Experienced Teacher Standards-based pathway NSW & ACT Teachers 2020 Evidence Guide - Version Date: November 2019 - aisnsw

Page created by Brent Marquez
Experienced Teacher
Standards-based pathway
NSW & ACT Teachers

2020 Evidence Guide
Version Date: November 2019

About This Document


This Guide is designed to assist NSW, ACT and Tasmanian teachers to understand the ISTAA
Standards for Experienced Teachers and undertake the accreditation process for accreditation at
the level of Experienced Teacher.

The Guide has been written for teachers who are planning to apply for accreditation, and for
school personnel who will be supporting the teachers to meet the descriptors and to collect
evidence for the submission of their application for accreditation.

Specifically, the Experienced Teacher descriptors, actions and evidence examples in the Guide
are intended to:

•        assist understanding of each descriptor
•        provide a range of the types of evidence that may be submitted
•        support fair and transparent judgments of evidence by the ISTAA Assessment Panel.

Teachers conduct their professional duties in a variety of settings such as primary or secondary
classrooms, in outdoor and indoor facilities, using a wide variety of approaches and methods.
The range, developmental stages and backgrounds of students in a class influence the choices
teachers make about such aspects as pedagogy, resources and classroom activities.

Together these factors influence the types of evidence teachers may collect in the course of their
professional lives to demonstrate Experienced Teacher standards/descriptors. As far as possible,
the Suggested Types of Evidence outlined in this Guide for each descriptor have taken into
account the range of contexts in which teachers carry out their professional responsibilities.


Format of the Evidence Guide

The Evidence Guide is organised as follows:

                Descriptors                                  Actions                  Suggested Types of Evidence
    “Descriptors identify the components     The actions describe actions teachers    This section of the document
    of quality teaching. They constitute     have to perform to demonstrate they      details the types of evidence
    agreed characteristics of the complex    have met a Descriptor                    that can demonstrate the
    process of teaching. An effective                                                 achievement of the Descriptors.
                                             These actions describe the types of
    teacher is able to integrate and apply
                                             knowledge, practices and behaviours      For some Descriptors there are
    knowledge, practice and professional
                                             that are representative of teachers at   optional types of evidence that
    engagement to create teaching
                                             the level of Experienced Teacher.        can be submitted. Teachers are
    environments in which learning is
                                                                                      to select the one option that is
    valued. ” (National Professional         Some Descriptors have more than one
                                                                                      most appropriate to their
    Standards for Teachers, 2011).           action. In these cases teachers must
                                                                                      teaching context.
    There are in total thirty-seven          select the action or actions that best
    Descriptors that are organised into      suit their teaching role and school
    seven Standards. Each Descriptor is      context to fully demonstrate the
    addressed in this Guide.                 Descriptor.

Suggested Types of Evidence

The Guide includes types of evidence that can be used to demonstrate to the ISTAA Assessment
Panel that the Professional Standards for Experienced Teachers have been met. The types of
evidence included in this Guide are not definitive. If teachers have another type of evidence not
listed in this Guide, they may speak to their supervisor to ascertain its suitability as evidence for
the selected descriptor or descriptors.

Teachers only need to demonstrate the relevant actions and to submit one of the alternative
types of suggested evidence.

Types of evidence may include:

 •     teaching and learning programs                  •   written and digital communication such as
                                                           notes, emails, blog entries and invitations
 •     courses
                                                       •   certificates or records of attendance at
 •     units of work
                                                           professional development courses
 •     teaching and learning activities
                                                       •   teachers’ notes, agendas and minutes of
 •     assessment tasks and tools                          professional meetings

 •     student work samples                            •   school newsletters, magazine or intranet
                                                           articles, contributions to publications and
 •     video footage and audio recordings                  conferences
 •     student records of achievement                  •   references
 •     student reports                                 •   testimonials
 •     photographs                                     •   communication and correspondence
 •     evaluations of courses or teaching


Detailed below is Descriptor 1.1 as it appears in the Evidence Guide. The shaded section
underneath provides an explanation of how to interpret the Actions and Suggested Types of
Evidence sections.

       ET Descriptor                 Actions                   Suggested Types of Evidence

  ET 1.1 Select teaching   a. Assesses students’          1. A program, course, unit of work or
  strategies based on an      physical or social or          sequence of teaching and learning
  assessment of               intellectual                   activities that has been designed
  students’ physical or       development and                and implemented by the teacher and
  social or intellectual      characteristics using          includes differentiated strategies to
  development and             informal and/or formal         support all students’ physical, social
  characteristics to          assessment                     or intellectual needs based on
  improve student             information.                   information gathered about the
  learning.                b. Selects and                    students and includes:
                              implements                     a rationale for the selection of the
                              differentiated learning        teaching strategies
                              strategies which are        AND
                              based on information           notes about students’ physical or
                              gained about all or            social or intellectual development
                              one students’ physical         and characteristics
                              or social or intellectual   OR
                              development and             2. An individualised teaching and
                              characteristics.                learning program that has been
                                                              designed and implemented by the
                                                              teacher, and includes:
                                                              a rationale for the selection of the
                                                              teaching strategies in the program
                                                              teaching strategies selected
                                                              specifically to address the student’s
                                                              physical, social or intellectual needs
                                                              notes about a student’s physical or
                                                              social or intellectual development
                                                              and characteristics.

                           Teachers must select           Teachers must select one of the two
                           those actions that best        alternative types of evidence to
                           suit their teaching role       demonstrate the descriptor. The
                           and school context to fully    alternative types of evidence are
                           demonstrate the                separated by OR.
                           descriptor.                    A type of evidence may contain several
                                                          In this case all parts must be submitted
                                                          in the evidence for the teacher to fully
                                                          demonstrate the descriptor.
                                                          This evidence will need to be annotated.

Guidelines for Evidence


Teachers need to read this Evidence Guide for details of the actions they can perform and the
Suggested Types of Evidence that can be used to demonstrate each Descriptor.

This Evidence Guide should be read in conjunction with the 2020 ETSB Pathway – Assessor
Advice document and the 2020 ETSB Pathway - Supervisor and Teacher Checklist. You should
read these documents before you begin collecting evidence.

