Page created by Martin Franklin
Archery Australia
 National Coaching Program


  National Coaching Accreditation Scheme
Table of Contents
Page 3:Aims of the Community Archery Instructor Training Program (CAITP)

Page 4:            Summary of Accreditation for Archery Coaches

Page 6:            Section 1 – General Information and Administration

Page 8:            Section 2 – Polices

Page 10:           Section 3 – Competency Statements and Assessment

Page 12:           Section 4 – Training Program Syllabus

Page 20:           Section 5 – Coaching Practice

Page 21:           Section 6 – Quality Control

Page 22:           Appendix 1 – Sample 2-Day Program (Face-to-Face Delivery)

Page 24:           Appendix 2 – NCAS Code of Practice for Training Program

Page 27:           Appendix 3 – Archery Australia Coach’s Code of Ethics

Page 31:           Appendix 4 – Archery Australia Re-accreditation Policy

Page 33:           Appendix 5 – CAITP Assessment Tasks and Tools

Page 50:           Appendix 6 – CAITP Assessment Matrix

Page 52:           Appendix 7 – CAITP RCC Assessment Tool

Page: 64           Appendix 8 – Student Feedback and Evaluation Form

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                    2
Aims of the Community Archery Instructor Training

Archery Australia Community “Come N Try” Archery Program (CAIPT) is simplified introductory program aimed
at community groups who conduct archery program. These groups can be schools, camps, community groups,
scouts or guides, private resorts etc.

The Community Archery Program is interned to provide skills, knowledge and accreditation as well as a uniform
coaching approach for all levels of the community who operate outside the archery club network.

The program is designed to be an easy to deliver program with each session taking between 45 minutes and 90

The program is also intended as an introductory program to archery allowing people to experience the sport as
either a one off session or on an ongoing basis.

The program can be tailored to be a one off session, a series of sessions conducted over a number of weeks on
an ongoing basis.

The program is intended to introduce archery to the general community while at the same time providing the
opportunities for anyone who may interested in undertaking a career in archery further by providing a pathway
for their development.

Students wishing to take archery further could undertake more advanced coaching at an archery club to one of
Archery Australia’s advanced programs.

The shooting technique differs in some elements from the technique that would be taught for advanced archery
in a club. The advanced archery technique although the technique used by main stream archery is more
technical and more difficult to master and not easy to teach in a one off or group environment.

The Community “Come N Try” program has been especially developed to be taught quickly and easily allowing
students to learn and understand the basis fundamentals of the sport in only a few minutes. Given the simplified
nature of the program it still grounds the students in the basic fundamentals required to advance to main stream

The Community “Come N Try” program also offers students an award and performance recognition program. As
the student advances and develops their skills and ability they can obtain performance awards that recognise
their level.

The Community “Come N Try” program is the basic level in the Archery Australia National Pathway Program.
The Archery Australia National Pathway Program allows those people will the skills, ability and drive to advance
all the way to World Championships and Olympic Games levels.


Only instructor or coaches who have been undertaken and Archery Australia Community Archery Instructor
Course should conduct these courses.

The Archery Australia Community Archery Instructor Course provides the instructor with the skills and training to
effectively teach safety, venue set up, course management, instructing the basic archery technique, equipment
set up and maintenance and the award and recognition program

Archery Australia and its regional bodies conduct regular Community Archery Instructor Courses. These courses
are conducted over two days and include both theory and practical elements.

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                    3
After attending the Community Archery Instructor Course candidates must complete a written examination and
  practical assessment.

  Figure 1: Outline of the Archery Australia National Pathway Program

               Coach                       Athlete
          Community Archery Instructor
                                                                               Basic Introductory Level
No sport based, provides basic level of coaching,
introduce archery to general public within a                    Community based activity where a member of general
community environment. Complete sport specific                  public, wishes to undertake archery being instructed the
course and assessments in accordance with                       basic archery skills.
Community “Come N Try” Manual.

                 Archery Instructor                                                Introductory Level

Sport based, basic level of coaching, introduce                 Sport based, a member of general public, wishes to
archery to general public within a club or community            undertake archery, undertakes course and learns basic
structure. Complete sport specific course and                   archery skills.
assessments in accordance with Introduction to
Archery manual.

                    Club Coach                                              Development and Intermediate

Second level of coaching, introduce new member to               Joins archery club, purchases equipment, undertakes
club and develop their knowledge and skills.                    further development and intermediate programs.
Complete sport general and sport specific courses
and assessments with Advanced Archery manual.                   Program focused on building strong membership base.

                  Regional Coach                                                   Pathway Program

Third coaching level, working with RGB Coaching                 Athlete has developed skills and ability, aspires to high
Committee. Focus on raising general standard and                performance, joins National Pathway program and State
working toward state and national champions and                 Squad. Athlete commits to programs and undertakes
state teams. Complete Sport Specific course and                 assessments and reporting requirements.

             High Performance Coach                                    High Performance Athlete/National Team

Highest coaching level, coach aspiring to national              Athlete has achieved highest level, and is aspiring to a
coaching position, coaching scholarship opportunities,          National Squad or National Team. Athlete has direct
working with National Head Coach (recurve or                    relationship with High Performance Coach and National
compound) coaching internationals teams and high                Head Coach (recurve or compound).
performance athletes.

  Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                               4
Figure 2 – Summary of Accreditation for Archery Coaches

                          National Coaching Program
              Archery Australia Board

                                                                              Archery Australia Inc
               Archery Australia CEO                                      High Performance Committee

                                                                Responsible for –

                                                                        HP Policy development in conjunction with
                Archery Australia                                        National Head Coach and Archery
        Coaching and Standards Committee                                 Australia Coaching and Standards
                                                                         Committee of Regional Coach and High
Responsible for –                                                        Performance Coach programs.

