Evaluation of the Tire Industry of China based on Physical Input-Output Analysis

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                                        Evaluation of the Tire
                                        Industry of China based
                                        on Physical Input–Output
                                        Ning YANG, Dingjiang CHEN, Shanying HU, Yourun LI,
                                        and Yong JIN

industrial ecology
material flow analysis (MFA)              With the rapid development of the rubber industry and its
reuse                                     downstream sectors in China, the resulting sharp increase in
scrap tires                               the number of scrap tires is creating great environmental pres-
sustainable development                   sure. By considering the tire production, consumption, collec-
waste rubber
                                          tion, and reuse processes as a whole system of tire material
                                          flows, and based on physical input–output analysis (IOA), this
                                          article analyzes the status quo of China’s tire industry and per-
                                          forms a comparative study between China and Europe. The
                                          study shows that the tire industry of China in 2005 and that of
                                          Europe in 1996 are similar in material-flow characteristics. To
                                          make the best use of materials, it is necessary to strengthen
                                          the reuse of scrap tires in China. A scenario analysis is pre-
                                          sented to show the effects of improving the reuse process
                                          from the viewpoint of IOA.

Address correspondence to:
Ning Yang
Center for Industrial Ecology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Tsinghua University
Beijing 100084, China

c 2010 by Yale University
DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2010.00223.x

Volume 14, Number 3

www.blackwellpublishing.com/jie                                        Journal of Industrial Ecology      457

    Currently, reusing waste materials has become
one of the most important ways to meet the
rapidly growing demands for resources and to
achieve sustainable development. In 2007, the
world’s rubber consumption reached nearly 23
million tonnes (IRSG 2008) and generated much
waste rubber—of which about 60%–70% was
from waste tires. It is estimated that by 2010,
China will have produced more than 300 million
tires, which has resulted in more than 200 mil-
lion waste tires, the weight of which is around 5.2
million tonnes (Wen and Xu 2006).
    Today the tire industry brings with it much
more pressure on the environment and threats
to human health. The expansion of the scale of
tire production is leading to a growing demand         Figure 1 Input–output modeling. i, j, k = nodes of
for energy and materials, and the release of much      processes; fkj = flow (money, mass, or energy per
more waste to the environment. The accumula-           unit time) from process j to process k; fjk = flow
tion of large quantities of scrap tires has taken      (money, mass, or energy per unit time) from process
up considerable space because they are not easily      k to process j; zk0 = inflow to process k from
compacted. Disposing of scrap tires in landfills is    outside the system; y0k = outflow from process k to
the most common solution (Fullana et al. 2000).        outside the system.
But long-buried scrap tires can result in vicious
fires that are very difficult to extinguish, and can   in a given economic system. A group of re-
allow mosquitoes or bacteria to breed and trans-       searchers (Patten et al. 1976; Finn 1977) ex-
mit disease.                                           tended this approach to study material and energy
    To achieve the sustainable development of          flows in natural ecosystems. Based on their work,
the tire industry, especially in China, it is neces-   Bailey (2000) used this approach to study mate-
sary to study its current status and recognize the     rial flows in industrial systems. One of Bailey’s
characteristics of the system from a macroscopic       case studies was the tire material flow system of
perspective. This article analyzes the status quo of   Europe in 1996. This article follows Bailey’s path
China’s tire industry from a systematic perspec-       by applying IOA to studying the tire industry of
tive, in which we view it as a system composed         China. We have slightly improved Bailey’s six-
of the tire production, consumption, collection,       node model of the system by reclassifying the
and reuse processes. This allows us to reorganize      nodes into four processes, and studied the im-
all of the processes of the tire industrial system     pacts of each process on the whole system.
and operate analogous to the way in which natu-
ral ecosystems operate to some extent, in which
materials are recycled and efficiently used. Input–       Analysis Approach and Model of
output analysis (IOA) is applied in this study            Tire Industrial System
in order to obtain a better understanding of the
                                                          Physical Input–Output Analysis
characteristics of the complex material flows in
this system, and to quantitatively reveal the im-          Figure 1 is a general illustration of a system
portance of each process in the system.                composed of processes and linkage flows, in which
    IOA, originally developed by Leontief (1966),      processes are represented by nodes i, j, k, . . .; fkj
has been successfully applied to the study of          stands for the flow (of money, mass, or energy,
monetary flows, with the ability to trace all of       all per unit time) from process j to process k; zk0
the direct and indirect flows between all nodes        stands for the inflow to process k from outside