                                                                                  Descriptors addressed in
                          Descriptors requiring evidence
                                                                                     the Testimonial*

  Standard     Standard      Standard      Standard        Standard   Standard    Standard       Standard
     1            2             3             5               6          7           3*             4*

    1.1           2.1           3.2           5.1            6.1        7.1          2.6               4.1
    1.2           2.2           3.3           5.2            6.2        7.2          3.1               4.2
    1.3           2.3           3.4           5.3            6.3        7.3          3.5               4.3
    1.4           2.4           3.6           5.4            6.4        7.4                            4.4
    1.5           2.5           3.7           5.5                                                      4.5

   References (optional): Teachers may include written references that address in total no more
   than 4 descriptors. Referees may include the Head of School, the supervisor, colleagues, an
   executive member of the professional community or a parent. The referee must write a
   reference only for those descriptors that relate directly to their professional relationship with
   the teacher.
   References may address one or more of the descriptors in Standard 6 and 7.4. When a
   reference is provided as evidence for a descriptor, no items of evidence are to be uploaded.
   *Testimonial (mandatory): Teachers are to include a testimonial based on direct observation
   of the classroom practice in at least two different lessons by the Head of School or the Head’s
   The testimonial is to be signed by the Head of School. It is expected that the teacher will be
   observed at least twice; up to three lessons could be observed to gather information to be
   included in the testimonial.
   The only descriptors to be addressed in the testimonial are in Standards 2, 3 and 4. For these
   eight descriptors covered in the testimonial, no other annotations or evidence are required.
   The testimonial is to be typed on the proforma. The proforma can be downloaded from the
   Experienced Teacher digital portfolio page of the AIS website.
   Evidence for descriptors 3.7, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 will be in the form of a Head of School Report.
   Descriptor 5.5 will be partially demonstrated by the Head of School’s acknowledgement in the
   Head of School report.
   Descriptors 1.1, 1.2, 1.5 and 2.2 require the teacher to design and implement the suggested
   type of evidence:

Descriptor 1.4 If you do not teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students during the
    evidence collection period your principal can sign the statement in the Declaration of
    Authenticity to this effect. No evidence is required if the principal signs the statement.


    To ‘annotate’ is to write explanatory notes about how the item of evidence demonstrates the
    Experienced Teacher descriptor.

General information
•      Most items of evidence must be annotated. References, the testimonial and Head of
       School Report do not require an annotation.
•      All claims made in annotations must be supported by evidence.
•      Annotations are not evidence and will not be accepted as evidence. Evidence included in
       annotations will not be assessed.
•      Evaluations, notes about students, annotated bibliographies etc. must be included with the
       evidence, not as part of the annotations.
•      The annotations must be created by the teacher applying for accreditation.
•      Annotations must include a clear and precise explanation of how the item or part of the
       item demonstrates the teacher has met the descriptor.
•      Descriptors requiring an annotation must have their own annotation. Do not group
       annotations for one item of evidence into one paragraph or essay.
•      Annotations need to be succinct. A paragraph per descriptor is sufficient. Annotations
       must not exceed 2000 characters.
•      Annotations must not be written on the actual evidence.
Identifying descriptors in the evidence
•      Descriptors being demonstrated in one item of evidence are not to be listed at the
       beginning of the item.
•      At the point in the item where the evidence is located, the number of the descriptor may be
       specified and an arrow may be placed in the left-hand or right-hand margin to indicate the
       location of the evidence. You do not need to write the descriptor in words or explain how
       the evidence demonstrates the descriptor. This information is to be included in the
•      The number of the descriptor may be inserted digitally as Comments using Microsoft®
       Word or in text boxes.

Teaching programs/units of work
•    Teaching programs, courses and units of work must show evidence of currency (e.g. year of
     implementation) and that they are working documents. Ongoing notes or comments hand-
     written or digitally recorded on the program or unit of work also indicates that the teacher
     has used the document. Sign off by the teacher including a signature and date indicates
     the program or unit of work has been implemented.
•    Applicants must submit teaching and learning programs, units of work and/or activities
     they have designed, implemented and evaluated where this is specified in the Suggested
     Types of Evidence. Applicants who submit as evidence teaching programs or units of work
     designed by another teacher or in collaboration with one or more teachers will be deemed
     as not meeting the descriptor/s and will be required to submit additional evidence.
•    Teaching programs created by teachers and sold through commercial suppliers are not
     acceptable as evidence.
•    Photocopied material from textbooks, materials created by other teachers and the Internet
     must be referenced.
•    Teaching and learning programs uploaded for one or more descriptors must be the original
     program. Rationales, level of detail in the program and evaluations must not be modified
     for the purpose of accreditation.
•    Teaching and learning programs submitted as evidence must not exceed 20 pages.
•    For those descriptors that must be demonstrated to an observer, only one item of
     evidence, testimonial, is listed in the Suggested Types of Evidence column. No other
     evidence is required. The testimonial does not require an annotation.
•    The Experienced Teacher actions are actions that can assist teachers to demonstrate they
     are meeting the descriptor when being observed.
•    Teachers who write testimonials should refer to the actions for some of the ways a teacher
     can demonstrate the descriptors. Descriptions of how a teacher meets the descriptor
     should include two specific examples of what the observer saw the teacher doing in his or
     her classroom for each descriptor. All comments need to specifically address the
•    If the testimonial does not describe at least two specific actions observed in a teacher’s
     classroom, the descriptor will be deemed not met. In this case the testimonial writer will
     need to make a new observation and the applicant will need to submit a new testimonial
     only for the descriptors not met. This only applies to teachers who are eligible to submit
     additional evidence.
•    Two lesson observations must be made and identified by including the dates in the
     testimonial and the writer must refer to the different dates in the comments.
•    Quoting Experienced Teacher descriptors as specific examples is not acceptable as

