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Evo-ViT: Slow-Fast Token Evolution for Dynamic Vision Transformer
                                              Yifan Xu1,3,4 * , Zhijie Zhang2,3∗ , Mengdan Zhang3 , Kekai Sheng3 , Ke Li3 , Weiming Dong1,4† ,
                                                                        Liqing Zhang2 , Changsheng Xu1,4 , Xing Sun3†
                                                      Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3 Tencent Youtu Lab
                                                                       School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
                                                                                {xuyifan2019, weiming.dong, changsheng.xu}@ia.ac.cn,
                                                                                   {davinazhang, saulsheng, tristanli}@tencent.com,
                                                                       zzj506506@sjtu.edu.cn, zhang-lq@cs.sjtu.edu.cn, winfred.sun@gmail.com
arXiv:2108.01390v4 [cs.CV] 10 Sep 2021

                                                                                                                         Pre-       Token         Unstructured                  Compact
                                           Vision transformers (ViTs) have recently received explo-                    training    Selection        Pruning
                                           sive popularity, but the huge computational cost is still a
                                           severe issue. Since the computation complexity of ViT is
                                                                                                                                     Local         Structured                   Compact
                                           quadratic with respect to the input sequence length, a main-                           Spatial Prior   Compression
                                           stream paradigm for computation reduction is to reduce the
                                           number of tokens. Existing designs include structured spa-
                                                                                                                                    Token          Structure       Slow-Fast    Compact
                                           tial compression that uses a progressive shrinking pyramid                              Selection      Preservation     Updating    Transformer
                                           to reduce the computations of large feature maps, and un-
                                           structured token pruning that dynamically drops redundant
                                           tokens. However, the limitation of existing token pruning lies    Figure 1: An illustration of technique pipelines for compu-
                                           in two folds: 1) the incomplete spatial structure caused by       tation reduction via tokens. The dash lines denote iterative
                                           pruning is not compatible with structured spatial compression     training. The first branch: the pipeline of unstructured token
                                           that is commonly used in modern deep-narrow transformers;         pruning (Rao et al. 2021; Tang et al. 2021) based on pre-
                                           2) it usually requires a time-consuming pre-training proce-       trained models. The second branch: the pipeline of struc-
                                           dure. To tackle the limitations and expand the applicable sce-    tured compression (Graham et al. 2021). The third branch:
                                           nario of token pruning, we present Evo-ViT, a self-motivated      our proposed pipeline that performs unstructured updating
                                           slow-fast token evolution approach for vision transformers.
                                           Specifically, we conduct unstructured instance-wise token
                                                                                                             while suitable for structured compressed models.
                                           selection by taking advantage of the simple and effective
                                           global class attention that is native to vision transformers.     The reason of introducing the transformer into computer
                                           Then, we propose to update the selected informative to-
                                           kens and uninformative tokens with different computation
                                                                                                             vision lies in its unique properties that convolution neural
                                           paths, namely, slow-fast updating. Since slow-fast updating       networks (CNNs) lack, especially the property of model-
                                           mechanism maintains the spatial structure and information         ing long-range dependencies. However, dense modeling of
                                           flow, Evo-ViT can accelerate vanilla transformers of both flat    long-range dependencies among image tokens brings com-
                                           and deep-narrow structures from the very beginning of the         putation inefficiency, because images contain large regions
                                           training process. Experimental results demonstrate that our       of low-level texture and uninformative background.
                                           method significantly reduces the computational cost of vision        Existing methods follow two pipelines to address the in-
                                           transformers while maintaining comparable performance on
                                           image classification. For example, our method accelerates
                                                                                                             efficiency problem of modeling long-range dependencies
                                           DeiT-S by over 60% throughput while only sacrificing 0.4%         among tokens in ViT as shown in the above two pathways
                                           top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K, outperforming current token        of Fig. 1. The first pipeline, as shown in the second path-
                                           pruning methods on both accuracy and efficiency.                  way, is to perform structured compression based on local
                                                                                                             spatial prior, such as local linear projection (Wang et al.
