-edge
emissions reduction technologies. The         •   Oil and gas, power, and chemicals
discussion focused largely on CCUS in             are siloed, so breaking down the
cement and power generation, as well              barriers between sectors would
as DAC (see Figure 8).                            be a major opportunity to deploy
                                                  cutting-edge CCUS applications
Though these companies’ technologies              in efficient ways.
are entirely different in their application
and use, a commonality is that all of         •   Low-carbon cement policies are
them leverage modular designs that                being led by the state and local
enable these technologies to be utilized          levels (e.g., procurement
for several applications and scaled up.           standards, low-carbon cement
                                                  requirements, tax incentives) and
Key insights offered during the                   these models can serve as a basis
moderated Q&A included:                           for other jurisdictions.

   •   There is optimism that more            •   Policy support is necessary to
       supporting policies for DAC in the         bridge the financial gap for
       U.S. will drive its deployment.            various CDR technologies;
       Already, DAC facilities anywhere           voluntary markets, philanthropies,
       in the world are eligible for              and corporations wishing to
       credits under the CCS Protocol of          offset their carbon footprint, will
       California’s Low Carbon Fuel               be insufficient in the long term.
       Standard (LCFS), which currently

Session Three

Figure 8
Climeworks: Direct Air Capture Technology

This figure shows Switzerland-based Climeworks’ direct air capture technology. Source: Climeworks, 2020.

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Session Four

Session Four
Roadmap for Deploying CCUS in the United States

The final session began with a                                Additional opportunities in terms of jobs
presentation of the October 2020 EFI                          and air quality benefits were also
and Stanford University Study, An Action                      identified. This study clearly articulated
Plan for Carbon Capture and Storage in                        the social equity benefits associated with
California: Opportunities, Challenges, and                    the relationship between carbon capture
Solutions. This study included a                              from California’s industrial facilities and
technoeconomic analysis to identify the                       the associated reduction in criteria
CCUS opportunity in California: 76                            pollutant emissions for residents living
emissions sources with capturable                             near these capture sites (Figure 10).
emissions totaling 60 MtCO2/year and
saline formations with CO2 storage                            California offers strong financial support
capacity of 100 to 500 gigatons, which is                     for CCUS through the LCFS CCS
enough to store 60 MtCO2 per year for                         Protocol. This, combined with the federal
more than 1,000 years (Figure 9).                             45Q tax credit, creates opportunities in

Figure 9
Carbon Capture Sources, Notional Infrastructure, Potential Storage Sites in California

The analysis in An Action Plan for Carbon Capture and Storage in California identified four potential CCS “hubs” as
well as 16 co-located emissions sources and CO2 sinks. Source: Energy Futures Initiative and Stanford University, 2020.

Session Four

Figure 10
Social Equity and Community Benefits from Industrial Carbon Capture in California

CCS can provide local air quality improvements on certain facilities, local economic benefits, and job creation and
preservation. Source: Energy Futures Initiative and Stanford University, 2020.

the state for CCUS. There are, however,                        policies, adjust current policies, and develop
several barriers to its widescale                              demos, among other recommendations,
deployment. These challenges fall into                         which are detailed in the study (Figure 11).
four general categories.                                       The recommendations were aimed at
                                                               achieving the following goals:
    •    Ambiguous position of the state
         on the future role of CCS                                 •    Motivate the private sector to
                                                                        deeply decarbonize activities
    •    Complex and untested regulatory
         process for getting permits for CCS                       •    Maximize options for meeting
                                                                        2030 and midcentury greenhouse
    •    Revenue and cost uncertainty                                   gas targets
         discourage project finance
                                                                   •    Enable continued economic and
    •    The lack of public awareness and                               reliability benefits from existing
         support for CCS                                                industry and electricity generation

To address these challenges and take                               •    Unlock new clean energy
advantage of the CCS opportunity in                                     industries and jobs, including in
California, the state needs to create new                               hydrogen and DAC

                                                                       ENERGY FUTURES INITIATIVE | Page 21
Session Four

 Figure 11
High Level Goals, Strong Foundations, and Actions to Support CCS in California

                                                                                        Enable Continued                 Unlock new clean energy
        Motivate the Private                Maximize Options for
                                                                                     Economic and Reliability               industries and jobs,
          Sector to Deeply                Meeting 2030 & Mid-Century
                                                                                   Benefits from Existing Industry        including in Hydrogen
        Decarbonize Activities             Greenhouse Gas Targets
                                                                                      & Electricity Generation                   and DAC

                                                               Support                   Create CO2
                                                                            Options to
                                                             Innovation                  Transport
                                                            at Research                     and
                                                           Institutions &                 Storage
                                                                            Clean Firm
                                                            Laboratories                  Operator
                                                          OPPORTUNITIES TO LEAD
                                                         GLOBAL ACTION ON CLIMATE