        Coaching policy and program development.
        Coaching program and course
        Coach accreditation and administration.
        Coach re-accreditation and administration.
        Conformance with ASC requirements.                                    Archery Australia
        Administration coach database                                        National Head Coach
        Resource maintenance, manual, articles
         and document review.                                   Responsible for
        Present submission to Board through CEO.
                                                                        Talent identification program.
                                                                        Regional Pathway Program.
                                                                        National Squad Program.
                                                                        Input and support for Regional Coach and
            RGB Coaching Committee                                       High Performance Coaches course
                                                                         development, management and
Responsible for –                                                        assessments.

        Promotion of National Coaching Program
        Conduct of Archery Instructor and Club
         Coach Courses on behalf of AA.
        Assessment of Archery Instructor and Club
         Coach.                                                            High Performance Coach
        Regional Squads and State Teams
        Conduct of regional seminars and camps.
        Compliance with National Coaching
                                                                                  Regional Coach

                         Club Coach
                                                                          Community Archery Instructor

                                                                        Community based coaches – non Archery
                                                                         Australia members and not part of club
                    Archery Instructor                                                 network

  Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                        5
Community Archery Instructor
Community “Come N Try Archery Handbook
Booklet containing – Archery Safety, Warm up / warm down exercises, the Ten Steps and information for the
new archer.
The booklet is low cost and distributed either free or low price to any person engaged in a Community Instructor
The booklet is intended as a reference document for everyone undertaking a Community Instructor session.
Community “Come N Try Archery Training Manual
Manual intended for course participants, the manual contains all relevant information for candidate Community
Archery Instructor
Community “Come N Try Archery Course Instructor Presenters Manual
Available on DVD, contains course syllabus, overheads presentation and course materials to be used for the
conduct of Community Archery Instructor course.

Archery Instructor
“Come N Try” Introduction to Archery Handbook
Booklet containing – Archery Safety, Warm up / warm down exercises, the Ten Steps and information for the
new archer.
The booklet to be low cost and distributed either free or low price to any person engaged in an Archery Australia
“Come N Try” or instruction program.
Introduction to Archery Training Manual
Manual intended for course participants, the manual contains information for candidate Archery Instructor.
Level 1 Archery Instructor Presenters Manual
Available on DVD, contains course syllabus, overheads presentation and course materials to be used for the
conduct of Archery Instructor course.
Club Coach
Archery Australia Archery Handbook – from beginner to champion
The book contains detailed information on archery, shooting technique, equipment selection and set-up. The
manual is to be made available for general sale.
This manual intended for course participants, the manual contains information for candidate Club Coach.
Course Presenters Manual
Available on DVD, contains course syllabus, overheads presentation and course materials to be used for the
conduct of Club Coach course.
Regional Coach
Archery Australia endorsed reference material
Specific reference material endorsed by the National Head Coaches (recurve and Compound) and, High
Performance Committee and Standards and Coaching Committee.
High Performance Coach
Archery Australia endorsed reference material
Specific reference material endorsed by the National Head Coaches (recurve and Compound) and, High
Performance Committee and Standards and Coaching Committee.
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                    6
Section 1: General Information and Administration

1.1 Details of the Proponent
    Name:                  Archery Australia (AA)

    Contact:               James Lavern (CEO)

    Postal Address:       P.O Box 54 Panania NSW 2213

    A.B.N:                 26 458 735 812

    Telephone:             (02) 9772 2995
    Facsimile:             (02) 9772 2749

    Authorisation of the Organisation:

    Chief Executive Officer                                      Jim Lavern

    President                                                    Greg Geobel

    1.2 – Name of the Training Program

   Community Archery Instructor Training Program (CAITP)

    1.3 – Integrated or Separate Training Program

    The CAITP Training Program is an integrated training program and is designed to address the
    specific needs of introductory instructors (community and club).

    The following units of the Coaching General Principles training program have been integrated into
    this training program:

       Planning and Reviewing
       Teaching and Communication
       Group Management
       Risk Management

   Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                          7
1.4 – Training Program Fees

 All students are required to pay the Training Program fees to the Training Program organiser
 prior to commencing the Training Program.

 The Training Program fees will include learner support materials (Community “Come N Try
 Archery Handbook, NCAS registration fees and other Training Program costs, such as facility
 hire, presenter fees and equipment, meals and program administration fees.

 The recommended course fee is $180.00 for the full course (Archery Australia offers a discount to
 members and associated organisations) however; final course fees are set by the course
 provider. The cost may vary from course to course depending on local costs associated with
 course venue, catering and presenters.

 1.5 – Presenter Qualifications

 Training Program Presenters must have a minimum of Archery Australia Club Coach
 accreditation (current) or currently hold Archery Instructor accreditation and have a minimum of 2
 years Instructing experience.

 All CAITP Presenters must have successfully completed a course presenter training program.

 Presenters will ideally hold the Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training or

 Presenters may also be a recognised specialist in the field in which they are presenting with a
 minimum of five years practical experience, if they are under the direct supervision of an Archery
 Australia Course Coordinator / Presenter.

 1.6 – Presenter Training

 Archery Australia provides the delivery of relevant Presenter Training to ensure the quality of the
 training processes used. The training is provided as required.

 The training includes generic presentation skills and training in the delivery of course content.

 Following the initial training and for those currently trained, assessments will be undertaken by
 Archery Australia accredited and approved assessors.

 Archery Australia is considering the preparation and training of Presenters to receive recognition
 for Presenter units within a contextualised Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Archery).

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                            8
1.7 – Assessor Qualifications

  Training Program Assessors must have a minimum of Archery Australia Club Coach accreditation
  (current) or currently hold Archery Instructor accreditation and have a minimum of 2 years
  Instructing experience.