•     If the descriptors included in the testimonial are not demonstrated, teachers will have to
      submit another testimonial signed by the Head of School for those descriptors, by the
      closing date for additional evidence.
•     Applicants are not to write their own testimonial. If a testimonial is identified by the
      assessment panel as being written by an applicant, it will not be assessed. The Head of
      School will be requested to provide a signed testimonial written by the observer.
•     One testimonial is to be included. This is to be completed by only one person.
•     Only one testimonial statement for each descriptor must be submitted.
•     The testimonial template, advice for testimonial writers and an example are available in
      the Resource Centre at www.aisnsw.edu.au under Teacher Accreditation.
•     The testimonial must be signed by the Head of School. If the Head of School is absent, an
      acting Head may sign the document. There must be an indication on the testimonial that
      the person who has signed in the place for the Head is acting on behalf of the Head. The
      testimonial cannot be signed by the Head of Junior School or Head of Senior School or
      Head of Preparatory School.
Professional learning
•     Providing a brochure or invoice for a professional learning session is not satisfactory
      evidence for demonstrating attendance.
•     Records and certificates of attendance at professional learning sessions must include the
      teacher’s name, date of attendance and name of organisation that provided the
      professional learning.
•     Teachers may demonstrate a maximum of 4 descriptors in Standards 6 and/or 7 using
•     Referees must include all the information specified on the template for the reference to be
      a valid item of evidence. Referees must use the ISTAA template provided. If a reference for
      a descriptor does not provide sufficient details of how the teacher demonstrated the
      descriptor, the descriptor will be assessed as not met. Teachers will be required to provide
      additional evidence for the descriptor, if eligible. References may not be submitted as
      additional evidence.
•     Applicants cannot write references for each other.
•     Advice for reference writers is available in the Resource Centre at www.aisnsw.edu.au
      under Teacher Accreditation.
•     If a reference is used as evidence no other items are to be uploaded as evidence for the

Other types of evidence
1.    Student work samples, evaluations and self-reflection sheets included as evidence are to
      be completed by the students. In these instances, blank templates are not acceptable
2.    Copies of articles from the web, journals and notes distributed by presenters, academics
      etc. must not be included as evidence.
3.    If submitting video material, it is to be edited to no more than 5 minutes and it must be
      accompanied by an annotation. Longer videos will not be assessed.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Descriptor 1.4 If you do not teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students during the
evidence collection period your Head of School can sign the statement in the Declaration of
Authenticity to this effect. No evidence is required if the Head of School signs the statement.
All applicants are required to submit evidence for descriptor 2.4.

Experienced Teacher Professional Teaching Standards

These standards and descriptors are included in this Evidence Guide and the descriptors are to
be referred to in Descriptor 6.1. Do not refer to the Proficient Teacher descriptors when providing
evidence for 6.1.

Evidence of implementation of programs, units of work and lessons

Evidence must be provided to show that programs, units of work and lesson plans or sequences
of lessons have been implemented in the classroom with students. This evidence can be:

1.    Signed and dated documents. Signatures and dates may be included throughout or at the
      end of the document. Documents that are not dated will not be accepted as evidence.
      Including the dates in the file name of the document or in the annotation will indicate that
      the evidence was collected in the evidence collection period NOT that it had been

2.    Dated student work samples. Work samples that are not dated will not be accepted as

3.    Evaluations, either throughout or at the end of the document.

How much evidence

•     Different parts of a program or unit of work, such as lesson plans, lesson sequences,
      teaching and learning activities, assessment items or reflections and evaluations, can be
      used as separate items of evidence. If parts of a program or unit of work are submitted
      together, they will be counted as one item of evidence.
•     For each Descriptor, teachers must submit one type of evidence. Where the type of
      evidence suggested in the Guide includes several parts; all parts must be submitted for the
      teacher to fully demonstrate the Descriptor.
•     A maximum of five items of evidence may be used to a descriptor.

•     When one item of evidence is used to demonstrate several Descriptors, the teacher must
      make sure that:
      o     any one item does not demonstrate more than five Descriptors
      o     the item contains sufficient comprehensive evidence for each Descriptor being
      o     the location of each Descriptor is precisely identified in the item
      o     each Descriptor is individually annotated
      o     the item is only uploaded once.
•     Some Descriptors include the word “range”, for example a broad range of strategies. Some
      Descriptors include the word “variety”. In the context of this Evidence Guide, range and
      variety mean three examples.
Items of evidence

•     Items of evidence must only be uploaded ONCE and descriptors identified from the drop-
      down list. Please refer to the Digital Portfolio Manual for instructions.
•     The maximum number of items of evidence to be uploaded for one descriptor is five.
Time frame for collection of evidence

•   The items of evidence may be collected at any time in accordance with the evidence
    collection period dates outlined in the Important Dates for 2020 ETSB Pathway.


•     If material that is submitted contains items that were originally handwritten, the
      handwriting must be legible. Photocopied and scanned materials must be able to be read

•     All students’ and parents’ surnames must be removed from items such as work samples,
      record sheets, reports, e-mails and letters. Alternately you may refer to Student X or
      Parent A consistently throughout the item. If names have not been removed from one or
      more items of evidence the Head of School will be contacted regarding the privacy issue.

•     The report, testimonial and optional references must be completed on the proformas
      provided. These documents do not need to be annotated. The signed documents are
      uploaded to the applicant’s digital portfolio.

A glossary containing definitions of terms used throughout the Evidence Guide is provided on the
Digital Portfolio web page

* Note: for words in the Evidence Guide that are marked with an asterisk (*) the glossary should
be consulted.


Highlighting a name in a Word or Excel document and using the shading tool to change the
background to black will not ensure confidentiality because anyone can copy that text and paste
it into another document, revealing the names.

Similarly, doing the above then saving the document as a PDF will not necessarily ensure that the
names remain unable to be revealed.

Documents should have names removed before saving to avoid any breach of confidentiality. If
you would like more information on how to do this, please click here.


•     Your evidence needs to include the following items. These documents must be uploaded to
      the applicant’s digital portfolio.

•     The testimonial, declaration of authenticity and Head of School report must be signed by
      the Head of the school. If the Head of School is absent, an acting Head may sign the
      document. There must be an indication on the documents that the person who has signed
      in the place for the Head is acting on behalf of the Head. The documents cannot be signed
      by the Head of Junior School or Head of Senior School or Head of Preparatory School.