                                                                                                             2021a), convolutional projection (Heo et al. 2021), and shift
                                                                 Introduction                                windows (Liu et al. 2021). Most modern transformers with
                                         Recently, vision transformers (ViTs) have show strong               deep-narrow structures are within this pipeline. However,
                                         power on various computer vision tasks, such as image               the structured compressed models treat the informative ob-
                                         classification (Yuan et al. 2021a), object detection (Carion        ject tokens and uninformative background tokens with the
                                         et al. 2020), and instance segmentation (Zheng et al. 2021).        same priority. Thus, token pruning, the second pipeline, pro-
                                                                                                             poses to identify and drop the uninformative tokens in an
                                           * The first two authors contributed equally. This work was done   unstructured way. (Tang et al. 2021) improves the efficiency
                                         when Yifan Xu and Zhijie Zhang were intern in Tencent Youtu Lab.    of a pre-trained transformer network by developing a top-
                                             Corresponding Author                                            down layer-by-layer token slimming approach that can iden-
class attention   class attention   with higher attention scores and has a sparse attention re-
       original    interpretability                       (layer 10)
                                         (layer 5)                        sponse, which is quite consistent to the visualization result
                                                                          provided by (Chefer, Gur, and Wolf 2021) for transformer
                                                                          interpretability. In shallow layers (e.g., layer 5), the attention
                                                                          of the class token is relatively scattered but mainly focused
                                                                          on informative regions. Thus, taking advantage of class to-
                                                                          kens, informative tokens and placeholer tokens are deter-
                                                                          mined. The preserved placeholer tokens ensure complete in-
                                                                          formation flow in shallow layers of a transformer for model-
                                                                          ing accuracy. After the two kinds of tokens are determined,
                                                                          they are updated in a slow-fast approach. Specifically, the
                                                                          placeholder tokens are summarized to a representative token
                                                                          that is evolved via the full transformer encoder simultane-
Figure 2: Visualization of class attention in DeiT-T. Inter-              ously with the informative tokens in a slow and elaborate
pretability denotes the method (Chefer, Gur, and Wolf 2021).              way. Then, the evolved representative token is exploited to
                                                                          fast update the placeholder tokens for more representative
tify and remove redundant tokens based on the reconstruc-
tion error of the pre-trained network. The trained pruning
                                                                             We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed Evo-ViT
mask is fixed for all instances. (Rao et al. 2021) proposes
                                                                          method on two kinds of baseline models, namely, transform-
to accelerate a pre-trained transformer network by remov-
                                                                          ers of flat structures such as DeiT (Touvron et al. 2020) and
ing redundant tokens hierarchically, and explores an data-
                                                                          transformers of deep-narrow structures such as LeViT (Gra-
dependent down-sampling strategy via self-distillation. De-
                                                                          ham et al. 2021) on ImageNet (Deng et al. 2009) dataset. Our
spite of the significant acceleration, these unstructured token
                                                                          self-motivated slow-fast token evolution method allows the
pruning methods are restricted in two folds due to their in-
                                                                          DeiT model to improve inference throughput by 40%-60%
complete spatial structure and information flow, namely, the
                                                                          and further accelerates the state-of-the-art efficient trans-
inapplicability on structured compressed transformers and
                                                                          former LeViT while maintaining comparable performance.
inability to train from scratch.
   In this paper, as shown in the third pathway of Fig. 1,
we propose to handle the inefficiency problem in a dynamic                                       Related Work
data-dependent way from the very beginning of the train-                  Vision Transformer Recently, a series of transformer
ing process while suitable for structured compression meth-               models (Han et al. 2020; Khan et al. 2021; Tay et al. 2020b)
ods. We denote uninformative tokens that contribute little                are proposed to solve various computer vision tasks. The
to the final prediction but bring computational cost when                 transformer has achieved promising success in image clas-
bridging redundant long-range dependencies as placeholder                 sification (Dosovitskiy et al. 2021; Touvron et al. 2020;
tokens. Different from structured compression that reduces                d’Ascoli et al. 2021), object detection (Carion et al. 2020;
local spatial redundancy in (Wang et al. 2021a; Graham                    Liu et al. 2021; Zhu et al. 2020) and instance segmenta-
et al. 2021), we propose to distinguish the informative to-               tion (Duke et al. 2021; Zheng et al. 2021) due to its signif-
kens from the placeholder tokens for each instance in an un-              icant capability of modeling long-range dependencies. Vi-
structured and dynamic way, and update the two types of to-               sion Transformer (ViT) (Dosovitskiy et al. 2021) is among
kens with different computation paths. Instead of searching               the pioneering works that achieve state-of-the-art perfor-
for redundancy and pruning in a pre-trained network such                  mance with large-scale pre-training. DeiT (Touvron et al.
as (Tang et al. 2021; Rao et al. 2021), by preserving place-              2020) manages to tackle the data-inefficiency problem in
holder tokens, the complete spatial structure and informa-                ViT by simply adjusting training strategies and adding an
tion flow can be maintained. In this way, our method can be               additional token along with the class token for knowledge
a generic plugin in most ViTs of both flat and deep-narrow                distillation. To achieve better accuracy-speed trade-offs for
structures from the very beginning of training.                           general dense prediction, recent works (Yuan et al. 2021b;
   Concretely, Evo-ViT 1 , a self-motivated slow-fast token               Graham et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2021a) design transform-
evolution approach for dynamic ViTs is proposed in this                   ers of deep-narrow structures by adopting sub-sampling op-
work. We claim that since transformers have insights into                 eration (e.g., strided down-sampling, local average pooling,
global dependencies among image tokens and learn for clas-                convolutional sampling) to reduce the number of tokens in
sification, it is naturally able to distinguish informative to-           intermediate layers.
