EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District

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EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District

 Winning Tradition
EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District
Table of Contents
Gales Tales ..............................................................................................                       3
Community ............................................................................................                            9
Sports .....................................................................................................                     13
Entertainment ......................................................................................                             22
Editorial .................................................................................................                      25

Front Row: Brianna Allman, Lillian Wright, Bella Hershey, Carter Schorr.
Middle Row: Jaxon Delong, Alexis Fleshman.
Back Row: Trinity Kiger, Sydney Vanover, Abby Rushin, Ethan Masten, Laura Overby, Tiffany Ford II, Nick Wolfe, Peyton Scarbro.

                    2021 - 2022 LHS Eye of the Gale Staff

                    Editor in Chief - Abby Rushin
                    Gales Tales Editor - Jaxon Delong & Alexis Fleshman
                    Community Editor - Sydney Vanover
                    Sports Editor - Carter Schorr & Brianna Allman
                    Entertainment Editor - Ethan Masten
                    Editorial Editor - Laura Overby
                    Print & Website Layout Editor - Bella Hershey
                    Photography Editor - Lillian Wright & Tiffany Ford II
                    Art Editor - Trinity Kiger
                    Communications - Peyton Scarbro & Nick Wolfe
EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District
Gales Tales                                                                                                         3

Success Continues For the Gales
LHS boys cross country run to state
By C. Schorr, Sports Beat Editor
    The Lancaster boys
varsity cross country team
won the OCC champion-
ship in dominating fash-
ion. In the district meet,
the varsity team of Kaiden
Lanoy, Trevor Lanoy, Isa-
iah Lanoy, Colton Thress,
Kaleb Stull, Jacob Koenig,
and Adam Criser placed
second out of thirteen
teams, which qualified                       2021 Boys Cross Country Team. Photo Courtesy of Koksal.
them for the regional meet.
     The Gales went on to place         competitive than it has ever been        for younger Gales. In the 9th-10th
third in the region which propelled     before.”                                 grade race at the Midwest Meet of
them to the state championship              When asked what he will miss         Champions the first five runners to
where they finished their season by     the most from his high school ath-       cross the finish line were all Gales.
placing 9th in the state meet. They     letic experience he said,                   “Our ‘second seven’ continues to
finished the regular season winning         “I will miss the coaching and        improve and would be the varsity
6 of 7 invitational meets and defeat-   my teammates. I’ve been in the           team at most other high schools,”
ing all but one of 91 teams.            program since my freshman year           stated Koksal.
     Head Coach Jeff Koksal ex-         and you really do grow attached to          “The 1-2-3-4-5 sweep by this
pressed that he believes this team is   the people you compete with,¨ said       group at the Midwest Meet of
special.                                Stull.                                   Champions was awesome to
     “The 2021 team is very talented,       The Gales varsity group had          watch!”
but young and inexperienced in          many highlights this season, but            Lancaster had to fight through
some respects,” said Koksal.            the future looks equally as bright       some adversity as well this season.
    “It can be frustrating at                                                                            “The weather
times, but the guys are getting                                                                       conditions have
stronger and improving steadi-                                                                        been difficult
ly. This has the potential to be                                                                      for all distance
a very satisfying season.”                                                                            runners. The
     Senior Kaleb Stull has been                                                                      heat and hu-
one of the leaders for the varsi-                                                                     midity impacted
ty group this season.                                                                                 our results and
    “My senior year has been                                                                          can be demoti-
a roller coaster, some days it’s                                                                      vating to some
really easy and other days it’s                                                                       athletes,” Koksal
tough to keep up with every-                                                                          expressed.
thing going on in all the activi-                                                                       “Covid illness
ties,” stated Stull.                        Varsity Runners at Midwest Meet of Champions.             and  potential
    “This year is way more                            Photo Courtesy of Koksal.                       quarantines con-
EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District
Gales Tales                                                                                                           4

tinue to be a risk we must manage.”     get a chance to ‘touch the future’ I
                                                                                    have gone from a middle range JV
 Coach Koksal has been the head         hope in some way that I have made
                                                                                    runner to a high JV and low varsity
coach for the Gales for 26 years.       a positive influence on some of you         runner,” said Rice.
   “It is very satisfying to guide      guys that you will take with you
                                                                                       Evan Rice has learned a lot from
teams, providing opportunities for      and do the same,” said Comer.
                                                                                    the seniors and coaches this season.
guys to improve, succeed and grow          “Every person, no matter if you
                                                                                       “I have learned from my coaches
as young men…to support our ath-        run a 5 minute mile or a 10 min-
                                                                                    that there are multiple ways and
letes as they advance as far as their   ute mile in a race, feels that hurt         strategies to running a race. I have
abilities will take them, including     and pain. All of the guys continue
                                                                                    also learned a couple of things
state, regional and national level      to amaze me every day with their
                                                                                    from my senior athletes, leadership
competition,” Koksal said.              willingness and drive to succeed
                                                                                    during practice and in the race is
   Assistant Coach David Comer          not only in racing but in life.”
                                                                                    very important to competing at our
who has been coaching cross coun-          Up-and-coming sophomore
try for four years explained what       Evan Rice battled injuries in his fre-
                                                                                       The 2021 season has continued
his coaching experience has meant       shamn year but has taken a big step
                                                                                    the tradition of winning and will be
to him.                                 in his second year as a runner.
                                                                                    one to remember for the Lancaster
   “What has meant the most to              “This year has been a real game
                                                                                    Gales Boys’ Cross Country team in
me about being a coach is what a        changer for me. I have just broken
                                                                                    the future.
lot of teachers say about teaching, I   through a major mental barrier. I

                          Starting Strech at Three Chreeks Invational. Photo Courtesy of Koksal.

                                           Congratulations to the
                                              LHS 2021 - 2022
                                          Boys’ Cross Country team!
                                            Way to be relentless!
EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District
Gales Tales                                                                                                         5
Raising Cain at Lancaster High School
New Animals and Veterinary Science Teacher
By J. DeLong, Gales Tales Editior
     A new teacher, Lauren Cain, has      background includes a bachelor’s
taken over the Animal and Veteri-         degree in Meat Processing and Ani-
nary Science position at LHS. With        mals Science, and a master’s degree
her experience in teaching college        in Animal Welfare which deals with
classes, Cain brings a fresh perspec-     the mental, emotional and physical
tive to the program. According to         health of animals.
her it was sort of an accident that           “Ms. Cain brings a wealth of
Cain found herself in a new career.       knowledge in the animal science
     “Actually I wasn't looking to        industry with experience teaching
teach, it was a friend who contacted      at college level,” said Scott Burre,
me about this opening and said it         principal of LHS.
would be a great opportunity,” she            The Associate Principal of the
said.                                     LHS Career Technical program,          New Animals Science and Veterinary
     Students are really glad that Cain   Caroline Davis, said Cain is a great teacher Lauren Cain and Elmer the dog.
took the chance and are happy that        addition to the LHS faculty because
she is raising the program to new         she has a passion for the course and
heights.                                  wants to share that passion with
     “Ever since we got Cain, the         students.
program has taken a turn for the              “Her experience as a vet tech
better. Not only has Cain made an         and adjunct instructor at Columbus
impact on the class, but on FFA,          State made her a great candidate
as well. This year we have over 25        and we were so glad she applied
members, whereas last year we had         and she was hired,” said Davis.
only a few,” said LHS junior and              Although Cain said she has
president of the LHS FAA chapter,         life-long experience working with
Bailey Senften.                           children and animals, ironically, she
     Junior Mackenzie Dennis said         did not grow up with a family pet.
that Cain is very organized with the          “Animals are just amazing loving      LHS Juniors Allie Jurecki and
animals they care for at school.          creatures that really move people              Mackenzie Dennis.
     “She’s understanding and help-       emotionally. We are so lucky we get
ful and it truly brightens my day         to share our lives with animals, and
to be able to care for and help the       I believe it is so important to care
animals and learn about the animal        for them to the best of our ability.”
industry,” said Dennis.
     “I love learning about how to
care for different animals,” said LHS       “I would like students and
junior, Allie Jurecki.
                                          staff to know that I have goats.
     “We are working on choosing an
animal-based job and investigating         Just kidding. Well, only sort
it.”                                      of - I really am pretty obsessed
     Despite being new to second-                  with my goats!”
ary education, Cain has real world                  -Lauren Cain                 LHS junior and president of the LHS FAA
experience in animal science. Her                                                        chapter, Bailey Senften.
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Gales Tales                                                                                                          6

