Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...

Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021
Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the
incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                              2

                                                                              Contents (click one!)
                                                                              Welcome                                              03

                                                                              The Fundraising Army                                 04

                                                                              The Cateran Yomp                                     05

                                                                              Operation Bletchley                                  06

                                                                              The Virtual Frontline Walk, sponsored by Annington   09

                                                                              The Frontline Walk, sponsored by Annington           10

                                                                              Running and Cycling                                  11

Our Supporters                         cancelled all my time in Ypres. This   The Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch                     13
                                       is the longest time in 15 years I
When Mart was unable to travel         have not been on the battlefields.     The Medicine Ball Challenge                          14
abroad to make his usual annual
trips to the WWI battlefields he       7 years ago, I was injured while       Regional Events - find one near you!                 15
decided to take on The Virtual         on duty which had a bad affect on
Frontline Walk. Here is his story.     me mentally and physically. After      Sponsorship & Corporate Opportunities                19
                                       this I set myself a challenge every
When the lockdown started, as a        year. These have included parachute    A Corporate Case Study - Annington                   20
front-line officer in the police       jumping in Arnhem, marching from
service I jumped to the help the       Whitehall to Ypres in full Great War   Volunteer Opportunities                              21
public. My last period of leave was    gear and cycling from London to the
at the end of January and I have to    Somme visiting the graves of the 150   Contact Us                                           22
say that the past months have been a   officers from my force who died.
struggle for all emergency services.
                                       2020’s challenge was The Virtual
My hobby is acting as a Battlefield    Frontline Walk. Working in London
Guide. Every year I spend three        I have devised walks looking at
weeks in Ypres teaching youth groups   several different subjects - from
about the Great War. Every year I      the first blitz of WWI to the blitz
save up my time off so I can do        in my own town it gave me something
this. In 2020, of course COVID-19      to focus on in these hard times.
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                     Back to Contents              3

Hello and welcome to the 2021 edition of our Events Guide
There is nothing I can say about 2020 that              Once again the Army have stepped forward
hasn’t already been said so instead of                  in a moment of national crisis, putting
looking back let’s look forward. 2021 is the            themselves at risk to protect us. Whether it
year of connecting, of experiencing and being           is in the poppy fields of Afghanistan or the
thankful for what we have.                              car parks of Liverpool, we should be proud of
                                                        everything they do for us.
We all have a deeper appreciation for the
sacrifices made by so many and the precarious           The Soldiers’ Charity is there for them and
nature of everything around us, we have to              their families whenever they need us. We have
make the most of every opportunity. There               been here for over 75 years and will be here
is no better way to connect and to give back            in 75 years time when Private Smith, at 18
than to take part in an event for ABF The               years old today needs support in her old age.
Soldiers’ Charity, we will always put your              All this is possible because of your support.
safety and enjoyment first and whether you
take on a virtual codebreaking challenge or             Together for The Soldiers’ Charity
join us for our delayed 10th Anniversary Yomp
let’s make 2021 a year to remember for all                                                                           Try your hand at Operation Bletchley - your
the right reasons.                                                                                                     virtual codebreaking challenge! In 2020
                                                                                                                        it was shortlisted as the best virtual
                                                                                                                     fundraising event, and the best innovation
It has never been more important to                                                                                   in virtual events at the Charity Virtual
fundraise for The Soldiers’ Charity.                    Steve Oatley, Head of Events                                              Event Awards 2020.

Below are some key statistics from 2019 – 2020 that demonstrate the huge variety and scope of our work in the last year.
                                  Grants to

                  In 2019-20
                   we spent

              supporting the
               Army family                      We spent £12.2m     The youngest            We funded         We have supported          Around          We spend around
                                                   supporting      person we have        89 other charities    the British Army      22% of our grants      £15,000 a day
                                                 70,000 members     supported was           and other              family in       supported serving       on grants to
£5.9m                                                of the            1 year old      organisations that         62 countries    Army personnel and        individuals
                               £2.4m              Army family      the oldest was         support the          across the world      their families
Grants to other
                               Supporting                            102 years old        Army family
charities and
                               the military
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                         Back to Contents   4

                              FLAGSHIP EVENTS START
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                   Back to Contents   5

The ultimate challenge, the Cateran Yomp is
back and this year we’ll be celebrating our
10th anniversary! Are you tough enough to
battle your way across 54 miles (gold) of
rugged, Scottish wilderness in just 24 hours?
You can also sign up for the silver (36 miles) or
bronze (22 miles) options.