kens from placeholder tokens for each instance, which is
self-motivated. Taking DeiT (Touvron et al. 2020) in Fig. 2               Redundancy Reduction Transformers take high compu-
as example, we find that the class token of DeiT-T estimates              tational cost because the multi-head self-attention (MSA)
importance of each token for dependency modeling and fi-                  requires quadratic time complexity and the feed forward
nal classification. Especially in deeper layers (e.g., layer              network (FFN) increases the dimension of latent features.
10), the class token usually augments informative tokens                  The existing acceleration methods for transformers can be
                                                                          mainly categorized into sparse attention mechanism, knowl-
   1                                                                      edge distillation (Sanh et al. 2019), and pruning. The sparse
       The code is available at https://github.com/YifanXu74/Evo-
ViT.                                                                      attention mechanism includes, for example, low rank fac-
torization (Xu et al. 2021; Wang et al. 2020), fixed local                       Global Class Attention Evolution
                                                                                                                              Vanilla Transformer Block
patterns (Liu et al. 2021), and learnable patterns (Tay et al.

                                                                                                                                                            Global Class Attention Evolution
                                                                                   Slow Updating
2020a; Beltagy, Peters, and Cohan 2020). (He et al. 2020)
                                                                                                                                     Global CLS attention
proposes to add an evolved global attention to the attention        0.05                                                      MSA
                                                                                               Vanilla                                         +
matrix in each layer for a better residual mechanism. Mo-           0.2
                                                                                               Block                                      CLS attention
tivated by this work, we propose the evolved global class           0.05
attention to guide the token selection in each layer. The           0.04
                                                                    0.1                                                       FFN
closest paradigm to this work is token pruning. (Tang et al.        0.3
2021) presents a top-down layer-by-layer patch slimming al-         Token
gorithm to reduce the computational cost in pre-trained vi-        Selection
                                                                                         Fast Updating       +
sion transformers. The patch slimming scheme is conducted
under a careful control of the feature reconstruction error, so                CLS token                  placeholder token   selected informative token

that the pruned transformer network can maintain the origi-                    representative token                            global class attention

nal performance with lower computational cost. (Rao et al.
2021) devises a lightweight prediction module to estimate         Figure 3: The overall diagram of the proposed slow-fast to-
the importance score of each token given the current features     ken evolution (Evo-ViT) method.
of a pre-trained transformer. The module is plugged into dif-
ferent layers to prune placeholder tokens in a unstructured         Specifically, a self-attention (SA) module projects the in-
way and is supervised by a distillation loss based on the         put sequences into query, key, value vectors (i.e., Q, K, V ∈
predictions of the original pre-trained transformer. Differ-      R(1+N )×C ) using three learnable linear mapping WQ , WK
ent from these pruning works, we proposed to preserve the         and WV . Then, a weighted sum over all values in the se-
placeholder tokens, and update the informative tokens and         quence is computed through:
placeholder tokens with different computation paths; thus
our method can achieve better performance and be suitable                                                   QK T
                                                                                    SA(Q, K, V ) = Sof tmax( √ )V.                                                                             (2)
for various transformers due to the complete spatial struc-                                                   C
ture. In addition, the complete information flow allows us to
accelerate transformers with scratch training.                    MSA is an extension of SA. It splits queries, keys, and val-
                                                                  ues for h times and performs the attention function in paral-
                                                                  lel, then linearly projects their concatenated outputs.
                      Preliminaries                                  It is worth noting that one very different design of ViT
ViT (Dosovitskiy et al. 2021) proposes a simple tokeniza-         from CNNs is the CLS token. The CLS token interacts with
tion strategy that handles images by reshaping them into flat-    patch tokens at each encoder and summarizes all the patch
tened sequential patches and linearly projecting each patch       tokens for the final representation. We denote the similar-
into latent embedding. An extra class token (CLS) is added        ity scores between the CLS token and patch tokens as class
to the sequence and serves as the global image representa-        attention Acls , formulated as:
tion. Moreover, since self-attention in the transformer en-                                                 qcls K T
coder is position-agnostic and vision applications highly re-                               Acls = Sof tmax( √ ),                                                                              (3)
quire position information, ViT adds position embedding                                                          C
into each token, including the CLS token. Afterwards, all         where qcls is the query vector of the CLS token.