Check It Out!
New LHS librarian makes a push for printed books
By S. Vanover, Community Editor
   Look for new changes                                                              library has been a positive place
to the old library because                                                           this school year.
Lancaster High School has a                                                              “The library has been a great
new librarian. Maria Mc-                                                             asset for me this year as it has
Daniel, who has been with                                                            given me a space to focus and
Lancaster City Schools for                                                           get my homework done,” she
more than twenty years,                                                              said.
wants to dust off the shelves                                                           LHS junior Kennedy Ross
and reboot the library. Due                                                          said the stations layed out in the
to COVID, the library was                                                            library make it user-friendly and
not being used fully by                                                              she likes that the AP study hall
the student population for                                                           is held there.
almost two years. Now more                                                               “The library is a very safe
of a media center, McDaniel          LHS students Elena White, Lydia Serra,          and comfortable space. It's quiet
wants to encourage students            Katrina Costanzo, and Lily Palmer.            enough to be able to do any
to start checking out books               McDaniel said that her experi-             activities needed, but you have
again.                                ence at LHS so far has been great         the opportunity to collaborate with
    “I think the library actually     and the students and staff have           your peers,” she said.
needs to go a little bit backwards    been welcoming                                               Junior Dylan Carsey
and start pushing the physical        and friendly. Her                                         agreed  with Ross and
book. Technology doesn’t need to      favorite part about                                       said that the library
be pushed anymore. It used to be      the library being                                         provides a peaceful
that a big part of a librarian's job  open to the public                                        atmosphere, provides
was to get technology integrated      now is that stu-                                          a quiet space, tutoring
into everyday classwork - that we     dents are excited                                         for English and math,
accomplished now we have to make to check out books                                             and more.
sure we are getting books back in,”   again.                                                       “The library has
said McDaniel.                           “Nothing gives                                         impacted   me positively
                                      me more pleasure             Mrs. Maria McDaniel,         because I do not typi-
                                                                      LHS Librarian.            cally have a quiet place
                                      than a kid coming
                                      into the library and asking “Can we                       to do school work at
                                      get books this year?” and me being my home,” said Carsey.
                                      able to say yes.” McDaniel said.             “Given the heavy workload
                                         The LHS library is more than           junior year has bestowed upon me,
                                      just a place you can check out            I am always thankful for the extra
                                      books. It is a working and collab-        time to get ahead on my assign-
                                      orative environment. The English          ments.”
                                      Lab, Math Lab, AP study hall, and              McDaniel hopes that all stu-
                                      credit recovery all use the library       dents will take advantage of the
     LHS students Brayden Larson,                                               library services, especially checking
      Dylan Carsey, Kennedy Ross,     throughout the day.
           and Amber Dosier.             Senior Lydia Serra said the            out books to read.
EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District
GalesTales                                                                                                              7

A Man and His Camera
LHS student’s journey toward success
By A. Rushin, Editor in Chief
    Craig Carpenter, the                                                                          prizes; his first being a
man behind the camera                                                                             nationwide competition
of the Lancaster High                                                                             called "Lights, Camera,
School broadcasting and                                                                           Save!," in which stu-
Gales Wrap team, has been                                                                         dents created a short,
editing, and working with                                                                         informative video about
video effects for the last five                                                                   finances.
years. His love first arose                                                                          His initial attempt,
from creating content as a                                                                        Carpenter placed first
hobby.                                                                                            locally and won a
    Being as talented as he                                                                       $250 cash prize. In his
is, Scott Burke, the LHS                                                                          second, he asked all of
broadcasting instructor             Craig Carpenter’s “Lights, Camera, Save!,” competition       his friends and family to
believes that Carpenter                   cover  photo. Photo  courtesy of  Carpenter.           come together and vote
has a future in directing or               Tik Tok to show it off and found                      on his video.
editing.                                   the love did not stop,” said Carpen-         “With the combined effort of
    “You have to have a passion for        ter.                                      friends, family, and the school,
film and video to make it in this             One of Carpenter’s teachers,           my video managed to move all the
field, and I think Craig definitely        Clay Hartzler, an Algebra II teach-       way up until the final round with a
has that passion,” Burke says.             er at LHS said Carpenter is very          mind-boggling $5,000 prize on the
    One of his most famous pieces of talented at creating videos.                    line,” Carpenter said.
art took place during the 2020-2021           “Craig helps to make people               Carpenter placed second nation-
school year when students were             want to be engaged,” Hartzler said,       ally and won a $2,000 prize.
stuck being taught over zoom class-           “It's because of this that I know         Despite his successes and the
es because of Covid-19 quarantine. Craig doesn't just excel at cinema-               attention, Carpenter is able to stay
    “Zoom quarantine was a rough           tography,” Hartzler stated, “rather       humble and continue doing what
time for many people,” stated              that he excels at captivating an          he loves to do.
Carpenter, “One day I suddenly             audience.”                                   “My goal has always been to
thought, what if I could make the             Carpenter also entered into            entertain where entertainment is
meetings a little more fun?”               competitions where he won cash            needed, and to keep on improving
   He used                                                                                              through each
Zoom to create                                                                                          project I tackle,”
clones of him-                                                                                          Craig stated, “I
self who did                                                                                            was, and still am,
various things                                                                                          just a kid who
in the back-                                                                                            tries to make films
ground of his                                                                                           with his phone
videos using                                                                                            camera and a de-
Zoom's virtual                                                                                          cent computer in
background                                                                                              his basement.”
feature.            Teacher   Scott Burke.      Craig Carpenter.  Photo        Teacher  Clay Hartzlwer.
    “I took to    Photo courtesy of Burke. courtesy of Carpenter.             Photo courtesy of Hartzler.
EYE OF THE GALE - Winning Tradition - Lancaster City School District
Gales Tales                                                                                                        8

