Page created by Vanessa Cook
The Commonwealth Government has funded the Inland Rail project to get
more freight on rail, deliver jobs and support Australia’s economic growth.
ARTC is delivering Inland Rail on behalf of the Commonwealth, and is
working with communities along the rail line to help refine the project’s
design in Victoria.
The Euroa station precinct and Anderson Street bridge will need to be
modified to safely allow for double-stacked trains and we’re working
on design solutions that consider site conditions, technical issues and
community feedback. This document sets out our approach, options
considered, and further work being done with locals to develop the design.

COMMUNITY INPUTS TO                            OPTIONS ASSESSED                             HELP US REFINE
DESIGN SINCE 2018                              TO DECIDE ON DESIGN                          THE DESIGN
Inland Rail is still in the reference design   Each of the options we’ve considered         Opportunities for community input
stage. ARTC has been talking with              over the last three years has                don’t end with the selection of an
people in Euroa and other communities          different community impacts and              overpass solution.
along the rail corridor since 2018 to          engineering challenges.                      Significant work still needs to be done,
share information about the project and        A contemporary road bridge over              and the next stage of the project’s
gather input to help us with the design.       the rail line, or overpass, was identified   development will focus on visual and
We’ve heard about the importance of            as the preferred option. This modern         community amenity and delivering
safety, connectivity, functionality and        solution balances technical requirements     an outstanding upgrade of Euroa’s
visual amenity, and the central role the       with the community’s access and              station precinct.
railway plays in Euroa.                        safety needs.                                We’re seeking community and
In 2019, we formed the Euroa Working           Based on feedback from locals,               stakeholder feedback on the Urban
Group which has played a significant           Council and the Euroa Working Group,         Design Framework for the Euroa
role in the project’s development.             we have also incorporated other              Station precinct. This is a key step in
The working group is presented                 station precinct elements into the           ensuring the design and appearance
with technical requirements, subject           proposed design. This includes a track       of the upgrade is developed in keeping
matter experts and assessment of               realignment to remove the island station     with the local area and in response to
several design options explored.               arrangement, new station platform,           community preferences.
While the working group is not a               additional carparking and a new,
decision making body, ARTC continues           fit-for-purpose pedestrian and cycling
to seek these valuable views to ensure         underpass to better connect each side
community consideration is made on             of town.
project decisions.

     See back cover for ways to share your views and ideas.

2|        ARTC Inland Rail
“ Each  of the options we’ve considered over
        the last three years has different community
             impacts and engineering challenges.

Aerial view of Euroa Station precinct

                                               Euroa Reference Guide   |3
                                                                                                                                 We are here

                CONCEPT                                                 PROJECT
                ASSESSMENT                                              ASSESSMENTS

      2016–2018                                 2019                                2020                                 2021

                                 OPTIONS                EUROA WORKING                                                         URBAN DESIGN
                                 ANALYSIS               GROUP FORMED                                                          FRAMEWORK

                                    CONCEPT ASSESSMENT                CONSULTATION                      EUROA WORKING
                                    (2016–2018)                       AND OPTIONS                       GROUP FORMED
                                                                      ANALYSIS                          (2019–ONGOING)
                                    Identify and assess project
                                    objectives, outcomes,                                               Establish Euroa Working
                                    benefits and route options.       Consultation with Council         Group (EWG) to better
                                    Document technical issues,        and communities to inform         understand community
                                    regulatory requirements,          design principles.                needs and feedback on
Developing Inland Rail              estimated costs,                  Identify and assess six           design options.
in consultation with                timings and potential             options for Euroa rail            EWG requirements
communities                         risks and opportunities.          upgrade design solution.          built into Inland Rail
                                                                                                        procurement process.


BRIDGE REMOVAL                                TRACK                                        ROAD UNDER
(REROUTE)                                     LOWERING                                     RAIL
Move traffic flow to Birkett Street and       Lower the tracks beneath the existing        This option was explored in further detail at
demolish the bridge permanently.              bridge. The east track would be relocated    the request of the Euroa Working Group.
                                              to be parallel to west track. This option    It would involve removing the existing road
                                              would also involve significant works to      bridge and closing the existing access at
 Simple solution                             reduce the risk of flooding.                 Nelson and Railway Streets and the current
 Cost                                        Rebuild the station buildings and            station access ramp.
DISADVANTAGES                                 platforms and replace two                    To practically work, Anderson Street would
                                              underpasses with overpasses.                 need to begin declining past Brock Street in
 Highest impact
                                                                                           order to meet vehicle clearance under the
 Vehicle access to station removed           ADVANTAGES
                                                                                           railway. This would involve major works that
 Major impact on connectivity                 Existing access maintained                 would have significant impacts on residents
  – removes ability to cross the tracks        No impact on traffic movements             closest to the bridge. This option would
  within town centre                                                                       also involve significant works to reduce
                                               No change to the existing bridge
 Major road reconstruction required                                                       flooding risks.
  at Birkett Street                           DISADVANTAGES
 Birkett Street residents                     Significant scope of works
  severely impacted                            Requires relocation of                      Minor reduction in road noise
 Community and safety risks from               town infrastructure                         Some above ground visual
  traffic changes                              High cost                                    amenity improvements
 Potential impact on local businesses         High risk of flooding                      DISADVANTAGES
                                                                                            No direct vehicle access to station
                                                                                            Relocation of gas pipeline
                                                                                            Significant work to reduce flooding
                                                                                             risk – large pumps and intrusive levees
                                                                                            High cost
                                                                                            Severe impact to residents
                                                                                             /property acquisition

