Dark Sky: a cross-curricula Problem Based Learning unit - NSW Department of Planning

Page created by Danny Ball
Dark Sky: a cross-curricula Problem Based Learning unit - NSW Department of Planning
Dark Sky:
         a cross-curricula Problem Based Learning unit

                  Teachers: please sign up at www.planning.nsw.gov.au/darkskyeducation
                   Signing up will:
                              Ensure that you are assigned an expert/mentor for your class.
                              Ensure that you are alerted to any new resources available.
                              Ensure eligibility for the Department of Planning and Environment’s Dark Sky competition.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                             Dubbo School of Distance Education                            Page | 1
Attributions & Copyright:

    This publication is copyright New South Wales Department of Education (DoE), however, it may contain material from other sources, which is not
    owned by DoE. We would like to acknowledge the following people and organisations whose material has been used and adapted:
       Department of Planning and Environment                                                       Grand Canyon River Guides https://www.gcrg.org/docs/gtslib/Star-Guide-
       Australian Broadcasting Commission                                                            for-River-Guides.pdf
       BabaGot BARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dR3iKaWUoU                                     SoulPancake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75okexRzWMk
       International Dark-Sky Association                                                           Good Magazine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52YKJ31pde0
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd82jaztFIo                                                  Theodore Roosevelt NP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk_yirISflc
       Sriram Murali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfv0kO19vu8                                    Seeker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYAzTYmXMBg&t=1s
       Sriram Murali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2hNaT56FUY&t=18s                              What you can do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooLYWwA43SE&t=3s
       Sriram Murali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doHVMJnuvDA&t=67s                              Mathieu Descombes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meo9aBB9RvA
       Quartz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqtOgIxo94I&t=4s

                                                                         COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA

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                         The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this
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    Written by: Melissa McNair and Kelly Pfeiffer, Dubbo School of Distance Education, 2018
    © State of New South Wales, Department of Education 2018

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                            Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                              Page | 2
Dark Sky: Protecting the observing conditions at Siding Spring
 Stage: 3 (Years 5 and 6) Class:                 Duration: 1 term                                   Term/Year:

 Driving Question            How can we contribute to maintaining the Critical Light Threshold at the Siding Spring Observatory by helping our
 (Inquiry question)          community take specific steps to reduce light pollution?
 Unit Description            Students will research and discuss ideas with experts to determine how their community can contribute to
                             maintaining the Critical Light Threshold in order to protect Siding Spring Observatory from the cumulative impact of

                             Through research and conducting experiments in class, student teams will analyse the impact of light pollution in their
                             community. Teams will produce a plan and set of recommendations for their local community to further reduce or
                             minimise the effects of light pollution. Student teams will present their ideas/concepts to an authentic audience.

                             The students’ community may consist of their friends and family, their local community, school community and/or
                             their global community. Teachers might allocate student teams various lighting scenarios to investigate in their
                             community such as, street lighting, home lighting, business and/or school lighting or allow teams to decide on their
                             area of inquiry.

 Organisation                At the end of this Project Based Learning unit, teams must present a final product (which is a solution to the driving
                             question) by addressing the following points:
                                 1. Find examples of the three main types of light pollution in your home/neighbourhood/community.
                                 2. Discuss why these three examples are light pollution for the environment (and Siding Spring Observatory if
                                     your community is within 200 km of Siding Spring).
                                 3. List steps their community can take to minimise the effects of these types of pollution.
                                 4. Present findings that demonstrate an innovative idea/concept/product that will maintain the Critical Light
                                     Threshold at the Siding Spring Observatory

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                     Page | 3
The final product may be submitted in any form or forms that suit the student team.
                                 Possible products that teams could conceptualise or make to answer the driving question could include but are
                                    not limited to; apps, infographics, redesigned lighting fixtures, innovative lighting, a television or radio
                                    infomercial designed to educate the community. Do not limit student thinking, but rather allow them to be
                                    creative with their ideas.
                                 Formats used to present ideas could include but are not limited to; movies, original songs, artwork,
                                    infographics, storybook, digital storytelling, websites, cartoon strips and comic book.
 Term 2, 2019                   1. Competition is open to all NSW public, independent and catholic schools.
 Dark Sky Competition           2. All team submissions must be endorsed by the principal of a NSW school.
                                3. Teachers will run the program during Term 2, 2019.
                                4. Teams must be made up of 2 – 4 students. Teams bigger than 4 students will be ineligible for the competition.
                                5. Team members must all be in Stage 3 at the same school.
                                6. Schools will nominate an authentic audience from their school or local community to act as a local judging
                                7. Student teams will present their final idea/concept/product to the local judging panel at the end of the unit.
                                8. The local judging panel will use the supplied rubric to determine the top two teams from the school.
                                9. The top two entries from each school should be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment
                                    Western by post or uploaded to DPE Western by 5 pm, 5 July 2019 (last day of term 2, 2019).
                                10. Entries must include a video of the students presenting their final idea/concept/product addressing the four
                                    points see page 3.
                                11. Judging to occur and winners announced Term 3, 2019.
                                12. Judges decision will be final.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                               Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                  Page | 4
Outcomes                    EN3-1A
                             Communicates effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes using increasingly challenging topics, ideas, issues and language forms and
                             Composes, edits and presents well-structured and coherent texts
                             Uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and
                             Thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and ideas and identifies connections between texts when
                             responding to and composing texts
                             Plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and summarises data to communicate conclusions
                             Plans and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity
                             Defines problems, and designs, modifies and follows algorithms to develop solutions
                             Examines how the environment affects the growth, survival and adaptation of living things
                             Explains regular events in the solar system and geological events on the Earth’s surface
                             Describes the diverse features and characteristics of places and environments
                             Explains interactions and connections between people, places and environments
                             Compares and contrasts influences on the management of places and environments
                             Acquires, processes and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry
                             Describes and explains different experiences of people living in Australia over time
                             Communicates confidently in a variety of situations
                             Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations.
                             Suggests, considers and selects appropriate alternatives when resolving problems.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                     Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                                     Page | 5
Student cohort context      This refers to the demographics of your individual class and what might have to be taken into consideration when teaching this
                             particular group of students.

