Page created by Wallace Contreras
INTRODUCTION                          CONTENTS
                                       VENUESHIELD        CONTENTS
                                                     SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES           CONTENTS
                                                                           VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES             WELCOME
                                                                                                        ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION   1


             VERSION 6.3
             RELEASED 29 MARCH 2021

                                 VENUESHIELD                    CONTENTS
                                                           SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                   CONTENTS
                                                                                         VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                   WELCOME
                                                                                                                            ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                 2


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is                  ICC Sydney also operates in partnership with several          Through close collaboration with our clients, we
a transformative global situation, requiring            leading industry bodies including the Business Events         have gained a deeper understanding of the event
fresh thinking and increased safety                     Council of Australia, Meetings and Events Australia,          challenges and requirements during this period.
precautions when hosting events.                        Exhibition and Event Association of Australasia and           As part of our ongoing commitment to protecting
                                                        through our memberships of AIPC, ICCA and UFI. It is          your health and safety whilst at ICC Sydney, we
ICC Sydney operates within the ASM Global               through these interactions that we are able to identify       have introduced a range of enhanced measures
network of international venues. We are well placed     and develop industry standard best practices.                 across the venue to safeguard the wellbeing of our
to integrate the globally developed VenueShield                                                                       clients, delegates, contractors and team members.
program into our local implementation of increased      Since ICC Sydney’s inception, we have implemented
safety measures. ASM Global’s VenueShield               safe operational protocols ensuring health and                We welcome you to read through the EventSafe
advice on protocols and procedures for its facilities   safety is a central aspect of our approach to                 Operating Guide and address any queries you
was developed in accordance with international          hosting events. ICC Sydney operates in line with              may have about the event you are organising
health care guidelines from the World Health            Safe Work Australia’s Codes of Practice which                 at ICC Sydney to your dedicated business
Organisation (WHO) and other leading authorities.       underpin how we work under the Work Health                    development representative or event manager.
                                                        and Safety (WHS) laws and more recently the
We have consistently monitored the COVID-19             National COVID-19 Safe Workplace Principles.                  We look forward to welcoming you back
situation and followed regulations and advice                                                                         through the doors at ICC Sydney.
provided by the Australian Government                   Our organisation has earned multiple International
Department of Health. This advice has been              Standards Organisation (ISO) Certifications                   GEOFF DONAGHY
further complemented with guidance from                 including ISO 22000 Food Safety Management;                   CEO, ICC SYDNEY
the New South Wales Government Minister for             ISO 14001 Environmental Management; ISO 45001
Health and Medical Research. These protocols            Occupational Health and Safety and ISO 9001
have included strict adherence to physical              Quality Management, thus laying the foundation for
distancing measures, increased hygiene practices        quality service and the health and safety practices
and promotion of the COVIDSafe app.                     clients have come to expect when at ICC Sydney.
                                                                                                                        We understand that each event you are
                                                                                                                        organising at ICC Sydney entails different
                                                                                                                        specifications. Our team will work with you
                                                                                                                        to apply specific safety measures to meet the
                                                                                                                        exact requirements of your event. Contact
                                                                                                                        your business development representative
                                                                                                                        or event manager to discuss your event needs.
INTRODUCTION                    CONTENTS
                                  VENUESHIELD                    CONTENTS
                                                            SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                   CONTENTS
                                                                                          VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES             WELCOME
                                                                                                                       ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION               3

ASM GLOBAL                                                                                                                                           EVENT CUSTOMER

                                                         At the very heart of this effort
                                                         is our focus on making our
                                                         employees, tenants and guests
                                                         safe and comfortable in a                                                                   ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                         welcoming environment.
                                                         BOB NEWMAN
                                                         PRESIDENT AND CEO, ASM GLOBAL

ASM Global has introduced a new                          ASM Global has proactively partnered with
environmental hygiene protocol in response               and will further consult with leading subject
to evolving guest expectations, stemming                 matter experts, health officials and industry
from the coronavirus pandemic.                           leaders in the areas of industrial hygiene,
                                                         sanitisation and fulfilment to consult on all
VenueShield, a comprehensive and best-in-                facets of the VenueShield program.
class program, has been deployed at more
than 325 ASM Global facilities around the                VenueShield will be the ongoing effort to
world, including here at ICC Sydney.                     define the customer journey of the future.                                                  TECHNOLOGY AND
The program provides the most advanced hygienic          It is designed to provide an evolving approach
safeguards that serve ASM Global’s clients, guests,      to the unique aspects surrounding each of ASM
teams, talent and all other visitors. All policies are   Global’s facilities and is guided by consistent
aligned with - and informed by - public health           input from the company’s venue experts around
authorities, medical and industry experts.               the world, representing every venue type.                                                   WORKFORCE
ASM Global’s VenueShield advice on protocols
and procedures for its facilities includes the
use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as
appropriate, food safety measures, air quality
control, surface cleaning, physical distancing,                                                                                                      PUBLIC
temperature checks, thermal cameras, hand                                                                                                            AWARENESS
sanitisers, reduced touch points, contactless
transactions and daily monitoring systems.
                                VENUESHIELD               CONTENTS
                                                     SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                           CONTENTS
                                                                                           VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                        WELCOME
                                                                                                                                   ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                               4

PRINCIPLES                                       NATIONAL COVID-19 SAFE
                                                 WORKPLACE PRINCIPLES