                                          Incorporate            Support             Establish              Set
                                         CCS Protocol in      Mechanisms to        Public-Private        Statewide
                                         Cap-and-Trade          Make CCS           Partnership to     Carbon Removal
                                                              Projects More       Create LA & Bay         Targets
                                                                Attractive           Area Hubs

                                                 KEY ENABLERS FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY

                           Affirm State         Improve and              Issue Policy                               Develop State
                                                                                              Issue Guidance
                         Support for CCS       Coordinate CCS         Guidance to Clarify                           Supported CCS
                                                                                              for CO2 Storage
                            in Meeting           Permitting             CCS Eligibility                              Demos with
                        Emissions Targets        Processes                                                             Industry


            Potential to Rapidly      Capacity to Store 60        Robust Clean Energy         Large Industrial Base          Commitment to
           Reduce 15% of Today’s       MtCO2/yr. for over         Policy Frameworks to       with Few Alternatives to     Equitable Clean Energy
            Emissions with CCS            1,000 Years                  Support CCS                 Decarbonize                  Transition

                                                 CALIFORNIA’S FOUNDATIONS

The  analysis has  a strong
              in this          foundation
                      report informed        for CCS development.
                                       the establishment                 Keyfor
                                                          of high-level goals drivers—near-term       actions
                                                                                CCS in California at the        for figure.
                                                                                                         top of the  meeting climate targets,
California  of acarbon    neutrality,forand
                  strong foundation      CCSopportunities
                                              development. Keyto drivers—near-term
                                                                 lead global action—inform        and increase
                                                                                    actions for meeting            CCS project development
                                                                                                         climate targets,
enablers  of carbon
in specific   areasneutrality,   and opportunities
                       of recommended               to lead
                                             actions.       globalEnergy
                                                        Source:    action—inform
                                                                           Futuresand increase and
                                                                                    Initiative  CCS project  development
                                                                                                      Stanford              in 2020.
specific areas of recommended actions. Source: Energy Futures Initiative and Stanford University, 2020.

Session Four

Following the study briefing, the final              101 projects underway at the
panel, comprised of experts in policy,               National Energy Technology
advocacy, and research and development,              Laboratory (NETL).
discussed options for supporting a U.S.
CCUS roadmap. This panel provided            The panelists identified the following
unique perspectives on various elements      challenges to CCUS in the U.S.:
of the CCUS landscape in the U.S.
summarized as follows:                          •    Lack of a nationwide carbon
                                                     price limits the deployment of
   •   The midcontinent region has seen              CCUS projects to those
       significant interest in CCUS and              qualifying for existing
       activities for deployment as well             incentives, namely LCFS and
       as earlier stage analysis. There is           45Q; however, these credits
       a 16-state carbon capture work                alone are not enough to get the
       group, which includes more than               biggest emitters to pursue
       400 stakeholders, and several on-             CCUS projects.
       going efforts to deploy CCUS,
       preserve jobs and industries, and        •    CCUS needs a broader portfolio
       explore additional opportunities              approach, utilizing the incentives,
       to support CCUS.                              standards, and other tools
                                                     applied for wind, solar, and
   •   There are opportunities for CCUS              energy efficiency to see CCUS
       in the power sector to help states            deployment at scale.
       and utilities achieve net-zero
       carbon goals, complementary to           •    Public acceptance of CCUS and
       widescale deployment of                       skepticism towards fossil fuel
       renewables and other carbon-free              companies is a major challenge,
       generation sources. It is                     and these companies, many of
       imperative to consider the                    which have decarbonization
       impacts on local communities,                 targets and commitments, should
       engage local stakeholders in                  follow through with these
       discussions about CCUS early and              commitments by investing in
       often, and ensure that decisions              decarbonization solutions,
       are made with equity and                      pushing for policies and
       environmental justice at the                  regulations to address climate
       forefront.                                    change, and immediately
                                                     reducing their own carbon
   •   DOE’s National Laboratories are a             footprints.
       locus for innovation and
       development of various CCUS
       technologies. There are currently

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Session Four

   •   There is considerable unlocked       regulations, and regional variations in
       technical potential to develop       emissions sources and sinks, require
       CCUS in the U.S. where               regional planning and solutions to
       technology-neutral national          optimize infrastructure.
       climate policies are likely to
       maximize its value. These policies   Next, speakers highlighted some of the
       should also address current          changes that will be necessary for
       challenges with the economy and      widescale CCUS deployment and the
       with social inequality.              steps that the Biden-Harris
                                            Administration can take to support this
   •   The relatively limited experience    outcome. Recommendations include:
       in saline reservoir CO2 storage as
       compared to that for enhanced           •   Developing a comprehensive and
       oil recovery (EOR) is a major               sustained policy that supports
       challenge because the future of             jobs and workforce training, such
       CCUS is saline storage, yet the             as apprenticeship programs,
       vast majority of CCUS projects              provides incentives for CCUS, and
       currently inject the CO2 for EOR.           focuses on difficult to
       The EPA UIC Class II well                   decarbonize sectors with few
       permitting process (for EOR) is             other options. Such a net-zero
       much more straightforward,                  infrastructure agenda could
       tested, and understood, while               reconcile the divisions between
       only two Class VI permits (for              environmental justice and climate
       geologic storage) have been                 advocates and those advocating
       issued in the U.S.                          for carbon capture.