 Resources supplied          All resources are available in Google Drive:
 electronically              https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1co0sAYEt-PeJKZRYAr_GQJMXbGdWahdr?usp=sharing
                             You will be able to download resources to a local drive or save in your personal Google Drive.
                             See Appendix 1 (pages 31-33) for a full list of resources.
 Human resources             Expert/mentors will be assigned to each individual classroom teacher that signs up.
                             Each teacher participating from your school should sign up individually, using their school email account. This will
                             ensure that they are alerted to any new resources available.

 Additional Resources        Decorations for classroom, space themed music

 Assessments                 Quiz – Pre And Post
                             Observations throughout unit
                             Final product

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                  Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                            Page | 6
Bloom’s Level/Verb
                    Quality Teaching Framework                                                                     ICT                             Key Competencies
 Intellectual Quality         Quality Learning              Significance                            Google Classroom                                Collecting                                   Design: create/propose/predict
                              Environment                                                           Google Apps                                     Analysing                                    Evaluate: assess/justify/argue
     Deep knowledge           Explicit quality                Narrative                          LMS e.g. Moodle/Canvas                          Organising                                   Analyse: debate/differentiate
     Deep understanding          criteria                      Cultural knowledge                 Internet                                        Communicating ideas                          Apply: solve/demonstrate
     Problematic              Engagement                      Background                         Pod cast                                        Planning                                     Understand: discuss/outline
      knowledge                Self-regulation                  knowledge                          Laptop/computer/tablet                          Working with others                          Remember: define/list/state
     Higher order thinking    Self-direction                  Inclusivity                        Webquest                                        Working mathematically
     Metalanguage             Social support                  Connectedness                      Software                                        Problem solving
     Substantive              High expectation                Knowledge                          webtools
      communication                                              integration

       Cross-curricula Priority
                                                                                General Adjustments and Adaptations                                                                                  General Capabilities
                                                    Learning Environment                                               4.9: Simplify instructions and begin with a verb
                                                   1.1: Use of structure routines at the start of the lesson           4.10: Negotiate tasks                                                    Literacy
     Aboriginal and Torres                         Expectations:                                                       4.11: Double space questions
                                                   2.1: Keep instructions short, concise, clear and positive           4.12: Use visual texts, diagrams, labelling
     Strait Islander Histories                          Repeat if necessary                                            4.13: Arrange for oral testing
                                                   2.2: Ask students to repeat instructions for clarification and      4.14: Provide a list of appropriate resources / websites
     and Cultures                                       understanding.                                                 4.15: Scaffold the tasks from lower order to higher order
                                                   2.3: Give reminders for students to stay on task                    4.16: Give alternative assignments in subject
                                                   2.4: Show examples of what you want students to produce.            Teaching strategies
                                                   2.5: When asking questions, allow ‘think time’ before               5.1: Use high-impact, game-like materials
                                                   expecting an answer.                                                5.2: Use short, frequent quizzes/ oral questions
                                                   2.6: Teach required skills explicitly                               5.3: Link to prior learning with You tube videos
                                                   2.7: Positive acknowledgement of effort                             5.4: Give student a copy of notes                                        ICT Capability
     Asia and Australia’s                          2.8: Set short achievable goals                                     5.5: Provide time for periodic review of student’s notes (written,
     Engagement with Asia                          2.9: regular feedback on students work.                             dictated, word processed)
                                                   Presentation of Lesson                                              5.6: Simplify the language used
                                                   3.1: Use visual aids with oral presentation                         5.7: Repeat essential skills/information and break down into chunks
                                                                                                                                                                                                Critical and Creative
                                                   3.2: Adjust work load                                               5.8: Scaffold answers to questions                                       Thinking
                                                   3.3: Use large type / double spacing                                5.9: Provide word banks of key words
                                                   3.4: Keep page format simple                                        5.10: Provide a list of relevant websites
                                                   3.5: Use dark ink, different fonts                                  5.11:Plan activities that appeal to student’s interests and provide an
                                                   3.6: Use coloured rather than white paper                           achievable challenge
                                                                                                                                                                                                Personal and Social
                                                   3.7: Divide page into clearly marked sections                       5.12: Provide more time to finish a task                                 Capability
                                                   3.8: Making important features of an activity more noticeable by    5.13: Divide an activity into two or more parts
                                                   underlining or circling key words                                   5.14:Teach vocabulary before reading
                                                   Assessments                                                         5.15:Modelling the special skills being taught
                                                   4.1: Reduce assignment size                                         5.16:Use audio books
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ethical Understanding
     Sustainability                                4.2: Teacher gives student outlines or study guides                 5.17: Use a reader / note taker
                                                   4.3: Provide assignment in achievable chunks                        5.18: Oral instead of written responses
                                                   4.4: Explain grading criteria for assignments clearly               5.19:Draw, graph, chart, web or digital resource
                                                   4.5: Ensure that differentiated work matches the ability level of   5.20:Use a writing planning sheet to provide a scaffold to assist in
                                                   the student                                                         writing a text
                                                   4.6: Provide extra time                                             5.21:Use of student laptop                                               Understanding
                                                   4.7: Provide a timeline                                             6. Teachers Own Identified Adjustments for each individual
                                                   4.8: Provide word banks, and teach the spelling of meta language    student

