Expectations of automotive customers when buying and using vehicles - February 2021 - EY

Page created by Brett Wolfe
Expectations of automotive customers when buying and using vehicles - February 2021 - EY
Expectations of automotive
customers when buying
and using vehicles
The results of the EY survey among Turkish,
Hungarian, Romanian, Russian
and Czech drivers
February 2021
Expectations of automotive customers when buying and using vehicles - February 2021 - EY
Basic information about the survey

         The survey of Turkish drivers was                        In addition to the traditional questions     Basic information
         conducted by EY in order                                 about choosing a car and dealer, buying      Respondents' profile
         to find current trends in the purchase                   a car over the Internet and looking
                                                                                                               A total of 3,735 respondents participated
         of new and used vehicles and to find out                 at electromobility, which we ask
                                                                                                               in the survey, of which 613 inhabitants of
         the opinion of customers on significant                  respondents every year to monitor            the Turkey, 513 inhabitants of Hungary,
         innovations in the automotive industry.                  the development of their preferences         507 inhabitants of Romania, 1,589
         The same survey was conducted in                         and needs, this year we focused in more      inhabitants of Russia and 513 inhabitants
         parallel among drivers in Hungary,                       detail on used cars, brand importance,       of Czech Republic divided into groups
         Romania, Russia and Czech Republic.                      after-sales service and mobility services.   according to:
                                                                                                               ►     Gender
         The results mainly demonstrate                           We also asked respondents how they           ►    Age
         the different needs of individual groups                 were affected by the current situation
                                                                                                               ►    Education
         interested in buying a car.                              caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                               ►    Residence
                                                                  This is the fifth year of this unique        ►    Gross household income
                                                                                                               Learn more about the survey
                                                                                                               ►    The conditions for inclusion
         Presentation structure                                                                                     in the survey were the ownership
                                                                                                                    of a driving license, regular use
         ►      Details of the methodology of the survey
                                                                                                                    of the car and the age between 20
         ►      Significant findings from the survey                                                                and 60 years.
         ►      Survey results                                                                                 ►    The survey was conducted in
         ►      Contacts                                                                                            September and October 2020.
                                                                                                               ►    The survey contained 32 questions.

Page 2   *Turkey has been added to the survey scope as of 2020.
Expectations of automotive customers when buying and using vehicles - February 2021 - EY
Survey methodology

Page 3
Expectations of automotive customers when buying and using vehicles - February 2021 - EY
Details of the methodology of the survey

►    In September and October 2020, survey addressed 613 respondents               ►   Due to the rounding or omission of some type of answer in order to
     from Turkey, 513 respondents from Hungary and 507 respondents from                ensure a more relevant comparison, in some cases the total sum of the
     Romania via an online questionnaire. Data collection in Russia (1,589             displayed graphs is not equal to 100%.
     respondents) and Czech Republic (513 respondents) took place through          ►   For the purposes of this questionnaire, the term seller refers to the
     local agencies. A common characteristic of all respondents across                 enterprise as such (premises, equipment, personnel, exhibited vehicles,
     countries is the ownership of a driver's license, active use of the car and       etc.).
     at the same time belongs to the age category of 20 - 60 years.                ►   In the case of marking the group as Turks, Hungarians, Romanians,
                                                                                       Russians and Czechs, it is not a representation of the nation, but a
►    The sample of respondents was adjusted according to the following                 representative description of drivers from the country according to the
     quotas - min. 80% have ever bought a car, min. 80% bought a car in the            specified survey criteria. Where the results are not compared between
     last 5 years, min. 35% plan to buy a new car in the next 5 years (the             national respondents, they relate only to respondents in Turkey.
     resulting quota was 49%).
                                                                                          Distribution of respondents from Turkey across the monitored categories
►    Respondents who have never bought a car and plan to buy it in more
     than 5 years or do not plan it at all were excluded from the survey.
                                                                                                                                  #            %
►    The main questionnaire was composed of 14 questions for classification
     into socio-economic categories and 32 survey questions.
                                                                                                 Men                             357         58 %
                                                                                                 Women                           256         42 %
►    Depending on the type of question, the basis of possible answers was                        Age:
     chosen either by a specific list of services and functionalities (choice of                 20-29                           156         25 %
     one answer or choice of several answers) or by evaluating the given                         30-44                           345         56 %
     criterion on a scale from 1 to 5.                                                           45-60                           112         18 %
                                                                                                 Primary school                   8          1%
                                                                                                 High school                     135         22 %
                                                                                                 University                      470         77 %

Page 4
Characteristics of respondents

                Have you ever bought a car                             Does your household own a car                 Will you buy a new car the next
                       in person?*                                    purchased in the last 5 years? *                      time you buy one?

