Early Warning Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture - FAO
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REQUIRED CITATION FAO. 2020. Early Warning Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture (January–March 2020). Rome. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on the maps featured in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-132129-4 © FAO, 2020 Some rights reserved. This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution- Third-party materials. Users wishing to reuse material from this work that is attributed to a third NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO; https://creativecommons.org/ party, such as tables, figures or images, are responsible for determining whether permission is needed licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/igo/legalcode/legalcode). for that reuse and for obtaining permission from the copyright holder. The risk of claims resulting from infringement of any third-party-owned component in the work rests solely with the user. Under the terms of this licence, this work may be copied, redistributed and adapted for non‑commercial purposes, provided that the work is appropriately cited. In any use of this work, Sales, rights and licensing. FAO information products are available on the FAO website (www.fao.org/ there should be no suggestion that FAO endorses any specific organization, products or services. publications) and can be purchased through publications-sales@fao.org. Requests for commercial The use of the FAO logo is not permitted. If the work is adapted, then it must be licensed under the use should be submitted via: www.fao.org/contact-us/licence-request. Queries regarding rights and same or equivalent Creative Commons license. If a translation of this work is created, it must include licensing should be submitted to: copyright@fao.org. the following disclaimer along with the required citation: “This translation was not created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. The original English edition shall be the authoritative edition”. Disputes arising under the licence that cannot be settled amicably will be resolved by mediation and arbitration as described in Article 8 of the licence except as otherwise provided herein. The applicable mediation rules will be the mediation rules of the World Intellectual Property Organization http:// www.wipo.int/amc/en/mediation/rules and any arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
Overview The Early Warning Early Action (EWEA) Report on Food This report represents a summary and a prioritization of analysis Security and Agriculture is produced by the Food and Agriculture provided by FAO’s corporate and joint multi-agency information and Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It provides a quarterly early warning systems: Efficient humanitarian forward-looking analysis of major disaster risks to food security • Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and assistance requires and agriculture, specifically highlighting: Agriculture (GIEWS) anticipation. For FAO, • potential new emergencies resulting from imminent • Food Chain Crisis and Emergency Prevention System this means harnessing disaster threats (FCC-EMPRES) risk information systems • new developments in countries already affected by protracted • Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) and to act faster and avert crises which are likely to cause a further deterioration of Cadre Harmonisé (CH) acute hunger. food insecurity In addition to these, a number of other external sources are Qu Dongyu This report is part of FAO’s efforts to systematically link early consulted. The list of sources is available on page vii. FAO Director-General warnings to anticipatory actions. By providing specific early action recommendations for each country, the report aims to prompt Countries with ongoing emergency response efforts are not FAO and partners to proactively mitigate and/or prevent disasters included in the report, unless there are signs of potential before they start to adversely impact food security. significant deterioration. An overview of countries worldwide with humanitarian response plans or emergency plans is provided on High risk page vi. Countries are categorized as “high risk” when there is a high likelihood of a new emergency or a significant deterioration of the More details on the risk ranking methodology and the early action current situation with potentially severe effects on agriculture and recommendations are provided on page ii. food security. The Global Report on Food Crises 2019 highlights that around On watch 113 million people in 53 countries faced acute food insecurity Countries categorized as “on watch” instead have a comparatively in 2018. Urgent humanitarian assistance is required to save lives more moderate likelihood and/or potential impact, requiring and protect livelihoods. For more information go to: close monitoring. ▶ www.fsinplatform.org/sites/default/files/resources/files/ GRFC_2019-Full_Report.pdf The 2020 issue of the Global Report will be published in April. January–March 2020 | i
Methodology The countries and regions flagged in this report are selected Famine declared and famine likely through a consultative process led by early warning focal points As per the IPC new guidelines, ‘famine’ classification is mentioned from the EWEA, GIEWS, FCC-EMPRES and IPC teams. The main steps when famine is currently occurring in an area and at least 20 percent Risk value of the process are: of the population (or 10 000 people) are facing catastrophic 1. Shortlist countries flagged by FAO’s corporate early warning conditions. The new classification ‘famine likely’ is mentioned when High risk systems, IPC and Cadre Harmonisé famine is likely occurring and while evidence indicates a famine, it is FAO and partners should start 2. Triangulate risk information with other datasets and external not adequate to confirm or deny the condition. Furthermore, when implementing early actions on a early warning systems further deterioration of the situation might lead to a risk of famine, no-regrets basis 3. Verify and rank the final list of risks based on the following three this aspect is highlighted in the global risk map and narrative of the criteria: report as ‘risk of famine’. On watch • Likelihood of occurrence is classified into five levels (very FAO should strengthen corporate unlikely, unlikely, moderately likely, likely and very likely). Recommendations for early actions monitoring, preparedness and plan The term likelihood applies to the probability that, within Early action recommendations are indicated for each risk that is for the implementation of certain the time period considered, either a new disaster risk or the featured in this report. They outline a range of the most appropriate low cost early actions significant deterioration of the situation will occur. interventions over the coming months which could prevent, • Potential impact is classified into five levels (negligible, mitigate