Sign up with friends, family and colleagues
and experience an unforgettable weekend
whilst raising money for soldiers, veterans and
their families. Whichever distance you choose,
you will get to test both your physical and
mental limits whilst trekking through some
truly breath-taking scenery. Taking place on
the 5/6 June in the foothills of the Cairngorm
Mountains, this is set to be our biggest Yomp
yet as we celebrate our 10th anniversary.

Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                               Back to Contents           6

-------------------------------            HOW      IT    WORKS    -------------------------------

Operation Bletchley is a series of virtual codebreaking challenges that you can
take part in anywhere in the world using your phone or fitness tracker. There are
currently three missions: London (50 miles), Paris (100 miles) and new for 2020,
a Christmas mission in Berlin (24 miles). Every mission comes with three levels
of code to choose from: Junior, Codebreaker or Cypher Expert. A real family
event and something for all abilities.

1.                        2.                             3.                      4.
-----------------         -----------------              -----------------       -----------------
To begin, link            Start walking at               Solve all the           Cover the distance
your phone or             your own                       codes in your           and deliver the
fitness tracker to        pace to receive                mission to              secret message
your fundraising          mission updates                decipher the            before time runs
page.                     and codes to crack             hidden message.         out to complete
                          when distance                                          your mission and
                          milestones are                                         earn your medal.

                                                                                                           BERLIN | DECEMBER 2020 & 2021 | 24 MILES | 12 CODES | 12 DAYS
--------------------------          A    REWARDING        EXPERIENCE     --------------------------
                                                                                                           It’s Christmas 1948. The Nazi       Berlin. Without road and rail
                                                                                                           regime has fallen and Germany is    support from Western allies, a
                    +                +                    +                +
                                                                                                           divided into four zones occupied    peaceful Christmas seems bleak.
                                                                                                           by British, French, American and
Receive an        Raise £50         Raise £100 to        Raise £150 to   Raise £250      Complete the      Soviet forces. Inside the Soviet    Your mission is to walk, or run,
O.B. Pencil       to receive an     receive your         receive your    to receive      mission on time
with your first   O.B. puzzlebook   Fundraising          O.B. T-shirt    your O.B.       to receive your
                                                                                                           zone, lies Berlin which, like the   24 miles across Berlin making
donation                            Army buff                            commemorative   O.B. medal and    rest of the country, has also       contact with key officials and
                                                                         pin badge       certificate
                                                                                                           been divided into four zones.       decrypting their coded messages.

              Registration £10. For more information and to register for                                   Cooperation between East and West   Can you crack the codes, and
              this event please visit                               has deteriorated and Stalin has     deliver the final message before
              or email events
                             @                                                        cut off supply routes into West     it’s too late?
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                                                           Back to Contents           7

“A completely                                                          “Excellent!!
different                                                              Loved the
charity event -                                                        puzzles - they
I loved the way                                                        certainly got
the codebreaking                                                       my grey cells
added a whole                                                          going! The
extra dimension                                                        camaraderie on
and also that                                                          the Facebook
you had to put                                                         page is great
the miles in to                                                        too.”
get the codes
which was the
most motivating
thing about it.”

    LONDON | JULY 2021 | 50 MILES | 10 CODES | 31 DAYS                    PARIS | JULY 2021 | 100 MILES | 10 CODES | 31 DAYS

It’s 1941 and the threat of        route from Bletchley Park to the    It’s 1942 and the situation in      be compromised, so you must move
invasion is higher than ever.      Cabinet War Rooms in London. You    France is at boiling point. The     through the shadows and crack
German spies could take down our   must make contact with key agents   Nazi occupation has cut us off      codes along the way to avoid
telephone network at any moment,   to solve puzzles along the way.     from our agents on the ground, so   detection. This mission is not
so we need your help to secure a   Can you figure out the code and     we need you to go behind enemy      for the faint hearted. Your
new line of communication. Your    deliver the message to Winston      lines to make contact. We cannot    success is critical. Do you have
mission is to test the 50-mile     Churchill before it’s too late?     afford for our intelligence to      what it takes?
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                                                  Back to Contents        8


  “I loved that people from all around the world took part, and     “It was the best run event    “1st time taking part but
  I learned something about the war in the Netherlands. The         I’ve ever done. Uplifting,    not the last. All round
  Facebook group was one of the most positive, if not the best      challenging and so well       wonderful experience, we
  part of my 2020 so far. A great group of funny and supportive     presented. Got the whole      will see you next year...
  people. The highlight? Finally cracking Paris cypher expert and   family involved and some      we have already decided we
  getting the message to Winston. Oh, and chatting about Winston    friends too.”                 are going to PARIS!”
  as if he were still alive!” Agent Kate Hall                       Agent David Merrigan          Agent Kellen Craig (age 9)
                                                                                                  and his family