  All CAITP Assessors must have successfully completed an Assessor training program or be
  approved as interim assessors.

  Assessors would ideally have completed the ASC Assessor Training Program and / or hold the
  Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training or equivalent.

  1.8 – Assessor Training

  Archery Australia provides the delivery of relevant Assessor training to ensure the quality of the
  training processes. The training is provided as relevant.

  The training includes generic assessor skills as well training in assessing the specific
  competencies within the Archery modules.

  Following the initial training and for those currently trained, further assessment will be undertaken
  by Archery Australia Assessors.

  1.9 – Entry Pre-Requisites

  The CAITP is designed to assist introductory level Instructors and as such, students entry
  requirements include:

   Candidates are not required to have completed any other course in Archery prior to
    undertaking this training.
   Candidates do not need to be involved in Archery or have any prior knowledge or skills.
   To ensure financial viability and quality group dynamics, it is recommended that a minimum
    number of 5 students be enrolled in each training program. Training program delivery may
    occur with less than this if specific circumstances require this.
   All students must pay the training program fee prior to receiving any materials of commencing
    the training.
   All students must be 16 years of age on the first day of the training program delivery.
   As components of the training involve the shooting of a bow, students with physical / health
    limitations should advise the course coordinator prior to commencement of the course. It is
    also recommended that such individuals gain medical clearance and present this to the course
    coordinator prior to them commencing the training.
   Students must complete the course enrolment form (NCP2).

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                               9
1.10 - Venue

The following are the minimum venue requirements for program delivery:
Theory: Suitable space should be provided for theory work. Adequate lighting, ventilation and other
health and safety requirements must be met.
Equipment: Minimum requirements include an OHT Projector / Data Projector and Lap Top, White
Board, Markers and Eraser, Video Recorder and TV, sufficient training / practice equipment for the
size of the group (e.g. re-curve bows only, arrows, accessories, target butts and face.
The candidate’s learning environment should be suitable to undertake the study.
Practical / On-the-Job (Post Course): Access to a suitable Archery Instructing environment and

1.11 - Insurance
All presenters, assessors and course coordinators are covered through Archery Australia Public Liability and
Professional Indemnity insurance cover.

Full details can be found on the Archery Australia website

                                            Section 2: Policies
2.1 – Code of Practice for Training Program Deliverers

Archery Australia fully endorses the ASC Code of Practice for Training and Program Deliverers (refer
Appendix 2). It is a requirement for all state and territory affiliates to endorse the code before
approval to deliver any Archery Australia course on behalf of Archery Australia is given.

2.2 – Coach’s Code of Ethics

Archery Australia fully endorses the NCAS Coach’s Code of Ethics (refer Appendix 3). It is a
requirement for all coaches to sign the policy before Archery Australia NCAS accreditation / re-
accreditation at any level is approved.
2.3 – Complaints Handling Procedures

Candidates with grievances about the conduct of an CAITP, or those seeking appeals on their
assessment process must submit them in writing to the Archery Australia National Office within 30
days of the completion of the course, or on receiving notification of their assessment outcome.

All grievances and appeals will be considered by the Archery Australia National Office and will inform
the candidate and Archery Australia Coaching and Standards Committee of the process they used to
consider the grievance and the outcome of their deliberations within 30 days of receiving the

Those wishing to appeal can do so by following the steps below:

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                    10
1.     Prepare a written statement outlining the issue(s) and forward this to the RGB Coaching
       Committee for action within 30 days.
2.     All grievances and appeals will be considered by the RGB Coaching Committee that will inform
       the candidate of the process they use to consider the grievance and the outcome of the
       deliberations within 30 days of receiving the grievance/appeal.
3.     Further grievances and appeals will be referred to the National Coaching and Standards
       Committee (with all relevant information) for consideration and decision.

2.4 – Enrolment Pre-Requisites / Age of Entry

See Section 1.9.

2.5 – Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)

The will be no honorary accreditation.

All Instructors must satisfy the competencies of CAITP accreditation. However, some practising
Archery Instructors / Coaches may be able to satisfy all or most of the competencies required for
CAITP accreditation without having to formally attend the Training Program. Candidates may apply
for exemption from all or some sections of the Training Program.

Such people will be required to apply for formal RCC in writing to the Archery Australia National
Office. The necessary information and RCC application package will be sent to the candidate, who is
required to complete and return the information along with the RCC application fee of $100.00. The
application will be assessed and candidates will be informed that:

     1. They have successfully met all competencies within the CAITP and will therefore be granted
        RCC and accreditation; or

     2. They have only been successful in gaining competency in certain modules within the Training
        Program and that they will need to liaise with their Archery Australia National Office in relation
        to their achievement of the remainder of the course competencies; or

     3. That they have achieved none of the course competencies and will be required to attend all
        components of the Training Program.

In providing sufficient evidence of RCC, it is likely that the candidate will be required to demonstrate
his/her expertise in a particular area by practical demonstration.

This may be assessed by assessor trained Archery Australia personnel. This will be treated on an
individual basis and ALL RCC applications will be assessed by an Archery Australia appointed
panel made up of Trained Assessors.

Refer to the CAITP RCC Application in Appendix 7.

2.6 – Updating / Re-Accreditation

Archery Australia Instructors are required to maintain currency of knowledge and skills. This will take
place as a necessary component of them maintaining current CAITP NCAS accreditation. To ensure
this process is undertaken by all candidates and well monitored, Archery Australia has developed a
Re-accreditation Policy (refer Appendix 4).

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                  11
Section 3: Competency Statements and Assessment
3.1 – Competency Statements
At the completion of this Training Program the Coach will be able to:

  - Plan a suitable introductory Archery session.
  - Plan for the provision of safe, fun, effective activities in a suitable environment.


