Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri

Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
Exhibits and Sponsorship
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
Learn, reconnect, and discover the latest advances in GIS technology when the
Esri User Conference returns to San Diego. Join thousands of users from around
the globe and get a front-row seat for a look at the future of GIS capabilities.

We welcome our Esri Partners to join us in the UC Expo this year and network
again with your peers.

     %HQHĬWVRI8&                                                1
     Virtual 2021 UC Attendee Demographics                        2
     Health and Safety                                            3
     Registration                                                 4
     How to Create Your Custom Presence                           5
     Exhibit                                                      6
     Exhibit A La Carte                                           7
     Turnkey Options                                              8-9
     Sponsor                                                      10
     Sponsor A La Carte                                           11-12
     Additional UC Opportunities                                  13-14
     Visuals for A La Carte Items                                 15-16
     Deluxe Digital Signage Sponsor                               17
     Invite Only Packages                                         18
     Timeline                                                     19
     Agenda at a Glance                                           20
     2021 Virtual UC Sponsors                                     21
     Information                                                  22
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
Returning to in-person: A return to San Diego allows for in
person networking, meetings and socials.

Safety for Staff and Attendees: Esri is committed to protecting
the health and safety of our attendees, exhibitors, employees,
and presenters. We follow the established protocols from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
World Health Organization (WHO) and ask that all in-person
event attendees do the same. Esri will continue to assess the
evolving public health guidance regarding large gatherings
and adapt accordingly. These guidelines are subject to US
government and local rules and regulations.

Thousands of Attendees: As in past years, we are expecting
thousands of UC attendees from all over the world. These
attendees will have the opportunity to again explore the expo

tives and budget.

Digital Access Post UC: After UC is over, there will be an online,
condensed version to watch sessions your team may have
missed, including post-event access for registrants to connect
with sponsors and exhibitors.

Hundreds of Sessions and
Meetings: UC has hundreds of
user presentations, technical
sessions and special interest
meetings to learn more about
what those in the GIS commu-
nity are working on.

                                                                     22 UC | Prospectus 1
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
VIRTUAL UC 21                                                                       virtual
By Industry
 Agriculture                             3.9%
                                         3 .9%    Mari
                                                  Ma  r ti
                                                  Maritime me                                  0.7%
 AEC                                     4.2%%    Mediia and
                                                  Media     and Entertainment
                                                            an  Ente
                                                                En   te
                                                                           ai nmen
                                                                              nm entt
                                                                                 en            0 5%
 Aviation                                1 .0%
                                         1.0%%    M ni
                                                  Mi ning
                                                  Miningngg                                    1 7%
 City/Town                               9
                                         9.7%     Non-
                                                  No  n-US
                                                  Non-US US National
                                                                     nall Security
                                                                           Se  curi
                                                                               cu rity
                                                                                  ri ty        0 7%
                                                                                               0. 7%
 Civilian                                1..5%
                                         1.5%     O l and
                                                  Oil  and Gas
                                                             G s
                                                             Ga                                3.8%
 Community Development                   4 .4%
                                         4.4%     Ph
                                                        m ce  eut
                                                  Pharmaceuticals ical
                                                                  ic alss
                                                                     al                        0.1%
 Conservation                            3.4%     Pipeline                                     0.7%
 County                                  4.0%     Public Health                                2.0%
 DOT                                     2.6%     Public Transit                               1.1%
 Electric and Gas                        8.0%     Public Works                                 3.1%
 Emergency Management                    2.6%     Railroad                                     0.5%
 Environment and Natural Resources       13.0%    Real Estate                                  1.7%
 Environmental Management                4.9%     Regional                                     0.9%
 Financial Services                      0.9%     Renewable Energy                             0.7%
 Fire, Rescue, and EMS                   0.8%     Research Organizations                       2.5%
 Forestry                                3.2%     Retail                                       0.9%
 GIS/IT                                  45.5%    Sciences                                     1.9%
 Higher Education                        7.0%     Social Services                              0.6%
 Hospitals and Health Systems            1.1%     State                                        2.1%
 Humanitarian Assistance                 0.9%     Sustainable Development                      0.9%
 Imagery                                 0.8%     Telecommunications                           2.2%
 Insurance                               0.6%     US Intelligence                              0.8%
 K-12                                    1.2%     US Military                                  1.3%
 Law Enforcement and Justice             2.3%     Water Resources                              3.0%
 Libraries and Museums                   0.3%     Water, Wastewater & Stormwater               6.5%
 Logistics, Trucking, and Distribution   0.6%
 Manufacturing                           0.5%                                             By Role
 Mapping/Topographic                     2.8%
                                                 Administrative Support                         2.1ƽ
By Organization Type                             Analyst/Researcher/Specialist                  15.9%
                                                 C-Level Executive                              1.4%
 City/Town Government                    7.0%    Consultant                                     4.2%
 Commercial/Private Business             1.1%
                                            %    Developer
                                                 Deeveloper                                     4.1%
 County Government
 Co                                      0.9%    Educator                                       2.5%
 (                                       0.8%    (OHFWHG$SSRLQWHG2İFLDO
                                                                    2İ                          0.1%
 E                                       0.6%    Engineer                                       4.8%
 Global Organization
 G                                       1.2%    GIS Analyst                                    33.2%
 1                                       2.3%      IS Manager/Supervisor
                                                 GIS                v or
                                                                       o                        15.9%
    n-U National Government
                        r m              0.3%    IT Manager/Supervisor
                                                                    so                          2.3%
 Regional Agency/Government
 Reg                 ve
                      er m               0.6%    IT Technician                                  2.1%
 State Agency/Government
 S                ern     t              0.5%    Manager/Supervisor
                                                               e so (Non-GIS/IT)
                                                               erv    N                         3.7%
 U.S. Federal Government/Tribes
 U                       tT              2.8%    Not indicated                                  0.1%
                                                 Senior Executive                               2.1%
                                                 Student                                        5.2%
                                                                                          22 UC | Prospectus 2
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri

 Check the Health and Safety page for updates about health and safety requirements

 Esri is committed to protecting the health and safety of our attendees, exhibitors, employ-
 ees, and presenters. We follow the established protocols from the Centers for Disease
 Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and ask that all
 in-person event attendees do the same. Esri will continue to assess the evolving public
 health guidance regarding large gatherings and adapt accordingly. These guidelines are
 subject to US government and local rules and regulations.

 We encourage every individual to make informed decisions about attending our events in
 the best interest of their own health as well as the health of others. If you cannot or choose
 not to follow the 2022 Esri User Conference (Esri UC) on-site health and safety require-
 ments, or if you simply cannot attend the event for other reasons, some of the conferences

In-person Attendance Requirements
 All attendees, exhibitors, presenters, and Esri employees at Esri events must verify that
 they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The conference will implement a
 receiving either of the following:

       Covaxin, Covishield, BIBP, or Sinovac vaccines

       A single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine

 This guidance applies to COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use by the World
 Health Organization (WHO) or approved for full use by the US Food and Drug Administra-
 tion (FDA) on or before January 25, 2022. The full list of emergency use and authorized
 vaccines can be found here.

 If an attendee or exhibitor does not meet these requirements, they are not considered
 fully vaccinated and will not be permitted to attend in-person events.

                                                                                        22 UC | Prospectus 3
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
Registration is required to attend this event. Each attendee needs to individually
register. Sponsor and exhibitor packages do not include registration and is sold
There are special rates for sponsors and exhibitors to register for the event, including
an Expo only option for those who are only working the booth during the event.

                                                        Full Conference        Expo Only
                                                              $995               $395

         Plenary Session

         Technical Workshops


         Health and Fitness

         Map Gallery

         Thursday Night Party

         User Presentations

         Additional Sessions

         Esri Showcase

         Networking Socials

         SIG Meetings

         Training Opportunities

Cancellation Policy
For cancellations received after June 13, 2022, registrants will forfeit 50 percent of their
27, 2022, will forfeit their entire registration fee, and registrations received after this date
will not be eligible for refunds. If you need to cancel due to special circumstances, please
email confregis@esri.com with your request for review. Substitutions for registrants can be
made at any time. Esri reserves the right to cancel any event or training if the minimum
registration is not met. If Esri cancels an event, registration fees will be refunded. Canceling
your registration does not automatically cancel your housing reservation, if applicable.