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                                                Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                                                                         Page | 7
Suggested Lesson Overview
  Lesson                                              Topics                                              Engineering Design Process Steps
       1          Introduction
                  What is the Critical Light Threshold?
       2                                                                                                                          ASK
                  What is light pollution?
       3                                                                                                                          ASK
                  How can light pollution be reduced?
       4                                                                                                                      IMAGINE
                  Community audit
       5                                                                                                                         PLAN
                  Expert/mentor introduction and session
                  Aboriginal astronomy
       6                                                                                                                       CREATE
                  What are the effects of light pollution on plants and animals?
       7                                                                                                                      IMPROVE
                  Expert/mentor session
                  Final preparation
       8                                                                                                                      IMPROVE
                  Final Presentation

NB Adjustments to time frame may need to be made as some lessons may take longer than indicated, depending on class interest and activities completed.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                     Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                        Page | 8
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics        Assessments in red                                          Resources          Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                  DQ = Driving Question
 EN3-3A              Lesson 1                                                                                                  1.Team
 GE3-1               Prior to lesson                                                                                           Collaboration
 GE3-4                    T to organise Ss into teams (maximum of 4 in a group).                                              document
                          Make a copy of the 1.Team Collaboration document (in Google Docs) for each team or use the
                                                                                                                               1.1 Dark Sky
                             Word version.                                                                                     Planning
                          Ensure that each teams’ Collaborative Document has been shared with each student member             Guideline
                             of the team as well as all teachers involved.
                          Become familiar with 1.1 Dark Sky Planning Guideline                                                1.3 Driving
                          Watch all recommended videos, checking that content is appropriate for your class.                  Question poster
                          Print out 1.3 Driving Question poster for display in classroom.
                                                                                                                               1.2 Help protect
                          Decorate the classroom like the night sky, possibly using stick on stars.
                                                                                                                               NSW's dark sky
                          Have classroom dark and play space themed music such as Star Wars or Star Trek as students          video
                             enter classroom for the first lesson.
                          Pre and post unit quiz: students complete a pre and post unit quiz online. Review both options      Online Quiz
                             of the quiz and decide if your students need the support of the quiz with answers. Please note
                             that they will complete the same quiz at the end of the unit. Decide how you will collect their   Google Earth
                             results e.g. verbally or screen shot.
                                                                                                                               Earth at Night
                     Directed lesson – Introduction to the Dark Sky unit
                          Play launch video 1.2 Help protect NSW's dark sky (2 mins 38 secs)                                  Computers,
                          Class discussion: Q & A about video                                                                 laptops or
                          Ss individually complete online quiz as pre-unit assessment                                         tablets
                             Link for quiz without answers: https://deptplanningenvironment.typeform.com/to/Ry600l            preferably
                             Link for quiz with answers: https://deptplanningenvironment.typeform.com/to/mbhGYV               running
                          Ss work in small groups or whole class group to complete online quiz                                Chrome.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                     Page | 9
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics       Assessments in red                                             Resources       Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                 DQ = Driving Question
                          Ss work in pairs to locate and explore Siding Spring Observatory using Google Earth (works            Team
                             best in Google’s own browser: Chrome) https://www.google.com.au/earth/ or complete as               Collaboration
                             whole class                                                                                         document
                          Explore the Earth at Night: https://earth.google.com/web/@27.44405656,-
                                                                                                                                 Siding Spring
                             84.76931014,9.85193068a,8916357d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CjISMBIgMGY3ZTJkYzdlOGExMTFlNjk                  website
                             5MGQ2ZjgxOGQ2OWE2ZTciDHNwbGFzaHNjcmVlbg Ss launch by clicking on the explore
                             button. Spin the Earth to compare the amount of light that Australia produces compared to
                             other parts of the world. Is it more or less? What parts of the world produce the most light?
                             Why might this be so?
                          Ss individually or in small groups (or complete as whole class) explore Siding Spring website:
                             http://www.sidingspringobservatory.com.au/ noting its location, diverse features and
                             characteristics, what happens at Siding Spring and interesting facts. Ss add interesting facts to
                             class ‘bank of information’ on the interactive whiteboard (IWB) or butchers’ paper.
                          Whole class review ‘bank of information’.
                          Display DQ (driving question) on interactive whiteboard or use 1.3 Driving question poster:
                             “How can we contribute to maintaining the Critical Light Threshold at the Siding Spring
                             Observatory by helping our community take specific steps to reduce light pollution?”
                          Discuss what each part of this might mean. NB Lesson 2 explores this in greater depth. If you
                             have enough time in Week 1, it would be worthwhile to continue discussing the DQ in greater
                             depth – see beginning of lesson 2.

                     Team Collaboration
                         Introduce Team Collaboration document to students and explain that they will be working in
                           teams to complete the team document each week. Demonstrate how the Team Collaboration
                           document will be used by team members for the unit of work. May need to explain to students
                           how to use Google Docs.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                     Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                 Page | 10
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics      Assessments in red                                         Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                DQ = Driving Question
                          T reads through team contract found in Team Collaboration document and discuss with Ss.
                          Ss “sign” team contracts by signing their name on paper, photographing and inserting into doc.
                             Alternatively Ss “sign” team contracts by choosing a “fancy” font and typing their name.
                          Complete Skills Activity

 Evaluation of Lesson 1:

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                  Dubbo School of Distance Education                                           Page | 11
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics      Assessments in red                                          Resources           Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                DQ = Driving Question
 EN3-1A              Lesson 2
 EN3-3A              Prior to lesson                                                                                         2.1 Team Work:
 COS3.3                   Watch all recommended videos, checking that content is appropriate for your class.                4 Roles video
                          Print out and laminate team work role cards (one set per group).
 ST3-10ES-S                                                                                                                  2.2 Team work:
                          Print out a poster of team work roles.                                                            4 roles poster
                          Print out the 2.7 design process poster for the classroom and become familiar with the
                             process: Ask, imagine, Plan, Create, Improve.                                                   2.3 Individual
                          Print out marking rubrics (A3 size) for display in classroom.                                     team work role
                          Print out teamwork/individual effort rubrics.                                                     cards.
                          Become familiar with Cornell Notes and how to use them. Check out these ‘how to videos’ if
                                                                                                                             2.4 Teamwork
                             teachers are unfamiliar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErSjc1PEGKE or
                          Print out Cornell Notes for each group or share electronic copy with class.                       2.5 Final product
                     Directed lesson – ASK what is the Critical Light Threshold?                                             presentation
                          Watch video: 2.1 Team Work: 4 Roles (1 min 40 secs). T discusses the 4 roles of the team.         rubric
                            Team Members will take turns being the 4 different roles throughout the unit. Four roles are:
                                                                                                                             2.6 Cornell
                                      Presenter: Contribute ideas to group and present and explain the group’s finished     Notes
                                       work to the class.
                                                                                                                             2.7 Design
                                      Timekeeper: Contribute ideas to group and keep an eye on the time, making sure        Process poster
                                       the activity is completed on time. Tell the group when time is halfway through and
                                       when time is nearly up.                                                               2.8 Engineering
                                      Recorder: Contribute ideas to group and write the group’s ideas down including a      design process
                                       summary at the end of each session using Cornell Notes. If class is unfamiliar with   (lyric video)
                                       Cornell Notes teach and model how to use.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                   Page | 12
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics        Assessments in red                                            Resources         Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                  DQ = Driving Question
                                       Facilitator: Contribute ideas to group and make sure all group members know              2.9 Losing the
                                         what to do and help others. Seek help from the teacher if needed. Encourage             Dark video
                                         everyone in the group to stay on task and complete the work together.
                                                                                                                                 1.1 Dark sky
                          If a team is made up of less than 4 members, combine some of the roles e.g.
                             Presenter/timekeeper or Presenter/recorder.                                                         Guideline
                          Display the 2.2 Team work: 4 roles poster on paper or IWB and show a set of 2.3 Individual
                             team work role cards.                                                                               2.10 Saving the
                          Stress the importance of each team member contributing ideas to the group.                            Dark
                          Discuss collaboration and what makes an effective team.
                          Review 2.4 Teamwork rubric with students, explaining that they will be reviewing themselves
                             by using the rubric at the end of each Dark Sky lesson.
                          Review 2.5 Final Product and Presentation Rubric with Ss, making them aware of the criteria.
                          Ask Ss to sit with their teams. Team members decide on roles for this week. Alternatively, T
                             decides on roles for each group. Ss place 2.3 individual team work role cards on their desk to
                             remind them of their role within the group.
                          Display blank 2.6 Cornell Notes on IWB or A3 paper and discuss how they are used. Ss to use
                             Cornell Notes in their groups during the rest of the unit. T to demonstrate use of Cornell Notes
                             during the rest of lesson.
                          Display the 2.7 Design Process poster. Explain that during the unit they will be following the
                             design process (sometimes called the engineering process) to design and make a product.
                             Explain each step of the design process if students are unfamiliar with the process. Explain that
                             the process is shown in a circle for a reason and sometimes designers need to go around the
                             process a number of times to produce the end product.
                          Watch 2.8 Engineering design process (lyric video) (5 mins 56 sec)
                          Watch video: 2.9 Losing the Dark (6 mins 25 secs) and discuss issues raised.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                    Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                    Page | 13
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics      Assessments in red                                           Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                DQ = Driving Question
                          If Ss did not notice the correlation between artificial light and the amount of stars able to be
                             observed, use the scrub bar on the video to go back to point 0:05:06 and pause. Tell the Ss
                             that you will show them approximately 22 seconds. Ask the students to watch and listen
                             carefully. Press play and then pause on 0:05:28. “What did you hear?” “What did you see?”
                             You may need to play the selection again or ask “What did you notice about the sky/stars?”
                          Discuss the DQ:
                                       What is the Critical Light Threshold?
                                                  See p. 9 of 1.1 Dark sky Planning Guideline.
                                                  See also http://www.sidingspringobservatory.com.au/darksky.html
                                       What constitutes a community? (Can it be a school, a neighbourhood, a town?)
                                       How can we change things in our community?
                                       What does it mean to be an agent of change?
                          On art paper/butchers’ paper, class defines Critical Light Threshold for display in the
                          T reminds Ss of team contract previously signed by reading through team contract with class.
                          Watch 2.10 Saving the Dark (2 mins 8 secs). Discuss the ideas presented in this video.

                     Team Collaboration
                         Teams work through Lesson 2 activities in their Team Collaboration document.
                         Presenter for each team reports back to whole class.
                         Alternatively, T works through the first activity with whole class.
                         Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                           team or individual effort in private.

 Evaluation of Lesson 2:

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                    Dubbo School of Distance Education                                           Page | 14
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics      Assessments in red                                     Resources           Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                DQ = Driving Question
 EN3-3A              Lesson 3                                                                                           1.Team
 ST3-1WS-S           Prior to Lesson                                                                                    Collaboration
 ST3-10ES-S               T check Team Collaboration documents and 2.4 teamwork rubric adding comments as              document
                                                                                                                        2.6 Cornell
                          Explore different apps available to measure amount of light at night for example Lux Light   Notes
                             Meter, Light Meter, Dark sky Meter, Light Pollution Map.
                          Watch all recommended videos, checking that content is appropriate for your class.           3.1 Bortle Scale
                          T to ensure that they have contact details of expert/mentor by emailing                      handout
                             kelly.pfeiffer3@det.nsw.edu.au if information has not already been supplied.
                                                                                                                        3.2 Lost in light
                     Directed lesson – ASK what is light pollution?
                          Ss sit in teams and use Cornell Notes.                                                       3.3 Lost in Light
                          What does the class know? Brainstorm “Light Pollution” on board.                             II video
                          What are the different types of light pollution?
                                                                                                                        3.4 Count the
                        Light Pollution is the unnecessary or inappropriate use of artificial light. It can             Stars worksheet
                        have serious environmental consequences for humans, wildlife, and our climate.
                        Components of light pollution include:                                                          3.5 How light
                                                                                                                        pollution affects
                            Glare – excessive brightness that causes visual discomfort                                 the stars in the
                                                                                                                        night sky video
                            Skyglow – brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas
                            Light trespass – light falling where it is not intended or needed                          2.3 Individual
                        Source:                                                                                         team work role
                        www.darksky.org/light-pollution/                                                                cards
                        https://www.assa.org.au/lightpollution                                                          2.4 Team work
Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                              Page | 15
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics        Assessments in red                                           Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                  DQ = Driving Question
                          How can light pollution be measured? Light pollution can be measured with a light meter.
                             There are a number of light and sky meters (free and paid) available for smart phones which
                             can be explored at night. Ask Ss to download with parent/carer permission free apps to
                             measure the light at night. Ss measure light in their garden at night with parental supervision.
                             Compare readings from different students.
                          How else can light pollution be measured? Light pollution can be measured by observation
                             using the Bortle Scale. Provide Ss with 3.1 Bortle Scale handout. Ask Ss to estimate what score
                             their home would be on the Bortle Scale. Ss check their estimation at home for homework and
                             report back.
                          Watch 3.2 Lost in Light (2 min 52 sec) and/or 3.3 Lost in Light II (2 min 14 sec) which uses the
                             Bortle Scale to assess light pollution in different locations.
                          Light pollution can be measured by data collection using a low-tech way to count the stars. Ask
                             Ss to complete this 3.4 Count the Stars for homework under the supervision of their
                             parent/guardian. Using a long cardboard paper tube (from paper towel, foil etc), Ss look
                             through the tube and count all the stars they can see. Standing in the same location, Ss count
                             stars in several sections of the sky and record findings. Ss average the number of stars found
                             from that location. Repeat process at a different location and note how the count changes.
                             Smaller counts indicate greater light pollution.
                          Watch: 3.5 How light pollution affects stars in the night sky (1 min 50 sec)
                          Each group or whole class makes a classroom display of light pollution types.

                     Team Collaboration
                         T reminds Ss of team contract previously signed.
                         Recap 4 roles of the team and remind team that all must contribute ideas. Teams to assign
                           new team roles to each member. Ss place 2.3 Individual team work role cards in front of
                           them. Roles must be different from last week.
                         Teams work through Lesson 3 activities in Team Collaboration document.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                    Dubbo School of Distance Education                                             Page | 16
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics        Assessments in red                                         Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                  DQ = Driving Question
                          Presenter for each team reports to whole class.
                          Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                             team or individual effort in private.

 Evaluation of Lesson 3

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                            Page | 17
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics    Assessments in red                                               Resources             Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)              DQ = Driving Question
 ST3-3DP-T           Lesson 4
 GE3-2               Prior to Lesson                                                                                            4.1 How to be
 GE3-3                    T check Team Collaboration documents and 2.4 teamwork rubric adding comments as                      an inventor! Kid
 ST3-2DP-T                                                                                                                      President
 INS3.3                   Watch all recommended videos, checking that content is appropriate for your class.                   4.2 Barcelona
 PSS3.5                   Be aware that the video 4.3 Light pollution - the solution is easy has an actor hiding in the dark   Street Lamps
                             with a toy weapon. This may be upsetting to members of your class. You are advised to make         video
                             an informed decision about the appropriateness of watching this video.
                          T to make contact with assigned mentor/expert for Week 5 lesson.                                     4.3 Light pollution
                                                                                                                                - the solution is
                     Directed lesson – IMAGINE how can we reduce light pollution?
                          Watch 4.1 How to be an inventor! Kid President (4 mins 59 secs). Discuss creativity and video.       2.7 Design
                          Draw on chart on board – see below.                                                                  Process poster

                                                                                                                                2.8 Engineering
                                                                                                                                Design Process
                                                                                                                                (lyric video)

                          Fill in the table defining the problem(s) and ideas already being used around the world to           document
                           reduce light pollution if known.
                                                                                                                                2.4 Teamwork
                          Research in groups or individually light pollution solutions available. T demonstrates how to
                           research this information on the internet.
                          Watch 4.2 Barcelona Street Lamps (2 mins 13 secs)
                          Discuss issues and ideas raised in video. Compare how Barcelona has managed lighting
                           compared to other cities.
Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                    Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                       Page | 18
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics       Assessments in red                                        Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                 DQ = Driving Question
                          Watch 4.3 Light pollution - the solution is easy! Discuss the ideas presented in this video.
                          Make class display showing ways presently available to help reduce light pollution.
                          Display the 2.7 Design Process poster, paying particular attention to the second stage:
                          Review 2.8 Engineering Design Process (lyric video) (5 mins 56 sec) if Ss enjoyed previously.

