Marketing State Insurance Coverage Programs: Experiences from Four States

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Marketing State Insurance Coverage Programs: Experiences from Four States
State Coverage Initiatives
                                               Marketing State Insurance
                                                     Coverage Programs:
                                             Experiences from Four States
                                                                          Prepared by:
       						                                                               Ann Volpel
                                                                          Asher Mikow
       						                                                              Todd Eberly

State Coverage Initiatives is a national program of
the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation administered
by AcademyHealth.

                                                                    November 2007
Marketing State Insurance Coverage Programs: Experiences from Four States

    Executive Summary                                          success of certain marketing strategies depends         3) Plan design encourages, but does not
    In many states, both legislators and executive             largely on the structure of each state’s individual        assure, enrollment – Programs that offer
    branch officials are facing increased pressure from        coverage program, including whether there is               premium subsidies can make the purchase of
    constituents to address the lack of affordable health      a role for brokers and agents in marketing the             coverage much less costly to employers and
    insurance and the growing number of uninsured.             product, whether the target population includes            employees. Officials observed, however, that
    In response, states are implementing a variety             only uninsured individuals, and whether the                some employers and employees still considered
    of state coverage initiatives, including Medicaid          initiative is built on ESI. Despite these variations,      their share of the subsidized premiums to
    expansions, tax credits, and employer and employee         the following conclusions were evident and may             be too costly. States should be mindful that
    subsidies that support the purchase of employer-           provide useful information to help states more             heavily subsidizing a product does not assure
    sponsored insurance (ESI). States that establish           effectively market their programs.                         enrollment. Some in the target population
    health insurance coverage initiatives, however, are                                                                   still may be priced out of the market and
    finding it difficult to reach enrollment targets. A        Lessons Learned                                            others may be unwilling to pay their share of
    diverse eligible population, misconceptions about          1) Marketing and public awareness requires                 the premiums to obtain coverage. The latter
    eligibility criteria, and a resource-intensive education      a multi-faceted approach – There is no                  may be especially true for younger, healthy
    and enrollment process are just some of the                   simple answer to addressing the challenge of            populations—precisely those needed to offset
    challenges states must overcome.                              creating public awareness. Spreading the word           adverse selection from sicker enrollees who
                                                                  to a diverse and dispersed target population            benefit most from premium subsidies.
    This issue brief examines marketing and enrollment            requires states to use a number of creative
    strategies in four states that have implemented               strategies. State officials, agents, and brokers     4) Agents and brokers should be involved in
    coverage initiatives. It attempts to draw some                reported that word of mouth, working with               the program – Agents and brokers should
    conclusions on “best practices.” The University of            local chambers of commerce, and news                    be viewed as valuable assets with expertise
    Maryland, Baltimore County’s Center for Health                coverage of elected officials discussing the            in both the health insurance industry and
    Program Development and Management (Center)                   programs generated the greatest amount of               the preferences of small group employers.
    conducted telephone interviews with state officials           public awareness of the coverage initiative.            States can use brokers to provide input into
    and health insurance agents and brokers from                                                                          the design and administration of coverage
    Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma                 2) The application and enrollment process                  initiatives. Compensating brokers at market
    to elicit information about the relative success of           requires support and multiple entry                     rates is an effective strategy for encouraging
    various marketing strategies. This work builds on a           points – States should provide applicants               them to market the product. Where statutes or
    more in-depth assessment of insurance coverage                with multiple entry points into the program,            regulations prevent competitive compensation,
    programs that the Center completed in March                   such as through participating health plans,             continuing education credits and use of the state
    2007 for the federal Health Resources and Services            agents or brokers, and state offices. States            program as a “foot in the door” to new clients
    Administration (HRSA) and AcademyHealth.1 That                must then provide ample technical assistance            may encourage agent and broker participation.
    assessment compared program design, financing,                to retain those who have applied as the                 In addition, states should capitalize on the
    affordability, and program administration for six             application process may be cumbersome                   distribution networks of the commercial
    state coverage initiatives.                                   and confusing to applicants. Furthermore,               carriers that agents represent as an efficient
                                                                  small group employers are unlikely to have              means to reach target populations. Brokers can
    It was clear from this round of interviews that               human resources staff who are experienced in            also be invaluable to small group employers
    marketing state coverage expansion programs                   evaluating health insurance options.                    and individuals by acting as a liaison to the
    is a challenging undertaking. Furthermore, the                                                                        state, assisting in plan selection, and facilitating
                                                                                                                          program enrollment and renewal.