tokens are passed through stacked transformer encoders and
the CLS token is used for final classification.                   Computational complexity. In ViT, the computational
   The transformer is composed of a series of stacked en-         cost of the MSA and FFN modules are O(4N C 2 + 2N 2 C)
coders where each encoder consists of two modules, namely,        and O(8N C 2 ), respectively. For pruning methods (Rao et al.
a multi-head self-attention (MSA) module and a feed for-          2021; Tang et al. 2021), by pruning η% tokens, at least η%
ward network (FFN) module. The FFN module contains two            FLOPS in the FFN and MSA modules can be reduced. Our
linear transformations with an activation function. The resid-    method can achieve the same efficiency while suitable for
ual connections are employed around both MSA and FFN              scratch training and versatile downstream applications.
modules, followed by layer normalization (LN). Given the
input x0 of ViT, the processing of the k-th encoder can be                                             Methodology
mathematically expressed as                                       Overview
             x0 = dxcls | xpatch e + xpos ,                       In this paper, we aim to handle the inefficiency modeling
                                                                  issue in each input instance from the very beginning of
             yk = xk−1 + M SA(LN (xk−1 )),                 (1)    the training process of a versatile transformer. As shown in
             xk = yk + F F N (LN (yk )),                          Fig 3, the pipeline of Evo-ViT mainly contains two parts: the
                                                                  structure preserving token selection module and the slow-
where xcls ∈ R1×C and xpatch ∈ RN ×C are CLS and patch            fast token updating module. In the structure preserving to-
tokens respectively and xpos ∈ R(1+N )×C denotes the po-          ken selection module, the informative tokens and the place-
sition embedding. N and C are the number of patch tokens          holder tokens are determined by the evolved global class
and the dimension of the embedding.                               attention, so that they can be updated in different manners
100                                                    0.65                                       0.025                   that our proposed evolved global class attention is able to

                                               Correlation Coefficient
                   Informative tokens                                                 Mean
                   Placeholder tokens                                                                                               be a simple measure to help dynamically distinguish in-
 CKA Similarity
                                                                         0.6          Variance              0.02

                                                                                                                   Variance Value
           80      All tokens
           70                                                    0.55                                       0.015                   formative tokens and placeholder tokens in a vision trans-
           50                                                            0.5                                0.01
                                                                                                                                    former. In Fig. 4(a), the distinguished informative tokens
           40                                                                                                                       have high CKA correlation with the final CLS token, while
                                                                 0.45                                       0.005
           30                                                                                                                       the placeholder tokens have low CKA correlation. As shown
           20                                                            0.4                                0
                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                                                                                                                                    in Fig. 2, the global class attention is able to focus on the
                     Layer index of DeiT-S                                       Layer index of DeiT-S                              object tokens, which is consistent to the visualization results
                    (a) Inter-layer                                                 (b) Intra-layer                                 of (Chefer, Gur, and Wolf 2021). In the following part of this
                                                                                                                                    section, detailed introduction of our structure preserving to-
Figure 4: Two folds that illustrate the difficulty of pruning                                                                       ken selection method is provided.
the shallow layers. (a) The CKA similarity between the final                                                                           As discussed in Preliminaries Section, the class attention
CLS token and token features in each layer. (b) The Pearson                                                                         Acls is calculated by Eqn. 3. We select k tokens whose
correlation coefficient of the token features in each layer.                                                                        scores in the class attention are among the top k as the infor-
                                                                                                                                    mative tokens. The remaining N − k tokens are recognized
in the following slow-fast token updating module. Specif-                                                                           as placeholder tokens that contain less information. Differ-
ically, the placeholder tokens are summarized and updated                                                                           ent from token pruning, the placeholder tokens are kept and
by a representative token. The long-term dependencies and                                                                           fast-updated rather than dropped.
feature richness of the representative token and the informa-                                                                          For better capability of capturing the underlying informa-
tive tokens are evolved via the MSA and FFN modules.                                                                                tion among tokens in different layers, we propose a global
   We first elaborate on the proposed structure preserving                                                                          class attention that augments the class attention by evolving
token selection module. Then, we introduce how to update                                                                            it across layers as shown in Fig. 3. Specifically, a residual
the informative tokens and the placeholder tokens in a slow-                                                                        connection between class attention of different layers is de-
fast approach. Finally, the training details, such as the loss                                                                      signed to facilitate the attention information flow with some
and other training strategies, are introduced.                                                                                      regularization effects. Mathematically,

Structure preserving token selection                                                                                                            Akcls,g = α · Ak−1                k
                                                                                                                                                               cls,g + (1 − α) · Acls ,          (4)
In this work, we propose to preserve all the tokens and dy-
                                                                                                                                    where Akcls,g is the global class attention in the k-th layer,
namically distinguish informative tokens and placeholder to-
kens for complete information flow. The reason is that it                                                                           and Akcls is the class attention in the k-th layer. We use
is not trivial to prune tokens in shallow and middle layers                                                                         Akcls,g for the token selection in the (k+1)-th layer for stabil-
of a vision transformer, especially in the beginning of the                                                                         ity and efficiency. For each layer with token selection, only
training process. We explain this problem in both inter-layer                                                                       the global class attention scores of the selected informative
and intra-layer ways. First, shallow and middle layers usu-                                                                         tokens are updated.
ally present fast growing capability of feature representation.
