Page created by Christian Lang



           Tuesday, December 7, 2021


            By Rachel R. Creviston, Executive Clerk

                                                       Issue No. 180

                                   Jessica Rosenworcel (Cal. No. 567)
                                    Deirdre Hamilton (Cal. No. 480)
                                      Chris Magnus (Cal. No. 513)

         Ordered, That upon the conclusion of morning business on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, the Senate
proceed to executive session to resume consideration of the nomination of Jessica Rosenworcel, of Connecticut,
to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission for a term of five years from July 1, 2020, post-
         Ordered further, That at 11:30 a.m. all post-cloture time on the Rosenworcel nomination expire.
         Ordered further, That with respect to the motions to invoke cloture on the nominations of Deirdre
Hamilton, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the National Mediation Board for a term expiring July
1, 2022 and Chris Magnus, of Arizona, to be Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department
of Homeland Security, the mandatory quorum calls required under Rule XXII be waived.
         Ordered further, That the Senate recess following the cloture vote on the Hamilton nomination until
2:15 p.m. to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.
         Ordered further, That if cloture is invoked on the Hamilton nomination, all post-cloture time expire at
2:15 p.m.
         Ordered further, That if cloture is invoked on the Magnus nomination, all post-cloture time expire at
5:30 p.m.
         Ordered further, That if any of the nominations are confirmed during Tuesday’s session, the motions to
reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table and the President be immediately notified of the Senate’s
actions. (Dec. 2, 6, 2021.)

                                    Rachael S. Rollins (Cal. No. 585)
                                    Michael D. Smith (Cal. No. 482)

         Ordered, That with respect to the motions to invoke cloture on the nominations of Rachael S. Rollins, of
Massachusetts, to be United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts for the term of four years and
Michael D. Smith, of Virginia, to be Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community
Service, the mandatory quorum calls required under Rule XXII be waived. (Dec. 6, 2021.)