Introduction                                          successful. Most of the data presented here,          and have not offered coverage for at least 24
In March 2007, the Center completed a                 therefore, are impressions based on experience        months. This issue brief focuses primarily on
report2 for the Health Resources and Services         by state officials, brokers, and agents. That         the purchasing pool. The target population
Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S.          said, the enrollment numbers in most states           for Insure Montana is small businesses with
Department of Health and Human Services, and          are relatively low and the number of program          between two and nine employees whose salaries
AcademyHealth on the practical experiences of         staff within each state is generally small. So, for   are below $75,000 (excluding the owner of
a select group of states that have implemented        many states, a sophisticated tracking system may      the company). Premium assistance is offered
private and public insurance coverage products        not yield significantly more data than general        to both employers and employees to purchase
intended to be more affordable for low-income         impressions from administering the program on         coverage through one of two plans offered by a
workers. The study included an in-depth               a daily basis.                                        commercial carrier. The program is funded by a
assessment of insurance coverage programs in                                                                cigarette tax. Enrollment began in January 2006
six states and compared state approaches in four      The issue brief begins with an overview of each       and, as of May 2007, the purchasing pool had
key areas: program design, program financing,         state program. This is followed by a discussion       enrolled 735 small employers with 5,100 covered
methods to keep the program affordable, and           of the primary challenges that states face in         individuals. Insure Montana has a waiting list
program administration. The six states included       marketing insurance coverage programs and an          of interested businesses, but does not currently
in that study were Arizona, Michigan, New             analysis of marketing and enrollment strategies       have adequate funding to expand enrollment.
Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, and Utah.                 that states have used in an attempt to overcome
                                                      those challenges. The brief concludes with a          New Mexico. The New Mexico State Coverage
This issue brief builds on that initial report by     discussion of the role of agents and brokers and      Insurance (NMSCI) program began enrolling
examining in more detail two aspects of state         a summary of lessons learned.                         small employers (those with 50 or fewer
coverage initiatives: marketing and enrollment.                                                             employees) and individuals on July 1, 2005.
The analysis addresses two important questions:       State Program Descriptions                            The program provides access to a statewide
                                                      Arizona. The Healthcare Group of Arizona              managed care system primarily targeted to
1) what lessons can be learned from states that       (HCG) was created in 1985 to provide                  employers and low-wage employees, although
have pursued coverage expansions about how            affordable and accessible health care coverage        low-income unemployed individuals are also
to successfully market the product to eligible        to sole proprietors, small businesses with 50         allowed to participate. Individuals must have
employer groups and employees; and                    or fewer employees, and political subdivisions        family incomes below 200 percent of the
                                                      (cities and towns). The program was initially         federal poverty level (FPL) to qualify for the
2) what strategies can states pursue to bring         funded by a grant from the Robert Wood                program. NMSCI is a Medicaid and SCHIP
enrollment closer to projected targets?               Johnson Foundation. It was expanded statewide         expansion program. It is funded via New
                                                      in 1993. Full-time employees and dependents at        Mexico’s unspent SCHIP funds (including the
For this issue brief, we conducted telephone          qualifying firms are eligible to participate in the   required state match) as well as with employer
interviews with state officials and health            program. There is no means testing. As of April       and employee contributions. The managed care
insurance agents and brokers in four states to        2007, there were 26,498 individuals covered by        coverage is provided by MCOs that are selected
elicit information about the relative success of      HCG, which was below the January 2007 target          through a competitive bidding process in the
various marketing strategies. The information         of 43,381. HCG is a state-sponsored public-           Medicaid managed care program; NMSCI is
presented in this brief is based on those             private partnership that is operated under the        administratively an extension of that program.
telephone interviews, as well as information          Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System           Because of its low rate of ESI coverage among
presented in the initial report. No additional        (AHCCCS) and is totally separate from the             small businesses, New Mexico opted not to use
data collection was done. The states included in      state’s Medicaid and SCHIP (State Children’s          an ESI model. Although the benefit package
this study were Arizona, Montana, New Mexico,         Health Insurance Program) programs. The               for NMSCI is similar to a comprehensive
and Oklahoma.                                         state contracts with private managed care             commercial plan, it has a $100,000 annual
                                                      organizations (MCOs) and a statewide preferred        benefit limit. As of December 2006, the New
One of the challenges of preparing a brief on         provider organization (PPO) for insurance plans.      Mexico State Coverage Insurance Program had
this topic is the variability in program design       For the 2005/2006 budget year, the program            enrolled 4,623 covered individuals.