Pruning tokens brings severe information loss. Following                                                                            Slow-fast token updating
Refiner (Zhou et al. 2021), we use centered kernel alignment                                                                        Once the informative tokens and the placeholder tokens are
(CKA) similarity (Kornblith et al. 2019) to measure similar-                                                                        determined by the global class attention, we propose to up-
ity of the intermediate token features in each layer and the fi-                                                                    date tokens in a slow-fast way instead of harshly dropping
nal CLS token, assuming that the final CLS token is strongly                                                                        placeholder tokens as (Tang et al. 2021; Rao et al. 2021).
correlated with classification. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the to-                                                                      As shown in Fig. 3, informative tokens are carefully evolved
ken features of DeiT-T keep evolving fast when the model                                                                            via MSA and FFN modules, while placeholder tokens are
goes deeper and the final CLS token feature is quite differ-                                                                        coarsely summarized and updated via a representative token.
ent from token features in shallow layers. It indicates that                                                                        We introduce our slow-fast token updating strategy mathe-
the representations in shallow or middle layers are insuffi-                                                                        matically as follows.
ciently encoded, which makes token pruning quite difficult.                                                                            For N patch tokens xpatch , we first split them into k infor-
Second, tokens have low correlation with each other in the                                                                          mative tokens xinf ∈ Rk×C and N − k placeholder tokens
shallow layers. We evaluate the Pearson correlation coeffi-                                                                         xph ∈ R(N −k)×C by the above-mentioned token selection
cient (PCC) among different patch token queries with re-                                                                            strategy. Then, the placeholder tokens xph are aggregated
spect to the network depth in the DeiT-S model to show re-
dundancy. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the lower correlation with                                                                         into a representative token xrep ∈ R1×C , as follows:
larger variance in the shallow layers also proves the diffi-                                                                                              xrep = φagg (xph ),                    (5)
culty to distinguish redundancy in shallow features.
   The attention weight is the easiest and most popular ap-                                                                         where φagg : R(N −k)×C → R1×C denotes an aggregat-
proach (Abnar and Zuidema 2020; Wang et al. 2021b) to                                                                               ing function, such as weighted sum or transposed linear pro-
interpret a model’s decisions and to gain insights about the                                                                        jection (Tolstikhin et al. 2021). Here we use weighted sum
propagation of information among tokens. The class atten-                                                                           based on the corresponding global attention score in Eqn. 4.
tion weight described in Eqn. 3 reflects the information col-                                                                          Then, both the informative tokens xinf and the represen-
lection and broadcast processes of the CLS token. We find                                                                           tative token xrep are fed into MSA and FFN modules, and
(∗)        (∗)                   Table 1: Comparison with existing token pruning methods
their residuals are recorded as xinf and xrep for skip con-
nections, which can be denoted by:                                  on DeiT. The image resolution is 224 × 224 unless specified.
                                                                      denotes that the image resolution is 384 × 384.
       xinf , x(1)
               rep = M SA(xinf , xrep ),
                             (1)                                                                       Top-1 Acc. Throughput
          xinf ←xinf + xinf , xrep ← xrep + x(1)
                                             rep ,                   Method
                                                             (6)                                          (%)     (img/s) (%)
       xinf , x(2)
               rep = F F N (xinf , xrep ),                                                     DeiT-T
                                (2)                                  Baseline (Touvron et al. 2020)      72.2       2536     -
              xinf ← xinf +    xinf .