CALENDAR   S. RES.                   REPORTED
  NO.        NO.                        BY


CALENDAR   TREATY                   REPORTED
  NO.      DOC. NO.                    BY


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                                  AIR FORCE
    114            35-4      The following named officers for appointment                  Apr 27, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              in the United States Air Force to the grade                   Reed, Committee on Armed
                              indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624:                Services, without printed
                                            to be Brigadier General
                               Col. Jonathan C. Rice, IV
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    233            376       Larry Edward Andre, Jr., of Texas, a Career                   Jun 24, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Federal
                              Republic of Somalia.
    234            377       Elizabeth Moore Aubin, of Virginia, a Career                  Jun 24, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the People's
                              Democratic Republic of Algeria.
    235            379       Maria E. Brewer, of Virginia, a Career Member                 Jun 24, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of                       Menendez, Committee on
                              Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                          Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Kingdom of
    236            381       Christopher John Lamora, of Rhode Island, a                   Jun 24, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Career Member of the Senior Foreign                           Menendez, Committee on
                              Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be                   Foreign Relations, without
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  printed report.
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Republic of Cameroon.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    237            382       Tulinabo S. Mushingi, of Virginia, a Career                   Jun 24, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Counselor, to be Ambassador                                Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
                              Angola, and to serve concurrently and
                              without additional compensation as
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Democratic Republic of Sao
                              Tome and Principe.
    238            417       Eugene S. Young, of New York, a Career                        Jun 24, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
                              the Congo.
    239            384       Michele Jeanne Sison, of Maryland, a Career                   Jun 24, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Career Ambassador, to be an Assistant                      Foreign Relations, without
                              Secretary of State (International                             printed report.
                              Organization Affairs), vice Kevin Edward
                              Moley, resigned.
    242           658-2      The following named Army National Guard of                    Jun 22, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              the United States officers for appointment in                 Reed, Committee on Armed
                              the Reserve of the Army to the grade                          Services, without printed
                              indicated under title 10, U.S.C., sections                    report.
                              12203 and 12211:
                                         to be Brigadier General
                               Col. Steven M. Rowe
                                       DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
    262            459       Helaine Ann Greenfeld, of Maryland, to be an                  Jul 22, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Attorney General, vice Stephen                      Durbin, Committee on the
                              Elliott Boyd.                                                 Judiciary, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                       DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
   * 265           440       Shalanda H. Baker, of Texas, to be Director of                Jul 22, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              the Office of Minority Economic Impact,                       Manchin, Committee on
                              Department of Energy, vice James Edward                       Energy and Natural
                              Campos.                                                       Resources, without printed
                                       FEDERAL MEDIATION AND
                                        CONCILIATION SERVICES
   * 300           636       Javier Ramirez, of Illinois, to be Federal                    Aug 03, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Mediation and Conciliation Director, vice                     Murray, Committee on
                              Richard Giacolone.                                            Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
   * 311           366       Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of               Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              the Census for the remainder of the term                      Peters, Committee on
                              expiring December 31, 2021, vice Steven                       Homeland Security and
                              Dillingham.                                                   Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                                    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
   * 313           499       Ed Gonzalez, of Texas, to be an Assistant                     Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of Homeland Security, vice Sarah                    Peters, Committee on
                              R. Saldana.                                                   Homeland Security and
                                                                                            Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
   * 314           438       Carol Annette Petsonk, of the District of                     Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of                     Cantwell, Committee on
                              Transportation, vice Joel Szabat.                             Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                               SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD
   * 315           535       Karen Jean Hedlund, of Colorado, to be a                      Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Member of the Surface Transportation Board                    Cantwell, Committee on
                              for a term expiring December 31, 2025, vice                   Commerce, Science, and
                              Ann Begeman, term expired.                                    Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    317            380       Marc Evans Knapper, of California, a Career                   Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Socialist
                              Republic of Vietnam.
    318            552       Christopher P. Lu, of Virginia, to be                         Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the United States of                        Menendez, Committee on
                              America to the United Nations for U.N.                        Foreign Relations, without
                              Management and Reform, with the rank of                       printed report.
    319            553       Christopher P. Lu, of Virginia, to be an                      Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Alternate Representative of the United                        Menendez, Committee on
                              States of America to the Sessions of the                      Foreign Relations, without
                              General Assembly of the United Nations,                       printed report.
                              during his tenure of service as
                              Representative of the United States of
                              America to the United Nations for U.N.
                              Management and Reform.
    320            616       Rufus Gifford, of Massachusetts, to be Chief of               Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Protocol, and to have the rank of Ambassador                  Menendez, Committee on
                              during his tenure of service, vice Sean P.                    Foreign Relations, without
                              Lawler, resigned.                                             printed report.
                                    UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR
                                   INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
    323            415       Marcela Escobari, of Massachusetts, to be an                  Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Administrator of the United States                  Menendez, Committee on
                              Agency for International Development, vice                    Foreign Relations, without
                              John Barsa.                                                   printed report.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    327            496       Anne A. Witkowsky, of Maryland, to be an                      Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of State (Conflict and                    Menendez, Committee on
                              Stabilization Operations), vice Denise Natali.                Foreign Relations, without
                                                                                            printed report.
    328            497       Anne A. Witkowsky, of Maryland, to be                         Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Coordinator for Reconstruction and                            Menendez, Committee on
                              Stabilization, vice David Malcolm Robinson.                   Foreign Relations, without
                                                                                            printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                        AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT
    329            543       Mary Catherine Phee, of Illinois, a Career                    Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be a Member of the                  Foreign Relations, without
                              Board of Directors of the African                             printed report.
                              Development Foundation for a term expiring
                              September 27, 2026. (Reappointment)
    330            544       Mary Catherine Phee, of Illinois, a Career                    Aug 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be a Member of the                  Foreign Relations, without
                              Board of Directors of the African                             printed report.
                              Development Foundation for a term expiring
                              September 27, 2021, vice Linda Thomas-
                              Greenfield, resigned.
                                CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND
                                     COMMUNITY SERVICE
   * 348           452       Cynthia C. Hogan, of Ohio, to be a Member of                  Aug 13, 2021 Placed on the
                              the Board of Directors of the Corporation for                 Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              National and Community Service for a term                     116, 112th Congress.
                              expiring February 8, 2024, vice Lisa M.
                              Quiroz, term expired.
   * 349           454       Shirley Sachi Sagawa, of Maryland, to be a                    Aug 13, 2021 Placed on the
                              Member of the Board of Directors of the                       Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Corporation for National and Community                        116, 112th Congress.
                              Service for a term expiring October 6, 2024,
                              vice Jane D. Hartley, term expired.
                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
   * 355           614       Grant T. Harris, of California, to be an                      Sep 22, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Assistant Secretary of Commerce, vice                         Cantwell, Committee on
                              Nazakhtar Nikakhtar.                                          Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                  CHEMICAL SAFETY AND HAZARD
                                      INVESTIGATION BOARD
   * 359           539       Stephen A. Owens, of Arizona, to be a Member                  Sep 22, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of the Chemical Safety and Hazard                             Carper, Committee on
                              Investigation Board for a term of five years,                 Environment and Public
                              vice Richard J. Engler, term expired.                         Works, without printed
   * 361           542       Sylvia E. Johnson, of North Carolina, to be a                 Sep 22, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard                      Carper, Committee on
                              Investigation Board for a term of five years,                 Environment and Public
                              vice Vanessa Lorraine Allen Sutherland,                       Works, without printed
                              term expired.                                                 report.
                                  DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
   * 362           746       Homer L. Wilkes, of Mississippi, to be Under                  Sep 23, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Secretary of Agriculture for Natural                          Stabenow, Committee on
                              Resources and Environment, vice James E.                      Agriculture, Nutrition, and
                              Hubbard.                                                      Forestry, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
   * 400           870       Alan F. Estevez, of Maryland, to be Under                     Oct 05, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of Commerce for Industry and                        Brown, Committee on
                              Security, vice Mira Radielovic Ricardel,                      Banking, Housing, and Urban
                              resigned.                                                     Affairs, without printed
   * 402           943       Thea D. Rozman Kendler, of Maryland, to be                    Oct 05, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              an Assistant Secretary of Commerce, vice                      Brown, Committee on
                              Richard Ashooh.                                               Banking, Housing, and Urban
                                                                                            Affairs, without printed
                                 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
   * 403           1021      Alexia Marie Gabrielle Latortue, of the District              Oct 05, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of                  Brown, Committee on
                              the Treasury, vice Mitchell A. Silk.                          Banking, Housing, and Urban
                                                                                            Affairs, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                               THE JUDICIARY
   * 404           386       Rupa Ranga Puttagunta, of the District of                     Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be Associate Judge of the                        Peters, Committee on
                              Superior Court of the District of Columbia for                Homeland Security and
                              the term of fifteen years, vice Patricia A.                   Governmental Affairs,
                              Broderick, retired.                                           without printed report.
   * 405           637       Tovah R. Calderon, of the District of Columbia,               Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              to be an Associate Judge of the District of                   Peters, Committee on
                              Columbia Court of Appeals for the term of                     Homeland Security and
                              fifteen years, vice Kathryn A. Oberly, retired.               Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
   * 406           638       Kenia Seoane Lopez, of the District of                        Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the                     Peters, Committee on
                              Superior Court of the District of Columbia for                Homeland Security and
                              the term of fifteen years, vice Ronna Lee                     Governmental Affairs,
                              Beck, retired.                                                without printed report.
                              MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD
   * 407           762       Cathy Ann Harris, of Maryland, to be a                        Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Merit Systems Protection                        Peters, Committee on
                              Board for the term of seven years expiring                    Homeland Security and
                              March 1, 2028, vice Anne Marie Wagner,                        Governmental Affairs,
                              term expired.                                                 without printed report.
   * 408           763       Cathy Ann Harris, of Maryland, to be                          Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection                      Peters, Committee on
                              Board, vice Susan Tsui Grundmann.                             Homeland Security and
                                                                                            Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
   * 409           764       Raymond A. Limon, of Nevada, to be a Member                   Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of the Merit Systems Protection Board for the                 Peters, Committee on
                              term of seven years expiring March 1, 2025,                   Homeland Security and
                              vice Mark A. Robbins, term expired.                           Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                                               THE JUDICIARY
   * 410           800       Sean C. Staples, of the District of Columbia, to              Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court                   Peters, Committee on
                              of the District of Columbia for the term of                   Homeland Security and
                              fifteen years, vice Lee F. Satterfield, term                  Governmental Affairs,
                              expired.                                                      without printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                              MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD
   * 411           1071      Tristan Lynn Leavitt, of Idaho, to be a Member                Oct 06, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of the Merit Systems Protection Board for the                 Peters, Committee on
                              term of seven years expiring March 1, 2023,                   Homeland Security and
                              vice Susan Tsui Grundmann, term expired.                      Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
   * 415           498       Elizabeth Schoff Watson, of Maryland, to be an                Oct 08, 2021 Placed on the
                              Assistant Secretary of Labor, vice Katherine                  Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Brunett McGuire, resigned.                                    116, 112th Congress.
                                CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND
                                     COMMUNITY SERVICE
   * 416           448       Catherine A. McLaughlin, of Massachusetts, to                 Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              be a Member of the Board of Directors of the                  Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Corporation for National and Community                        116, 112th Congress.
                              Service for a term expiring October 6, 2024,
                              vice Shamina Singh, term expired.
                              NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS
                                     AND THE HUMANITIES
   * 417           581       Beverly Gage, of Connecticut, to be a Member                  Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              of the National Council on the Humanities                     Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              for a term expiring January 26, 2024, vice                    116, 112th Congress.
                              Daniel Iwao Okimoto, term expired.
   * 418           582       Lynnette Young Overby, of Delaware, to be a                   Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              Member of the National Council on the                         Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Humanities for the remainder of the term                      116, 112th Congress.
                              expiring January 26, 2022, vice Adair Margo,
   * 419           751       Ismael N. Ahmed, of Michigan, to be a Member                  Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                               of the National Council on the Arts for a term               Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                               expiring September 3, 2024, vice Olga Viso,                  116, 112th Congress.
                               term expired.
   * 420           752       Kinan Azmeh, of New York, to be a Member of                   Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              the National Council on the Arts for a term                   Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              expiring September 3, 2024, vice Charlotte P.                 116, 112th Congress.
                              Kessler, term expired.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