  “Bravo to everyone involved        “It was just fantastic.        “The challenge to run 50      “It’s a great combination
  with the storytelling,             The camaraderie and support    miles in a month was great!   of exercising the body
  illustrations and puzzle-          and being part of something    Also, my 15 year old son is   and the mind and raising
  setting, as well as all            big going on in the wider      physically disabled so        money for a great charity.
  the team at HQ who answered        world.” Agent Jackie Dodds     I run the miles and we        Keep it going. I reckon
  every Facebook query or                                           crack the codes together.     it will explode even more
  comment quickly and with                                          It’s just lovely :-)”         next year!”
  good humour - they seemed on                                      Agents Lou & Finn Eyles.      Agent Helen Haywood
  the case 24/7!”
  Agent Fay Franklin
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                 Back to Contents                 9

This autumn walk 100km in memory                            1. Sign up
of those who served in WWI or WWII                          To sign up there is a £10
                                                            registration fee. Link your
                                                            distance app or device
What is it?                                                 and prepare for October
Walk 100km in commemoration of those                        1st. We’ll send you all the
who fought for us in World War I or II while                hints and tips you need to
supporting the soldiers and veterans of today               complete the challenge.
before 11 November.
                                                            2. Track
                                                            When you sign up you will
The Virtual Frontline Walk is a personal
                                                            create your own personal
challenge that can be completed at any location             fundraising page. This is
and logged on your phone or fitness tracker.                where you can record your
Discover the war stories of the people of your              walks, add pictures, stories
hometown whilst also paying your respects to                and share on social media
those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.                      too.

The 100km should be completed between                       3. Rank up!
1st October and 11th November 2021.                         As you fundraise you’ll rise
                                                            through the ranks of our
                                                            Fundraising Army –
Join our online community to find like-                     so you can compete
minded people for fundraising support and                   with friends and other
encouragement with your challenge.                          supporters.

A rewarding experience
   Raise £50 to            Raise £100 to          Raise £150 to        Raise £250 to        Registration £10. For more information and to register for this event
   receive your            receive your           receive your         recieve your
   Frontline Walk          Fundraising Army       Frontline Walk       Frontline Walk Mug   please visit or email events
   Remembrance cross   +   buff                   T-shirt          +
                                                                                            or call 020 7901 8913
Events Guide 2021 Make this the year you run, trek, get online and take on the incredible to support soldiers, veterans and their families - ABF ...
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                                                                                           Back to Contents                              10

Walk 100km, following in the
footsteps of those who fought
in WWI or WWII whilst supporting
the soldiers and veterans of today.
Choose The Western Front to commemorate
those who fought on the Somme and
Passchendaele battlefields. Sign up to
The Normandy Beaches to trek the coastline
stormed as part of Operation Overlord,
during the D-Day landings of WWII.

Sign up to The Home Front to learn about                                                ............................................................................................................................................................................

the role citizens of Britain played in WWI                                              Registration: £150 per person.
                                                                                        Fundraising: The Normandy Beaches and The Western Front - £1,250 per person, with £660 due by
and WWII, and how it shaped our local
                                                                                        31 July 2021, The Home Front - £850 per person with £500 due by 31 July 2021
communities.                                                                            ............................................................................................................................................................................

.....................................................................................   .....................................................................................   .....................................................................................

THE NORMANDY BEACHES                                                                    THE WESTERN FRONT                                                                       THE HOME FRONT
.....................................................................................   .....................................................................................   .....................................................................................

6 – 10 OCTOBER 2021                                                                     13 – 17 OCTOBER 2021                                                                    9 - 12 SEPTEMBER 2021
.....................................................................................   .....................................................................................   .....................................................................................

A 100km walk passing the infamous beaches                                               A 100km walk following the Western Front of                                             Walk 100km of south-east England. Learn about
of Normandy, including Utah, Omaha and                                                  WWI. The Walk starts at Lochnagar Crater,                                               the people of London, Surrey and Hampshire
Sword Beaches and finishing at Pegasus Bridge.                                          the location of the start of the Battle of                                              and the role they and the area played during
                                                                                        the Somme, and finishes at the Menin Gate with                                          WWI and WWII. Hear tales of where our troops
                                                                                        the Ceremony of the Last Post.                                                          were trained, how the War shaped our local
                                                                                                                                                                                communities and landmarks and stories of
                                                                                                                                                                                bravery from people far behind the front line.
                For more information visit or email Amy Kenyon                                                                                .....................................................................................
                on akenyon@ or call 020 7811 3960
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                                                                       Back to Contents                           11

Lace up your running shoes and step up for The Soldiers’ Charity. Whether you sprint, run, jog or bimble to the
finish line, the Fundraising Army is with you every step of the way. With specialist training plans and incredible
support, it’s time to earn that PB. Do it for soldiers, veterans and their families.