                                                                                       22 UC | Prospectus 4
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
  For our return to the in person experience at UC, we are making it easier for your organization
  framework, your organization can now select items that matter most to you and allows for

  Here is how to get started:
   1. Select a participation path - Exhibitor or Sponsor: Reference this prospectus for full
      ties, begin with a Sponsor bundle.
   3. Customize your presence: Enhance your presence by selecting items from the A La
      Carte Menu. For Conference sponsors, your recognition level will be determined by the
      total value of the items you select, including the required sponsor bundle.

  Some sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are only available to certain levels of
  participation. In order to make it easier to understand, we have created a key for the symbols
  you will see throughout this prospectus.
                 P   Available to Platinum Sponsors only
                PG   Available to Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
               SPON  Available to All Sponsor levels
                ALL  Available to All participation levels
                LTD  Limited quantities (If there is a number next to this icon, it implies
                     that this is the total number of opportunities.
                LT 1 One per organization
               NEW! New opportunity for the 2022 UC

                                UC   An interchangeable acronym for the User Conference.
                                     A selection of similar opportunities that are sold as a collection
                          Bundle     (bundle) to save money for participating partners.

                                     spend must be equal or greater than this amount.

                          Vendor     The companies Esri has hired to produce a section of the
                                                        KDW IXOĬOO WKHUHTXLUHGWDVNVDVVRFLDWHGZLWK
                                     your participation.

                                                                                               22 UC | Prospectus 5
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri

Each exhibitor bundle includes:

     Corporate description on the event website and mobile app
     10'x 10' booth space
     Digital media kit: Includes exhibitor conference logo, exhibitor social media
     templates, etc
     (1) Lead retrieval unit
     Special registration rate

       Premium                          Select                        Standard
        $8,000                          $7,000                         $6,000
      per 10’ x 10’                  per 10’ x 10’                  per 10’ x 10’

    Turnkey Required
    $4,000 per 10’ x 10’
    Are you looking to take center stage in the Expo? Exhibit booths along our
    highly coveted main aisle and adjacent to industry showcases see the most
     p      rate!

                                                                                 22 UC | Prospectus 6
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
Email Feature (large)                                  Expo Theater Partner Presentation
$5,000 ALL LTD 4 LT 1                                  $5,000 ALL LTD LT 1 NEW!
Put a spotlight on your organization and pro-          Secure your spot on our agenda and position
mote your event presence in our email cam-             your organization as a thought leader. Share your
paign. We'll include your logo with a linked URL       expertise in this 20 minute live presentation in
and a short message along side content or              the Partner Expo Theater (seats up to 110).
activity announcements.

Social Media Bundle                                    Press Bundle
$5,000 ALL LTD 5         LT 1                          $5,000 ALL LTD 5         LT 1
One of the newest ways to get your organiza-           3XW\RXURUJDQL]DWLRQLQIURQWRILQĭXHQWLDOPHP-
tion's name to the public is through social            bers of the media with this bundle. This includes
media. This bundle will include (1) custom tweet       emails bundled to registered media, press
from the @EsriUC account, (1) tweet from the           release in digital press kit, corporate description,
@EsriUC account sharing a "cool thing" about           logo, URL in digital press kit, media list delivered
your product or services via a :30 second video        by Esri Press department post event and logo on
recorded on site at UC by our social media             media area graphics.

Express Furnishing Bundle                              Mosaic Reveal
$2,500 ALL                                             $2,500 ALL LTD 8         LT 1
Skip going through the show catalog and get            This is a new and unique opportunity to be
the essentials in one easy bundle. This package        featured front and center of the Esri.com UC
includes the essentials for all booths such as         Expo page. This mosaic will showcase your logo
electricity, chairs, and tables.                       or design and when visitors hover over your
                                                       image, they will see your special message (or
                                                       company description) linked your website or UC
                                                       event landing page.