Community Instructor –

   -   Instruct introductory / beginner Archers in groups or 1 on 1.
   -   Provide basic skill development instruction to beginners.
   -   Act in an ethical and responsible manner as an Instructor.
   -   Teach the fundamental 10 steps of Archery.
   -   Use a range of communication, teaching and group management strategies to help archer learn
       basic skills and tactics.
Archery Instructor (in addition to the aforementioned) –

   - Effectively work / interact with parents and club support staff.
   - Effectively instruct in a club environment.

Monitor / Review:

   -    Observe and assess beginner’s performance
   -    Provide appropriate feedback on performance
   -    Adjust activities to suit the needs of the individuals


Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                          12
3.2 – Assessment

    Refer to Appendix 5 - Assessment Tasks and Tools
    Refer to Appendix 6 - Assessment Matrix

Details of Flexible Assessment Practices

As this Training Program is based on competency-based training and assessment principles, and
is designed to meet the individual needs of Community Archery Instructors, the issue of flexible
assessment and training methodologies is well addressed. Due to the fact that an assessment
matrix has been developed, which highlights a variety of methods that can be used to assess
various competencies, candidates who require or would benefit from differing assessment
approaches will be accommodated.

In making this decision, the Training Program Coordinator will decide if the preferred assessment
method identified by the candidate will provide the assessor with evidence that is sufficient,
current, valid and authentic.

Examples of flexible assessment options may include:

    Oral instead of written assessment

    Video instead of face-to-face evidence

    Integrated assessment (assess multiple competencies and units in one task)

    Self-paced activities

    Ongoing mentoring and support

    Multiple assessment attempts if required

    On-the-Job training and assessment in an Archery environment

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                         13
Section 4: Training Program Syllabus
4.1 – Training Program Overview
   Nominal                       Module Name                              Module Delivery
or Self Paced)
1 hour             1.    Safety Venue Set Up,                 Face to face / self-paced / theory
                         Equipment and Etiquette

1.5 hours          2.    Basic Archery Equipment, set-        Face to face / self-paced / theory
                         up and maintenance
1 hour             3.    Group Management,                    Face to face / self-paced / theory
                         communications and coaching

3 hours            4.    Fundamental Archery Skills,          Face to face / self-paced / theory
                         the ten steps of shooting

1.5 hours          5.    Course Planning and conduct          Face to face / self-paced/ theory

2 hours            6.    Practical Shooting                   Face to face/ self-paced/ practical
5 hours            7.    The Archery Instructor in            On-the-Job training and assessment
                         Action (Post Course)


Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                         14
4.2 – Module Outlines
Module 1 Safety and Etiquette
[1] Nominal Duration

1 hour

[2] Module Purpose
This module develops the Instructor’s understanding of the need to provide safe instruction
opportunities for all beginners in the sport of Archery.

[3] Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this module Instructors will be able to:

1.    Set up an archery venue.
2.    Inspect archery equipment (bows, arrows etc) and ensure it is safe to use.
3.    Present a safety talk, including rules of etiquette associated with Archery participation.
4.    Outline common risks associated with Archery participation for beginners.
5.    Develop relevant risk reduction strategies to eliminate or minimise the impact of common

[4] Content

    Range layout and safety
    Individual safety
    Equipment Safety
    Range Etiquette
    Risk Management Planning

[5] Delivery Strategies

It is recommended that course presenters use a variety of delivery strategies to ensure that all
candidates’ preferred learning styles are considered and that the outcomes can be met in a situation
specific manner where possible. Methods relevant to this module may include:

    Face-to-face (presentation, role-play, video, debate, discussion, observation)
    Self-paced
    Practical
 [6] Resource Requirements

Archery Australia Community “Come N Try Archery Handbook and PowerPoint Presentation

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                            15
Module 2 – Basic Archery Equipment, set-up and Maintenance
[1] Nominal Duration

1.5 hours

[2] Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to assist instructors to be able to help beginners to select suitable
equipment for their safe and fun participation; and for instructors to be able to instruct students in
the safe and effective use of basic archery equipment.

    [3] Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this module Instructors will be able to:

1.    Outline the key components of equipment that is used.
2.    Outline the commonly used general accessories.
3.    Demonstrate have to set-up a bow in particular installing an arrow res and nocking point.
4.    Demonstrate how to replace an arrow rest, repair a bow string, replace arrow nocks and

[4] Content

     Components of commonly used equipment and accessories –

-     Bow parts
-     Arrow parts
-     Bow string and nocking points
-     Bow weight adjustment, compound
-     Bow weight
-     Armguard
-     Finger tabs
-     Arrow rests

 Set-up and maintenance

-     Recurve bow set-up including arrow rest and nocking point
-     Compound bow set-up bow weight, arrow rest and nocking point
-     Inspect and repair a bow
-     Inspect and repair arrows

[5] Delivery Strategies

As with all modules:

     Face-to-face (presentation, role-play, video, debate, discussion, observation)
     Self-paced
     Practical

[6] Resource Requirements

Archery Australia Community “Come N Try Archery Handbook and PowerPoint Presentation

Module 3 – Group Management, Communications and Coaching Technique
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                              16
[1] Nominal Duration

1 hour

[2] Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to provide instructors with the skills to communicate with students
and to efficiently manage these students to ensure high quality and enjoyable instruction

To understand the various techniques to effectively instruct archery.

[3] Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this module Instructors will be able to:

1.   Demonstrate the ability to provide positive and constructive feedback.
2.   Demonstrate appropriate communication styles for different students and situations.
3.   Demonstrate effective group management techniques in a practical setting.
4.   Demonstrate the various techniques in instructing archery.