•     Declaration of Authenticity: Must be signed by the applicant and Head of School.

•     Testimonial: Based on direct observation of the applicant’s teaching. Completed by the
      Head of School or Head’s nominee. Must be signed by the Head of School.

•     References (optional): References that address a maximum of 4 descriptors can be used
      as part of the evidence. Referees may include the Head of School, supervisor, colleagues
      and executive members of the school or a parent. For each descriptor, only one reference
      statement is to be provided, with sufficient detail of how the teacher demonstrated the
      descriptor. If a reference is provided for a descriptor, no other evidence is to be uploaded
      or included.

•     Report from the Head of School: Written by the Head of School for descriptors 3.7, 5.5, 7.1,
      7.2 and 7.3. Optional comments can be included about the applicant related to Standards
      1 – 6 and descriptor 7.4. The descriptions for each Head of School descriptor statement
      are unique to the teacher. Writers must ensure that the descriptor descriptions are specific
      to the teacher. Including the same statements for different teachers can be problematic as
      it may indicate that the writer did not know the actions teachers have taken in relation to
      the descriptors.

The templates for these documents are available on AISNSW website in the Teacher
Accreditation Experienced Teacher 2020 Standards-based pathway section of the Resource

2019 Unsuccessful applicants applying in 2020

Teachers who are reapplying in 2020:

1.   may use evidence created in the evidence collection period for 2020. That is, from Monday
     29th April 2019 to 4:00pm Friday 4th September 2020. Note that evidence from 2019 is
     also reviewed when the 2020 evidence is assessed.
2.   must provide a new Testimonial, Head of School report, Declaration of Authenticity and
     references, if used.

Professional Standards for Experienced Teacher

    Domains of Teaching                  Standards                 Focus areas and

Professional Knowledge         •   Know students and how        Refer to pages 11 – 22
                                   they learn

                               •   Know the content and how
                                   to teach it

Professional Practice          •   Plan for and implement       Refer to pages 23 – 38
                                   effective teaching and

                               •   Create and maintain
                                   supportive and safe
                                   learning environments

                               •   Assess, provide feedback
                                   and report on student

Professional Engagement        •   Engage in professional       Refer to pages 39 – 46

                               •   Engage professionally with
                                   colleagues, parents/carers
                                   and the community

STANDARD 1: Know students and how they learn

  Focus Area: Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students

     ET Descriptor                     Actions                      Suggested Types of Evidence

ET 1.1 Select teaching    a. Assesses students’ physical or    1. A program, course, unit of work or
strategies based on an       social or intellectual               sequence of teaching and
assessment of                development and                      learning activities that has been
students’ physical or        characteristics.                     designed and implemented by the
social or intellectual                                            teacher that includes
                          b. Implements differentiated
development and                                                   differentiated strategies to
                             teaching programs, units of
characteristics to                                                support students’ physical, social
                             work, teaching and learning
improve student                                                   or intellectual needs based on
                             activities or strategies which
learning.                                                         information gathered about the
                             address students’ physical or
                                                                  students and includes:
                             social or intellectual
                             development and                        •   a rationale for the selection of
                             characteristics.                           the teaching strategies

                                                                    •   notes about students’ physical
                                                                        or social or intellectual
                                                                        development and


                                                               2. An individualised teaching and
                                                                  learning program informed by an
                                                                  IEP or ILP that has been designed
                                                                  and implemented by the teacher,
                                                                  and includes:

                                                                    •   a rationale for the selection of
                                                                        the teaching strategies in the

                                                                    •   teaching strategies selected
                                                                        specifically to address the
                                                                        students’ physical, social or
                                                                        intellectual needs

                                                                    •   notes about a student’s
                                                                        physical or social or
                                                                        intellectual development and

STANDARD 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus Area: Understand how students learn

     ET Descriptor                  Actions                    Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 1.2 Design           a. Researches ways their        A program, course, unit of work or
 teaching and learning      students learn.              sequence of teaching and learning
 programs using                                          activities that has been designed and
                         b. Records information
 research or                                             implemented by the teacher and is
                            sourced from colleagues
 information provided                                    aligned to ways your students learn and
                            about promoters and
 by colleagues about                                     includes:
                            blockers to learning faced
 how students learn.
                            by their students and how    •   a record of communication with
                            these can be addressed in        colleagues about how students learn
                            your school and/or
                            classroom context.               OR

                         c. Designs teaching and         •   an annotated bibliography of two to
                            learning programs based on       five researched articles that are
                            information gathered about       relevant to how your students may
                            how their students learn.        learn


                                                         •   a rationale for the selection of the
                                                             teaching strategies based on
                                                             information sourced from research or
                                                             colleagues about how students learn.

STANDARD 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus Area: Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

      ET Descriptor                                                  Suggested Types of Evidence

ET 1.3 Implement* and      a. Gathers and records                A program, course, unit of work or
evaluate* the                 information about learning         sequence of teaching and learning
effectiveness of              strengths and needs of their       activities that includes:
teaching strategies that      students through meetings or
                                                                 •   notes about your students’
have been designed to         correspondence with people
be responsive to the          such as students, parents and          learning strengths and needs
learning strengths and        caregivers, counselors or              gathered from colleagues and/or
                                                                     members of the community of
needs of students from        learning support personnel
                                                                     your school if applicable
diverse linguistic or         or by accessing school records
cultural or religious or      or by surveying or observing       •   teaching strategies that have
socioeconomic                 students.                              been differentiated by the
backgrounds.                                                         teacher based on the learning
                           b. Implements programs,
                              courses, units of work or              strengths and needs of your
                              specific teaching and learning         students and that are aligned
                              activities that include                with information recorded in the
                              selected teaching strategies           notes about learning strengths
                              based on the knowledge                 and needs of your students
                              gained about learning              •   an evaluation of the
                              strengths and needs of their           effectiveness of implementing
                              students.                              the selected teaching strategies
                           c.   Evaluates the effectiveness of       in meeting learning strengths
                                teaching strategies that have        and needs of your students.
                                been selected and
                                implemented in response to
                                their students’ learning
                                strengths and needs.