   * 421           754       Constance Hess Williams, of Pennsylvania, to                  Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              be a Member of the National Council on the                    Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Arts for a term expiring September 3, 2026,                   116, 112th Congress.
                              vice Barbara Ernst Prey, term expired.
   * 422           757       Huascar Medina, of Kansas, to be a Member of                  Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              the National Council on the Arts for a term                   Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              expiring September 3, 2026, vice Irvin M.                     116, 112th Congress.
                              Mayfield, Jr., term expired.
   * 423           758       Christopher Kaui Morgan, of Maryland, to be a                 Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              Member of the National Council on the Arts                    Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              for a term expiring September 3, 2024, vice                   116, 112th Congress.
                              David Masumoto, term expired.
   * 424           759       Fiona Whelan Prine, of Tennessee, to be a                     Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              Member of the National Council on the Arts                    Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              for a term expiring September 3, 2024, vice                   116, 112th Congress.
                              Diane Helen Rodriguez, term expired.
   * 425           760       Jake Shimabukuro, of Hawaii, to be a Member                   Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              of the National Council on the Arts for a term                Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              expiring September 3, 2024, vice Rick Lowe,                   116, 112th Congress.
                              term expired.
                                CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND
                                     COMMUNITY SERVICE
   * 426           789       Fagan Harris, of Maryland, to be a Member of                  Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              the Board of Directors of the Corporation for                 Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              National and Community Service for a term                     116, 112th Congress.
                              expiring October 6, 2023, vice Romonia S.
                              Dixon, term expired.
   * 427           875       Alvin Harlyn Warren, of New Mexico, to be a                   Oct 14, 2021 Placed on the
                              Member of the Board of Directors of the                       Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Corporation for National and Community                        116, 112th Congress.
                              Service for a term expiring October 6, 2023,
                              vice Hyepin Christine Im, term expired.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    431            378       Steven C. Bondy, of New Jersey, a Career                      Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Kingdom of