MARATHONS                                                                                           HALF MARATHONS                                    CYCLING

BRIGHTON MARATHON                                 VIRGIN MONEY LONDON                               ROYAL PARKS HALF MARATHON                         PRUDENTIAL RIDE LONDON – SURREY 100
12 September                                      MARATHON | 03 October                             11th April and 10th October                       Date TBC
...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................   ........................................................................

One of the UK’s favourite                         The most famous marathon in                       This unmissable Half Marathon                     Are you ready to be one of 100,000 cyclists
marathons - fast and scenic                       the world and a must-attend                       is one for the bucket list,                       participating in the renowned festival of cycling?
with the stunning backdrop                        event. The 2021 event is open                     taking in the spectacular                         Challenge yourself on the 2012 Olympic Road Race
of the sea in one of the                          for registrations.                                sights of the capital and                         course. Starting in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic
country’s most vibrant                                                                              beautiful Royal Parks. Places                     Park and passing London’s best known landmarks, the
cities. The race gets bigger                                                                        get snapped up fast so join                       route features the infamous Box Hill climb and ends
and better every year!                                                                              up now!                                           on The Mall. An experience to remember.
...............................................   ...............................................   ...............................................   ........................................................................................

Registration: £30 | Target: £500                  Registration: £100 | Target: £2,000               Registration: £40 | Target: £450                  Registration: £30 | Target: £600

             We have dozens of fantastic running events you can take part in                                                                                        Visit for more
             across the country. For more information visit                                                                                information or email us at
             or email or call 020 7901 8913                                                                                              events@ or call 020 7901 8913
Events Guide 2021                                                   Back to Contents   12

The difference your support can make

Emily Wilkinson                   In the Army, Emily played the
                                  position of Goal Shooter on the
Emily, 101, is a World War Two    netball team.
veteran who was born in Stepney
in 1919. Her father worked at     Emily’s favourite wartime
the London Docks and her mother   memory is of meeting Charlie –
was a housewife. Emily was        the young man who would later
part of a large family, having    become her husband. He came
four brothers and three younger   from Fleetwood in Lancashire
sisters.                          and was a Sergeant in the Royal
                                  Engineers before transferring
During the Blitz, Emily recalls   to Royal Electrical and
sheltering in the undercroft      Mechanical Engineers. He met
of St George’s Church during      Emily in a local pub where
German air raids. She             her father used to buy beer
celebrated her 21st birthday      for soldiers passing through.
there in 1940.                    Charlie and Emily married in
                                  December 1944. Due to the war,
Emily served in the Auxiliary     Emily was allowed to continue
Territorial Service (ATS)         serving despite her married
between 1942 and 1945,            status.
undergoing training at
Donnington. Over the course of    After the war, Emily was
the war, she was stationed at     awarded the 1939-45 Star. She
Chelsea Barracks, Aldermaston,    and Charlie moved to Fleetwood,
Donnington and Reading. Her       Lancashire, where their
mother was often unwell, and as   daughter was born. In 1951 they
the eldest daughter Emily was     moved to Essex, where they
issued a day pass so that she     had two sons. Emily has five
could return home each evening    grandchildren and seven great
to care for her.                  grandchildren.

Emily enjoyed wearing her         Our charity is proud to work
uniform but did not like the      in partnership with the WRAC
standard issue forage cap. She    Association to contribute
used her wages to purchase her    towards Emily’s annual care
own cap.                          home costs.
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                   Back to Contents              13

                                                      SUPPORTING ALL
                                                         MEMBERS OF
                                                       HER MAJESTY’S
                                                        ARMED FORCES