4|        ARTC Inland Rail
REFERENCE DESIGN/                                                    CONSTRUCTION

        2022                                    2023                             2024                   OPERATIONAL
                                        DETAILED DESIGN/
       PROJECT                          CONTRACTOR                                                                     INLAND RAIL
       APPROVAL                         AWARDED                                                                        OPERATIONAL

PROJECT ASSESSMENT                   URBAN DESIGN                          REFERENCE DESIGN/                DETAILED DESIGN/
AND APPROVALS                        FRAMEWORK                             EARLY CONTRACTOR                 CONTRACTOR
(2019–2021)                          2020–2021                             INVOLVEMENT (2021)               AWARDED (2022)
Undertake site investigations        Comprehensive design and              Produce reference design         Produce detailed design
and specialist studies to            consultation process that             to be provided for               to be provided for further
understand environmental             brings together the way               community discussion,            community discussion,
features, technical                  the infrastructure needs to           feedback, and refinement.        feedback, and refinement.
challenges, progress State           function with how it looks,           Engage construction              Detailed design prepared
and Federal planning and             feels and works for locals.           contractor before designs        by construction contractor
environment approvals.               Ensure the project design is          are finalised to review          to define specifics like
Incorporate landowner,               well-integrated and responds          plans and suggest any            car parking location,
Council and community                to community ideas.                   revisions needed to              lighting, walkway
feedback into assessments.                                                 deliver the project.             locations and landscaping.

RAIL OVER ROAD                                    LEVEL                                        BRIDGE
(SKYRAIL)                                         CROSSING                                     REPLACEMENT
Raise the rail over the road. For this option     Remove the current bridge and build          Replace the current bridge structure with
to work, we would need to start lifting/          a level crossing.                            a straighter, safer alignment. A new bridge
dropping the rail 700m from the station           While a level crossing is significantly      would be 2.4m taller at its highest point.
in each direction. This option would also         cheaper, this option would reduce            Replacing the bridge would also involve
involve a new elevated station platform.          community safety by reintroducing the        realigning the track and building an
ADVANTAGES                                        potential for accidents that are currently   additional station platform with a pedestrian
                                                  prevented by the existing bridge.            underpass connecting the two platforms.
 Addresses flooding issues
                                                  ADVANTAGES                                   ADVANTAGES
                                                   Cost                                          New, modern and safer bridge
 Significant challenges to
  visual and social amenity                        Opened precinct landscape                     Improved road alignment – wider lanes
 Very high cost                                  DISADVANTAGES                                   Upgraded intersections
 Severe noise impacts                                                                            Opportunity to repurpose underutilised
                                                                                                   land surrounding the station
                                                   Regular traffic disruptions for vehicles
                                                   ARTC’s nationwide policy against           DISADVANTAGES
                                                    introducing any new level crossings         Potential for increased traffic on
                                                    to existing sections of Inland Rail          residential streets
                                                   Cutting off emergency service access        Visual impact of a higher bridge
                                                   Level crossings require ringing bells
                                                    to warn drivers and pedestrians of
                                                    oncoming trains; causing significant
                                                    noise impacts

                                                                                                       Euroa Reference Guide            |5
Inland Rail requires modifications to bridge                                               The key technical aspects that affect
                                                                                           our design planning in Euroa are:
structures across Victoria that are owned by                                                Anderson St Bridge is owned
                                                                                             by the Victorian Government
various state and local agencies. This means                                                 (Department of Transport
ARTC also must meet the asset owner’s key                                                    – Formerly VicRoads)
                                                                                            The bridge makes part of an
requirements and engineering standards in                                                    approved B-Double route
addition to relevant regulatory compliance in                                                (26m vehicle length) known
                                                                                             as the C366 arterial
our design.                                                                                 The solution must cater for
                                                                                             oversize and over mass B-double
                                                                                             vehicles with a height clearance
                                                                                             of 5.5m minimum and a width of
                                                                                             11.0 minimum
                                                                                            The project area is affected by a
                                                                                             Flood Overlay and is considered a
                                                                                             Land Subject to Inundation Overlay.
                                                                                             Design must also consider the
                                                                                             requirements of the Strathbogie
                                                                                             Local Floodplain Development
                                                                                             Plans that notes flood impacts
                                                                                             in the area are significant
                                                                                            Ensure solution provides
                                                                                             unobstructed access for fire,
                                                                                             ambulance, police and SES
                                                                                             services in cases of emergency.