Other major U.S. challenges identified in      •   Pursuing a much broader RD&D
EFI analysis have limited CCUS                     agenda, including more projects
deployment. These include the lack of              demonstrating storage of CO2 in
large-scale examples and hub models.               saline reservoirs as well as
The U.S., for example, has only one                analysis of the local air quality
power sector capture project (Petra                benefits from carbon capture on
Nova), which was halted during the                 various sources of emissions.
COVID-19 crisis for economic reasons.
There are also issues with aligning            •   Establishing policies that provide
players, permitting, and financing for             long-term certainty on the need
CCUS that currently contribute to a                for permanent solutions to
difficult business environment. Finally,           reducing emissions (e.g., a carbon
the untested and uncertain permitting              price, border adjustments, etc.) so
requirements for CCUS, including varied            companies can be confident that
and conflicting state and local                    investments will not be stranded.

Session Four

   •   Working across the federal             think is missing from the growing
       government on a cohesive and           coalition around CCUS. This included:
       comprehensive climate plan,
       articulated and implemented               •    Environmental justice
       across the administration,                     organizations
       including tax and investment
       policies that are consistent,             •    Environmental advocacy
       sustained, and focused on                      organizations that see no role for
       achieving overarching goals.                   fossil fuels in the energy transition

   •   Collaborating through public-             •    Many industrial players who have
       private partnerships involving                 not yet put “skin in the game”
       state and federal government and
       industry to develop shared CO2            •    In the U.S., the steel industry has
       transportation and storage                     not yet been included; however,
       infrastructure, and creating a                 there is a huge opportunity for
       supportive environment for CCUS                carbon capture from steel
       through policy- and investment-                production that could provide
       supported hubs and clusters.                   dramatic emissions reductions,
                                                      jobs, and other local benefits.
   •   Supporting new business models
       for geologic storage (e.g.,            Overall, this session illuminated
       utilities) as well as markets for      actionable recommendations that will
       carbon capture and removal.            be needed from stakeholders in
                                              advocacy, policymakers, and industry
In a final “lightening round” of questions,   representatives.
the participants highlighted who they

                                                     ENERGY FUTURES INITIATIVE | Page 25

The workshop concluded with remarks                        and from many stakeholders and
from the workshop co-chair who placed                      advocates of environmental justice,
CCUS in context of the importance of                       climate justice, environmental
developing a scientifically driven                         organizations, and labor unions. To
strategy for dramatically reducing                         summarize these needs, the following
carbon emissions from all sectors of the                   six key points were offered:
economy, recognizing national, regional,
and global differences, including the                          •    We cannot accelerate climate
different drivers that are affecting                                solutions without building and
progress on meeting climate goals.                                  sustaining coalitions
Figure 12 shows changes in global CO2
emissions by country/region,                                   •    We must recognize regional
demonstrating the uneven reductions                                 needs and opportunities and
around the world.                                                   address them. Social equity and
                                                                    justice must be at the forefront of
Such a strategy would engage a broad                                regional solutions
coalition from the political left and right,

 Figure 12
Change in Energy Related CO2 Emissions by Region, 2018-2019







                                  EU            US           Japan        Rest of
Energy-related CO2 emissions by country and region demonstrate the uneven reductions around the world. Source:
International Energy Agency, accessed March 2020.


   •   Focusing on jobs, especially in        climate action plan. CCUS provides
       the face of the COVID-19               optionality as the world transitions to
       pandemic and the associated            lower carbon and enables an equitable
       recession, is critical                 transition by creating new jobs and
                                              preserving existing jobs that may
   •   Comprehensive energy and               otherwise become stranded.
       climate policy must maximize
       optionality and flexibility—there is   Finally, because CCUS is a proven
       no “silver bullet” to combating        technology that can be deployed
       climate change                         immediately (barring financial and
                                              regulatory barriers), it can provide
   •   Clean energy solutions must            substantial near-term emissions
       emphasize secure supply chains         reductions across several important
       and include embedded emissions         economic sectors with few other
       in policy solutions                    options to decarbonize. As the U.S. and
                                              the world look ahead, there are many
   •   The world needs innovation to          steps that can and must be taken to
       meet net-zero emissions targets        deeply decarbonize the U.S. and global
       by midcentury                          economies.

The workshop underscored the value of
CCUS as a critical component of any

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