458       Journal of Industrial Ecology

the system; and y0k stands for the outflow from                         each process.
process k to outside the system.
                                                                             w = (w1 , w2 , . . . , wn )
    The throughflow Tk , defined in equation (1)
below, calculates all flows passing through node                                               n                  
                                                                                         ∗            ∗                ∗
k, and means “the rate of the flow through process                              =       ni 1 ,       ni 2 , . . . ,   ni n
k” (Finn 1977). If the sum of all outputs is not                                        i =1        i =1             i =1
                                                                                     ⎛           ⎞
equal to that of all inputs, this means that the                                     n 
accumulation changes as the flows pass through                                       ⎝     n i∗j ⎠                                   (5)
process k; x· k+ represents the increase of the ac-                                        j =1 i =1
cumulation, and x· k− represents the decrease of
the accumulation.                                                                                              
                                                                            w∗ = w1∗ , w2∗ , . . . , wn∗
                                                  n                              ⎛                                              ⎞
         Tk =           f k j + z k0 − x· k− =           fi k                      n            n                    

                 j =1                             i =1                          =⎝      n ∗1 j ,      n ∗2 j , . . . ,   n ∗n j ⎠
                + y0k + x· k+ , k = 1, 2, . . . n               (1)                     j =1         j =1              j =1
                                                                                       ⎛           ⎞
      The instantaneous outflow fraction qij (Bailey                                   n 
                                                                                       ⎝                                             (6)
2000; Bailey et al. 2004) is defined in equation                                             n i∗j ⎠
                                                                                               j =1 i =1
(2), and Q∗ in equation (3) is the matrix form of
qij ∗ , which represents all direct outflows from each
process to other processes per unit of product.
                                                                           Model of Tire Industrial System
              q i∗j = f i j /Tj , i = 1, 2, . . . n             (2)
                                                                             The model shown in figure 2 was presented by
                                                                        Bailey (2000) and has been revised here to in-
           Q∗ = [q i∗j ]n×n , i , j = 1, 2, . . . n             (3)     clude nodes for retreading, recycling, and other
                                                                        uses of scrap tires as subprocesses of the reuse pro-
   The Leontief inverse matrix N∗ is represented                        cess. According to this model, the tire industrial
by equation (4). In this matrix, all direct and                         system is divided into four processes. These are
indirect flows are accounted for.                                       node 1 for production, node 2 for consumption,
                                                                        node 3 for collection, and node 4 for reuse, which
             N∗ = [n i∗j ]n×n = (I − Q∗ )−1                     (4)
                                                                        includes nodes 4 for retreading, 4 for recycling,
     From the point of view of the contribu-                            and 4 for other uses.
tions to the processes, the column vector of N∗ ,                            Node 4 represents the production of new tires
n∗j = (n ∗1 j , n ∗2 j , . . . n ∗n j ) , represents the contri-       by retreading whole scrap tires, which provides
butions of process j to every process, and the                          the highest added value and emits the least pol-
sum of the column vector elements, in=1 n i∗j ,                         lution. Node 4 represents the mixing of regener-
represents the contribution of process j to the                         ated rubber into new tires during the production
whole system. From the point of view of the de-                         process, which provides a lower added value than
mands of the processes, the row vector of N∗ ,                          4 . Node 4 represents other reuse of scrap tires,
ni∗ = (n i∗1 , n i∗2 , . . . n i∗n ), represents the demands            such as to produce rubber cushions and rubber
placed by process i on every process, and the                           overshoes or for use as architectural materials,
sum of the row vector elements, nj=1 n i∗j , repre-                     which provides the lowest added value. Many
sents all of the demands of process i on the whole                      scrap tires are thermally decomposed or used as
system.                                                                 fuel; here, no rubber—but other materials such
                                                   n        ∗
     Since the relative sizes of                      i =1 n i j and    as steel—is reused. We do not consider this pro-
n        ∗
    j =1 i j  reflect       the     relative   contributions     of a   portion to be part of the reuse process, because it
given process to the system and the demands of                          is targeted primarily at energy production and
that process on the system, we use the vectors w                       not at reuse of materials, and could generate
and w∗ defined in equations (5) and (6) to nor-                        large amounts of poisonous gases and environ-
malize the relative contributions and demands of                        mental pollution. In order to obtain the highest