Well Rounded and Drawing Attention
Talent and hard work leads to success
By L. Overby, Editorial Editor
         Sometimes teenagers don’t   ington Central.                            with many different mediums such
get enough credit. Eye of the Gale            “We fought so hard that           as writing, singing, and theatre.”
is making an effort to spotlight     night, and   won in three sets! That       Sheets said.
high school students who display     was the highlight of my season,                     Drawing is her favorite
outstanding talents and are role     seeing our hard work paying off in         activity to share with others. As an
models for others. LHS junior        that very moment,” Sheets said.            artist, Sheets has inspirations and
Hannah Sheets is a good                                                                   influences for her work.
example.                                                                                          “I look up to many
         Sheets has played                                                                talented artists such as
tennis since fifth grade,                                                                 Ramón Nuñez, Jen Zee,
and has been playing                                                                      Ethan Becker, and Ian
Varsity since her fresh-                                                                  Worthington,” Sheets stat-
man year, and even with                                                                   ed.
COVID restrictions, she                                                                          “Hayao Miyazaki’s
shows that hard work                                                                      Studio Ghibli films are also
pays off during the tough-                                                                a big inspiration of mine,”
est of times. Sheets leads                                                                       Ever wonder how
her team as captain and                                                                   students like her are able
has the leadership skills to                                                              to accomplish all that they
guide by example and to                                                                   do? Sheets has some good
listen and learn from her                                                                 advice for students to bal-
                                         Hannah Sheets’ Artwork at the
teammates.                                                                      ance school and activities.
                                   Emerging Artists Exhibition at CCAD. Photo
         Head tennis coach, Gary               Courtesy of Sheets.                       “Never give up whatever
Elick, has worked with Sheets                                                   you are working towards. Don’t let
since the fifth grade. After more             “We were named first-team         the struggles you are enduring now
hard work, Sheets and her tennis     all-league  honors in our OCC,”            stop you from what you want to
partner, Gracyn Gagni, finally       Sheets said.                               achieve in the future.”
served their long opponent, Picker-           “She realizes that the most
                                     important parts of being human are
                                     the bonds you form with others,
                                     Elick said.
                                              There is much more to
                                     Sheets’ accomplishments and she
                                     demonstrates her talent in other
                                     ways. While off the court, Sheets
                                     shows her artistic side with music
                                     and drawing.
                                              “I have been drawing for
                                     as long as I can remember, I never
                                     really thought of it as a passion un-
                                                                                      LHS junior Hannah Sheets.
     Gary Elick and Hannah Sheets.   til more recently. I have pursued it              Photo courtesy of Sheets.
       Phoro courtesy of Sheets.
Community                                                                                                              9

Round and Round and Round, Again
School bus issues causing chaos                                                              “It’s a hardship
By T. Kiger, Art Editor                                                                 on all of us and it’s very
   The wheels on the bus go round       for full time and substitute drivers.”          stressful, and many bus
and round and round again. The              LHS freshmen Maggie and                      drivers just don’t feel
words to the familiar children’s        Marlena Davis said they are very                      appreciated.”
song have taken on new meaning          frustrated with the problem.                             - Cherie Fitz
this school year as Lancaster City          “It’s annoying. We have to sit
Schools has felt the negative impact three in a seat and sometimes the               Maggie Davis.
of the nationwide school bus driver bus is so crowded, we have to wait                  Kip Slater, LCS Transportation
shortage. In Ohio, 90% of the state's for the second wave. One morning, Supervisor, said the shortage of bus
585 districts that provide                                                                   drivers also affects parents’
school bus transportation                                                                    work schedules, disrupts
have been impacted by the                                                                    students’ routines, babysit-
driver shortage and nearly                                                                   ter drop off and pick up
4% of the 15,000 daily routes                                                                times, teachers, principals,
carrying 750,000 students                                                                    and overall create unwant-
have been canceled this year,                                                                ed stress for those who
according to Doug Palmer,                                                                    have to ensure the kids get
transportation consultant for                                                                to school.”
Ohio School Boards Associ-                                                                       As far as student behav-
ation (Cleveland.com 2021).                                                                  ior on the busses, Slater
   Nathan Hale, the Lan-                                                                     said the bus is an extension
caster City School District                                                                  of the classroom, and the
Superintendent, said the                                                                     same rules apply.”
district is trying to find a   School busses make several rounds of routes due to a shotrage “Drivers want to keep their
solution to the problem.                               of bus drivers.                       kids safe and enforcing the
    “We have had to change                                                                   rules on the bus does that.”
routes daily and in some cases          we waited two hours for the bus to                   Slater went on to say that
made permanent changes to our           pick us up and missed some of our the pandemic situation has exacer-
routing within the district. We’ve      classes,” said Marlena Davis.                bated the bus driver shortage.
increased our advertising for open          “It’s too loud on the bus and the           “COVID added a whole other
positions, increased hourly wages       student behavior is obnoxious,” said aspect to being able to recruit, train
                                                                                                   and maintain bus driv-
                                                                                                   ers. COVID changed
                                                                                                   not only the world, but
                                                                                                   it changed the working
                                                                                                   world. The real issue is
                                                                                                   being able to hold on
                                                                                                   to those new drivers
                                                                                                   in a competitive job
          LCS Superintendent                 Kip Slater                   LHS Freshmen
            Nathan Hale.                 LCS Transportation                Maggie and
                                            Supervisor.                   Marlena Davis.
Community                                                                                                          10
    But Cherie Fitz, who has been
driving a school bus for 14 years,
the last four with LCS, said that
there is more to the problem.
    “It’s a hardship on all of us and
it's very stressful, and many bus
drivers just don’t feel appreciated.”
    Another LCS bus driver, Mark
Williams agrees with Fitz.
    “It’s not really just about the pan-
demic. Drivers get tired and quit.”

                                                  LCS Bus Driver                             LCS Bus Driver
                                                   Cherie Fitz.                              Mark Williams.

Unpredictable and Uncertain
The times,they are a-changing
By N. Wolfe, Co-Communications editor
    Crime rates are increasing.Coro- porate type jobs which used
navirus is still a threat. Businesses to occupy space in countless
are facing a shortage of workers.     high rise buildings across the
These are just a few issues Ohio      United States, will never fully
is experiencing. What do people       return to this way of doing
expect will change in 2022 and        business,” said Jonathan
beyond?                               VanLinge, Graduation and
                                                                                Image courtesy of Google Images.
    “I have no idea what will happen Workforce Development Coordina-
with Coronavirus. But I will say      tor at Lancaster High School.                “I feel that in 2022 we will see
this about the state of businesses in    “Similarly, many retail and food        more focus on finding and train-
2022. . .until we as a country stop   service businesses have found ways         ing employees who are able to
giving handouts for no work, in-      to replace their traditional practic-      work and connect with clients and
cluding within our own homes with es, and reliance on apps and online            customers through alternate means
parenting and in education, we will ordering have now become the                 as well as the broadening of the use
continue to see businesses strug-     fabric of our consumer economy,”           of apps in lieu of actual persons in
gle to find workers. It’s time we     he said.                                   industries which can incorporate
start rewarding hard work                                                          them successfully,” said VanLinge.
rather than no work,” said                                                             On a definite positive note,
Jared Stewart, a teacher                                                           Teri Craiglow, LCS Office Manag-
at Thomas Ewing Middle                                                             er Human Resources recognized
School.                                                                            that the future is unpredictable.
    Others think that the                                                              “I don’t know what’s going to
world of business will also                                                        happen in 2022, but I think it’s
be different.                                                                      important to be flexible and main-
    “I think that the busi-                                                        tain a positive attitude in our ever
ness world will be forever Jonathan Van Linge Teri Craiglow     Jared Stewart      changing world,” she said.
changed. Many of the cor-
Community                                                                                                      11