      YO U R S U P P O RT I S N E E D E D
           MORE THAN EVER

The Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch is         I N T RO D U C I NG A N EW               While the 2021 Lunch will be different     WHO D OES THE LUNCH
back for its fourteenth year! Previous      F O R M AT F O R 2 0 2 1                 as we follow COVID guidelines set out      S U P P O RT ?
Lunches have largely revolved around                                                 by HM Government, for which we raise
a delicious curry lunch on a huge scale,    Rather than focusing solely on one       funds is not and in fact is in greater     We are in the third year of focusing the
accompanied by all sorts of amusing         lunch on one day, The Lord Mayor’s       need of your support. Employment           funds raised by the Lunch on the theme
and entertaining activities to raise        Big Curry Lunch 2021 is now a series     is an issue for which the need has         of employability. The Lunch will provide
funds to help veterans of Her Majesty’s     of events spanning three months to       ballooned since the pandemic began,        financial support for veterans to take
Armed Forces. Through the support of        raise funds and awareness and, with      making it difficult for everyone to        part in a programme designed to help
the Corporation of the City of London,      your help, we plan to fund veterans      gain employment but particularly for       gain meaningful employment. This will
we have been fortunate to use the           during this trying time. Starting from   veterans suffering from psychological      be in partnership with the King Edward
City’s historic Guildhall in ever-more      1st February 2021, the Online Silent     and physical pain. More than ever your     VII Hospital’s Centre for Veterans’
imaginative ways.                           Auction will be kicking off the 2021     support is needed.                         Health and their six-month Pain
                                            Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch.                                                       Management Programme. The Lunch
                                                                                     Help our veterans and make a difference    will aim to fund, as part of The Soldiers’
                                                                                     by joining us for our special three-       Charity grant-giving, up to eighteen
                                                                                     month extravaganza of activities for the   veterans on this programme.
        For more information visit
        email or call 0207 811 3202                         2021 Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch.
Events Guide 2021                                                                                         Back to Contents   14

 New challenge coming soon!

 One in four adults experience mental illness, and many more of us know and care for
 people who do. Talking openly about how we feel can help.

 This is where the Medicine Ball Challenge
 comes in.
 Created by two serving soldiers who have seen their families and friends struggle with mental health,
 the Medicine Ball Challenge is about starting conversations – encouraging people to speak freely
 about mental health while undertaking a 7-day challenge. The challenge involves cuffing a 3kg
 medicine ball to your wrist for seven days. It may not sound that heavy, but being chained to the
 medicine ball continuously for a week is a significant burden. The ball becomes a physical, visual and
 tangible representation of the invisible burden of mental illness that so many of us can experience.

 The aim of the Medicine Ball Challenge is to raise awareness and encourage people to talk openly.
 It’s about creating powerful conversations. Taking part in this challenge could be transformative;
 and will definitely help ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, Combat Stress and Mind continue to support those
 in difficulty.
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                 Back to Contents                   15

Events                        We have a hugely varied programme of events, suitable for all ages and interests, that take
                              place throughout the UK and across the world. Follow our website links below or contact
2021                          your local office for more information on the events featured and our other events and
                              activities that take place throughout the year.

Running                                                    Skydives and abseiling                                Overseas events

Edinburgh Marathon Festival                 29-30 May      Skydives                                              We are thrilled to be offering these once in a lifetime
Great North Run                         12 September                                                             trips to support our Charity:
                                                           You can skydive with us all over the UK throughout
Robin Hood Half Marathon                26 September       the year, we have sites in the Midlands, the North    Mount M’Goun Summit
                                                           East, the North West, Scotland and Wales; see our     Challenge, Morocco                      12-18 September
The Great Scottish Run                  28 September
                                                           webpage for more details.
Shrewsbury Half Marathon           (date tbc) September                                                          Wadi Rum Challenge, Jordan                    2-8 October

Cardiff Half Marathon                        3 October
                                                           Abseils                                               Sahara 100km Challenge                    8-14 November

Manchester Half Marathon                   10 October      Skydiving not scary enough? Then come and             Great Escape Route (Pyrenees)              Summer 2022
                                                                                                                                                       (Registration open now)
                                                           abseil with us too!
Manchester Marathon                        10 October
                                                                                                                 And, we are delighted to be partnering with two
Scottish Half Marathon                     26 October
                                                           Belfast, Europa Abseil                    21 March    organisations to offer two other fantastic trips:
Hope Valley Run, Hereford             (date tbc) October
                                                           Brighton, i360 Abseil                      16 April   Kilimanjaro Challenge                       Summer 2021
                                                                                                                 Sri Lanka Tuk Tuk Challenge              5-11 September

         To find out more about these events
         as well as lots more 5k/10k & mud runs                      To find out more about extreme events                 To find out more about our overseas events
         you can join us on – see our webpage:                       see our webpage:                 check out our webpage:                 events/categories/extreme/                            events/categories/walks-treks/
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                                  Back to Contents                 16

Events continued...