                                                                     PS-ViT (Tang et al. 2021)           72.0       3563    40.5
Thus, the informative tokens xinf and the representative to-         DynamicViT (Rao et al. 2021)        71.2       3890    53.4
ken xrep are updated in a slow and elaborate way.                    SViTE (Chen et al. 2021)            70.1       2836    11.8
  Finally, the placeholder tokens xph are updated in a fast          Evo-ViT (ours)                      72.0       4027    58.8
way by the residuals of xrep :                                                                 DeiT-S
          xph ← xph + φexp (x(1)            (2)
                             rep ) + φexp (xrep ),           (7)     Baseline (Touvron et al. 2020)      79.8        940     -
                                                                     PS-ViT (Tang et al. 2021)           79.4       1308    43.6
where φexp : R1×C → R(N −k)×C denotes an expanding
                                                                     DynamicViT (Rao et al. 2021)        79.3       1479    57.3
function, such as simple copy in our method.                         SViTE (Chen et al. 2021)            79.2       1215    29.3
   It is worth noting that the placeholder tokens are fast up-       IA-RED2 (Pan et al. 2021)           79.1       1360    44.7
dated by the residuals of xrep rather than the output features.      Evo-ViT (ours)                      79.4       1510    60.6
In fact, the fast updating serves as a skip connection for the
placeholder tokens. By utilizing residuals, we can ensure the                                  DeiT-B
output features of the slow updating and fast updating mod-          Baseline (Touvron et al. 2020)      81.8       299      -
ules within the same order of magnitude.                             Baseline∗ (Touvron et al. 2020)     82.8        87      -
                                                                     PS-ViT (Tang et al. 2021)           81.5       445     48.8
Training Strategies                                                  DynamicViT (Rao et al. 2021)        80.8       454     51.8
Layer-to-stage training schedule. Our proposed token se-             SViTE (Chen et al. 2021)            82.2       421     40.8
                                                                     IA-RED2 (Pan et al. 2021)           80.9       453     42.9
lection mechanism becomes increasingly stable and consis-
                                                                     IA-RED2∗ (Pan et al. 2021)          81.9       129     51.5
tent as the training process. Fig. 5 shows that the token selec-
                                                                     Evo-ViT (ours)                      81.3       462     54.5
tion results of a well-trained transformer turn to be consis-        Evo-ViT∗ (ours)                     82.0       139     59.8
tent across different layers; thereby indicating that the trans-
former tends to augment informative tokens with computing                                  Experiments
resource as much as possible, namely the full transformer
networks. Thus, we propose a layer-to-stage training strat-
egy for further efficiency. Specifically, we conduct the token      In this section, we demonstrate the superiority of the pro-
selection and slow-fast token updating layer by layer at the        posed Evo-ViT approach through extensive experiments on
first 200 training epochs. During the remaining 100 epochs,         the ImageNet-1k (Deng et al. 2009) classification dataset.
we only conduct token selection at the beginning of each            To demonstrate the generalization of our method, we con-
stage, and then slow-fast updating is normally performed in         duct experiments on vision transformers of both flat and
each layer. For transformers with flat structure such as DeiT,      deep-narrow structures, i.e., DeiT (Touvron et al. 2020) and
we manually arrange four layers as one stage.                       LeViT (Graham et al. 2021). Following (Graham et al.
Assisted CLS token loss. Although many state-of-the-art             2021), we train LeViT with distillation and without batch
vision transformers (Wang et al. 2021a; Graham et al. 2021)         normalization fusion. We apply the position embedding
remove the CLS token and use the final average pooled fea-          in (Wang et al. 2021a) to LeViT for better efficiency. For
tures for classification, it is not difficult to add a CLS token    overall comparisons with the state-of-the-art methods (Rao
in their models for our token selection strategy. We empiri-        et al. 2021; Tang et al. 2021; Chen et al. 2021; Pan et al.
cally find that the ability of distinguishing two types of to-      2021), we conduct the token selection and slow-fast token
kens of the CLS token as illustrated in Fig. 2 is kept in these     updating from the fifth layer of DeiT and the third layer (ex-
models even without supervision on the CLS token. For bet-          cluding the convolution layers) of LeViT, respectively. The
ter stability, we calculate classification losses based on the      selection ratios of informative tokens in all selected layers
CLS token together with the final average pooled features           of both DeiT and LeViT are set to 0.5. The global CLS at-
during training. Mathematically,                                    tention trade-off α in Eqn. 4 are set to 0.5 for all layers. For
                                                                    fair comparisons, all the models are trained for 300 epochs.
              ŷcls , ŷ = m(xcls , xpatch ),
                     L = φ(ŷcls , y) + φ(Avg(ŷ), y),              Main Results
where y is the ground-truth of xcls and xpatch ; m denotes the      Comparisons with existing pruning methods. In Table 1,
transformer model; φ is the classification metric function,         we compare our method with existing token pruning meth-
usually realized by the cross-entropy loss. During inference,       ods (Rao et al. 2021; Pan et al. 2021; Tang et al. 2021; Chen
the final average pooled features are used for classification       et al. 2021). Since token pruning methods are unable to re-
and the CLS token is only used for token selection.                 cover the 2D structure and are usually designed for trans-
Table 2: Comparison with state-of-the-art vision transform-             Table 3: Method ablation on DeiT and LeViT.