or prepare for the potential impact of a specific disaster on minor, moderate, severe and critical). The impact is analysed the agriculture sector and livelihoods. The interventions are also both in terms of magnitude (the number of potentially sector specific and non-binding in nature. Early actions can vary affected people and/or geographical extent of the impact on from activities aiming to protect livelihood assets to planning and agriculture, livelihoods and food security) and severity (the preparatory activities. The recommendations are developed gravity of the impact on agriculture, livelihoods and food by FAO through a consultative process involving technical experts security, especially in relation to pre-existing vulnerability and FAO country, subregional and regional offices. and food insecurity). • Country capacity to cope with and respond to potential Global risk map disasters or deteriorated situations is also classified into five The map on page iii provides a visualization of major disaster risks levels (very low, low, medium, high and very high). The Index to food security and agriculture in the indicated reporting period. for Risk Management (INFORM) is further applied to measure When a new emergency or deterioration of the current situation the coping capacity of a country. is very likely and might have severe impacts, it is indicated as “high risk”. In case of moderate to high likelihood and moderate and significant impact, the risk is listed as “on watch”. Ongoing humanitarian crises, such as protracted emergencies, are not highlighted in this report unless a deterioration is likely. ii | Early Warning Early Action report
Global risk map: January–March 2020 Legend High risk – country On watch – country High risk – region On watch – region January–March 2020 | iii
Cyclone seasonality This map provides an overview of the timeline of cyclone formations and their historical tracks. There are seven tropical cyclone basins, with specific peak timings during the calendar year. When available, the seasonal forecast (below- or above-average cyclone activity) is also provided. Tropical cyclone basin names North Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea1 Southwest Indian basin Northeast Pacific basin Southeast Indian/Australian Basin Northwest Pacific basin Australian/Southwest Pacific basin North Indian basin Peak Seasonality calendar 1 Tropical Storm Risk (TSR) extended range forecast for North Atlantic hurricane activity in 2020 anticipates a season with activity close to the long-term norm. The forecast spans the period from 1 June to 30 November 2020 and employs data through to the end of November 2019. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source: United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2019 iv | Early Warning Early Action report
Animal health threats potentially affecting food security This map highlights selected countries facing animal health threats during the reporting period. Countries are only highlighted if the threat is considered to have the potential to impact food security.* For a complete list of countries and threats, and more detailed information see: www.fao.org/food-chain-crisis/ early-warning-bulletin/en/ Risk value Diseases High risk AI Avian influenza *The information used to compile this map was extracted from the Food Chain Moderate risk ASF African swine fever Crisis Management Framework (FCC) Early Warning Bulletin for the period FMD Foot and mouth disease January–March 2020. The information was compiled as of 20 December 2019. LSD Lumpy skin disease Please consult the bulletin for a more extensive PPR Peste des petits ruminants analysis of threats to animal health globally. RVF Rift Valley fever January–March 2020 | v
EWEA risks within the wider humanitarian context The EWEA report exclusively highlights new emergencies in food and agriculture and ongoing crises in which a potential significant deterioration is likely. The report does not cover ongoing crises with no indication of an upcoming deterioration. This map shows countries flagged by the report compared to countries with Humanitarian Response Plans in 2020, in which we do not foresee a marked deterioration. Countries with Humanitarian Response Plans and no EWEA risks Countries with Humanitarian Response Plans and with EWEA risks EWEA risks that do not have Humanitarian Response Plans Source: Global Humanitarian Overview 2020, OCHA vi | Early Warning Early Action report
Sources of This report consolidates information provided by GIEWS, FCC-EMPRES and IPC, as well as from external sources of information information. The analytical basis for the prioritization of countries and the major sources of information and data presented in the report are three main groups of datasets: • countries requiring external assistance and the food security situation of low-income food-deficit countries* • forecasting threats to the food chain affecting food security in countries and regions** • IPC and Cadre Harmonisé acute food security analysis Additional information and data presented in the report are consolidated from the following external sources (including but not limited to): • reports and bulletins by agencies of the United Nations (UN), in particular the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Food Programme’s (WFP) Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Unit and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) • updates from external sources including Index for Risk Management (INFORM), Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), International Research Institute for Climate and Society – Columbia University (IRI), Reliefweb, local and international media *Crop Prospects and Food Situation Bulletin, and Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions (CFSAM), GIEWS **Food Chain Crisis Early Warning Bulletin, FCC-EMPRES, Animal Production and Health Early Warning Systems Team January–March 2020 | vii
High levels of insecurity in parts of Burkina Faso, Mali and the Niger have been severely affecting agropastoral activities and market functioning. Population displacement and food insecurity are strongly increasing, especially in Burkina Faso. Vulnerable displaced people, host communities and people in insecure areas are likely to require food assistance and livelihood support for most of 2020. ©FAO/Luis Tato
High risk The matrix provides an overview of the ranking of risks featured in Cabo Verde, the Gambia, this report. The risks are prioritized Mauritania and Senegal based on the severity, likelihood PAGE 10 Burkina Faso, and magnitude of their impact, Haiti Mali and the Niger PAGE 2 while also balanced against the PAGE 8 countries’ individual coping capacity. Nigeria Zimbabwe PAGE 14 PAGE 4 In order of intensity, for the Critical period January–March 2020, the high risk section includes: • Burkina Faso, Mali LIKELIHOOD and the Niger • Zimbabwe • South Sudan • Haiti • Cabo Verde, the Gambia, Negligible Critical IMPACT Mauritania and Senegal • Yemen African swine fever South Sudan • Nigeria outbreak in Asia PAGE 6 • Desert Locust outbreak PAGE 18 • African swine fever Desert Locust outbreak Yemen outbreak in Asia PAGE 16 PAGE 12