The Beauty of Heritage
Traditions should be considered a healthy habit
By A. Rushin, Editor in Chief
    Traditions can be found all over  day or season, each
the world. They weave time togeth-    other, and your past,”
er, allowing people to retain and     Rittmeyer said.
pass down cultural beliefs, spiritual     According to
beliefs, and family's moral values.   VeryWell Family,
They also help people to create       traditions create
stronger bonds and connections,       a connection for
which is a key to happiness in hu-    children that comes
man beings.                           from feeling like they
    “Regardless of the setting,       are part of something           Photo courtesy of Google images.
traditions are important because      unique and extraor-
                                                                              face of whatever goes wrong in
they connect you with your history    dinary.
                                                                              their life, they have family tradi-
and celebrate the memory of the           Haley Walker, a senior at LHS,
                                                                              tions to hold on to, said Science-
generations that came before you,”    believes that traditions have an
stated Doug Rittmeyer, counselor at   undeniable impact on children
                                                                                  Senior Branson Lee agreed and
Lancaster High School.                because they create positive mem-
                                                                              stated that traditions are important
    Holidays are one of the most      ories with family that could last a
                                                                              for families because they allow fam-
important times for traditions to     lifetime.
                                                                              ily members to have fun together
be celebrated; Thanksgiving feasts,       “Every christmas my family
                                                                              with no other family conflict.
Mardi Gras festivities, the Fourth    opens presents at our house, watch
                                                                                  “We go on trips and have family
of July being celebrated with fire-   a christmas movie and then go to
                                                                              get-togethers where we all have
works, Groundhog Day and lights       our grandmas. We open presents
                                                                              fun,” Lee said. “It has a positive
around a christmas tree are all       while eating food and visiting with
                                                                              impact on my nieces and nephews
traditions that have been celebrated  family,” stated Walker, “it teaches a
                                                                              because they get to see what a real,
for hundreds of years.                sense of community.”
                                                                              happy family looks like with no
    “Whether it is Fourth of July,        Kids who live in homes where
                                                                              other distractions.”
Juneteenth, or New Years, tradi-      family traditions are practiced
                                                                                  Children find comfort and se-
tions will help you connect with the  are confident and resilient. In the
                                                                               curity when things are predictable
                                                                               and consistent; so, family traditions
                                                                               can contribute to a child's self-es-
                                                                               teem and enhance their well-being
                                                                               (VeryWell Family).
                                                                                   “Having traditions is a good
                                                                               practice,” Rittmeyer said, “ when
                                                                               you have a strong connection
                                                                               with those around you, you have a
                                                                               stable emotional foundation and a
                                                                               safe place in which to express your
LHS senior Haley Walk-     LHS senior Branson Lee.     Doug Rittmeyer, coun- thoughts and feelings, your hopes
 er. Photo courtesy of      Photo courtesy of Lee.      selor at LHS.. Photo and dreams, love and gratitude.”
        Walker.                                       courtesy of LHS website.
Community                                                                                                     12

The inconvenient “tooth”
By A. Rushin, Editor in Chief
   Anxiety toward the dentist is not    infection, such as tooth decay
unusual; in fact, many people feel      and gum disease.
anxious about going, whether it’s          Fear does not have to stem
routine or a procedure. Researchers     from trauma, though, some-
at ScienceDirect have found that        times the dentist just causes
dental anxiety usually begins from      anxiety because of discomfort,
childhood, leading to 75-80% of         worry that something will need
people carrying it through most of      fixed, or the environment itself.
their lives.                               “It’s an anxiety inducing
   Jennifer Lape, Doctor of Dental      thing - basically the setup of
Surgery at Gentle Dental Care and       any dentist I’ve ever gone to
1998 graduate of LHS, has wit-          isn’t a relaxing experience,”               Art by Trinity Kiger.
nessed this fear personally.            said twenty year-old Maddie          need to,” stated Dr. Lape, “Giving
   “I think many people are scared      Nutter, Sophomore at Kent State      some control of the situation back
to go to the dentist based on a trau-   University.                          to the patients helps lessen the fear.
matic experience at the dentist at         According to a study by Pedi-     I also just try to be kind and have
some point in their past,” Dr. Lape     atric Dental Specialists, parents or compassion.”
stated, “I have specifically observed   guardians who are also afraid of         A huge part of being a good den-
more fear in adults in the 50+ age      dentists can pass that fear to their tist is the ability to make patients
group. Many had some bad child-         children; so, it's important to make comfortable, regardless what work
hood experiences often involving        people feel comfortable and at ease  they need done and how scary it
no use of anesthetic.”                  when they first begin going.         can be. With the proper care, atten-
   A study done by Mayo Clinic                                               tion, and trust, children are able to
                                           “For me, it is important to talk to
says that good oral health, such as     patients about their fear and what   overcome their fear of the dentist.
daily flossing and brushing, keep       exactly caused it. By understanding      “As a kid I was scared of den-
bacteria under control; however,        the cause, I can then talk to them   tists, but I don’t really care now,”
without proper care, bacteria can       about what we will do differently    said Brayden Williams, a senior at
reach levels that might lead to oral    and how they can stop me if they     Fairfield Career Center.
                                                                                 “Now that I’m older I realize that
                                                                             they go to college for it, so why be
                                                                             scared? I trust them,” said Williams.
                                                                                 According to a survey published
                                                                             by Study Finds, three in ten mil-
                                                                             lennials only brush their teeth once
                                                                             a day and some admitted to going
                                                                             two or three days on average with-
                                                                             out brushing; yet, 56% express fear
                                                                             or anxiety over losing their teeth.
                                                                                 “If patients know you care and
 Jeniffer Lape, Doctor of Brayden Williams, senior Maddie Nutter, sopho-
                                                                             are trying to do everything you can
Dental Surgery at Gentle at Fairfield Career Center. more at Kent State Uni-
                                                     versity. Photo courtesy
                                                                             to make it a positive experience for
Dental. Photo courtesy of    Photo courtesy of
    Carrie Campbell.                                        of Nutter.
                                                                             them, it helps,” Dr. Lape said.
Sports                                                                                                          13