ers. The input image resolution is 224×224 unless specified.
  denotes that the image resolution is 384 × 384.                                                DeiT-T        LeViT 128S
                                                                  Strategy                   Acc. Throughput Acc. Throughput
                      Param     Throughput     Top-1 Acc.                                    (%)    (img/s)  (%)    (img/s)
                       (M)        (img/s)         (%)             baseline                   72.2          2536      74.5       8755
  LeViT-128S            7.8        8755           74.5            + naive selection          70.8          3824       -           -
  LeViT-128             9.2        6109           76.2            + structure preservation   71.6          3802      72.1       9892
  LeViT-192            10.9        4705           78.4            + global attention         72.0          3730      72.5       9452
  PVTv2-B1             14.0        1225           78.7            + fast updating            72.0          3610      73.0       9360
  CoaT-Lite Tiny        5.7        1083           76.6            + layer-to-stage           72.0          4027      73.0      10135
  PiT-Ti                4.9        3030           73.0
  Evo-LeViT-128S        7.8        10135          73.0           Table 4: Different token selection strategies on DeiT-T. We
  Evo-LeViT-128         9.2         8323          74.4           conduct all sub-sampling methods at the seventh layer and
  Evo-LeViT-192        11.0        6148           76.8           conduct token selection strategies from the fifth layer.
  LeViT-256            18.9        3357           80.1
  LeViT-256∗           19.0         906           81.8             Method                      Acc. (%)           Throughput (img/s)
  PVTv2-B2             25.4         687           82.0             average pooling                  69.5                3703
  PiT-S                23.5        1266           80.9             max pooling                      69.8                3698
  Swin-T               29.4         755           81.3             convolution                      70.2                3688
  CoaT-Lite Small      20.0         550           81.9
                                                                   random selection                 66.4                3760
  Evo-LeViT-256        19.0        4277           78.8             last class attention             69.7                1694
  Evo-LeViT-256∗       19.2        1285           81.1             attention column mean            71.2                3596
  LeViT-384            39.1        1838           81.6             global class attention           72.0                3730
  LeViT-384∗           39.2         523           82.8
  PVTv2-B3             45.2         457           83.2
  PiT-B                73.8         348           82.0           Ablation Analysis
  Evo-LeViT-384        39.3        2412           80.7           Effectiveness of each module. To evaluate the effectiveness
  Evo-LeViT-384∗       39.6         712           82.2           of each sub-method, we add the following improvements
                                                                 step by step in Tab. 3 on transformers of both flat and deep-
                                                                 narrow structures, namely DeiT and LeViT: i) Naive selec-
                                                                 tion. Simply drop the placeholder tokens based on the orig-
formers with flat structures, we comprehensively conduct         inal class attention in each layer; ii) Structure preservation.
the comparisons based on DeiT (Touvron et al. 2020) on Im-       Preserve the placeholder tokens but not fast update them; iii)
ageNet dataset. We report the top-1 accuracy and throughput      Global attention. Utilize the proposed global class attention
for performance evaluation. The throughput is measured on        instead of vanilla class attention for token selection; iv) Fast
a single NVIDIA V100 GPU with batch size fixed to 256,           updating. Augment the preserved placeholder tokens with
which is the same as the setting of DeiT. Results indicate       fast updating; v) Layer-to-stage. Apply the proposed layer-
that our method outperforms previous token pruning meth-         to-stage training strategy to further accelerate inference.
ods on both accuracy and efficiency. Our method accelerates
                                                                    Results on DeiT indicate that our structure preserving
the inference throughput by over 60% with negligible accu-
                                                                 strategy further improves the selection performance due to
racy drop (-0.4%) on DeiT-S.
                                                                 its capacity of preserving complete information flow. The
Comparisons with state-of-the-art ViT models. Owing to           evolved global class attention enhances the consistency of
the preserved placeholder tokens, our method guarantees the      token selection across layers and achieves better perfor-
spatial structure that is indispensable for most existing mod-   mance. The fast updating strategy has less effect on DeiT
ern ViT architectures. Thus, we further apply our method         than on LeViT. We claim that the performance of DeiT
to the state-of-the-art efficient transformer LeViT (Graham      turns to be saturated based on structure preservation and
et al. 2021), which presents a deep-narrow architecture. As      global class attention, while LeViT still has some space for
shown in Table 2, our method can further accelerate the          improvement. LeViT exploits spatial pooling for token re-
deep-narrow transformer such as LeViT. We have observed          duction, which makes unstructured token reduction in each
larger accuracy degradation of our method on LeViT than on       stage more difficult. By using the fast updating strategy, it is
DeiT. The reason lies that the deeper layers of LeViT have       possible to collect some extra cues from placeholder tokens
few tokens and therefore have less redundancy due to the         for accurate and augmented feature representations. We also
shrinking pyramid structure. With dense input, such as the       evaluate the layer-to-stage strategy. Results indicate that it
image resolution of 384×384, our method accelerates LeViT        further accelerates inference while maintaining accuracy.