Lunchtime Meeting Space                                Email Highlight (small)
$2,500 ALL LTD LT 1                                    $2,000 ALL      LTD 4    LT 1
Hold your own public or private meeting in one         Highlight your organization with your logo and a
of our UC rooms. All rooms will have theater           linked URL in an event promotion email.
seating, projector and A/V setup to use for one
(1) hour and can seat 80-250.

Lightning Talk                                         Enhanced Description - Mobile App
$2,000 ALL LTD LT 1 NEW!                               $750 ALL
Although not quite as fast as lightning, these talks   This enhanced description allows attendees to
DUHGHVLJQHGWREHTXLFNĬYHPLQXWHVRUOHVVWR       learn more about your team while exploring the
be exact - the ideal duration to showcase your         Expo in the event app. Choose up to three addi-
organization and encourage attendees to visit          WLRQDOĬHOGVWRLQFOXGHLQ\RXUPRELOHDSSOLFDWLRQ
your booth. This presentation will be LIVE in a UC     SURĬOH
session room as part of a collection of lighting
talks with other participating partners.

                                                                                            22 UC | Prospectus 7
Exhibits and Sponsorship Opportunities - Esri
These prices are not included in raw booth price.

     Excite 1 (10’x10’)- $5,500

    Explore 3 (10’x10’) - $5,500

    Express 3 (10’x10’) - $6,500

                                                    22 UC | Prospectus 8
These prices are not included in raw booth price.

    Express 5 (10’x20’) - $9,500

    Express 3 (10’x20’) - $10,500

    Excite 2 (10’x20’) - $12,500

                                                    22 UC | Prospectus 9
Upgrade Bundle - $12,500

Meet your sponsorship minimums by adding items from our a la carte menu. These items are

All sponsor levels are also eligible to add any items from the Exhibitor a la carte menu as well.

These items DUHcomplimentary when you reach Platinum or Gold sponsor levels.

          Inclusion in the Expo video promotion
          Press bundle
          Street level fence banner
          Sponsor logo hanging banner

                         Platinum and Gold Sponsors Only
Standing Charging Station                            Email Promotion Component
$10,000 PG LTD 5 LT 1 NEW!                           $7,500 PG LTD 2 LT 1
Showcase your organization around the San            Have something you want to promote to all UC
Diego Convention Center at all the charging          registered attendees? This email component
stations around the lower level. Attendees           will be included in an email to registered
charging their devices will see your company         attendees that will include a small text box,
design up close and gain interest to stop and        image and URL.

Product Promotion Display Case                       VIP Sponsor Lounge - Thursday Night Party
                                                     (additional passes)
$7,500     PG LTD 5 LT 1 NEW!
                                                     $2,500 PG LTD        NEW!
+DYHSK\VLFDOSURGXFWV\RX GOLNHWRVKRZRı"      Wind down after an exciting week of learning
Product promotion displays will be placed in         and sales at the annual UC Party! We welcome
KLJKWUDİFDUHDVWRVSDUNDWWHQGHHFXULRVLW\        our sponsors to a rooftop lounge to enjoy
along with signage inviting them to visit you on     premium beverages, upgraded menu, and
WKHVKRZĭRRU                                       entertainment. This is your opportunity to relax
                                                     with key members of your team. This item
                                                     provides your organization with an additional
                                                     20 lounge passes.

                                                                                        22 UC | Prospectus 11
                                      All Sponsor Levels
Charging Station Lounge (Expo & Map                  Street Level Fence Banner
Gallery Lobby locations)                             $7,000 SPON LTD 3 LT 1
$7,500 SPON LTD 5 LT 1
Our mobile app is the primary resource for the       %HWKHĬUVWWKLQJDWWHQGHHVVHHZKHQWKH\ZDON
agenda, and for attendees, keeping their devices     out the main SDCC doors and head to the
charged will be a top priority. This package         Gaslamp District.
provides the opportunity to customize a univer-
sal charging station with your organization's
brand and messaging. The lounge will be locat-
ed in the Expo or public venue space.

