ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

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ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

                         WEEKLY BULLETIN
By 2030 eThekwini will be Africa’s most caring and liveable City                                               23 April 2018 [Issue 119]

            PEACE AND UNITY
                                                                                                                         PICTURE: MEC
                                                                                                                         Sihle Zikalala,
                                                                                                                         Mayor Zandile
                                                                                                                         Gumede and
                                                                                                                         Deputy Mayor
                                                                                                                         Fawzia Peer
                                                                                                                         marched with
                                                                                                                         the crowds to
                                                                                                                         promote peace
                                                                                                                         and unity.
                                                                                                                         LEFT: Gandhi
                                                                                                                         look-alikes a
                                                                                                                         popular scene
                                                                                                                         that was
                                                                                                                         spotted during
                                                                                                                         the annual
                                                                                                                         Salt March.
                                                                                                                         The Salt
                                                                                                                         attracted both
                                                                                                                         the young
                                                                                                                         and old who
                                                                                                                         the Durban
                                                                                                                         for peace and

          undreds of people          Luthuli for their commitment    march also commemorated            Ubuntu.”
          peacefully marched         to freedom and equality.        the 100th anniversary of the        The annual salt march started
          through the Durban          The march was led by MEC       political icons of peace, Nelson   in South Africa in 2005 by
          beachfront for the         for Economic Development,       Mandela and Albertina Sisulu       the Gandhi Development Trust
14th Annual Gandhi Salt              Tourism and Environmental       who walked in the footsteps of     to commemorate the 75th
March which was held on 22           Affairs Sihle Zikalala who      Mahatma Gandhi.                    anniversary of the famous Salt
April. The 5km walk which            called for unity in diversity    Inanda resident Vilani Dube       March in India which was led
kicked off from the Durban           among all South Africans.       who attended the march             by Gandhi. The Trust aims
amphitheatre and then                 EThekwini Municipality Mayor   with his children said he was      to promote the philosophy of
proceeded to the uShaka              Zandile Gumede said that        pleasantly surprised to walk       peace and non-violence.
Beach and back was led by the        the march is held annually to   among Gandhi look-alikes.           The original Salt March
SAPS brass band to affirm the        remember the past and current   Dube said: “This is a great        was led by Gandhi in 1930
spirit of nonviolence.               injustices across the world.    event that is held along one of    and was a 25-day march to
 The Mahatma Gandhi Salt             Gumede addressed the crowds     the most beautiful coastlines      protest against the British salt
March is a tribute to the            and spoke on the importance     in the world and it brings         monopoly. It has since gained
political icons Mahatma              of spreading unity, peace       together the young and the         worldwide attention.
Gandhi and Chief Inkosi Albert       and the spirit of Ubuntu. The   old to promote the spirit of