                                                 1   All workers, regardless of       6   Businesses and workers must     10 The work of the National         Precautions recommended
At ICC Sydney we have consistently                   their occupation or how              prepare for the possibility        COVID-19 Coordination            by the Australian Government
operated within the safety protocols of              they are engaged, have the           that there will be cases of        Commission will                  Department of Health help
                                                     right to a healthy and safe          COVID-19 in the workplace          complement the work of           ensure the safety of our visitors
Safe Work Australia’s Codes of Practice.             working environment.                 and be ready to respond            SWA, jurisdictions and           and team members, including:
                                                 2   The COVID-19 pandemic                immediately, appropriately,        health authorities to support    1   Placing hand sanitisers
In accordance with the National Cabinet’s            requires a uniquely focused          effectively and efficiently,       industries more broadly to           with supporting signage
National COVID-19 Safe Workplace Principles,         approach to WHS as it applies        and consistent with advice         respond to the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                              2   Placing guidance on hand
                                                     to businesses, workers and           from health authorities.           pandemic appropriately,
Safe Work Australia has developed nationally                                                                                 effectively and safely.              washing in bathrooms
                                                     others in the workplace.         7   Existing state and territory
consistent work health and safety guidance.      3   To keep our workplaces               jurisdiction of WHS             11 To deal with the public          3   Placing tissues and bins
                                                                                          compliance and enforcement         health risk of COVID-19 and          for their hygienic disposal
                                                     healthy and safe, businesses                                                                                 with supporting signage
Our team conducts research on changing               must, in consultation                remains critical. While            its possible consequences,
                                                                                                                                                                  on Coughing Etiquette
governing guidelines in order to produce             with workers, and their              acknowledging that individual      the Minister for Health and
                                                     representatives, assess the          variations across WHS laws         Medical Research has issued      4   Thorough and regular
a Situation Report that underpins                    way they work to identify,           mean approaches in different       a number of Orders, under            sterilisation of surfaces,
COVID safe response planning.                        understand and quantify              parts of the country may           Section 7 of the Public Health       including bathrooms,
                                                     risks and to implement and           vary, to ensure business           Act 2010. ICC Sydney follows         benches, ATM machines and
                                                                                          and worker confidence, a           the current NSW Government           all touch points such as door
ICC Sydney has further implemented these             review control measures
                                                                                                                                                                  handles, escalator rails, etc.
                                                     to address those risks.              commitment to a consistent         Public Health (COVID-19
national principles to ensure our clients,                                                national approach is key.          Restrictions on Gathering        5   Continued rigorous adherence
                                                 4   As COVID-19 restrictions are
visitors and team members can continue               gradually relaxed, businesses,
                                                                                          This includes a commitment         and Movement) Order 2020.            to ISO and HACCP food safety
                                                                                          to communicating what
to deliver events in a safe environment.             workers and other duty
                                                                                          constitutes best practice
                                                                                                                          12 Please refer to further              management standards
                                                     holders must work together                                              related information online.          within all culinary services.
                                                                                          in prevention, mitigation
The Australian Government has developed the          to adapt and promote safe
                                                                                          and response to the risks       13 ICC Sydney is registered as a    6   Strict adherence to all
                                                     work practices, consistent                                              COVID Safe Business having           physical distancing measures
COVIDSafe app to protect communities and             with advice from health
                                                                                          presented by COVID-19.
                                                                                                                             submitted our COVID safe             and limit of one person
to help health officials to quickly understand       authorities, to ensure their     8   Safe Work Australia (SWA),         plan to NSW Government.              per two square metres.
                                                                                          through its tripartite
and tackle the spread of COVID-19.                   workplaces are ready for
                                                                                          membership, will provide        14 See further information
                                                     the social distancing and                                               on COVID safe
                                                     exemplary hygiene measures           a central hub of WHS
To help stop the spread of COVID-19,                 that will be an important            guidance and tools that            businesses online.

download the COVIDSafe app on the                    part of the transition.              Australian workplaces can       15 ICC Sydney’s clients are
                                                                                          use to successfully form the       required to complete the
Apple App Store or Google Play.                  5   Businesses and workers must
                                                                                          basis of their management          relevant NSW COVID-19
                                                     actively control against the                                            Safety Plan documents
                                                                                          of health and safety risks
                                                     transmission of COVID-19                                                specific to the type of event,
                                                                                          posed by COVID-19.
                                                     while at work, consistent with                                          including either, along with:
                                                     the latest advice from the       9   States and Territories
                                                     Australian Health Protection         ultimately have the role        16 Exhibit A – COVID-19
                                                     Principal Committee                  of providing advice,               Rider Hiring Agreement
                                                     (AHPPC), including                   education, compliance and       17 Exhibit B - COVID-19 Hirer
                                                     considering the application          enforcement of WHS and             Event Operations Plan
                                                     of a hierarchy of appropriate        will leverage the use of the
                                                     controls where relevant.             SWA central hub in fulfilling
                                                                                          their statutory functions.
                                VENUESHIELD                     CONTENTS
                                                           SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                          CONTENTS
                                                                                                VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                            WELCOME
                                                                                                                                            ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                              5

                                                      EVENT CUSTOMER                       ENVIRONMENTAL                           FOOD SERVICE                        TECHNOLOGY AND

                                                      JOURNEY                              HYGIENE                                                                     EQUIPMENT
                                                                                                                                   ICC Sydney food services
                                                      Each stage and touchpoint our        ICC Sydney hygiene protocols            operating principles incorporate    We are incorporating

OPERATING                                             clients and visitors move through    combined with government                the following elements:             technological devices that will
                                                      as part of their planning and        guidelines include:                     1   Increased cleaning              further enhance each client and