Risk overview crisis-affected areas where there has been a 50‑percent drop in land cultivation compared with the previous season. • The food security and livelihood crisis is escalating at an • Despite close‑to‑average rainfall across the three countries, alarming pace across Burkina Faso, Mali and the Niger. High limited pasture conditions are observed in several areas. levels of insecurity in parts of the three countries have been In the Niger, vegetation deficits are recorded particularly in Burkina Faso, affecting agropastoral activities throughout the entire season Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua, Tillabéri and Zinder, with a national deficit as well as market functioning. reaching over 11.3 million tonnes of dry matter. The western Mali and • Inter-community and armed group violence has been Kayes region of Mali is also affected by pasture deficits, as well as extremely frequent in numerous regions of Mali (Gao and several areas of the Boucle du Mouhoun, East and Center‑North the Niger Mopti), Burkina Faso (Centre-North, East, North, Sahel and regions of Burkina Faso. Boucle du Mouhoun) and the Niger (Diffa, Tahoua and Tillaberi). High levels of insecurity As of December 2019, the unprecedented crisis had led to a affecting agropastoral sharp increase in the number of displaced people, reaching Potential impact activities, leading to around 945 000 IDPs and over 270 000 refugees. increasing displacement • While during October–December food insecurity levels usually • Vulnerable displaced people, host communities and people in and food insecurity decrease as this period corresponds to the harvest season, insecure areas are likely to require food assistance and livelihood the latest Cadre Harmonisé analysis (November 2019) points support for most of 2020. The latest Cadre Harmonisé projections to a worsening situation in all three countries. Figures remain for June–August 2020 are alarming in all three countries, Over 3.2 million people high and have even doubled compared with the lean season with 1.7 million people severely food insecure (Phases 3–5) severely food insecure and in the case of Burkina Faso, for instance, reaching 1.2 million in Burkina Faso, 1.1 million in Mali and 1.9 million in the Niger. 4.7 million people projected people. Figures are above the five-year average in the Niger with • The pastoral situation in areas affected by deficits is worrying to be severely food insecure 1.4 million people severely food insecure and in Mali, reaching particularly in Burkina Faso and the Niger, as most of these areas during the lean season 648 000 people. are also affected by conflict. In particular, in the Centre‑Nord (June–August 2020) • While cereal production prospects in each of the three countries and East regions of Burkina Faso, the significant concentration in the three countries are generally either within the average or above the five‑year of displaced pastoralists with livestock in areas with limited average, insecurity has strongly impacted agricultural production resources poses an additional risk, affecting social cohesion. 1.2 million people severely in affected areas. In Mopti, for instance, a 49‑percent decrease in • Insecurity and conflict are likely to strongly affect pastoralists’ food insecure in Burkina Faso production is expected. In Burkina Faso, agricultural activities for movements and access to resources in the coming months, (October–December 2019) – the 2019/20 cropping season have dropped by 20–70 percent in which mark the start of the dry season. double compared with the 2019 lean season Nearly 1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the three countries as a result of escalation of conflict Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2 | Early Warning Early Action report
The food security and Recommended early actions Current acute food insecurity situation livelihood crisis is (October–December 2019) escalating at an alarming From January to March, the following early actions are recommended pace across the three in order to provide immediate livelihood support to displaced, host countries. High levels and refugee populations, as well as to contribute to reducing the risk of insecurity in parts of of conflict over resources. In Burkina Faso, it is crucial to strengthen Burkina Faso, Mali and rapid evaluation and response mechanisms to address the needs of MALI THE NIGER the Niger have been affected populations. affecting agropastoral activities across the entire Cash and food assistance season as well as market • Scale-up food and nutritional assistance to vulnerable people functioning. Population in need among IDP and host communities. B U R K I N A FA S O displacement and food • Safeguard IDP and host communities’ livelihoods through insecurity are also unconditional cash transfers, and support women and youth 0 160 km increasing, particularly in in initiating income‑generating activities. Burkina Faso. Displaced Projected acute food insecurity situation people and host Crops (June–August 2020) communities will require • Support IDP and host populations through cash-for-work continued food assistance activities focused on the rehabilitation of rural infrastructure and livelihood support and degraded lands. throughout 2020. • Provide vegetable seeds and agricultural inputs for home‑gardening. THE NIGER • Boost dry-season agricultural production in Burkina Faso. Livestock • Promote commercial destocking for weak animals in areas with MALI high concentration of livestock and limited access to pasture. BURKINA FA S O • Provide water and feed to core-breeding stock, and establish 0 160 km feed stocks. • Support the provision of animal health services, particularly vaccination and deworming. CH phase classification high risk • Rehabilitate pastoral wells by prioritizing solar-energy-based 5 - Famine 3 - Crisis 1 - Minimal Inadequate evidence equipment. 4 - Emergency 2 - Stressed Not analysed • Advocate for access to pasture and water for displaced populations’ livestock. Source: Cadre Harmonisé, November 2019 January–March 2020 | 3