                                                 “KEEPING YOU IN THE KNOW”
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

 INVESTMENT DRIVE TO                                                                                        CITY TO
   BOOST ECONOMY                                                                                            EMBARK ON
IN A bid to revive the
economy, President Cyril
Ramaphosa utilised the
Commonwealth Business
Forum in London on 17 April
to attract more investment
                                                                                                            MAYOR Zandile Gumede
to South Africa. This aims
                                                                                                            has announced that
to achieve his recent
                                                                                                            eThekwini Municipality
announcement of generating
                                                                                                            will embark on an
at least R1.2 trillion in new
                                                                                                            investment drive starting
investment over the next five
                                                                                                            in June. Speaking at the
                                                                                                            first two Budget Hearing
 President Ramaphosa was
                                                                                                            Roadshows in the north,
accompanied by South African
                                                                                                            Princess Magogo Stadium
special investment envoys and
                                                                                                            and Othongathi Sports
representatives from Invest
                                                                                                            Grounds, Gumede said
Durban, a partnership between
                                                                                                            the investment charm
eThekwini Municipality
                                                                                                            offensive, will mostly
and the private business
                                                                                                            involve international
sector within the region and
other partners, as efforts to
                                                                                                             A recent catalytic projects
collectively create a new dawn        Determined to working together to bring in more foreign
                                                                                                            report indicates that the
for South Africa.                     investment for South Africa and the City of Durban is President
                                                                                                            Municipality is poised for
 During his keynote address           Cyril Ramaphosa and Russell Curtis from Invest Durban.
                                                                                                            massive economic growth
at the forum, Ramaphosa
                                                                                                            over the next 10 to 20
introduced his newly-
                                      leaders of business to attend.     is open for business and the       years creating in excess
appointed investment
                                      We expect that investors           country is putting measures        of a million construction
envoys, while calling on
                                      from other Commonwealth            in place to make it conducive      jobs and over 600000
Commonwealth countries to
                                      countries will be prominent        and attractive to investors.       permanent jobs. The
pledge towards investment
                                      among those participating at         “We are improving the            implementation of key
towards South Africa.
                                      the conference and possibly        investment environment             high impact projects in
 “To support our ambitious
                                      pledge new investments,” said      by, among other things,            eThekwini Municipality are
investment drive which aims
                                      the President.                     ensuring policy certainty and      at an advanced stage.
to generate at least R1.2
                                        Ramaphosa noted that the         consistency, improving the          She said “We have
trillion in new investment
                                      Commonwealth Business              performance of state-owned         confidence that with
over the next five years which
                                      Forum platform was strategic       enterprises and consolidating      several catalytic projects
could create millions of job
                                      to drive good business deals       fiscal debt,” said the             we will be able to
opportunities if achieved,
                                      because Commonwealth               President.                         create investment and
I have appointed four
                                      countries represent 2.4 billion     Russell Curtis from Invest        employment opportunities.
investment envoys to go right
                                      citizens and have historical       Durban said attracting foreign     We have already revealed
across the world campaigning
                                      trade and investment ties,         investment is also high on         a big project such as
for new investments,” he said.
                                      similar legal systems and          the City’s agenda hence they       the Point Waterfront
 The special envoys on
                                      forms of government as well        were part of the President’s       promenade.”
investment is made up of
                                      as a common language of            delegation with other spheres       Capital expenditure over
finance heavyweights namely;
                                      commerce.                          of government to attract new       the next three years is
former Finance Minister
                                        “For us, the Commonwealth        investment.                        projected at over 22bn.
Trevor Manuel, former Finance
                                      provides an opportunity to          “We, as eThekwini have also       It is budgeted to rise to
Deputy Minister Mcebisi
                                      forge mutual approaches to         introduced new mechanisms          R7 billion in the 2018/19
Jonas, Executive Chairperson
                                      matters of global importance,      such as One Stop Shop which        financial year, and
of Afropulse Group Phumzile
                                      underpinned by a commitment        houses under one roof all          thereafter to R7.7 billion
Langeni and Chairman of
                                      to democracy, human                services required by investors.    by 2020/21. The capital
Liberty Group and former Chief
                                      rights, good governance and        This is to create a conducive      budget continues to reflect
Executive Officer of Standard
                                      prosperity for all. It is also a   environment and ease the way       consistent efforts to
Bank, Jacko Maree.
                                      platform to promote trade,         of doing business for investors.   address backlogs in basic
  “This drive will be boosted by
                                      investment and the exchange        Investment has proved to be        services and the renewal
a major investment conference
                                      of skills and knowledge            the key contributor to the         of infrastructure of existing
we are planning to host by
                                      between countries,” he said.       City’s coffers and creates         networks.
the end of September. This
                                        Ramaphosa assured potential      sustainable employment,”            (continued on Page 4)...
special envoy will also start
                                      investors that South Africa        added Curtis.
inviting leading investors and

ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

Month and to encourage
tourism in the City by
highlighting its rich heritage,
community media were given
first-hand experience of one of
the City’s many tourism routes
 On Friday, 20 April,
community media, who
are part of the Community
Media Forum, were taken
to historical sites along the
Inanda Heritage Route via
the one-of-a-kind rickshaw
bus. The Community Media
Forum was established by
the City’s Communication
Unit in 2015 to strengthen
relations between eThekwini
Municipality and community             Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahtma Gandhi addresses journalists at the Gandhi Settlement. Community media
media, recognising the vital           were invited to take part in the Inanda Tourism Route during Freedom Month as the route highlights historical
role they play in disseminating        sites.
information about the City.
 The tour started at City Hall
                                      conflict,” said Gandhi.
with the bus also passing
                                       The next stop on the tour was
the port as well as the iconic
                                      the Ohlange Institute which
Moses Mabhida Stadium.
                                      was founded by Dube.
 The group was told by the
                                       The first site visited on the
on-board tour guide that
                                      compound was the JL Dube
the City boasted many sites
                                      Monument which tourism
of historical significance
                                      officer Mandla Nxumalo told
which assisted in marketing
                                      the group was where the
Durban as a premiere tourism
                                      “early seeds of democracy
                                      were sown”.
 The first stop on the Inanda
                                       “In 1895 Dr Dube bought
Heritage Route was the
                                      200 acres of land and found-
Gandhi Settlement where the
                                      ed the Ohlange Zulu Industrial
group was fortunate enough
                                      Christian School which is still        Tourism Officer Mandla Nxumalo explains the significance of the JL Dube
to meet Mahatma Gandhi’s
                                      in existence today. The school         Interpretation Centre at the Ohlange Institute which is where former
granddaughter, Ela Gandhi.
                                      produced many prominent                President Nelson Mandela cast his vote in the first democratic elections
 Gandhi said the settlement                                                  on 27 April 1994. Community media were invited to take part in the
                                      figures including Chief Albert
was established in 1904.                                                     Inanda Tourism Route during Freedom Month as the route highlights
The original house that he                                                   historical sites.
                                       Also on the site is the JL
stayed in has been preserved
                                      Dube Interpretation Centre
and serves as a museum. The
                                      which Nxumalo described as           27 April 1994.                          the tourism route which
settlement also has a centre
                                      a “revolutionary house” as            On that day Mandela stood              highlighted historical sites as
which details the outreach
                                      prominent ANC meetings were          at Dube’s grave and said: “Mr           April is Freedom Month.
work Mathma Gandhi’s wife,
                                      held on site. The house, which       President, I’ve come to report           Chairperson of the
Kasturba was involved in.
                                      is the original structure of         to you that today South Africa          Governance and Human
 “There were three great
                                      Dube’s home, was also visited        is free. Your soul may rest in          Resources Committee
leaders in this area. My
                                      by Shembe.                           peace now.”                             Councillor Barbara Fortein
grandfather, founder of the
                                       The Dr JL Dube African               At the conclusion of the               said the City valued and
ANC, John Langalibalele Dube
                                      Renaissance Resource Centre          tour, Deputy Head of the                appreciates the role played
and founder of the Nazareth
                                      on the premises is of great          Communications Unit Mandla              by community media while
Baptist Church, Isaiah
                                      significance as it is where          Nsele said the Community                Tozi Mthethwa, Head of the
Shembe. They all shared
                                      former President Nelson              Media Forum is the first of its         Communications Unit said
spirituality and respected each
                                      Mandela cast his vote in the         kind in the country. He said            community media was the
other and believed in peace
                                      first democratic elections on        it was befitting to celebrate           closest to the people.
and non-violence to deal with

3   ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN ISSUE 55                                                                      ISSUE 119 ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN         3
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

ETHEKWINI Municipality,
through its Vulnerable
Groups programme will
work closely with Autism
Awareness Organisations
in order to bring more
awareness to this
misunderstood spectrum
disorder which affects
thousands of families.
 Speaking at the Sunfield
Home School Autism
Awareness Campaign which
was held over the weekend,
Deputy Mayor Fawzia Peer
said the City’s Integrated
Development Plan already
sought to identify vulnerable
groups, and through the
programme, the City could
rope in private sector
partners and civil society         Deputy Mayor Fawzia Peer accepts a handmade gift from Sunfield Home School pupil Jasmine Williamson and
                                   Principal Pooven Govender.
 “It is increasingly evident
that women in pregnancy            Councillor Peer applauded          guide to autism-friendly and         based in Verulam, is a
be categorically included         the Sunfield Home School            accessible programmes,               school for special needs,
as part of eThekwini’s            for taking up the initiative        places and events so we can          which aims to improve the
Vulnerable Groups                 and said with the help of           give residents with autism           life of children by equipping
programme, that includes          the City such awareness             and their families, more             them with the necessary
special focus on Autism           campaigns could be far-             fun, more friends and more           skills to be able to take their
associated illnesses, during      reaching. “The City will            acceptance,” she pledged.            rightful places in society
pregnancy,” she said.             need to consider a resource          The Sunfield Home School            with confidence and dignity.

 She said the beachfront          about 7000 permanent jobs”          find a common ground and             on the right track. “We are
promenade extension is a          said Gumede.                        engage properly. The stopping        positive and optimistic about
catalyst to the R35 billion        Addressing thousands of            of projects will chase away          our today, tomorrow and the
Point Waterfront developments     people during the presentation      investors.”                          future. South Africa is on the
to be undertaken in three         of the City’s 2018/2019              She said “We will be                road to economic recovery
phases over five to ten years.    budget of R45.8 billion,            embarking on tours to attract        as government is creating an
“This project will unlock         Gumede strongly condemned           investors but if we will be          enabling environment to boost
development, contribute about     the disruption of projects in       having these disruptions we          investor confidence,” she said.
R200 million annual rates         Durban by different forums.         will defeat this bigger picture.”
revenue, 11 000 jobs and          “We believe that we should           Gumede said the City was

                                          EDITORIAL TEAM
If you would like to submit feedback or   EDITOR: Tozi Mthethwa, Head of Communications • SUB-EDITOR: Nondumiso Mathomane
contribute to eThekwini Weekly Bulletin
                                          CONTENT EDITOR: Gugu Sisilana • WRITERS: Jessie Singh, Priah Dass, Charmel Payet,
                                          Nonduduzo Ngcongo & Princess Nkabane • DESIGN & LAYOUT: Zimana Bashe
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality
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