                  Men 98 %        Women 91 %                           Men 79 %        Women 80 %                       Men 61 %         Women 59 %

                              95 %                                                 79 %                                            60 %
             of respondents, regardless of gender,                                                               of respondents indicate that they will buy
                                                                   of respondents' households own a car
                   have personal experience                                                                       a new car the next time they buy a car.
                                                                     purchased during the last 5 years.
                     with buying a vehicle.

           95 %       96 %     98 %             97 %             80 %       97 %     86 %         81 %           33 %       58 %     74 %            49 %
         Hungarians Romanians Russians         Czechs          Hungarians Romanians Russians     Czechs        Hungarians Romanians Russians        Czechs

                                                     In what time frame are you considering buying your next car?*

                                                2 years               5 years               10 years

                                       63 %                 25 %                   3%                     1%

          * Both new and used cars.

Page 5
Significant findings

Page 6
Significant findings from the survey

  37 % 67 % 40 % 21 %
   of respondents prefer fast           of respondents consider            of respondents will use their         of respondents will choose
        delivery over car                guarantee of mileage               own resources to buy a car          a gasoline powered car at the
          configuration                and vehicle origin as key in                                                     next purchase
                                       the purchase of a used car
 37 % HU, 22 % RO, 36 % RU, 43 % CZ                                        58 % HU, 45 % RO, 44 % RU, 54 % CZ
                                                                                                                43 % HU, 35 % RO, 65 % RU, 50 % CZ
                                      58 % HU, 74 % RO, 62 % RU, 71 % CZ

   50 % 53 % 39 % 80 %
    of respondents are most
    affected by the positive
                                        of respondents would be
                                       more interested in buying
                                                                             of respondents will take
                                                                              into account the factor
                                                                                                                 of respondents would use
                                                                                                                their own car to move within
   experience with the brand           an electric car if the state         of good after-sales service                the capital city
      when choosing a car               provided purchase price             when choosing a car brand
 64 % HU, 45 % RO, 59 % RU, 66 % CZ   67 % HU, 59 % RO, 43 % RU, 57 % CZ   38 % HU, 22 % RO, 33 % RU, 30 % CZ   60 % HU, 85 % RO, 67 % RU, 51 % CZ

Page 7
Selection of a car and a dealer

Page 8
What effect does the COVID – 19 pandemic have on the planned purchase
of a car?
 Purchase process                                                             Purchase plans
         Did the current situation of COVID - 19 change your plans            Has the current situation of COVID – 19 changed your plans for
                     regarding the purchasing process?                                        the purchase of a new vehicle?
                                                                                      The situation did not
 54 %         No, I plan to implement the entire purchasing process in        29 %    affect my planned
              the dealership                                                          purchase of a car             Hungarians Romanians Russians    Czechs
                                                                                                                      56 %       49 %     47 %        69 %
              Yes, I will use the test drive and take over the car in the
 18 %         dealership, but I will take the remaining steps online

                                                                                      I will postpone the
              Yes, I will take over the car in the dealership, but I will     11 %    planned purchase until
 11 %         take the remaining steps online                                         the purchase of the car Hungarians Romanians Russians
                                                                                      is strictly necessary     20 %       15 %      9%               14 %

  8%          Yes, I will use the test drive, but I will take the remaining
              steps online                                                            I still intend to buy a new
                                                                              18 %    car, but lower class,
              Yes, from the range of car brands, I choose the one which               possibly cheaper car
  8%          allows me to complete implementation of the purchasing                  of another brand
                                                                                                                     Hungarians Romanians Russians
              process online                                                                                                      10 %     10 %       5%

               The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected car purchase plans. Mostly, Turks feel affected by this situation; where
               other nationality respondents do not feel that much affected.