                                                      attending an event has been          1   ICC Sydney will provide                 and sanitisation.               visitor’s experience beginning
                                                      considered when developing               contactless sanitisation                                                from their event planning phases,
                                                                                                                                   2   ISO 22000 Food Safety
                                                      a COVID safe environment.                stations throughout                                                     on arrival, during, and post event.
                                                                                                                                       Management certification.
                                                      Venue operating principles               the venue​.                                                             1   Contactless payments.
                                                                                                                                   3   Plated service.
                                                      cover the attendee                   2   Touchless faucets will be                                               2   Contactless ticket validation.
                                                      experience, including:                                                       4   Retail service.
In developing the EventSafe operating principles,                                              available in dedicated
                                                                                                                                   5   Catering delivery methods.
                                                                                                                                                                       3   Food packaging.
                                                      1   What to expect when using            toilet facilities​.
ICC Sydney has integrated ASM Global’s                    public transport to attend an    3   Clean and monitor high touch        6   Contactless payments.
                                                                                                                                                                       4   Merchandise packaging.
VenueShield Environmental Hygiene Program                 event. Refer COVID-19: Travel        areas such as lifts, escalators,    7   Packaging.
                                                                                                                                                                       5   Parking.
                                                          advice and information.
which specifies significantly increased health and                                             handrails, door handles.            8   COVID-19 safety training.
                                                      2   Health and safety
safety measures for venue managers across the             procedures on arrival and
                                                                                           4   Clean tables, chairs
                                                                                               and any table settings
ASM network of over 325 venues worldwide.                 at the building entrance.            between each customer.
                                                      3   External and internal signage.   5   Implement physical
Nationally, ICC Sydney stringently applies            4   Changes to the meeting and           distancing queuing and
the Australian Government Department                      conference experience.               operational planning                WORKFORCE                           PUBLIC
of Health safety regulations and advice               5   Changes to the exhibition            in all toilets. ​                   SAFETY                              AWARENESS
                                                          experience.                      6   Capacity restrictions in toilets.
and additionally the requirements                                                                                                  Education for team members          ICC Sydney’s Communications
                                                      6   Food and Beverage                7   Increased cleaning of all
prescribed by the NSW Government.                         service updates.                     touch surfaces at the entry/        is vital to inform behaviour and    department delivers detailed
                                                                                               exit points to venue.               help manage health and safety       content plans to communicate
                                                      7   Medical services.
Already having in place international standard                                             8   Implemented cleaning
                                                                                                                                   requirements. Training on the       to clients and visitors health
                                                      8   Environmental hygiene                                                    following areas will be delivered   and safety protocols pre-event,
certifications that lay the foundation for quality,       and sanitation practices.            protocols for the delivery          in preparation to re-opening and    during and and post-event,
health and safety, ICC Sydney has furthermore         9   Increased COVID-19 safety
                                                                                               and receiving of items              regularly delivered thereafter:     across mediums including:
                                                                                               in the loading docks​.
consulted with leading industry bodies when               training for ICC Sydney                                                  1   COVID safe training.            1   Main stream and social
                                                          team members, clients            9   Distributed government
developing the operating principles that will guide                                            advisory signage on hygiene         2   Toolbox talks.                      media messaging.
                                                          and contractors provides a                                                                                   2   Signage.
client, visitor and team member health and safety.        cohesive safety experience           throughout the venue.               3   COVID safe event
                                                          and response for all visitors.   10 The air quality of the                   specific briefing.              3   Venue websites.
                                                                                              environment in which we              4   Monitor, measure team           4   Ticketing information.
                                                                                              operate is of paramount                  members feedback and            5   Assist clients with
                                                                                              importance. Therefore                    implement improvement.              event messaging
                                                                                              increased measures                                                           regarding protocols.
                                                                                              during this period have
                                                                                              been implemented.

                                VENUESHIELD          CONTENTS
                                                SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES           CONTENTS
                                                                      VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES               WELCOME
                                                                                                     ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                   6

                                                      PLAN                  ON                        SIGNAGE                         VENUE
In developing the ICC Sydney EventSafe              YOUR TRIP             ARRIVAL                   MANAGEMENT                       CAPACITY
Operating Guide, our protocols and procedures
were reviewed thoroughly in light of changing
governmental regulations, international
guidelines, the ASM Global VenueShield
Environmental Hygiene Program and in
consultation with leading industry bodies.
Detailed here are the areas of operation
that have been upgraded with
extensive COVID safe measures.
                                                   MEETINGS             EXHIBITIONS                     LIVE                           FOOD
                                                AND CONFERENCES                                        EVENTS                         SERVICE

                                                        AV            ENVIRONMENTAL                TECHNOLOGY AND                    MEDICAL
                                                     SERVICES            HYGIENE                      EQUIPMENT                      SERVICES

                                                   ADDITIONAL         EDUCATION AND                 ACCESSIBILITY                  ACCREDITATION
                                                    SERVICES             TRAINING
                                                                                                                                                              HEADLAND                                                                           QUAY             HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                PARK                                          WALSH BAY

      INTRODUCTION                             CONTENTS
                                              VENUESHIELD                                       CONTENTS
                                                                                           SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES
                                                                                                                                          VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                                                      ESSENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VENUE INFORMATION                      7
                                                                                                                                                                                                  HILL PARK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FARM COVE

                                                                                                                                 DARLING                                                                                                  QUAY


                                                                               JOHNSTONS BAY




ICC Sydney       is located within a moment’s walk from
       LILYFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GARDENS

several transport options including light rail, train, taxi                                                    DARLING


                                                                                                                            T BA
and bus services. The venue offersGLEBE  ample
                                           ISLAND car parking

facilities. All visitors to the Darling Harbour precinct



are advised to take note of any public transport                                                                                            DARLING
changes or closures before heading to an event.
In light of the current situation, TransportANfor
                                               ZAC New South
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MARTIN PLACE

Wales (NSW) had introduced COVID safe physical          GE                                                                                                              KING                                  DISTRICT
                                                                                                                                                                       STREET                                   CBD

distancing restrictions on     travel and transport modes.
                             ROZELLE BAY                                                             PYRMONT
                                                                                                                          BAY                                                                                                                               THE DOMAIN

Please plan your trip allowing ample travel time as                                                                                                                                                                                          ST JAMES

increased safety measures may impact your journey.

Refer COVID-19: Travel advice and information.


                                                                                                                                       PLACE           HARBOUR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HYDE PARK

As at 2 January 2021, wearing a mask is


mandatory on all public transport in NSW.

                                                                                                                                                                        10 MIN WA                                TOWN
                                                                                                                                                                                       LK                         HALL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       HYDE PARK
                                                                                                       WENTWORTH                                                   TUMBALONG
CAR PARK MANAGEMENT                                                                                       PARK
                                                                                                                          CAR PARK 1                                  PARK                                                                                TRAIN

ICC Sydney has two car park facilities located within the Exhibition                                                                            EXHIBITION

Centre and Aware Super Theatre, comprising a total of 826 car spaces.
Please note increased safety measures have                                                                                             EXHIBITION        AWARE SUPER

been introduced within the car parks:                                                           WENTWORTH                                                                                                                                                 FERRY
                                                                                                   PARK                                       CAR PARK 2

CONTACTLESS​ PAYMENTS                                                                                                                                        ZOLLNER
Card Payment Options Only                                                                                                                                    CIRCUIT
1 Continued promotion of tap or insert credit                                                                                                                                               10 M
   card on entry (no need to take a ticket)​
                                                                                                                                                                                                 IN   WAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                          K                                               GOODS LINE

2     Use exact same credit card (as used on entry) for                                                                                                                                                                               SURRY HILLS

      payment on exit. Tap or insert at exit gates.​                                                                                                                                                                                                      CYCLE

                      AT PAY STATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EXISTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LIGHT RAIL
1     Floor decals on the ground and/or signage of                                                                                                                                  SYDNEY                         CENTRAL
                                                                                                                                                                                    CBD TO                                                                NEW CBD
      required distancing if queuing for payment.​
                                             FOREST LODGE
                                                                                                                                                                                    AIRPORT                                                               LIGHT RAIL
                                                                                                                                                                                    8 KM

(Intercom buttons — Pay Stations/Entry/Exit Gates)
1 Regular cleaning based on occupancy levels
     and or peak event entry/exit times.