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    432            383       Michael Raynor, of Maryland, a Career                         Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
                              Senegal, and to serve concurrently and
                              without additional compensation as
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.
    433            547       Adam Scheinman, of Virginia, to be Special                    Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the President for Nuclear                   Menendez, Committee on
                              Nonproliferation, with the rank of                            Foreign Relations, without
                              Ambassador.                                                   printed report.
    434            732       Sharon L. Cromer, of New York, a Career                       Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Career Minister, to be Ambassador                          Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
                              The Gambia.
    435            733       Troy Damian Fitrell, of Virginia, a Career                    Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Counselor, to be Ambassador                                Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
    436            734       Marc Ostfield, of Pennsylvania, a Career                      Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Executive Service, to                    Menendez, Committee on
                              be Ambassador Extraordinary and                               Foreign Relations, without
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of                       printed report.
                              America to the Republic of Paraguay.
    439            738       Cynthia Ann Telles, of California, to be                      Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  Menendez, Committee on
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of                       Foreign Relations, without
                              America to the Republic of Costa Rica.                        printed report.
    440            774       Claire D. Cronin, of Massachusetts, to be                     Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  Menendez, Committee on
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of                       Foreign Relations, without
                              America to Ireland.                                           printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    441            775       Claire A. Pierangelo, of California, a Career                 Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
                              Madagascar, and to serve concurrently and
                              without additional compensation as
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Union of the Comoros.
    442            776       Bathsheba Nell Crocker, of the District of                    Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be Representative of the United                  Menendez, Committee on
                              States of America to the Office of the United                 Foreign Relations, without
                              Nations and Other International                               printed report.
                              Organizations in Geneva, with the rank of
    445            780       Virginia E. Palmer, of Virginia, a Career                     Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
    446            781       Jack A. Markell, of Delaware, to be                           Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the United States of                        Menendez, Committee on
                              America to the Organization for Economic                      Foreign Relations, without
                              Cooperation and Development, with the rank                    printed report.
                              of Ambassador.
    447            785       Denise Campbell Bauer, of California, to be                   Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  Menendez, Committee on
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of                       Foreign Relations, without
                              America to the French Republic, and to serve                  printed report.
                              concurrently and without additional
                              compensation as Ambassador Extraordinary
                              and Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Principality of Monaco.
    448            873       Kent Doyle Logsdon, of Pennsylvania, a Career                 Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    449            910       Caryn R. McClelland, of California, a Career                  Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to Brunei
    450            911       Michael J. Murphy, of New York, a Career                      Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to Bosnia and
    451            912       Howard A. Van Vranken, of California, a                       Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Career Member of the Senior Foreign                           Menendez, Committee on
                              Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be                   Foreign Relations, without
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  printed report.
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Republic of Botswana.
    454            934       Mark Gitenstein, of Washington, to be                         Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the United States of                        Menendez, Committee on
                              America to the European Union, with the                       Foreign Relations, without
                              rank and status of Ambassador                                 printed report.
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
    455            935       Laura S. H. Holgate, of Virginia, to be                       Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the United States of                        Menendez, Committee on
                              America to the Vienna Office of the United                    Foreign Relations, without
                              Nations, with the rank of Ambassador.                         printed report.
                                 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY
    456            936       Laura S. H. Holgate, of Virginia, to be                       Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the United States of                        Menendez, Committee on
                              America to the International Atomic Energy                    Foreign Relations, without
                              Agency, with the rank of Ambassador.                          printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    458            1010      David John Young, of Virginia, a Career                       Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
    460            416       C.S. Eliot Kang, of New Jersey, to be an                      Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of State (International                   Menendez, Committee on
                              Security and Non-Proliferation), vice                         Foreign Relations, without
                              Christopher Ashley Ford.                                      printed report.
    461            492       Marcia Stephens Bloom Bernicat, of New                        Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Jersey, a Career Member of the Senior                         Menendez, Committee on
                              Foreign Service, Class of the Minister-                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Counselor, to be Director General of the                      printed report.
                              Foreign Service, vice Carol Z. Perez.
    462            772       Julieta Valls Noyes, of Virginia, a Career                    Oct 19, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Career Minister, to be an Assistant                        Foreign Relations, without
                              Secretary of State (Population, Refugees, and                 printed report.
                              Migration), vice Anne Claire Richard.
                                FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY
   * 464           362       Meera Joshi, of Pennsylvania, to be                           Oct 20, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier                    Cantwell, Committee on
                              Safety Administration, vice Raymond                           Commerce, Science, and
                              Martinez.                                                     Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
   * 465           435       Amitabha Bose, of New Jersey, to be                           Oct 20, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Administrator of the Federal Railroad                         Cantwell, Committee on
                              Administration, vice Ronald L. Batory.                        Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
   * 468           263       Mohsin Raza Syed, of Virginia, to be an                       Oct 20, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Assistant Secretary of Transportation, vice                   Cantwell, Committee on
                              Adam J. Sullivan.                                             Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