                        Yang et al., Evaluation of the Tire Industr y of China based on Physical IOA                                 459

                                                                              Figure 2 Model of the tire
                                                                              industrial system. The tire industrial
                                                                              system is divided into four processes
                                                                              of production, consumption,
                                                                              collection, and reuse, which includes
                                                                              retreading, recycling, and other uses.

added value and least pollution, it is necessary to            in 1996. The data for China was reconstructed
strengthen the reuse process, especially retread-              from disparate sources; some was obtained di-
ing and recycling.                                             rectly from yearbooks, websites, or other refer-
     In this model, tires are made from virgin ma-             ences, and the rest was obtained mainly through
terial (z10 ) and recycled rubber (f 14  ) in node 1.        indirect calculation by the law of conservation of
During production, some manufacturing waste is                 mass or estimated using technological process pa-
generated and lost to outside the system (y01 ), the           rameters, and reasonable assumptions, if needed.
amount of which depends on the production ca-                  Because the material flow data was difficult to
pacity. Some tires that do not meet quality spec-              collect, we have collected data for China for the
ifications are collected to be treated as scrap tires          year 2005 only, which may represent the current
(f 31 ). The products are used domestically in the             status quo to some extent. The data sources and
manufacture of automobiles (f 21 ); exports are ex-            flow calculations are presented in table 2 and
cluded in the model. Some rubber is lost to the                table 3 of this paper. The data investigated here
environment by wear and tear (y02 ) during the                 for Europe in 1996 was taken from Weaver
tires’ use phase. There may be an accumulation                 (1996); data for other years is unavailable to us at
x· 2+ at node 2 when the number of motor ve-                   present. In Weaver’s analysis, accumulation x· 2+
hicles increases sharply. The remaining material               had not been considered, so it is blank here in
flows into the collection process (f 32 ) as scrap             the last row, second column of table 1.
tires, some of which are in good condition and
are retreaded (f 4 3 ) with the use of virgin mate-
rial (z4 0 ) and a small amount of recycled rubber
                                                                  Material Input–Output Analyses of Cases
(f 4 4  ), and then reflowed to consumption (f 24 ).
                                                                  and Comparative Study
Some of the materials recycled from scrap tires
proceed to other uses (f 4   3 ). The waste flowing             The data in table 1 was used to calculate w 
out from node 4 is emitted to the environment               and w ∗ according to equations (1–6). A com-
(y04   ). The recycled material is also used to pro-        parison of w and w∗ between China (2005)
duce regenerated rubber (f 4  3 ) and flows to the           and Europe (1996) is shown in table 4. The el-
process of production (f 14  ) or retreading (f 4 4  ).   ement representing the reuse process is the sum
Most of the materials flowing out from node 3                  of the elements representing the processes repre-
(y03 ) are sent directly to a landfill or for inciner-         sented by 4 (retreading), 4 (recycling), and 4
ation.                                                         (other uses). The data is visualized as bar charts in
                                                               figure 3.
   Case Studies                                                    Although the tire industrial systems of China
                                                               in 2005 and of Europe in 1996 are significantly
   Data on the Material Flow for China
                                                               different in the details of the flow data, IOA
   in 2005 and for Europe in 1996
                                                               shows similar results for the two systems in terms
   Table 1 shows material flow data for the tire               of both the relative contributions of the four
industrial systems of China in 2005 and of Europe              processes to the system (w  ) and their relative