          NEWTOWN                                                                                              CHIPPENDALE
INTRODUCTION                              CONTENTS
                                               VENUESHIELD                   CONTENTS
                                                                        SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                              CONTENTS
                                                                                                                 VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                             WELCOME
                                                                                                                                                              ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                    8

                                                                                         External queue
                                                                                                                                Automated entry and exit                             COVID safe trained   Customer
                                                                                         management practicing
                                                                                                                                doors where possible                                 security support     service
                                                                                         physical distancing

ARRIVAL                                                                                                                                                                                                   QR code contact tracing
                                                                                                                                                                                                          with a contact tracing
                                                                                                                                               People counting device                                     registration point to assist

1     External queue management practicing physical distancing.

2     External signage indicating entry and exit locations.
      Signage will clearly display terms and conditions of entry.
      Refer General conditions of entry for further information.

3     People counting device supporting the physical
      distancing guidelines and venue capacity calculations.

4     Contactless sanitiser stations with supporting hygiene signage.

5     Security team member supporting the safe
      flow of people through the centre.

6     COVID safe trained team member.

7     Service NSW QR code contact tracing with a
      contact tracing registration point to assist.

8     Customer service team member supporting guests,
      ensuring they reach their event safely and efficiently.                                                     1.5m

9     Internal signage indicating COVID safe measures
      in place to maintain a safe venue.                                                            1.5m

10 All who enter the building are expected to go through the
   necessary safety measures put in place by the centre.                      1.5m

                                                                                                                                                                  COVID safe
                                                                                                                                                                  specific signage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COVID safe digital
                                                                                                                                                                  displaying terms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    internal signage
                                                                                                                                                                  and conditions
                                                                                                                                                                  of entry

                                                                                     Entrance with COVID
                                                                                     safe aisles

INTRODUCTION                              CONTENTS
                                               VENUESHIELD                           CONTENTS
                                                                                SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                                          CONTENTS
                                                                                                                                     VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                         WELCOME
                                                                                                                                                                              ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                       9

MANAGEMENT                                                               External digital signage, Blades                                                         Internal digital signage, Convention Centre foyer LED screen

External and internal signage are used to
support health and safety messaging.
Messaging for the signage will reflect
governmental guidelines.
1     Venue to provide digital and physical
      external COVID safe signage.

2     Venue to provide external digital wayfinding signage for events.

3     Venue to provide public health messaging internally
      and externally both digitally and physically.

1     COVIDSafe app logo​.

2     Compliance — physical distancing, hygiene measures.​

3     Directional signage/wayfinding — entrances to buildings,
      most direct way to get to the different buildings.​

4     Public health information.

1     Entry and exit points to be identified and well signed​.

2     Terms and conditions of entry will be clearly displayed.

3     Public health messaging:

    • Physical distancing measures.

    • Public health and hygiene measures.
                                                                         Internal digital signage, Room information panel (COVID safe messaging)                  Internal digital signage, Room information panel (event specific messaging)
4     Floor decals — directional signage — spaced to
      be compliant with physical distancing.

5     Event space capacity signage​.

                                VENUESHIELD                 CONTENTS
                                                       SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                 CONTENTS
                                                                                   VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                WELCOME
                                                                                                                   ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                  10


                                                     PHYSICAL DISTANCING
Under NSW Health requirements                           CALCULATIONS
each building and each type of event                                                                                 2sqm
may have a specific capacity.                    Your dedicated event manager                                                                20m
                                                 has detailed capacity plans                 16m
Your dedicated business development              based the on following:​
representative or event manager will discuss     1    Foyer spaces ​
your specific requirements ensuring that         2    Floor level spaces ​
they align with current regulations.             3    Event room space​
                                                 4    Building capacity​
In order to provide the safest environment       5    When planning, all
in which to host your event, ICC Sydney has           event team members,
                                                      speakers, organisers and
updated venue capacity information in line            attendees must be included
with physical distancing requirements.                within the capacity.

In order to plan for your specific event, your
dedicated business development representative
or event manager will work in collaboration
with you to develop an event solution that
allows you to reach your objectives whilst
meeting health and safety requirements.
The capacities will be monitored to
comply with government regulations.
EventSafe floor plans based on these
capacities have been created.

                                                                                                                We understand that each event you are
                                                                                                                organising at ICC Sydney entails different
                                                                                                                specifications. Our team will work with you
                                                                                                                to apply specific safety measures to meet the
                                                                                                                exact requirements of your event. Contact
                                                                                                                your business development representative
                                                                                                                or event manager to discuss your event needs.
INTRODUCTION                              CONTENTS
                                               VENUESHIELD                CONTENTS
                                                                     SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                     CONTENTS
                                                                                                     VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                               WELCOME
                                                                                                                                                    ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                 11

                                                                                                          Safety procedures will be

                                                                                                          communicated and aligned                                              Contactless
                                                                                                          with the objectives of the                                            sanitisation station
                                                                                                          conference organiser

                                                                                    COVID safe
                                                                                                                                                                                             Event specific
                                                                                    event specific
                                                                                                                                                                                             capacity signage
1     Conference room entrance monitoring and support is                            safety signage
      available. Speak to your dedicated event manager regarding
      your specific requirements and applicable charges.

2     People counting supporting the event space capacity is
      available. Speak to your dedicated event manager regarding
      your specific requirements and applicable charges.

3     Contactless hand sanitiser stations with supporting
      signage are available at the entrance to the conference
      room. Speak to your dedicated event manager regarding
      your specific requirements and applicable charges.