   * 469           264       Victoria Marie Baecher Wassmer, of the                        Oct 20, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              District of Columbia, to be Chief Financial                   Cantwell, Committee on
                              Officer, Department of Transportation, vice                   Commerce, Science, and
                              John E. Kramer.                                               Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                      DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
   * 472           766       Rachel Jacobson, of the District of Columbia, to              Oct 21, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be an Assistant Secretary of the Army, vice                   Reed, Committee on Armed
                              Alex A. Beehler.                                              Services, without printed
   * 473           869       Gabriel Camarillo, of Texas, to be Under                      Oct 21, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of the Army, vice James E.                          Reed, Committee on Armed
                              McPherson.                                                    Services, without printed
   * 474           915       Andrew Philip Hunter, of Virginia, to be an                   Oct 21, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, vice                    Reed, Committee on Armed
                              William Roper.                                                Services, without printed
   * 476           1001      David A. Honey, of Virginia, to be Deputy                     Oct 21, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Under Secretary of Defense, vice Lisa Porter,                 Reed, Committee on Armed
                              resigned.                                                     Services, without printed
   * 477           1002      Alex Wagner, of the District of Columbia, to be               Oct 21, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, vice                 Reed, Committee on Armed
                              Shon J. Manasco.                                              Services, without printed
                                    NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD
   * 480           450       Deirdre Hamilton, of the District of Columbia,                Oct 26, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              to be a Member of the National Mediation                      Murray, Committee on
                              Board for a term expiring July 1, 2022, vice                  Health, Education, Labor,
                              Kyle Fortson, term expired.                                   and Pensions, without printed
   * 481           451       Deirdre Hamilton, of the District of Columbia,                Oct 26, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              to be a Member of the National Mediation                      Murray, Committee on
                              Board for a term expiring July 1, 2025.                       Health, Education, Labor,
                              (Reappointment)                                               and Pensions, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                CORPORATION FOR NATIONAL AND
                                     COMMUNITY SERVICE
   * 482           715       Michael D. Smith, of Virginia, to be Chief                    Oct 26, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Executive Officer of the Corporation for                      Murray, Committee on
                              National and Community Service, vice                          Health, Education, Labor,
                              Barbara Stewart.                                              and Pensions, without printed
                                    NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD
   * 483           797       Gerald W. Fauth, of Virginia, to be a Member                  Oct 26, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              of the National Mediation Board for a term                    Murray, Committee on
                              expiring July 1, 2023. (Reappointment)                        Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
   * 484           798       Linda A. Puchala, of Maryland, to be Member                   Oct 26, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              of the National Mediation Board for a term                    Murray, Committee on
                              expiring July 1, 2024. (Reappointment)                        Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
   * 485           1035      Amy Loyd, of New Mexico, to be Assistant                      Oct 26, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Secretary for Career, Technical, and Adult                    Murray, Committee on
                              Education, Department of Education, vice                      Health, Education, Labor,
                              Scott Stump.                                                  and Pensions, without printed
                                               THE JUDICIARY
    486            1167      Lucy Haeran Koh, of California, to be United                  Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit,                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              vice Richard A. Paez, retiring.                               Judiciary, without printed
    487            801       Jane M. Beckering, of Michigan, to be United                  Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States District Judge for the Western District                Durbin, Committee on the
                              of Michigan, vice Janet T. Neff, retired.                     Judiciary, without printed
    488            802       Shalina D. Kumar, of Michigan, to be United                   Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States District Judge for the Eastern District                Durbin, Committee on the
                              of Michigan, vice Victoria A. Roberts, retired.               Judiciary, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    489            1233      Armando O. Bonilla, of the District of                        Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be a Judge of the United States                  Durbin, Committee on the
                              Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen                 Judiciary, without printed
                              years, vice Edward J. Damich, term expired.                   report.
    490            805       Carolyn N. Lerner, of Maryland, to be a Judge                 Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of the United States Court of Federal Claims                  Durbin, Committee on the
                              for a term of fifteen years, vice Margaret                    Judiciary, without printed
                              Mary Sweeney, term expired.                                   report.
                                      DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
   * 495           1018      John Patrick Coffey, of New York, to be                       Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              General Counsel of the Department of the                      Reed, Committee on Armed
                              Navy, vice Robert John Sander.                                Services, without printed
   * 496           1020      Alexandra Baker, of New Jersey, to be a                       Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, vice                       Reed, Committee on Armed
                              James H. Anderson, resigned.                                  Services, without printed
   * 497           1151      Nickolas Guertin, of Virginia, to be Director of              Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Operational Test and Evaluation,                              Reed, Committee on Armed
                              Department of Defense, vice Robert Behler.                    Services, without printed
   * 498           1183      Douglas R. Bush, of Virginia, to be an                        Oct 28, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of the Army, vice Bruce                   Reed, Committee on Armed
                              D. Jette.                                                     Services, without printed
                                       DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
   * 504           441       Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, of California, to be                    Nov 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Director of the Office of Science, Department                 Manchin, Committee on
                              of Energy, vice Christopher Fall.                             Energy and Natural
                                                                                            Resources, without printed
   * 507           1050      Brad John Crabtree, of North Dakota, to be an                 Nov 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of Energy (Fossil Energy                  Manchin, Committee on
                              and Carbon Management), vice Steven E.                        Energy and Natural
                              Winberg.                                                      Resources, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                     FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS
   * 510           799       Ernest W. DuBester, of Virginia, to be a                      Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Federal Labor Relations                         Peters, Committee on
                              Authority for a term of five years expiring                   Homeland Security and
                              July 1, 2024. (Reappointment)                                 Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
   * 511           1012      Susan Tsui Grundmann, of Virginia, to be                      Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Federal Labor Relations                         Peters, Committee on
                              Authority for a term of five years expiring                   Homeland Security and
                              July 1, 2025, vice James Thomas Abbott,                       Governmental Affairs,
                              term expired.                                                 without printed report.
   * 512           1013      Kurt Thomas Rumsfeld, of Maryland, to be                      Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              General Counsel of the Federal Labor                          Peters, Committee on
                              Relations Authority for a term of five years,                 Homeland Security and
                              vice Julia Akins Clark, term expired.                         Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                                    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
   * 513           565       Chris Magnus, of Arizona, to be Commissioner                  Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of U.S. Customs and Border Protection,                        Wyden, Committee on
                              Department of Homeland Security, vice                         Finance, without printed
                              Kevin K. McAleenan, resigned.                                 report.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF STATE
    514            783       Lisa A. Carty, of Maryland, to be                             Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the United States of                        Menendez, Committee on
                              America on the Economic and Social Council                    Foreign Relations, without
                              of the United Nations, with the rank of                       printed report.
    515            784       Lisa A. Carty, of Maryland, to be an Alternate                Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Representative of the United States of                        Menendez, Committee on
                              America to the Sessions of the General                        Foreign Relations, without
                              Assembly of the United Nations, during her                    printed report.
                              tenure of service as Representative of the
                              United States of America on the Economic
                              and Social Council of the United Nations.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    516            786       Peter D. Haas, of Virginia, a Career Member of                Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-                Menendez, Committee on
                              Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary                     Foreign Relations, without
                              and Plenipotentiary of the United States of                   printed report.
                              America to the People's Republic of
    517            897       Julie Chung, of California, a Career Member of                Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-                Menendez, Committee on
                              Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary                     Foreign Relations, without
                              and Plenipotentiary of the United States of                   printed report.
                              America to the Democratic Socialist Republic
                              of Sri Lanka.
    518            937       Patricia Mahoney, of Virginia, a Career                       Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Central
                              African Republic.
    519            938       Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon, of New York, to be                 Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  Menendez, Committee on
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of                       Foreign Relations, without
                              America to the Kingdom of Spain, and to                       printed report.
                              serve concurrently and without additional
                              compensation as Ambassador Extraordinary
                              and Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Principality of Andorra.
    520            939       Peter Hendrick Vrooman, of New York, a                        Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Career Member of the Senior Foreign                           Menendez, Committee on
                              Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be                   Foreign Relations, without
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  printed report.
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Republic of Mozambique.
    522            1005      Elizabeth Anne Noseworthy Fitzsimmons, of                     Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Delaware, a Career Member of the Senior                       Menendez, Committee on
                              Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor,                 Foreign Relations, without
                              to be Ambassador Extraordinary and                            printed report.
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Togolese Republic.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    523            1009      Brian Wesley Shukan, of Virginia, a Career                    Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class                   Menendez, Committee on
                              of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador                       Foreign Relations, without
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      printed report.
                              United States of America to the Republic of
    524            1033      David R. Gilmour, of the District of Columbia,                Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              a Career Member of the Senior Foreign                         Menendez, Committee on
                              Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be                   Foreign Relations, without
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  printed report.
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of
                              America to the Republic of Equatorial
    525            1057      R. Nicholas Burns, of Massachusetts, to be                    Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Ambassador Extraordinary and                                  Menendez, Committee on
                              Plenipotentiary of the United States of                       Foreign Relations, without
                              America to the People's Republic of China.                    printed report.
    526            1058      Rahm Emanuel, of Illinois, to be Ambassador                   Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the                      Menendez, Committee on
                              United States of America to Japan.                            Foreign Relations, without
                                                                                            printed report.
    527            549       Barbara A. Leaf, of Virginia, to be an Assistant              Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of State (Near Eastern Affairs),                    Menendez, Committee on
                              vice David Schenker.                                          Foreign Relations, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                    UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR
                                   INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
    528            874       Atul Atmaram Gawande, of Massachusetts, to                    Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be an Assistant Administrator of the United                   Menendez, Committee on
                              States Agency for International                               Foreign Relations, without
                              Development, vice Alma L. Golden.                             printed report.
                                   EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE
                                         UNITED STATES
   * 529           921       Judith DelZoppo Pryor, of Ohio, to be First                   Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Vice President of the Export-Import Bank of                   Brown, Committee on
                              the United States for a term expiring                         Banking, Housing, and Urban
                              January 20, 2025, vice Wanda Felton,                          Affairs, without printed
                              resigned.                                                     report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