[4] Content

    Feedback
    Active Listening
    Communication / Learning Styles
    Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
    Aides for Communicating
    Organising Group Activities

[5] Delivery Strategies

As with all modules:

    Face-to-face (presentation, role-play, video, debate, discussion, observation)
    Self-paced
    Practical

[6] Resource Requirements

Archery Australia Community “Come N Try Archery Handbook and PowerPoint Presentation

Module 4 – Fundamental Archery Skills – The ten steps of shooting
[1] Nominal Duration

3 hours

[2] Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to provide instructors with the ability to effectively instruct a student
in the basic technique.

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                               17
[3] Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this module Instructors will be able to:

1.   Decide whether a student is to shoot right or left handed.
2.   Identify and demonstrate the 10 step shooting process.
3.   Identify and demonstrate the recommended shooting aid
4.   Identify and correct common shooting faults.
5.   Safely and effectively remove arrows from a target butt.

[4] Content

     Training aides
     Demonstration and first shots
     Shooting technique (the ten steps) –
-     Stance
-     Nocking the arrow
-     Setting the drawing hand
-     Setting the bow hand and bow arm
-     Pre-draw and drawing the bow
-     Anchor
-     Holding and aiming
-     Release
-     Follow through
-     Relax
     Identify common basic skill errors and error correction strategies

[5] Delivery Strategies

As with all modules:

    Face-to-face (presentation, role-play, video, debate, discussion, observation)
    Self-paced
    Practical

[6] Resource Requirements

    Archery Australia Community “Come N Try Archery Handbook and PowerPoint Presentation

Module 5 – Course Planning and conduct
[1] Nominal Duration

1.5 hours

[2] Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to provide instructors with the basic skills to plan a session and
effectively conduct the session

[3] Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this module Instructors will be able to:

    Demonstrate the elements of an effective instruction session.
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                        18
   Develop an instructional session plan for beginners.
   Understand the steps by step process for conducting a session

[4] Content

   Session Planning
   Session Steps

[5] Delivery Strategies

   Face-to-face (presentation, role-play, video, debate, discussion, observation)
   Self-paced

[6] Resource Requirements

   Archery Australia Community “Come N Try Archery Handbook and PowerPoint Presentation

Module 6 – Practical Session
[1] Nominal Duration
2 hours

[2] Module Purpose

The purpose of this module is to allow students to have hands on experience by setting up a
venue and working in pairs instruct each other in shooting. Each archer will shoot and score their
arrows for a minimum of 30 minutes following the process detailed in the course.

[3] Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this module Instructors will be able to:

   Shoot arrows.
   Score arrows
   Withdraw arrows from the target
   Have practically demonstrated an ability to instruct archery

[4] Content

   Practical activities on the shooting venue
[5] Delivery Strategies

   Practical session on shooting venue
   Self-paced

[6] Resource Requirements

   Archery Australia Community “Come N Try Archery Handbook and PowerPoint Presentation

Module 7 – The Archery Instructor in Action
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                          19
[1] Nominal Duration

5 hours (at least 2 hours under the supervision of an accredited Archery Coach or approved
official from the parent organisation. The additional 3 hours are to be logged by the candidate).

[2] Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to allow Instructors to demonstrate various practical competencies
in a real (“on-the-job”), practical Archery instruction environment. This will also allow assessors to
gather “direct” evidence of the candidate’s skills and provide more relevant feedback and learning

[3] Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this module Instructors will be able to:

 See assessment tool on pages 48 and 49 of this curriculum.

[4] Content

This module is undertaken “on-the-job” in a real instructional environment. There is therefore no
additional content to that which has already been covered throughout the Instructor Training
Program in Modules 1-5.

[5] Delivery Strategies

   On-the-job (practical application of skills)

[6] Resource Requirements

   Access to beginner / introductory Archer/s
   Access to a suitable Archery training area and equipment.

4.3 Flexible Delivery

Students will attend a face-to-face competency based workshop, which incorporates a “blended
learning approach”, whereby certain activities and tasks can be completed post-course in the
candidates own time, under the supervision of an accredited coach / mentor.

4.4 Implementation Strategies

To ensure the consistency and quality of Training Program delivery throughout Australia, the
following strategies will be implemented:

   All presenters / assessors to be trained.
   A Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) tool (see appendix 7).
   Self-paced, individually tailored learning will be offered to increase access to, and relevance
    of, the education.
   Specifically designed, contemporary training support materials have been developed (Come N
    Try – Introduction to Archery Handbook and Level 1 Coaching Manual) for use within the
    Training Program.
   Student feedback / evaluation forms will be used (see appendix 8).
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                              20
Section 5: Coaching Practice
5.1 Timing of Instructor Practice

Archery Instructors are required to complete a self-assessment after completing 5 hours of
practical instructing, with a minimum of 2 hours taking place under the supervision of an
accredited Archery coach or approved official from the parent organisation. The additional 3
hours are to be logged by the candidate.

Instructors will then be assessed conducting an introductory / beginner archery session.

Module 6 – The Archery Instructor in Action requires candidates to demonstrate key
competencies in an on-the-job / real Archery instructional environment.

5.2 Supervision of the Coaching Practice

Instructor practice is assessed by qualified coaches / assessors. These coaches/assessors will
be appointed by the course coordinator and their role will be to assess all aspects of the
candidate’s on-the-job / practical instructing assessment (Module 6 – The Archery Instructor in

5.3 Supervisor Credit

Active coaches / assessors will receive updating and re-accreditation points for the number of
candidates they assess. (Refer to the Re-accreditation Policy – Appendix 4).

                                  Section 6: Quality Control
6.1 Monitoring Training Program Quality / Training Program Evaluation and
Review Process
The Archery Australia Coaching and Standards Committee will review the Training Program each
24 months, as part of an ongoing and continual improvement process.