Gaslamp Poster Kiosk                                 Shared Recognition at a Social
$7,000 SPON LTD 3 LT 1 NEW!                          $5,000    SPON LTD
These standing display cases face all sides of the   In between sessions, attendees enjoy attending
area between the Gaslamp District and Conven-        special interest meetings with like minded
tion Center and are sure to grab the attention of    peers or socials at the end of the day. Put your
all coming to or from UC. Be front and center        organization front and center at these gather-
with your custom graphic and capture attention       ings with shared recognition at the events and
increase impressions, even of those who aren't       collect contact information of those attendees
attendees.                                           who joined at these meetings.

Custom Branded Meeting Room in Expo                  Sponsor Logo Banner in Expo
$5,000 SPON LTD 6 LT 1                               $3,500 SPON       LTD    LT 1

If you need a bit more privacy than what's pro-      Secure an elevated branding visual with a
YLGHGRQWKHVKRZĭRRUFRQVLGHUDVWDQGDUG         hanging banner above on one the primary Expo
PHHWLQJURRPRQWKHVKRZĭRRUZKLFKLQFOXGHV         entrance doors, visible to all Expo attendees,
one table, six chairs, 5 amps of electricity, one    featuring your logo, sponsor level and booth
whiteboard panel, and a custom graphic panel         number!
on exterior meeting wall.

Mobile App Banner Ad                                 Shared Recognition at a SIG Meeting
$3,500 SPON LTD 10 LT 1                              $2,500 SPON LTD
Feature your organization's ad in the event's        In between sessions, attendees enjoy attending
mobile app.                                          special interest meetings with like minded
                                                     peers or socials at the end of the day. Put your
                                                     organization front and center at these gather-
                                                     ings with shared recognition at the events and
                                                     collect contact information of those attendees
                                                     who joined at these meetings.

Esrigram Story
$2,000 SPON LTD 3 LT 1
Esrigram has 120K+ followers and your organization can be seen by all of them with this branding
opportunity. Your team can provide a graphic to be posted on our Esrigram account during the week of

                                                                                      22 UC | Prospectus 12
These are special opportunities for all Esri partners. These are stand alone options for

You are not required to be a Conference sponsor or exhibitor for these options.

These opportunities can also count towards non-exhibiting Platinum and Gold Sponsors
(sponsorship bundle still required).

  Startup Zone Sponsor - $50,000
  The Esri User Conference Startup Zone Sponsorship is an exclusive
  sponsorship opportunity. Stand out front and center in an Expo show-
  case co-branded with your company's key art and messaging in support
  of the rising Esri partners in the ever-popular Startup Zone.

  Health and :HOOQHVV Sponsor - $40,000
  UC attendees love to start their day right with yoga and our annual 5k
  Walk/Run. This branding opportunity allows for your organization to be
  the face of Health and Wellness at UC.

  Deluxe Digital Signage - $30,000 NEW!

  The San Diego Convention Center has new stunning digital signs
  throughout the lower level and your organization can be included on
  these breathtaking displays. This includes (3) Tier 1 signs for 3 days of
  the week and (2) Tier 2 signs for 3 days of the week.

  included in the convention center where attendees can snap a photo and
  share on their feeds. Be sure to include a fun hashtag and image so
  attendees spread your organization to others.

                                                                                    22 UC | Prospectus 13
Hydration Station Sponsor - $10,000 NEW!
Walking around the San Diego Convention Center will require plenty of
water to stay hydrated and our hydration stations provide refreshing
tured on these stations that all attendees will see around the confer-

Spot of Sunshine - $10,000 NEW!
Attendees love to network, and lounge in bright sunny spaces. Brand
your own spot of sunshine with custom graphics and messaging
around a VHDWLQJ vignette on the upper level of the venue.

Supporting Sponsor (Social) - $6,500
In between sessions, attendees enjoy attending socials with like
minded peers at the end of the day. Put your organization front and
center at these gatherings with shared recognition at the events and
collect contact information of those opted in attendees who joined at
these events.