Lady Gales Strive for Greatness
LHS girls cross country run tough all season long
By C. Schorr, Sports Beat Editor
   The Lancaster girls varsity team     1st team ALL-OCC honors this               Galadyk praised Annabelle
ran an impressive race as they          season as well as other awards.        Whitacre for her improvement this
placed second in the OCC this               “At our OCC league meet, I ran a   season.
season. In the district meet, the       time of 20:16 and placed 6th to earn       “Annabelle came into the season
Lady Gales placed fifth and quali-      1st team ALL-OCC honors. This          with a negative outlook on cross
fied for the regional meet. Runners led me to become Fairfield Medical         country. She enjoyed it and want-
included Amarissa                                                                                   ed to be there,
Kerns, Liberty                                                                                      but she did not
Sexton, Kailyn                                                                                      believe in her-
Lanoy, Riley                                                                                        self. The first
Spangler, Ava Hol-                                                                                  month or so, she
brook, Mackenzie                                                                                    was not able to
Metz, and Zaylor                                                                                    run a full mile
Muck.                                                                                               without stopping
   Head Coach                                                                                       to walk. Despite
Teresa Tripp has                                                                                    this, she contin-
been coaching for                                                                                   ued to work hard
nineteen years.                     LHS 2021-2022 Girls’ Cross Country Team.                        and make huge
She said the athlete have stepped                                              improvements,” said Galadyk.
up when needed.                         Center Athlete of the Week.”               Sophomore Sarah Woo has had
   “We have really pulled together          Kerns described the challenges     many highs and lows this season.
this season. We have had many           this season.                               “I had a really rough season. My
ladies work between varsity and             “I think we have struggled a       first race was great, I felt so strong
JV spots. They have been willing to little this year to stay mentally in       and competitive, however, after that
step up when we needed them to.”        it. Running can be seen as easy but    race, I developed shin splints and
   The Lady Gales also faced many running at the intensity and length          got really discouraged.”
challenges throughout the season.       that we do is incredibly challenging       Woo then set a new personal re-
   “We have faced several chal-         not only physically but mentally as    cord at the Backwoods Invitational.
lenges with illness and injury. This    well.”                                     “I set a new two-mile PR and I
has really pushed the team to work          Kerns will always remember and     was so proud of myself, that race
together for the greater good of the miss her coaches and teammates.           really helped me because it was a
team," said Tripp.                          “For many of us, the team is a     reminder that I could do it.”
   Next season the Lady Gales           second family. I've never seen a           Sarah will focus on keeping a
would like to make a championship team with the team atmosphere we             strong mentality throughout the
run and compete in the state meet.      have,” she said.                       next season.
   “We would like to contend for            Assistant Coach Dianna Galadyk         “Next year I really just want to
the OCC Championship and make has been coaching cross country at               keep a strong mentality and not
a run for the state meet. We will       LHS for eight years.                   limit myself to what I think I can
continue to build a positive team           “I hope to not only guide them     do. That's my goal every season
culture and pursue greatness both       to be exceptional athletes, but also   because you have to maintain that
on the course and off," said Tripp.     to be exceptional members of soci-     strong mentality in order to be a
   Senior Amarissa Kerns earned         ety,” said Galadyk.                    good runner.”
Sports                                                                                                             14

Maximum Effort Required
New LHS football coach audibles his gameplan
By Nick Wolfe, Communications Director
   There is something to be said for    quarterback and linebacker
tradition and new Lancaster High        thinks it was a change that
School head football coach Brian        needed to happen.
Schoonover wants to capitalize on          “Coach Schoonover was
the solid foundation already estab-     the change Lancaster football
lished. Following his debut year as     needed and he makes football
head coach, Schoonover reflected        fun for everyone.”
on the recent season and his ath-          LHS sophomore, Dylan
letes.                                  Bird, thinks Schoonover is an LHS Head Football Coach Brian Schoonover.
   “The best part of this team,         important part of the program. Photo courtesy of Lancaster Eagle Gazett.
for me, was they are great people.         “Coach Schoonover brings
Every day they showed up to get         intensity and a drive to get better       guys. We played well in all three
better and they did. Everytime we       every day. He also makes practice         facets of the game and were able
pushed them they answered the           fun and has a great personality. I        to come out on top. Beating New-
call. I’m very grateful I was able to   look forward to the next few years        ark in the 100th game played in
be a part of it,” Schooonover said.     and improvement to the team with the series was also a great night,”
   LHS senior and one of the cap-       him as our coach,” added Bird.            explained Schoonover.
tains of the varsity football team         Schoonover’s first year as head            LHS senior, Riley Poston, who’s
Sam Fink, said having a new coach       coach was not as successful as he         been playing football since 6th
was exciting and encouraged him         had hoped, but the Golden Gales           grade, said he will miss putting on
to work hard.                           faced a whirlwind of challenges           the gold helmet and running out
   “This season just had so much        during the season.                        on Fulton. He remarked on his last
more excitement about it with a            Some highlights of the football        season under the guidance of a new
new high-energy coach getting us        season included the teams first win coach.
excited for the season, and covid       against Olentangy. Schoonover was            “This season was different be-
restrictions were down so fans          very impressed by Ajay Locke’s per- cause we were more together as a
were able to come to all games, it      formance; having to play both sides team and actually had a bond and
was just a great season with a great    of the game so late in the year.          the energy was more positive and it
team.”                                     “I think our first win against         was just a fun time,” Poston said.
   Jackson Burke, a 10th grade          Olentangy was a great night for the          Junior Jack Brandenburger said
                                                                                                  that he and the team
                                                                                                  are excited to begin
                                                                                                  preparing for next
                                                                                                      “Coach Schoo-
                                                                                                  nover is a great per-
                                                                                                  son to have on the
                                                                                                  field and I’m looking
                                                                                                  forward to having
                                                                                                  him coach us in the
  LHS senior Sam Finck.      LHS senior Riley Poston.       Varisty teammates Jackson Burke,      weight room in the
 Photo courtesy of Finck.    Photo courtesy of Poston.       Jack Brandenburger, Dylan Bird.      off season,” he said.
Sports                                                                                                                 15

All Heart - All Game - All Season
Gales volleyball team scores at OCC
By B. Allman, Staff Writer
   Lancaster High                                                                                   ultimately helps on the
School’s volleyball                                                                                 court.
team took second                                                                                       “I have also learned
place in the Ohio Cap-                                                                              that being a team and
ital Conference. They                                                                               being cooperative is
also placed second at                                                                               the key to success,” she
the Shaner-Wohrer                                                                                   said.
and third at the Wayne                                                                                 Next season will
Roller tournament fin-                                                                              bring new challenges
ishing with fourteen                                                                                to the volleyball team
wins and five losses.                                                                               as nine varsity players
To top it off, senior                                                                                are graduating.
                              2021-22 girls volleyball team. Photo courtesy of LHS Instagram.
Campbell Noland                                                                                         "I really need the
                                         strong. We had a lot of leadership
reached two thousand assists, and                                                    younger players to step up. They
                                         with having eight seniors on the
now holds the LHS school record.                                                     will be filling very important roles,"
                                         team,” Baker said.
   LHS senior, Ansley Baker, says,                                                   she said.
                                             “They get along great, and sup-
“The highlights of the season were                                                       Baker, being one of the nine,
                                         port each other,” said Ingram.
getting second in the OCC and                                                        says she will be continuing to play
                                             As a team, some athletes say that
beating Teays Valley at home to win                                                  in college at West Virginia State
                                         problems are bound to happen on
the sectional championship.”                                                         University. “I’m excited for my first
                                         the court, but how the team handles
   Overall, head coach Heather                                                       season as a college athlete,” she said.
Ingram said the team established a                                                       Being a Gales volleyball player
strong team unity.                                                                   is about more than just playing
   “We are a group of thirteen girls,                                                volleyball on the court. It is about
and sometimes this can cause some                                                    bonding, making friends, and shar-
friction, but they remain loyal to                                                   ing lifelong experiences with the
each other on the court,” Ingram                                                     people you learn to trust.
said.                                                                                    LHS senior Zada Sharp, said,
   The girls created solid bonds                                                     "My teammates and my coaches
which allowed for strong teamwork.                                                   mean everything to me.”
    “The team dynamic was very
                                               LHS senior Zada Sharp. Photo
                                                 courtesy of LHS Twitter.