across states. The success of certain marketing       was self-funded with premium dollars. In April
efforts, such as the role of brokers and agents,      2007, HCG announced its intention to request          Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Employer/
will depend heavily upon the structure of the         additional funding from the state legislature to      Employee Partnership for Insurance Coverage
insurance product and whether there is a role for     cover a reported deficit.                             (O-EPIC) consists of two programs: the
brokers and agents in marketing and enrollment.                                                             Premium Assistance Partnership Program (ESI)
General information about how variations in           Montana. Insure Montana, authorized under             and the Premium Assistance Public Program
program design affect marketing and enrollment        the Small Business Health Care Affordability          (Individual Plan). The focus for this issue
strategies is presented in the brief.                 Act, was signed into law with bipartisan support      brief is ESI, a program directed at small group
                                                      in May 2005. Insure Montana comprises two             employers. The target population is adults with
Only one state included in this analysis indicated    programs: a tax credit program for small              incomes under 200 percent FPL who work for
that it had a data management system that would       businesses in danger of losing health insurance       small employers (an employer with 50 or fewer
allow the state to track the source of referrals to   coverage, and a purchasing pool for small             employees). A Health Insurance Flexibility
determine which marketing efforts were most           businesses that do not offer insurance coverage       and Accountability (HIFA) waiver program,

Marketing State Insurance Coverage Programs: Experiences from Four States

    O-EPIC is funded via federal matching Medicaid            A lack of dedicated human resources staff.              question varied. Some respondents suggested that,
    funds, state tobacco tax funds, and individual            Many small employers do not have human                  rather than expressing concern, people (especially
    and employer premiums. ESI utilizes the private           resources departments with staff who are                employers) were grateful that “the government”
    insurance market and subsidizes the cost of               knowledgeable about the intricacies of the health       recognized the problems that small businesses face
    health insurance premiums for employees. The              insurance marketplace. As a result, state program       and was doing something to make health insurance
    state’s goal is to allow market forces to determine       staff, agents, and brokers reported that they           more affordable. Other respondents acknowledged
    the benefit package and to integrate eligible             spend considerable time educating employers             that some employers were reluctant to offer a
    employees with the private insurance marketplace          and employees about health insurance programs           benefit to their employees through this program
    rather than have them depend on state health              and assisting them with the necessary paperwork;        because they were concerned that funding would
    programs. Premium Assistance began enrolling              in effect, acting as the small employer’s human         not last long-term and their employees would
    beneficiaries in November 2005 and had enrolled           resources department. This additional time spent        expect them to continue providing the benefit
    2,500 individuals as of May 2007. An additional           educating each individual employer group comes          once the state subsidy had ended. Nearly all of
    200 businesses have been approved to participate,         at the cost of spending additional time and             those we interviewed suggested that if they heard
    but have not yet enrolled anyone.                         effort marketing to potential new enrollees.            such concerns, they worked hard to convince the
                                                              This also requires a level of understanding on          potential enrollees to take advantage of the program
    State Coverage Program                                    the part of program officials regarding the             while it was available.
    Marketing Challenges                                      intricacies of the small group market and the
    States with insurance coverage expansion                  needs of small employers.                               Some of the agents and brokers suggested that
    programs face a number of challenges in reaching                                                                  enrollment may be lower than projected because
    uninsured populations. These problems include,            Influencing program design and product                  employers do not realize that their employees
    but are not limited to: designing products that will      appeal. The strongest marketing strategies may          meet the income guidelines set by the various
    target populations not already eligible for existing      not succeed if the product being offered is not         state programs. Several respondents remarked
    program expansions under Medicaid or SCHIP;               appealing. Program and product design issues that       that income disregards, in particular, are hard to
    identifying limitations in the existing insurance         affect successful enrollment include competitiveness    explain in marketing materials. Employers also
    market; and designing programs that will expand           with commercial products (in price as well as           may not be aware of their employees’ personal
    coverage rather than crowd out an existing public         benefit design), broker incentives (to encourage        circumstances that may impact eligibility (e.g.,
    or private market. With regard to outreach,               marketing and product promotion), ease of               number of children, other sources of income).
    marketing, and enrollment, an additional set of           enrollment, and whether the product design is           States need to make extra efforts to explain
    challenges were consistently referenced by those          attractive to all employees in a group or is targeted   income and asset guidelines in ways that
    interviewed for this brief:                               or priced to assist only those for whom commercial      encourage potential enrollees to discuss their
                                                              products are not available or affordable. That said,    specific situations with a knowledgeable official
    •   A diffuse target population                           decisions regarding program design and product          or broker who can address eligibility intricacies.
    •   A lack of dedicated human resources staff             appeal are often outside of the control of the state
    •   Influencing program design and product                agency administering the program. Legislation and       Brokers and agents, in particular, reported
        appeal                                                regulations at both the federal and state levels may    that some employers were reluctant to “take a
    •   Shaping public perception                             impact the design of the program. States need to        government handout” or have the “government
                                                              consider how to highlight the program’s benefits        involved in my business.” They reported
    A diffuse target population. By design, most state        when developing an outreach strategy.                   reluctance on the part of some employers to
    coverage expansion programs target small group                                                                    share information with state agencies necessary
    employers (often defined as those with 50 or fewer        Shaping public perception. The key to any               for the administration of the program. Coverage
    employees). States are challenged, therefore, with        advertising and marketing campaign is shaping the       programs that maximize the use of commercial
    identifying venues that will reach a concentration        public’s perception of the product. State coverage      products and rely heavily on agents and brokers
    of small group employers. Even if the state               expansion programs must address several issues          may encounter less resistance with those
    successfully does sign up an employer group,              related to public perception, including questions       concerns as much of the paperwork is handled
    enrollment in the coverage expansion will be limited      about funding and the long-term viability of the        by agents whom businesses know and trust, and
    by the fact that it is a small group employer. In fact,   program, misconceptions about eligibility, reluctance   not by a government employee.