4     ICC Sydney COVID safe procedures to be communicated
      to all attendees via the event organiser prior to the event.

5     Digitalisation, multi-media productions and live
      streaming can be incorporated to support events.

6     ICC Sydney COVID Safe training will be provided to
      event organisers on procedures and regulations.

7     COVID Safe cleaning measures.

8     Event specific COVID safe floor plans will be
      developed by your dedicated ICC Sydney event
      manager to meet your requirements.

The ICC Sydney Convention Centre has been
deemed a ‘Function Centre’ by NSW Health.
As such Conferences, Exhibitions and Banquet
events have a capacity of one person per two
square metres of publicly accessible space.

                                                                                                                                                  Digitalisation, multi-media
                                                                                                                                                  productions and live
                                                                                                                                                  streaming to support events

                                                                                                                                       COVID safe cleaning services                 People counting support

INTRODUCTION                              CONTENTS
                                               VENUESHIELD                 CONTENTS
                                                                      SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                              CONTENTS
                                                                                                               VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                                  WELCOME
                                                                                                                                                                 ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                                  12

                                                                                                      COVID safe                              machines                                                  Contactless

                                                                                                      instructions                            selling personal
                                                                                                      communicated                                                                                      payment
                                                                                                                                              protective                                                systems
                                                                                                      on signage                              equipment

The ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre has been
deemed a “Function Centre’ by NSW Health.
As such Exhibitions, Conferences and Banquet
events have a capacity of one person per two
square metres of publicly accessible space.
Your dedicated event manager will discuss
your specific requirements ensuring                                                                                                                                     Contactless
alignment with current regulations.                                                                                                                                     sanitisation                           Customer
                                                                                                                                                                        station                                service
1     Calculation of the Exhibition Centre’s capacity
      in relation to distancing regulations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               QR code contact tracing
2     Dedicated Exhibition Centre entrance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               with a contact tracing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               registration point to assist
3     Signage will communicate instructions on
      COVID safe behaviour and information.
                                                                                                   Flow management
4     Contactless hand sanitiser stations with supporting                                          with centralised
      signage are available at the entrance to the conference                                      tracking and on-site
      room. Speak to your dedicated event manager regarding                                        controls such
      your specific requirements and applicable charges.                                           as bollards and
                                                                                                   signage points
5     Dedicated ICC Sydney Event Manager will liaise directly with
      clients to discuss the specific COVID-19 requirements.

6     Queue management systems can be implemented by                                                                      1.5m

      clients using controls such as floor decals highlighting safe
      physical distances, ropes bollards and signage throughout                                             1.5m

      the exhibition. Speak to your dedicated ICC Sydney Event
      manager regarding your specific plans / requirements.                                 1.5m

      Queue management systems can be implemented by
      clients using controls such as floor decals highlighting safe
      physical distances, ropes bollards and signage throughout
      the exhibition. Speak to your dedicated ICC Sydney Event
      manager regarding your specific plans / requirements.                                                                                                                                             Speak to your dedicated ICC Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Business development or Event
7     Implementation of contactless payment systems.                                                                                                                                                    Manager to arrange and discuss
                                                                                                                                                                                                        extended event operating hours.

                                                                                                                                 COVID safe specific                       Capacity calculation of
                                                                                                                                 signage displaying terms                  the Exhibition Centre will
                                                                                                                                 and conditions of entry                   be calculated in line with
                                                                                                                                                                           current regulations
                                VENUESHIELD                 CONTENTS
                                                       SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                            CONTENTS
                                                                                              VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                         WELCOME
                                                                                                                                       ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                13

                                                        EVENT CUSTOMER                              SIGNAGE                           TICKET SALES                    FOOD AND BEVERAGE
The live events and entertainment offering                                             1     Entry and exit points to be      1   Contactless ticket validation   1   Increased COVID-19
at ICC Sydney has been reviewed in light           Live events safe operating                identified and well signed.          system upon entry.                  sanitation prior, during
                                                                                                                                                                      and after service​.
of the introduction of EventSafe operating         principles cover the attendee       2     Terms and conditions of entry.   2   Patrons will be provided
                                                   experience, including:                                                         with COVID safe information     2   Front of house team
protocols including additional safety measures                                         3     Public health messaging:
                                                                                                                                  prior to their attendance.          members provided with
                                                   1   What to expect when using
spanning ticket sales, signage, customer               public transport to attend an
                                                                                           • Physical distancing measures.                                            dedicated hand wash and
touchpoints when attending an event, venue             event. Refer COVID-19: Travel       • Public health and                                                        glove sanitation station.
                                                       advice and information.               hygiene measures.                                                    3
capacities and food and beverage services.                                             4     Floor decals — directional
                                                                                                                                                                      Guest sanitising stations
                                                   2   Health and safety                                                                                              at entry points and
                                                       procedures on arrival and             signage — spaced to                                                      catering areas​​.
At ICC Sydney we continue to closely monitor and       at the building entrance.             be compliant with                                                    4   Contactless (cashless)
adhere to the regulations and advice provided      3   COVID safe external
                                                                                             physical distancing.                                                     transactions​​.
by the Australian Government Department of             and internal signage.           5     Event space capacity signage.                                        5   Queue management.
Health. Furthermore, our approach is applied in    4   COVID safe food and                                                                                        6   Capacity calculations
                                                       beverage service updates.
accordance with NSW Government guidelines.                                                                                                                            compliant with current
                                                   5   Medical services.                                                                                              regulations.
Our team will endeavour to keep patrons and        6   Increase environmental                                                                                     7   Disposable packaging
                                                       hygiene and sanitation                                                          CAPACITIES                     and cutlery. ​​
visitors informed of any updates in relation           practices.                                                                                                 8   Acrylic screens for kiosk
to the staging of live events at ICC Sydney.       7   Contactless payment
                                                                                                                              1   Your dedicated event
                                                                                                                                                                      hot food areas​​.
                                                                                                                                  manager will discuss your
                                                       solutions.                                                                 specific requirements           9   Self serve condiments
For the latest information on upcoming events at   8   COVID safe security and                                                    ensuring that they align            replaced with individual
ICC Sydney, please see                                 bag check will be in place.                                                with current regulations.           portion control packs​​​.
Aware Super Theatre, Pyrmont Theatre
and Darling Harbour Theatre have a 100%
seated capacity where the event is ticketed
and each attendee is provided a specific
seat allocation. Alternatively the capacity
is calculated at one person per two square
metres of publicly accessible space for
events with non allocated seating.