Challenge events                                            Virtual events

Bath Marches                                     4 April    A night-in with The Soldiers’ Charity                                 Serving soldier? Race the World – The Seven Continents
Adrenalin Shock                                25 April     Join us for a fantastic ‘night-in’ with our remote dinner,            returns in 2021. For seven weeks Army Units, Regular
                                                            silent auction & entertainment and welcome some                       & Reserve, with much needed help and support from
PARAS’ 10 Colchester                       (date tbc) May   VIP guests to your home			                              5    March    their families and friends will battle it out to race the
Yorkshire 3 Peaks                        May – August       Remote Golf                                        (date tbc) May     35,000km distance. Teams are expected to blaze a
                                                                                                                                  trail around the world to beat the competition and be
Born Survivor                           May & October       Northern Ireland Virtual100                    3 May – 22 May
                                                                                                                                  crowned Champions. Easy? Don’t think so!
Snowdonia Challenge                         25-27 June      D-Day Virtual Race                                           6 June
Water Wipe Out                                    3 July    Race The World, The Seven Continents – see right >                    There are bonuses to pick up along the way which can
                                                            (a special event for Army                                             affect the result; you need to think smart to win this
Inflatable 5K                                   10 July     Regular & Reserve Units)           September – November               Challenge. Don’t worry if your Unit can’t commit to all
Peak District Challenge               Throughout July                                                                             of our Gold Level seven-week event, we have Silver and
                                                            Armistice Virtual Race                           11 November
                                                                                                                                  Bronze Level races too. All Units entering at every level
Wild Warrior                             18 September                                                                             can compete to be crowned our fundraising winners;
                                                            Montgomery Challenge                        Throughout 2021
PARAS’ 10 Catterick                (date tbc) September                                                                           1st Battalion the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment took the
                                                                                                                                  Crown last year raising nearly £8,000.
ABF Dip                                     1 Jan 2022
           To find out more about our challenge
           events visit:                                                                                                 is yur Unit up for the challenge?
           events/categories/walks-treks/categories/                    To find out more about our virtual                                    Register now at:
           virtual-events or                events see our webpage: soldierscharity.                              events/race-the-world-seven-continents-
           categories/runs/runs-with-a-twist/                           org/events/categories/virtual-events/                                 virtual-challenge/
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                     Back to Contents               17

Events continued...

Cycling                                                                                                             Golf

                                                                                                                    Addington Golf Day, Croydon                 19 March
                                                                                                                    Cornwall Golf                                16 April
                                                                                                                    St George’s Golf Tournament, Lancashire      23 April
                                                                                                                    Bristol Golf                                  13 May
                                                                                                                    Bruntsfield Links Golf, Edinburgh             27 May
Wheels on the Western Front 2021, ‘Ride to Arnhem’,     Our Wheels cycle events have been hugely enjoyed by
takes place 5-10 September. During this year’s          those who have taken part in previous years for the         Golf Galgorm, Co Antrim                       9 June
commemorative cycle ride you will take on the           full experience on offer: the routes, historical insights   Dainton Park Golf, Devon                     16 June
challenge of a 331-mile route that changed the course   and the individual support available on and off your        Gloucester Golf                               13 July
of history and marks the ‘Battle for The Bridges’ of    bike when you are on the Challenge; sign up on the link
‘Operation Market Garden’ during September 1944.        below to experience an unforgettable six days.              Kirby Lonsdale Golf Day, Lancashire           16 July
                                                                                                                    Langland Bay Golf Day, Mumbles              5 August
From Dunkirk we follow the route of the British 2nd                                                                 South Wales Golf Event                     23 August
Army from the Normandy Breakout to the landing                        “I don’t think I can remember a time
zones north of Arnhem in Holland; we return to the                                                                  Golf Clandeboye, Co Down                   18 August
locations of the US 82nd and 101st Airborne Division                       that I have enjoyed so much, nor
                                                                                                                    North East Golf, Gosforth              8 September
landings at Eindhoven and Nijmegen and the British                         got so much out of, nor had such
                                                                                                                    AGA Golf Event, Edinburgh              23 September
1st Airborne Division at Arnhem.                                       adventure, with such a fun group of
                                                                                                                    Dorset Golf Day, Rushmoor              24 September
                                                                      people, knowing that we were looked
         To find out more about Wheels on the                           after by you and your support team
         Western Front see our webpage:                             every inch of the way.” Sarah                  Join us for a great day out:
Events Guide 2021                                                   Back to Contents   18