The CAITP will be re-submitted to the ASC for accreditation under the NCAS every 4 years as
required. The following additional procedures will be put in place to ensure quality control of the
Training Program:

 Ongoing presenter and assessor training.
 Evaluation of presenters and assessors by Training Program students using Training Program
  evaluation forms (appendix 8).
 Evaluation of presenters, assessors and mentors by the Training Program Co-ordinator.
 Data regarding the number of students successfully completing the Training Program.

  6.2 Design and Review Committee

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                           21
The Coaching and Standards Committee will oversee the review and further development of the
CAITP. This will not be done in isolation and will proactively involve all identified key stakeholders,

    Members of the RGB Coaching Committee.
    Chief Executive Officer.
    Australian Sports Commission – Coaching & Officiating Consultant.

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                               22

                                        Sample 1-Day Program
                                        (Face-to-Face Delivery)

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum       23
Day 1 Program
Note: This program does not include the 5 hour on-the-job coaching practice and assessment relevant to
Module 6 – The Archery Instructor in Action. Assessment for this module (and the take home examination) is
undertaken post course, in the coach’s own training / learning environment.

         Time                                Topic                         Venue
 0845                      Registration and Introduction to course    Theory Room

 0900                      Module 1: Safety, Venue Set-up,            Theory Room
                           Equipment and Etiquette

                                       1000 Morning Tea
 1045                      Module 2: Basic Archery Equipment, set- Theory Room
                           up and maintenance

 1215                      Module 3: Group Management,                Theory Room
                           Communication and Coaching

                                           1215 Lunch
 1300                      Module 4: Fundamental Archery Skills –     Theory Room
                           The ten steps of shooting                  Practical Area

                                      1500 Afternoon Tea
 1630                      General Discussion                         Theory Room

 1700                      Close for day                              Theory Room

                                                      Day 2 Program

         Time                               Topic                           Venue
 0830                      Module 5: Practical                        Shooting Area

                                      1930 Morning Tea
 1015                      Module 6: Course Planning and conduct      Theory Room

 1200                      General Discussion                         Theory Room

 1230                      Accreditation process, written exam        Theory Room
                           and practical assessment

 1300                      Close                                      Theory Room

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                            24

                                    ASC Code of Practice
                               for Training Program Deliverers

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum       25
Code of Practice for Training Program Deliverers
                                                  Educational Standards
Training program deliverers will maintain high professional standards in the marketing and delivery of education
and training services, which protect the interests and welfare of the student.

Training program deliverers will maintain a learning environment that is conducive to the success of students.
They will have the capacity to deliver the nominated training program(s), provide adequate facilities and use
appropriate methods and standards.


Training program deliverers will market their training programs with integrity, accuracy and
professionalism, avoiding vague and ambiguous statements. In the provision of information, no false or
misleading comparisons will be drawn with any other delivery organisation or training program.

                                                  Candidate Information
Accurate, relevant and up-to-date information should be provided to students prior to commencing the training
program. This should include:

Admissions procedures and criteria;
Copy of the refund policy;
Total fees / Costs to students;
Details of the certification to be issued on full or partial completion of the training program;
    Competencies to be achieved by candidates;
    Assessment procedures;
    Grievance/appeal procedures; and
    RPL arrangements.

Recruitment of training program students will be conducted at all times in an ethical and responsible manner,
and be consistent with the requirements of the curriculum.

Training program deliverers should ensure that selection decisions for entry into training programs comply with
equal opportunity legislation. These decisions should be made by appropriately qualified staff and be based on
the applicants’ qualifications and likelihood of achieving the stated competency standards.


Training program deliverers must safeguard fees paid by candidates. Proponents must have a refund policy,
which is fair and equitable.

The ASC may withdraw NCAS and NOAS training program registration from proponents who breach this code of
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                  26
Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Principles and

Training program deliverers must be aware of EEO principles and practices as they apply to education and
training. They should observe the following points:

    Characters (and their names) used in case studies, exercises and examples must be free from stereotypes
     and unlikely to cause offence;
    Material and presenters must discourage and prevent polarisation of students;
    The training program content, process and/or activities must include all candidates and avoid giving an
     advantage to any one individual or group over another;
    Verbal and non-verbal language must be non-discriminatory;
    Humour must be non-discriminatory; and
    Training program materials such as session plans, videos, handouts, graphics and cartoons must be non-
     discriminatory and unlikely to offend.

I hereby endorse the Australian Sports Commission’s Code of Practice for Training Program Delivers
and will abide by all aspects therein.

I agree to all terms.


Signed ....................................…………………………………………….. Date:               /       /

Approval as an Archery Australia Instructor Training Program Provider Granted by:

Signed.............................…………………………………………………… Date:                          /       /
                                       (Archery Australia )

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                              27

                   Archery Australia Coach’s Code of Ethics

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum       28
Coach's Code of Ethics
1.    Respect the rights, dignity and worth of                   Within the context of the activity, treat
      every human being.                                          everyone equally regardless of sex,
                                                                  disability, ethnic origin or religion.
2.    Ensure the athlete's time spent with you is                All athletes are deserving of equal
      a positive experience.                                      attention and opportunities.
3.    Treat each athlete as an individual.                       Respect the talent, developmental stage
                                                                  and goals of each athlete.
                                                                 Help each athlete reach their full potential.
4.   Be fair, considerate and honest with
5.   Be professional and accept responsibility                   Display high standards in your language,
     for your actions.                                            manner, punctuality, preparation and
                                                                 Display control, respect, dignity and
                                                                  professionalism to all involved with the
                                                                  sport – this includes opponents, coaches,
                                                                  officials, administrators, the media,
                                                                  parents and spectators.
                                                                 Encourage your athletes to demonstrate
                                                                  the same qualities.
6.    Make a commitment to providing a quality                   Maintain or improve your current NCAS
      service to your athletes.                                   accreditation.
                                                                 Seek continual improvement through
                                                                  performance appraisal and ongoing coach
                                                                 Provide a training program which is
                                                                  planned and sequential.
                                                                 Maintain appropriate records.