with less accuracy degradation and more acceleration ratio,      Different Token Selection Strategy. We compare our
which indicates the effectiveness of our method on dense in-     global-attention-based token selection strategy with several
put.                                                             common token selection strategies and sub-sampling meth-
Testing phase                                  Training phase                        Layer-to-stage
                Original       Layer 5         Layer 9          Layer 11         Epoch 10      Epoch 50    Epoch 100          Stage 2        Stage 3

Figure 5: Token selection results on DeiT-T. The left, middle, and right three columns denote the selection results on a well-
trained Evo-ViT, the fifth layer at different training epochs, and Evo-ViT with the proposed layer-to-stage strategy, respectively.

                                               Top1 Acc: 78.9   Top1 Acc: 79.1         cuses on objects instead of backgrounds, thereby indicating
                                               Top1 Acc: 79.4   Top1 Acc: 79.2         that our method can effectively discriminate the informative
                                                                                       tokens from placeholder tokens. The selection results tend
Keeping ratio

                                                                                       to be consistent across layers, which proves the feasibility
                                                                                       of our layer-to-stage training strategy. Another interesting
                                                                                       finding is that some missed tokens in the shallow layers are
                                                                                       retrieved in the deep layers owing to our structure preserv-
                                                                                       ing strategy. Take the baseball images as an example, tokens
                                                                                       of the bat are gradually picked up as the layer goes deeper.
                       5   6      7      8       9       10      11      12            This phenomenon is more obvious under our layer-to-stage
                                Layer index of DeiT-S                                  training strategy in the right three columns. We also inves-
                                                                                       tigate how the token selection evolves during the training
Figure 6: Different architecture of the accelerated DeiT-S via                         stage in the middle three columns. Results demonstrate that
our method. We start our token selection from the fifth layer.                         some informative tokens, such as the fish tail, are determined
                                                                                       as placeholder tokens at the early epochs. With more training
                                                                                       epochs, our method gradually turns to be stable for discrim-
ods in Tab. 4 to evaluate the effectiveness of our method. All                         inative token selection.
token selection strategies are conducted under our structure
preserving strategy without layer-to-stage training schedule.
    The token selection strategies include: randomly select-                           Consistent keeping ratio. We set different keeping ratio of
ing the informative tokens (random selection); Utilizing the                           tokens in each layer to investigate the best acceleration ar-
class attention of the last layer for selection in all layers                          chitecture of Evo-ViT. The keeping ratio determines how
via twice inference (last class attention); taking the column                          many tokens are kept as informative tokens. Previous token
mean of the attention matrix as the score of each token as                             pruning works (Rao et al. 2021; Tang et al. 2021) present
proposed in (Kim et al. 2021) (attention column mean).                                 a gradual shrinking architecture, in which more tokens are
    Results in Tab. 4 indicate that our evolved global class at-                       recognized as placeholder tokens in deeper layers. They are
tention outperforms the other selection strategies and com-                            restricted in this type of architecture due to direct pruning.
mon sub-sampling methods on both accuracy and efficiency.                              Our method allows more flexible token selection owing to
We have observed obvious performance degradation with                                  the structure preserving slow-fast token evolution. As shown
last class attention, although the attention in deeper layers                          in Fig. 6, we maintain the sum of the number of placeholder
is more focused on objects in Fig. 2. A possible reason is                             tokens in all layers and adjust the keeping ratio in each layer.
that the networks require some background information to                               Results demonstrate that the best performance is reached
assist classification, while restricting all layers to only focus                      with a consistent keeping ratio across all layers. We explain
on objects during the entire training process leads to under-                          the reason as follows. In the above visualization, we find that
fitting on the background features.                                                    the token selection results tend to be consistent across lay-
Visualization. We visualize the token selection in Fig. 5 to                           ers, indicating that the transformer tends to augment infor-
demonstrate performance of our method during both train-                               mative tokens with computing resource as much as possible.
ing and testing stages. The visualized models in the left                              In Fig. 6, at most 50% tokens are passed through the full
and middle three columns are trained without the layer-to-                             transformer network when the keeping ratios in all layers
stage training strategy. The left three columns demonstrate                            are set to 0.5, thereby augmenting the most number of infor-
results on different layers of a well-trained DeiT-T model.                            mative tokens with the best computing resource, namely, the
Results show that our token selection method mainly fo-                                full transformer network.
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