The difference your support can make
Ben, 39, served with Royal        ‘I couldn’t communicate
Anglian Regiment for eight        with people, it was really
years completing tours of         depressing. I became more
Iraq and Afghanistan. Of his      paranoid about catching the
experience, Ben said You’re       virus’.
always on edge because you’ve
got to be hypervigilant. What     Before the pandemic, Ben
used to get me was the anxiety,   attended PTSD therapy classes
the thought of being blown up’.   which were vital in helping him
Losing friends and comrades       cope. During lockdown these
also caused his mental health     classes moved online. The
to deteriorate further. ‘2007     Soldiers’ Charity was able to
in Helmand was a brutal tour.     help Ben with a grant to buy
When they are killed, you don’t   a laptop which meant he could
have time to grieve for them.     take part in his PTSD support
You’re moving on because you’re   groups online and also keep
getting on with the job and       in touch with his regimental
it’s only afterwards, that’s      friends during the pandemic.
when it all hits you’. It never   Ben is now making progress in
leaves you’.                      his recovery and hopes to be
                                  able to take the next steps
Since leaving the Army, Ben has   towards employment.
suffered from PTSD, anxiety and
depression, as well as dealing    ‘I didn’t realise I could get
with the trauma of a difficult    this help. It’s just amazing.
childhood. Nowadays, Ben lives    Linking up with other soldiers
alone in a small flat and the     and doing Zoom calls with the
isolation he experienced during   therapist was amazing’.
lockdown greatly impacted his
already fragile mental health.
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                 Back to Contents               19

Sponsorship/Corporate Opportunities 2021
As we remain in a period of uncertainty, providing help to our soldiers, veterans and their families in times of need is more important than
ever. We need you and your company to help sponsor our physical or virtual events in 2021; or take part in them – perhaps as a company
team – to help us continue to deliver support during, and beyond COVID-19. The Soldiers’ Charity events portfolio gives you and your
company the opportunity to take advantage of a selection of sponsorship, corporate hospitality and employee engagement opportunities.

Sponsor Benefits                                                                                                Team Package Benefits
Choose from our range of events including The Lord      ◆   Promote Health & Fitness                            Become involved in one of our events to showcase
Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch or the Cateran Yomp and             Fun and challenging way to promote health           values that translate across your business. For example,
show how your company can rise to a challenge and           and fitness in the outdoors within your company     the Cateran Yomp has plenty of employee engagement
demonstrate community spirit, whilst benefiting from:       and further afield.                                 opportunities for building team work, courage,
                                                                                                                determination and camaraderie.
◆   Supporting the British Army                         ◆   Brand Awareness
    A chance to demonstrate your company’s                  Be a part of an extensive event-related marketing   We can also create bespoke packages tailored to your
    commitment to supporting our soldiers, veterans         and promotional campaign.                           individual needs; simply get in touch to discuss
    and their families in times of need.                                                                        your requirements.
                                                        ◆   Showcase products and services
◆   Team Building                                           Opportunities to showcase products and                       To find out more please email
    Unique team building experience for employees           services, including event-wide sampling                      kwildman@
    to galvanise the workforce.                             and promotion.                                               or call 0207 811 3201

“A great way of supporting astonishing people in the    “Proud and delighted to have helped with such a         In 2019 a small team from Annington tackled the
company of friends for the best Curry in the City”      worthwhile cause supporting our armed forces.”          Frontline Walk and raised over £43,000 for the charity;
Dominic Christian, CEO, AON, (Ticket Package buyer      Martin Cavanagh, former National Account Executive,     they then became the Headline Sponsor in 2020.
2019)                                                   Thrifty Car & Van (Sponsor from 2018)
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                                    Back to Contents                  20

Annington Case Study 2019-2020
Annington were one of our newest sponsors in our 2020 National Events Programme.
They came on board as the Headline Sponsor for The Frontline Walk and The Virtual
Frontline Walk. The timeline below shows Annington’s journey with The Soldiers’
Charity and how during a global pandemic, they generously donated £40,000 even
though The Frontline Walk event was sadly cancelled.

                            £43K+                                                                                            £40K

Summer 2019                                    Winter 2019             Early 2020             June/July 2020            September 2020           October 1st -           December 2020
Annington signed         Upon completion       The National Events     Annington and the      A difficult decision      Due to the ongoing       November 11th           Annington confirmed
up five of their staff   of the walks the      Team approached         National Events Team   was made to cancel        global pandemic and      The Virtual Frontline   their continued
members to take on       Annington Team        Annington with          met to discuss the     Frontline Walk due to     to safely protect all    Walk begins and         support for The
the 100km challenge      raised a staggering   a proposal for          proposal and shortly   COVID-19; however,        our participants and     Annington are           Frontline Walk and
of The Frontline         £43,093.81.           sponsoring The 2020     after they were        the Events Team           staff we made the        Headline Sponsor;       The Virtual Frontline
Walk – three did the                           Frontline Walk and      announced as the       worked hard to make       decision to cancel The   they have their own     Walk 2021.
Normandy walk and                              The Virtual Frontline   Headline Sponsor for   an alternative ‘Home      Home Front walk.         staff registered –
two did The Western                            Walk.                   both events in 2020.   Front’ walk in England                             maintaining staff       We look forward to
Front.                                                                                        in the original event’s   Annington continued      engagement and          working with them in
                                                                                              place. Annington          to donate the £40,000    well-being during       2021!
                                                                                              backed this new event     sponsorship money        lockdown.
                                                                                              and continued to give     and support the
“It was a pleasure to work with The Soldiers’ Charity team on the                             us their full support     charity in these
 Frontline Walk and The Virtual Frontline Walk. Every aspect of the                           and remained our          challenging times.
 event was planned – unsurprisingly – with military precision and                             sponsor regardless of
                                                                                              the changed format
 the team delivered against that plan. Through the long months of
                                                                                              and location.
 preparation, communication was excellent and no detail, big or small,
 was overlooked. All in all, it was a hugely positive experience.”
 Jane Harsham, Corporate Responsibility Manager
Events Guide 2021                                                                                                                 Back to Contents               21