   * 530           1022      Owen Edward Herrnstadt, of Maryland, to be a                  Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Member of the Board of Directors of the                       Brown, Committee on
                              Export-Import Bank of the United States for                   Banking, Housing, and Urban
                              a term expiring January 20, 2025, vice Judith                 Affairs, without printed
                              Delzoppo Pryor, term expired.                                 report.
                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
   * 531           1047      Matthew S. Axelrod, of Maryland, to be an                     Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Secretary of Commerce, vice David                   Brown, Committee on
                              W. Mills, retired.                                            Banking, Housing, and Urban
                                                                                            Affairs, without printed
                                   EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE
                                         UNITED STATES
   * 532           1153      Reta Jo Lewis, of Georgia, to be President of                 Nov 03, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              the Export-Import Bank of the United States                   Brown, Committee on
                              for a term expiring January 20, 2025, vice                    Banking, Housing, and Urban
                              Kimberly A. Reed, term expired.                               Affairs, without printed
                                               THE JUDICIARY
    533            807       Jennifer Sung, of Oregon, to be United States                 Nov 03, 2021 Senate
                              Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, vice                     Committee on the Judiciary
                              Susan Graber, retiring.                                       discharged pursuant to S.
                                                                                            Res. 27 of the 117th Congress.
                                       DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
    534            1192      Clare E. Connors, of Hawaii, to be United                     Nov 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Attorney for the District of Hawaii for                Durbin, Committee on the
                              the term of four years, vice Kenji M. Price,                  Judiciary, without printed
                              resigned.                                                     report.
    535            1193      Zachary A. Cunha, of Rhode Island, to be                      Nov 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States Attorney for the District of                    Durbin, Committee on the
                              Rhode Island for the term of four years, vice                 Judiciary, without printed
                              Aaron L. Weisman, resigned.                                   report.
    536            1197      Nikolas P. Kerest, of Vermont, to be United                   Nov 04, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Attorney for the District of Vermont                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              for the term of four years, vice Christina E.                 Judiciary, without printed
                              Nolan, resigned.                                              report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                  COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING
   * 539           1146      Rostin Behnam, of Maryland, to be Chairman                    Nov 04, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              of the Commodity Futures Trading                              Stabenow, Committee on
                              Commission, vice Heath P. Tarbert.                            Agriculture, Nutrition, and
                                                                                            Forestry, without printed
   * 540           1147      Rostin Behnam, of Maryland, to be a                           Nov 04, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Commissioner of the Commodity Futures                         Stabenow, Committee on
                              Trading Commission for a term expiring                        Agriculture, Nutrition, and
                              June 19, 2026. (Reappointment)                                Forestry, without printed
                              FEDERAL AGRICULTURAL MORTGAGE
   * 541           1017      Chester John Culver, of Iowa, to be a Member                  Nov 05, 2021 Placed on the
                              of the Board of Directors of the Federal                      Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, vice                       116, 112th Congress.
                              Myles J. Watts.
                                    METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON
                                       AIRPORTS AUTHORITY
   * 542           534       Sean Burton, of California, to be a Member of                 Nov 09, 2021 Placed on the
                              the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan                    Calendar pursuant to S.Res.
                              Washington Airports Authority for a term                      116, 112th Congress.
                              expiring May 30, 2024, vice Nina Mitchell
                              Wells, term expired.
                                 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
   * 545           1025      Brent Neiman, of Illinois, to be a Deputy                     Nov 17, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Under Secretary of the Treasury, vice Ramin                   Wyden, Committee on
                              Toloui.                                                       Finance, without printed
   * 546           1052      Joshua Frost, of New York, to be an Assistant                 Nov 17, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Secretary of the Treasury, vice Matthew S.                    Wyden, Committee on
                              Rutherford.                                                   Finance, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                      EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE
   * 547           1053      Maria L. Pagan, of Puerto Rico, to be a Deputy                Nov 17, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States Trade Representative (Geneva                    Wyden, Committee on
                              Office), with the rank of Ambassador, vice                    Finance, without printed
                              Dennis Shea.                                                  report.
   * 548           1054      Christopher S. Wilson, of the District of                     Nov 17, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be Chief Innovation and                          Wyden, Committee on
                              Intellectual Property Negotiator, Office of the               Finance, without printed
                              United States Trade Representative, with the                  report.
                              rank of Ambassador. (New Position)
                               DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
   * 549           405       Christopher A. Coes, of Georgia, to be an                     Nov 17, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Assistant Secretary of Transportation, vice                   Cantwell, Committee on
                              Carlos A. Monje, Jr.                                          Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                 FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION
   * 550           748       Max Vekich, of Washington, to be a Federal                    Nov 17, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Maritime Commissioner for a term expiring                     Cantwell, Committee on
                              June 30, 2026, vice Michael A. Khouri, term                   Commerce, Science, and
                              expired.                                                      Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
   * 551           909       Laurie E. Locascio, of Maryland, to be Under                  Nov 17, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Secretary of Commerce for Standards and                       Cantwell, Committee on
                              Technology, vice Walter G. Copan.                             Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON HISTORIC
   * 552           771       Sara C. Bronin, of Connecticut, to be Chairman                Nov 18, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              of the Advisory Council on Historic                           Manchin, Committee on
                              Preservation for a term expiring January 19,                  Energy and Natural
                              2025, vice Aimee Kathryn Jorjani, term                        Resources, without printed
                              expired.                                                      report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                                    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND
   * 555           941       Erik Adrian Hooks, of North Carolina, to be                   Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Deputy Administrator, Federal Emergency                       Peters, Committee on
                              Management Agency, Department of                              Homeland Security and
                              Homeland Security, vice Peter Gaynor,                         Governmental Affairs,
                              resigned.                                                     without printed report.
                                               THE JUDICIARY
   * 556           1203      Ebony M. Scott, of the District of Columbia, to               Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court                   Peters, Committee on
                              of the District of Columbia for the term of                   Homeland Security and
                              fifteen years, vice Rhonda Reid Winston,                      Governmental Affairs,
                              retired.                                                      without printed report.
   * 557           1204      Donald Walker Tunnage, of the District of                     Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the                     Peters, Committee on
                              Superior Court of the District of Columbia for                Homeland Security and
                              a term of fifteen years, vice Russell F. Canan,               Governmental Affairs,
                              retired.                                                      without printed report.
                               POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION
   * 558           1259      Michael Kubayanda, of Ohio, to be a                           Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory                         Peters, Committee on
                              Commission for a term expiring November                       Homeland Security and
                              22, 2026. (Reappointment)                                     Governmental Affairs,
                                                                                            without printed report.
                                      EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE
   * 559           1298      Laurel A. Blatchford, of the District of                      Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Columbia, to be Controller, Office of Federal                 Peters, Committee on
                              Financial Management, Office of                               Homeland Security and
                              Management and Budget, vice David Arthur                      Governmental Affairs,
                              Mader.                                                        without printed report.
                                   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
   * 560           633       Amanda Howe, of Virginia, to be an Assistant                  Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Administrator of the Environmental                            Carper, Committee on
                              Protection Agency, vice Craig Hooks,                          Environment and Public
                              resigned.                                                     Works, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