Supporting Sponsor (SIG) - $3,500

In between sessions, attendees enjoy attending special interest meet-
ings with like minded peers at the end of the day. Put your organization
front and center at these gatherings with shared recognition at the
events and collect contact information of those opted in attendees who
joined at these events.

                                                                   22 UC | Prospectus 14
The following are visual mockups to reference certain a la carte items that you may not be familiar
with. Final design layout and space is subject to change with notice to sponsors.

                      what’s                                                 Gaslamp Poster Kiosks
                      new!                                  See
                     Join us in Booth
                                                                             These kiosks are located outside of
                                                          Join us in Booth
                                                          123 for demos,
                                                         meetings and more

                     123 for demos,
                    meetings and more

                                                                             the San Diego Convention Center
                                                                             around the Gaslamp District.

                                                                              Expo and Map Gallery Charging
                                                                              Station Lounge
                                                                              These charging stations are located
                                                                              inside the San Diego Convention
                                                                              Center in the Expo and near the
                                                                              Map Gallery.

                                                                              Street Level Fence Banner
                                                                              These banners are located in the
                                                                              Gaslamp District right outside the
                                                                              San Diego Convention Center.

                            See what’s happening next!
                              Join us at Booth 123

                                                                                                    22 UC | Prospectus 15
Banner Ad
                      Mobile App Banner Ad

Exhibitor             This rotating banner ad will be featured in the Esri Event
Exhibitor             app for all attendees to view and links to your listing page
                      in the mobile app.



                                     Mosaic Reveal

             Mosaic       Mosaic     This interactive reveal card will be
             Reveal       Reveal
                                     featured on our Esri.com Expo
             Mosaic       Mosaic
             Reveal       Reveal     page.

                                     Standing Charging Station

                                     These charging stations are located in key
                                     areas around the San Diego Convention
                                     Center for attendees to charge phones,
                                     laptops, and other devices.

                                                                             22 UC | Prospectus 16
  This new and exciting branding opportunity at the San Diego Convention Center will allow
  your organization to be seen by all our UC attendees. Below are the signage locations and
  what these new signs look like in the convention center


     Tier 1 Signs

    Lobby B1 Video Wall                              Hall B1 Entryway Marquee
    Screen Size: Ŕ[Ŕ                          Screen Size: Ŕ[Ŕ
    Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday              Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

                              Hall B1 Entryway Marquee
                              Screen Size: Ŕ[Ŕ
                              Dates: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
    Tier 2 Signs

    Lobby F Video Wall                              Lobby G Video Wall
    Screen Size: Ŕ[Ŕ                         Screen Size: Ŕ[Ŕ
    Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday             Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
                                                                                           22 UC | Prospectus 17

 Startup Zone Kiosk                      Public Safety Kiosk                     Federal Agency Kiosk
 $2,500                                  $1,250                                  $1,250
  This opportunity is for Startup         This opportunity is for Public          This opportunity is for Federal
  Partners only and includes:             Safety Partners only and                Agencies only and includes:
    Kiosk with desk (turnkey)                                                        Kiosk with counter (turnkey)
                                             Kiosk with counter (turnkey)
    Corporate description on                                                         Corporate description on
    the event website and                    Corporate description on                the event website and
    mobile app                               the event website and                   mobile app
                                             mobile app
    Special registration rate                                                        Special registration rate
                                             Special registration rate
    Internet Access                                                                  Internet Access
                                             Internet Access
    5 amps electricity                                                               5 amps electricity
                                             5 amps electricity
    (1) 23" monitor                                                                  (1) 23" monitor
                                             (1) 23" monitor
    (2) Stool(s)                                                                     (2) Stool(s)
                                             (2) Stool(s)

 Education Zone Table                   Federal Agency Booth                     6XVWDLQDEOH:RUOG.LRVN
 $1,750                                 $1,500                                   $750

