European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany

Page created by Virgil Powell
European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
European Club for
Pediatric Burns
8th and 9th of July 2022
Hannover, Germany

European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
DEAR FRIENDS, DEAR ECPB MEMBERS, DEAR GUESTS,                                             WORKSHOPS
                                                                                          Consider this an open invitation to actively participate in our diverse and interes-
After limiting ourselves to online meetings for far too long due to the pandemic,         ting workshops. Our workshop motto is "hands-on", so be ready to get stuck in!
we are happy to finally be able to hold an ECPB workshop face-to-face in Hannover
in 2022. This year we aim to take the term "workshop" literally, and so we have           HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS
planned a program that combines plenty of practical work with the opportunity to
                                                                                          Skin plastics, local flaps and harvesting split thickness skin grafts
touch, try out, and compare materials and equipment.
                                                                                          This workshop will teach skin harvesting procedures and various flaps interacti-
                                                                                          vely. It particularly targets newcomers and young colleagues in the field of burn
As usual, the last few years have brought interesting developments to the field of
burn medicine regarding new equipment and methods. This year, our focus in both
the lectures and workshops is on the topic "Update Pediatric Burn Care". We also          Ingo Königs, Hamburg | Vincent März, Hannover | Thurid Hofmann, Hannover
give a central role to the topic of "Facial Burns and their Complex Reconstruction",
while our third focus is “Burn Care International”. A central part of this session will
be the question of how we at ECPB can support self-help in emerging countries             Update: Wound dressings: „From Fish to Plastic“
such as Tunisia, Uganda, and Afghanistan as well as newly industrialized count-           This workshop discusses the variety of different dressing materials and skin subs-
ries like Mexico.                                                                         titutes. Here too, the focus is on active participation and the testing of the various
                                                                                          materials as well as their most appropriate applications and indications.
As in the previous year, our fourth focal point deals with the ongoing issue of the       Miriam Renkert, Mannheim | Bernd Hartmann, Berlin
declining numbers of pediatric burn cases and the implications for training cen-
ters. The ECPB meeting offers an ideal opportunity to illuminate and discuss this
difficult topic using keynote speakers from different countries.

                                                                                          Update: Technical possibilities
                                                                                          In this workshop, the technical achievements of recent years will be approached
                                                                                          in a practical manner and discussed for use in burn medicine.
                                                                                          Nicos Marathovouniotis, Köln | Wera Wendenburg, Krefeld
                                                                                          Mechthild Sinnig, Hannover | Katharina Schriek, Hannover

                                                                                                                          innovation in microvascular assessment

                                                                                          The „Experience the Anatomy of the Face Artistically“ Workshop
                                                                                          A medical-theoretical and artistic-practical approach to facial reconstruction:
                                                                                          The burn surgical reconstruction of the face represents a major challenge. This
                                                                                          course will not only theoretically examine this complex task with burn surgery
                                                                                          experts in this field, but it will also have a main focus on creating faces (or ears,
                                                                                          noses, or mouths) from clay under artistic guidance, aiming for an intense familia-
                                                                                          rization with the unique anatomy of these body parts.
                                                                                          Matthias Dittrich
European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
PROGRAM                                  PROGRAM
                                 FRIDAY, JULY 8TH                         FRIDAY, JULY 8TH

09:00 – 10:00    Registry                                               15:05 – 15:15 Burn Management and Pediatric Surgery in Monastir
10:00- 10:15 Welcome                                                    		Sana Mosbahi
		Mechthild Sinnig                                                      15:15– 15:30     Improving the care of severely burned children in Tunisia
		               Face Reconstruction- the complex localization          		               Mechthild Sinnig / Sana Mosbahi
		               Moderation: Martin Meuli                               15:30 – 15:45 Burn Management in Uganda
10:15 - 10:30 The Look at Children ́s Faces – as an „Artist“            		Dorothy Baale
		Matthias Dittrich                                                     15:45 – 15:55	GAP- Burns Multinational survey of the actual health care situ-
                                                                                       ation available infrastructure, human resources and perceived
10:30 - 10:50    Facial Burn Reconstruction Principles and Strategies
                                                                                       challenges and solution of thermal injuries in Africa
		               Matthias Donelan (online)
                                                                        		             Dorothy Baale / Julia Elrod
10:50 – 11:20	Reconstructive surgery after facial pediatric burns –
                                                                        15:55 - 16:10    Discussion
               personal experiences
		Clemens Schiestl                                                      16:10 -16:15     Coffee break
11:30 – 12:00    Discussion                                             		               Declining numbers of severe burns
12:00 – 13:00    Lunch Break                                            		Moderation: Ingo Königs
                                                                        16:15 – 16:35	Declining Numbers of Pediatric Burns and Implications for
		               Burn Care International
                                                                                       Training Centers (in Germany) Few Numbers – Some Thoughts
		               Moderation: Clemens Schiestl
                                                                        		Ingo Königs
13:00 - 13:15 Yulia
                                                                        16:35 – 16:45    ABA Fellowship Program
		Robert Zajíček
                                                                        		               Phil Chang (online)
13:15 – 13:30    Evacuation routes for burn patients from Ukraine
                                                                        16:45 – 16:55 Discussion
		               Richard Smejkal (online)
13:30 – 13:40    The Situation for Burn Victims in Ukraine
                                                                        16:55 – 17:10    Break
		               Vasyl Savychyn (online)
                                                                        17:10		          General Assembly
13:40 – 14:50    Discussion
                                                                        19:00 		         Get together in the restaurant Al-Dar
14:50 – 15:05    My Journey through the Ashes
		               Habib Ur Rahman Qasim
European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
PROGRAM                                   PROGRAM
                                  SATURDAY, JULY 9TH                        SATURDAY, JULY 9TH