Risk overview in animal diseases and limited veterinary support, with a significant proportion of livestock deaths attributed to these • Zimbabwe has experienced deteriorating food insecurity over two factors. Severe drought conditions have also affected the past two years, due chiefly to macroeconomic difficulties livestock body conditions and contributed to losses of animals. and significant shortfalls in cereal production caused by a severe For example, the national cattle mortality rate for 2018/19 was Zimbabwe drought and Cyclone Idai in 2019. As a result, humanitarian at 18 percent – about 15 percent higher than an average year. needs are increasing in the country. • Between October and December 2019, an estimated 3.6 million Deteriorating macroeconomic • Since October 2018, foreign currency deficits and the people were in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) level of food insecurity conditions likely to continue plummeting value of the Zimbabwean currency have caused or worse and required urgent assistance. Most vulnerable and dry conditions forecast import costs to rise. As of November 2019, Zimbabwe had households are considered to have depleted their food stocks, for a second consecutive recorded a high inflation rate of 440 percent. while hyperinflation further hampers their purchasing power season • Macroeconomic difficulties have also hampered the country’s and food access. ability to access grains from the international market, with further adverse effects on domestic supplies and prices. The 2018/19 cropping season For example, bread and rice have registered their highest prices Potential impact harvest is estimated to be since the period of hyperinflation in 2008, leading to severe 40 percent below the constraints on household access to food. • For the October 2019 to March 2020 rainy season, estimates five‑year average • In addition, adverse weather conditions ranging from substantial show some areas receiving between 9 and 40 percent below rainfall deficits to the impact of Cyclone Idai in eastern provinces their long-term average rainfall. This has likely led to delays Around 5.5 million have caused a sharp drop in the 2019 maize output. Limited in planting and a reduction in planted area and labour people in rural areas will be access to agricultural inputs and outbreaks of pest diseases opportunities, especially in areas severely affected during in need of food and livelihood including fall armyworm have also affected production. the previous season, which includes parts of Manicaland, assistance between January Estimated at 800 000 tonnes, the harvest for the 2018/19 cropping Mashonaland West, Masvingo, Matabeleland North and and March 2020 season is around 40 percent below the five‑year average. Midlands. Current climate forecasts point to a higher chance of • Furthermore, households relying on livestock as their main below-average rains, as well as above-average temperatures for Food insecurity likely to affect source of livelihood have had to contend with an increase the remainder of the season (January–March). 2.2 million people in urban areas Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 4 | Early Warning Early Action report
Over the past two years, • The ongoing macroeconomic challenges, increasing food prices Livestock Zimbabwe has experienced and cash shortages are also likely to continue to affect the most • Provide necessary measures to control tick‑borne diseases, in deteriorating food security vulnerable in urban and rural areas, further increasing their food particular theileriosis, which has killed more than 80 000 cattle and significant shortfalls in expenditure. since December 2018. cereal production, due to • With prospects of a foreign currency shortage – mostly reflecting • Rehabilitate or establish community watering points for livestock. macroeconomic difficulties, diminished export revenues – the country is likely to continue • Distribute poultry and small ruminants among the most a severe drought and experiencing difficulties in procuring sufficient grain supplies or food‑insecure households in rural and (where feasible) Cyclone Idai in 2019. As agricultural inputs from international markets. urban areas. a result, humanitarian • According to the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment • Distribute animal feed and mineral supplements to vulnerable needs are increasing in Committee, about 5.5 million people will be in need of food and pastoralists and livestock holders to keep their core breeding the country. livelihood assistance at the peak of the lean season between stock alive, especially in western parts of the country. January and March 2020 – around 3.1 million people more than the same time last year. In urban areas, food insecurity is likely to affect 2.2 million people. Acute food insecurity situation (October–December 2019) Recommended early actions Mashonaland Mashonaland Central Forecast rainfall deficits combined with deteriorating ZA M B I A West macroeconomic conditions and the impact of the El Niño‑induced Midlands drought of 2018 call for early action to prevent further deterioration Mashonaland East M OZA M B I Q U E of food security conditions. Early actions should aim to support Matabeleland North off-season crop production and protect livestock throughout the Manicaland lean season in the most at-risk areas, including the provinces B OTS W A N A Masvingo of Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East, Matabeleland South Mashonaland West, Masvingo, Matabeleland North and Midlands. 0 100 km Crops SOUTH AFRICA • Distribute fast-maturing nutritious vegetable seeds to the most food-insecure households for garden production in rural and IPC phase classification (where feasible) urban areas. high risk 5 - Famine 3 - Crisis 1 - Minimal Inadequate evidence • Provide superior storage equipment (e.g. hermetic bags) and train 4 - Emergency 2 - Stressed Not analysed Urban settlement vulnerable smallholder farmers in managing post-harvest losses. Source: IPC, August 2019 January–March 2020 | 5
Risk overview • Some 4.54 million people (39 percent of the population) production, as well as an increase in some livestock diseases were projected to remain in Crisis or worse levels of food and a more favourable environment for others. The floods insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and above) during the September resulted in the substantial destruction of pastures and animal South Sudan to December 2019 harvest period, including 875 000 people deaths due to starvation. in Emergency (IPC Phase 4). This is expected to increase to • The Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in Widespread flooding likely 5.5 million people between January and April 2020. Duk, the Republic of South Sudan, signed in September 2018, resulted to worsen an already dire Longochuk, Maiwut and Ulang are of particular concern, with in significant security improvements. However, 1.47 million humanitarian situation more than 20 percent of the populations in these counties people continue to be internally displaced. As the next rainy facing Emergency (IPC Phase 4) level of food insecurity. The IPC season sets in, an escalation of conflict due to cattle raiding is analysis does not take into account the full impact of recent likely to occur. 