7.   Operate within the rules and spirit of your                 The guidelines of national and
     sport.                                                       international bodies governing your sport
                                                                  should be followed. Please contact your
                                                                  sport for a copy of its rule book,
                                                                  constitution, by-laws, relevant policies, e.g.
                                                                  anti-doping policy, selection procedures,
                                                                 Coaches should educate their athletes on
                                                                  drugs in sport issues in consultation with
                                                                  the Australian Sports Drug Agency
8.   Any physical contact with athletes should
      appropriate to the situation; and
      necessary for the athlete's skill

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                        29
9.    Refrain from any form of personal abuse                    This includes verbal, physical and
      towards your athletes.*                                     emotional abuse.
                                                                 Be alert to any forms of abuse directed
                                                                  toward your athletes from other sources
                                                                  while they are in your care.
10. Refrain from any form of harassment                          This includes sexual and racial
    towards your athletes.*                                       harassment, racial vilification and
                                                                  harassment on the grounds of disability.
                                                                 You should not only refrain from initiating a
                                                                  relationship with an athlete, but should
                                                                  also discourage any attempt by an athlete
                                                                  to initiate a sexual relationship with you,
                                                                  explaining the ethical basis of your refusal.
11. Provide a safe environment for training and                  Ensure equipment and facilities meet
    competition.                                                  safety standards.
                                                                 Ensure equipment, rules, training and the
                                                                  environment are appropriate for the age
                                                                  and ability of the athletes.
12. Show concern and caution toward sick and                     Provide a modified training program where
    injured athletes.                                             appropriate.
                                                                 Allow further participation in training and
                                                                  competition only when appropriate.
                                                                 Encourage athletes to seek medical
                                                                  advice when required.
                                                                 Maintain the same interest and support
                                                                  toward sick and injured athletes.
13. Be a positive role model for your sport and

* Please refer to the Harassment-free Sport guidelines available from the Australian Sports Commission for more information
  on harassment issues

Coaches should:

    Be treated with respect and openness;
    Have access to self-improvement opportunities; and
    Be matched with a level of coaching appropriate to their level of competence.

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                            30
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum   31
Coach’s Code of Ethics
                                Individual Agreement Form
              for accreditation or re-accreditation to the National Coach Accreditation Scheme (NCAS)

TO:                          Archery Australia

                                                 Full name


                                                 (Address cont.)

am seeking accreditation/re-accreditation (please circle) for the following Australian Sports Commission (ASC)

Community Archery Instructor                              Archery                          Level

I agree to the following terms:

I agree to abide by the NSO Code of Ethics overleaf.

I acknowledge that Archery Australia may take disciplinary action against me if I beach the code of ethics. I
understand that Archery Australia are required to implement a complaints handling procedure in accordance with
the principles of natural justice, in the event of an allegation against me.

I acknowledge that disciplinary action against me may include de-accreditation from the National Coaching
Accreditation Scheme.

Please refer to the Harassment-free Sport Guidelines available from the Australian Sports Commission or
Archery Australia , if you require more information on harassment issues.

     ____________________                      ______________________________              ____/_____/____
             Signature                        (if under 18, parent / guardian signature)       Date

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                  32

                                          Archery Australia
                                        Re-accreditation Policy

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum       33
Archery Australia Inc
                                                      Re-Accreditation Policy
                                                Continuing Education Requirements
The following guide is to assist coaches maintain their coach accreditation under the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS).

Continuing Education

Following accreditation coaches must maintain their accreditation by undertaking coaching activities. In order to assist coaches in this matter a
table of award points has been accepted by the Standards and Coaching Committee and coaches are required to accrue the following amount
of points each year and over their 4-year period of accreditation.

Community Archery Instructor -

Attain 150 credit points over a 4-year period, with a minimum of 10 points per year, or attain Level 2 status (see note 4).

Archery Instructor-

Attain 150 credit points over a 4-year period, with a minimum of 10 points per year, or attain Level 2 status (see note 4).

Club Coach –

Attain 200 credit points over a 4-year period, with a minimum of 20 point per year, or attain Level 3 status (see note 4).

Regional Coach –

Assessment conducted by individual performance review.

High Performance Coach –

Assessment conducted by individual performance review.

Coaches are expected to keep a logbook or similar of coaching activities to allow for a review at regular intervals by the appropriate authority.
On conclusion of a coach’s 4-year period of accreditation if they have met the above points requirements they will be eligible to be reaccredited
for a further 4-yaer period at the current level.

The Archery Australia Inc Coaching and Standards Committee will administer implementation of the above accreditation requirements:

Assessment Points Table
                                                          “Come N Try’ (One day Course)                                     20
Community Archery Instructor                              “Come N Try” (Multi Day Course) (points per day)                  20
Archery Instructor                                        Attend upgrade seminar                                            10
                                                          Observe coaching by a higher-level coach                          10
                                                           “Come N Try” (One Day Course)                                    20
                                                           “Come N Try” (Multi Day Course) (points per day)                 25
                                                           One on One Club Coaching (min 1 hour)
Club Coach                                                 Organise and conduct club coaching seminar
                                                           Lecture at Level 1 course                                        20
                                                           Attend National seminar                                          15
                                                           Attend Regional seminar                                          10
         Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                                34
         Attend Sport Generic seminar                                10
                                                  Contribute coaching material to Club Publication            15
                                                  Contribute coaching material to RGB Publication             20
                                                  Contribute coaching material to National Publication        25
                                                  Contribute coaching material to International Publication   25
                                                  Contribute coaching material to National Coaching Program   50
                                                  Non archery specific course


1.       Points can be accumulated from regional selection to national selection.

2.       Other activities may be recognised, at the discretion of the Archery Australia Inc Coaching and Standards
         Committee. Requests for recognition of other activities must be made to the Archery Australia Inc Coaching and
         Standards Committee through the RGB Coaching Committee.