460        Journal of Industrial Ecology

Table 1 Data on the material flow in the tire industrial systems of China in 2005 and of Europe in 1996
(kilotons per year)
Flow                              Brief description                              China                      Europe
z10                Virgin material to production                                 3,282                        2,506
z4  0             Virgin material to retreading                                    28                           74
y01                Manufacturing waste to environment                               50                           50
y02                Consumption wear and tear to environment                        317                          275
y03                Scrap tires to landfill or incineration                       1,710                        2,125
y04             Reused tire materials to environment                             20                          130
f14              Recycled rubber to production                                   173                           19
f21                Tire products to consumption                                  3,307                        2,400
f24               Retreaded tires to consumption                                  175                          375
f31                Production wastes to be collected                                99                           75
f32                Scrap tires after consumption to be collected                 1,950                        2,500
f4    3         Recycled material to other use                                   20                          130
f4  3             Scrap tires to be retreaded                                     140                          300
f4  4           Recycled rubber to retreading                                     7                            1
f4   3           Recycled material to regenerated rubber                         180                           20
x· 2+              Tire products accumulation                                    1,215                           —

demands on the system (w ∗ ). From the point             scrap truck tires can be retreaded, but this has
of view of the contributions, figure 3(a) shows           been done for only 20–40%. In developing coun-
that the production process plays the most im-            tries, for various reasons, tires become seriously
portant role in the system, the consumption pro-          frayed at early stages of use. This means that the
cess the second most important role, and then             fraction of scrap tires that can be retreaded rela-
the collection process. The reuse process makes           tive to the total number of scrap tires is 10–20%
the least important contribution to the whole sys-        lower than the value for developed countries. In
tem. From the point of view of demand, as shown           China, 20–30% of scrap tires can be retreaded,
in figure 3(b), the reuse process obviously places        but this has been done for only 8–15% (Yu 2006).
the greatest demands on the system, which indi-           From a technical point of view, the percentage of
cates that the input from the system to the reuse         regenerated rubber mixed into the new material
process is much more than the output from that            used to produce new tires can be at least 10% us-
process to the system.                                    ing ordinary regenerated rubber powder and 20%
    The percentage of scrap tires used for retread-       using a modified regenerated rubber powder (Hu
ing (f 4 3 /T3 ) is 12% for Europe and 7% for China,     et al. 2007). The real situation is far from what
and the percentage of regenerated rubber used to          current technology can achieve.
produce new tires (f 14  /(f 14  + z10 )) is 1% for
Europe and 5% for China. These data represent
                                                             Scenario Analysis of Tire
the average reuse levels of tire material in the
                                                             Industrial System of China
two regions. For the purposes of sustainability, it
is crucial to make the best use of waste material             Based on the case of the Chinese tire indus-
by raising the percentage of scrap tires used for         try in 2005, we present two scenarios in which
retreading and by increasing the amount of re-            we suppose that the percentage of scrap tires
generated rubber used in the production of new            used for retreading (f 4 3 /T3 ) and the percentage
tires.                                                    of regenerated rubber used to produce new tires
    In developed countries, 60%–70% of scrap car          (f 14  /T1 ) are increased in small steps. We then
tires can be retreaded, but only 3–6% of scrap car        study the corresponding changes in the perfor-
tires have actually been retreaded; 50–60% of             mance of reuse processes in the system using IOA.

                  Yang et al., Evaluation of the Tire Industr y of China based on Physical IOA                  461