Page 9
How do I choose a dealer?

                                                     How do you choose the car dealer you are visiting?

                                                                               25%               25%

                                                                                                                  13%                  11%

                 Marketing    Variety of brands in     Appearance and      Own experience    Recommendation   Distance from home   Seller rating on the
                 campaign     the sales premises       equipment of the                      from family      / work               internet
                                                       dealership premises

               Own experience                                       Marketing campaign                            Recommendations from acquaintances
                                                                                                                according to the preference of the next car

   Hungarians Romanians Russians    Czechs             Hungarians Romanians       Russians   Czechs                                19 %                    32 %
     46 %       47 %     37 %        62 %                21 %       30 %           49 %       15 %
                                                                                                                        New                         Used

           Marketing campaigns are the important factor for Turkish people when choosing car dealers to visit; whereas
           respondents from other countries value their own experience significantly more.

Page 10
How many times do I visit a dealer before buying a car?

  How many times would you visit a dealer before you buy a car?               If you visit the dealer more than once before buying, who
                                                                                              would you most likely visit? *

           2,9               Hungarians      Romanians    Russians   Czechs
                                2,5             3,1         2,4       2,3                                     18%

                                    2020                                                 45%

                         Number of visits by age

                   2,9                 2,8               2,8                                                     36%

             20 – 29 years      30 – 44 years      45 - 60 years

           Number of visits according to the preference of the
                                next car
                                                                                        The same car dealer several times
                                 2,9                      2,7                           Several car dealer of the same brand
                      New                       Used                                    Several car dealers of different brands

          The average number of visits to dealers by Turkish drivers is higher compared to other countries. However, drivers prefer
          to visit multiple dealers of different brand, from which relatively low loyalty to the brand can be inferred.

Page 11
What engine will your next car have?

                Diesel                        Petrol               Hybrid         GAS (CNG/LPG)             Electric           No decision has been taken yet

              48 %                          21 %                   13 %              6%                         3%                             10 %
                            Differences                              Hungarians                43%                       12%           18%            6%        21%
                          between genders

           6%              CNG / LPG drive             6%            Romanians             35%                      19%                    24%             6%      15%

           17 %              Hybrid drive              6%
                                                                     Russians                             65%                                6%       7%   6%      15%
           3%                Electric drive            2%
                                                                     Czechs                      50%                                 17%         6%             22%

                          Diesel drive want to buy
                                                                                      Petrol     Diesel         Hybrid    Electric         GAS (CNG/LPG)        Don‘t know
                  55 %               58 %                   36 %
          20 – 29 years       30 – 44 years        45 - 60 years

              Interest in a diesel engine is still at the forefront among Turkish drivers indicating fuel consumption is a major decision
              criteria compared to other countries. The increased popularity of alternative fuels in Hungary and Romania is due to state
              support through subsidies.

Page 12
Am I going to wait for my new car?

          Is it more important for you to get the car immediately, but to choose only from limited options, or to configure the car
                                      as much as possible, but wait for it for a longer time (1/2 year)?

                                                                                          Very fast delivery (max 14 days)                                          Maximum configuration
                 Very fast delivery prefer                               Turks                            33%                    12%         15%             8%             32%
               50 %               44 %                     30 %          Hungarians                        37%                     13%                 26%               11%         13%
     Primary              Secondary                                                                                                                    3,1
      school                school                                       Romanians                  22%             11%                31%                        11%          25%

33 % ofprimarily
          drivers using a car almost every day
                 around the city prefer very fast                        Russians                    25%               11%             21%
                                                                                                                                                                  17%          26%
Preferences for configuration options are growing                                                                                              2,7
with the level of education, as well as with the planned                 Czechs                     24 %                  19 %                         32 %             9%         16 %
value of the acquired cars.

                              Expectations of automotive customers when buying and using vehicles

            Turkish drivers value car configuration more than other countries, fast delivery is important for all

Page 13
Where do I get enough funding?