    although employers with 50 or fewer employees             to get involved in a government program, and a
    are allowed to participate in most of the programs,       belief among some young, single, or otherwise           Finally, some state officials mentioned that they
    the experience of the states interviewed for this         healthy workers that the cost of health insurance       spent considerable time educating the public
    brief suggests that the average number of covered         outweighs any benefits.                                 about the importance of health insurance and
    individuals per enrolled employer group is less than                                                              explaining why an individual should build health
    five. A significant amount of effort is necessary to      One of the questions we posed in each of our            insurance premiums into his or her monthly
    educate an eligible employer and sign it up for the       interviews was whether employers or employees           budget. This barrier appeared to be greatest
    program, only to enroll a handful of its employees.       were reluctant to participate in a state-funded         among those with the lowest risk: the young,
    The states interviewed faced the additional challenge     insurance program due to concerns that the              healthy, and mostly single individuals, who often
    that their populations were predominantly rural and       program might not continue to receive funding           see little value in purchasing health insurance.
    therefore more geographically dispersed.                  in future years or a perception that participation      Yet this population may be the most critical
                                                              would result in increased government involvement        population to include in a state coverage initiative
                                                              in an employer’s business. The responses to this        in order to counteract potential adverse selection.
businesses, educational sessions offered through         through local news outlets. One state cautioned,
Marketing and Enrollment                                  area chambers of commerce or business and trade          however, that so many issues compete for a place
Strategies                                                associations, and advertisements in community            on a governor’s agenda that such executive level
This section of the brief addresses several of the        and economic development newspapers. States              advocacy cannot be relied on as a regular marketing
marketing, outreach, and enrollment strategies            pursued these efforts because they believed that         tool. Another state suggested that its most successful
that have been used by states and includes                these venues provided a more concentrated focus          outreach efforts had been through press releases
suggestions from both brokers and state officials         on potentially eligible employer groups and most         that had generated news stories on television, radio,
for maximizing their effectiveness. It discusses          states reported success with such programs.              and in print.
marketing and enrollment in three phases:
                                                          Agents and brokers also supported these                  Agents and brokers offer “free” advertising for
•   Creating awareness of the program                     strategies. One broker, in particular, very              states as well, once they have learned about the
•   Marketing the product                                 successfully used direct mail targeted at small          state coverage initiative. Agents and brokers are
•   Enrolling eligible individuals                        employers at the inception of the state’s program        often the ones talking with potential employers
                                                          to identify new clients and build considerable           or individuals who are seeking to purchase
Creating Awareness of the Program                         business. Another broker was eager to partner            insurance. This provides a perfect venue for
A first step in marketing state coverage initiatives is   with the state to offer educational sessions to          creating awareness of the coverage initiative with
creating awareness of the program. As mentioned           trade associations to increase awareness of the          a captive target population who is interested in
earlier, one of the greatest challenges with marketing    product and gain referrals for potential enrollees.      purchasing insurance. States should not ignore
state coverage programs is identifying methods for        One state offered to share the cost of advertising       the opportunity to spread the word through
reaching a diffuse population of potentially eligible     with brokers who developed advertisements that           agents and brokers using creative methods such
employer groups and enrollees. Both brokers and           promoted the coverage program.                           as sharing advertising costs.
state officials can play important roles in this area.
                                                          Success with traditional, more broad-based
Identify your target population. One of the               commercial advertising strategies, such as               Marketing the Product
questions that a state must answer is whether to          television, radio, and billboards, was difficult to      Many of the states used their marketing
focus marketing efforts on eligible employers,            quantify. One state had only recently pursued            campaigns to create awareness of the program in
eligible employees, or both. Because most state           this strategy and another was about to launch            general and to encourage interested individuals
coverage initiatives define the eligible population by    such a campaign in an effort to increase                 to call a central state office or ask their agents or
the size of the employer group, targeting employers       interest, awareness, and enrollment. Traditional         brokers about the program. The next phase of
is a natural first step. Employers decide whether         advertising campaigns that focus on television,          marketing a state coverage initiative is to educate
or not to spend fringe benefit dollars on health          radio, billboards, and advertisements in major           potential enrollees about the program’s benefits
insurance coverage. Furthermore, depending on the         metropolitan newspapers require a considerable           and the actual product being offered.