                   Team Collaboration
                        Ss in teams to create new ideas to help aid the problem of light pollution. Ss given the
                         sentence beginning: “I wonder if…” Ss should be encouraged to “think big” and conceptualise
                         ideas. For example, they should be encouraged to design an app to aid light pollution even if
                         they do not have the skills to create an app. They might produce a new type of light fixture.
                         Alternatively, student teams may come up with new ways to inform, educate and persuade
                         their local community to reduce light pollution. Ss are encouraged to use the 4 C’s (creativity,
                         critical thinking, communication and collaboration).
                        Teams shortlist their solutions.
                        T reminds Ss of team contract previously signed.
                        Teams to assign new team roles to each member (must be different roles or combination of
                         roles than those assigned in previous 2 weeks).
                        Teams work through Lesson 4 activities in the Team Collaboration document.
                        Presenter for each team reports to whole class.
                        Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                         team or individual effort in private.
 Evaluation of Lesson 4

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                          Page | 19
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics       Assessments in red                                           Resources           Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                 DQ = Driving Question
 ST3-1WS-S           Lesson 5
 ST3-2DP-T           Prior to Lesson                                                                                           5.1 Lighting
 EN3-3A                   T check Team Collaboration documents and 2.4 teamwork rubric adding comments as                     Audit
 INS3.3                                                                                                                        2.7 Design
 PSS3.5                   T to become familiar with 5.1 Lighting Audit.                                                       Process poster
                          Collect materials for students to draw on paper or T to become familiar with online 3D drawing
                             e.g. Tinkercard www.tinkercad.com                                                                 2.8 Engineering
                          NB Tinkercad is easy to use. Ss need an account but teachers can make this process easier by        Design Process
                             giving their students a code for the sign up process. This link explains this process:            (lyric video)
                          This links to the Autodesk Tinkercad YouTube channel:                                               Skype or Adobe
                             https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTXWXbEfezxpOQpDr3Bh7Xw                                          Connect or
                          T to confirm time and method for online meeting session with assigned expert/mentor.                other online
                                                                                                                               meeting tool
                     Directed lesson – PLAN
                          Discuss the 5.1 Lighting Audit activity. Discuss what it means to conduct an audit. Ss find         2.5 Final Product
                            examples of audits that occur at schools and in work places.
                          Ss complete lighting audit at school or complete lighting audit for homework at home or in
                            another community place.                                                                           2.4 Teamwork
                          Refer to the 2.7 Design Process poster, paying particular attention to the third stage: PLAN.       rubric
                          Review 2.8 Engineering Design Process (lyric video) (5 mins 56 sec) if Ss enjoyed previously.
                          Ask teams to think about the ideas formed in the last lesson, particularly the team’s shortlisted   2.5 Final product

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                     Page | 20
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics      Assessments in red                                          Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                DQ = Driving Question
                          Explain that they have been assigned an expert/mentor. Discuss that the role of
                             mentor/expert is not to come up with ideas but rather to be a guide. Tell the Ss a bit about
                             their class’ expert/mentor and where they work or have worked.
                          Introduce mentor to the students via Zoom/Skype/Adobe Connect/video conference or other
                             online meeting tool.
                          Allocate a student to tell the expert/mentor about your town/city, school and class.
                          Each team presents ideas to expert/mentor.
                          Review 2.5 Final Product and Presentation rubric with Ss. Remind Ss that they need to take
                             each aspect of rubric into consideration when working on their final products.

                     Team Collaboration
                         T reminds Ss of team contract previously signed.
                         Teams to assign new team roles to each member (must be different roles or combination of
                           roles than those assigned in previous 3 weeks).
                         Teams draw a labelled diagram of their solution on paper or by using a computer or tablet
                           drawing tool.
                         Teams use an online 3D drawing tool such as TinkerCAD to design their innovative solution.
                           Designs should be saved as a .stl file, which can be emailed/uploaded and viewed as a 3D
                           model on screen or 3D printed if needed for the presentation.
                         Teams make a list of materials needed.
                         Teams work through Lesson 5 activities in Team Collaboration document.
                         Presenter for each team reports to whole class.
                         Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                           team or individual effort in private.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                           Page | 21
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes          KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics     Assessments in red                 Resources   Register
                   Ss = students T = teacher(s)               DQ = Driving Question
 Evaluation of Lesson 5

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                  Dubbo School of Distance Education                Page | 22
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics       Assessments in red                                        Resources           Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                 DQ = Driving Question
 HT3-2               Lesson 6
 EN3-3A              Prior to Lesson                                                                                        2.6 Cornell Notes
 ST3-2DP-T                Watch video 6.1 Before Galileo: ABC Message Stick (25 mins 50 secs) to ensure content and
 ST3-10ES-S                                                                                                                 6.1 Before
                             length appropriate for class or T to choose another video that would be more appropriate for   Galileo: ABC
 GE3-3                       class.                                                                                         Message Stick
 COS3.3                   Review possible websites to see which ones will be more appropriate for class:
 INS3.3                                 http://emudreaming.com/examples.htm                                                2.7 Design
 PSS3.5                                 http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2009/07/27/2632463.htm                      Process poster
                                        http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/science/starhunt/bst_20090527_0812.mp3 audio
                                                                                                                            1.3 Driving
                          Check team Team Collaboration documents and 2.4 teamwork rubric adding comments as               question poster
                          T to arrange 2nd mentoring session with assigned expert/mentor.                                  2.5 Final product
                          Decide on who will be the authentic audience for the presentation event at the culmination of    and
                             the unit. This could be someone from the local council, a lighting designer, a scientist, an   presentation
                             architect or an environmentalist.                                                              rubric
                          Decide on date for the presentation event in Week 9/10 – date to be _____/_____/_____
                          Decide on venue for the presentation event – venue to be _____________________________           document

                     Directed lesson – CREATE                                                                               2.4 Teamwork
                          Ss use 2.6 Cornell Notes to take notes while learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait         rubric
                            Islander astronomy by watching 6.1 Before Galileo: ABC Message Stick (25 mins 50 secs)
                            and/or other appropriate video/ article/websites.
                          Discuss how long Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been using the night sky.
                          Discuss why night sky is important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                  Page | 23
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics      Assessments in red                                          Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                DQ = Driving Question
                          Draw attention to the 2.7 Design Process poster, paying particular attention to the fourth
                             stage: CREATE.
                          Remind Ss that they are creating a product to answer the DQ. Draw Ss attention to 1.3 Driving
                             question poster.
                          Review 2.5 Final Product and Presentation rubric with Ss. Remind Ss that they need to take
                             each aspect of rubric into consideration when working on their final products.