                                          the problems is what really matters
                                             “The challenge of the season was
                                          overcoming covid and dealing with
                                          adversity during the situation,” Bak-
                                          er said.
  LHS junior Sydney Humbert. Photo           LHS junior, Sydney Humbert,            LHS senior Ansley Baker. Photo courtesy
        courtesy of Humbert.                                                                       of Baker.
                                          believes getting along off the court
Sports                                                                                                             16

LHS Girls’ Soccer Kickin’ It
Lady Gales brought the thunder this season
By L. Wright, Co-Photograpy Editor
The Lancaster High School girls         duced many big saves. Emmalee Do        team dynamics to persevere.
soccer team finished off the season     and Peyton Wilson deserve a lot of         “The biggest challenge this team
by breaking records for the first       credit for their behind the scenes      faced was making the girls soccer
time in years and placing the high-     work.,” he said.                        program and our culture what we
est that a Lancaster team has ever         Sophomore Elena White and            wanted it to be. COVID and previ-
placed in the OCC. These girls had      senior Carmen Morris dressed up         ous teams have had a negative effect
a packed season. Overall, the Lady      in ninja gear at one of the games in    on girls soccer,” Conklin said.
Gales record was nine wins, six         which the Lady Gales were domi-            The coaches play a huge role in
losses, and tied two games during       nating.                                 affecting the team’s game face.
the season and earned second                                                                 “Coaching means
place in the OCC-Buckeye                                                                  having a positive influence
Division.                                                                                 on the lives of players and
    “The season was very suc-                                                             watching them transfer
cessful. Wins and losses aside,                                                           what was learned in sport
we developed as players,                                                                  to life outside of soccer is a
coaches and people. When                                                                  great reward.” said Griffin.
confronted with adversity, we                                                                Conklin looks forward
were able to take a breath and                                                            to the next season.
adjust to the situation. What                                                                “The challenge for the
is taken from sports should             LHS 2021-2022 Lady Gales Soccer Team.
                                                                                         next team is to keep things
be able to be applied to everyday                                               headed in the right direction. We
life. That is a truer measure of suc-      “Our team was winning by so          will need to continue to learn about
cess,” said head coach Brian Griffin.   much that the coach took us out         each other,” said Conklin.
    In addition to a great team         so the other girls could go in. So         With an overlook of a terrific
achievement, several athletes stood     Carmen and I took this opportuni-       season and an even better one to
out.                                    ty to mess around and decided to        come, the lady gales season has
    “Olivia George was our leading      get dressed in our teenage mutant       come to an end.
goal scorer. Our offensive leaders      ninja gear to cheer on the team,”
were Olivia, Carmen Morris, Lily        said White.
Palmer and Kara Weaver. They               Morris said this season has
worked for each other and created a     meant a lot to her and she will miss
majority of our goals. Our defense      playing high school soccer.
was led by Maddie Green, who was           “I'm pretty sad about it being
a four-year starter. Maddie brought     my last year of high school soccer
a wealth of experience and steadi-      because I loved the atmosphere at
ness to our defense. She is always      soccer and I've really enjoyed get-
calm and collected,” stated assistant   ting to play soccer with some of my
coach, Kent Conklin.                    best friends,” said Morris.
    “Sophia Martin and Avery                The team came across many
Westbrooks did an outstanding job       obstacles but pushed to overcome
in goal for us this year. They pro-     the challenges and worked on their          Morris and White get ninja’d up.
                                                                                     Photo courtesy of Conklin.
Sports                                                                                                                   17

Deflected Season
LHS boys soccer team reset for next year
By L. Wright, Co-Photography editor
   The Lancaster High School boys       knocks and bruises are a way of life     we got a good win against Central
soccer team missed their goal of        for the guys on the team. We have a      Crossing,” Roan said.
achieving a stellar season. They        difficult task of finding the balance       “We also saw improvement from
faced many challenges and strug-        of recovering after a tough game         a number of guys this year, which
gled against some difficult                                                             puts us on the right track for
opponents. Now they are                                                                 next year.”
striving to overcome these                                                                 Rader and senior varsity
obstacles re-set for the                                                                player, Isaac Pallini, say they
next season.                                                                            will miss the team and play-
   Though they didn’t                                                                   ing for the high school.
have a winning season this                                                                 “The challenges I faced in
year, Head Coach Graham                                                                 high school sports changed
Roan has confidence the                                                                 my outlook on my high-
improvement will contin-                                                                school sporting career as
ue in the next season, the                                                              every moment of frustra-
team plans to continue                   LHS 2021-2022 Boys’ soccer team.               tion, pain, and hardship was
to push to be better and                 Photo courtesy of the team website.            worth it to me,” Rader said.
ready for the next year.                                                                   “I feel sad that I won’t be
   “We had a few games that we          and practicing hard to prepare for       able to play with my friends and
should have won this year that did      the next tough game,” said Roan.         teammates again,” Pallini stated,
not go our way. We are also look-           “Soccer can be a difficult game.        “But I am thankful for the op-
ing to improve our first touch and      It requires a great deal of thinking     portunity I’ve had over the last four
knowledge of the game,” stated          and dedication.”                         years to play on the team.”
Roan.                                       LHS senior Andrew Rader                 Despite a lack luster season, the
   “We play a pretty difficult sched-   reflected on his last season of high     team has high hopes for next year.
ule throughout the season, so           school soccer.                           New goals have been set.
                                            “Overall the men’s soccer team
                                        struggled a lot this year to find
                                        success, but it’s that struggle that I
                                        know I will miss the most,” stated
                                            One of the highlights of the
                                        season for the team was Senior
                                        Day. With practice everyday and a
                                        completely loaded schedule, a break
                                        every now and then is a good thing
                                        where athletes can be acknowl-
                                        edged for their accomplishments.
                                            “Senior Day was an awesome
                                        highlight to the season. We were
      Rader in action on the field.     able to recognize our seniors, and        Pallini shows off his saving skills. Photo
       Photo Courtesy of Rader.                                                              courtesy of Pallini.
Sports                                                                                                              18

The Best Season by Par
Patience on the green proved guaranteed progression
By A. Rushin, Editor in Chief
    The Lancaster High Schools girls       an 88 at our second OCC tourna- “I have learned from Coach Sted-
golf team defeated eighteen teams          ment match which was our stand- man that no matter how much you
on their schedule including win-           out round for the year,” Stedman      practice and how good you play
ning five dual matches and scoring         said.                                           it can always go the other
a low score of 205                                                                         way, not to let it affect you
against Highland High                                                                      and keep playing the best
School, making this                                                                        you can,” Griggs stated
year the most overall                                                                          “It has taught me a lot of
wins since 2017.                                                                           patience and how to keep
    This season's scor-                                                                    my emotions under con-
ing directly points to                                                                     trol.”
the team's relation-                                                                           A key factor in a good
ship and the patience                                                                      game of golf seems to be
learned from Coach                                                                         the virtue of patience;
Thomas Stedman who                                                                         although hard to obtain,
is in his 23rd year of                                                                     everybody is capable of
                                      Lancaster High School girls golf team.
coaching girls golf.                    Photo courtesy of Coach Stedman.                  practicing it.
    “The team's dynam-                                                                        “In golf, the challenge is
ic is amazing, the group of girls              “Her consistency off the tee      yourself,” Stedman said.
and Stedman, are people you want           really shone through this year as         “Golf taught me how to be
to be around,” junior at LHS, Kara         she was honorable mention in          patient, that things can always get
Weaver said.                               our OCC Ohio Division group.”         better even if it doesn’t seem like it,”
    “They make you feel super                 To be a great golfer, Stedman      said freshman Aubrie Bibler.
welcomed, they are supportive, and         believes that avoiding frustration        “I’m so happy I got to be a part
some of the funniest people you’ll         with the game, finding positives      of the team this year, it definitely
meet.”                                     in the play and developing con-       has made the transition from junior
    Senior standout, Aria Griggs,          sistency is key.                      high to high school so much easier
has been com-                                                                                            knowing they
petitively play-                                                                                         have my back
ing golf since                                                                                           if anything
fifth grade.                                                                                             happens!”
   “This season                                                                                              “Every past
was by far the                                                                                           and new year
best season not                                                                                          I learn some-
only because it’s                                                                                        thing new
the best I have                                                                                          about patience,
played, but be-                                                                                          dedication, grit
cause this year's                                                                                        and together-
team was more
                    LHS senior Aria Griggs.     Coach Thomas Stedman         LHS freshman Aubrie ness from my
like a family,”
                   Photo courtesy of Griggs.      and LHS junior Kara       Bibler. Photo courtesy of girls,” stated
Griggs stated.                                 Weaver. Photo courtesy of              Bibler.           Stedman.
    “Aria posted                                        Weaver.
Sports                                                                                                               19