5.5 million people likely flooding that occurred in September and October. • In Juba, prices of maize and sorghum increased by 35 and to face Crisis or worse levels • Heavy rainfall triggered widespread floods that have affected 50 percent, respectively, between June and October 2019. of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 over 900 000 people, of whom about 420 000 have been Prices in October were exceptionally steep, at 60 percent higher or above) between January displaced. Significant flood‑induced crop losses were observed, than last year’s levels and more than 15 times above those of and April 2020 especially in former Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Jonglei, Upper July 2015 (GIEWS). Nile and Warrap states, which have partly offset the favourable Over 900 000 people impacts of an increase in planted area compared to the affected by floods in the previous year and high yields in areas not affected by floods. Potential impact northern and eastern regions The preliminary results of the joint 2019 FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission indicate that 2019 aggregate cereal • Between January and April 2020, 5.5 million people will likely production is estimated to be higher than the poor 2018 output, face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or but still below the five-year average. above), up 21 percent compared to the September to December • Flooding has also impacted over 3 million heads of livestock, period. Additionally, 14 counties are projected to face Emergency causing lifestock deaths, loss of pasture, reduced milk (IPC Phase 4) outcomes, up by ten counties compared to late 2019. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 6 | Early Warning Early Action report
Food insecurity remains Recommended early actions Acute food insecurity situation at severe levels in (September–December 2019) South Sudan. The Targeted actions can help prevent further deterioration in food THE SUDAN most recent IPC analyis security, particularly in areas affected by conflict and flooding. In the Upper Nile Abyei projects that 5.5 million January–March period, early action should support off-season crop Northern Unity people are likely to production and alternative income-generating activities. Potential Western Bahr el Ghazal Bahr el Ghazal face Crisis or worse outbreaks of animal diseases (including zoonoses) following rains Warrap ETHIOPIA Jonglei levels of food insecurity and flooding should be prevented by providing adequate support (IPC Phase 3 or above) Lakes to vulnerable pastoralists. Given that conflict is a key driver of food THE CENTRAL AFRICAN between January and REPUBL IC insecurity in South Sudan, early warning activities should factor in April 2020. This analysis, conflict sensitivity in their design. Western Equatoria Central Equatoria Eastern Equatoria however, was completed THE DEM OCRATIC REPUBL IC prior to the recent flooding OF THE CONGO Crops K ENYA that has affected over • Distribute fast-maturing crop seeds (cowpea and vegetable) to UGANDA 0 150 km 900 000 people. vulnerable farmers in lowland areas with access to surface water or residual soil moisture from receding floodwater. Acute food insecurity situation • Closely monitor crop diseases and pests and train farmers on (January–April 2020) mitigation measures (e.g. pheromone traps). THE SUDAN Fisheries Abyei Unity Upper Nile • Distribute fishing kits to flood‑affected and severely Western Bahr el Ghazal Northern Bahr el Ghazal food‑insecure households in riverine and lake areas to support Warrap ETHIOPIA diversified diets and food production. Jonglei THE CENTRAL Lakes AFRICAN Livestock REPUBL IC • Strengthen solar vaccine cold chain networks and preposition Western Equatoria Central Equatoria Eastern Equatoria vaccines and veterinary drugs in locations potentially affected THE DEM OCRATIC REPUBL IC by animal disease outbreaks. OF THE CONGO K ENYA • Conduct deworming, vaccination and animal treatment UGANDA 0 150 km campaigns targeting vulnerable pastoralists’ livestock through IPC phase classification networks of community animal health workers. high risk 5 - Famine Not analysed At least 25% of households meet • Enhance Rift Valley fever‑related actions, including surveillance, 4 - Emergency Inadequate evidence 25–50% of caloric needs from awareness campaigns, training in case of detection, etc. 3 - Crisis Urban settlement humanitarian food assistance • Introduce improved (fast-growing) fodder crops, e.g. Sudan grass 2 - Stressed At least 25% of households meet for agropastoral households to grow, conserve and feed over 50% of caloric needs from 1 - Minimal humanitarian food assistance livestock, and total mixed ration to feed livestock. Source: IPC, August 2019 January–March 2020 | 7
Risk overview Potential impact • A protracted economic crisis and increased insecurity since • According to the latest IPC analysis (October 2019), 4.1 million September 2019, coupled with dry conditions that affected the people (40 percent of the total population) are projected to be 2018/19 main cropping season, are causing the deterioration severely food insecure during the period going from March to Haiti of the food security situation in Haiti. Although the socio- June 2020, which includes the lean season (April–May). In the political situation has slightly improved in most regions since October 2018 analysis, which only included households in rural Deteriorating food security in mid‑November, allowing for transportation and commercial areas, 2.6 million people were estimated to be severely food rural and urban areas driven activities to resume, the situation remains highly unpredictable. insecure in March–June 2019 (38 percent of the rural population) by economic crisis and dry • The latest IPC analysis (October 2019) estimates that nearly compared with 3.1 million (42 percent of the rural population) conditions 3.7 million people (35 percent of the total population) are during next year’s projection (March–June 2020). severely food insecure (October 2019–February 2020). This • The political and macroeconomic crisis is expected to further comprises households in both rural and urban areas. In the reduce households’ already low purchasing power during Nearly 3.7 million urban area of Port‑au‑Prince, the food security situation is the coming months. Mass protests and episodes of violence people severely food insecure similar to that in rural areas, or even worse, particularly in the may persist. (October 2019–February 2020) poorest neighbourhoods of the metropolitan area. Nearly • Seasonal rains have generally been regular since the beginning one‑third of urban households are estimated be in urgent need of December, with few areas experiencing rainfall deficits. This 4.1 million people of food assistance. could favour the second maize production season. However, projected to be severely food • The main maize production season in Haiti typically takes the outcome of the second season accounts for only a minor insecure (March–June 2020) place between March and July. Dry conditions and insecurity portion of annual production and it is expected to only contributed to a 12.3‑percent reduction in agricultural marginally improve food availability. production in 2019 compared with already below‑average levels in 2018. • Rising staple food prices, with annual food inflation at Recommended early actions approximately 22.6 percent, a nearly 38‑percent depreciation of the local currency against the US dollar in 2019 coupled with The combined effect of last year’s El Niño‑induced drought, and unrest and insecurity, have significantly reduced access to food. of the political and economic crisis is likely to lead to the further Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 8 | Early Warning Early Action report