 This opportunity is for University      This opportunity is for Federal          This opportunity is for NGOs
 and Education Partners only and         Agencies only and includes:              and NPOs only and includes:
                                            Ŕ[ŔERRWKVSDFH                      Kiosk with counter (turnkey)
   6' Skirted Table                         Express furnishing package               Corporate description on
                                                                                     the event website and
   (2) chairs                               Description on event website             mobile app
   Description on event website             Special Registration Rate                Special registration rate
   Special Registration Rate
                                                                                     Internet Access
                                                                                     5 amps electricity
                                                                                     (1) 23" monitor
                                                                                     (2) Stool(s)

6XVWDLQDEOH:RUOG                       Invitation Only A La Carte
                                             Shared Recognition at a SIG Meeting - $5,000
 This opportunity is for NGOs                Shared Recognition at a Social - $2,500
 and NPOs only and includes:
                                             Lightning Talk - $2,000
  1 panel display with custom
  graphic                                    Enhanced Mobile App Description - $750

  Description on event website

  Special registration rate

                                                                                                    22 UC | Prospectus 18
  The following are deadlines for assuring that all tasks are met. Failure to meet these
  be extended unless stated by the Esri Exhibits Team.

                                                 April 14
                                                 Applications open

                                  May 11
  Booth reviews due (for 400 sq ft booths
                              and larger)

                                                May 23
                                                Applications close

                                   June 3
                         Deliverables due
                                                June 10
                                                Freeman starts accepting crated, boxed
                                                or skidded materials

                                June 27
                            Payments due

                                     July 10
                                                July 6
  Freeman will begin receiving shipments
                 at exhibit facility (SDCC)     Order discount at Freeman ends

                            Exhibitor setup
                                                July 11
                                                Exhibitor setup

                                July 12-14
                                Expo open
                                                July 14
                                                Exhibitor teardown

                                                                                    22 UC | Prospectus 19

                                    SDJHIRUWKHPRVW XSWRGDWHVFKHGXOH
Monday, July 11

  8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.    Esri UC Plenary Session

  3:30 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.    Academic Fair

  4:00 p.m. — 6:30 p.m.    Map Gallery Reception

Tuesday, July 12

  8:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.    Map Gallery

  8:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.    Technical Workshops and User Presentations


  4:00 p.m. — 6:30 p.m.    Science Symposium

Wednesday, July 13

  8:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.    Map Gallery

  8:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.    Technical Workshops and User Presentations


  3:30 p.m. — 5:30 p.m.    Esri Awards Ceremony

Thursday, July 14

  8:00 a.m. — 1:30 p.m.    Map Gallery

  8:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.    Technical Workshops and User Presentations


  5:30 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. Thursday Night Party

Friday, July 15

 9:00 a.m. — 10:00 a.m.    Technical Sessions

 10:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.   Closing Session

                                                                                       22 UC | Prospectus 20



                            22 UC | Prospectus 21
Conference Location
San Diego Convention Center
111 West Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
                                                                          Expo Hours

Expo Setup                       Sunday, July 10, 2022                8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Expo Setup                      Monday, July 11, 2022                 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Expo Open                       Tuesday, July 12, 2022                9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Expo Open                     Wednesday, July 13, 2022                9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Expo Open                       Thursday, July 14, 2022               9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Expo Dismantle                  Thursday, July 14, 2022               4:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Exhibits and Sponsorships: exhibits@esri.com
Agenda: papers@esri.com
Registration: confregis@esri.com
Hotel: uchotelres@esri.com
Meeting Rooms: ucmeetings@esri.com

Sponsor and exhibitor opportunities are available only to members of the Esri Partner

All sponsor and exhibitor applications will be invoiced for payment after the sales period has
ments can be requested). Please review the Esri Exhibit and Sponsor Agreement for full
details on the Esri cancellation and refund policy.

Complimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout the Exhibit Hall and is intended for light usage.
Esri does not guarantee reception or performance. Additional Internet options are
described in the exhibitor manual.

*Esri User Conference Registrations are exclusively for company employees. Registrations
may not be transferred to anyone including, but not limited to, contractors, consultants,
family members, partners or clients, or other Esri clients or partners without express written
consent from Esri. Registrations are purchased separately and are not included in any spon-

                                                                                        22 UC | Prospectus 22
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