structure of a state’s program, the only pathway to       investment and the one state that previously
eligibility may be through ESI.                           pursued this option suggested that the return on         Educate potential enrollees. State officials,
                                                          investment was not worth the cost. It is important       agents, and brokers agreed that the process
Most of the states focused their marketing efforts        to remember, however, that this represents               of explaining the advantages of the coverage
on employers, but recognized that public awareness        the experience of only one state and a detailed          product is time consuming but critical to
of the program could also play an important role          examination of the design of the state’s marketing       the success of the initiative. As previously
in generating interest among eligible employees           campaign was beyond the scope of this brief.             mentioned, very few small businesses have access
who may ask their employers to participate. States                                                                 to human resources experts who understand
were hopeful, and some brokers suggested, that in a       Most states reported that they did not have              the intricacies of evaluating health insurance
tight labor market employers would recognize that         enough money for advertising or ran into                 coverage options. The issues are similar in states
offering health insurance coverage could improve          restrictions on how state funds could be used for        where individuals can apply without employer
employee retention. In states where the coverage          marketing. Two states reported that the publicity        involvement. State officials found a general
initiative does not require employer participation,       generated during the Robert Wood Johnson                 lack of understanding about health insurance,
public awareness plays in even greater role. At least     Foundation’s “Cover the Uninsured Week” each
one state reported that 40-60 percent of referrals        year increased awareness of their programs,
                                                          but that they did not have enough resources to            Tips for Successful Marketing:
to its program come from “word of mouth,”
suggesting that people are talking about the program      capitalize on that additional publicity.                  • Maximize the use of brokers to generate
                                                                                                                        awareness of the program.
in that state and highlighting the importance of
public awareness as a marketing tool.                     Capitalize on “free” marketing opportunities.             •   Capitalize on free marketing opportunities
                                                          Officials in more than one state reported that news           such as Cover the Uninsured Week and
                                                          coverage of elected officials (especially governors)          publicity from political figures.
Find your target population. Once a state has
                                                          mentioning the program generated inquiries                •   Utilize the distribution networks of
defined the target population, the next step is to
                                                          about the program. One state did not even have                private carriers who participate in the
find that group. Most of the states interviewed                                                                         program to reach targeted groups.
employed marketing efforts that were directly             to spend money on direct advertising because the
                                                          insurance commissioner and the governor had               •   Avoid using the term “Federal Poverty
targeted to potentially eligible populations. These                                                                     Level.”
efforts included direct mail campaigns to small           spent considerable time visiting areas of the state to
                                                          promote the program, resulting in “free” advertising
Marketing State Insurance Coverage Programs: Experiences from Four States

    especially among those who have not recently                compensated at competitive rates.                      fees indicated that they typically marketed the state
    had access to coverage—the very population                  Agents and brokers from many of the states             program as an insurer of last resort to individuals
    being targeted by these programs. The education             complained about the enrollment process, citing        who simply could not obtain a commercial
    process requires someone to evaluate the                    cumbersome paperwork, duplicative forms, and           product—a practice that results in adverse selection
    circumstances of each employer group (or                    lengthy contracts. They also expressed concerns        for the state coverage initiative.
    individual) to determine who meets the eligibility          about the inaccessibility of state staff to answer
    requirements, what the premium costs would                  their questions and their belief that employers        Agents and brokers provided varying accounts
    be, and what benefit package, if alternatives are           and employees would not be able to navigate            of the actual renewal requirements imposed
    available, would be most appropriate.                       the enrollment process without assistance from         on program participants. A broker in one
                                                                a trained professional. Some brokers suggested         state expressed concern that the state was too
    Take advantage of agents and brokers. Agents                that the state did not recognize the importance        lenient during annual renewal and seemingly
    and brokers, in particular, stressed their contribution     of meeting deadlines through a health insurance        allowed enrollment to continue with minimal
    to the success of the coverage initiative in this           enrollment process. States that are unable to          verification of an individual’s continued
    area. They believe that their understanding of the          make eligibility and premium cost estimates            eligibility. This broker also observed that initial
    health insurance market, their experience evaluating        quickly do not give agents and individuals             eligibility verification was very easy. Another
    different health insurance mechanisms for dealing           sufficient time to evaluate the costs and benefits     broker, in the same state, reported that the
    with the unique needs of clients (especially small          of state programs versus private plans. If             process of initial eligibility verification was very
    employers), and their familiarity with health               states cannot provide and process enrollment           difficult and described state officials as treating
    questionnaires was invaluable. Agents and brokers           information in a timely manner, employers and          all applicants as ineligible and requiring that
    interviewed for this brief also observed that state         agents may simply choose a private plan with           they prove otherwise. This broker described
    program offices had limited staffing and that               a known cost rather than gamble on the state-          the annual renewal process as equally difficult.
    agents and brokers served as extensions for that            subsidized premiums being lower. While this            These starkly different assessments of the same
    staff. In states where the coverage program is only         problem was not universal, the key message was         state initiative may be indicative of inconsistent
    available through ESI sold by agents and brokers,           clear: states should do everything possible to         program administration or may simply reflect
    their role is obviously critical. In these states, agents   make it easy on agents, brokers, employers, and        the general impressions of two unique brokers.