A protracted economic deterioration of the food security situation unless early actions are Current acute food insecurity situation crisis, coupled with dry taken. The period from January to March is particularly critical for (October 2019–February 2020) conditions that affected early action as it precedes the main cropping season. No r th Atl a n tic O cea n the 2018/19 main Nord-Ouest cropping season, are Crops Nord Nord-Est causing a significant • Provide timely climate-resilient crop seeds, agricultural tools deterioration of the food and training on good agricultural practices to vulnerable farmers L’Artibonite security situation in Haiti. affected by drought in the Artibonite, Grand’Anse, Nippes Centre The escalation of unrest North‑West and West departments. Ca r ibbea n S ea Ouest since September 2019 • Provide timely vegetable seeds, fruit seedlings, agricultural has resulted in increased tools and technical support to unemployed people (especially Gran d’Anse Nippes Ouest THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC insecurity. women and girls heads of households) affected by the political Sud Sud-Est and socio-economic crisis in urban and peri-urban areas of Cap Haitien, Cayes, Gonaive, Port au Prince and Port de Paix. 0 15 km Livestock Projected acute food insecurity situation The following early actions should target severely food-insecure (March–June 2020) agropastoralists in drought-affected areas in the North-West, No r th Atl a n tic O cea n North‑East, South-East and Centre departments. Nord-Ouest • Distribute planting material by March for forage production. Nord Nord-Est • Establish mobile veterinary clinics to provide animal health services to vulnerable livestock producers. L’Artibonite • Distribute small livestock (goat and poultry). Centre Ouest Ca r ibbea n S ea Cash • Implement cash-for-work activities targeting vulnerable rural Gran d’Anse Nippes Ouest THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC households without agricultural land, to rehabilitate and Sud Sud-Est protect agricultural infrastructure for water management in drought-affected areas in the Grand’Anse, Nippes, North‑East, 0 15 km North‑West, South‑East, South and West departments. high risk IPC phase classification Fisheries and aquaculture • Distribute fishing equipment by March to vulnerable fishing 5 - Famine 3 - Crisis 1 - Minimal Inadequate evidence households near hill lakes. 4 - Emergency 2 - Stressed Not analysed Source: IPC, October 2019 January–March 2020 | 9
Risk overview Potential impact • The outcome of the 2019 rainy season was negative in several • The pastoral situation is severe in several areas of Mauritania countries along the Atlantic coast of West Africa due to poor and Senegal. Limited pasture and availability of water could and erratic distribution of rainfall, particularly in Cabo Verde, result in reduced livestock production and lead to weak Cabo Verde, the Gambia, Mauritania and Senegal. purchasing power for agropastoralists. Consequently, people • The levels of severe food insecurity (October–December 2019) with limited mobility of livestock could experience significant the Gambia, are alarming due to drought. Cadre Harmonisé figures for livestock losses. people classified in Phase 3 and above are well over the • Given the vast amount of land affected by rainfall and Mauritania five‑year average in the Gambia (187 000 people), Mauritania vegetation deficits, there is a higher risk of concentration of (299 000 people) and in Senegal (359 000 people); and in livestock in areas with resources and of earlier transhumance and Senegal Cabo Verde there are around 9 870 people in Phase 3. for pastoralists, which will increase the risk of animal diseases • As of late September, 73 percent of hydro-meteorological as well as conflict over resources. Since October 2019, high Drought and localized floods stations in Mauritania registered severe rainfall deficits concentrations of animals have already been registered in affecting agricultural and compared with the long-term average (1981–2010). Along Guidimakha and South-East Gorgol regions of Mauritania, and livestock production for with delayed rains and dry spells in affected areas, this the situation is likely to worsen. another consecutive year affected seed germination and crop growth for rainfed crops, • Looking into 2020, Cadre Harmonisé projections for the lean whose production estimates are 17 percent lower than the season are worrying as the number of people affected by five‑year average. severe food insecurity (Phase 3 and above) between June 845 000 people • In Senegal, the negative outcome of the rainy season triggered and August 2020 are well above the average in the Gambia severely food insecure funding from the African Risk Capacity to the Government of (330 000 people), Mauritania (609 000 people) and Senegal (October–December 2019) Senegal and humanitarian partners in order to mitigate the (723 000 people). In Cabo Verde around 10 010 people are in the Gambia, Mauritania impact of the drought. projected to be in Phase 3. and Senegal, and nearly • Agricultural production estimates of rainfed crops in Cabo Verde 1.7 million projected and the Gambia are worrying. Maize production in Cabo Verde is (June–August 2020) – both expected to decrease by 80 percent, while cereal and cash crop Recommended early actions figures above the long‑term production in the Gambia are expected to diminish by 46 and average 70 percent, respectively, compared with the five‑year average. The following early actions are recommended for January–March in • The end of season analysis for grasslands carried out by order to prevent and mitigate the impact of drought on vulnerable Production levels of vegetation Action Contre la Faim highlights a worrying situation in several pastoralists and agropastoralists during the upcoming 2020 dry in some areas of Mauritania and cross‑border areas of southwestern Mauritania and northern season, and to boost local food production. Senegal are among the lowest Senegal. In Mauritania, most of the country, and particularly recorded in the last 20 years western areas, are experiencing pasture deficits, while eastern Livestock areas of Assaba and west of Hodh El Gharbi have positive • Ensure close monitoring of livestock markets and promote outcomes. In Senegal, strong deficits are registered in Louga, commercial destocking of weak animals in drought-affected areas. Matam, Saint‑Louis, Kaffrine, Kaolak and Diourbel. 10 | Early Warning Early Action report