                                 VENUESHIELD               CONTENTS
                                                      SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                            CONTENTS
                                                                                             VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                                    WELCOME
                                                                                                                                                 ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                   14

                                                                                                                              Calculation of the venue’s
                                                                                                                              capacity in relation to                 People counting support
                                                                                                                              distancing regulations

                                                                                                                                          Team members will wear

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease spread from
person to person, not a foodborne disease.
In line with the World Health Organisation
(WHO), Food Standards Australia New Zealand
(FSANZ) advises there is currently no evidence
that COVID-19 is transmitted through the
consumption of food or beverages, or through
contact with food packaging materials.
The FSANZ Food Standards Code requires food
businesses to take all practicable steps to prevent
contamination of food production and service
areas. To minimise food safety risks, ICC Sydney’s                                                                                             1.5m

food and beverage operations are managed                                                                    2.5m

under our HACCP based food safety framework.

ICC Sydney can provide the following
food service modes in compliance with
the current Public Health Order:


•   Plated service
•   Buffet service
•   Canapés
•   Coffee breaks
•   Retail service                                                          Digitalisation, multi-media
                                                                                                                   Individual still water
                                                                            productions and live
To discuss your specific event, please contact your                         streaming to support events
                                                                                                                   bottles on client request

dedicated business development representative
or event manager for further details.
                                                                            COVID safe                    Individual bread roll
                                                                                                                                                                                    Contactless sanitisation
                                                                            communication                 and butter portions​​
                                                                            on digital screens

                                 VENUESHIELD               CONTENTS
                                                      SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                      CONTENTS
                                                                                       VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                     WELCOME
                                                                                                                            ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION   15

SANITATION                                                 PRE-EVENT                     DURING EVENT                       POST-EVENT

PROCEDURE                                         1   Ensure all equipment is
                                                      cleaned prior to use.
                                                                                1     AV equipment that has
                                                                                      been handled by multiple
                                                                                                                    1   All equipment will be cleaned
                                                                                                                        at the close of each event.
                                                                                      people throughout an
                                                                                      event will be cleaned
                                                                                      regularly. This includes:
Cleaning practices have been extended
                                                                                    • Hand held, lapel, headset
throughout every facet of operational                                                 and lectern microphones.
event delivery. Touch points including AV                                           • Laptops and other devices.
equipment handled by multiple people                                                • Presentation remotes.
including team members, presenters and                                              • Lectern and side table.
delegates is regularly cleaned to ensure
ICC Sydney is a COVID safe workplace.
The procedure update detailed here will apply
at pre-event, during and post-event stages.
Contact your audio visual project manager to
discuss your specific event audio visual needs.

INTRODUCTION                               CONTENTS
                                                VENUESHIELD                      CONTENTS
                                                                            SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                            CONTENTS
                                                                                                                   VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                      WELCOME
                                                                                                                                                         ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                            16

                                                                              ​ENTRANCE AND                                 LIFTS                       ESCALATORS                            DOOR
                                                                                  EGRESS                                                                                                     HANDLES
Furthering our existing high standards of                                                                     1   High touch points             1   High touch points including
cleanliness and hygiene protocols,                                     Allocated and separate entry and           including lift buttons will       escalator hand rails will     1   Access doors will open
                                                                                                                  be cleaned regularly.             be cleaned regularly.
ICC Sydney has introduced routine measures                             egress points have been assigned                                                                               automatically where possible.
                                                                       to help facilitate physical                                                                                2   High touch points including
(constant), operational measures (during                               distancing and ensure that                                                                                     door handles will be
events) and deep clean measures.                                       ICC Sydney is a safe environment.                                                                              cleaned regularly.
                                                                       The following measures apply:
EventSafe critical hygiene protocols include:                          1   External queue management
                                                                           practicing physical distancing.​
1     Increased cleaning processes throughout the venue.               2   External signage
                                                                           indicating entry locations
2     Provision where applicable of contactless hand
                                                                           and exit locations​.                           TOILETS                   CONTACTLESS HAND
      sanitiser stations with supporting signage.
                                                                       3   Internal signage indicating                                              SANITISER STATIONS
3     Touchless faucets available in dedicated toilet facilities.          measures in place to               1   Increased frequency
                                                                           maintain a safe venue​.                of cleaning by trained        1   Contactless hand
4     Protocols developed for increased cleaning and waste disposal.                                              team members.                     sanitiser stations with                  SIGNAGE
                                                                       4   Security team member
                                                                           supporting the safe flow of                                              supporting signage will
5     Implemented safe queuing and operational                                                                                                                                    Signage will be placed
                                                                           people through the centre.​                                              be available for all guests
      planning for all toilet facilities.                                                                                                                                         throughout the venue indicating:
                                                                                                                                                    who enter the building.
                                                                       5   Customer service team                                                                                  1   A guide of how to
                                                                           member supporting guests                                             2   Signage will be placed at
6     Implemented cleaning protocols for the delivery                                                                                                                                 properly sanitise.
                                                                           reach their event efficiently​.                                          stations with instructions
      and receiving of items in the loading docks.                                                                                                                                2   COVID safe behaviour.
                                                                                                                                                    on how to hand sanitise
                                                                       6   Temperature screening
7     Safe pre event, during and post event cleaning protocols.                                                                                     and cough etiquette.          3   Physical distancing
                                                                           of guests is available
                                                                                                                                                3   Additional contactless            requirements.
                                                                           on client request within
8     Government distributed advisory signage on hygiene.                  contracted spaces. Speak                                                 hand sanitiser stations for   4   Directional information
                                                                           to your dedicated event                                                  events spaces are available       for event.
                                                                           manager regarding your                                                   speak to your dedicated
                                                                           specific requirements and                                                event manager regarding
                                                                           applicable charges.                                                      your specific requirements
                                                                                                                    ENVIRONMENTAL                   and applicable charges.
                                                                       7   People counting device                      HYGIENE
                                                                           supporting the physical
                                                                           distancing guidelines              1   The air quality of the
                                                                           and practices.​                        environment in which we
                                                                       8   Contactless hand sanitiser             operate is of paramount
                                                                           stations with supporting               importance. Therefore
                                                                                                                                                                                      TABLES AND CHAIRS
                                                                           signage at building entries.           increased measures
                                                                       9   All who enter the building are         during this period have                                         1   Tables, chairs and any table
                                                                           required to go through the             been implemented.                                                   settings will be cleaned
                                                                           necessary safety measures                                                                                  between each customer at
                                                                           put in place by the centre                                                                                 ICC Sydney retail outlets.