What is the most likely method of financing when you buy your next car?
                                  Turks                                     Hungarians       Romanians                Czechs            Russians

               Own resources    40 %                                          58 %                  45 %               54 %              44 %

              Other resources   26 %                                              8%                23 %                    8%           13 %

                 Combination    34 %                                          34 %                  33 %               38 %              43 %

 If you were looking for financing from other sources, what method of financing would you choose?

               15%                     Loan from a bank                     20%                10%                    20%
                                       Loan from family or friends                     40%   10%
                                                                       8%                                        9%
                                       Long-term rental of car         4%                                        8%
                                       Financial leasing                                      23%
                                                                              28%                                           29%
                         79%           Other

          Turkish drivers prefer to use alternative funding sources rather that own resources more then others. Bank loan is nearly
          the main address of Turkish drivers (and also Russians) who seek alternative funding where drivers from other countries
          prefer options of leasing, long term rental and loan from family members significantly more

Page 14
How do I decide when buying a used car?

                  67%                              Which services are crucial for you when choosing a used car dealer?

                                                               26%                     26%                    22%                      18%

          Guarantee of mileage     Additional vehicle   Possibility of a large    Distance from            Financing and       Fair offer of the   Possibility to change the Other possibility
           and vehicle origin          warranty         selection of traveling        home                insurance offer   counter-account of the    vehicle in case of a
                                                        vehicles in one place                                                  existing vehicle     change of preferences

                                                   What option would you most likely choose when buying a used car?
                                                                                                                                                                              Authorized car dealer
Turks                                  32%                           8%                             37%                           4%            12%          8%               with certification
                                                                                                                                                                              Local car bazaar
Hungarians                         28%                            15%                  11%                16%               6%            14%               10%
                                                                                                                                                                              Car dealership networks

Romanians                              30%                      7%         8%      5%                     25%                       11%                15%                    Buying over the Internet
                                                                                                                                                                             Imports from abroad
Russians                         23%                    9%           7%                      28%                      4%         11%                  18%                     Purchase from family, acquaintances
                                                                                                                                                                              or business partners
Czechs                                  33%                           6%         11%           8%             11%                  18%                   12%                 I wouldn't buy a used car

                The guarantee of mileage and additional vehicle warranty is a key criteria for for all.
                Turks and Romanians are significantly distant to online buying compared to others for today’s purchases
                (future possibilities are asked separately in the next section).

Page 15
How important is the brand of the car and what factors affect your choice
of the brand?
                  How important is the brand of the car you                                                   Which factors influence you the most when
                         own/plan to buy to you?                                                              choosing a car brand?

                                                                                                         Price                                                  67%
           3,7            3,3              3,5              3,7              3,1                        Safety                                                 66%

                                                                                                 Fuel economy                                          53%

                                                                                           Positive experience                                        50%

          Turks      Hungarians Romanians                 Russians           Czechs   Positive reccomendations                              40%

                                                                                            Aftersales services                            39%
    1 – not at all, I perceive the car only as a means of transport
    5 – significantly, the car is a reflection of my personality for me                           Connectivity       7%

                                                                                                              Good after-sales service appreciate
           The brand of the car is of the most importance to me, the
                     car is a reflection of my personality                                         38 %                  22 %                33 %             30%
                                                                                                 Hungarians            Romanians           Russians          Czechs

                           38 %                38 %                   46 %
                                                                                                   Appreciation for recommendations form other people

                    20 – 29 years      30 – 44 years        45 - 60 years                          34 %                     29 %                              18%
                                                                                                 Hungarians               Romanians                          Czechs

             Turks and Russians perceive the brands of their cars as a reflection of their personality more than others. When choosing
             a car brand, Turkish drivers value the recommendations from others and the quality of after-sales service more than
             others; price, fuel economy and safety are the top criteria for all.

Page 16
How is your vehicle serviced?

             Which of these entities have you visited in the last 2 years                  Which of the following options would motivate you to visit
                       for the purpose of servicing your car?                              an authorized service center on the next service visit?