The outcome of the • Provide livestock feed and water to safeguard core-breeding stock. Crops 2019 rainy season was • Boost local fodder production along river streams, pastoral • Support off-season home-gardening in communities with negative in several wells and low-lying areas through the distribution of seeds, access to water, as well as the cultivation of irrigated and flood countries along the maralfalfa cuttings and equipment. receding crops. Atlantic coast of West Africa • Rehabilitate pastoral wells by prioritizing solar-energy-based • Strengthen the utilization of groundwater resources and due to poor and erratic equipment. desalination of water for irrigated crops in Cabo Verde, in synergy distribution of rainfall, • Support the provision of animal health services, particularly with government efforts, as well as support pastoralists through particularly in Cabo Verde, vaccination and deworming. access to feed and water. the Gambia, Mauritania and Senegal. The pastoral situation is severe in Current acute food insecurity situation Projected acute food insecurity situation several areas of Mauritania (October–December 2019) (June–August 2020) and Senegal, leading to a CA BO VERDE C A B O VE RD E high probability of an early Santo Antao Santo Antao and difficult pastoralist Santa Luzia Santa Luzia Sal ALGERIA Sal A LG E RI A lean season. Sao Vicente Sao Nicolau Sao Vicente Sao Nicolau Boa Boa Vista Vista Tiris-Zemmour Tiris-Zemmour Sao Tiago Sao Tiago Fogo Fogo Brava Brava Maio Maio Dakhlet-Nouadhibou Dakhlet-Nouadhibou Adrar Adrar MAURI TA NI A Inchiri M AURITANIA Inchiri Tagant M ALI Tagant MA L I Nouakchott Nouakchott Trarza Trarza Hodh Ech Chargi Hodh Ech Chargi Brakna Brakna Atlantic Assaba Hodh El Gharbi At l a n t ic Hodh El Gharbi Assaba Ocean Saint-Louis Gorgol Ocea n Saint-Louis Gorgol Louga Louga Matam Matam Dakar Diourbel S ENEGAL Dakar Diourbel SE NE G A L Thiès Guidimakka Thiès Guidimakka Fatick Kaffrine Fatick Kaffrine Tambacounda Kaolack T HE GAM BIA Kaolack Tambacounda TH E G A MB I A Central River Central River Kolda North Bank Kolda North Bank Ziguinchor Kédougou Ziguinchor Kédougou Greater Greater Banjul Area Banjul Area Sédhiou Sédhiou GUINEA GUINEA G UI NE A Lower River Upper River G UI NE A Lower River Upper River BISS AU West Coast B I SSAU West Coast high risk 0 105 km 0 105 km CH phase classification 5 - Famine 4 - Emergency 3 - Crisis 2 - Stressed 1 - Minimal Not analysed Inadequate evidence Source: Cadre Harmonisé, November 2019 January–March 2020 | 11
Risk overview • Access issues for humanitarian actors remain critical in Yemen. At the end of December 2019, a vital grain storage facility in • Multiple diplomatic efforts have been taking place in Yemen Al Hudaydah was hit by shelling, forcing work to temporarily since September, however conflict remains intense in several close and severely affecting food aid. areas of the country. In September, increased fighting was • High levels of acute malnutrition persist throughout the country. Yemen observed in Al Hudaydah and Hajjah governorates. In Aden, In September, a surveillance system in selected locations hostilities have subsided, whereas escalated conflict in reported aggregate acute malnutrition in 27 percent of children Elevated levels of food surrounding Abyan and Shabwah governorates was ongoing. between 6 and 59 months. The highest rate was recorded insecurity amid talks • According to the last IPC report issued in December 2018, while in Al Hudaydah, with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) between warring parties accounting for humanitarian food assistance levels, 15.9 million at 37 percent and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) at 15 percent, people (53 percent of the total population) were facing severe followed by Ibb and Sana’a, which both recorded MAM food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 and above). A follow‑up hotspot at 18 percent and SAM at 7 percent. 15.9 million people analysis in June for 29 districts indicated that humanitarian food • Heavy rains between June and October have caused flash (53 percent of the total assistance is having a positive effect on households’ access to floods in most western areas of Yemen, destroying houses population) were facing severe food. Despite the improvements, the food security situation is and contaminating water supplies. Heavy rainfall since late food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 still dire. September is also causing flooding in southern areas of Yemen. and above) in December 2018 • Eleven million people relying on water supplied by piped • The local currency (Yemen rial) remains substantially weaker networks and 4 million people who depend on water trucked in than pre-crisis levels and has continued its depreciatory Aggregate acute malnutrition by private companies have had to drastically reduce their daily trajectory since April. The national average unofficial exchange was reported in 27 percent water consumption since fuel prices soared in September. In rate was more than 600 YER/USD in September, a three percent of children between three major cities, Al Mahwit, Ibb and Dhamar, which are home increase from 586 YER/USD in August. 6 and 59 months to around 400 000 people, central water systems were shut down • The presence of plant pests has affected the agriculture sector completely. Lack of water puts households at increasing risk and the country’s capacity to control outbreaks is limited. of diseases such as cholera. Fuel shortages have also affected Outbreaks of fall armyworm were reported on 2019 maize humanitarian operations in Sana’a and other areas in northern crops, and good rains in August 2019 have incited breeding of and central Yemen. desert locusts. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 12 | Early Warning Early Action report
Multiple diplomatic efforts Potential impact Crops have been taking place in • Provide key inputs to the most food-insecure farmers by March, Yemen since September, • Severe food insecurity is likely to persist in 2020. Should peace including crop and vegetable seeds and agricultural tools to however conflict is intense process efforts bring about a substantial lowering of the allow timely planting in April. in several areas of the intensity of the conflict, this could provide some respite. That • Provide solar water pumps to vulnerable farmers to overcome country and severe food said, the process could be protracted, given the divide among the high cost and scarcity of fuel. insecurity is likely to warring parties. persist into 2020. • The main cropping season in most cereal producing areas is Livestock between April and November. Cereal production in the Tihama • Distribute animal feed and mineral supplements to vulnerable region (the Red Sea coastal plain) has a summer season starting livestock raisers, especially in conflict-affected areas. in May and ending in August, a main planting season starting in late August, and a harvest in November/December. Total cereal production in 2019 is forecast at 12 percent below the previous Acute food insecurity situation year’s harvest and more than 30 percent below the five-year (July–September 2019) average, due to conflict and outbreak of plant diseases. The impact on food security might however be limited, as Yemen SAU D I ARABIA O MAN imports the majority of its food requirements. Sa’ada Hadramout Al-Jawf Hajjah Al-Maharah Recommended early actions Amran Amanat Al Asimah Marib Al Mahweet Sana’a Shabwah The combined effect of conflict, macroeconomic crisis, Raymah Dhamar Al-Bayda A ra b ia n Sea Al Hudaydah climate‑related shocks and crop pests may lead to a further increase Ibb Abyan Re d Sea of acute malnutrition across the country. Early action is needed to Taiz Lahaj Soqotra Gulf of Aden support preparations for the next cereal planting season starting 0 100 km in April, as well as to allow the immediate fulfilment of basic needs Aden Al-Dhale'e among the most vulnerable households. IPC phase classification Cash 5 - Famine Not analysed At least 25% of households meet 25–50% of caloric needs from • Implement cash-based programmes, including unconditional 4 - Emergency Inadequate evidence humanitarian food assistance cash and cash+, targeting the most vulnerable households in 3 - Crisis Urban settlement high risk At least 25% of households meet areas of acute food insecurity (IPC Phases 4 and 5). 