                                 VENUESHIELD                   CONTENTS
                                                          SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                        CONTENTS
                                                                                             VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                       WELCOME
                                                                                                                                    ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                17

                                                             TEMPERATURE                    PEOPLE COUNTING                        CONTACTLESS                                DIGITAL
ICC Sydney aims to stay at the forefront of                    READING                        TECHNOLOGY                           TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                                                                                 1    Signage will include
technological advancements when delivering            1   Temperature screening         1   People will be counted as       1   As a venue focused on                 COVID safe messaging.
events, offering clients a broad range of solutions       of guests is available            they enter and exit the venue       customer service, contactless
encompassing audio visual and information                 on client request within          using camera technology             payment solutions provide an
                                                          contracted spaces. Speak          to provide real time data.          efficient and hygienic service
and communication technology (ICT) services.              to your dedicated event                                               to our visitors. ICC Sydney
Technological solutions also play a critical              manager regarding your                                                and Aware Super Theatre
                                                          specific requirements and                                             food and beverage kiosks
role in streamlining and managing health and              applicable charges.                                                   alongside merchandise
safety protocols efficiently and accurately.          2   ICC Sydney can engage                                                 outlets and the car park have
                                                          on the client’s behalf with                                           offered contactless payment
The venue is incorporating technological devices          St John Ambulance (NSW)                                               since April 2020.
that will further enhance each client and visitor’s       to conduct temperature                                            2   We accept payment via card
                                                          screening using Therapeutic                                           only for all on-site food and          LOADING DOCK
experience beginning from their event planning            Goods Administration                                                  beverage kiosks and cafes as         MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
phases, on arrival, during, and post event.               (TGA) approved infrared                                               well as merchandise outlets
                                                          thermometers which                                                    tied to an event, along with     1    Our loading dock
ICC Sydneys EventSafe Operating Guide                     reduces contact, waste                                                our car park. Major credit            management system extends
                                                          and transmission risk.                                                cards, debit cards and                the capability of controlled
incorporates equipment and processess                                                                                           mobile/watch pay (Apple Pay,          commercial and event
including QR code Contact Tracing, people                                                                                       Google Pay and Samsung                deliveries to ensure effective
                                                                                                                                                                      distancing is programmed
counting and contactless payment solutions.                                                                                     Pay) are accepted. As a recent
                                                                                                                                                                      into the schedule. Our
                                                                                                                                enhancement of our
                                                                                                                                contactless payment options,          comprehensive scheduling
The Australian Government’s voluntary                                                                                           the venue now accepts AliPay          platform collects the
coronavirus app, COVIDSafe is an important                                                                                      and WeChat pay in all outlets         information of all deliveries
                                                                                                                                                                      and their drivers (scheduled
public health initiative designed to help                                                                                       except the car park.
                                                                                                                                                                      and unscheduled) to
keep those in Australia safe from further                                                                                   3   ICC Sydney offers a
                                                                                                                                                                      ensure our contact tracing
                                                                                                                                completely contactless
spread of coronavirus through early                                                                                             payment system, although it
                                                                                                                                                                      ability extends both front
                                                                                                                                                                      and back of house.
notification of possible exposure.                                                                                              retains the ability to accept
                                                                                                                                cash if required. Contact your
                                                                CONTACT                         VIRTUAL SITE                    dedicated event manager for
                                                                TRACING                         INSPECTION                      further details.
                                                      1   ICC Sydney uses unique        1   The website has been
                                                          Service NSW QR codes for          populated with digital
                                                          each building.                    resources to assist with the
                                                          An electronic recording           event planning process.
                                                          system adhering to            2   Virtual site inspections
                                                          government regulations to         are available to assist
                                                          record attendees who are          with a contactless
                                                          unable to use the Service         planning experience.
                                                          NSW code is also available.
INTRODUCTION                    CONTENTS
                                  VENUESHIELD                   CONTENTS
                                                           SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                          CONTENTS
                                                                                                VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                          WELCOME
                                                                                                                                          ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                            18

                                                                ENTRANCES                         SECONDARY                               EMERGENCY                        TEAM TRAINING
ICC Sydney has developed infection control                                                     ASSESSMENT POINTS                           SERVICES                        AND EDUCATION
                                                       1   Terms and conditions of entry
procedures in line with overarching World Health           signage at all entry points.    1   On client request, use            1   Robust relationship with        1   Specific escalation protocol
Organisation and Australian Government                 2   Promotion of COVIDSafe              of secondary screening                NSW Ambulance Service               for non-admission to venue.
Department of Health standards.                            app at all entry points.            assessment points will                Zone Managers and the           2   Specific emergency
                                                                                               be made available.                    NSW Ministry of Health              escalation protocols for a
                                                       3   On client request
                                                                                                                                     Public Health Unit.
Our medical response process has been                      temperature reading is          2   Secondary medical                                                         COVID-19 incident requiring
                                                           available within contracted         assessment point includes         2   Regular meetings with               emergency services.
developed in accordance with Australian                    spaces. Speak to your               infection control equipment.          the City of Sydney Local        3   Infection control and
Government Department of Health best practice.             dedicated event manager             Medical response team                 Emergency Management                hygiene education for
Our organisation maintains close working                   regarding your specific             is COVID safe trained.                committee for COVID-19.             all team members.
                                                           requirements and                3   Security and floor manager
relationships with the NSW Public Health unit and          applicable charges.                 assistance for escalation
                                                                                                                                                                     4   Public health education and
                                                                                                                                                                         awareness on-site focusing
NSW Ambulance.                                                                                 of patrons who are not                                                    on COVIDSafe app, physical
                                                                                               admitted to the venue.                                                    distancing, hand hygiene
Our team conducts research on changing                                                     4   Mental health trained                                                     and cough etiquette.
governing guidelines in order to produce an                                                    responders for managing
                                                                                               vulnerable persons.
internal Situation Report that underpins all COVID
                                                                                           5   Rapid response system
safe response planning.                                                                        established for patients
                                                                                               exhibiting symptoms in
To uphold the highest health and safety                                                        accordance with both
standards, ICC Sydney employs an appropriately                                                 Australian Government
                                                                                               Department of Health and
resourced and qualified on-site incident response                                              World Health Organisation
team.                                                                                          clinical criteria for COVID-19.       ISOLATION ROOMS