STANDARD 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus Area: Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

      ET Descriptor                                                   Suggested Types of Evidence

  ET 1.4 Implement*         a. Gathers and records                A program, course, unit of work or
  and evaluate*                information about the home         sequence of teaching and learning
  effective teaching           community or cultural setting,     activities that includes:
  strategies that are          linguistic background or
                                                                  •   notes about students’ local
  designed to be               histories of Aboriginal and
  responsive to the            Torres Strait Islander students        community or cultural setting,
  home community or            from relevant people such as           linguistic background or histories
                                                                      of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
  cultural setting,            supervisors, colleagues,
  linguistic background        itinerant teachers, elders of          Islander students
  or histories of              Aboriginal communities,            •   a bibliography of references that
  Aboriginal and Torres        educational consultants and            informed the teaching and
  Strait Islander              academics and other relevant           learning activities/strategies
  students.*                   professionals and/or
                               educational journals,              •   effective teaching strategies that
  See notes on page 5                                                 are designed to be responsive to
                               brochures, websites and/or
  and 8 if you do not                                                 the student’s home community
                               professional development
  teach Aboriginal and                                                or cultural setting, linguistic
  Torres Strait Islander                                              background or histories of
  students in the           b. Implements effective teaching          Aboriginal and Torres Strait
  evidence collection          strategies that are designed to        Islander students
  period.                      be responsive to the home
                               community or cultural setting,     •   an evaluation of the
                               linguistic background or               effectiveness of the selected
                               histories of Aboriginal and            teaching strategies.
                               Torres Strait Islander students.

                            c. Evaluates the effectiveness of
                               teaching strategies that have
                               been selected and
                               implemented to be responsive
                               to the home community or
                               cultural setting, linguistic
                               background or histories of
                               Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                               Islander students.

STANDARD 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus Area: Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full
range of abilities

      ET Descriptor                      Actions                      Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 1.5 Design and         a. Accesses information about         1. Notes about all the students in a
 implement a range of         the specific learning needs of        class and selected group’s
 teaching activities that     students using assessment             specific learning needs gained as
 incorporate                  for, as and of learning               the result of formal or informal
 differentiated strategies    strategies such as informal,          assessment or from support
 to meet the specific         formal, diagnostic, formative         teachers or school records.
 learning needs of            or summative.
 students across the full
                           b. Designs and implements a
 range of abilities.                                                  A range of teaching and learning
                              range of differentiated
                                                                      strategies, designed and
                              teaching strategies that are
                                                                      implemented by the teacher,
                              based on information gained
                                                                      that cater for all students,
                              about the specific learning
                                                                      including those with specific
                              needs of your students. These
                                                                      learning needs as recorded in
                              include teaching and learning
                                                                      the notes and the students not
                              activities for mainstream
                                                                      requiring adjustments, or
                              students and students with
                              different needs to these
                                                                 2. Notes about all the students in a
                                                                    class gathered as the result of
                                                                    formal or informal assessment or
                                                                    from support teachers or school


                                                                      Student work samples that
                                                                      demonstrate that differentiated
                                                                      strategies that were used to cater
                                                                      for the full range of students in
                                                                      the class, including students with
                                                                      specific learning needs as
                                                                      recorded in the notes.

STANDARD 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus area: Strategies to support full participation of students with disability

     ET Descriptor                      Actions                       Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 1.6 Implement and      a. Accesses information about       A program, course, unit of work or
 evaluate teaching            the specific learning needs      sequence of teaching and learning
 activities that have         of students with disability      activities that includes adjustments
 been designed to             and the relevant school and      outlined in one or more of the students’
 support the                  legislative requirements.        individual plans or an individual plan that
 participation and                                             has been implemented by the teacher to
                           b. Communicates with
 learning of students                                          support the access and participation of
                              parents/carers of
 with disability* and                                          the student with a disability and includes:
                              student(s) with disability to
 address relevant
                              ask them about effective          •    notes from colleagues,
 policy and legislative
                              strategies that assists their          parents/carers and support services
                              child’s learning.                      about students’ disabilities and how
                                                                     to support these students so that
                           c. Implements teaching
                                                                     they can learn effectively
                              activities that have been
                              selected by the teacher to       AND
                              support the access and
                              participation and learning       An evaluation of the effectiveness of the
                                                               selected teaching strategies in:
                              of students with disability.

                           d. Organises the classroom           •    supporting the access, participation
                              and manages students so                and learning of students with
                              that the environment is                disabilities
                              inclusive of the learning         •    addressing relevant policy and
                              needs of students with                 legislative requirements.

                           e. Evaluates the effectiveness
                              of teaching activities in
                              meeting the learning needs
                              of students with disability.

STANDARD 2: Know the content and how to teach it

Focus Area: Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

      ET Descriptor                     Actions                        Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 2.1 Select             a. Selects and implements a          A program, course or unit of work that
 implement and                range of teaching strategies      includes:
 evaluate teaching            for a specific teaching area.
                                                                   •   an overview or rationale
 strategies that
                           b. Explains in the program or unit          explaining how the teaching
 incorporate content
                              of work overview or rationale            strategies incorporate relevant
 knowledge of the
                              how the teaching strategies              content knowledge of the
 teaching area.
                              incorporate relevant content             teaching area
                                                                   •   An evaluation of teaching
                           c. Gathers student feedback                 strategies implemented by the
                              and/or pre- and post-                    teacher that incorporate content
                              assessment data about how                knowledge of the teaching area,
                              the teaching strategies                  based on an analysis of the data.
                              assisted students to learn the
                              content knowledge of the          AND
                              teaching area and then uses       Student feedback and/or pre- and
                              this information to evaluate      post-assessment data that
                              the selected teaching             demonstrates how student learning
                              strategies.                       of content was assisted by teaching
                                                                strategies implemented.

