Expansion Procedures 2021-2022 Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life (OFSL) Division of Student Affairs - St. John's University

Page created by Mark Sims
Expansion Procedures 2021-2022 Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life (OFSL) Division of Student Affairs - St. John's University
Expansion Procedures
Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life (OFSL)
        Division of Student Affairs
Note on Reactivation at St. John’s

 If your organization has been active at St. John's within the last four semesters and left campus
 due to membership numbers, please see the Membership Reactivation Guidelines.


 Expansion involves inviting national and international fraternities and sororities to establish
 chapters on our campus, and is encouraged when a need exists and is recommended by the
 Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life and its governing councils (this policy does not include the
 process for the Panhellenic Council).

 Important Notice: Inter/national fraternity and sorority headquarters or members may not
 solicit, recruit, or initiate St. John’s University students without the expressed consent of the St.
 John's University administration. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, St.
 John's University does not permit students of the University to be initiated or to join any
 fraternal organization that is not established and recognized by the Division of Student Affairs
 and Student Government, Incorporated.

 Organizations may not use the St. John’s name or facilities unless permission has been granted
 by OFSL. This policy is in place to ensure that all fraternal organizations on campus are
 approved and following all standards and expectations of the University. Failure to follow this
 basic rule will result in a moratorium on the group’s eligibility to expand for a time to be
 determined by the administration (no less than two years.)

Criteria for Expansion Consideration

 Organizations applying for recognition at St. John’s University are evaluated primarily upon the
 following criteria:

    1.   Level of support, advisement, and partnership from the Inter/National Office
    2.   Interest as shown through the number of prospective members
    3.   Alignment of organization’s mission and values with St. John’s Core Values and Mission
    4.   Number of fraternity and sorority chapters on campus
    5.   University enrollment trends

 To be considered, organizations must be in a (n) (inter)national umbrella organization
 [NALFO/NAPA/NIC/NPHC/NPC] OR have at least 20 chapters.

Application Format

 All applications must be complied into a single document, including all information
 requested by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Additionally, each application
 document must be formatted in the following order:

OFSL Expansion Procedures Updated 2021                                                          Page 2
1) Inter/national Headquarters Values, Policies and Publications
       a. Structure
           i. Description of the organizational values and founding principles
           ii. Summary of the organizational structure at the chapter and inter/national levels
           iii. Constitution (inter/national and local if applicable)
           iv. Minimal expectations of colony for existence and chartering
           v. Financial obligations of members
           vi. Inter/national magazine/publications ( if applicable)
       b. Policies and Programs:
             i.    Risk Management Policy
             ii.   Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy and Program
             iii.  Anti-Hazing Policy
             iv.   Membership Anti-Discrimination Policy
             v.    Recruitment/Membership Intake Policy and Program
             vi.   Membership Education Policy and Program (New Member Education
                     1. Please include detailed plan of New Member Program, including all
                         activities; example calendar of events; expectations for new members
                         and initiated members; HQ’s role in NME; alumni participation, etc.
             vii. Scholarship Programs and Policy
             viii. Sexual Assault Policy

 2) St. John's University History & Alumni Information
        a. Total number of initiated members in the organization
        b. Total number of alumni in Queens, Manhattan, and Long Island
        c. Statement of interest and support of the alumni in establishing a chapter
        d. A list of specific alumni who are interested in working with the chapter in an
           advisory capacity
        e. Nearest graduate chapter/alumni club/organization
        f. If a group is returning to campus, describe the following:
               i. Reasons why the chapter became inactive on campus, and when
               ii. How the issue(s) involved have been addressed
               iii. How the group has cleared any debts or circumstances still incomplete from
                    when previously on campus
               iv. A statement explaining why the chapter went inactive on campus and how
                    HQ plans to prevent this from happening again.

 3) Chapter Development
    Please provide the following for three specific time periods: during colonization, for the first
    two years after chartering, and in five to ten years:
               a.    Membership goals (numbers, GPA)

OFSL Expansion Procedures Updated 2021                                                        Page 3
b.   Community interaction and service projects
                c.   Campus Involvement
                d.   Programming initiatives (educational/cultural/faculty)
                e.   Chapter & Alumni Board finances
                f.   Fundraising Efforts
                g.   Impact on FSL and St. John’s communities

 4) Membership Development
      a. Please provide educational efforts on the following:
          i. Alcohol and Other Drugs
          ii. Anti-Hazing
          iii. Leadership Development
          iv. New Member Education/Development
          v. Officer Transition Program
          vi. Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness

 5) Information on Inter/National Strength
       a. Total number of chapters and colonies in the organization
       b. Total number of chapters and colonies in New York State and bordering states
       c. Total number colonies during the past five (5) years
       d. Total number of chapters receiving charters during the past five (5) years
                   i. Explanation of why colonies did not become chapters
       e. Locations and total number of colonization’s anticipated in the next calendar year
       f. Total number of chapters closed and/or suspended during the last five (5) years,
          including where, when, and why
       g. Average size of chapters on campuses

 6) Additional Information
      a. A copy of the organization’s insurance certificate (minimum $1,000,000 coverage
         with St. John’s listed as additional insured)
      b. Letter of intent from the inter/national Headquarters Expansion Chairperson
      c. A list of all interested students (if applicable) including Name, Class Status and GPA

 All items above, plus any additional information should be compiled and saved as one PDF
 document and emailed to the Expansion Committee Chair. Please make sure that all information
 in the application packet are clearly labeled and organized.

        Nicole Torres
        Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life and Community Development

OFSL Expansion Procedures Updated 2021                                                   Page 4
Expansion Request Process

    Expansion Timeline (approximate time frame; subject to change)

•    January 31, 2022: Deadline for all applications. All packets by petitioning organizations must
     be submitted and complete in the format outlined. Incomplete packets will not be considered.
•    February: The Expansion Committee meets to review applications and select candidates for
     presentations and campus visits.
•    March: Presentations and Campus Visits. Virtual options will be available.
•    April: The Expansion Committee meets to recommend to OFSL which organization(s) to bring
     to campus. OFSL reserves the right to decline consideration of a group for any reason, and the
     decision is final.
•    May: Once expansion is approved by OFSL and the Expansion Committee, all Student
     Government, Inc. recognition procedures and requirements must be fulfilled. The organization
     must submit a “Power to Organize” form; a copy of their constitution and bylaws, and a list of
     undergraduate members/interests to Student Government, Inc. SGI will consider the
     organization for recognition and make the final decision.

    Statement on Interest Groups
    If an inter/national organization is eligible for expansion (no previous restrictions from policy
    breaches), it may hold two general meetings in order to build interest on campus, as well as see
    which students may want to be a part of their organization if they expand to our University. Any
    meetings of this kind MUST be coordinated by a designated national officer and NOT an
    interested student on campus. Also, it must be clearly stated at the meeting that there is no
    guarantee that because there is an interest that the organization will be approved to expand on
    campus. This designated group of interests is prohibited to act as an organization affiliated with
    the national fraternity or sorority, and will not be recognized as a student organization at St.
    John's University or engage in any activities restricted to recognized fraternities/sororities. There
    are to be no officers of the group, or events held in the group’s name. Any initiation or new
    member education of members of the group interests violates the expansion policy and subjects
    the national organization to a minimum of two years of ineligibility to expand at St.
    John's University. Organizations may not use the St. John’s name or facilities unless permission
    has been granted by OFSL.

OFSL Expansion Procedures Updated 2021                                                            Page 5
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