  Euroa Working Group station tour

To help us assess the different design options for the Euroa Station precinct, we developed the following principles which draw
on engineering standards, community feedback, planning and environment requirements and what we’ve learned about the area.

SAFETY                               CONNECTIVITY                    FUNCTIONALITY                    VISUAL AMENITY
From our conversations               We’ve heard that                A functional design will         The Euroa project area lies
with the local community,            convenient, easy                make using the area easy         at the heart of the town.
we’ve heard that a safe              movement from both              for vehicles, pedestrians        We’ve heard that it is very
and secure passage for               sides of town is important      and cyclists. This includes      important that the bridge
both pedestrians and                 to the local community.         easy access to the station       has a positive look and
vehicles across the                  A well-connected design         platform with plenty of          feel that compliments its
railway is very important.           will allow pedestrians,         signage and parking for          surrounding environment.
A safe design will consider          cyclists, and vehicles to       cars and buses.                  This includes turning
night-time safety and                use the shortest and safest     This road is a key arterial      the area into a precinct
lighting, compliance with            route across the railway        route used by many heavy         that celebrates the
the Disability Discrimination        and allow passengers to         vehicles; we’ve heard that       station and surrounding
Act (DDA), traffic impacts           conveniently access Euroa       maintaining traffic flow         historic buildings.
on nearby schools and                Station and North East Rail     and reducing delays is
the heavy vehicles that              line services.                  very important.
frequently use this road.            We have also heard that
                                     there is interest in a direct
                                     connection between Hinton
                                     and Railway Streets.

6|        ARTC Inland Rail
EUROA WORKING GROUP                               WHAT WE’VE LEARNED
Given the level of interest, together             FROM LOCALS
with the Euroa Working Group, we                  Through our conversations with Euroa
explored all of the options for the               locals, we have learnt a lot about
station in further detail. After robust           the history of the area. The Railway
discussion, a road bridge over the                Street parking was once a beautiful
rail line was acknowledged as the                 community garden that was encircled
most practical solution, but not                  by a convenient road that led to and
endorsed without further precinct                 out of the station platform known as
improvement considerations.                       Duke’s Crescent.
In 2019, the Working Group formed                 Other stories mentioned that the
a list of requirements for inclusion              bridge was previously a level crossing,
into the Euroa site design. The list of           meaning that the north and south of
requirements was titled ‘Creating a               the rail were more visible to each other.
Civic Presence’ (CACP) and captured               The level crossing was also the scene
further concerns over connectivity                of a sad story when a circus truck was
and visual amenity that they would                struck by the Spirit of Progress train
like to see addressed. ARTC thanks                in 1952, causing two fatalities.
the EWG for providing this
valuable information.
The project has acknowledged these
requirements, which now form part of
the procurement scope.
As a result of community consultation,
we have transitioned from a bridge
solution to a precinct upgrade solution
featuring a new pedestrian underpass
that will improve the area’s visual
amenity, connect the town, and
provide safer public access.

This approach to balancing competing needs and challenges identified the following findings:

                               SAFETY              CONNECTIVITY             FUNCTIONALITY               VISUAL AMENITY







    ARTC acknowledges concerns around visual amenity and is commiting to working with Euroa to design

                                                                                                           Euroa Reference Guide   |7
                                                The Tottenham to Albury website is a comprehensive resource where we
                                                publish regular project updates, documents such as fact sheets and working
                                                group minutes, and is where you will find the interactive map.
HAVE YOUR SAY ON THE DESIGN                     Check out some recently updated fact sheets and external resources:
In March 2021 we’ll be seeking your
feedback to help us develop the                 G
Urban Design Framework for the                  G
Euroa precinct.                                 G
Go to
Drop by every Wednesday at
                                                For more information on EPBC referrals, visit
46 Binney Street Euroa
(10am–2pm)                                      For more information on the Environmental Effects referral, visit

ARTC is committed to working with communities and landowners, state and local government
as a vital part of our planning and consultation work, and we value your input. If you have any
questions or comments, please let us know.

    1800 732 761
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