STANDARD 2: Know the content and how to teach it

Focus Area: Content selection and organisation

     ET Descriptor                                               Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 2.2 Design and         Designs and implements          A program, course or unit of work that is
 implement teaching        teaching and learning           designed and implemented by the
 and learning programs     programs, courses or units of   teacher that includes a rationale that
 in which the content is   work in which the content is    explains how the content has been
 coherent and well         organised coherently and the    sequenced so it is coherent and well
 sequenced*.               sequencing shows logical        sequenced.
                           progression from simple to
                           complex, facts to concepts or
                           pre-existing to new knowledge   A sequence of detailed teaching and
                           and skills.                     learning activities in which the content is
                                                           coherent and well sequenced.

STANDARD 2: Know the content and how to teach it

Focus Area: Curriculum. Assessment and reporting

      ET Descriptor                                                  Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 2.3 Implement and     Implements teaching and learning     A teaching and learning program or
 evaluate teaching and    programs or units of work that are   unit of work that demonstrates the
 learning programs that   based on knowledge of:               use of curriculum documents and
 are designed using                                            school and/or faculty/stage policies
                          •   the relevant curriculum
 knowledge of                                                  for assessment and reporting, clearly
 curriculum, assessment       documents                        marked to show where they reflect
 and reporting            •   curriculum and school based      these requirements.
 requirements.                assessment requirements          AND
                          •   policies for reporting student   An evaluation of the program or unit
                              achievement.                     of work in terms of the extent to
                                                               which it effectively met the:

                                                               •     requirements of the relevant
                                                                     curriculum documents

                                                               •     assessment and reporting
                                                                     requirements (in school policies
                                                                     and/or curriculum documents)

                                                               and includes the teachers’ suggested
                                                               modifications for further
                                                               improvement if relevant.

STANDARD 2: Know the content and how to teach it

Focus Area: Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote
reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

      ET Descriptor                      Actions                        Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 2.4 Design and         a. Designs and implements              A teaching and learning program or a
 implement activities         activities that develop             unit of work or a sequence of
 that enable students to      students’ understanding of          activities that focus on developing an
 develop understanding        and respect for Aboriginal and      understanding of and respect for
 of and respect for           Torres Strait Islander histories,   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
 Aboriginal and Torres        cultures or language.               histories, cultures and languages.
 Strait Islander
                           b. Consults with members of the        AND
 histories, cultures or
                              local Aboriginal community or
 languages.                                                       An analysis and /or summary of
                              undertakes professional
                                                                  student feedback surveys or student
                              development or completes
                                                                  work samples that demonstrate how
                              professional reading to
                                                                  the students have developed their
                              develop an understanding of
                                                                  understanding of and respect for
                              culturally sensitive and
                                                                  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                              appropriate ways of teaching
                                                                  histories, cultures or languages.
                              students about Aboriginal and
                              Torres Strait Islander histories,
                              cultures and languages.

                           c. Enriches the classroom
                              environment by displaying
                              positive affirmations of
                              Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                              Islander histories, cultures
                              and art relevant to the

                           d. Gathers feedback from
                              students about how the
                              activities deepened their
                              understanding of and respect
                              for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                              Islander histories, cultures or

STANDARD 2: Know the content and how to teach it

Focus Area: Literacy and numeracy strategies

     ET Descriptor                                              Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 2.5 Design and        a. Researches and records       Teaching programs, units of work or
 implement effective         information about literacy   sequences of teaching and learning
 teaching strategies to      or numeracy strategies and   activities that include:
 support students’           their potential impact on
                                                          •   at least one specific literacy or one
 literacy* or                student achievement from
 numeracy*                   sources such as:                 specific numeracy teaching and
 achievement.                educational journals,            learning strategy based on
                                                              researched information
                             websites, professional
                             development courses or       •   student work samples that
                             support personnel such as        demonstrate how at least one
                             an ESL teacher or a              specific literacy or one specific
                             teacher’s aide.                  numeracy teaching and learning
                          b. Implements and evaluates         strategy have been implemented
                             literacy or numeracy         •   researched information about
                             strategies that provide          strategies for teaching literacy or
                             opportunities for students       numeracy to such students in the
                             to enhance their                 form of:
                                                              an annotated bibliography of at least
                                                              one researched article


                                                              notes provided by one or more
                                                              colleagues or other relevant


                                                              certificate from and notes taken from
                                                              at least one professional
                                                              development course.

STANDARD 2: Know the content and how to teach it

Focus Area: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

                                                                                         Type of
      ET Descriptor                                Actions

 ET 2.6 Select and        Selects and implements at least two different teaching      Testimonial.
 implement effective      strategies that involve student use of ICT to engage them
 teaching strategies to   in the content and promote learning.
 integrate ICT* into
 teaching and learning
 programs to make
 selected content

STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Focus Area: Establish challenging learning goals

                                                                                              Type of
      ET Descriptor                                 Actions

 ET 3.1 Design and         a. Explicitly articulates challenging yet realistic and         Testimonial.
 implement learning           achievable goals in teaching and learning activities.
 activities for all
                           b. Describes both concepts and/or skills that the teacher
 students based on
                              expects the students will attain by engaging in the
 explicit, challenging
 and achievable
 learning goals.           c. Implements learning activities that are based on the
                              goals that are shared with the students.

STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Focus Area: Plan, structure and sequence learning programs

      ET Descriptor                    Actions                        Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 3.2 Implement and     a. Implements a program,            A program, course, unit of work or
 evaluate well-              course, unit of work or          sequence of lessons, implemented by
 structured teaching         sequence of lessons that         the teacher that includes:
 and learning programs       has taken into account the
 or lesson sequences         students’                            •    a clear sequence of activities
 that engage students                                                  that have been selected to
                              •   interests                            engage and support the learning
 and promote learning.
                                                                       of all students within a class or
                              •   context (age, stage of
                                  development and/or
                                  background)                 •   an evaluation of the extent to which
                                                                  the sequence of activities is well
                              •   approaches to learning          structured, engaged students and
                              •   learning needs.                 assisted them to achieve the
                                                                  learning outcomes.
                          b. Evaluates a program,
                             course, unit of work or
                             sequence of lessons in
                             terms of the factors stated
                             in (a), using student
                             assessment data and/or
                             student work samples to
                             draw a conclusion.

STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Focus Area: Use teaching strategies

      ET Descriptor                        Actions                    Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 3.3 Select and         a. Selects a range of pedagogies      1. A program, course, unit of work or
 implement a range of         for groups, the whole class or        sequence of teaching and
 teaching strategies to       individuals that are designed to      learning activities, selected by the
 develop students’            develops students’                    teacher that includes identified
 knowledge, skills,                                                 examples of different teaching
 problem solving and          •   content knowledge                 strategies that develop students’
 critical and creative        •   skills
                                                                      •   content knowledge
                              •   problem solving
                                                                      •   skills
                              •   critical thinking
                                                                      •   problem solving
                              •   creative thinking.
                                                                      •   critical thinking
                           b. Effectively implements these
                                                                      •   creative thinking.
                              strategies within the
                              classroom.                         OR

                                                                 2. Student work samples from
                                                                    teaching and learning activities
                                                                    that include identified examples
                                                                    of different teaching strategies
                                                                    that develop students’

                                                                      •   content knowledge

                                                                      •   skills

                                                                      •   problem solving

                                                                      •   critical thinking

                                                                      •   creative thinking.

                                                                 Note: the teaching strategies must be
                                                                 clearly identified and demonstrate
                                                                 opportunities for students to develop
                                                                 each of the knowledge and skills in
                                                                 the bulleted list.

STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Focus Area: Select and use resources

     ET Descriptor                     Actions                   Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 3.4 Evaluate the     a. Selects and/or creates a      1. A program, course, unit of work or
 implementation of a        range of resources               sequence of teaching and learning
 range of resources         including ICT and non-ICT        activities, that include:
 including ICT that have    resources designed to
 been selected or           engage students by being           • a range of resources including ICT
 created to engage          age-appropriate, suited to           and non-ICT resources that have
                                                                 been selected or created by the
 students in their          the context of the lesson
 learning.                  and to the interests and             teacher
                            skills of the students.            • an evaluation by the teacher about
                         b. Gathers and summarises               the effectiveness of all the
                            information from students            resources in engaging students,
                            about how resources                  based on information gathered in
                            including ICT engaged them           the classroom.
                            in their learning.            OR
                         c. Evaluates the effectiveness   2. A video of students showing them
                            of a range of resources          using a range of resources including
                            including ICT in terms of        ICT and non-ICT resources that have
                            the way they assisted the        been selected or created by the
                            students to engage in their      teacher.

                                                               An evaluation by the teacher about
                                                               the effectiveness of all the resources
                                                               in engaging students, based on
                                                               information gathered in the

STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Focus Area: Use effective classroom communication

     ET Descriptor                             Actions                          Types of Evidence

 ET 3.5 Use effective    Demonstrates the use of verbal and non-verbal            Testimonial.
 verbal and *non-        communication strategies in the classroom.
 verbal communication
                         Examples of non-verbal communication include:
 strategies to support
 student                 •   hand or eye movements, eye contact, facial
 understanding,              expressions, hand gestures, the use of body
 participation,              and face movements to communicate, use of
 engagement and              visual cues/signals, pause and wait time
                         •   use of advanced organisers

                         •   non-verbal cues that impact positively on
                             student engagement and/or behavior, e.g.
                             proximity i.e. where teachers stand/sit

                         •   model or show by example a skill or desired
                             outcome of student learning

                         Verbal communication strategies include:

                         •   the use of grammatically acceptable and
                             precise language, explanation and use of
                             appropriate terms for the level and stage of the

                         •   using the voice effectively, effective
                             questioning and/or discussion techniques.

STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Focus Area: Evaluate and improve teaching programs

     ET Descriptor                   Actions                      Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 3.6 Evaluate and     a. Records information gained      Record of analysis of students’
 suggest modifications      from student assessment         achievements based on formal or
 to teaching and            and student feedback.           informal student assessment data and
 learning programs                                          student feedback.
                         b. Modifies a program, unit of
 based on information
                            work, teaching and learning     AND
 gained from student
                            activities or lessons, taking
 feedback and formal                                           A detailed evaluation of a teaching
                            into account student
 or informal student                                           and learning program, course or unit
                            achievement of the learning
 assessment data.                                              of work that includes suggested
                            goals and student
                                                               modifications or adjustments and
                                                               reference to the analysis of the
                                                               assessment data and student
                                                               feedback that informed the changes.


                                                               Notes from a meeting with colleagues
                                                               where they collaboratively evaluated
                                                               the effectiveness of teaching and
                                                               learning programs and referred to the
                                                               analysis of the assessment data and
                                                               student feedback that informed the

STANDARD 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Focus Area: Engage parents/carers in the educative process

                                                                                           Type of
     ET Descriptor                                 Actions

 ET 3.7 Provide          a. Provides opportunities for parents/carers to share their       Head of
 appropriate and            skills, knowledge and expertise in accordance with          school report.
 contextually relevant      school protocols to enhance programs or units of work.
 opportunities for
                         b. Uses established structures in the school (such as
 parents/carers to be
                            emails, newsletters and school websites) to encourage
 involved in their
                            parents/carers to be involved in school and/or
 children’s learning.
                            classroom activities.

                         c. Provides opportunities for parents/carers to be
                            involved with students’ learning at home through
                            homework, assignments or surveys or interviews.

                         d. Develops a school-home initiative with parents/carers
                            to support their child’s: home study habits, goal setting
                            and decision making with regards to learning and/or
                            wellbeing that directly impacts on their learning e.g.
                            improving attendance, working on anxiety issues that
                            impact on student performance.