    and state officials have access to insurance carriers’      employees to enroll in these programs.                 Agents and brokers in most states described the
    existing distribution networks in order to market                                                                  annual renewal process as either less difficult
    the program. Working with agents and carriers,              States were mindful of these concerns and              or no more difficult than the initial eligibility
    therefore, offers states the opportunity to reach           state officials reported working on many               verification process.
    targeted employers effectively and efficiently. For         levels to address perceived duplication and
    example, one agent reported that a participating            administrative burden in order to facilitate the       States considering a coverage initiative must be
    insurance carrier provided agent training sessions          enrollment process. In many cases, states must         mindful of the renewal process when designing
    and produced marketing materials, at no cost to the         balance the fair implementation of regulations         a program. As with the initial eligibility
    state, for the state coverage program.                      with administrative simplicity. States that built      verification, the renewal process should not
                                                                their coverage expansions from their Medicaid          be so cumbersome or time consuming as to
    Enrolling Eligible Individuals                              programs faced the additional burden of having         dissuade continued participation, but neither
    The final step is to enroll eligible individuals in         to verify citizenship.                                 should it be so minimal that individuals no
    the program. In all of the states we examined,                                                                     longer eligible for coverage continue to receive
    state officials maintained a key role in evaluating         Facilitate renewal. Many of the agents and             publicly subsidized coverage. This is especially
    eligibility criteria (e.g., income, citizenship,            brokers raised issues related to the annual renewal    true in states with limited program funding and
    and residency). Agents and brokers may also                 of enrollment in the state coverage initiative         enrollment caps, where continued enrollment of
    be involved in enrollment, depending on the                 program. In some states, agents and brokers            ineligibles likely would result in the exclusion of
    structure of the coverage initiative and how the            get paid the same commission as they do when           newly eligible individuals.
    individual was referred.                                    initially enrolling an individual or group. In other
                                                                states, agents and brokers are paid nothing on
    Streamline the enrollment process. Strategies               renewal. With agents and brokers often filling the
                                                                                                                       More Tips for Successful Marketing:
    for making enrollment as easy as possible are               role of human resources staff, the effort required
    important. It is possible that once you have                to enroll a small employer in a state coverage         • Offer continuing education credits to bro-
                                                                                                                         kers that attend training sessions on the
    convinced someone to take advantage of the                  initiative may exceed that of enrolling an employer
                                                                                                                         state coverage program.
    health insurance product offered through the                in a private market alternative. States that offer a
    state initiative, they will tolerate a burdensome           public coverage product are frequently prohibited      • Offer to list brokers’ names on the
                                                                                                                         program website if they participate in a
    enrollment process; however, a state may lose               from paying agents and brokers anything other
                                                                                                                         minimum number of training sessions.
    prospective enrollees if the perception forms               than a one-time fee upon initial enrollment. The
    that the enrollment process is cumbersome.                  absence of a traditional commission and an annual      • Ask brokers who sell the product to agree
                                                                                                                         to attend one training session each year.
    Furthermore, agents and brokers who find                    renewal commission (all standard in the commercial
    the process frustrating and time consuming                  market) serves to dissuade agents and brokers from     • Share broker marketing costs for materi-
                                                                investing the time required to enroll individuals in     als that promote the coverage initiative.
    will quickly lose interest in promoting the
    coverage initiative as an option for their clients,         state coverage initiatives. Agents and brokers in
    especially if the agents and brokers do not get             states that did not offer commercial-equivalent
The Role of Insurance Agents                                                                                 commissions are much lower in these states for the
and Brokers                                          The interviewees were asked to assess the               coverage program than for commercial insurance,
                                                     role of brokers or agents in their respective           leaving brokers with less incentive to promote
States that pursue coverage initiatives should
                                                     programs. Their answers stressed just how               the product. Agents and brokers in those states
consider carefully the role that agents and          important brokers/agents are:
brokers will play in the design and marketing                                                                reported dissatisfaction with commission levels
of the product. Agents and brokers understand        • “Important”                                           when compared to the amount of work it took to
the health insurance market and have                 • “Essential to getting the paperwork                   enroll an employer group or employee.
experience working with employers to evaluate          completed”
health insurance options given the unique                                                                    As experienced professionals in the health
                                                     • “Very important”
characteristics of the employer group. Agents                                                                insurance industry, agents and brokers can
                                                     • “Underutilized”                                       offer valuable insight into the design and
and brokers also have experience marketing to
small employers and may be better equipped           • “Extremely important”                                 administration of a program. In cases where
than state officials and agency staff to deal        • “Important to the success of the pro-                 the targeted population is small employer
with the unique needs and concerns of small            gram”                                                 groups, agents and brokers may have the
employers. Furthermore, agents and brokers           • “Critical”                                            most experience with and knowledge of that
understand the practical realities of enrolling      • “Paramount”                                           population’s health insurance needs. Many
employer groups and renewing insurance                                                                       employer groups rely heavily on the expertise
                                                     • “Typically necessary for the selection                of agents and brokers to assist them in selecting
products and can offer important insights into         of a health plan”
the eligibility and administrative processes of                                                              a cost-effective health insurance package, as
state programs. All of these assets can help to                                                              well as to help them fulfill the administrative
increase awareness and understanding of the         losing income by linking an employer group               requirements for eligibility and renewal of state
product, leading to increased enrollment.           or an employee to the state coverage program.            and private programs. Overall, most of those
                                                    While brokers in the states with ESI expansion           interviewed regarded the contributions of
Some of the states discussed in this issue brief    programs admitted that the state subsidy                 agents and brokers as important to the success
involved agents early on in the design of the       required some additional paperwork, they did             of the program.