                                                                                                                                 1   Dedicated isolation rooms
The team is provided education and ongoing                                                                                           within each building, for use
training based on current best practice. Regular                                                                                     of those persons exhibiting
                                                                                                                                     COVID-19 symptoms
COVID-19 operational updates are produced and                                                                                        while awaiting emergency
shared with the team.                                                                                                                response agencies.

The team has developed a client , contractor and
team member focused COVID-19 Health
Response plan which includes a rapid isolation,
emergency response and escalation procedure.
To facilitate the COVID-19 Health Response plan,
there are four dedicated first aid rooms, as well as
dedicated isolation rooms.
INTRODUCTION                                CONTENTS
                                                 VENUESHIELD           CONTENTS
                                                                  SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES           CONTENTS
                                                                                        VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                                      WELCOME
                                                                                                                                              ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                         19

                                                                                                                                                                                 Additional mobile
                                                                                                                         Additional AV support                                   contactless hand
                                                                                                                                                                                 sanitisation stations

SERVICES                                                                                                                                         Room capacity monitors
                                                                                                                                                                                           Additional customer
                                                                                                                                                                                           service team members

ICC Sydney’s EventSafe Operating Guide
is based on a foundation of stringent safety
standards in line with COVID safe government
protocols and international best practices.
All ICC Sydney team members are trained
in COVID safe protocols. Should a client
request additional safety requirements, the
following services are available to order*:
1     Additional security personnel.

2     Additional cleaners and presentation services personnel.

3     Additional customer service team members.

4     Personal protective equipment.

5     Additional digital and physical signage.

6     Room capacity monitors.

7     Hand held temperature reading devices.                                                                                             1.5m

8     Additional mobile contactless hand sanitisation stations.

9     Additional audio visual (AV) support.

                                                                                                               COVID safe cleaning services                           COVID safe trained
                                                                                                                                                                      team member

*For all ICC Sydney managed additional services required,
 indicative costs will be provided upon request. Speak to your                               Additional team
                                                                                                                                                           COVID safe trained
 dedicated event manager regarding your specific requirements.                               members to assist with
                                                                                                                                                           security support
                                                                                             speakers preparation

INTRODUCTION                             CONTENTS
                                            VENUESHIELD                   CONTENTS
                                                                     SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                                 CONTENTS
                                                                                                                 VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                 WELCOME
                                                                                                                                                  ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION   20


Education and training programs will be
implemented to communicate updated protocols
for the following groups:
ICC SYDNEY TEAM MEMBERS                                                                             TR
All team members will be provided initial and ongoing COVID safe                             SA
training.                                                                           CO

All ICC Sydney directly engaged contractors carrying out works for
and within ICC Sydney will be provided detailed health and safety
communications and training material in light of COVID Safety
protocols.                                                                                                                       m

All clients will be provided detailed COVID safe training material
addressing updated health and safety procedures.

COVID-19 updates are produced by ICC Sydney’s
Risk and Safety team and COVID Taskforce to
ensure the most up to date information is

INTRODUCTION                             CONTENTS
                                              VENUESHIELD                      CONTENTS
                                                                          SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                            CONTENTS
                                                                                                                 VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES             WELCOME
                                                                                                                                              ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                                21

                                                                                                                                                                              Suitably equipped
                                                                                                                      Internal lifts                                          bathroom facilities with
                                                                                                                                                                              specific sanitisation

1     Dedicated parking.

2     Supply of assistance equipment (wheelchairs,
      etc.) sanitised before and after each usage.

3     Queue management system will be implemented using on-
      site controls such as floor decals highlighting safe physical
      distances, ropes/bollards and signage throughout the venue.

4     Suitably equipped bathroom facilities with specific sanitisation.

5     Internal lifts.


                                                                                        Dedicated parking bays                                      Accessible entry points

                               VENUESHIELD                   CONTENTS
                                                        SAFEWORK PRINCIPLES                          CONTENTS
                                                                                             VENUE OPERATING PRINCIPLES                        WELCOME
                                                                                                                                     ESSENTIAL VENUE INFORMATION                          22

ICC Sydney recognises the safety requirements                  ISO 9001                           ISO 45001                           ISO 14001                         ISO 22000
posed by COVID-19 and is committed to the           1   An internationally recognised   1   Specifies the requirements for   1   Sets the criteria for        1   A food safety system
continued delivery of world class events in a           quality management system           occupational health and              environmental management         management standard,
COVID safe venue. The holistic approach to safety       standard based on the               safety (OH&S) management             and provides assurance to        based on the principles of
                                                        management principles of            enabling ICC Sydney to               our external stakeholders,       HACCP, that provides a layer
management taken across our entire organisation         strong customer focus, the          provide a safe and healthy           that our environmental           of assurance throughout
has been used to identify and navigate through          motivation and commitment           workplace by preventing              impact is assessed,              the food supply chain in
the challenges associated with the pandemic.            of top management, the              work-related injury and ill          measured and improved.           order to control food safety
                                                        process approach and                health, as well as proactively                                        hazards and bring people
ICC Sydney’s safety management system has               continual improvement.              improving OH&S                                                        food that they can trust.
been independently certified by an accredited                                               performance.
third party organisation to globally recognised
international standards for quality (ISO9001),
safety (ISO45001), environmental (ISO14001)
and food safety (ISO22000) management.

A NSW Government project, ICC Sydney was delivered in partnership with
   Darling Harbour Live, comprising Lendlease, Hostplus, Aware Super,
             Capella Capital, ASM Global and Spotless FM.
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