   * 561           731       David M. Uhlmann, of Michigan, to be an                       Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              Assistant Administrator of the                                Carper, Committee on
                              Environmental Protection Agency, vice Susan                   Environment and Public
                              Parker Bodine.                                                Works, without printed
                                SOUTHEAST CRESCENT REGIONAL
   * 563           957       Jennifer Clyburn Reed, of South Carolina, to                  Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be Federal Cochairperson of the Southeast                     Carper, Committee on
                              Crescent Regional Commission. (New                            Environment and Public
                              Position)                                                     Works, without printed
                                   ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
   * 564           1224      Henry Christopher Frey, of North Carolina, to                 Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be an Assistant Administrator of the                          Carper, Committee on
                              Environmental Protection Agency, vice Paul                    Environment and Public
                              T. Anastas.                                                   Works, without printed
                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
   * 566           1024      Jainey Kumar Bavishi, of New York, to be                      Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans                    Cantwell, Committee on
                              and Atmosphere, vice Timothy Gallaudet.                       Commerce, Science, and
                                                                                            Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
   * 567           1322      Jessica Rosenworcel, of Connecticut, to be a                  Dec 01, 2021 Reported by Ms.
                              Member of the Federal Communications                          Cantwell, Committee on
                              Commission for a term of five years from July                 Commerce, Science, and
                              1, 2020. (Reappointment)                                      Transportation, without
                                                                                            printed report.
                                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
   * 568           940       Lisa M. Gomez, of New Jersey, to be an                        Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Assistant Secretary of Labor, vice Preston                    Murray, Committee on
                              Rutledge.                                                     Health, Education, Labor,
                                                                                            and Pensions, without printed