Table 2 Equations used for calculating the material flows in the Chinese tire industrial system
Flow                Brief description               From                  To                       Equation             (kt/y)
z10          Virgin material to               0: Environment       1: Production       z10 = f 21 + f 31                3,282
               production                                                                     + y01 − f 14 
z4 0        Virgin material to               0: Environment       4 : Retreading     z4 0 = f 4 4∗ x4                  28
y01          Manufacturing waste to           1: Production        0: Environment      y01‘ = M9                           50
y02          Consumption wear and             2: Consumption       0: Environment      y02 = M10                          317
               tear to environment
y03          Scrap tires to landfill or       3: Collection        0: Environment      y03 = f 32 + f 31 − f 4   3   1,710
               incineration                                                                     − f 4 4 − f 4  3
y04       Reused tire materials to         4 : Other uses    0: Environment      y04   = M6                       20
f 14       Recycled rubber to               4 : Recycling      1: Production         f 14  = (f 21 + f 31           173
               production                                                                        + y01 )∗ x7 (1)
f 21         Tire products to                 1: Production        2: Consumption      f 21 = M8                        3,307
f 24        Retreaded tires to               4 : Retreading      2: Consumption      f 24 = f 4 4 + f 4 4          175
               consumption                                                                    + z4 0
f 31         Production waste to be           1: Production        3: Collection       f 31 = M7                           99
f 32         Scrap tires after                2: Consumption       3: Collection       f 32 = M4                        1,950
               consumption to be
f 4   3   Recycled material to             3: Collection        4 : Other uses   f 4   3 = M6                     20
               other uses
f 4 3       Scrap tires to be retreaded      3: Collection        4 : Retreading     f 4 4 = M5                        140
f 4 4     Recycled rubber to               4 : Recycling      4 : Retreading     f 4 4  = f 4 4∗ x5               7
f 4  3     Recycled material to             3: Collection        4 : Recycling     f 4  3 = f 14  + f 4 4      180
               regenerated rubber
x· 2+        Tire products                                                             x· 2+ = f 21 + f 24             1,215
               accumulation                                                                    − f 32 − y02
(1)    Imports and exports were not considered, for the sake of simplicity.

      In these scenario studies, some of the flow                 ingly by a certain proportion, and then f 4  3 in-
parameters were fixed, including y01 , y02 , y04   ,           creases by the law of conservation of mass at node
f 31 , f 32 , f 4   3 , and x· 2+ . Since the flows in the     4 , and at the same time, y03 decreases. The in-
system are heavily mutually dependent, it was                     crease in f 24 reduces the consumption of new tires
reasonable—and it simplified the problem—to                       from production (f 21 ) and consequently reduces
set these flows as invariable when new tire pro-                  the use of virgin material (z10 ) in new tire pro-
duction capacity does not change very much and                    duction. The changes of the flows are presented
the tire consumption pattern is stable.                           in table 5.
      In scenario 1, the percentage of scrap tires used                In scenario 2, the percentage of regenerated
for retreading (f 4 3 /T3 ) was increased from 10%               rubber used to produce new tires (f 14  /T1 ) was
to 30% in increments of 5%. When f 4 3 increases,                increased from 5% to 30% in steps of 5%. The
the flows f 24 , f 4 4  , and z4 0 increase correspond-      other flows at all of the nodes were unchanged

462            Journal of Industrial Ecology

Table 3 Parameters used for calculating the material flows in the Chinese tire industrial system
Parameter                                      Symbol    Value                       Data source
                                                            ∗    8
Amount of new tires (/y)                          N1    3.18 10      China rubber market yearbook, 2005
Average weight per tire (kg)                      P1       26        Statistical estimate
Percentage of rubber in a tire (%)                x1       60        Statistical estimate
Total rubber in new tires (kt/y)                  M1      4,961      M1 = N1 ∗ P1 ∗ x1
Amount of new tire imports (/y)                   N2    0.02∗ 108    China rubber market yearbook, 2005
Amount of new tire exports (/y)                   N3    1.08∗ 108    China rubber market yearbook, 2005
Total rubber in new tire imports (kt/y)           M2       31        M2 = N2 ∗ P1 ∗ x1
Total rubber in new tire exports (kt/y)           M3      1,685      M3 = N3 ∗ P1 ∗ x1
Amount of scrap tires (/y)                        N4    1.25∗ 108    China tyre retreading, repairing &
                                                                       recycling association
Total rubber in scrap tires (kt/y)                M4      1,950      M4 = N4 ∗ P1 ∗ x1
Amount of retreaded tires (/y)                    N5    0.09∗ 108    China tyre retreading, repairing &
                                                                       recycling association
Total rubber in retreaded tires (kt/y)            M5      140        M5 = N5 ∗ P1 ∗ x1
Percentage of other uses relative to              x2       1         Expert survey
  total scrap tires (%)
Total rubber for other uses of scrap tires        M6       20        M6 = M4 ∗ x2
Percentage of production waste to be              x3       2         Expert survey
  collected (%)
Total rubber to be collected in the form          M7       99        M7 = M1 ∗ x3
  of waste (kt/y)
Percentage of fresh rubber used in                x4       20        Reasonable assumption
  retreading (%)
Percentage of recycled rubber used in             x5       5         Reasonable assumption
  retreading (%)
Total rubber in new tires to                      M8     3,307       M8 = M1 − M3 + M2
  consumption (kt/y)
Percentage of production rubber                   x6       1         Expert survey
  emitted to environment (%)
Total rubber emitted to environment               M9       50        M9 = M1 ∗ x6
  from tire production (kt/y)
Percentage of consumption rubber                  x7       10        Expert survey
  emission to environment (%)
Total rubber emitted to environment               M10     317        M10 = (M4 + x· 2+ ) ∗ x7
  from tire consumption (kt/y)
Percentage of regenerated rubber used             x7       5         Expert survey
  to produce new tires (%)