Staying on Course
The overcoming of adversity and adaptation to change
By A. Rushin, Editor in Chief
   The Lancaster High                                                                                 Senior Harrison
School boys golf team                                                                                 Allen and Junior
excelled at the Bob                                                                                   Riley Senften both
Darwin Classic where                                                                                  shot 74’s with Allen
they shot a season                                                                                    making First Team
low of 314, had three                                                                                 OCC and Riley Sen-
players shoot in the 70s                                                                              ften making Second
and shot a five year low                                                                              Team OCC this year
of 326 at the Sectional                                                                                “I am proud that I
Tournament with one                                                                                   have been able to
player advancing to the                                                                               break my previous
District Tournament                   2021-22 Lancaster High School boys’ golf team.                  season best of 82
with a 77.                                        Photo courtesy of Senften.                       several times,” Senften
   “We have all of our prac-                                                                       stated,
tices and matches at the Lancaster      he met   a goal  he  always  hoped  he          “Next year, I hope to average
Country Club. Unfortunately, the        would. after placing third at sec-          scores in the 70's and make it to
Lancaster CC was sold,” said Luke       tionals.                                    districts.”
Truex, varsity golf coach of five          “These   past  years  I’ve put more          “This year was such a grind and
years, “we are extremely thankful to time into practice than I ever have            I felt thankful for every time I got
Valley View Golf Club for allowing and it really showed this season,”               to be on the course,” said Reif, “the
us to practice and complete our         Reif said, “I am proud of making it         golf course is one of my happy plac-
season there.”                          to districts. It was  something   I had     es, I'm gonna miss it.”
   Despite the unexpected relo-         always  wanted    to  do and  being  able       Reif will continue to play golf
cation, the boys adapted well and       to have it happen senior year was           in college but he will be missed by
played the best that they could.        awesome.”                                   boys as he moves on to his next
   “This season compared to last           Reif became the second player            chapter.
was drastically better. As a team we    Truex  has  had   in his coaching   ca-         “The senior athletes have taught
played better overall and kept push-    reer who   advanced     to the District     me that no goal is impossible, but
ing each other to                       Tournament as an individual.                                you must be willing
shoot better scores,”                                                                               to put in the work,”
stated FCA senior                                                                                   Senften said.
Issac Reif, “having                                                                                     “The best part of
no seniors last year                                                                                coaching is seeing
helped us to all grow                                                                               the boys respond to
together going into                                                                                 adversity and grow in
this season.”                                                                                       confidence through-
   Reif has                                                                                         out the year,” said
been playing golf                                                                                   Truex, “so proud of
since                                                                                               the legacy they are
                      LHS junior Riley      Coach Luke Truex. Photo FCA senior Isaac Reif.
he was a toddler                                                                                    leaving behind.”
                       Senften. Photo       courtesy of the Lancaster          Photo courtesy
and this season, courtesy of Senften.          High School website.               of Reif.
Sports                                                                                                               20

LHS Girls’ Tennis Serves the Competition
Team shows they’ve got game
By P. Scarbro, Co-Communications Director
                                                                                                     tennis is such a
         The Lan-                                                                                    mental game. Even
caster High School                                                                                   if you're a signifi-
Girls’ Tennis team                                                                                   cantly better player
experienced a lot of                                                                                 than your oppo-
action on the courts                                                                                 nent but you're less
this year racking                                                                                    confident, you'll
up a number of                                                                                       more than likely
accomplishments.                                                                                     lose, so it's super
The team finished                                                                                    important to have
with a record of 15-                                                                                 a strong mental
9.                                                                                                   game” said Thom-
   Four players made First Team             2021-22 LHS Girls Tennis.
                                            Photo courtesy of Mullins.            as.
in the Ohio Capital Conference; ju-
                                                                                           Reflecting on the season,
nior Hanna Sheets and sophomore         ments by finishing with a 17-4            Elick praised all of the tennis play-
Gracyn Gagne at First Doubles and       record during the regular season.         ers.
sophomore Andi Green and senior         Thomas said this was the highlight            “All 24 of our players, whether
Sarah Mullins at Second Doubles.        of her season.                            varsity or JV, had their own out-
     LHS senior Sarah Mullins, an            Thomas qualified for district        standing moments this season. It's
All OCC Scholar Athlete said one        in both her sophomore and junior          hard to single out just a few play-
of the best experiences she has had     seasons, but came up one match            ers when everyone worked hard
was playing with her partner, Gra-      short of qualifying her senior year.      throughout the season.”
cie Stewart.                            She said that qualifying for dis-            “I think our balance of strength
    “Being doubles partners is a        tricts will be her greatest memory        on our team will be our biggest as-
bonding experience unlike any oth-      of her high school career.                set next year. What we need to im-
er. I’m going to miss getting to play            “I was extremely happy and       prove on next season is our mental
my heart out on the court while         excited to be able to go to districts     approach to the game” Elick said.
having fun with her,” she said.         as a sophomore and it was so cool
          Mullins and Stewart fin-      to be able to play and watch some
ished second place at the Walkins       of the best players in central Ohio
Doubles Tournament. Mullins said        as well as the entire state,” she said.
that this was a great experience.                The key to Thomas’ athletic
         “Even though we didn’t get     success, she said, is working hard
first, Gracie and I played some of      and believing in one’s self.
the best matches we played all sea-              “In tennis, you're all alone
son,” she said.                         out on the court which means
          “It was an amazing expe-      there's nowhere for you to hide. If
rience to see all of our hard work      you put in the work, you'll get good
paying off and dominating on the        results, and if you don't put in the
court with her.”                        work, you won't,” she said.
         LHS senior Mallory Thomas               “Believing in yourself is              Sarah Mullins and Gracyn Gagne.
added to the team’s accomplish-         also super important too because                Photo Courtesy of Sarah Mullins.
Sports                                                                                                           21
LHS Field Hockey Takes a Hit
Winning attitudes keep players positive
By T. Ford II, staff writer