3.       Additional no archery specific courses can be undertaken, i.e. first aid certificate, massage certificate, which will
         enhance the overall abilities of the candidate.

4.       The above point’s table effective from 1 February 2006.


If a coach does not met the points requirements above due to short term problems like being unable to coach due to work
commitments, ill health or drops out of the sport for a period, the Coach should develop with the Archery Australia Inc
Coaching and Standards Committee a mutually agreeable plan of coaching activities for the coach to undertake prior to re-

These activities should include coaching and education activities.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Candidates presenting themselves for accreditation as coaches will be allowed to have their prior knowledge taken into
account. This is particularly so in the case of overseas coaches and coaches who have let their accreditation lapse. For more
information please contact the Archery Australia Standards and Coaching Committee.

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                               35

                         CAITP Assessment Tasks and Tools
  (Note: some learning outcomes are assessed through formative assessment activities as well as summative
                                           assessment tasks)

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                             36

                                           Safety, Venue Set-Up, Equipment and Etiquette
                                          Answer the relevant safety, venue set-up, and equipment and
Task                                  etiquette questions on the examination.

                                      To assess the instructor’s understanding of key rules of safety,
Purpose of Assessment                 venue set-up, equipment and etiquette associated with Archery
                                      participation and of common sense risk management skills.
                                           Delineate the basic safety rules associated with venue set-up,
Learning Outcomes                     equipment and etiquette with Archery participation
                                           Outline the common risks associated with Archery participation
                                      for beginners.
                                           Develop relevant risk reduction strategies to eliminate or
                                      minimise the impact of common risks.
Conditions of Assessment              Candidates will have access to the Community “Come N Try
                                      Archery Handbook presentation slides CD, along with a suitable
                                      Archery instructional environment and equipment to allow them to
                                      undertake the task.
                                      Sufficient evidence must be provided to demonstrate competence in
Evidence Required                     all learning outcomes.

Module 1 – Assessment Tool
Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                                 37
(Assessor to Complete)

                         1.          Risk Management for Instructors

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Learning Outcomes                                             Assessor    = Competent
(Instructors will be able to):                                Comments     = Not Yet

   Delineate the basic safety rules
    associated with venue set-up, equipment
    and etiquette with Archery participation

   Outline the common risks associated
    with Archery participation for beginners

   Develop relevant risk reduction
    strategies to eliminate or minimise the
    impact of common risks.

Additional comments / recommendations:

Assessor Signature:                                                      Date:

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                              38

                                              2. Basic Archery Equipment, set-up and
 Module(s)                                       maintenance
                                         1. Answer the relevant questions on the examination.
                                         2. Participate      in    various      in-course    practical
                                             demonstrations and activities.
                                         To assess the Instructor understands of how to help
 Purpose of Assessment                   beginners to select suitable equipment for their safe and
                                         fun participation; and their ability to set-up and carry out
                                         maintenance on equipment.

                                             Decide whether a student is to shoot right or left
 Learning Outcomes                            handed
                                             Outline the key components of a commonly used
                                             Document commonly used general accessories
                                             Safely and effectively remove arrows from a
                                              target butt
                                             Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
                                              procedure for stringing a recurve bow
                                             Demonstrate how to adjust a bow sight
                                             Use a score card to score a modified archery
                                              event / activity.

 Conditions of                           Candidates will have access to the Community “Come N
 Assessment                              Try Archery Handbook presentation slides CD, along with
                                         a suitable Archery instructional environment and
                                         equipment to allow them to undertake the task.
                                         Sufficient evidence must be provided to demonstrate
 Evidence Required                       competence in all learning outcomes.

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                              39
Module 2 – Assessment Tool
(Assessor to Complete)

                         2.          Basic Archery Equipment

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

           Learning Outcomes                                                      Competent
                                                              Assessor Comments
       (Instructors will be able to):                                               = Not Yet


   Decide whether a student is to shoot
    right or left handed

   Outline the key components of a
    commonly used equipment

   Document commonly used general

   Safely and effectively remove arrows
    from a target butt

   Demonstrate a basic understanding of
    the procedure for stringing a recurve

   Demonstrate how to adjust a bow sight

   Use a score card to score a modified
    archery event / activity.

Additional comments / recommendations:

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                     40
Assessor Signature:                                                          Date:


                                          3. Group Management, communications and
 Module(s)                                    Coaching Techniques
                                          1. Answer the relevant questions on the examination.
 Task                                     2. Participate   in    various    in-course practical
                                             demonstrations and activities.
                                         To assess the coach’s ability to effectively use
 Purpose of Assessment                   simple communication techniques to effectively
                                         instruct / work with students and to effectively
                                         organise and manage group activities.

                                           Demonstrate the ability to provide positive and
 Learning Outcomes                          constructive feedback
                                           Demonstrate appropriate communication styles
                                            for different students and situations
                                           Demonstrate effective group management
                                            techniques in a practical setting
                                           Effectively interact with parents and club support
                                            staff (this LO is only relevant to the Archery
                                            Instructor course, and is not required to be
                                            demonstrated by Community Instructor

 Conditions of Assessment                Candidates will have access to the Community “Come N
                                         Try Archery Handbook presentation slides CD, along with
                                         a suitable Archery instructional environment and
                                         equipment to allow them to undertake the task.
                                         Sufficient evidence must be provided to demonstrate
 Evidence Required                       competence in all learning outcomes.

Archery Australia – Community Archery Instructor Curriculum                                        41
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