2 - Stressed over 50% of caloric needs from 1 - Minimal humanitarian food assistance Source: IPC, July 2019 January–March 2020 | 13
Risk overview • In the northeastern states, nearly 2 million people are displaced by the conflict. At the same time, late season floods have • After two years of gradually decreasing numbers of people affected severely affected more than 200 000 people across these by food insecurity in Nigeria, the latest Cadre Harmonisé analysis states, particularly in IDP camps, affecting over 4 000 people (November 2019) indicates that figures are now going up again. and destroying shelters, fields and livestock, particularly in Nigeria This new worrying trend requires urgent action and its underlying Adamawa and Borno. factors need to be monitored closely in the coming months. At • Despite a generally positive agropastoral situation at national High levels of insecurity in national level, 4.3 million people are currently facing severe food level, the situation needs to be monitored closely due to the North-East, increasing insecurity (October–December 2019), of whom 2.9 million are several hotspots. At national level agricultural production conflict in the North-West located in northeastern states. This includes people in IDP camps. is forecast above the five-year average for several crops. and localized floods affect • The main factors for this upward change are the high levels Pasture development is either average or above-average at agriculture and food of conflict in northeastern states and the strong persistence national level. security of insecurity in northwestern states, notably Kaduna, Katsina, Sokoto and Zamfara, which have led to new displacements and had a localized impact on agropastoral activities in 2019. Potential impact More than 6 million people The situation was compounded by late season floods in some projected to be severely food northwestern and northeastern states. • In January–March, people in insecure areas and those affected insecure (June–August 2020) • In northwestern states, armed group activities and the recurrent by floods will be in need of food assistance and livelihood farmer-herder conflict has increased in 2019 and spiralled into support, particularly those residing in displacement camps and 2 million internally different types of violence such as banditry, cattle rustling, with host communities. Cadre Harmonisé projections indicate displaced people in the kidnapping, sexual violence and looting. In November 2019, that 6.1 million people will be severely food insecure during North‑East and over a recent report of International Organization for Migration on the lean season (June–August 2020), of whom 3.8 million in 300 000 in North‑West/ internal displacement in eight states affected by communal northeastern states. This includes people in IDP camps. North‑Central parts of violence and farmer-herder conflict (Benue, Kaduna, Kano, • Insecurity levels are likely to remain high particularly in the the country Katsina, Nasarawa, Plateau, Sokoto and Zamfara) indicates that North-East with a potential increase due to the mobility of around 540 000 people are displaced by the persistent violence. armed groups with receding waters in northeastern states, At the same time, nearly 60 000 people took refuge across the as well as persistent violence in northwestern states. border into the Maradi region of the Niger. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 14 | Early Warning Early Action report
Current acute food insecurity situation After two years of gradual • As the dry season approaches, failure to provide timely feed and (October–December 2019) improvement, increased fodder support for nomadic pastoralist communities may lead levels of insecurity in to wasting and deterioration of food security, since livestock TH E NIGER Lake Chad northeast and northwest represents the only livelihood option for more than 85 percent Sokoto CH A D states of Nigeria are driving of the communities. Katsina Jigawa Yobe Borno food insecurity figures Kebbi Zamfara Kano upward and impacting BENIN Kaduna Bauchi Gombe agropastoral activities. Recommended early actions Kwara Niger Adamawa This new worrying trend Abuja Plateau requires urgent action and In January–March, the following early actions are recommended: Nassarawa Oyo Taraba Ekiti Federal Capital Territory its underlying factors need Osun Kogi Benue Ogun Ondo CA MEROON to be monitored closely in Crops Enugu Lagos Edo Ebonyi Anambra the coming months. • Support home-based livelihood activities among the most Gulf of Gui nea Delta Imo Abia Cross river Bayelsa Rivers vulnerable households (micro-/backyard gardening and cash+). Akawa 0 100 km Ibom • Provide women with vegetable seed kits to improve household nutrition by diversifying their diets and sources of income. Projected acute food insecurity situation • Support women through off-season crop processing. (June–August 2020) TH E NIGER Livestock Lake Chad CH A D • Provide emergency feed support to vulnerable, displaced Sokoto Katsina Borno pastoralists and agropastoralists to safeguard their Kebbi Zamfara Kano Jigawa Yobe core‑breeding animals. • Carry out livestock restocking (mainly goats and poultry) BENIN Niger Kaduna Bauchi Gombe benefiting women and youth with limited access to land along Adamawa Kwara Plateau with the disbursement of cash-based transfers. Abuja Nassarawa • Establish water points in nomadic IDP settlements Oyo Taraba Ekiti Federal Capital Territory Osun Kogi Benue to complement other initiatives aimed at mitigating Ogun Lagos Ondo Edo Enugu CA MEROON protection risks. Ebonyi Anambra Gulf of Gui nea Cross Delta Imo Abia river Bayelsa Rivers Akawa 0 100 km Cash Ibom • Provide conditional cash transfers to returnees and IDPs, high risk CH phase classification particularly women and children. 5 - Famine 3 - Crisis 1 - Minimal Inadequate evidence 4 - Emergency 2 - Stressed Not analysed Source: Cadre Harmonisé, November 2019 January–March 2020 | 15
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