                                        2021 – 2022 LHS Varsity field hockey team.
                                                                                    seniors leaving.
    The Lancaster High School girls       dangerous for me so I was blessed         “It was hard to realize that they
field hockey team has been through        to be able to play the last five games were graduating this year. The se-
a lot this season. Between injuries,      of my season.”                         niors this year have helped me a lot
seniors hanging up their jerseys,             The team doesn’t just have         in field hockey.”
and people needing to quarantine,         positivity going for them. They also      Head coach Allison Kinniard
they’ve been in a tight spot. Despite     work well together and are always      said she is feeling excited to show
this, the team has continued to stay      open to improving. Senior Audrey       the team’s improvement next sea-
positive and those who were in-           Knight loves the way her team-         son.
jured helped by encouraging their         mates interact.                           “Next season we will be young
team from the sidelines.                      “Dynamically the team was          again but will have a lot more expe-
    “I spent a majority of my time        good; we worked well together,         rience than we did this season.”
cheering on my team from the side-        always tried to stay optimistic, were     Although the past season wasn’t
lines because of a heart abnormality      committed to the game, and were        as successful as the team had
they accidentally found from my           open in our communication if there hoped, they recognized the value
physical,” said senior Jada Sharp.        were any problems,” Knight said.       of continuously encouraging their
Fortunately, Sharp had a change of            But there’s always room for        teammates, especially the under-
luck.                                     improvement. Allie Locke, a soph-      classmen, which really shows good
    “After a handful of tests they        omore at LHS, believes this season     sportsmanship.
found that it was not going to be         didn’t accurately represent
                                          the potential of her team.
                                              “Our statistics at the end
                                          of the season did not repre-
                                          sent how well we improved
                                          throughout the season,” stat-
                                          ed Locke.
                                              “We focused every day to
                                          improve our hustle and effort
                                          at practice and games. This
                                          year’s senior night was hard
                                          to watch.”
   LHS senior Audrey Knight. Photo
                                              Locke also expressed that she’s LHS Field Hockey team huddles up at a
         courtesy of Knight.                                                       game. Photo courtesy of Locke.
                                          a little worried about this year’s
Entertainment                                                                                                          22

Lord of The Rings Prequel
TV series slotted for 2022 release
By E. Masten, Entertainment Editor
   A new Lord of The Rings prequel (theonering.com). With a budget                   and I would rather have it later and
by Amazon has recently finished           of $450 million, the first season is       it be super good than having it now
filming. Information including            reportedly the most expensive first        and it just is ok,” he said.
writers, directors, actors, and much season of television ever produced.                 Two directors confirmed so far
more has been released over the           The show has been approved for a           for the series are Swedish-French
three years since it was                                                                               director Charlotte
announced, building                                                                                    Brandstrom of The
both suspense and                                                                                      Witcher, and Span-
excitement for Middle                                                                                  ish director J.A.
Earth fans.                                                                                            Bayona of Jurassic
   Eager Lord of the                                                                                   World: Fallen King-
Rings fans will still                                                                                  dom. The writers
have to wait nine long                                                                                 behind the series
months to see the first                                                                                are confirmed to be
episode. The season is                                                                                 J.D. Payne of Star
set to premier on Sep-                                                                                 Trek: Beyond, and
tember 2, 2022. Fans                                                                                   Jungle Cruise, and
may be wondering                                                                                       Patrick McKay also
what the characters be                                                                                 of Jungle Cruise.
like, and whether the                                                                                      “They both
                          The only released frame of the upcoming Lord of the Rings TV series debut-
beloved wizard Gan-                  ing on Amazon Prime in 2022. Photo courtesy of BBS.
                                                                                                       wrote Jungle Cruise
dalf makes an appear-                                                                                  and I wasn’t a
ance.                                     minimum of five seasons, each with huge fan of it. I hope that they put
   Canal Winchester resident, Matt eight to ten episodes (Esquire).                  together a more serious and less
Dwyer hopes the new series will               LHS senior Gage Carlucci, an-          cheesy show” said Carlucci.
live up to the mystical level of the      other Lord of The Rings fan is eager           Techradar.com reports that at
orignal books.                            to see the new LOTR series.                least 39 actors have been casted
   “With a glut of nostalgia re-              “I wish it would come out right        and at least one familiar character,
makes and reboots in Hollywood,           now but I understand why the               Galadriel will appear as a much
I hope Amazon does it’s due dil-          release date is as far away as it is,      younger elf.
igence in staying true to the                                                                         Rogers said his ex-
source material of Tolkien’s                                                                       pectations for the series
original books,” said Dwyer.                                                                       are high.
   The setting takes place                                                                            “Honestly, this is
during the second age, thou-                                                                       the first time hearing
sands of years before The                                                                          about the show and I’m
Hobbit and Lord of The Rings                                                                       excited about it. There’s
which take place in the third                                                                      not much known about
age and include the Misty                                                                          the time period so it all
Mountains, the Shire, the                                                                          depends if it flows into
Island Kingdom of Numenor,                   Matt Dwyer.                    Gage Carlucci.         the main story.”
and the elf capital of Lindon         Photo courtesy of Dwyer.       Photo courtesy of Carlucci.
Entertainment                                                                                                      23

Squid Game Plays With Important Topics
Netflix hit new TV show touches on necessary themes
By L. Overby, Editorial Editor

   Squid Game reminds everyday        enough money to bring her fam-              at LHS took a liking to 067 and 001.
people of the effects of capitalism   ily together. Another character,                “I found myself becoming very
on the working class. These top-      Number 001, Oh Il-nam begins as             attached to players 001 and 067
ics and the show all together are     an innocent old man, but is later           and was so nervous while watching
heavy and raw with its                                                                           the show and hoping
execution. Children as                                                                           nothing bad would
young as six are watch-                                                                          happen to them,” Said
ing Squid Game, even                                                                             Castle.
with its TV-MA rating                                                                                “My favorite char-
according to The Guard-                                                                          acter was Ali, because
ian.                                                                                             he showed innocence.
      Rachael Culver, a                                                                          He teaches that it is
senior at LHS explains                                                                           okay to be genuine, but
plot of Squid Game.                                                                              to never let that kind-
   “Squid Game is a TV                                                                           ness make you easily
                                      Netflix’s popular TV series, Squid Games.
show about many people in South                                                   manipulated,” Culver said.
                                          Photo courtesy of Google Images.
Korea who are suffering and des-                                                      “I don’t think that children
perate to get out of debt. They enter revealed as the mastermind behind           should be exposed to this show
a competition full of deceiving       the games. Number 199, Ali Ab-              because it can be graphic at times,”
children’s                            dul, a Pakistani migrant worker in          Culver said.
games which turn out to be deadly,” South Korea is eploited as a victim.              “Its not fair for controversy to
she said.                                 Emma Parsley, a junior at LHS           spark from children watching a
   Squid Game elaborates on topics was facinated with one of the fe-              show that’s not for them,” Castle
such as sexual assault, debt, gang    male characters.                            said.
violence, the elite, and poverty.        “Kang Sae-Byeok’s backstory and              People have different opinions
   One of the main characters          character development is amazing           on Squid Game’s content and how
includes Number 067, Kang Sae-        and you emotionally stick with her          life is portrayed in the show, but
Byeok, a North Korean defector        until the end,” Parsley said.               nonetheless it has left a major im-
who joins the Squid Game to earn           Cameron Castle, a sophomore            pact on audiences.

       Photo of Rachael Culver.                  Junior Emma Parlsey.                LHS sophomore Cameron Castle.
         Courtesy of Culver.                    Photo courtesy of Parsley.              Photo courtesy of Castle.
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