                     Team Collaboration
                         T reminds Ss of team contract previously signed.
                         Teams to negotiate team roles to each member depending on individual strengths as each
                           team member has had a turn at each role.
                         Teams use their planning from last week to create their innovative solution. NB: Lesson 6 may
                           need to be carried over 2 weeks depending on team projects.
                         Teams work through Lesson 6 activities in Team Collaboration document.
                         Presenter for each team reports to whole class.
                         Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                           team or individual effort in private.

 Evaluation of Lesson 6

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                           Page | 24
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics   Assessments in red                                          Resources           Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)             DQ = Driving Question
 EN3-3A              Lesson 7                                                                                             2.6 Cornell
 EN3-2A              Prior to Lesson                                                                                      Notes
 ST3-2DP-T                T check team Team Collaboration documents and 2.4 teamwork rubric adding comments as
 ST3-4LW-S                                                                                                                7.1 Light
 GE3-1                                                                                                                    Pollution Is
 GE3-3                    T to confirm 2nd mentoring session with assigned expert/mentor.                                More Dangerous
 COS3.3                   Watch all recommended videos.                                                                  Than You Think!
 INS3.3                   Confirm local authentic audience and their attendance at presentation event at the             Video
 PSS3.5                      culmination of the unit.
                                                                                                                          7.2 What You
                     Directed lesson – IMPROVE                                                                            Can Do Presents
                          Ss use 2.6 Cornell Notes when watching videos.                                                 - "Help Protect
                          What are the effects of light pollution on plants and animals? Watch 7.1 Light Pollution Is    Wildlife" video
                            More Dangerous Than You Think! (3 mins 58 secs) and 7.2 What You Can Do Presents - "Help
                            Protect Wildlife" (1 min 18 secs)                                                             2.7 Design
                          Review information found at: http://darksky.org/light-pollution/wildlife/                      Process poster
                          Draw attention to 2.7 Design Process poster, paying particular attention to the fifth stage:
                                                                                                                          2.5 Final Product
                            IMPROVE.                                                                                      and
                          Discussion about how teams can improve their designs. How can they test their designs?         Presentation
                          Meeting with mentor and students via Zoom/Skype/Adobe Connect/video conference or other
                            online meeting tool. Groups discuss ideas further with expert/mentor.                         Zoom/Skype/Ad
                          Review 2.5 Final Product and Presentation rubric with Ss. Remind Ss that they need to take     obe Connect or
                            each aspect of rubric into consideration when working on their final products.                other online
                                                                                                                          meeting tool

                     Team Collaboration                                                                                   Computer/tablet
                         T reminds Ss of team contract previously signed.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                 Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                  Page | 25
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics        Assessments in red                                         Resources       Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                  DQ = Driving Question
                          Teams to negotiate team roles to each member depending on individual strengths as each             Team
                             team member has had a turn at each role.                                                         Collaboration
                          Teams critically reflect on their planning from last week to create their innovative solution      document
                             using the questions in the Team Collaboration document.
                                                                                                                              2.4 Teamwork
                          Teams work through activities to ensure they are answering all parts of the driving question.      rubric
                          Presenter for each team reports to whole class.
                          Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                             team or individual effort in private.

 Evaluation of Lesson 7

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                Page | 26
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics      Assessments in red                                          Resources           Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                DQ = Driving Question
 EN3-1A              Lesson 8                                                                                                8.1 Milkyway
 EN3-2A              Prior to Lesson                                                                                         Timelapse
 EN3-7C                   T check team Team Collaboration documents and 2.4 teamwork rubric adding comments as              Compilation –
 ST3-2DP-T                                                                                                                   2016 video
 COS3.3                   Remind local authentic audience about presentation event.                                         2.5 Final Product
 INS3.3                   Review both options of the quiz and decide if your students need the support of the quiz with     and
 PSS3.5                      answers or without. Please note that this is the same quiz that they took at the beginning of   Presentation
                             the quiz. Decide how you will collect their results. e.g. verbally or screen shot.

                     Directed lesson – Final Preparation
                          Teams to discuss with T any last minute issues.
                          Ss complete online quiz to assess student knowledge.
                          Review 2.5 Final Product and Presentation rubric with Ss. Remind Ss that they need to take
                            each aspect of rubric into consideration when working on their final products.
                          Play video: 8.1 Milkyway Timelapse Compilation – 2016 (7 mins 47 secs)
                          Ss individually complete online quiz as post-unit assessment
                             Link for quiz without answers: https://deptplanningenvironment.typeform.com/to/Ry600l
                             Link for quiz with answers: https://deptplanningenvironment.typeform.com/to/mbhGYV

                     Team Collaboration
                         T reminds Ss of team contract previously signed.
                         Teams to negotiate team roles to each member depending on individual strengths as each
                           team member has had a turn at each role.
                         Teams finalise their innovative solution.
                         Teams work through Lesson 8 activities in Team Collaboration document.
                         Presenter for each team reports to whole class.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                   Page | 27
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics        Assessments in red                                         Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)                  DQ = Driving Question
                          Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                             team or individual effort in private.

 Evaluation of Lesson 8

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                            Page | 28
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics Assessments in red                                                Resources           Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)           DQ = Driving Question
 EN3-1A              Lesson 9                                                                                                 Team
 EN3-2A              Prior to Lesson                                                                                          Collaboration
 EN3-7C                   T check team Team Collaboration documents and teamwork rubric adding comments as                   document
 COS3.3                                                                                                                       2.4 Teamwork
 INS3.3                                                                                                                       rubric
                     Directed lesson – PRESENTATION
                          Remind Ss that each team member must present part of the presentation.                             2.5 Final Product
                          Review 2.5 Final Product and Presentation rubric with Ss. Remind Ss that they need to take         and
                            each aspect of rubric into consideration when working on their final products.                    Presentation
                          Teams must speak on these topics:
                          What is the driving question?
                          Why is maintaining the Critical Light Threshold important especially at Siding Spring?
                          What steps can they take to help their community reduce light pollution?
                          What is their team’s solution for maintaining the Critical Light Threshold?
                          Students to present their project to locally sourced authentic audience.
                          Ss self-assess their efforts on the 2.4 Teamwork rubric. Discuss any issues that arise regarding
                            team or individual effort in private.