STANDARD 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Focus Area: Support student participation

                                                                                         Types of
      ET Descriptor                                  Actions

 ET: 4.1 Demonstrate      Implements strategies that demonstrate inclusive and        Testimonial.
 inclusive and positive   positive interactions to engage and support all students
 interactions to engage   in classroom activities for example:
 and support all
                           a. adequate wait time for all students to be able to
 students in classroom
                           b. collaborative and cooperative learning structures
                              and tasks

                           c. a positive acknowledgement of all student
                              responses and achievement

                           d. building and supporting rapport between students
                              by developing an appreciation of a positive work
                              ethic, good behaviour, politeness and positive
                              language and tone

                           e. promoting respect and appreciation of others by
                              using strategies such as:

                             i.    listening positively to students

                            ii.    acknowledging students’ contributions

                            iii.   supporting students to respond in an appropriate

                            iv.    being accessible to all students

                             v.    displaying equitable amounts of
                                   time/engagement with individuals

STANDARD 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Focus Area: Manage classroom activities

                                                                                       Types of
     ET Descriptor                                 Actions

 ET 4.2 Develop with    Develops with students orderly and workable classroom         Testimonial.
 students, orderly and  routines, for example:
 workable routines that
                         a. negotiates with students classroom routines,
 create an
                             materials and organisation
 environment where
 the use of classroom    b. facilitates student understanding of the classroom
 time for learning is        protocols
                         c. discusses and establishes expected conduct of the
                             students during activities

                         d. seeks student input into the variety of learning
                            tasks to address learning goals

                         e. collaborates on effective time management
                            strategies such as realistic time frames and a
                            workable timetable

                         f.   develops strategies for students to self-direct their

                         g. establishes with students explicit routines and
                            reinforces them on a regular basis

                         h. sets realistic times frames for the completion of
                            tasks and, where necessary, negotiates varying
                            amounts of time for different students

                         i.   works with students to ensure they understand
                              what is expected both in relation to their learning
                              and behaviour

                         j.   provides resources and checks students know how
                              to access and use resources to achieve the learning

STANDARD 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Focus Area: Manage challenging behaviour

     ET Descriptor                                 Actions                          Types of Evidence

 ET 4.3 Negotiate and     Performs actions such as:                                   Testimonial.
 establish with
                          a.   negotiates explicitly, in the classroom, with
 students clear
                               students parameters for appropriate behaviour
 expectations for
 appropriate student      b.   supports students in understanding their rights
 behaviour and                 and responsibilities in the classroom and the
 consequences for              consequences of behaving in an inappropriate and
 challenging behaviour.        unacceptable manner

                          c.   establishes, displays and implements clear
                               expectations, protocols and/or rules and

                          d.   ensures that students can articulate negotiated
                               and established rules and their understanding of
                               the consequences of not following the rules

                          e.   addresses discipline issues promptly, fairly and

                          f.   shares with students disciplinary strategies to be
                               used in the classroom, for example using the
                               student’s name, and then stating the issue and
                               the consequences of continuing with the

                          g.   responds to classroom discipline situations by
                               utilising negotiated expectations for appropriate
                               behaviour and consequences for challenging

STANDARD 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Focus Area: Maintain student safety

     ET Descriptor                              Actions                          Types of Evidence

 ET 4.4 Develop and      Undertakes actions such as:                               Testimonial.
 implement strategies
                         a. develops and implements curriculum and
 that ensure students’
                            legislative requirements such as Child Protection
 wellbeing and safety
                            and Workplace, Health and Safety within the
 based on school and/
                            classroom or wider school environment
 or system, curriculum
 and legislative         b. develops and implements appropriate safety
 requirements.              procedures, establishes clear classroom safety
                            rules and guidelines, enforces them and
                            constantly reminds students of safe behaviour and
                            workplace practice

                         c. develops and implements risk assessments with
                            the students, recognises risks and reports them
                            promptly to the appropriate personnel in the

                         d. maintains a physically clear classroom

                         e. ensures student safety whilst engaged in hands-on
                            practical tasks. Uses appropriate materials or
                            resources that do not present a safety risk to the

                         f.   addresses unsafe behaviour situations and
                              students who are in distress or danger

                         g. develops appropriate consequences for students
                            failing to comply with safety rules

                         h. develops and implements strategies to support
                            student wellbeing within the classroom and the

STANDARD 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Focus Area: Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

     ET Descriptor                                  Actions                            Types of Evidence

 ET 4.5 Model for         Takes actions such as:                                         Testimonial.
 students and
                           a. discusses with students ethical online conduct
 implement strategies
                              and sets clear limits about what is allowed and
 to promote the safe,
                              what is not allowed
 responsible and
 *ethical use of ICT in    b. models for students knowledge of the school’s
 teaching and learning.       Acceptable Use Policy and works to help students
                              understand it

                           c. models for students appropriate ICT safety

                           d. identifies risks in student use of ICTs and
                              minimises them

                           e. establishes clear ICT safety rules and guidelines
                              for students and enforces them consistently

                           f.   constructs and implements a set of realistic
                                guidelines or implements the school’s policy

                           g. models for students how to use clues in search
                              result findings to discriminate between relevant
                              and non-relevant sites

                           h. encourages discussion of ethical issues relating to
                              the responsible and safe use of ICT

                           i.   responds appropriately to the unsafe,
                                irresponsible or unethical use of technology in line
                                with the school policy

                           j.   models respectful communication when using ICT

                           k. models and explicitly demonstrates how to
                              acknowledge digital resources in presentations
                              and resources.

STANDARD 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

Focus Area: Assess student learning

    ET Descriptor                 Actions                   Suggested Types of Evidence

 ET 5.1 Design and      Designs and implements a      1. A range of diagnostic, formative and
 implement a range      range of diagnostic,             summative i.e. assessment for, as
 of diagnostic,         formative and summative          and of learning assessment
 formative and          assessment i.e. assessment       strategies designed either in
 summative              for, as and of learning          collaboration with colleagues or
 assessment             strategies based on student      individually by the teacher. These can
 strategies to assess   learning goals.                  be either included in a program,
 student learning.                                       course or unit of work or lesson plan,
                                                         if they provide sufficient detail or they
                                                         may be the assessment tasks
                                                         themselves that were given to


                                                      2. Student work samples that
                                                         demonstrate the range of
                                                         assessment strategies.
                                                         Only one example of each type of
                                                         assessment strategy needs to be
                                                         included. Each example must be
                                                         labelled as to the type of assessment
                                                         strategy it is demonstrating.

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