Table 4 Comparison of the relative contributions of the four processes to the system (w  ) and their relative
demands on the system (w  ), shown comparatively between China (2005) and Europe (1996)
                                     Production          Consumption               Collection                 Reuse
w             China                   0.315                 0.267                   0.228                    0.190
               Europe                  0.297                 0.276                   0.230                    0.196
w∗            China                   0.065                 0.123                   0.171                    0.640
               Europe                  0.054                 0.125                   0.175                    0.647

                  Yang et al., Evaluation of the Tire Industr y of China based on Physical IOA                  463

                                                                                      Figure 3 Comparison between tire
                                                                                      industrial systems of China (2005)
                                                                                      and of Europe (1996): (a)
                                                                                      Comparison of systems in terms of
                                                                                      the relative contributions of the four
                                                                                      processes to the system (w ); and (b)
                                                                                      the relative demands of the four
                                                                                      processes on the system (w  ).

except for T4  . The increase in f 14  leads to                         Vectors w corresponding to the scenarios de-
an increase in f 4  3 and a decrease in y03 and                       scribed above were calculated, and are visualized
z10 . The changes of the flows are presented in                         in figure 4. In figure 4(a), when the percentage
table 6.                                                                of scrap tires sent to be retreaded rises from 10%

Table 5 Material flow data in kilotons per year for the Chinese tire industrial system when the percentage
of scrap tires used for retreading is changed
Percentage of
scrap tires
used for
(f4 3 /T3 )      z10    z4 0 Y01 Y02         y03    y04   f14     f21   f24 f31   f32    f4   3 f4 3 f4 4  f4  3   x· 2+
10%             3205 41 50               317   1646    20      169      3225   256   99   1950    20      205      10      179      1215
15%             3084 61 50               317   1544    20      162      3097   384   99   1950    20      307      15      178      1215
20%             2962 82 50               317   1443    20      156      2969   512   99   1950    20      410      20      176      1215
25%             2840 102 50              317   1342    20      149      2841   640   99   1950    20      512      26      175      1215
30%             2719 123 50              317   1241    20      143      2713   768   99   1950    20      615      31      174      1215

464       Journal of Industrial Ecology

Table 6 Material flow data in kilotons per year for the Chinese tire industrial system when the percentage
of regenerated rubber used to produce new tires is changed
Percentage of
rubber used
to produce
new tires
(f14  /T1 )    z10    z4 0 y01 y02    y03    y04     f14     f21    f24 f31    f32     f4   3 f4 3 f4 4  f4  3   x· 2+
 5%             3,282   28   50   317   1,710     20   173          3,307   175   99   1,950      20    140       7       180      1,215
10%             3,110   28   50   317   1,537     20   346          3,307   175   99   1,950      20    140       7       353      1,215
15%             2,937   28   50   317   1,364     20   518          3,307   175   99   1,950      20    140       7       525      1,215
20%             2,764   28   50   317   1,191     20   691          3,307   175   99   1,950      20    140       7       698      1,215
30%             2,419   28   50   317     846     20 1,037          3,307   175   99   1,950      20    140       7      1044      1,215

to 30%, the relative contribution of the produc-                    creases from 5% to 30%, the relative con-
tion process to the system decreases from 0.312 to                  tributions of the collection process and reuse
0.274, and that of the reuse process increases from                 process increase—particularly the latter, which
0.191 to 0.214; meanwhile, the contributions of                     increases from 0.188 to 0.210; meanwhile, the
the consumption process and the collection pro-                     relative contributions of the production process
cess both increase distinctly.                                      and the consumption process decrease, particu-
   In figure 4(b), when the percentage of re-                       larly the former, which decreases from 0.317 to
generated rubber used to produce new tires in-                      0.294.