                                                                                       45%         45%
                                                    7%                                                                      30%          28%
               13%          10%           9%
                                                            Other                                                                                                              3%
                                         54%       59%                              Pro-customer Handover / Waiting time Comfortable Extended    Digitization I attend only   Other
                            60%                                                        service    pick-up for the service location opening hours
                                                                                                   speed        date
                                                                                                                                                              an authorized
                                                            Independent car
Axis Title

               29%                                                                                     Appreciation for handover / pick-up speed
                                                                                                            19 %                         35 %                       36%
                                         19%       20%      Another authorized                            Hungarians                   Romanians                   Czechs
                            13%                             car dealer of the
                                                            same brand                                  Appreciation for waiting time for service
               46%                                          Authorized car dealer                           26 %                         37 %                       31%
                            32%          40%       38%                                                    Hungarians                   Romanians                   Czechs
                                                                                                        Appreciation for extended opening hours
              Turks       Hungarians   Romanians   Czechs                                                   16 %                         24 %                       17%
                                                                                                          Hungarians                   Romanians                   Czechs

                      Originally authorized and other authorized service centers are the top choice of Turkish drivers with a significantly higher
                      share than others. Technical capability of the service is the top priority for all. Handover speed, waiting time for service
                      and extended opening hours of the service shop are the top criteria for Turkish drivers.

Page 17
How will your vehicle be serviced in the future?

          If you could choose an ideal way/place to service                            Which of the following services would you appreciate the next
          your vehicle, what/where would it be?                                                       time you visit a service center?*
                                                                                                                                            None of the above is
   45 %    Service while you wait for quick repairs within 2 hours (e.g. oil change)                                                        necessary
                                                                                              60%       16%                                 Disinfection of the car before
  37 %     Traditional service
                                                                                                        53%                                 Videocall of the result of the
                                                                                                                    27%                     service inspection
           Quick check-in/ pick-up of the car in a special place 24/7 without the                                               39%
   36 %                                                                                       39%       39%                                 Videocall with the service
           participation of service personnel                                                                       31%
                                                                                              36%       27%
           Mobile service or courier, who arrives at the agreed place (for an                                       33%                     Contactless takeover of the
  26 %     appropriate fee)                                                                             20%                     27%         car
                                                                                              51%       41%                                 Communication with a
                                                                                                                    27%         23%
           Priority ordering for service within a few days in case of more demanding                                                        service technician wearing a
  15 %     repair / maintenance (at the appropriate additional cost)                                                                        mask
                                                                                              Turks   Romanians Hungarians     Czechs

             of drivers in ages 20 - 29 living in Turkey would use the service
41 %         quick check-in / pick-up of the car at a place available 24/7
             (28% for 45-60 years old drivers)
                                                                                                      Disinfecting the car before takeover would be appreciated

                                                                                                              Men   56 %                Women   66 %
52 %        of drivers in ages 40 - 65 living in Turkey would appreciate
            traditional service set-up (28% for 20-29 years old drivers)

            Young Turkish drivers appreciate innovative customer oriented services (quick repair within 2 hours, 7/24 mobile service,
            etc.) significantly more than elders. Turks appreciate any kind of additional COVID related service approach on top of
            regular traditional service activities more than others.

Page 18
Trends and technologies

Page 19
Am I willing to buy my car over the Internet?

          Can you imagine buying a car over the internet?                                    What would you miss the most when shopping
                                                                                             over the internet (2020)?
      Turks        Hungarians       Romania          Russians          Czechs    The possibility to personally view thevůz
                                                                                     Možnost osobně     si prohlédnout                           32%

     30 %             12 %            16 %            27 %             20 %                                Testovací jízda
                                                                                                              Test driving                 24%

                                                                                The opportunity to negotiate
                                                                                            Osobní  kontakt son the price
                                                                                                              prodejcem              17%
               I can't imagine buying a`car over the Internet at all

                                                                                                    I would
                                                                                           Možnost lépe     miss nothing
                                                                                                        smlouvat  o ceně       10%
                             Men 20 %      Women 21 %

                  I can imagine buying a car over the internet                           Personal contact with the seller
                                                                                                    Nechybělo   by mi nic     8%

                    29 %                    31 %                23 %
                                                                                   The experience of visiting
                                                                                                     Zážitek az car dealer
                                                                                                                návštěvy      8%
              20-29 years            30-44 years        45-60 years

              Turks are not much distant to buying a car over internet in future compared to others. In case of an online car purchase,
              drivers think that hands-on experience and test drive would be missed the most, followed by missing the opportunity to
              negotiate on the price. This indicates experience stores can complement online car buying experience for new cars; for
              used cars online buying is still a distant option.
Page 20
What services do I expect when buying over the Internet?