state coverage initiative, whereas other states     not report significant complaints. They realized
incorporated them later in the process. It was      that the subsidy is increasing the number of             Lessons Learned
clear from our interviews, however, that the role   people who are able to purchase insurance and            The first lesson learned through this process is
of insurance agents and brokers varies among        therefore increasing the broker’s overall sales.         that marketing and public awareness requires
the states, in part due to the structure of the                                                              a multi-faceted approach. Marketing and
individual state programs. Program design issues    Officials in states with state-sponsored programs        raising public awareness of coverage initiatives are
that may impact the role of agents and brokers      (i.e., coverage initiatives not built on ESI) reported   continual challenges for states. The fact that the
include whether the coverage expansion is built     a lower percentage of referrals from agents and          target population is both diverse and dispersed
on ESI, whether the product is competitive with     brokers than states with expansions built on ESI.        requires states to implement several creative
commercially available products for uninsured       This may be the result of several factors. First,        strategies to generate interest in the program.
populations, and what level of commission the       agent and broker involvement is not necessary            There was little consensus with regard to the best
agents and brokers receive for enrolling and re-    in the states with state-sponsored programs.             marketing approach and states certainly need to
enrolling individuals.                              Individuals, sole proprietors, and employers             tailor their outreach approach to address the unique
                                                    may all work directly with state program staff           aspects of their target population and program
In states where coverage expansions build           to get enrolled. While state officials recognized        design. State officials, agents, and brokers reported
on ESI, agents and brokers play a key role in       that brokers and agents could play a key role in         that word of mouth, working with local chambers
identifying eligible employers and employees        increasing enrollment, their experience suggested        of commerce, and news coverage of elected
and enrolling them in the program. Agents           that only a handful of brokers were interested           officials (especially governors) discussing the
and brokers already are engaged in marketing        in marketing the program. In one state, officials        programs generated the greatest amount of public
to employer groups and many embraced the            suggested that expanding the number of brokers           awareness of the coverage initiative.
opportunity to market the state subsidy to          educated about the program probably would not
businesses that previously had not been able to     have a large impact on enrollment numbers because        The second lesson is that the application and
afford to purchase health insurance coverage.       a small number of brokers were responsible               enrollment process requires support and
                                                    for the bulk of the broker-initiated enrollment,         multiple entry points. Agents, brokers, and
One factor that may be driving increased            while others only brought in one or two cases a          state officials in all but one state described their
involvement of agents and brokers in the            year. The effort of certifying each broker on an         respective eligibility and application processes
two states that built on ESI is that broker         annual basis therefore “wasn’t worth it” according       favorably. Respondents emphasized the need
commissions in those two programs are               to one informant, given the small number of              for multiple points of entry, such as through
equivalent to selling a commercial product. In      cases they enrolled. There was some feeling, too,        participating health plans, agents or brokers, and
fact, the states are not involved in reimbursing    that these individual cases represented adverse          state offices. Agents and brokers, in particular,
the agents and brokers at all; commissions          selection. Another factor that may impact the            emphasized that employers and employees need a
are paid by the health insurance companies.         number of referrals from brokers in states with          great deal of assistance throughout the enrollment
Agents and brokers in these states do not risk      state-sponsored programs is the fact that broker         process. Small group employers may not have a

Marketing State Insurance Coverage Programs: Experiences from Four States

    dedicated human resources professional, requiring      their participation, including offering education       About the Authors
    the agent, broker, or state officials to spend         and certification programs and continuing               Ann Volpel is the director of acute care policy
    considerable time evaluating eligibility, completing   education credits, maintaining a list of program        at the Center for Health Program Development
    paperwork, and facilitating the enrollment process.    certified brokers on the program website,               and Management, University of Maryland,
    This resource-intensive process may only yield a       and sharing advertising costs with agents for           Baltimore County. In this capacity, she manages
    handful of enrolled covered lives.                     marketing materials that are specific to the            the Center’s initiatives in Medicaid managed
                                                           coverage initiative. Said one state official, “it has   care policy, financing and evaluation, health plan
    The third lesson is that plan design                   been extremely helpful to have agents involved          performance assessment, and healthcare reform
    encourages, but does not assure, enrollment.           in our program.”                                        analysis. Ms. Volpel directs the Center’s ongoing
    In states that offered a subsidy, whether for                                                                  evaluation and assessment of HealthChoice,
    a commercial product or for a state-designed           Acknowledgements                                        Maryland’s Medicaid managed care program.