Figure 4 Scenario analysis of tire
industrial system of China when the
reuse process is strengthened.

                   Yang et al., Evaluation of the Tire Industr y of China based on Physical IOA                                     465

   Discussion and Conclusions                            time, developing standardized and integrated
    Although material input–output analysis al-
lows a modeler to fully consider the direct and in-         References
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                                                              flows in industry. Ph.D. thesis. Woodruff School
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                                                              of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
same physical attributes; for example, in the case
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of this article, all of the flows are of rubber. It is   Bailey, R., J. K. Allen, and B. Bras. 2004. Applying
not reasonable to mix material flows of different             ecological input- output flow analysis to material
types in IOA even if all flows can be measured                flows in industrial systems. Part I: Tracing flows.
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indicators calculated via IOA may vary when              Fullana, A., R. Font, J. A. Conesa, and P. Blasco. 2000.
the same system is modeled by different struc-                Evolution of products in the combustion of scrap
tures. So, when a comparative study is being per-             tires in a horizontal, laboratory scale reactor. En-
formed, it is better to base it on a common system            vironmental Science & Technology 34(11): 2092–
structure.                                                    2099.
                                                         Finn, J. T. 1977. Flow analysis: a method for tracing
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                                                              flows through ecosystem models. Ph.D. thesis, In-
IOA can be used to identify the relative impor-
                                                              stitute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens,
tance of the various processes by comparing their             Georgia.
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system. In the case study in this article, the anal-     International Rubber Study Group (IRSG). 2008.
ysis refers only to materials, without considering            Statistical summary of world rubber situation.
the economic dimension. Further research could                www.rubberstudy.com/statistics-quarstat.aspx.
apply IOA to the corresponding monetary flows            Leontief, W. W. 1966. Input-output economics. New
in the tire industrial system and then perform a              York: Oxford University Press.
                                                         Patten, B. C., R. W. Bosserman, J. T. Finn, and W. G.
comprehensive analysis.
                                                              Cale. 1976. “Propagation of cause in ecosystems”,
    In the scenario study in this article, it is ob-
                                                              systems analysis and simulation in ecology, edited by
vious that when the percentages of scrap tires                B. C. Patten. New York: Academic Press.
sent to be retreaded and of regenerated rubber           Wen, C. and H. Xu. 2006. Status, problems and strate-
used to produce new tires are increased, the re-              gies of reuse of waste tires in China [in Chinese].
sulting increase in the contributions of the reuse            Resources Economization & Environment Protection
process to the tire industrial system is noticeable.          22(3): 7–9.
Present-day technologies allow a higher tire reuse       Weaver, P. M. 1996. “Scrap tires”, industrial ecology:
ratio in the industry. Currently, the bottleneck is           Towards closing the materials cycle. Brookfield, Ver-
not the technology, at least in China, but the                mont: Edward Elgar.
lack of an effective management system for tires         Yu, Q. X. 2006. Status quo and development prospects
                                                              of the world tire retreading industry. Tire Industrial
from cradle to grave. Such a management sys-
                                                              26(9): 527–533.
tem would involve product quality management
in tire production, vehicle overload management
                                                            About the Authors
for safety reasons and also for tire protection dur-
ing use, well-timed scrap tire collection, and so           Ning Yang is a Ph.D. candidate, Dingjiang
on, all of which would have to work in coor-             Chen is a researcher, Shanying Hu is a profes-
dination with each other and be supported by             sor, Yourun Li is a professor, and Yong Jin is a
government policies. The Chinese government              professor, all at the Center for Industrial Ecology
should encourage enterprises to make good use of         in the Department of Chemical Engineering at
waste materials by cutting taxes and, at the same        Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

466       Journal of Industrial Ecology
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