          If you had the option of using these online tools, which would you use during a new car purchase?*
                                                      Offer and                          Offer and       Ordering
                                    Conversation                                                                          Video call      Possibility
     Price         Booking a test                   conclusion of                      conclusion of     delivery                                           Payments by
                                      with the                      Car configurator                                       with the       of buying a
  calculation          drive                         a financing                       an insurance    of a new car                                            card
                                    seller/expert                                                                           dealer         used car
                                                      contract                           contract        to home

    51 %               48 %           36 %             29 %              27 %            25 %            24 %              24 %               22 %            17 %

                  Conversation with the seller/expert
            21 %                  25 %                                   14 %
          Hungarians            Romanians                               Czechs
                                                                                                                       Booking a test drive
           A video call with the seller would be used by
            12 %                  20 %                15 %               11 %
          Hungarians            Romanians           Russians            Czechs                                38 %                37 %               52 %
                           Payments by card                                                                  Primary          Secondary        University
                                                                                                              school            school
            39 %                  34 %                                   19 %
          Hungarians            Romanians                               Czechs

                Price calculation, car configuration and booking a test drive online are the most desired services for all respondents.
                Turks would appreciate online communication with the seller (voice and video calls) significantly more than others while
                they are more distant to online credit card payment.

Page 21
Where can I get a vehicle on the Internet?

                       If you were shopping online, which website would you most likely use for buying a car?

                                                                                     Hungarians                  Romanians
                                                  Authorized car                                  53 %    17 %                44 %
                                                  dealer website             23 %
          29 %
                                   28 %
                                                  I don't care
                                                                              20 %                       34 %
                                                  Car brand website
                                                                                     Russians                       Czechs
                                                                                       7%                           5%

                                                  Large shopping                                          19 %
          39 %                                                                                    52 %
                                                  websites (Amazon,                                                             40 %
                                                  Sahibinden, vb.)         27 %

                                                                                                           36 %
                                                                                     14 %

          To buy a car online, most respondents in Turkey would choose car brand website, whereas Romanians, Hungarians and
          Russians would choose authorized car dealer website. Czechs do not care so much about choosing a website, in contrast
          with other countries.

Page 22
What purpose would I use the car‘s Internet connection for?

                             Which of the features related to connecting the car to the Internet would you use?
                                                                                          Receiving information on the traffic situation would be appreciated by
   58 %   Current information on the traffic situation and warnings in case
          of deterioration                                                                     64 %                  66 %                                   68 %
                                                                                                                   Romanians              n/a
                                                                                             Hungarians                                                    Czechs
          Monitoring the car for the purpose of security and the ability to find the
  50 %    current position of the car
                                                                                          Automatically send service alerts to the dealer would be appreciated by
          Automatically send service alerts to your dealer, who would offer you a
   47 %                                                                                         24%                  36 %                                   34 %
          tour                                                                                                                            n/a
                                                                                             Hungarians            Romanians                               Czechs

  37 %    Payment of parking payments, motorway charges or refuelling charges

                                                                                                  Delivery of goods to the trunk would be appreciated by
          Payment of insurance according to mileage data and driving style sent to              15 %                 15 %                 12 %              13 %
  37 %
          the insurance company from the equipment in your car                                Hungarians           Romanians            Russians           Czechs

          Delivery of goods to the trunk of the vehicle at the place where it is parked
  23 %                                                                                           Paying insurance based on mileage data would be used by
          (e.g. purchase of food, goods from an eshop)

                                                                                                22 %                 37 %                 34 %              28 %
          Sending notifications about discounts of shops, restaurants, etc.
  14 %                                                                                        Hungarians           Romanians            Russians           Czechs
          in my area

           Drivers would make the most of traffic information services. There would be interest in delivering goods to the trunk,
           especially among mid-age respondents and women.