Volunteer Opportunities
With the exception of a few core staff, our events are run nearly entirely by our amazing volunteers! Without you, we would not be able
to level the level of support to our amazing event participants, during our fundraising events and activities. We are always looking for
more volunteers to come along. You will gain new skills, meet interesting people and most importantly of all, you’ll be helping us to raise
vital funds to support our soldiers, veterans and their families. Whether you are helping to set up an event hub, handing out medals or
cheering on our event participants. We have roles available nationwide. Here are a few of the ways you can get involved:

Cheering on our London Marathon runners as they         Supporting our Cateran Yompers across 54 miles of the   Serving up curry to guests at the Lord Mayor’s
take on the 26 miles around the capital                 Perthshire landscape                                    Big Curry Lunch

                                                                                               “I’ve been volunteering at the Yomp for years and keep coming back
                                                                                              to this momentous event. There is such a fantastic community spirit
                                                                                                  amongst those who partake and the other volunteers. The charity
         Get in touch at events
                           events@                                                              does such wonderful work for veterans and their families that I feel
         or call 020 7901 8900                                                                         like so many others I am doing my wee bit to help.” Nik Barr
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity | Events Guide 2021                                                                                     Back to Contents               22

There are thousands of events that you can take part in across the UK and we
haven’t been able to include them all in this Events Guide. For further details
on an event near you, please contact your local office.
Head Office
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Mountbarrow House, 12 Elizabeth Street,
London sw1w 9rb                                                                                                                 to order your free fundraising pack,
T. 020 7901 8900                                                                                                                   full of ideas and support, now!

Scotland                                                                                       North East
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,                                                       ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
The Castle, Edinburgh EH1 2YT                               Hipswell Lodge, Smuts Road, Catterick Garrison,
T. 0131 310 5132                                                                  North Yorkshire DL9 3AX
E. scotland@                                                          T. 01748 874 127
                                                                          E. northeast@
North West
                                                                                           East Midlands
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Fulwood Barracks,                                                                ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Preston PR2 8AA                                                       Chetwynd Barracks, Chilwell, Beeston,
T. 01772 260 356                                                                      Nottingham NG9 5HA
E. northwest@                                                          T. 01159 572 103
                                                                       E. eastmidlands@
Northern Ireland
                                                                                              East Anglia
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Building 115, Thiepval Barracks,                                                  ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Lisburn BT28 3NP                                                                      Building PO
                                                                                                  4, Room 6,
T. 02892 678 112                                                     Merville Barracks, Circular Road South,
E. ni@                                                       Colchester, Essex CO2 7UT
                                                                                            T. 01206 817 105
West Midlands                                                             E. eastanglia@
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,                                                                         London
Building V5, Venning Barracks,
Donnington, Telford,                                                               ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Shropshire TF2 8JT                                                                      Block 7, Room (G39),
T. 01952 674 369                                                     Wellington Barracks, London SW1E 6HQ
E. westmidlands@                                                       T. 020 3903 6030
                                                                              E. london@
                                                                                               South East
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Maindy Barracks, Whitchurch Road,                                                 ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Cardiff CF14
        CF14 3YE
             3YE                                                                          Robertson House
T. 02920 726 132                                                                     Slim Road, Camberley
E. wales@                                                             Surrey, GU15 4NP
                                                                                           T. 01276 412 673
South West                                                                 E. southeast@

ABF The Soldiers’ Charity,
Bldg 750, Picton Barracks, Bulford Camp, Salisbury,
Wiltshire SP4 9NY                                     ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is a charity registered in England and Wales
T. 01980 672 337 (Bulford) T. 01392 496412 (Exeter)   (1146420) and in Scotland (SC039189). Registered as a company limited
E. southwest @                    by guarantee in England and Wales (07974609).
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