    product delivered by a commercial carrier, the         This report was completed with assistance
    total unsubsidized premiums, as well as the            from a number of individuals. Special thanks            Ms. Volpel has a master’s degree in public
    benefit package, were described as competitive         to Isabel Friedenzohn and Enrique Martinez-             administration from the Maxwell School of
    or consistent with comparable commercial               Vidal with AcademyHealth, and to Susan Tucker           Citizenship and Public Policy at Syracuse University.
    products. As such, the addition of the public          at the Maryland Department of Health and                She graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s
    subsidy made the programs much less costly to          Mental Hygiene, formerly with the Center for            degree in economics from Mount Holyoke College.
    the employer and employee than a comparable            Health Program Development and Management
    commercial product. However, even in states            (Center) at the University of Maryland,                 Asher Mikow, a research analyst at the
    with relatively high subsidies, officials observed     Baltimore County, for their help in shaping             Center, is primarily responsible for working
    that some employers and employees still                the research agenda for this issue brief and            with the Maryland Rare and Expensive Case
    considered their share of the premiums to be           for providing insightful comments and critical          Management (REM) Program, as well as for
    unaffordable. This suggests that even a heavily        guidance over the course of the project.                analyzing state health care coverage initiatives,
    subsidized product still may leave some in the                                                                 Medicaid-related programs, and other state-
    target population priced out of the market or          A number of state program officials and                 level policies. Prior to his current position, Mr.
    unwilling to pay their share of the premium            professionals in the health insurance industry          Mikow gained experience with the Center as a
    to obtain coverage. Agents and brokers also            graciously participated in the development of           graduate research assistant.
    reported that some employers were unwilling to         the issue brief. All were kind enough to share
    start offering a benefit with no guarantee that        their time and experiences through interviews           At the University of North Carolina at Chapel
    the subsidy would continue in future years.            and correspondence with the authors. We thank           Hill, Mr. Mikow earned a master of healthcare
                                                           them for their participation and cooperation.           administration degree (with a concentration
    The final lesson is that involving agents and          Key informants are listed below.                        in finance and financial management) and a
    brokers in the program is beneficial on                                                                        Bachelor of Arts degree. He is currently seeking
    many levels. All states but one recognized             Key Informants From Each State                          his Ph.D. in public policy at UMBC.
    a significant role for agents and brokers. It is
    worth noting that the one state to not explicitly                                                              Todd Eberly is an Assistant Professor of Public
                                                           Jeff Hoopes
    embrace the contribution of agents and brokers                                                                 Policy and Political Science at St. Mary’s College
                                                           Michael Malasnik
    relies less on the commercial insurance market                                                                 of Maryland. Prior to his current position,
                                                           Mary Steigerwald (Healthcare Group of
    in its coverage initiative and has hired its own                                                               he was a senior analyst at the Center for Health
    sales representatives. The legislature in this state                                                           Program Development and Management
    also prohibited the program’s administrators                                                                   where he specialized in program evaluation,
    from paying agents and brokers a traditional                                                                   Medicaid managed care, the State Children’s
                                                           Lisa Crowley (Insure Montana)
    commission, limiting their payment to a one-                                                                   Health Insurance Program, and state-level
                                                           Jim Edwards
    time fee. Coverage initiatives in the other states                                                             healthcare reform.
                                                           Tim Garden
    make greater use of the commercial market
    to deliver care, especially in those states that                                                               Dr. Eberly received his Ph.D. in Public Policy
                                                           New Mexico
    subsidize existing commercial products. As                                                                     from the University of Maryland Baltimore
                                                           Shelley Burt
    such, one might expect an enhanced role for                                                                    County. He graduated cum laude with a
                                                           Howard Shaver
    agents and brokers. In these states, the agents                                                                bachelor’s degree in political science from
                                                           Mari Spaulding-Bynon (New Mexico Human
    and brokers are viewed as “important factors”                                                                  Clarion University.
                                                           Services Department)
    in program success. One state official remarked
    that “agent involvement is typically necessary                                                                 Endnotes
    for health plan selection and enrollment” by                                                                   1 This report is available at
                                                           Nicole Altobello (Oklahoma Health Care                    HRSAReport0307.pdf.
    small businesses. Another official observed
                                                           Authority)                                              2 Efforts to Expand Coverage to the Uninsured: Program
    that “the complexity of the small group market                                                                   Design Challenges and Tradeoffs in Six States available at
                                                           Jim Hampton
    necessitates broker participation.” Given the                                                          
                                                           Tyler LaReau
    important role of agents and brokers, several
                                                           Matt Lucas (Oklahoma Health Care Authority)
    states have implemented strategies to encourage

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