08:15 - 08:35   Registry 						                                          14:10 – 14:20	The Effect of Burns on Children’s Growth T
                                                                                        rajectory: a Nationwide Study
08:35 – 08:50 Welcome and Workshop introduction
                                                                         		Maxime Cuijpers
		Mechthild Sinnig
                                                                         14:20 – 14:30	Skin Graft Donor Site Morbidity Time to revisit early excision and
09:00 – 10:30 Workshops Round I                                                         grafting for none-life-threatening burns
10:30 – 11:00   Coffee Break                                             		             Matthias Donelan (online)
11:00 - 12:30   Workshops Round II                                       14:30 – 15:00	Expanding into the future – autologous skinsubstitutes on their
                                                                                        way from bench to bedside
12:30 – 13:30   Lunch Break
                                                                         		             Clemens Schiestl
		              Update Pediatric Burn Care
                                                                         15:00 – 15:15    Coffee Break
		              Moderation: Nicos Marathovouniotis
                                                                         15:15 – 15:25    Presentation of the next Congress
13:30 – 13:45 When art meets burn medicine
                                                                         		               Joel Fish (online)
		Jarmila Štuková
                                                                         15:25 – 15:35    Farewell
13:45 – 14:00	Factors that influence the behaviour and environment
                                                                         		               Mechthild Sinnig / Katharina Schriek
               leading to severe burns in young children; implications
               for burns prevention
 		            Annebeth Meij-de Vries
14:00 – 14:10	Child abuse and neglect in paediatric burns:
               The majority is caused by neglect and thus preventable
		             Annebeth Meij-de Vries
European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
SPEAKER                                     SPEAKER

Dr. Dorothy Nakuya Bbaale              Bernd Hartmann                       Dr. Sana Mosbahi                      Richard Smejkal
International Hospital Kampala/        Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin Zentrum     Fattouma Bourguiba University         Czech Red Cross · Emergency
Clarke International University,       für Schwerbrandverletzte mit         Hospital, Monastir, Tunisia           Response Department Prague,
Uganda                                 Plastischer Chirurgie                                                      Czech Republic
                                                                            Dr. Habib Ur Rahman Qasim
Philip Chang, M.D.                     Thurid Hofmann                       Indira-Gandhi Institute for Child     Jarmila Štuková
Weill Cornell Medicine, New York,      Medizinische Hochschule Hannover,    Health Kabul, Afghan                  Photojournalist & Documentarist,
United States                          Plastische- Hand- und Wiederher-                                           Czech Republic
                                                                            Miriam Renkert
                                       stellungschirurgie, Germany
Dr. Maxime Cuijpers                                                         Universitätsklinikum Mannheim,        Wera Wendenburg
Dutch Burn Center Rotterdam            Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Königs           Germany                               Helios Klinikum Krefeld, Klinik für
Netherlands                            Kinderkrankenhaus Hamburg Altona,                                          Kinderchirurgie
                                                                            Dr. Vasyl Savchyn
Matthias Dittrich                                                           Traumahospital Nr. 8, Lviv, Ukraine   Robert Zajíček
Hannover, Germany                      Dr. med. Nicolaos Marathovouniotis                                         Prague Burn Centre, Czech Republic
                                                                            Prof. Dr. med. Clemens Schiestl
                                       Children‘s Hospital of Cologne,
Dr. Matthias B. Donelan, MD                                                 Kinderspital Zürich, Switzerland
Massachusetts General Hospital
                                       Dr. Annebeth Meij-de Vries  Katharina Schriek
Boston, United States
                                       Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis Beverwijk,     Auf der Bult: Kinder- und
Dr. med. Julia Erold                                                        Jugendkrankenhaus, Germany
Universitätsklinikum Mannheim,
                                       Prof. em. Dr. med. Martin Meuli      Dr. Mechthild Sinnig
                                       Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich,    Auf der Bult: Kinder- und
Joel Fish, MD                                                               Jugendkrankenhaus, Germany
University of Toronto, Canada
European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
                                         At the time of printing
                                                                             8th and 9th of July 2022
                                                                             Novotel Hannover
                                                                             Podbielskistraße 21/23
                                                                             30163 Hannover
                                                                             Get together
                                                                             Restaurant Al Dar
                                                                             Königstr. 3,
                                                                             30175 Hannover
           1.400 €                                                 1.400 €   English
                                                                             Scientific Committee
                                                                             Katharina Schriek
                                                                             Kinder- und Jugendkrankenhaus AUF DER BULT Hannover

                                                                                                                                      © Titel, Seite 3: JuergenG + Seite 4: Johannes D. –
                                                                             Dr. med. Mechthild Sinnig
                                                                             Kinder- und Jugendkrankenhaus AUF DER BULT Hannover
                                                                             The participation of this event is certificated by the
           1.400 €                                                 1.400 €
                                                                             Medical Association of Lower Saxony.
                                                                             Participation Fees
                                                                             Physicians				380,00 €
innovation in microvascular assessment
                                                                             Care professions/ Therapists		 150,00 €

           1.400 €                                                 2.100 €   Organizer
                                                                             Congress Compact 2C GmbH
                                                                             Luisa Göde, Gina Isemann
                                                                             Joachimsthaler Straße 31-32, 10719 Berlin
                                                                             Telefon +49 30 88727370

           2.000 €                                                 1.400 €
European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany European Club for Pediatric Burns Workshop - 8th and 9th of July 2022 Hannover, Germany
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