Page 23
Is electromobility relevant to me?

          Would you consider buying an electric car or a hybrid in the future?
                                                                                                          An electric car would be bought by
 Electric vehicle                                                   It's not an attractive          (definitely or within an interesting price offer):
                                                                    option for me
                                                                    and I would not think          74 %               84 %                58 %              54 %
  13 %                 63 %                    23 %                 about it                     Hungarians         Romanians           Russians           Czechs
                                                                    In the case of an
 Hybrid                                                             interesting price offer,                    A hybrid would be bought by
                                                                    I would think about it            (definitely or within an interesting price offer):
   14 %                  66 %                      19 %
                                                                     I definitely want             83 %               87 %                68 %              64 %
                                                                     to buy in the               Hungarians         Romanians           Russians           Czechs

           Electric vehicle (E) / hybrid (H) definitely want to buy

                                                                                               86 %    of drivers who drive a car almost every day primarily
                                                                                                       around the city are interested in buying an electric vehicle
                    E: 25 %              E: 24 %                E: 19 %
                    H: 21%
            20 – 29 years
                                         H: 19%
                                   30 – 44 years
                                                                H: 20%
                                                          45 - 60 years
                                                                                               77 %    of drivers driving a car almost every day primarily outside
                                                                                                       the city are interested in buying a hybrid

            86% of Turks are considering buying an electric car or a hybrid. Interest grows with the level of education in electric cars.
            Compared to other countries, the interest in electromobility is slightly the highest in Turkey.

Page 24
And will I provide access to data about my car and driving style?

           For what purpose would you be willing to provide data about you,
           your car and your driving style?
     TrafficŘízení dopravyand
            management     a parkování
                              parking inměstem
                                         the city                                           50%          Willingness to provide data for traffic
                                                                                                         management and parking in the city
  Určení výše pojištění
      Determination   ofvinsurance
                          závislosti amount
                                     na stylu based
                  a najetých  km
                on the driving style and mileage

    Vylepšování produktů výrobcem
    Product improvement            automobilů
                         by a car manufacturer                                        37%

     State            státu oonbudování
           decision-making      building dopravní
                                         transport                                                           Men 55 %            Women 43 %
      Proactive   oslovení
                contact    prodejcem
                        from  dealer invthe
                   nutnosti servisu
                       of vehicle servicing need
                                                                                                            38 %             45 %               51 %
               Data nejsem
     I am not willing        ochoten
                      to provide     poskytnout
                                 my personal data              13%                                          Primary         Secondary
                                                                                                             school                          University
             Proactive contact with the seller in case of need for service would be
                    25 %
                                           40 %
                                                              32 %
                                                                                21 %
                                                                               Czechs             29 %         of drivers using a car at least once
                                                                                                  a week mainly out of town would provide driving style
                                     Not willing to provide data                                  data to determine the insurance amount based on the
                                                                                                  driving style and mileage
                    27 %                  11 %                23 %              28 %
                  Hungarians            Romanians           Russians           Czechs

              Turks would be willing to provide data to determine traffic management and parking in the city. Their reluctance to
              provide data is the second lowest compared to other countries.

Page 25
Why is an electric car an attractive option for me?

                                          Why are you mainly interested in buying an electric or hybrid car?*

   Turks                         27 %                                             45 %                                            6%        5%           7%             9%

   Hungarians                                      50 %                                                          34 %                                 6%       3 %2 %     6%

   Romania                       27 %                                          41 %                                             13 %                 8%       2%        9%

   Russians                                    46 %                                                     30 %                                10 %          4%        3% 5%

   Czechs                                   42 %                                           26 %                              12 %               8%             8%       3 %2 %

      Lower operating   Lower local            Incentives and other    Planned regulations           Another option           Design                      Vehicle
      costs             emissions/noise        benefits provided       limiting use                                           and prestige                performance
                        pollution              by the country/city                                                            of the vehicle
                                                                                  *The   question was asked only to respondents who expressed interest in buying an electric or hybrid car

46 %          of respondents who consider buying an electric vehicle find
              lower local emissions the most important
                                                                                 42 %              of drivers driving a car almost every day primarily outside
                                                                                                   the city are inclined to electromobility mainly because of
                                                                                                   the lower operating costs

            Together with lower operating costs, lower emissions are the main motivations for Turks to buy an EV/HEV. Lack of
            incentives is standing out for Turkey compared with other countries.