                     After Presentation Event
                         Local judging panel to select top 2 team entries for the school to enter the Department of
                            Planning and Environment Western Dark Sky competition using 9.1 Final product and
                            presentation rubric.
                         Ensure that top 2 entries from your school are delivered/posted/uploaded to NSW
                            Department of Planning and Environment, Western by 5 pm, 5 July 2019 (last day of term 2,
                            2019). See details below.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                    Page | 29
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes            KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics     Assessments in red                                             Resources   Register
                     Ss = students T = teacher(s)               DQ = Driving Question

                        The top 2 entries to be mailed to:                  Upload the top 2 entries into a clearly labelled
                        NSW Department of Planning and                      folder on your Google Drive e.g. Team 1 Mt
                        Environment, Western Dark Sky Competition           Example School. Share the folder for each of
                        PO Box 58, Dubbo NSW 2830                           your top 2 entries with dpe.western@gmail.com
                        Please email:                                       Please email:
                        westernregion@planning.nsw.gov.au to advise         westernregion@planning.nsw.gov.au to advise
                        that entries have been mailed (advise date).        that entries have been uploaded (advise
                                                                            date). Use Dark sky Competition as the
                        Use Dark sky Competition as the subject line.       subject line.

 Evaluation of Lesson 9

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                    Dubbo School of Distance Education                                            Page | 30
Teaching and Learning
 Outcomes         KEY = Suggested adjustments in italics     Assessments in red                       Resources   Register
                  Ss = students T = teacher(s)               DQ = Driving Question
 Changes that need to be made to the unit:

 Email a photograph/scan/list of suggested changes to Melissa McNair: melissa.knight@det.nsw.edu.au

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                 Dubbo School of Distance Education                      Page | 31
Appendix 1:
Resources provided for Dark Sky unit
Please watch all videos before showing them to your class to ensure that they are appropriate for your cohort in both length and content.

If videos are too long, select part(s) of the video to watch or find an alternative video or website to show the students.

 Lesson      Name of file                                                  File Type            Description

    1        1 Team collaboration document                                 Google doc           Team collaboration document

             1.1 Dark Sky Planning Guideline 2016 06                       PDF                  Document outlining planning guidelines to protect the observing
                                                                                                conditions at Siding Spring.

             1.2 Help protect NSW’s dark sky                               mp4                  Launch video encouraging students to protect the dark sky

             1.3 Driving question poster                                   PDF                  Poster for display of driving question

    2        2.1 Team Work: 4 Roles                                        mp4                  Explainer cartoon describing the 4 roles of a team.

             2.2 Team work: 4 roles poster                                 PDF                  Team work roles poster

             2.3 Individual team work role cards                           PDF                  Individual team work role cards. Two versions are available; one
                                                                                                for a table top and one as a lanyard.

             2.4 Teamwork rubric                                           Google               Rubric for individuals in a collaborative group.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                          Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                      Page | 32
Lesson     Name of file                                               File Type          Description

            2.5 Final Product and Presentation Rubric                  Google             Rubric that authentic audience will use to judge entries.

            2.6 Cornell Notes                                          Google doc/        Notes used for directed note taking

            2.7 Design Process poster                                  PDF                Poster for display to remind students of the design process

            2.8 Engineering design process (lyric video)               mp4                Lyric video running through parts of design process.

            2.9 Losing the dark                                        mp4                Video explaining why losing dark sky is an issue

            2.10 Saving the dark                                       mp4                Video reinforcing why we need to save dark sky

    3       3.1 Bortle Scale handout                                   PDF                Handout to estimate light pollution.

            3.2 Lost in Light                                          mp4                Video showing night scale demonstrating Bortle Scale

            3.3 Lost in Light II                                       mp4                Video showing night scale demonstrating Bortle Scale

            3.4 Count the Stars                                        PDF                Light pollution can be measured by data collection using low-tech
                                                                                          way to count the stars.

            3.5 How light pollution affects stars in the night         mp4                Bortle Scale demonstration

    4       4.1 How to be an inventor! Kid President                   mp4                Inspiration video for students

            4.2 Barcelona Street Lamps                                 mp4                Interview discussing what Barcelona has done with their street

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                       Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                     Page | 33
Lesson     Name of file                                           File Type          Description

            4.3 Light pollution - the solution is easy             mp4                Video discussing some ways to save our dark sky. Be aware that
                                                                                      this video has an actor hiding in the dark with a toy weapon. This
                                                                                      may be upsetting to members of your class. You are advised to
                                                                                      make an informed decision about the appropriateness of watching
                                                                                      this video.

    5       5.1 Lighting Audit                                     Word/Google        Audit to be done in a community space/school/home.

    6       6.1 Before Galileo: ABC Message Stick video            mp4                Video discussing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander astronomy.

    7       7.1 Light Pollution Is More Dangerous Than You         mp4                Video describing the effect of light pollution on some animals

            7.2 What You Can Do Presents - “Help Protect           mp4                Video giving ideas about what you can do to help protect wildlife
            Wildlife”                                                                 from light pollution.

    8       8.1 Milkyway Timelapse Compilation - 2016              mp4                Time lapse of Milky Way from various locations with music playing
                                                                                      in the background) to remind students about how wondrous our
                                                                                      skies really are.

Dark Sky: Stage 3 PBL unit                                   Dubbo School of Distance Education                                                   Page | 34
You can also read