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

                              OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH
                                    REVIEW COMMISSION
   * 569           1228      Susan Harthill, of Maryland, to be a Member                   Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              of the Occupational Safety and Health                         Murray, Committee on
                              Review Commission for a term expiring April                   Health, Education, Labor,
                              27, 2027, vice James J. Sullivan, Jr., term                   and Pensions, without printed
                              expired.                                                      report.
                              NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS
                                     AND THE HUMANITIES
   * 570           1257      Maria Rosario Jackson, of the District of                     Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              Columbia, to be Chairperson of the National                   Murray, Committee on
                              Endowment for the Arts for a term of four                     Health, Education, Labor,
                              years, vice Mary Anne Carter.                                 and Pensions, without printed
   * 571           1258      Shelly C. Lowe, of Arizona, to be Chairperson                 Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mrs.
                              of the National Endowment for the                             Murray, Committee on
                              Humanities for a term of four years, vice Jon                 Health, Education, Labor,
                              Parrish Peede.                                                and Pensions, without printed
                                               THE JUDICIARY
    572            1168      Gabriel P. Sanchez, of California, to be United               Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit,                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              vice Marsha L. Berzon, retiring.                              Judiciary, without printed
    573            997       Mary Katherine Dimke, of Washington, to be                    Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States District Judge for the Eastern                  Durbin, Committee on the
                              District of Washington, vice Rosanna Malouf                   Judiciary, without printed
                              Peterson, retiring.                                           report.
    574            1171      Maame Ewusi-Mensah Frimpong, of                               Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              California, to be United States District Judge                Durbin, Committee on the
                              for the Central District of California, vice                  Judiciary, without printed
                              Christina A. Snyder, retired.                                 report.
    575            1172      Jennifer L. Thurston, of California, to be                    Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States District Judge for the Eastern                  Durbin, Committee on the
                              District of California, vice Lawrence Joseph                  Judiciary, without printed
                              O'Neill, retired.                                             report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate


CALENDAR        MESSAGE                                                                                  REPORTED
                                         NOMINEE, OFFICE, AND PREDECESSOR
  NO.             NO.                                                                                       BY

    576            1208      Samantha D. Elliott, of New Hampshire, to be                  Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States District Judge for the District                 Durbin, Committee on the
                              of New Hampshire, vice Paul J. Barbadoro,                     Judiciary, without printed
                              retired.                                                      report.
    577            1212      Linda Lopez, of California, to be United States               Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              District Judge for the Southern District of                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              California, vice Roger T. Benitez, retired.                   Judiciary, without printed
    578            1174      Katherine Marie Menendez, of Minnesota, to                    Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              be United States District Judge for the                       Durbin, Committee on the
                              District of Minnesota, vice Joan E. Lancaster,                Judiciary, without printed
                              retired.                                                      report.
    579            1213      Jinsook Ohta, of California, to be United                     Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                               States District Judge for the Southern                       Durbin, Committee on the
                               District of California, vice Barry Ted                       Judiciary, without printed
                               Moskowitz, retired.                                          report.
    580            1173      David Herrera Urias, of New Mexico, to be                     Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States District Judge for the District                 Durbin, Committee on the
                              of New Mexico, vice Martha A. Vazquez,                        Judiciary, without printed
                              retiring.                                                     report.
                                       DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
    581            1300      Gregory K. Harris, of Illinois, to be United                  Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Attorney for the Central District of                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              Illinois for the term of four years, vice John                Judiciary, without printed
                              C. Milhiser, resigned.                                        report.
    582            1301      Philip R. Sellinger, of New Jersey, to be United              Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Attorney for the District of New                       Durbin, Committee on the
                              Jersey for the term of four years, vice Paul                  Judiciary, without printed
                              Joseph Fishman, resigned.                                     report.
    583            1373      Brandon B. Brown, of Louisiana, to be United                  Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              States Attorney for the Western District of                   Durbin, Committee on the
                              Louisiana for the term of four years, vice                    Judiciary, without printed
                              David C. Joseph, resigned.                                    report.
    584            1379      Ronald C. Gathe, Jr., of Louisiana, to be                     Dec 02, 2021 Reported by Mr.
                              United States Attorney for the Middle                         Durbin, Committee on the
                              District of Louisiana for the term of four                    Judiciary, without printed
                              years, vice Brandon J. Fremin, resigned.                      report.

* Signifies nominee’s commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate
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