Page 26
And what, on the contrary, discourages me from buying an electric car?

           What discourages me from buying an electric car?                          Through which of the following measures, if any, could the
                                                                                     state increase your interest in buying an electric car?*
                                                                                                                                         *)   Max 2 answers possible
                            Purchasing price                         42%     55 %              53 %

                       Range on one charge                19%
                                                                                                                 28 %
                                                                                                                                   11 %                    6%
             Availability of charging stations           18%
                                                                           Tax and fee    Purchase price     Extension of the Discounted parking Scrappage for the
      Time required to recharge the battery             16%                reductions       subsidies      network of charging     in the city    previous vehicle
                       Risk of loss of resale    4%
                                                                                    of drivers would not be interested in an electric car even with such
                                       Other                               1%       benefits mentioned above
                         Purchasing price discourages me
             61%                    36 %                34%        16 %
                                                                                             Tax and fee reliefs would be appreciated by
          Hungarians              Romanians           Russians    Czechs
                                                                                   39%                  24 %                    36 %                      29 %
               Availability of charging stations discourages me                 Hungarians            Romanians               Russians                   Czechs
             12%                   27 %                 25%        45 %
          Hungarians             Romanians            Russians    Czechs

              Turks are most discouraged from buying an electric car because of its price. Turks would welcome state support in the
              form of tax & fee reliefs and purchase price subsidies.

Page 27
How do you move within the city?

          Which form of transport do you prefer to move                          What factor is most important to you when renting a shared
          within major cities?                                                   means of transport (e.g. shared taxi, bikes, scooters, car sharing)?
                            Own car                                                         Rental price                                        52%
           80 %
                            Public transportation                                 Resource availability
           30 %                                                                      (time, place)
                            Taxi service (e.g. BiTaksi, ITaksi, etc.)            Possibility to leave the
           15 %                                                                                                               27%
                                                                                   product anywhere
                            Rental car
           4%                                                                                     Brand                 19%

                            Shared scooters or bikes
           3%                                                                          Provider reviews           9%
                            Renting a share car through an app ("car sharing“)   In the case of a motor
           1%                                                                                                5%
                                                                                    vehicle, the drive

                         Usage of own car in major cities                                         Usage of public transport in major cities

              60 %               85%                                     51%               54%                25%                                65%
                                                         n/a                                                                        n/a
            Hungarians         Romanians                                Czechs          Hungarians          Romanians                           Czechs

            Turks, Hungarians, Romanians and Russians clearly favour driving their own car to move within a larger city compared to
            Czechs, who mostly favour public transport. In Hungary, car sharing is the most attractive option for driving in major

Page 28
Fun facts (for all respondents)

          48 % of respondents, for whom
                                                  43% of respondents who can imagine
          a car brand is very important and
                                                  shopping online would also use
          find it as part of their personality,
                                                  the 24/7 service option.
          consider to purchase of an EV.
          52% of respondents who definitely
          want to buy a car online are also       65% of respondents who plan to buy
          interested in connectivity              an EV as their next car will purchase
          (connectivity plays an important role   it in the next two years.
          for them)
                                                  17% of respondents who have owned
          59% of respondents who want to buy      their current vehicle for a maximum
          an electric car as their next car       of two years will purchase an electric
          currently own a gasoline-powered car.   car (9%) or a hybrid car (8%)
                                                  in the future.
          23% of respondents who would prefer
                                                  Nearly third of respondents
          to buy a used car from an authorized
                                                  who currently own a hybrid (24%)
          dealer within a certified program
                                                  or an electric car (6%) plan to buy
          have visited an independent service
                                                  an electric car as their next vehicle.
          in the last two years.

Page 29

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